{smcl} {* 30jan2019}{...} {hi:help grstyle}{...} {right:{browse "http://repec.sowi.unibe.ch/stata/grstyle"}} {right:{browse "http://github.com/benjann/grstyle/"}} {hline} {title:Title} {pstd}{hi:grstyle} {hline 2} Customize the overall look of graphs {marker syntax}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 15 2} {cmd:grstyle init} [ {it:newscheme}{cmd:,} {opt path(path)} {opt r:eplace} ] {p 8 15 2} {cmd:grstyle} {it:{help scheme_entries:scheme entry}} {p 8 15 2} {help grstyle_set:{bf:grstyle set} {it:subcmd ...}} {p 8 15 2} {cmd:grstyle type} {p 8 15 2} {cmd:grstyle clear} [{cmd:,} {cmd:erase}] {marker description}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:grstyle} allows you to customize the overall look of graphs from within a do-file without having to fiddle around with external {help scheme files}. The advantage of {cmd:grstyle} over manually editing a scheme file is that everything needed to reproduce your graphs can be included in a single do-file. {pstd} {cmd:grstyle init} starts recording the custom style settings. Optionally, if {it:newscheme} is provided, a new scheme file is created and stored in the current working directory as "scheme-{it:newscheme}.scheme". {cmd:grstyle init} uses the active graph scheme as the base scheme for the custom style settings. The default scheme according to factory settings is {helpb scheme s2:s2color}. Apply {helpb set scheme} {it:{help schemes:schemename}} prior to running {cmd:grstyle init} if you want to use a different scheme as the base scheme. {pstd} After running {cmd:grstyle init}, use {cmd:grstyle} {it:scheme entry} to add a custom style setting. Use {cmd:grstyle} {it:scheme entry} repeatedly to add multiple settings. The syntax of {it:scheme entry} is described in {help scheme_entries:scheme entries}. {pstd} In addition, you can use {helpb grstyle set} to add sets of custom settings. {helpb grstyle set} provides a number of precoded collections of scheme entries. Furthermore, it provides tools to automize the generation of certain types of scheme entries (e.g. colors or sizes). {pstd} {cmd:grstyle type} views the custom settings (i.e., types the contents of the custom scheme file). {pstd} {cmd:grstyle clear} deactivates the custom style settings. {cmd:grstyle clear} is only needed if you want to restore the original graph settings within the same Stata session; changes made by {cmd:grstyle} are only temporary and restarting Stata will remove the custom settings even if {cmd:grstyle clear} has not been specified. Furthermore, {cmd:grstyle init} automatically runs {cmd:grstyle clear} before initializing new settings. {pstd} Some features of {cmd:grstyle} require the {cmd:palettes} package (providing commands {helpb colorpalette}, {helpb colorpalette9}, {helpb symbolpalette}, and {helpb linepalette}) to be installed on the system; type {stata ssc install palettes} to install the package. In Stata 14.2 or newer, you will also need to install the {helpb colrspace} package; type {stata ssc install colrspace}. {marker options}{...} {title:Options for grstyle init} {phang} {opt path(path)} specifies a path (absolute or relative) for the scheme file cerated by {cmd:grstyle init} {it:newscheme}. Option {cmd:path()} is only allowed if {it:newscheme} is specified. The default is to store the scheme file in the current working directory. Note that the graphs using the scheme will only display correctly if the scheme file is stored in a location where it is found by Stata (see {helpb adopath}). {phang} {opt replace} allows overwriting an existing file. {cmd:replace} is only allowed if {it:newscheme} is specified. {title:Options for grstyle clear} {phang} {opt erase} causes the scheme file created by {cmd:grstyle} to be erased from disk. The default is not to erase the scheme file. {marker examples}{...} {title:Examples} {pstd} Stata's default graph size is 5.5 by 4 inches. If you want all your graphs to be, say, 5 by 5 inches, you could change these defaults using {cmd:grstyle} as follows instead of adding options {cmd:ysize(5)} and {cmd:xsize(5)} to each graph command: {com}. {stata grstyle init} . {stata grstyle graphsize x 5} . {stata grstyle graphsize y 5} . {stata sysuse auto} . {stata scatter price weight} . {stata scatter price mpg} . {stata grstyle clear}{txt} {pstd} Here are a number of other useful style settings, starting from the {cmd:s2color} scheme: {com}. {stata set scheme s2color} . {stata grstyle init}{txt} {pstd} - get rid of background shading {com}. {stata grstyle color background white}{txt} {pstd} - use horizontal labels on vertical axis {com}. {stata grstyle anglestyle vertical_tick horizontal}{txt} {pstd} - add some space between tick labels and axis titles {com}. {stata grstyle gsize axis_title_gap tiny}{txt} {pstd} - also draw grid lines on horizontal axis {com}. {stata grstyle yesno draw_major_hgrid yes}{txt} {pstd} - always include minimum and maximum grid lines {com}. {stata grstyle yesno grid_draw_min yes} . {stata grstyle yesno grid_draw_max yes}{txt} {pstd} - change color, width, and pattern of grid lines {com}. {stata grstyle color major_grid gs8} . {stata grstyle linewidth major_grid thin} . {stata grstyle linepattern major_grid dot}{txt} {pstd} - place legend on the right and remove the frame {com}. {stata grstyle clockdir legend_position 4} . {stata grstyle numstyle legend_cols 1} . {stata grstyle linestyle legend none}{txt} {pstd} - thicker lines in line plots {com}. {stata grstyle linewidth plineplot medthick}{txt} {pstd} - transparent markers (for p1 and p2) (not supported in Stata 14 or below) {com}. {stata grstyle color p1markline navy%0} . {stata grstyle color p1markfill navy%50} . {stata grstyle color p2markline maroon%0} . {stata grstyle color p2markfill maroon%50}{txt} {pstd} - transparent confidence intervals (not supported in Stata 14 or below) {com}. {stata grstyle color ci_area gs12%50} . {stata grstyle color ci_arealine gs12%0}{txt} {pstd} - now draw some graphs: {com}. {stata sysuse auto} {p 8 12 2} . {stata two (scatter price weight if foreign==0) (scatter price weight if foreign==1) (lfitci price weight if foreign==0, clstyle(p1line)) (lfitci price weight if foreign==1, clstyle(p2line)), legend(order(1 "domestic" 2 "foreign"))} {p_end} {p 8 12 2} . {stata two (scatter price mpg if foreign==0) (scatter price mpg if foreign==1) (lfitci price mpg if foreign==0, clstyle(p1line)) (lfitci price mpg if foreign==1, clstyle(p2line)), legend(order(1 "domestic" 2 "foreign"))}{txt} {txt} {pstd} - revert back to {cmd:s2color} style {com}. {stata grstyle clear}{txt} {pstd} Most of the above can also be achieved with less typing using {helpb grstyle set}. {marker techremarks}{...} {title:Technical remarks} {pstd} Unless {it:newscheme} is provided, {cmd:grstyle init} creates a scheme called {cmd:_GRSTYLE_} and stores it in file "scheme-_GRSTYLE_.scheme" in the {cmd:PERSONAL} ado-file directory (see help {helpb sysdir}). That is, unless a custom scheme name is specified, {cmd:grstyle} will always use the same file to store the style settings. Be aware of this limitation if you use {cmd:grstyle} in parallel Stata sessions. {pstd} {cmd:grstyle} maintains global macro {cmd:GRSTYLE_FN} containing the path and name of the scheme file used to store the custom style settings, global macro {cmd:GRSTYLE_SN} containing the corresponding scheme name, and global macro {cmd:GRSTYLE_SN0} containing the name of the scheme that was active when initializing {cmd:grstyle}. Furthermore, depending on context, global macro {cmd:GRSTYLE_RSIZE} containing information on the reference size for size calculation will be set. {cmd:grstyle clear} removes these global macros. {marker author}{...} {title:Author} {pstd} Ben Jann, University of Bern, ben.jann@soz.unibe.ch {pstd} Thanks for citing this software as {pmore} Jann, B. (2018a). {browse "https://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=gr0073":Customizing Stata graphs made easy (part 1)}. The Stata Journal 18(3): 491-502. {p_end} {pmore} Jann, B. (2018b). {browse "https://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=gr0073_1":Customizing Stata graphs made easy (part 2)}. The Stata Journal 18(4): 786–802. {p_end} {pstd} or {pmore} Jann, B. (2017). grstyle: Stata module to customize the overall look of graphs. Available from {browse "http://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s458414.html"}. {marker alsosee}{...} {title:Also see} {psee} Online: help for {helpb grstyle set}, {helpb graph}, {helpb schemes}, {help scheme files}, {help scheme entries}