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fvfix -- Returns the future value of a series of equal payments (cash flows)


fvfix , cf(#) nper(#) frequency(timeunit) rate(#) [ options ]

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main cf(#) Value of the constant cash flows (positive number) nper(#) Number of payment periods (positive integer) frequency(timeunit) Time unit of payments (m, q, h, y) rate(#) Nominal annual interest rate (in decimal form)

Options presentvalue Starting balance other than cf(#) (positive number) due(#) When payments are due or made: 0 = end of period (default), or 1 = beginning of period result(mymatrix) Set the capitalized cash flows' schedule matrix name -------------------------------------------------------------------------

timeunit definition --------------------------------------------------------------------- m monthly payments q quarterly payments h halfyearly payments y yearly payments ---------------------------------------------------------------------


fvfix Returns the future value of a series of equal payments (based on a compounded constant interest rate). fvfix generates a three column matrix (rows = nper) containing the entire schedule of capitalized cash flows distinguishing between: period number, capitalization factor and cash flows.

+---------+ ----+ Options +----------------------------------------------------------

cf(#) Value of the constant cash flows.

nper(#) Number of payment periods. For example, if you want the future value of five-year monthly cash flows, it will have 5*12 = 60 periods. The formula nper(60).

frequency(timeunit) Time unit of payments (m, q, h, y). Used to convert the annual interest rate into a periodic rate.

rate(#) Nominal annual interest rate (in decimal form). i.e. an annual 5.24% interest rate should be written 0.0524.

presentvalue Starting balance other than cf(#), default is 0.

due(#) When payments are due or made: 0 = end of period (default), or 1 = beginning of period.

result(mymatrix) Set the capitalized cash flows' schedule matrix name saved in results, default is matfvcf


. fvfix, cf(10000) nper(60) frequency(m) rate(.1125) due(1) . fvfix, cf(1500) nper(5) frequency(y) rate(.125) res(cf1) . mat list r(cf1)

Saved results

fvfix saves the following in r():

Scalars r(cf) cash flow value r(nper) total number of payment periods r(freq) number of payment within a year r(iy) annual interest rate r(due) due value r(presentval) Starting balance value r(FV) future value of constant cash flows

Matrices r(matfvcf) schedule of capitalized cash flows


Maximo Sangiacomo Email: