*! NJC 1.0.5 23 November 2006 * NJC 1.0.4 26 April 2004 * NJC 1.0.3 26 April 2004 * NJC 1.0.2 23 April 2004 * NJC 1.0.1 23 April 2004 * NJC 1.0.0 23 April 2004 program fs, rclass version 8 if `"`0'"' == "" local 0 * foreach f of local 0 { if index("`f'", "/") | index("`f'", "\") /// | index("`f'", ":") | inlist(substr("`f'", 1, 1), ".", "~") { ParseSpec `f' local files : dir "`d'" files "`f'" } else local files : dir . files "`f'" local Files "`Files'`files' " } DisplayInCols res 0 2 0 `Files' if trim(`"`Files'"') != "" { return local files `"`Files'"' } end program ParseSpec args f // first we need to strip off directory or folder information // if both "/" and "\" occur we want to know where the // last occurrence is -- which will be the first in // the reversed string // if only one of "/" and "\" occurs, index() will // return 0 in the other case local where1 = index(reverse("`f'"), "/") local where2 = index(reverse("`f'"), "\") if `where1' & `where2' local where = min(`where1', `where2') else local where = max(`where1', `where2') // map to position in original string and // extract the directory or folder local where = min(length("`f'"), 1 + length("`f'") - `where') local d = substr("`f'", 1, `where') // absolute references start with "/" or "\" or "." or "~" // or contain ":" local abs = inlist(substr("`f'", 1, 1), "/", "\", ".", "~") local abs = `abs' | index("`f'", ":") // prefix relative references if !`abs' local d "./`d'" // fix references to root else if "`d'" == "/" | "`d'" == "\" { local pwd "`c(pwd)'" local pwd : subinstr local pwd "\" "/", all local d = substr("`pwd'", 1, index("`pwd'","/")) } // absent filename list if "`f'" == "`d'" local f "*" else local f = substr("`f'", `= `where' + 1', .) // return to caller c_local f "`f'" c_local d "`d'" end program DisplayInCols /* sty #indent #pad #wid */ gettoken sty 0 : 0 gettoken indent 0 : 0 gettoken pad 0 : 0 gettoken wid 0 : 0 local indent = cond(`indent'==. | `indent'<0, 0, `indent') local pad = cond(`pad'==. | `pad'<1, 2, `pad') local wid = cond(`wid'==. | `wid'<0, 0, `wid') local n : list sizeof 0 if `n'==0 { exit } foreach x of local 0 { local wid = max(`wid', length(`"`x'"')) } local wid = `wid' + `pad' local cols = int((`c(linesize)'+1-`indent')/`wid') if `cols' < 2 { if `indent' { local col "column(`=`indent'+1)" } foreach x of local 0 { di as `sty' `col' `"`x'"' } exit } local lines = `n'/`cols' local lines = int(cond(`lines'>int(`lines'), `lines'+1, `lines')) /* 1 lines+1 2*lines+1 ... cols*lines+1 2 lines+2 2*lines+2 ... cols*lines+2 3 lines+3 2*lines+3 ... cols*lines+3 ... ... ... ... ... lines lines+lines 2*lines+lines ... cols*lines+lines 1 wid */ * di "n=`n' cols=`cols' lines=`lines'" forvalues i=1(1)`lines' { local top = min((`cols')*`lines'+`i', `n') local col = `indent' + 1 * di "`i'(`lines')`top'" forvalues j=`i'(`lines')`top' { local x : word `j' of `0' di as `sty' _column(`col') "`x'" _c local col = `col' + `wid' } di as `sty' } end