#delim ;
prog def htmltit;
version 14.0;
Input a string file path name variable
assumed to contain HTML file names,
and generate a string variable
containing the likely HTML document titles.
*!Author: Roger Newson
*!Date: 01 April 2017
syntax varname(string) [if] [in], Generate(name);
generate() specifies the output variable name.
Evaluate start and end tags and their lengths
local tag1 "
local tag2 "";
tempname lentag1 lentag2;
scal `lentag1'=ustrlen("`tag1'");
scal `lentag2'=ustrlen("`tag2'");
Mark sample
marksample touse, strok;
local Nobs=_N;
Create temporary version of generated variable
tempvar tempgen;
tempname titcur;
qui gene strL `tempgen'="";
forv i1=1(1)`Nobs' {;
if `touse'[`i1'] {;
local Fcur=`varlist'[`i1'];
cap conf file `"`Fcur'"';
if !_rc {;
qui {;
tempvar line candtitle;
import delimited `line' using `"`Fcur'"', clear delim(tab) stringcols(1) varnames(nonames);
replace `line'=ustrtrim(`line');
gene byte `candtitle' = ustrpos(`line',"`tag1'")==1 & ustrpos(`line',"`tag2'")==ustrlen(`line')-`lentag2'+1;
keep if `candtitle';
keep if _n==1;
replace `line'=usubstr(`line',`lentag1'+1,ustrlen(`line')-`lentag1'-`lentag2');
scal `titcur'=`line'[1];
replace `tempgen'=`titcur' in `i1';
tempname FNscal TITscal HTMb1;
qui gene strL `tempgen'="";
forv i1=1(1)`Nobs' {;
if `touse'[`i1'] {;
scal `FNscal'=`varlist'[`i1'];
* Check that we have a readable file *;
mata: st_local("isFN",strofreal(fileexists(st_strscalar("`FNscal'"))));
if `isFN' {;
* Search file for candidate title line *;
local found=0;
file open `HTMb1' using `"`=`FNscal''"', read text;
cap noi {;
file read `HTMb1' curlin;
while !r(eof) & !`found' {;
mata: st_strscalar("`TITscal'", st_local("curlin"));
scal `TITscal'=ustrtrim(`TITscal');
local found = ustrpos(`TITscal',"`tag1'")==1 & ustrpos(`TITscal',"`tag2'")==ustrlen(`TITscal')-`lentag2'+1;
if `found' {;
scal `TITscal'=usubstr(`TITscal',`lentag1'+1,ustrlen(`TITscal')-`lentag1'-`lentag2');
file read `HTMb1' curlin;
if `found' {;
qui replace `tempgen'=`TITscal' in `i1';
file close `HTMb1';
qui compress `tempgen';
lab var `tempgen' "HTML document title";
* Create permanent generated variable *;
rename `tempgen' `generate';