************************************************** ** Sylvain Weber, Martin Péclat & August Warren ** ** This version: June 18, 2024 ** ************************************************** *! version 4.2 by Sylvain Weber, Martin Péclat & August Warren 18jun2024 /* Revision history: - version 1.1 (2nov2016): - Single loop over i to calculate both coordinates and distance instead of two loops in version 1.0. Advantage: if the program fails before the end, what has already been geocoded is saved while it was lost with previous version. Other advantage: there is now a single timer instead of three separate (startaddress, endaddress, distance) in previous version. The help file has been adapted accordingly. - Other minor changes: miles obtained as 1.609344*km instead of 1.6093, unused temporary variables dropped, url links created outside the loop and renamed. - version 2.0 (24feb2017): - Check if HERE account is valid. - cit in route_url if !herepaid - Create a variable containing diagnostic codes (useful if distances cannot be computed). - version 2.1 (20sep2017) - Option -pause- added - version 2.2 (20oct2017): - Correction of a bug causing an error (no geocoding) if x,y coordinates in startxy() or endxy() were below 1 (in absolute value). - version 2.3 (24oct2017): - Correction of a bug (introduced by the previous correction) causing an error (no geocoding) if x,y coordinates in startxy() or endxy() were above 100 (in absolute value). - Correction of a mistake in the diagnostic variable coding. - version 2.4 (27oct2017): - Correction of a bug causing a minor error at the end of the process (no impact on geocoding and routing output) if georoute is used with startaddress() and/or endaddress() without the coordinates() option. - version 3.0 (30jul2020) - Complete revision: many HERE features implemented as options + miscellanous improvements - version 3.1 (02nov2020) - Part of condition in line 715 "!mi(``p'_address'[`i'])" was causing last calculated distance and time to be erroneously copied to next observation if no start/end address was recorded. - Creation of temporary variables used for insheetjson moved out of the loop (otherwise, new variables are created at each iteration, even though the name is the same) - version 3.2 (17mar2021) - use geturi() to format addresses properly. - version 4.0 (05jan2022) - HERE's routing API v7 service is deprecated and is planned to be discontinued. Transit API V8 used instead for transport modes "publicTransport" and "publicTransportTimeTable". - Possibility to use hereid(APP ID) and herecode(APP CODE) instead of herekey(API KEY) suppressed. - version 4.1 (02aug2023) - Adjustments following HERE migration from https://developer.here.com to https://platform.here.com: - URL links for geocoding - Columns in JSON requests - Method for controlling HERE credentials - Query score [0-1] instead of match code [1,2,3,4] - version 4.2 (18jun2024) - Integration of possibility to use "any" in dtime to specify a route without a specific departure time */ program georoute version 10.0 *** Syntax *** #d ; syntax [if] [in], herekey(string) [ STARTADdress(varlist) startxy(varlist min=2 max=2 numeric) ENDADdress(varlist) endxy(varlist min=2 max=2 numeric) DIstance(string) TIme(string) COordinates(string) DIAGnostic(string) replace TMode(string) RType(string) DTime(string) AVoid(string) km herepaid timer pause OBServations NOSETtings ] ; #d cr *** Mark sample to be used *** marksample touse tempvar touse0 qui: gen `touse0' = `touse' qui: count if `touse' local N0 = r(N) local N = r(N) local warnings = 0 *** Preliminary checks *** *Packages insheetjson.ado and libjson.mlib must be installed cap: which insheetjson.ado if _rc==111 { di as err "insheetjson required; type {stata ssc install insheetjson}" exit 111 } cap: which libjson.mlib if _rc==111 { di as err "libjson required; type {stata ssc install libjson}" exit 111 } *HERE credentials must be valid and internet connection is required *Check HERE credentials using a (wrong) query *local here_check = "https://geocoder.ls.hereapi.com/6.2/geocode.json?searchtext=outofearth&apiKey=`herekey'" // developer local here_check = "https://geocode.search.hereapi.com/v1/geocode?q=paris&apiKey=`herekey'" // platform tempvar checkok qui: gen str240 `checkok' = "" *qui: insheetjson `checkok' using "`here_check'", columns("Response:MetaInfo:Timestamp") flatten replace // developer qui: insheetjson `checkok' using "`here_check'", columns("items:1:address:countryCode") flatten replace // platform *if `checkok'[1]=="" { if `checkok'[1]!="FRA" { *Check internet connection preserve cap: webuse auto, clear if _rc { di as err "georoute requires an active internet connection. Please check your internet connection." exit 631 } restore di as err `"There seems to be an issue with the credentials of your HERE application: {browse "https://developer.here.com"}."' exit 198 } *One start address or start point and one end address or end point must be specified (one of each and only one) foreach p in start end { if "``p'address'"=="" & "``p'xy'"=="" { di as err "`p'address() or `p'xy() is required." exit 198 } if "``p'address'"!="" & "``p'xy'"!="" { di as err "`p'address() and `p'xy() may not be combined." exit 184 } } *Addresses can be specified in a single or in several variables foreach p in start end { if "``p'address'"!="" { tokenize ``p'address' tempvar `p'_address qui: gen ``p'_address' = `1' cap: tostring ``p'_address', replace local i 2 while `"``i''"'!="" { tempvar str cap: confirm string variable ``i'' if _rc qui: tostring ``i'', gen(`str') if !_rc qui: gen `str' = ``i'' qui: replace ``p'_address' = ``p'_address' + ", " + `str' local ++i } } } *** Parse transport mode (tmode) *** *If tmode is not specified, set it to default = 'car' if "`tmode'"=="" { local tmode "car" local tmodedefault " (assigned by default)" } *Determine if tmode is hardcoded or variable cap: confirm variable `tmode' *If tmode is hardcoded if _rc { local tmodevar = 0 if !inlist("`tmode'","car","publicTransit","pedestrian","bicycle") { di as err _n(1) "The specified transport mode (" as input "`tmode'" as err `") is not allowed. Please use one of the following (see also {browse "https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/topics/transport-modes.html":HERE documentation} for details):"' di as err _col(3) "- car" di as err _col(3) "- publicTransit" di as err _col(3) "- pedestrian" di as err _col(3) "- bicycle" exit 198 } } *If tmode is a variable else { local tmodevar = 1 *Check that tmode is in string format cap: confirm string variable `tmode' if _rc { di as err "The format of " as input "`tmode'" as err " must be string." exit 107 } *Set missing tmode to default (car) tempvar tmodetmp qui: gen `tmodetmp' = `tmode' qui: count if `touse0' & mi(`tmode') local N0mis_tmode = `r(N)' qui: count if `touse' & mi(`tmode') local Nmis_tmode = `r(N)' local Nexc_tmode = 0 if `Nmis_tmode'>0 { if !`warnings' { di as err _n(1) "Warning(s):" local warnings = 1 } di as err _col(3) "- Transport mode was set to " as input "'car'" as err " for " as input "`Nmis_tmode'" as err `" observation`=cond(`Nmis_tmode'>1,"s","")' with missing value in "' as input "`tmode'" as err "." } qui: replace `tmodetmp' = "car" if `touse' & mi(`tmode') *Check each level to verify it is in allowable list cap: levelsof `tmodetmp' if `touse', local(tmodes) foreach tm of local tmodes { if "`tm'"!="" & !inlist("`tm'","car","publicTransit","pedestrian","bicycle") { if !`warnings' { di as err _n(1) "Warning(s):" local warnings = 1 } di as err _col(3) _c "- Transport mode " as input "`tm'" as err `" is not allowed (see also {browse "https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/topics/transport-modes.html":HERE documentation} for details): car, publicTransit, pedestrian, bicycle."' qui: count if `touse' & `tmodetmp'=="`tm'" local Nexc_tmode = `r(N)' di as input "`Nexc_tmode'" as err `" observation`=cond(`Nexc_tmode'>1,"s","")' with "' as input "`tmode'==`tm'" as err " will be ignored." qui: replace `touse' = 0 if `tmodetmp'=="`tm'" cap: count if `touse' local N = r(N) } } } *** Parse route type (rtype) *** *Default = 'fast' if "`rtype'"=="" { local rtype "fast" local rtypedefault " (assigned by default)" } *Determine if rtype is hardcoded or variable cap: confirm variable `rtype' *If rtype is hardcoded if _rc { local rtypevar = 0 foreach rt in fast short { if regexm("`rt'","^`rtype'") { // search for a match at the beginning of the string -> Route types can be abbreviated to a minimum of 1 letter local rtype = "`rt'" } } if !inlist("`rtype'","fast","short") { di as err _n(1) "The specified routing type (" as input "`rtype'" as err `") is not allowed. Please use one of the following (see also {browse "https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/dev_guide/topics/resource-param-type-routing-mode.html#type-routing-type":HERE documentation} for details):"' di as err _col(3) "- fast" di as err _col(3) "- short" di as err "Routing types can be abbreviated to a minimum of 1 letter: 'f' for fast, 's' for short." exit 198 } } *If rtype is a variable else { local rtypevar = 1 *Check that rtype is in string format cap: confirm string variable `rtype' if _rc { di as err "The format of " as input "`rtype'" as err " must be string." exit 107 } *Set missing rtype to default (balanced) tempvar rtypetmp rtypeshort qui: gen `rtypetmp' = `rtype' qui: count if `touse0' & mi(`rtype') local N0mis_rtype = `r(N)' qui: count if `touse' & mi(`rtype') local Nmis_rtype = `r(N)' local Nexc_rtype = 0 if `Nmis_rtype'>0 { if !`warnings' { di as err _n(1) "Warning(s):" local warnings = 1 } di as err _col(3) "- Route type was set to " as input "'fast'" as err " for " as input "`Nmis_rtype'" as err `" observation`=cond(`Nmis_rtype'>1,"s","")' with missing value in "' as input "`rtype'" as err "." } qui: replace `rtypetmp' = "fast" if `touse' & mi(`rtype') qui: gen `rtypeshort' = "^" + `rtype' foreach rt in fast short { qui: replace `rtypetmp' = "`rt'" if regexm("`rt'",`rtypeshort') } drop `rtypeshort' *Check each level to verify it is in allowable list cap: levelsof `rtypetmp' if `touse', local(rtypes) foreach rt of local rtypes { if !inlist("`rt'","fast","short") { if !`warnings' { di as err _n(1) "Warning(s):" local warnings = 1 } di as err _col(3) _c "- Route type " as input "`rt'" as err `" is not allowed (see also {browse "https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/topics/transport-modes.html":HERE documentation} for details): fast, short."' qui: count if `touse' & `rtypetmp'=="`rt'" local Nexc_rtype = `r(N)' di as input "`Nexc_rtype'" as err `" observation`=cond(`Nexc_rtype'>1,"s","")' with "' as input "`rtype'==`rt'" as err " will be ignored." qui: replace `touse' = 0 if `rtypetmp'=="`rt'" cap: count if `touse' local N = r(N) } } } *** Parse departure time (dtime) *** *If dtime is not specified, set it to default = 'now' if "`dtime'"=="" | "`dtime'"=="now" { local dtimeapi: di %tcCCYY-NN-DD!THH:MM:SS clock("`c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'","DMYhms") local dtimedisp: di %tcDD_Mon_CCYY_HH:MM:SS clock("`c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'","DMYhms") if "`dtime'"=="now" local dtimedefault " (now)" if "`dtime'"=="" local dtimedefault " (now; assigned by default)" } *Determine if dtime is hardcoded or variable cap: confirm variable `dtime' *If dtime is hardcoded if _rc { local dtimevar = 0 if "`dtime'"!="" & "`dtime'"!="now" & "`dtime'"!="any" { tokenize "`dtime'", parse(",") local date = "`1'" local mask = "`3'" if "`date'"=="" | "`mask'"=="" | ("`2'"!="" & "`2'"!=",") | "`4'"!="" { di as err _n(1) "Departure time incorrectly specified." di as err `"Please use dtime(datetime, mask), with datetime and mask defined such as in {helpb clock()}."' exit 198 } if clock("`date'","`mask'")==. { di as err _n(1) "Departure time incorrectly specified." di as err `"Please use dtime(datetime, mask), with datetime and mask defined such as in {helpb clock()}."' di as err "In particular, check that datetime and mask are consistent with eachother." exit 198 } if `=dofc(clock("`date'","`mask'"))' < mdy(1,1,2020) { local dtimewarn = "Warning: It seems that historical traffic data is not available from HERE API before January 2020." } local dtimeapi: di %tcCCYY-NN-DD!THH:MM:SS clock("`date'","`mask'") local dtimedisp: di %tcDD_Mon_CCYY_HH:MM:SS clock("`date'","`mask'") } if "`dtime'"=="any" { local dtimeapi = "any" local dtimedisp = "any" } } *If dtime is a variable else { local dtimevar = 1 *Check that dtime is in %tc or %tC format local dtimefmt: format `dtime' if !regexm("`dtimefmt'","^%tc") & !regexm("`dtimefmt'","^%tC") { di as err "The format of " as input "`dtime'" as err " must be %tc or %tC." exit 120 } *Format dtime for API query tempvar dtimetmp if regexm("`dtimefmt'","^%tc") { qui: gen `dtimetmp' = strofreal(`dtime', "%tcCCYY-NN-DD!THH:MM:SS") if !mi(`dtime') } if regexm("`dtimefmt'","^%tC") { qui: gen `dtimetmp' = strofreal(`dtime', "%tCCCYY-NN-DD!THH:MM:SS") if !mi(`dtime') } *Set missing dtime to default (now) local now: di %tcCCYY-NN-DD!THH:MM:SS clock("`c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'","DMYhms") qui: count if `touse0' & mi(`dtime') local N0mis_dtime = `r(N)' qui: count if `touse' & mi(`dtime') local Nmis_dtime = `r(N)' if `r(N)'>0 { if !`warnings' { di as err _n(1) "Warning(s):" local warnings = 1 } di as err _col(3) "- Departure time was set to " as input "'now' (`now')" as err " for " as input "`r(N)'" as err `" observation`=cond(`r(N)'>1,"s","")' with missing value in "' as input "`dtime'" as err "." } qui: replace `dtimetmp' = "`now'" if `touse' & mi(`dtimetmp') } *** Parse routing features and their weights *** *Default: none (unused) local featuresapi "" if "`avoid'"!="" { local featuresapi "&avoid[features]=" local avoid_feat "" tokenize `=subinstr("`avoid'",",","",.)' local i = 1 while "``i''"!="" { local found = 0 local l = length("``i''") foreach f in tollRoad ferry tunnel dirtRoad { if regexm("`f'","^``i''") & `l'>=2 { // search for a match at the beginning of the string -> Routing features can be abbreviated to a minimum of 2 letters local found = 1 if !regexm("`featuresapi'","`f'") { // If feature is already present, further apparitions are ignored local featuresapi `"`featuresapi'`f',"' local avoid_feat `"`avoid_feat'`f', "' } } } if !`found' { di as err _n(1) "The specified routing feature (" as input "``i''" as err ") in " as input "avoid() " as err `"is not allowed. Please use one of the following (see also {browse "https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/dev_guide/topics/resource-param-type-routing-mode.html#type-routing-type":HERE documentation} for details):"' di as err _col(3) "- tollRoad" di as err _col(3) "- ferry" di as err _col(3) "- tunnel" di as err _col(3) "- dirtRoad" di as err "Routing features can be abbreviated to a minimum of 2 letters: 'to' for tollRoad, 'fe' for ferry, 'tu' for tunnel, 'di' for dirtRoad." exit 198 } local ++i } } local featuresapi = regexr("`featuresapi'",",$","") // remove the last comma local avoid_feat = regexr("``wtype'_feat'",", $",".") // replace the last comma by a point *** Flag irrelevant combinations of attributes *** *(Without stopping route calculation) if `tmodevar' { *No warning if variables are used (too many possible combinations)... } if !`tmodevar' { if inlist("`tmode'","publicTransit","pedestrian","bicycle") { local rtype "(no impact with selected transport mode)" local rtypedefault "" } if inlist("`tmode'","pedestrian","bicycle") { local dtimedisp "(no impact with selected transport mode)" local dtimedefault "" } if inlist("`tmode'","publicTransit","pedestrian","bicycle") & "`avoid'"!="" { local avoid_feat "(no impact with selected transport mode)" } } *If specified, coordinates of start and end points must be specified in two numeric variables (x in [-90;90] and y in [-180;180]) foreach p in start end { if "``p'xy'"!="" { tokenize ``p'xy' if `"`2'"'=="" | `"`3'"'!="" { di as err "option `p'xy() incorrectly specified" exit 198 } tempvar x y cap: gen `x' = `1' cap: gen `y' = `2' confirm numeric variable `x' confirm numeric variable `y' cap: assert inrange(`x',-90,90) | mi(`x') if `touse' if _rc { di as err "`x' (latitude) must be between -90 and 90" exit 198 } cap: assert inrange(`y',-180,180) | mi(`y') if `touse' if _rc { di as err "`y' (longitude) must be between -180 and 180" exit 198 } foreach c in x y { tempvar s`c' s`c'1 s`c'2 s`c'3 s`c'4 s`c'5 s`c'6 qui: gen `s`c'1' = ``c'' if ``c''<=-100 qui: gen `s`c'2' = ``c'' if ``c''>-100 & ``c''<=-10 qui: gen `s`c'3' = ``c'' if ``c''>-10 & ``c''<0 qui: gen `s`c'4' = ``c'' if ``c''>=0 & ``c''<10 qui: gen `s`c'5' = ``c'' if ``c''>=10 & ``c''<100 qui: gen `s`c'6' = ``c'' if ``c''>=100 qui: gen `s`c'' = string(`s`c'1',"%020.15f") if !mi(`s`c'1') qui: replace `s`c'' = string(`s`c'2',"%019.15f") if !mi(`s`c'2') qui: replace `s`c'' = string(`s`c'3',"%018.15f") if !mi(`s`c'3') qui: replace `s`c'' = string(`s`c'4',"%017.15f") if !mi(`s`c'4') qui: replace `s`c'' = string(`s`c'5',"%018.15f") if !mi(`s`c'5') qui: replace `s`c'' = string(`s`c'6',"%019.15f") if !mi(`s`c'6') } tempvar `p'_xy qui: gen ``p'_xy' = `sx' + "," + `sy' } } *If specified, distance, time, coordinates, and diagnostic must be new variables (unless replace is also specified) if "`distance'"=="" local distance = "travel_distance" if "`distance'"!="" { tokenize `distance' if `"`2'"'!="" { di as err "option distance() incorrectly specified" exit 198 } } if "`time'"=="" local time = "travel_time" if "`time'"!="" { tokenize `time' if `"`2'"'!="" { di as err "option time() incorrectly specified" exit 198 } } if "`diagnostic'"=="" local diagnostic = "georoute_diagnostic" if "`diagnostic'"!="" { tokenize `diagnostic' if `"`2'"'!="" { di as err "option diagnostic() incorrectly specified" exit 198 } } if `"`replace'"'=="replace" { cap: drop `distance' cap: drop `time' cap: drop `diagnostic' } confirm new var `distance' confirm new var `time' confirm new var `diagnostic' qui: gen `distance' = . qui: gen `time' = . qui: gen `diagnostic' = . if "`coordinates'"!="" { tokenize `coordinates' if `"`2'"'=="" | `"`3'"'!="" { di as err "option coordinates() incorrectly specified" exit 198 } local start `1' local end `2' if `"`replace'"'=="replace" { if "`startxy'"=="" { cap: drop `start'_x cap: drop `start'_y cap: drop `start'_score confirm new var `start'_x `start'_y `start'_score } if "`endxy'"=="" { cap: drop `end'_x cap: drop `end'_y cap: drop `end'_score confirm new var `end'_x `end'_y `end'_score } } if "`startxy'"=="" { qui: gen `start'_x = "" qui: gen `start'_y = "" qui: gen `start'_score = "" } if "`endxy'"=="" { qui: gen `end'_x = "" qui: gen `end'_y = "" qui: gen `end'_score = "" } if ("`startxy'"!="" & "`endxy'"!="") { if !`warnings' { di as err _n(1) "Warning(s):" local warnings = 1 } noi: di as err _col(3) "- Specifying coordinates() without startaddress() or endaddress() is useless." } } if "`coordinates'"=="" { if "`startxy'"=="" { tempvar start_score qui: gen `start_score' = "" } if "`endxy'"=="" { tempvar end_score qui: gen `end_score' = "" } } *** Calculate travel distance and time *** *Create temporary variables that will be used for insheetjson in following loop tempvar tmp_x tmp_y tmp_scorelevel qui: gen str240 `tmp_x' = "" qui: gen str240 `tmp_y' = "" qui: gen str240 `tmp_scorelevel' = "" tempvar tmp_time tmp_distance qui: gen str240 `tmp_distance' = "" qui: gen str240 `tmp_time' = "" local t 0 forv i = 1/`=_N' { if `touse'[`i'] { *Print a timer (option) if "`timer'"=="timer" { local ++t *Pause for 30 seconds every 100th geocoded observation if "`pause'"=="pause" & mod(`t',100)==0 sleep 30000 if `t'==1 { di as txt _n(1) _dup(9) "-" di as txt "Geocoding" di as txt _dup(9) "-" } if int(`t'/(`N'/10))>int((`t'-1)/(`N'/10)) di _continue as res " `=int(`t'/(`N'/10))*10'% " if int(`t'/(`N'/100))>int((`t'-1)/(`N'/100)) & int(`t'/(`N'/10))==int((`t'-1)/(`N'/10)) di _continue as res "." if `=int(`t'/(`N'/10))*10'==100 di "" } if `tmodevar' local tmodeapi = `tmodetmp'[`i'] if !`tmodevar' local tmodeapi = "`tmode'" if `rtypevar' local rtypeapi = `rtypetmp'[`i'] if !`rtypevar' local rtypeapi = "`rtype'" if `dtimevar' local dtimeapi = `dtimetmp'[`i'] if !`dtimevar' local dtimeapi = "`dtimeapi'" *Prepare url links *local xy_url = "https://geocoder.ls.hereapi.com/6.2/geocode.json?responseattributes=matchCode&searchtext=" // developer local xy_url = "https://geocode.search.hereapi.com/v1/geocode?q=" // platform local here_key = "&apiKey=`herekey'" local route_url = "https://router.hereapi.com/v8/routes?apiKey=`herekey'" local heresummary = "summary" if inlist("`tmodeapi'","publicTransit") { local route_url = "https://transit.router.hereapi.com/v8/routes?apiKey=`herekey'" local heresummary = "travelSummary" } *Addresses to xy-coordinates (only if addresses are provided, skipped if xy-coordinates are provided) foreach p in start end { if "``p'address'"!="" /*& !mi(``p'_address'[`i'])*/ { local coords = ``p'_address'[`i'] local xy_request = "`xy_url'" + geturi("`coords'") + "`here_key'" #d ; qui: insheetjson `tmp_x' `tmp_y' `tmp_scorelevel' using "`xy_request'", /* columns("Response:View:1:Result:1:Location:DisplayPosition:Latitude" "Response:View:1:Result:1:Location:DisplayPosition:Longitude" "Response:View:1:Result:1:MatchCode" ) // developer */ columns("items:1:position:lat" "items:1:position:lng" "items:1:scoring:queryScore" ) // platform flatten replace ; #d cr local `p'_coord = `tmp_x'[1] + "," + `tmp_y'[1] if "`coordinates'"!="" & "``p'xy'"=="" { qui: replace ``p''_x = `tmp_x'[1] in `i' qui: replace ``p''_y = `tmp_y'[1] in `i' qui: replace ``p''_score = `tmp_scorelevel'[1] in `i' } if "`coordinates'"=="" & "``p'xy'"=="" { qui: replace ``p'_score' = `tmp_scorelevel'[1] in `i' } *Empty temporary variables before next loop qui: replace `tmp_x' = "" qui: replace `tmp_y' = "" qui: replace `tmp_scorelevel' = "" } if "``p'xy'"!="" { local `p'_coord = ``p'_xy'[`i'] } } *xy-coordinates to distance if "`start_coord'"!="," & "`end_coord'"!="," { local s = "`start_coord'" local e = "`end_coord'" if inlist("`tmodeapi'","car") { local route_request = "`route_url'" + "&origin=" + "`s'" + "&destination=" + "`e'" + "&transportMode=`tmodeapi'&routingMode=`rtypeapi'`featuresapi'&return=summary&departureTime=`dtimeapi'" } if inlist("`tmodeapi'","pedestrian","bicycle") { local route_request = "`route_url'" + "&origin=" + "`s'" + "&destination=" + "`e'" + "&transportMode=`tmodeapi'&return=summary" } if inlist("`tmodeapi'","publicTransit") { local route_request = "`route_url'" + "&origin=" + "`s'" + "&destination=" + "`e'" + "&return=travelSummary&departureTime=`dtimeapi'" } local tmpd = 0 local tmpt = 0 local j = 0 while `tmp_distance'[1]!="[]" { // iterate until the last section of the route local ++j #d ; qui: insheetjson `tmp_distance' `tmp_time' using "`route_request'", columns("routes:1:sections:`j':`heresummary':length" "routes:1:sections:`j':`heresummary':duration" ) flatten replace ; #d cr if `tmp_distance'[1]!="[]" { if "`km'"=="" local tmpd = `tmpd' + real(`tmp_distance'[1])/1609.344 if "`km'"=="km" local tmpd = `tmpd' + real(`tmp_distance'[1])/1000 local tmpt = `tmpt' + real(`tmp_time'[1])/60 } if `tmp_distance'[1]=="" { local tmpd = . local tmpt = . qui: replace `tmp_distance' = "[]" in 1 } } qui: replace `distance' = `tmpd' in `i' qui: replace `time' = `tmpt' in `i' } *Empty temporary variables before next loop qui: replace `tmp_distance' = "" qui: replace `tmp_time' = "" } } *** Label the variables *** la var `distance' "Travel distance (`=cond("`km'"=="km","km","mi")')" la var `time' "Travel time (minutes)" if "`coordinates'"!="" { foreach p in start end { if "``p'address'"!="" { qui: destring ``p''_x, replace la var ``p''_x "x-coordinate of `=cond("`p'"=="start","starting","ending")' address" qui: destring ``p''_y, replace la var ``p''_y "y-coordinate of `=cond("`p'"=="start","starting","ending")' address" /* la var ``p''_match "Match code for `=cond("`p'"=="start","starting","ending")' address" qui: replace ``p''_match = "1" if ``p''_match=="exact" qui: replace ``p''_match = "2" if ``p''_match=="ambiguous" qui: replace ``p''_match = "3" if ``p''_match=="upHierarchy" qui: replace ``p''_match = "4" if ``p''_match=="ambiguousUpHierarchy" qui: destring ``p''_match, replace cap: la drop matchcode la def matchcode 1 "exact" 2 "ambiguous" 3 "upHierarchy" 4 "ambiguousUpHierarchy" la val ``p''_match matchcode */ la var ``p''_score "Query score [0-1] for `=cond("`p'"=="start","starting","ending")' address" } } } la var `diagnostic' "Diagnostic code (georoute)" qui: replace `diagnostic' = 0 if !mi(`distance') if "`coordinates'"=="" { if "`startaddress'"!="" & "`endaddress'"!="" { qui: replace `diagnostic' = 1 if mi(`distance') & !mi(`start_score') & !mi(`end_score') qui: replace `diagnostic' = 2 if mi(`distance') & (mi(`start_score') | mi(`end_score')) } if "`startxy'"!="" & "`endaddress'"!="" { qui: replace `diagnostic' = 1 if mi(`distance') & `start_xy'!="," & !mi(`end_score') qui: replace `diagnostic' = 2 if mi(`distance') & mi(`end_score') } if "`startaddress'"!="" & "`endxy'"!="" { qui: replace `diagnostic' = 1 if mi(`distance') & !mi(`start_score') & `end_xy'!="," qui: replace `diagnostic' = 2 if mi(`distance') & mi(`start_score') } } if "`coordinates'"!="" { if "`startaddress'"!="" & "`endaddress'"!="" { qui: replace `diagnostic' = 1 if mi(`distance') & !mi(`start'_score) & !mi(`end'_score) qui: replace `diagnostic' = 2 if mi(`distance') & (mi(`start'_score) | mi(`end'_score)) } if "`startxy'"!="" & "`endaddress'"!="" { qui: replace `diagnostic' = 1 if mi(`distance') & `start_xy'!="," & !mi(`end'_score) qui: replace `diagnostic' = 2 if mi(`distance') & mi(`end'_score) } if "`startaddress'"!="" & "`endxy'"!="" { qui: replace `diagnostic' = 1 if mi(`distance') & !mi(`start'_score) & `end_xy'!="," qui: replace `diagnostic' = 2 if mi(`distance') & mi(`start'_score) } } if "`startxy'"!="" & "`endxy'"!="" { qui: replace `diagnostic' = 1 if mi(`distance') & `start_xy'!="," & `end_xy'!="," qui: replace `diagnostic' = 3 if mi(`distance') & (`start_xy'=="," | `end_xy'==",") } qui: replace `diagnostic' = 4 if !`touse' cap: la drop diagnosticlab la def diagnosticlab 0 "OK" 1 "No route found" 2 "Start and/or end not geocoded" 3 "Start and/or end coordinates missing" 4 "No route searched" la val `diagnostic' diagnosticlab *** Print summary of settings *** if "`nosettings'"!="nosettings" { qui: count if `diagnostic'==0 di as input _n(1) "georoute has successfully calculated travel distance and travel time for " as res "`r(N)'" as input " observations based on the following settings:" di as input "{hline}" if "`startaddress'"!="" di as input "Start:" _col(12) "addresses in " as res "`startaddress'" as input " (variable)" if "`startxy'"!="" di as input "Start:" _col(12) "coordinates in " as res "`startxy'" as input " (variables)" if "`endaddress'"!="" di as input "End:" _col(12) "addresses in " as res "`endaddress'" as input " (variable)" if "`endxy'"!="" di as input "End:" _col(12) "coordinates in " as res "`endxy'" as input " (variables)" if `tmodevar' di as input "Mode:" _col(12) "transport modes in " as res "`tmode'" as input " (variable)" if !`tmodevar' di as input "Mode:" _col(12) as res "`tmode'`tmodedefault'" as input " for all observations (hard coded)" if `rtypevar' di as input "Route:" _col(12) "as indicated in " as res "`rtype'" as input " (variable)" if !`rtypevar' di as input "Route:" _col(12) as res "`rtype'`rtypedefault'" as input " for all observations (hard coded)" if `dtimevar' di as input "Departure:" _col(12) "times in " as res "`dtime'" as input " (variable)" if !`dtimevar' di as input "Departure:" _col(12) as res "`dtimedisp'`dtimedefault'" as input " for all observations (hard coded)" if "`dtimewarn'"!="" di as err _col(12) "`dtimewarn'" if "`avoid_feat'"!="" di as input "Avoid:" _col(12) as res "`avoid_feat'" di as input "{hline}" } *Optional: print detailed observation account if "`observations'"=="observations" { di as input _n(1) "Detailed observation account:" di as input "{hline}" qui: count di as input "Total in database:" _col(40) as res as res %6.0g `r(N)' di as input "Total after if/in condition(s):" _col(40) as res as res %6.0g `N0' foreach opt in tmode rtype { if "`opt'"=="tmode" local def car if "`opt'"=="rtype" local def fast if ``opt'var' { if `N0mis_`opt''>0 di as input "Missing " as res "``opt''" as input ":" _col(40) as res %6.0g `=`N0mis_`opt''' _col(50) "(set to default '`def'')" if `Nexc_`opt''>0 di as input "Unknown " as res "``opt''" as input ":" _col(40) as res %6.0g `=`Nexc_`opt''' _col(50) "(excluded)" } } if `dtimevar' { if `N0mis_dtime'>0 di as input "Missing " as res "``dtime''" as input ":" _col(40) as res %6.0g `=`N0mis_dtime'' _col(50) "(set to default 'now': `now')" } di as input "Considered for geocoding:" _col(40) as res as res %6.0g `N' qui: count if `diagnostic'==0 di as input "Successfully coded:" _col(40) as res as res %6.0g `r(N)' di as input "{hline}" } end