*! version 3.2.5 17may2019 Richard Williams, rwilliam@nd.edu program gologit2_svy_check version 11.2 syntax [, AUTOfit AUTOfit2(string) STOre(name) Gamma Gamma2(name) svy gsvy *] if "`autofit'"!="" | "`autofit2'"!="" { display as error /// "When using autofit with survey data, you must use the gsvy: prefix." display as error "See the help for gologit2." exit 198 } else if "`svy'" !="" { display as error "The svy option is no longer supported." display as error "Use svy: or gsvy: instead, or else use gologit29." display as error "See the help for gologit2." exit 198 } else if ("`store'" != "" | "`gamma'" !="" | "`gamma2'" != "") & "`gsvy'" == "" { display as error "The store and gamma options do not work correctly with the svy: prefix." display as error "They can be specified as replay options, e.g." display as error "gologit2, store(m1) gamma" display as error "See the help for gologit2." exit 198 } end