{p 4 8 2} {cmd:title(}<{it:string}>{cmd:)} may be used to specify a title for the table. The {it:string} is printed at the top of the table unless {cmd:prehead()}, {cmd:posthead()}, {cmd:prefoot()}, or {cmd:postfoot()} is specified. In the latter case, the variable {cmd:@title} can be used to insert the title. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:legend} adds a legend explaining the significance symbols and thresholds. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:prehead(}{it:str_list}{cmd:)}, {cmd:posthead(}{it:str_list}{cmd:)}, {cmd:prefoot(}{it:str_list}{cmd:)}, and {cmd:postfoot(}{it:str_list}{cmd:)} may be used to define lists of text lines to appear before and after the table heading or the table footer. For example, the specification {p 12 12 2} {cmd:. estout ..., prehead("\S_DATE \S_TIME" "")} {p 8 8 2} would add a line containing the current date and time followed by an empty line before the table. Various substitution functions can be used as part of the text lines specified in {it:str_list}, including {cmd:@span} to print the total number of physical columns in the table (including the left stub that holds the variable names), {cmd:@M} to print the number of models included, {cmd:@discrete} to print the contents of the {cmd:discrete()} option, {cmd:@starlegend} to print a legend explaining the significance symbols, and {cmd:@title} to print the contents of the {cmd:title()} option. For example, a table heading to be used with LaTeX might be formatted as follows: {p 12 12 2} {cmd:. estout ..., prehead(\begin{tabular}{l*{@M}{r}})} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:label} specifies that variable labels be displayed instead of variable names in the left stub of the table. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:varlabels(}{it:matchlist}[{cmd:,} {it:suboptions}]{cmd:)} may be used to relabel the regressors from the models, where {it:matchlist} is {p 12 12 2} {it:name} <{it:label}> [ {it:name} <{it:label}> ...] {p 8 8 2} For example, specify {cmd:varlabels(_cons Constant)} to replace each occurrence of {cmd:_cons} with {cmd:Constant}. Do not use equation names in the specification of the variable names. The {it:suboptions} are: {p 12 16 2} {cmd:blist(}{it:matchlist}{cmd:)} to assign specific prefixes to certain rows in the table body. Specify the {it:matchlist} as pairs of regressors and prefixes, that is: {p 20 20 2} {it:name} <{it:prefix}> [ {it:name} <{it:prefix}> ...] {p 16 16 2} A {it:name} is a variable name (e.g. {cmd:price}), an equation name followed by a colon (e.g. {cmd:mean:}), or a full name (e.g. {cmd:mean:price}). Note that equation names cannot be used if the {cmd:unstack} option is specified. The prefix will include the total number of physical columns in the table if the {cmd:@span} token is used in its definition. {p 12 16 2} {cmd:elist(}{it:matchlist}{cmd:)} to assign specific suffixes to certain rows in the table body (see the analogous {cmd:blist()} option above). This option may, for example, be useful for separating thematic blocks of variables by adding vertical space at the end of each block. A LaTeX example: {p 20 20 2} {cmd:. estout ..., varlabels(,elist(price \addlinespace mpg \addlinespace))} {p 16 16 2} (the macro {cmd:\addlinespace} is provided by the {cmd:booktabs} package in LaTeX) {p 12 16 2} {it:{help estout_label_subopts:label_subopts}}, which are explained in their own section. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:mlabels(}{it:str_list}[{cmd:,} {it:suboptions}]{cmd:)} determines the model captions printed in the table heading. The default is to use the names of the stored the estimates (or their titles, if the {cmd:label} option is specified and titles are available). The {it:suboptions} for use with {cmd:mlabels} are: {p 12 16 2} {cmd:numbers} to cause the model labels to be numbered consecutively. {p 12 16 2} {cmd:depvars} to specify that the name (or label) of the (first) dependent variable of the model be used as model label. {p 12 16 2} {it:{help estout_label_subopts:label_subopts}}, which are explained in their own section. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:collabels(}{it:str_list}[{cmd:,} {it:{help estout_label_subopts:label_subopts}}]{cmd:)} specifies labels for the columns within models or equations. The default is to compose a label from the names or labels of the statistics printed in the cells of that column. The {it:label_subopts} are explained in their own section below. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:eqlabels(}{it:str_list}[{cmd:,} {it:{help estout_label_subopts:label_subopts}}]{cmd:)} labels the equations. The default is to use the equation names as stored by the estimation command, or to use the variable labels if the equation names correspond to individual variables and the {cmd:label} option is specified. The {it:label_subopts} are explained in their own section below. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:mgroups(}{it:str_list}[{cmd:,} {it:suboptions}]{cmd:)} may be used to labels groups of (consecutive) models at the top of the table heading. The labels are placed in the first physical column of the output for the group of models to which they apply. The {it:suboptions} for use with {cmd:mgroups} are: {p 12 16 2} {cmd:pattern(}{it:pattern}{cmd:)} to establish how the models are to be grouped. {it:pattern} should be a list of zeros and ones, with ones indicating the start of a new group of models. For example, {p 20 20 2} {cmd:. estout ..., mgroups("Group 1" "Group 2", pattern(1 0 0 1 0))} {p 16 16 2} would group Models 1, 2, and 3 together and then groups Models 4 and 5 together as well. Note that the first group will always start with the first model regardless of whether the first token of {it:pattern} is a one or a zero. {p 12 16 2} {it:{help estout_label_subopts:label_subopts}}, which are explained in their own section. In particular, the {cmd:span} suboption might be of interest here.