*** *** GSS illustration of mscologit.ado *** Pooled analysis that combines rating data from split-sample experiment *** *** Source: *** GSS 1984, dependent variable: respondents' trust in Congress, *** outcome data collected in two variables conlegis and conlegiy *** *** Note: *** This exercise is meant to illustrate the principal idea of the mscologit model *** as well as the use of the ado in conjunction with publicly available data. The *** substantive results are non-impressive, because it is quite obvious how to *** usefully reconcile the conlegis and conlegiy response categories just from *** inspecting the frequency table. In this particular case, manual harmonization *** (= model 3) is giving virtually the same results as the mscologit model (= *** models 4 and 5), but the latter does not require any researcher commitment to *** some particular data harmonization protocol. Instead, the mscologit model just *** reflects all cutpoints on all alternative scale formats as present in the raw data *** and estimates a common model for the substantive covariates on the pooled data. *** *** A more wide-ranging and more complex example that involves data pooling in the *** context of cross-nationally comparative research is described in the accompanying *** full article, see *** *** Markus Gangl (2023). A Generalized Ordered Logit Model to Accommodate Multiple *** Rating Scales. Sociological Methods & Research. *** https://www.doi.org/10.1177/00491241231186655 *** *** The full article contains a separate replication package, including a description *** of how to obtain the survey data used in the cross-country illustration of the *** mscologit model. *** *** *** This illustration uses the public GSS 1984 data file available from: *** https://gss.norc.org/documents/stata/1984_stata.zip *** *** In case the above link has turned non-functional, please check the GSS main page *** https://gss.norc.org/get-the-data/stata *** https://gss.norc.org *** for data access to either the 1984 or the cumulated GSS data file(s) *** clear all use GSS1984.dta *** examine the two versions of the trust in congress question desc conleg* tab conlegis tab conlegiy *** reverse scale for analysis (top category = highest degree of trust) gen rconleg = 4-conlegis if conlegis>=1 & conlegis<=3 gen rconlegy = 8-conlegiy if conlegiy>=1 & conlegiy<=7 *** recode 7-point conlegiy to standard 3-point conlegis item recode rconlegy 1/2=1 3/5=2 6/7=3, gen(jconleg) replace jconleg = rconleg if rconlegy==. & rconleg<. *** independent variables will be sex, educ, and age *** dummy and polynomial terms defined explicitly here gen female = sex==2 if sex<. gen agesq = age^2 *** model estimation *** 1) ologit, dependent variable: conlegis (standard GSS item) ologit rconleg female educ age agesq est sto m1 *** 2) ologit, dependent variable: conlegiy (7-point Likert scale) ologit rconlegy female educ age agesq est sto m2 *** 3) ologit, dependent variable: jconleg (conlegiy recoded to conlegis) ologit jconleg female educ age agesq est sto m3 *** 4) mscologit, pooled estimates using both response formats combined *** (full ML estimates) mscologit rconleg rconlegy, indvar(female educ age agesq) est sto m4 *** 5) mscologit, pooled estimates using both response formats combined *** (alternative ML estimates, *** obtained from estimating binary logit model on expanded dataset) mscologit rconleg rconlegy, indvar(female educ age agesq) logit acc est sto m5 *** model comparison / regression output est table m1 m2 m3 m4 m5, equations(1) stats(ll aic N) b se p