{p 4 8 2} {cmd:style(}{it:style}{cmd:)} specifies a "style" for the output table. {cmdab:def:aults:(}{it:style}{cmd:)} is a synonym for {cmd:style(}{it:style}{cmd:)}. A "style" is a named combination of options that is saved in an auxiliary file called {cmd:estout_}{it:style}{cmd:.def}. {cmd:estout} is already equipped with four such files. The four styles and their particulars are: settings {col 38}styles {col 26}{cmd:tab}{col 34}{cmd:fixed}{col 42}{cmd:tex}{col 50}{cmd:html} {hline 47} {cmd:begin} {col 50}{cmd:} {cmd:delimiter} {col 26}{cmd:_tab}{col 34}{cmd:" "}{col 42}{cmd:&}{col 50}{cmd:} {cmd:end} {col 42}{cmd:\\}{col 50}{cmd:} {cmd:varwidth} {col 26}{cmd:0}{col 34}{cmd:12}{col 42}{cmd:12}{col 50}{cmd:12} {cmd:modelwidth}{col 26}{cmd:0}{col 34}{cmd:12}{col 42}{cmd:12}{col 50}{cmd:12} {cmd:abbrev} {col 26}off{col 34}on{col 42}off{col 50}off {p 8 8 2} The {cmd:tab} style is the default. Use {help estoutdef} to view or edit defaults files. To make available an own set of default options, edit one of the existing files and save it as {cmd:estout_}{it:newstyle}{cmd:.def} somewhere in the ado path. To call the new options set, type {bind:{cmd:estout ..., defaults(}{it:newstyle}{cmd:)}}.