do "git.ado" local os = "`c(os)'" local adoPlusDir = "`c(sysdir_plus)'" if("`os'" != "Windows"){ local adoPlusDir = subinstr("`adoPlusDir'","~","/Users/`c(username)'",.) } local adoDir = trim(subinstr("`adoPlusDir'","ado/plus/","",.)) local gitDir = "`adoDir'git/" local copyCmd = "cp" /* Defaults to *nix command */ local deleteCmd = "rm" /* Defaults to *nix command */ local origDir = "`c(pwd)'" local lsCmd = "ls" /* Defaults to *nix command */ local rmdirCmd = "rm -rf" /* Defaults to *nix command */ if("`os'" == "Windows"){ local copyCmd = "copy" local deleteCmd = "erase" local lsCmd = "dir" local rmdirCmd = "rmdir /Q /S" } /*Test installing*/ git install local expectedRepoName = "stata-switch" local repoSnakeCase = "switch" capture confirm file "`gitDir'`expectedRepoName'" if _rc!=0{ di as red "Test 1 FAILED." di as red "Expected `gitDir'`expectedRepoName' to exist but it does not." } else { di as green "Test 1 PASSED." capture confirm file "`adoPlusDir's/`repoSnakeCase'.ado" if _rc!=0{ di as red "Test 2 FAILED." di "Expected `adoPlusDir's/`repoSnakeCase'.ado to exist but it does not." } else { di as green "Test 2 PASSED." } /*Test uninstalling*/ git uninstall `repoSnakeCase' capture confirm file "`gitDir'`expectedRepoName'" if _rc!=0{ di as green "Test 3 PASSED." } else{ di as red "Test 3 FAILED." di "Expected `gitDir'`expectedRepoName' to NOT exist but it does." } } /* TODO: Add more tests */