{smcl} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 17 20 2}{...} {p2col:{cmd:get_pwmse}:}Execute the PWMSE-based model evaluation, after forming proximity norms with the Command {bf:form_norm}.{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {marker syntax}{...} {title:Syntax} {pstd} Execute the PWMSE-based model evaluation: {p 8 15 2} {cmd:get_pwmse} {bf:using} {help filename} {cmd:,} yvar({depvar}) xvar({indepvars}) [trends({varlist})] unit({varname}) time({varname}) t(#) train_ratio(#) num_simulations(#) [norms(chars)] h(#) seed(#) [quiet] {marker option_table}{...} {synoptset 30 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {syntab:Option} {synopt:{opt trends(varlist)}}Specify additional controls such as time trends.{p_end} {synopt:{opt norms(chars)}}Choose the specific MSEs to be reported. Options include: N, D1, D2, M1, M2, Y1, Y2 as in Cui, Gafarov, Ghanem, and Kuffner (2024).{p_end} {synopt:{opt quiet}}If not specified, the program will report the running of each round of simulations.{p_end} {...} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {p 4 6 2} {marker description}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} {bf:{help filename}}: Declare the dta file that contains the proximity norms (previously obtained using {bf:form_norms}). {pstd} {bf:yvar({depvar})}: Declare the dependent variable in the regression model of interest. Note: this variable will be demeaned as in a FE estimation framework. {pstd} {bf:xvar({indepvars})}: Declare the list of explanatory variables in the regression model of interest. Note: all these variables will be demeaned as in a FE estimation framework. {pstd} {bf:unit({varname})}: Declare the variable indicating cross-sectional units in the empirical analysis. {pstd} {bf:time({varname})}: Declare the time dimension in the empirical analysis. This dimension should be the lowest frequency one as in dim_0() in {bf:form_norms}. {pstd} {bf:t(#)}: Declare the last period of the historical data. All data after this period will be dropped in the model evaluation. {pstd} {bf:train_ratio(#)}: Specify the training-to-full sample ratio of the cross-validation procedure. This number must be between 0 and 1. {pstd} {bf:num_simulations(#)}: Specify the number of times for cross-validation. {pstd} {bf:h(#)}: Specify the tuning parameter h in specifying the weight. This should be an integer number. {pstd} {bf:seed(#)}: Declare the seed for replication. {marker options}{...} {title:Options} {dlgtab:Options} {phang} {opt trends(varlist)}: Specify additional controls such as time trends. This is optional and can be left out if not applied. Note: these variables will NOT be demeaned. {phang} {opt norms(chars)}: Choose the specific MSEs to be reported. Options include: N, D1, D2, M1, M2, Y1, Y2 as in Cui, Gafarov, Ghanem, and Kuffner (2024). All norms will be reported if not specified. {phang} {opt quiet}: If not specified, the program will report the running of each round of simulations. {marker notes}{...} {title:Additional Notes} {pstd} - Running this program requires first obtaining the proximity norms for constructing weights. {pstd} - Running this program requires pre-loading the data for regressions, with necessary variables for different model specifications. {pstd} - MSEs are not comparable across different weights. They are only comparable across different models under the same weight specification. {p_end} {marker references}{...} {title:References} {pstd} Cui, X., Gafarov, B., Ghanem, D., & Kuffner, T. (2024). {browse "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304407623002270":"On model selection criteria for climate change impact studies"}. {it:Journal of Econometrics}, 239(1), 105511. {p_end}