fastcc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title
fastcc -- ("fast copycode") run -copycode- with standard options
fastcc [projectname] [, { settings(set_arg[:set_value]) | fastcc_options copycode_options } ]
main_options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- projectname Name of project to be processed settings(set_arg[:set_value]) Record fastcc settings to ini file fastcc_options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- alldepon(depfilename) Process all projects that use file depfilename verbose Show detailed copycode output instead of fastcc's summary output copycode_options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- nocopy See copycode simplemode See copycode force See copycode starbang(stb_mode) See copycode noprogdrop See copycode -------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must be familiar with copycode before you can understand what fastcc is doing.
fastcc has two main uses. First, it runs copycode with standard options so you do not have to type them at the command line.
Secondly, fastcc can re-process all projects that depend on one particular file. This is done by option alldepon.
projectname will process project projectname.
settings(set_arg[:set_value]) displays and sets values recorded in fastcc's ini file. This option is exclusive: You may not use it in conjunction with any other option.
The values of the path to the input file and to the target directory of the target file are stored in the text file `c(sysdir_plus)'/f/fastcc.ini (the "ini file"). If you wish, you can open and modify this file directly. Alternatively, issuing
. fastcc, settings(inputfile: inputfilepathandname) . fastcc, settings(targetdir: targetdirpath)
will record your settings in the ini file. Each set_arg (inputfile or targetdir) must be followed by a colon and by a valid path to a file (inputfile) or directory (targetdir). fastcc assumes an output file name of projectname.ado which it will append to targetdirpath. Relative file paths are not allowed in the ini file. Settings arguments may not exceed 244 characters.
In addition,
. fastcc, settings(list)
will list the current ini file entries.
alldepon(depfilename) will process all projects that depend on file depfilename. Note that depfilename must be supplied with extension since fastcc must be able to identify the file among .mata, .stp, .adv, etc. files.
The interaction of this option with option simplemode is of particular importance. If you leave out option simplemode, fastcc runs through all projects in the input file and determines for each project whether the condition for ado mode are given (i.e. the project has a "main adv"). If so, it compiles a list of all first-order and higher-order dependencies; if depfilename is among them, it includes this project among the projects to be processed. If the conditions for ado mode for a particular project are not met, fastcc checks only the direct dependencies for the occurence of depfilename. If they inlcude depfilename, the project is added to the list of projects to be processed.
If you do use option simplemode, fastcc checks for each project only the direct dependencies for the occurence of depfilename.
If you use option alldepon, you cannot specify projectname.
verbose will display detailed output from copycode instead of the summary output from fastcc.
nocopy, simplemode, force, starbang, and noprogdrop fully correspond to copycode options and are passed to each copycode call made by fastcc.
You can use fastcc to work more efficiently with copycode. fastcc runs copycode with standard options. These standard options are:
copycode option fastcc equivalent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ inputfile as recorded in fastcc's ini file targetfile path join of target directory as recorded in fastcc's ini file and the output file name, which is assumed to be the project name plus ado file extension replace is always assumed
That way, a copycode statement like
. copycode myproject, input(pathtoinput/input.txt) target(pathtotarget/myproject.ado) replace
conveniently collapses into
. fastcc myproject
If you are in the process of developing and testing an ado file and you are constantly making small changes and re-processing the project, this saves a good bit of typing.
The standard options are based on a set of assumptions that are typically true in practice:
- You are using only one input file that lists all of your projects. Very rarely will you have several versions of an input file or several input files for different purposes. - The project names correspond to the names of the ado files you want to create. - You know what you are doing when executing fastcc and it is ok to overwrite existing ado files. - Your self-written ados reside in one directory (e.g. c:\ado\personal).
The second main purpose of fastcc is related to the following problem: Suppose you have made changes to a file called depfilename that goes into several of your projects. You do not know, however, the list of projects that directly or indirectly depend on depfilename. The statement
. fastcc, alldepon(depfilename) nocopy
will provide you with screen output on the list of projects in question. This list will also be saved in r().
If you leave out option nocopy from the above statement, all of these projects will be re-processed. That way, after making changes to one particular file you can quickly bring all of your ado projects to the latest stage of your code development. After a succesful run of the certification scripts for the projects that have been re-processed (or, ideally, after running certification scripts on all your ado projects) you are all set.
--- Warning --- There is no replace option in fastcc. Unless option nocopy is supplied, fastcc will always create or overwrite a file called projectname.ado. Similarly, when using option alldepon, it will create or overwrite files projectname1.ado, projectname2.ado, ..., where these file names correspond to the projects that have been processed. Be sure that you know what you are doing when using fastcc.
Before you can use fastcc you first have to set the default input file path and the target directory for output files. This requires running two statements (here: with bogus arguments)
. fastcc, settings(inputfile : c:\mypath\input.txt) . fastcc, settings(targetdir : c:\mytargetdir)
Since they are stored in a file, these settings are kept in between Stata sessions and reboots. If you want to change these settings you simply re-issue these commands using different arguments. You can always query the current settings by
. fastcc, settings(list)
Continuing the examples from copycode, the command
. fastcc proj_a
is identical to the copycode statement of the first copycode example:
. copycode proj_a, inputfile(c:\mypath\input.txt) targetfile(c:\mytargetdir\proj_a.ado) replace
and will produce an identical outputfile. Note the implied replace option by the usage of fastcc.
Applying option alldepon,
. fastcc, alldepon(proj_a.adv)
is identical to the two copycode statements of the first copycode example and the second copycode example:
. copycode proj_a, inputfile(c:\mypath\input.txt) targetfile(c:\mytargetdir\proj_a.ado) replace . copycode proj_b, inputfile(c:\mypath\input.txt) targetfile(c:\mytargetdir\proj_b.ado) replace
and will produce identical output files. This is because both proj_a and proj_b depend on proj_a.adv.
fastcc saves the following in r():
Macros When supplying projectname, results saved will correspond exactly to the ones returned by copycode. When using option alldepon, saved results are instead: r(projectlist) List of projects that depend on depfilename. Contains tokens from r(failed_make) but not from r(failed_check). r(failed_make) List of projects that could not be processed because errors occured r(failed_check) List of projects that could not be checked for dependencies because errors occured
All returned values are lower case, irrespective of what the actual casing of the files on disk or in the input file is.
Daniel C. Schneider, Goethe University Frankfurt,
Schneider, D.C. (2012). Modular Programming in Stata. Presentation at the German Stata Users Group Meeting 2012, Berlin. Available at