------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for hlp2html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title
hlp2html --- translates a list of Stata help files to HTML
hlp2html, fnames(names) [log log2html_options]
+-------------+ ----+ Description +------------------------------------------------------
hlp2html translates a list of Stata help files into HTML. All generated .html files are placed in the working directory.
Dependency: hlp2html relies heavily on log2html written by Baum, Cox, and Rising. log2html must be installed for hlp2html to work.
N.B.: Make sure the help files to be translated are not open in the Viewer. Also, if the directory where the html files will be placed contains smcl files with the same names as the help files, they will be replaced.
Stata 9.2 or higher is required.
+-----------------+ ----+ Primary options +--------------------------------------------------
fname(names) specifies a list of command names whose help files need to be translated.
log indicates that the file names specified with fnames() are .smcl log files.
+---------------+ ----+ Other options +----------------------------------------------------
For other options that you can specify, see log2html. hlp2html accepts all the > log2html options.
Translate a list of help files into HTML
. hlp2html, fnames(spmlreg spwmatrix nearstat) linesize(120) css("./mystyles.css") replace
Translate a list of log (SMCL) files into HTML
. hlp2html, fnames(smclfile1 smclfile2 scmlfile3) log linesize(120) css("./mystyles.css") replace
P. Wilner Jeanty, Dept. of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University
Email to jeanty.1@osu.edu.
Also see
Online: log2html if installed