// GEOCHART in Stata example // Plot the poverty map of Indonesia using the INDO-DAPOER // (Indonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research) data // http://databank.worldbank.org/data/views/variableselection/selectvariables.aspx?source=1266# // and Google's Geochart services // 2014 Sergiy Radyakin, The World Bank insheet using "http://radyakin.org/stata/geochart/example/indonesia_p0_2012.csv", comma clear generate province=subinstr(country_name, ", Prop.","",.) geochart poverty province , /// region("ID") resolution("provinces") /// title("Poverty rate in Indonesia by province, 2012") /// note("INDO-DAPOER (Indonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research) data") /// width(1280) height(800) save(`"c:\temp\ind.htm"') replace savebtn // END OF FILE