p eaalogit module to estimate endogenous attribute attendance models p eacf module to compute Extended Sample Autocorrelation Function p eba module to perform extreme bound analysis p ebalance module to perform Entropy reweighting to create balanced samples p ebalfit module to perform entropy balancing p ebct module to perform entropy reweighting to create balanced samples for continuous treatments p ebreg module to compute Robust Empirical Bayes Confidence Intervals p ebrowse module to to display variables in the Data Editor, ordered by varlist p ecic module to perform estimation and inference for changes in changes at extreme quantiles p eclpci module to compute Exact and Approximate Confidence Limits for Poisson Counts p eclplot module to generate estimates and confidence limits plots p econsig module to quickly calculate six types of economic significance to simplify your empirical process. p edfreg module to make corrections for statistical inference with robust or clustered covariance matrices p edm module to implement empirical dynamic modeling p educationdata module to download data from the Urban Institute Education Data Portal p eealogit module to estimate endogenous attribute attendance models p eefanalytics module for Evaluating Educational Interventions using Randomised Controlled Trial Designs p efetch_tools module to retrieve genetic data from NCBI p effcon module to calculate confidence limits for effect size estimated from one or two samples from normal distribution p effects module to provide a graphical interface for estimation commands p efolder module to easily create folders and/or subfolders p egen_inequal module providing extensions to generate inequality and poverty measures p egenmisc module to provide various egen functions p egenmore modules to extend the generate function p egfr module to calculate estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) p egi module to calculate Ellison and Glaeser's index of geographical concentration p egranger module to perform Engle-Granger cointegration tests and 2-step ECM estimation p eitc module to compute U.S. Earned Income Tax Credit receipts p elabel module to extend the label commands p elapse module to calculate elapsed time in procedure p elasticregress module to perform elastic net regression, lasso regression, ridge regression p electool module containing toolkit to analyze electoral data p elife module to model annual increments of life expectancy p elix22 module to compute Elixhauser comorbidity measures (version 2022.1) p elixhauser module to calculate Elixhauser index of comorbidity p ellip module to graph confidence ellipses (version 8) p ellip6 module to plot confidence ellipses (version 6) p ellip7 module to plot confidence ellipses (version 7) p ellipticity module to compute optimal rank-based multivariate tests of elliptical symmetry and sphericity p eltmle module to provide Ensemble Learning Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation p email module to send emails from Stata via Python p emailme module to facilitate sending mail on Windows systems p emc module providing prefix command estimating contrasts for effect modifier values p emh module to compute extended Mantel-Haenszel statistics p encode_label module to encode string variable into categorical variable p encodefrom module to rename and encode variables using an external crosswalk p encodelabel module to encode string variable into categorical variable p encoder module to encode strings into numerics with the option to replace p enforce module to force variables to satisfy a set of accounting identities p enlarge module to propagate constant values through group p entropy module to compute Shannon, Renyi, HCT entropy & Hill numbers p entropyetc module for entropy and related measures for categories p eofplot module to plot coefficients or loadings after principal component or factor analysis p eperiod module to calculate elapsed time between dates p epiconf module to assess confounding effects in epidemiological studies p epidata module Data entry system for use with Stata, SPSS, SAS, Excel, text formats p epimodels module to implement epidemiological models and simulations p episens module for basic sensitivity analysis of epidemiological results p episensrri module for basic sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounders p epitable module to more easily create table 2 and table 3 for epidemiological studies p epiweek module to create epidemiological week and equivalent epidemiological year p epresent module to present non-linear relationships in regression models with log or logit-link p epsigr module to save graph in EPSF format in UNIX environment p eqprhistogram module for equal probability histogram p equation module to Output The Equation of a Regression p er module to compute Esteban and Ray measure of polarization p erate module to import up-to-date exchange rates for any currency pairs p ereplace module to extend egen and egenmore to permit replacing p erepost module to repost the estimation results p eret2 module to save results in e() p ersur module to calculate Elliott, Rothenberg & Stock DF-GLS unit root test statistic along with 1, 5 and 10% finite-sample critical values and associated p-values p esetran module to transform estimates and standard errors in parmest resultssets p esizereg module for computing the effect size based on a linear regression coefficient p esli module to calculate the equation of a straight line p est2tex module to create LaTeX tables from estimation results p esteta module to estimate long-run effects using historical instruments p estout module to make regression tables p estout1 module to export estimation results from estimates table p estparm module to save results from a parmest resultsset and test equality p estquant module to implement Quantile approach by Combes et al. p estrat module to perform Endogenous Stratification for Randomized Experiments p estsave module to save estimation results with current dataset p estudy module to perform an event study p estwrite module to store estimation results on disk p eth2grecal module to convert dates from the Ethiopian calendar to the Gregorian calendar p etime module to time how long a program runs p eurostatuse module to import data from Eurostat repository into Stata p eurouse module to import data from Eurostat p evalue module for conducting sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounding in observational studies p evalue_estat module for conducting postestimation sensitivity analyses of unmeasured confounding in observational studies p evalues module to calculate E-values p event_plot module to plot the staggered-adoption diff-in-diff ("event study") estimates p eventbaseline module to correct event study after xthdidregress p eventcoefplot module to produce advanced event-study graphical analysis p eventdd module to panel event study models and generate event study plots p eventstudy module to perform event studies in finance p eventstudy2 module to perform event studies with complex test statistics p eventstudyinteract module to implement the interaction weighted estimator for an event study p eventstudyweights module to estimate the implied weights on the cohort-specific average treatment effects on the treated (CATTs) (event study specifications) p evhistplot module to produce event history plot p evi module to compute Epidemic Volatility Index (EVI) for detecting epidemic waves p ewma module to calculate exponentially weighted moving average p ewreg module to estimate errors-in-variable model with mismeasured regressor p exampleobs module to prints example observations p examples module to show examples from on-line help files p exbsample module to compute exchangeably weighted (or Bayesian) bootstraps p excel2latex module to convert Excel table to LaTeX table p excelclean module to clean and integrate excel files p excelcol module to convert a column index into a name of an Excel column p exceloutput module to output regression results directly to specific cells in excel file p excelsave module to provide a convenient way to export matched Stata datasets from a specified input directory (also including, if wanted, additionally recursively matched subsets of files within distinctly matched offspring-directories) to Excel-files p exitma module to define the exit status of a meta-analysis p expand_n module to expand dataset p expandby module to duplicate observations by variable p expandihlp module to expand the help file preprocessor directive for substituting repeated material in a given help file p expandrank module to expand and rank observations p expgen module to duplicate observations sorted in original order with generated variables p expl module to explore folders and files p explist module to generate an exponentially-spaced list of numbers p explorelabs module to explore the use of value labels in the dataset p expy module to calculate the EXPY-index as proposed by Hausmann et al. (2007) p exquantile module for estimation and inference for (conditional) extremal quantiles p extfunnel module to produce graphical augmentations to the funnel plot to indicate the potential impact of a new study on an existing meta-analysis p extreme module to fit models used in univariate extreme value theory p extremes module to list extreme values of a variable