// Switch to Mata interpreter/compiler mata: // Drops class object if it already exists // mata drop input() // Definition of HTML Tag input Mata Class // Defines an input control// Information retrieved from http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_input.asp class input extends htmlglobal { // Define private member variables private: // Static/final variables static string scalar opens, opene, close // String scalar attributes string scalar htmlaccept, htmlalign, htmlalt, htmlautocomplete, htmlautofocus, htmlchecked, htmldisabled, htmlform, htmlformaction, htmlformenctype, htmlformmethod, htmlformnovalidate, htmlformtarget, htmlheight, htmllist, htmlmax, htmlmaxlength, htmlmin, htmlmultiple, htmlname, htmlpattern, htmlplaceholder, htmlreadonly, htmlrequired, htmlsize, htmlsrc, htmlstep, htmltype, htmlvalue, htmlwidth // Make class args non-static to prevent assignment of class args to all instances of class string scalar classargs // Define public members/methods public: // Class constructor method void new() // Setter methods class input scalar setClassArgs(), setAccept(), setAlign(), setAlt(), setAutocomplete(), setAutofocus(), setChecked(), setDisabled(), setForm(), setFormaction(), setFormenctype(), setFormmethod(), setFormnovalidate(), setFormtarget(), setHeight(), setList(), setMax(), setMaxlength(), setMin(), setMultiple(), setName(), setPattern(), setPlaceholder(), setReadonly(), setRequired(), setSize(), setSrc(), setStep(), setType(), setValue(), setWidth() // Getter methods string scalar getOpens(), getOpene(), getClose(), print(), getClassArgs(), getAccept(), getAlign(), getAlt(), getAutocomplete(), getAutofocus(), getChecked(), getDisabled(), getForm(), getFormaction(), getFormenctype(), getFormmethod(), getFormnovalidate(), getFormtarget(), getHeight(), getList(), getMax(), getMaxlength(), getMin(), getMultiple(), getName(), getPattern(), getPlaceholder(), getReadonly(), getRequired(), getSize(), getSrc(), getStep(), getType(), getValue(), getWidth() } // End of class declaration // Class constructor method declaration void input::new() { // Defines the start of the opening tag for the class this.opens = " element should have autocomplete enabled class input scalar input::setAutocomplete(| string scalar methodarg) { // Validate argument if (methodarg == "on" | methodarg == "off") { // Set the attribute value this.htmlautocomplete = `" autocomplete=""' + methodarg + `"""' } // End IF Block for validated argument value // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method autocomplete declaration for class input // Specifies that an element should automatically get focus when the page loads class input scalar input::setAutofocus(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute autofocus for this class this.htmlautofocus = `" autofocus=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method autofocus declaration for class input // Specifies that an element should be pre-selected when the page loads (for type="checkbox" or type="radio") class input scalar input::setChecked(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute checked for this class this.htmlchecked = `" checked=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method checked declaration for class input // Specifies that an element should be disabled class input scalar input::setDisabled(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute disabled for this class this.htmldisabled = `" disabled=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method disabled declaration for class input // Specifies one or more forms the element belongs to class input scalar input::setForm(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute form for this class this.htmlform = `" form=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method form declaration for class input // Specifies the URL of the file that will process the input control when the form is submitted (for type="submit" and type="image") class input scalar input::setFormaction(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute formaction for this class this.htmlformaction = `" formaction=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method formaction declaration for class input // Specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server (for type="submit" and type="image") class input scalar input::setFormenctype(| string scalar methodarg) { // Validate argument if (methodarg == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | methodarg == "multipart/form-data" | methodarg == "text/plain") { // Set the attribute value this.htmlformenctype = `" formenctype=""' + methodarg + `"""' } // End IF Block for validated argument value // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method formenctype declaration for class input // Defines the HTTP method for sending data to the action URL (for type="submit" and type="image") class input scalar input::setFormmethod(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute formmethod for this class this.htmlformmethod = `" formmethod=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method formmethod declaration for class input // Defines that form elements should not be validated when submitted class input scalar input::setFormnovalidate(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute formnovalidate for this class this.htmlformnovalidate = `" formnovalidate=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method formnovalidate declaration for class input // Specifies where to display the response that is received after submitting the form (for type="submit" and type="image") class input scalar input::setFormtarget(| string scalar methodarg) { // Validate argument if (methodarg == "_blank" | methodarg == "_self" | methodarg == "_parent" | methodarg == "_top" | methodarg == "framename") { // Set the attribute value this.htmlformtarget = `" formtarget=""' + methodarg + `"""' } // End IF Block for validated argument value // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method formtarget declaration for class input // Specifies the height of an element (only for type="image") class input scalar input::setHeight(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute height for this class this.htmlheight = `" height=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method height declaration for class input // Refers to a element that contains pre-defined options for an element class input scalar input::setList(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute list for this class this.htmllist = `" list=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method list declaration for class input // Specifies the maximum value for an element class input scalar input::setMax(| string scalar methodarg) { // Validate argument if (methodarg == "number" | methodarg == "date") { // Set the attribute value this.htmlmax = `" max=""' + methodarg + `"""' } // End IF Block for validated argument value // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method max declaration for class input // Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in an element class input scalar input::setMaxlength(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute maxlength for this class this.htmlmaxlength = `" maxlength=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method maxlength declaration for class input // Specifies a minimum value for an element class input scalar input::setMin(| string scalar methodarg) { // Validate argument if (methodarg == "number" | methodarg == "date") { // Set the attribute value this.htmlmin = `" min=""' + methodarg + `"""' } // End IF Block for validated argument value // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method min declaration for class input // Specifies that a user can enter more than one value in an element class input scalar input::setMultiple(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute multiple for this class this.htmlmultiple = `" multiple=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method multiple declaration for class input // Specifies the name of an element class input scalar input::setName(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute name for this class this.htmlname = `" name=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method name declaration for class input // Specifies a regular expression that an element's value is checked against class input scalar input::setPattern(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute pattern for this class this.htmlpattern = `" pattern=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method pattern declaration for class input // Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an element class input scalar input::setPlaceholder(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute placeholder for this class this.htmlplaceholder = `" placeholder=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method placeholder declaration for class input // Specifies that an input field is read-only class input scalar input::setReadonly(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute readonly for this class this.htmlreadonly = `" readonly=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method readonly declaration for class input // Specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form class input scalar input::setRequired(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute required for this class this.htmlrequired = `" required=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method required declaration for class input // Specifies the width, in characters, of an element class input scalar input::setSize(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute size for this class this.htmlsize = `" size=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method size declaration for class input // Specifies the URL of the image to use as a submit button (only for type="image") class input scalar input::setSrc(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute src for this class this.htmlsrc = `" src=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method src declaration for class input // Specifies the legal number intervals for an input field class input scalar input::setStep(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute step for this class this.htmlstep = `" step=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method step declaration for class input // Specifies the type element to display class input scalar input::setType(| string scalar methodarg) { // Validate argument if (methodarg == "button" | methodarg == "checkbox" | methodarg == "color" | methodarg == "date" | methodarg == "datetime" | methodarg == "datetime-local" | methodarg == "email" | methodarg == "file" | methodarg == "hidden" | methodarg == "image" | methodarg == "month" | methodarg == "number" | methodarg == "password" | methodarg == "radio" | methodarg == "range" | methodarg == "reset" | methodarg == "search" | methodarg == "submit" | methodarg == "tel" | methodarg == "text" | methodarg == "time" | methodarg == "url" | methodarg == "week") { // Set the attribute value this.htmltype = `" type=""' + methodarg + `"""' } // End IF Block for validated argument value // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method type declaration for class input // Specifies the value of an element   class input scalar input::setValue(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute value for this class this.htmlvalue = `" value=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method value declaration for class input // Specifies the width of an element (only for type="image") class input scalar input::setWidth(| string scalar methodarg) { // Set the attribute width for this class this.htmlwidth = `" width=""' + methodarg + `"""' // Return a copy of the object return(this) } // End of Method width declaration for class input // Getter method for opening bracket string scalar input::getOpens() { // Returns the opening bracket/tag w/o > character to allow attributes return(this.opens) } // End of getter method for opens member of class input // Getter method for opening bracket closing character string scalar input::getOpene() { // Returns the closing character for the opening bracket return(this.opene) } // End of getter method for opene member of class input // Getter method for closing bracket string scalar input::getClose() { // Returns the closing bracket/tag return(this.close) } // End of getter method for close member of class input // Getter method for class arguments string scalar input::getClassArgs() { // Returns the class arguments that appear between the HTML tags return(this.classargs) } // End of getter method for class arguments member of class input // Getter method for accept member variable string scalar input::getAccept() { // Returns the accept variable return(this.htmlaccept) } // End of getter method for accept member of class input // Getter method for align member variable string scalar input::getAlign() { // Returns the align variable return(this.htmlalign) } // End of getter method for align member of class input // Getter method for alt member variable string scalar input::getAlt() { // Returns the alt variable return(this.htmlalt) } // End of getter method for alt member of class input // Getter method for autocomplete member variable string scalar input::getAutocomplete() { // Returns the autocomplete variable return(this.htmlautocomplete) } // End of getter method for autocomplete member of class input // Getter method for autofocus member variable string scalar input::getAutofocus() { // Returns the autofocus variable return(this.htmlautofocus) } // End of getter method for autofocus member of class input // Getter method for checked member variable string scalar input::getChecked() { // Returns the checked variable return(this.htmlchecked) } // End of getter method for checked member of class input // Getter method for disabled member variable string scalar input::getDisabled() { // Returns the disabled variable return(this.htmldisabled) } // End of getter method for disabled member of class input // Getter method for form member variable string scalar input::getForm() { // Returns the form variable return(this.htmlform) } // End of getter method for form member of class input // Getter method for formaction member variable string scalar input::getFormaction() { // Returns the formaction variable return(this.htmlformaction) } // End of getter method for formaction member of class input // Getter method for formenctype member variable string scalar input::getFormenctype() { // Returns the formenctype variable return(this.htmlformenctype) } // End of getter method for formenctype member of class input // Getter method for formmethod member variable string scalar input::getFormmethod() { // Returns the formmethod variable return(this.htmlformmethod) } // End of getter method for formmethod member of class input // Getter method for formnovalidate member variable string scalar input::getFormnovalidate() { // Returns the formnovalidate variable return(this.htmlformnovalidate) } // End of getter method for formnovalidate member of class input // Getter method for formtarget member variable string scalar input::getFormtarget() { // Returns the formtarget variable return(this.htmlformtarget) } // End of getter method for formtarget member of class input // Getter method for height member variable string scalar input::getHeight() { // Returns the height variable return(this.htmlheight) } // End of getter method for height member of class input // Getter method for list member variable string scalar input::getList() { // Returns the list variable return(this.htmllist) } // End of getter method for list member of class input // Getter method for max member variable string scalar input::getMax() { // Returns the max variable return(this.htmlmax) } // End of getter method for max member of class input // Getter method for maxlength member variable string scalar input::getMaxlength() { // Returns the maxlength variable return(this.htmlmaxlength) } // End of getter method for maxlength member of class input // Getter method for min member variable string scalar input::getMin() { // Returns the min variable return(this.htmlmin) } // End of getter method for min member of class input // Getter method for multiple member variable string scalar input::getMultiple() { // Returns the multiple variable return(this.htmlmultiple) } // End of getter method for multiple member of class input // Getter method for name member variable string scalar input::getName() { // Returns the name variable return(this.htmlname) } // End of getter method for name member of class input // Getter method for pattern member variable string scalar input::getPattern() { // Returns the pattern variable return(this.htmlpattern) } // End of getter method for pattern member of class input // Getter method for placeholder member variable string scalar input::getPlaceholder() { // Returns the placeholder variable return(this.htmlplaceholder) } // End of getter method for placeholder member of class input // Getter method for readonly member variable string scalar input::getReadonly() { // Returns the readonly variable return(this.htmlreadonly) } // End of getter method for readonly member of class input // Getter method for required member variable string scalar input::getRequired() { // Returns the required variable return(this.htmlrequired) } // End of getter method for required member of class input // Getter method for size member variable string scalar input::getSize() { // Returns the size variable return(this.htmlsize) } // End of getter method for size member of class input // Getter method for src member variable string scalar input::getSrc() { // Returns the src variable return(this.htmlsrc) } // End of getter method for src member of class input // Getter method for step member variable string scalar input::getStep() { // Returns the step variable return(this.htmlstep) } // End of getter method for step member of class input // Getter method for type member variable string scalar input::getType() { // Returns the type variable return(this.htmltype) } // End of getter method for type member of class input // Getter method for value member variable string scalar input::getValue() { // Returns the value variable return(this.htmlvalue) } // End of getter method for value member of class input // Getter method for width member variable string scalar input::getWidth() { // Returns the width variable return(this.htmlwidth) } // End of getter method for width member of class input // Get the HTML tag w/attributes and arguments string scalar input::print() { // Create local variables to piece together return string string scalar open, args, close // Create opening string open = getOpens() + getAccept() + getAlign() + getAlt() + getAutocomplete() + getAutofocus() + getChecked() + getDisabled() + getForm() + getFormaction() + getFormenctype() + getFormmethod() + getFormnovalidate() + getFormtarget() + getHeight() + getList() + getMax() + getMaxlength() + getMin() + getMultiple() + getName() + getPattern() + getPlaceholder() + getReadonly() + getRequired() + getSize() + getSrc() + getStep() + getType() + getValue() + getWidth() + globalAttrs() + getOpene() // Get class arguments args = getClassArgs() // Get closing tag close = getClose() // Return the complete HTML string return(char((10)) + subinstr(open, " >", ">") + args + close + char((10))) } // End of print method for class input // End of Mata session end