{smcl} {* 2june2004/21nov2006}{...} {hline} help for {hi:fs} {hline} {title:Show names of files in compact form} {p 8 17 2} {cmd:fs} [{it:filespec} [{it:filespec} [ ... ]]] {title:Description} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:fs} lists the names of files in compact form. Note that files do not include folders or directories. {p 4 4 2}With no arguments, {cmd:fs} lists names of files in the current folder or directory. Otherwise, it follows file specifications. A file specification {it:filespec} is a filename or (more commonly) a set of filenames indicated by the use of wildcards {cmd:*} or {cmd:?}. A folder or directory prefix should be given for files outside the current directory. {p 4 4 2}See help on {help dir} or {help ls} for listing the names of files with more detailed information. Unlike either of those commands, {cmd:fs} may be given more than one file specification. Also unlike either of those commands, {cmd:fs} shows any hidden files. {p 4 4 2}The list of filenames is returned in {cmd:r(files)}, so long as that is not empty. {title:Remarks} {p 4 4 2}It is recommended that even if you use Windows, you use forward slashes {cmd:/} rather than backward slashes {cmd:\}. Stata will understand and there will then be no clash with other meanings for the backward slash. {title:Examples} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:. fs} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:. fs *.dta} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:. fs *.ado *.hlp} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:. fs /ado/plus/f/*.ado} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:. fs *.gph}{break} {cmd:. foreach f in `r(files)' {c -(}}{break} {cmd:. {space 8}graph use `f'}{break} {cmd:. {space 8}more}{break} {cmd:. {c )-}} {title:Acknowledgements} {p 4 4 2} William Gould kindly told me about the subroutine for display in columns, which is copied from the source code for {help classutil}. Kit Baum was a very helpful tester. {title:Author} {p 4 4 2}Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University, U.K.{break} n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2}Manual: {hi:[D] dir} {p 4 13 2}Online: help for {help dir}, help for {help extended_fcn:extended macro functions}, help for {help folders} (if installed)