1.0.HCount.1.90usd - Poverty Headcount ($1.90 a day) 1.0.HCount.2.5usd - Poverty Headcount ($2.50 a day) 1.0.HCount.Mid10to50 - Middle Class ($10-50 a day) Headcount 1.0.HCount.Ofcl - Official Moderate Poverty Rate-National 1.0.HCount.Poor4uds - Poverty Headcount ($4 a day) 1.0.HCount.Vul4to10 - Vulnerable ($4-10 a day) Headcount 1.0.PGap.1.90usd - Poverty Gap ($1.90 a day) 1.0.PGap.2.5usd - Poverty Gap ($2.50 a day) 1.0.PGap.Poor4uds - Poverty Gap ($4 a day) 1.0.PSev.1.90usd - Poverty Severity ($1.90 a day) 1.0.PSev.2.5usd - Poverty Severity ($2.50 a day) 1.0.PSev.Poor4uds - Poverty Severity ($4 a day) 1.1.HCount.1.90usd - Poverty Headcount ($1.90 a day)-Rural 1.1.HCount.2.5usd - Poverty Headcount ($2.50 a day)-Rural 1.1.HCount.Mid10to50 - Middle Class ($10-50 a day) Headcount-Rural 1.1.HCount.Ofcl - Official Moderate Poverty Rate- Rural 1.1.HCount.Poor4uds - Poverty Headcount ($4 a day)-Rural 1.1.HCount.Vul4to10 - Vulnerable ($4-10 a day) Headcount-Rural 1.1.PGap.1.90usd - Poverty Gap ($1.90 a day)-Rural 1.1.PGap.2.5usd - Poverty Gap ($2.50 a day)-Rural 1.1.PGap.Poor4uds - Poverty Gap ($4 a day)-Rural 1.1.PSev.1.90usd - Poverty Severity ($1.90 a day)-Rural 1.1.PSev.2.5usd - Poverty Severity ($2.50 a day)-Rural 1.1.PSev.Poor4uds - Poverty Severity ($4 a day)-Rural 1.1_ACCESS.ELECTRICITY.TOT - Access to electricity (% of total population) 1.1_TOTAL.FINAL.ENERGY.CONSUM - Total final energy consumption (TFEC) 1.1_YOUTH.LITERACY.RATE - Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24) 1.2.HCount.1.90usd - Poverty Headcount ($1.90 a day)-Urban 1.2.HCount.2.5usd - Poverty Headcount ($2.50 a day)-Urban 1.2.HCount.Mid10to50 - Middle Class ($10-50 a day) Headcount-Urban 1.2.HCount.Ofcl - Official Moderate Poverty Rate-Urban 1.2.HCount.Poor4uds - Poverty Headcount ($4 a day)-Urban 1.2.HCount.Vul4to10 - Vulnerable ($4-10 a day) Headcount-Urban 1.2.PGap.1.90usd - Poverty Gap ($1.90 a day)-Urban 1.2.PGap.2.5usd - Poverty Gap ($2.50 a day)-Urban 1.2.PGap.Poor4uds - Poverty Gap ($4 a day)-Urban 1.2.PSev.1.90usd - Poverty Severity ($1.90 a day)-Urban 1.2.PSev.2.5usd - Poverty Severity ($2.50 a day)-Urban 1.2.PSev.Poor4uds - Poverty Severity ($4 a day)-Urban 1.2_ACCESS.ELECTRICITY.RURAL - Access to electricity (% of rural population) 1.3_ACCESS.ELECTRICITY.URBAN - Access to electricity (% of urban population) 1000000 - 1000000:GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT 1101000 - 1101000:FOOD AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 1101100 - 1101100:FOOD 1101110 - 1101110:Bread and cereals 1101120 - 1101120:Meat 1101130 - 1101130:Fish and seafood 1101140 - 1101140:Milk, cheese and eggs 1101150 - 1101150:Oils and fats 1101160 - 1101160:Fruit 1101170 - 1101170:Vegetables 1101180 - 1101180:Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery 1101190 - 1101190:Food products n.e.c. (Class) 1101200 - 1101200:NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 1102000 - 1102000:ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, TOBACCO AND NARCOTICS 1102100 - 1102100:ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 1102200 - 1102200:TOBACCO 1103000 - 1103000:CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR 1105000 - 1105000:FURNISHINGS, HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT AND ROUTINE HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE 1107000 - 1107000:TRANSPORT 1107100 - 1107100:PURCHASE OF VEHICLES 1107300 - 1107300:TRANSPORT SERVICES 1108000 - 1108000:COMMUNICATION 1111000 - 1111000:RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS 1113000 - 1113000:NET PURCHASES ABROAD 1300000 - 1300000:INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY GOVERNMENT 1400000 - 1400000:COLLECTIVE CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY GOVERNMENT 1500000 - 1500000:GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION 1501000 - 1501000:GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION 1501100 - 1501100:MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 1501200 - 1501200:CONSTRUCTION 1501300 - 1501300:OTHER PRODUCTS 1502000 - 1502000:CHANGES IN INVENTORIES 1503000 - 1503000:ACQUISITIONS LESS DISPOSALS OF VALUABLES (Category) 1600000 - 1600000:BALANCE OF EXPORTS AND IMPORTS 2.0.cov.Cel - Coverage: Mobile Phone 2.0.cov.Ele - Coverage: Electricity 2.0.cov.FPS - Coverage: Finished Primary School 2.0.cov.Int - Coverage: Internet 2.0.cov.Math.pl_2.all - Coverage: Mathematics Proficiency Level 2 2.0.cov.Math.pl_2.prv - Coverage: Mathematics Proficiency Level 2, Private schools 2.0.cov.Math.pl_2.pub - Coverage: Mathematics Proficiency Level 2, Public schools 2.0.cov.Math.pl_3.all - Coverage: Mathematics Proficiency Level 3 2.0.cov.Math.pl_3.prv - Coverage: Mathematics Proficiency Level 3, Private schools 2.0.cov.Math.pl_3.pub - Coverage: Mathematics Proficiency Level 3, Public schools 2.0.cov.Read.pl_2.all - Coverage: Reading Proficiency Level 2 2.0.cov.Read.pl_2.prv - Coverage: Reading Proficiency Level 2, Private schools 2.0.cov.Read.pl_2.pub - Coverage: Reading Proficiency Level 2, Public schools 2.0.cov.Read.pl_3.all - Coverage: Reading Proficiency Level 3 2.0.cov.Read.pl_3.prv - Coverage: Reading Proficiency Level 3, Private schools 2.0.cov.Read.pl_3.pub - Coverage: Reading Proficiency Level 3, Public schools 2.0.cov.San - Coverage: Sanitation 2.0.cov.Sch - Coverage: School Enrollment 2.0.cov.Scie.pl_2.all - Coverage: Science Proficiency Level 2 2.0.cov.Scie.pl_2.prv - Coverage: Science Proficiency Level 2, Private schools 2.0.cov.Scie.pl_2.pub - Coverage: Science Proficiency Level 2, Public schools 2.0.cov.Scie.pl_3.all - Coverage: Science Proficiency Level 3 2.0.cov.Scie.pl_3.prv - Coverage: Science Proficiency Level 3, Private schools 2.0.cov.Scie.pl_3.pub - Coverage: Science Proficiency Level 3, Public schools 2.0.cov.Wat - Coverage: Water 2.0.hoi.Cel - HOI: Mobile Phone 2.0.hoi.Ele - HOI: Electricity 2.0.hoi.FPS - HOI: Finished Primary School 2.0.hoi.Int - HOI: Internet 2.0.hoi.Math.pl_2.all - HOI: Mathematics Proficiency Level 2 2.0.hoi.Math.pl_2.prv - HOI: Mathematics Proficiency Level 2, Private schools 2.0.hoi.Math.pl_2.pub - HOI: Mathematics Proficiency Level 2, Public schools 2.0.hoi.Math.pl_3.all - HOI: Mathematics Proficiency Level 3 2.0.hoi.Math.pl_3.prv - HOI: Mathematics Proficiency Level 3, Private schools 2.0.hoi.Math.pl_3.pub - HOI: Mathematics Proficiency Level 3, Public schools 2.0.hoi.Read.pl_2.all - HOI: Reading Proficiency Level 2 2.0.hoi.Read.pl_2.prv - HOI: Reading Proficiency Level 2, Private schools 2.0.hoi.Read.pl_2.pub - HOI: Reading Proficiency Level 2, Public schools 2.0.hoi.Read.pl_3.all - HOI: Reading Proficiency Level 3 2.0.hoi.Read.pl_3.prv - HOI: Reading Proficiency Level 3, Private schools 2.0.hoi.Read.pl_3.pub - HOI: Reading Proficiency Level 3, Public schools 2.0.hoi.San - HOI: Sanitation 2.0.hoi.Sch - HOI: School Enrollment 2.0.hoi.Scie.pl_2.all - HOI: Science Proficiency Level 2 2.0.hoi.Scie.pl_2.prv - HOI: Science Proficiency Level 2, Private schools 2.0.hoi.Scie.pl_2.pub - HOI: Science Proficiency Level 2, Public schools 2.0.hoi.Scie.pl_3.all - HOI: Science Proficiency Level 3 2.0.hoi.Scie.pl_3.prv - HOI: Science Proficiency Level 3, Private schools 2.0.hoi.Scie.pl_3.pub - HOI: Science Proficiency Level 3, Public schools 2.0.hoi.Wat - HOI: Water - National accounts base year - Consumer price index base year - Balance of payments manual in use 2.1_ACCESS.CFT.TOT - Access to Clean Fuels and Technologies for cooking (% of total population) 2.1_PRE.PRIMARY.GER - School enrolment, preprimary, national source (% gross) 2.1_SHARE.TOTAL.RE.IN.TFEC - Renewable energy consumption(% in TFEC) 2.2_GIR - Gross intake ratio in grade 1, total, national source (% of relevant age group) 2.3_GIR.GPI - Gender parity index for gross intake ratio in grade 1 2.4_OOSC.RATE - Rate of out of school children, national source (% of relevant age group) 2.5_PCR - Primary completion rate, total, national source (% of relevant age group) 2.6_PCR.GPI - Gender parity index for primary completion rate 2.7_PRI.SEC.TRANSITION.RATE - Progression to secondary school, national source (%) 2.8_LOW.SEC.COMPLETION.RATE - Lower secondary completion rate, total, national source (% of relevant age group) 3.0.Atkin.0.5 - Atkinson, A(.5) 3.0.Atkin.1 - Atkinson, A(1) 3.0.Atkin.2 - Atkinson, A(2) 3.0.GenEnt-1 - Generalized Entrophy, GE(-1) 3.0.GenEnt2 - Generalized Entrophy, GE(2) 3.0.Gini - Gini Coefficient 3.0.Gini_nozero - Gini Coefficient (No Zero Income) 3.0.IncShr.q1 - Income Share of First Quintile 3.0.IncShr.q2 - Income Share of Second Quintile 3.0.IncShr.q3 - Income Share of Third Quintile 3.0.IncShr.q4 - Income Share of Fourth Quintile 3.0.IncShr.q5 - Income Share of Fifth Quintile 3.0.MLongDev0 - Mean Log Deviation, GE(0) 3.0.Rate75-25 - Rate 75/25 3.0.Rate90-10 - Rate 90/10 3.0.TheilInd1 - Theil Index, GE(1) - Agricultural census - Government finance accounting 3.1.Gini - Gini, Rural 3.1.MLongDev0 - Mean Log Deviation, GE(0), Rural 3.1.TheilInd1 - Theil Index, GE(1), Rural - Population census - Vital registration system coverage 3.11_LOW.SEC.CLASSROOMS - Lower secondary education, classrooms, national source 3.12_LOW.SEC.NEW.CLASSROOMS - Lower secondary education, new classrooms, national source 3.13_PRI.MATH.BOOK.PER.PUPIL - Ratio of textbooks per pupil, primary education, mathematics 3.14_PRI.LANGU.BOOK.PER.PUPIL - Ratio of textbooks per pupil, primary education, language 3.15_LEARN.TIME.TEACHER.STUDY - Last study on effective learning time and teacher attendance (year) 3.1_LOW.SEC.NEW.TEACHERS - Lower secondary education, new teachers, national source 3.1_PRI.NEW.ENTRANTS - Primary education, new entrants, national source 3.1_RE.CONSUMPTION - Renewable energy consumption (TJ) 3.2.Gini - Gini, Urban 3.2.MLongDev0 - Mean Log Deviation, GE(0),Urban 3.2.TheilInd1 - Theil Index, GE(1),Urban 3.2_PRI.STUDENTS - Primary education, pupils, national source 3.3_PRI.TEACHERS - Primary education, teachers, national source 3.4_PRI.NEW.TEACHERS - Primary education, new teachers, national source 3.5_PRI.CLASSROOMS - Primary education, classrooms, national source 3.6_PRI.NEW.CLASSROOMS - Primary education, new classrooms, national source 3.7_LOW.SEC.NEW.ENTRANTS - Lower Secondary education, new entrants, national source 3.8_LOW.SEC.STUDENTS - Lower secondary education, pupils, national source 3.9_LOW.SEC.TEACHERS - Lower secondary education, teachers, national source 4.0.nini.15a18 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (15-18) 4.0.nini.15a24 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (15-24) 4.0.nini.19a24 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (19-24) 4.0.stud.15a18 - Youth: In School (15-18) 4.0.stud.15a24 - Youth: In School (15-24) 4.0.stud.19a24 - Youth: In School (19-24) 4.0.studwork.15a18 - Youth: In School and Employed (15-18) 4.0.studwork.15a24 - Youth: In School and Employed (15-24) 4.0.studwork.19a24 - Youth: In School and Employed (19-24) 4.0.work.15a18 - Youth: Employed (15-18) 4.0.work.15a24 - Youth: Employed (15-24) 4.0.work.19a24 - Youth: Employed (19-24) 4.1.1_TOTAL.ELECTRICITY.OUTPUT - Total electricity output (GWh) 4.1.2_REN.ELECTRICITY.OUTPUT - Renewable energy electricity output (GWh) 4.1.nini.15a18 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (15-18), Male 4.1.nini.15a24 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (15-24), Male 4.1.nini.19a24 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (19-24), Male 4.1.stud.15a18 - Youth: In School (15-18), Male 4.1.stud.15a24 - Youth: In School (15-24), Male 4.1.stud.19a24 - Youth: In School (19-24), Male 4.1.studwork.15a18 - Youth: In School and Employed (15-18), Male 4.1.studwork.15a24 - Youth: In School and Employed (15-24), Male 4.1.studwork.19a24 - Youth: In School and Employed (19-24), Male 4.1.work.15a18 - Youth: Employed (15-18), Male 4.1.work.15a24 - Youth: Employed (15-24), Male 4.1.work.19a24 - Youth: Employed (19-24), Male 4.1_SHARE.RE.IN.ELECTRICITY - Renewable electricity (% in total electricity output) 4.1_TOTAL.EDU.SPENDING - Public spending on total education (% of total public spending) 4.2.nini.15a18 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (15-18), Female 4.2.nini.15a24 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (15-24), Female 4.2.nini.19a24 - Youth: Neither in School Nor Working (19-24), Female 4.2.stud.15a18 - Youth: In School (15-18), Female 4.2.stud.15a24 - Youth: In School (15-24), Female 4.2.stud.19a24 - Youth: In School (19-24), Female 4.2.studwork.15a18 - Youth: In School and Employed (15-18), Female 4.2.studwork.15a24 - Youth: In School and Employed (15-24), Female 4.2.studwork.19a24 - Youth: In School and Employed (19-24), Female 4.2.work.15a18 - Youth: Employed (15-18), Female 4.2.work.15a24 - Youth: Employed (15-24), Female 4.2.work.19a24 - Youth: Employed (19-24), Female 4.2_BASIC.EDU.SPENDING - Public spending on basic education (% of public spending on total education) 4.3_TOTAL.EDU.RECURRENT - Public recurrent spending on total education (% of total public recurrent spending) 4.4_BASIC.EDU.RECURRENT - Public recurrent spending on basic education (% of public recurrent spending on total education) 5.0.AMeanIncGr.All - Annualized Mean Income Growth (2004-2014) 5.0.AMeanIncGr.B40 - Annualized Mean Income Growth Bottom 40 Percent (2004-2014) - Industrial production index - External debt reporting status - Import and export price indexes 5.1.10_AFG.TOTA.AID.SIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.10_ETH.TOTA.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan Government to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.10_KHM.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.10_LAO.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Laos (USD million) 5.1.10_MDG.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid to total education executed by the European Commission in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.10_MOZ.TOTA.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.10_MWI.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.10_NER.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Niger (USD million) 5.1.10_TJK.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.11_AFG.TOTA.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.11_ETH.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.11_KHM.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.11_LAO.TOTA.AID.INGOS - International aid disbursed to total education, International NGOs to Laos (USD million) 5.1.11_MOZ.TOTA.AID.NLD - International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.11_MWI.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.12_AFG.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.12_ETH.TOTA.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.12_MOZ.TOTA.AID.PRT - International aid disbursed to total education, Portugal to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.13_AFG.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.13_ETH.TOTA.AID.NLD - International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.13_MOZ.TOTA.AID.ESP - International aid disbursed to total education, Spain to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.14_ETH.TOTA.AID.SIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.14_MOZ.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.15_ETH.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.15_MOZ.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.16_ETH.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.16_MOZ.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.17_ETH.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.18_ETH.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.1_AFG.TOTA.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.1_ALB.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Albania (USD million) 5.1.1_BFA.TOTA.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.1_CAF.TOT.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Central African Republic (USD million) 5.1.1_CIV.TOTA.AID.AFDB - International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.1_CMR.TOTA.AID.BAD - International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Cameroun (USD million) 5.1.1_DJI.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (IDA) to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.1_ETH.TOTA.AID.ADB - International aid disbursed to total education, ADB to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.1_GEO.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Georgia (USD million) 5.1.1_GHA.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.1_GIN.TOTA.AID.ADPP.AFD - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Guinea (USD million) 5.1.1_GNB.TOTA.AID.ADPP.EU - International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (European Union) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.1_KGZ.TOTA.AID.ADPP.EU - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.1.1_KHM.TOTA.AID.BAD - International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.1_LAO.TOTA.AID.ADB - International aid disbursed to total education, ADB to Laos (USD million) 5.1.1_LBR.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Liberia (USD million) 5.1.1_MDA.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Moldova (USD million) 5.1.1_MDG.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid to total education executed by World Bank (including GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.1_MOZ.TOTA.AID.CAN - International aid disbursed to total education, Canada to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.1_MRT.TOTA.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Mauritania (USD million) 5.1.1_MWI.TOTA.AID.AFDB - International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.1_NER.TOTA.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Niger (USD million) 5.1.1_RWA.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Rwanda (USD million) 5.1.1_SEN.TOTA.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Senegal (USD million) 5.1.1_SLE.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.1_VNM.TOTA.AID.BEL - International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.1_ZMB.TOTA.AID.DNK - International aid disbursed to total education, Denmark to Zambia (USD million) 5.1.2_AFG.TOTA.AID.DANIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, DANIDA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.2_ALB.TOTA.AID.BEI - International aid disbursed to total education, BEI to Albania (USD million) 5.1.2_BFA.TOTA.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.2_CIV.TOTA.AID.BADEA - International aid disbursed to total education, BADEA to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.2_CMR.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Cameroun (USD million) 5.1.2_DJI.TOTA.AID.FSD - International aid disbursed to total education, FSD to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.2_ETH.TOTA.AID.BEL - International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium (VLIR USO) to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.2_GEO.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Georgia (USD million) 5.1.2_GHA.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.2_GIN.TOTA.AID.ADPP.AFDB - International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Guinea (USD million) 5.1.2_GNB.TOTA.AID.ADPP.HUM - International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (Humana People to People) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.2_KGZ.TOTA.AID.ADPP.GIZ - International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.1.2_KHM.TOTA.AID.BEL - International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.2_LAO.TOTA.AID.AUS - International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID to Laos (USD million) 5.1.2_LBR.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Liberia (USD million) 5.1.2_MDA.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Moldova (USD million) 5.1.2_MDG.TOTA.AID.ILO - International aid to total education executed by ILO in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.2_MOZ.TOTA.AID.DANIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, DANIDA to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.2_MRT.TOTA.AID.ISDB - International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Mauritania (USD million) 5.1.2_MWI.TOTA.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.2_NER.TOTA.AID.BEL - International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Niger (USD million) 5.1.2_RWA.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Rwanda (USD million) 5.1.2_SEN.TOTA.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Senegal (USD million) 5.1.2_SLE.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.2_TJK.TOTA.AID.AGAK - International aid disbursed to total education, Aga Khan to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.2_VNM.TOTA.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.2_ZMB.TOTA.AID.IRL - International aid disbursed to total education, Ireland to Zambia (USD million) 5.1.3_AFG.TOTA.AID.FRA - International aid disbursed to total education, France to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.3_ALB.TOTA.AID.CEIB - International aid disbursed to total education, CEIB to Albania (USD million) 5.1.3_BFA.TOTA.AID.CHE - International aid disbursed to total education, Switzerland to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.3_CIV.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.3_CMR.TOTA.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Cameroun (USD million) 5.1.3_DJI.TOTA.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.3_ETH.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.3_GEO.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Georgia (USD million) 5.1.3_GHA.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.3_GIN.TOTA.AID.ADPP.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Guinea (USD million) 5.1.3_GNB.TOTA.AID.ADPP.OTH - International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (other donors) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.3_KGZ.TOTA.AID.ADPP.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.1.3_KHM.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.3_LAO.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Laos (USD million) 5.1.3_LBR.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Liberia (USD million) 5.1.3_MDG.TOTA.AID.FR - International aid to total education executed by AFD and French Embassy in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.3_MOZ.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.3_MRT.TOTA.AID.SP - International aid disbursed to total education, Spanish Cooperation to Mauritania (USD million) 5.1.3_MWI.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.3_NER.TOTA.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to total education, French Embassy to Niger (USD million) 5.1.3_RWA.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Rwanda (USD million) 5.1.3_SEN.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Senegal (USD million) 5.1.3_SLE.TOTA.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.3_TJK.TOTA.AID.OPENS - International aid disbursed to total education, Open Society Foundations to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.3_VNM.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.3_ZMB.TOTA.AID.ILO - International aid disbursed to total education, ILO to Zambia (USD million) 5.1.4_AFG.TOTA.AID.DEU - International aid disbursed to total education, Germany to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.4_BFA.TOTA.AID.DNK - International aid disbursed to total education, Denmark to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.4_CIV.TOTA.AID.ISDB - International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.4_CMR.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Cameroun (USD million) 5.1.4_DJI.TOTA.AID.AFDB - International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.4_ETH.TOTA.AID.DVV - International aid disbursed to total education, DVV international to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.4_GEO.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Georgia (USD million) 5.1.4_GHA.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.4_GIN.TOTA.AID.ADPP.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Guinea (USD million) 5.1.4_GNB.TOTA.AID.EU - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.4_KGZ.TOTA.AID.ADPP.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.1.4_KHM.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.4_LAO.TOTA.AID.DEU - International aid disbursed to total education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Laos (USD million) 5.1.4_MDG.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid to total education executed by JICA in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.4_MOZ.TOTA.AID.FIN - International aid disbursed to total education, Finland to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.4_MRT.TOTA.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Mauritania (USD million) 5.1.4_MWI.TOTA.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.4_NER.TOTA.AID.JAPAN - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Niger (USD million) 5.1.4_RWA.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Rwanda (USD million) 5.1.4_SEN.TOTA.AID.IT - International aid disbursed to total education, Italy to Senegal (USD million) 5.1.4_SLE.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.4_TJK.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.4_VNM.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.4_ZMB.TOTA.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Zambia (USD million) 5.1.5_AFG.TOTA.AID.IND - International aid disbursed to total education, India to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.5_BFA.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.5_CIV.TOTA.AID.FSD - International aid disbursed to total education, FSD to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.5_CMR.TOTA.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Cameroun (USD million) 5.1.5_DJI.TOTA.AID.ISDB - International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.5_ETH.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.5_GHA.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.5_GIN.TOTA.AID.ADPP.GIZ - International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Guinea (USD million) 5.1.5_GNB.TOTA.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.5_KHM.TOTA.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.5_LAO.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Laos (USD million) 5.1.5_MDG.TOTA.AID.NOR - International aid to total education executed by Norway in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.5_MOZ.TOTA.AID.FLAND - International aid disbursed to total education, Flanders to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.5_MRT.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Mauritania (USD million) 5.1.5_MWI.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.5_NER.TOTA.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Niger (USD million) 5.1.5_RWA.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Rwanda (USD million) 5.1.5_SEN.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Senegal (USD million) 5.1.5_SLE.TOTA.AID.SIDA - International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.5_TJK.TOTA.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.5_VNM.TOTA.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.5_ZMB.TOTA.AID.ZMB - International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Zambia (USD million) 5.1.6_AFG.TOTA.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan's MoFA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.6_BFA.TOTA.AID.NLD - International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.6_CIV.TOTA.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.6_CMR.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Cameroun (USD million) 5.1.6_DJI.TOTA.AID.IMOA - International aid disbursed to total education, IMOA to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.6_ETH.TOTA.AID.FIN - International aid disbursed to total education, Finland to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.6_GHA.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.6_GIN.TOTA.AID.ADPP.KFW - International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Guinea (USD million) 5.1.6_GNB.TOTA.AID.PORT - International aid disbursed to total education, Portuguese Cooperation to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.6_KHM.TOTA.AID.SWE - International aid disbursed to total education, Sweden to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.6_LAO.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Laos (USD million) 5.1.6_MDG.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid to total education executed by WFP in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.6_MOZ.TOTA.AID.DEU - International aid disbursed to total education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.6_MWI.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.6_NER.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Niger (USD million) 5.1.6_SEN.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Senegal (USD million) 5.1.6_SLE.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.6_TJK.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education (CF and EPDF) to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.6_VNM.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.6_ZMB.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Zambia (USD million) 5.1.7_AFG.TOTA.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.7_BFA.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.7_CIV.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.7_ETH.TOTA.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ/BMZ to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.7_GHA.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Djibouti (USD million) 5.1.7_GIN.TOTA.AID.ADPP.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Guinea (USD million) 5.1.7_GNB.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF (excluding Japan funds) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.7_KHM.TOTA.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.7_LAO.TOTA.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Laos (USD million) 5.1.7_MDG.TOTA.AID.UNESCO - International aid to total education executed by UNESCO in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.7_MOZ.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, GPE to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.7_MWI.TOTA.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.7_NER.TOTA.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Niger (USD million) 5.1.7_SLE.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (including the Global Partnership for Education) to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.7_TJK.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.7_VNM.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.7_ZMB.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Zambia (USD million) 5.1.8_AFG.TOTA.AID.NLD - International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.8_BFA.TOTA.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.1.8_CIV.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.1.8_ETH.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, GPE Catalytic Fund to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.8_GNB.TOTA.AID.JAP - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan (via UNICEF) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.1.8_KHM.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.8_LAO.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Laos (USD million) 5.1.8_MDG.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid to total education executed by UNICEF (excluding GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.8_MOZ.TOTA.AID.IRL - International aid disbursed to total education, Ireland to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.8_MWI.TOTA.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.8_NER.TOTA.AID.CHE - International aid disbursed to total education, Switzerland to Niger (USD million) 5.1.8_SLE.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education from WFP to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.1.8_TJK.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.8_VNM.TOTA.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Vietnam (USD million) 5.1.9_AFG.TOTA.AID.NZL - International aid disbursed to total education, New Zealand to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.1.9_ETH.TOTA.AID.ITA - International aid disbursed to total education, Italian Cooperation to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.1.9_KHM.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Cambodia (USD million) 5.1.9_LAO.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Laos (USD million) 5.1.9_MDG.TOTA.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education from the Global Partnership for Education (via UNICEF and WB) to Madagascar (USD million) 5.1.9_MOZ.TOTA.AID.ITA - International aid disbursed to total education, Italy to Mozambique (USD million) 5.1.9_MWI.TOTA.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Malawi (USD million) 5.1.9_NER.TOTA.AID.LUX - International aid disbursed to total education, Luxembourg to Niger (USD million) 5.1.9_TJK.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.1.AMeanIncGr.All - Annualized Mean Income Growth (2004-2009) 5.1.AMeanIncGr.B40 - Annualized Mean Income Growth Bottom 40 Percent (2004-2009) - UNESCO reporting - Health survey - National immunization coverage - Poverty survey 5.1_TOTAL.EDU.AID - International aid for total education, disbursed (up to present year) and scheduled (next years), aggregation of reporting donors (USD million) 5.2.10_AFG.BAS.AID.SIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.10_ETH.BAS.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan Government to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.10_KHM.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.10_LAO.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Laos (USD million) 5.2.10_MDG.BAS.AID.EC - International aid to basic education executed by the European Commission in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.10_MWI.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.10_NER.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Niger (USD million) 5.2.10_TLS.TOT.AID.PRIV - International aid disbursed to total education, private donors to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.11_AFG.BAS.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.11_ETH.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.11_KHM.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.11_LAO.BAS.AID.INGOS - International aid disbursed to basic education, International NGOs to Laos (USD million) 5.2.11_MWI.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.11_TLS.TOT.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.12_AFG.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.12_ETH.BAS.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.12_TLS.TOT.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.13_AFG.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.13_ETH.BAS.AID.NLD - International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.14_ETH.BAS.AID.SIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.15_ETH.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.16_ETH.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.17_ETH.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.18_ETH.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.1_AFG.BAS.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.1_ALB.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Albania (USD million) 5.2.1_BFA.BAS.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.1_CAF.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Central African Republic (USD million) 5.2.1_CIV.BAS.AID.AFDB - International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.1_CMR.BAS.AID.BAD - International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Cameroun (USD million) 5.2.1_DJI.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank (IDA) to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.1_ETH.BAS.AID.ADB - International aid disbursed to basic education, ADB to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.1_GEO.BAS.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Georgia (USD million) 5.2.1_GHA.BAS.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.1_GIN.BAS.AID.ADPP.AFD - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Guinea (USD million) 5.2.1_GNB.BAS.AID.ADPP.EU - International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (European Union) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.1_KGZ.BAS.AID.ADPP.EU - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.2.1_KHM.BAS.AID.BAD - International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.1_LAO.BAS.AID.ADB - International aid disbursed to basic education, ADB to Laos (USD million) 5.2.1_LBR.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Liberia (USD million) 5.2.1_MDA.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Moldova (USD million) 5.2.1_MDG.BAS.AID.WB - International aid to basic education executed by World Bank (GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.1_MRT.TOTA.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Mauritania (USD million) 5.2.1_MWI.BAS.AID.AFDB - International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.1_NER.BAS.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Niger (USD million) 5.2.1_RWA.BAS.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Rwanda (USD million) 5.2.1_SEN.BAS.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Senegal (USD million) 5.2.1_SLE.BAS.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.1_TJK.BAS.AID.AGAK - International aid disbursed to basic education, Aga Khan to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.1_TLS.TOT.AID.AUSAID.CFAUS - International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID and ChildFund Australia to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.1_VNM.BAS.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Vietnam (USD million) 5.2.1_ZMB.BAS.AID.DNK - International aid disbursed to basic education, Denmark to Zambia (USD million) 5.2.2_AFG.BAS.AID.DANIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, DANIDA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.2_ALB.BAS.AID.BEI - International aid disbursed to basic education, BEI to Albania (USD million) 5.2.2_BFA.BAS.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.2_CIV.BAS.AID.BADEA - International aid disbursed to basic education, BADEA to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.2_CMR.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Cameroun (USD million) 5.2.2_DJI.BAS.AID.FSD - International aid disbursed to basic education, FSD to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.2_ETH.BAS.AID.BEL - International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium (VLIR USO) to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.2_GEO.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Georgia (USD million) 5.2.2_GHA.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.2_GIN.BAS.AID.ADPP.AFDB - International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Guinea (USD million) 5.2.2_GNB.BAS.AID.ADPP.HUM - International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (Humana People to People) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.2_KGZ.BAS.AID.ADPP.GIZ - International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.2.2_KHM.BAS.AID.BEL - International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.2_LAO.BAS.AID.AUS - International aid disbursed to basic education, AusAID to Laos (USD million) 5.2.2_LBR.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Liberia (USD million) 5.2.2_MDA.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Moldova (USD million) 5.2.2_MDG.BAS.AID.ILO - International aid to basic education executed by ILO in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.2_MRT.BAS.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Mauritania (USD million) 5.2.2_MWI.BAS.AID.CIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.2_NER.BAS.AID.BEL - International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium to Niger (USD million) 5.2.2_RWA.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Rwanda (USD million) 5.2.2_SEN.BAS.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Senegal (USD million) 5.2.2_SLE.BAS.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.2_TJK.BAS.AID.OPENS - International aid disbursed to basic education, Open Society Foundations to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.2_TLS.TOT.AID.AUSAID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID (World Bank) to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.2_VNM.BAS.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Vietnam (USD million) 5.2.2_ZMB.BAS.AID.IRL - International aid disbursed to basic education, Ireland to Zambia (USD million) 5.2.3_AFG.BAS.AID.FRA - International aid disbursed to basic education, France to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.3_ALB.BAS.AID.CEIB - International aid disbursed to basic education, CEIB to Albania (USD million) 5.2.3_BFA.BAS.AID.CHE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Switzerland to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.3_CIV.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.3_CMR.BAS.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Cameroun (USD million) 5.2.3_DJI.BAS.AID.AFD - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.3_ETH.BAS.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.3_GEO.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Georgia (USD million) 5.2.3_GHA.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.3_GIN.BAS.AID.ADPP.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Guinea (USD million) 5.2.3_GNB.BAS.AID.ADPP.OTH - International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (other donors) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.3_KGZ.BAS.AID.ADPP.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.2.3_KHM.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.3_LAO.BAS.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Laos (USD million) 5.2.3_LBR.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Liberia (USD million) 5.2.3_MDG.BAS.AID.FR - International aid to basic education executed by AFD and French Embassy in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.3_MRT.BAS.AID.ISDB - International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Mauritania (USD million) 5.2.3_MWI.BAS.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.3_NER.BAS.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to basic education, French Embassy to Niger (USD million) 5.2.3_RWA.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Rwanda (USD million) 5.2.3_SEN.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Senegal (USD million) 5.2.3_SLE.BAS.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.3_TJK.BAS.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.3_TLS.TOT.AID.AUS - International aid disbursed to total education, Australia to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.3_VNM.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Vietnam (USD million) 5.2.3_ZMB.BAS.AID.ILO - International aid disbursed to basic education, ILO to Zambia (USD million) 5.2.4_AFG.BAS.AID.DEU - International aid disbursed to basic education, Germany to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.4_BFA.BAS.AID.DNK - International aid disbursed to basic education, Denmark to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.4_CIV.BAS.AID.ISDB - International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.4_CMR.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Cameroun (USD million) 5.2.4_DJI.BAS.AID.AFDB - International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.4_ETH.BAS.AID.DVV - International aid disbursed to basic education, DVV international to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.4_GEO.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Georgia (USD million) 5.2.4_GHA.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.4_GIN.BAS.AID.ADPP.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Guinea (USD million) 5.2.4_GNB.BAS.AID.EU - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.4_KGZ.BAS.AID.ADPP.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Kyrgyzstan (USD million) 5.2.4_KHM.BAS.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.4_LAO.BAS.AID.DEU - International aid disbursed to basic education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Laos (USD million) 5.2.4_MDG.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid to basic education executed by JICA in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.4_MRT.BAS.AID.SP - International aid disbursed to basic education, Spanish Cooperation to Mauritania (USD million) 5.2.4_MWI.BAS.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.4_NER.BAS.AID.JAPAN - International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Niger (USD million) 5.2.4_RWA.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Rwanda (USD million) 5.2.4_SEN.BAS.AID.IT - International aid disbursed to basic education, Italy to Senegal (USD million) 5.2.4_SLE.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.4_TJK.BAS.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.4_TLS.TOT.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (IDA) to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.4_VNM.BAS.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Vietnam (USD million) 5.2.4_ZMB.BAS.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Zambia (USD million) 5.2.5_AFG.BAS.AID.IND - International aid disbursed to basic education, India to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.5_BFA.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.5_CIV.BAS.AID.FSD - International aid disbursed to basic education, FSD to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.5_CMR.BAS.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Cameroun (USD million) 5.2.5_DJI.BAS.AID.ISDB - International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.5_ETH.BAS.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.5_GHA.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.5_GIN.BAS.AID.ADPP.GIZ - International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Guinea (USD million) 5.2.5_GNB.BAS.AID.FR - International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.5_KHM.BAS.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.5_LAO.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Laos (USD million) 5.2.5_MDG.BAS.AID.NOR - International aid to basic education executed by Norway in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.5_MRT.BAS.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Mauritania (USD million) 5.2.5_MWI.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.5_NER.BAS.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Niger (USD million) 5.2.5_RWA.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Rwanda (USD million) 5.2.5_SEN.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Senegal (USD million) 5.2.5_SLE.BAS.AID.SIDA - International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.5_TJK.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education (CF and EPDF) to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.5_TLS.TOT.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.5_VNM.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Vietnam (USD million) 5.2.5_ZMB.BAS.AID.ZMB - International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Zambia (USD million) 5.2.6_AFG.BAS.AID.JPN - International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan's MoFA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.6_BFA.BAS.AID.NLD - International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.6_CIV.BAS.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.6_CMR.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Cameroun (USD million) 5.2.6_DJI.BAS.AID.IMOA - International aid disbursed to basic education, IMOA to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.6_ETH.BAS.AID.FIN - International aid disbursed to basic education, Finland to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.6_GHA.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.6_GIN.BAS.AID.ADPP.KFW - International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Guinea (USD million) 5.2.6_GNB.BAS.AID.PORT - International aid disbursed to basic education, Portuguese Cooperation to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.6_KHM.BAS.AID.SWE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Sweden to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.6_LAO.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Laos (USD million) 5.2.6_MDG.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid to basic education executed by WFP in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.6_MRT.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Mauritania (USD million) 5.2.6_MWI.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.6_NER.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Niger (USD million) 5.2.6_SEN.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Senegal (USD million) 5.2.6_SLE.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.6_TJK.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.6_TLS.TOT.AID.KOR - International aid disbursed to total education, South Korea to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.6_VNM.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Vietnam (USD million) 5.2.6_ZMB.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Zambia (USD million) 5.2.7_AFG.BAS.AID.JICA - International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.7_BFA.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.7_CIV.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.7_ETH.BAS.AID.GIZ - International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ/BMZ to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.7_GHA.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Djibouti (USD million) 5.2.7_GIN.BAS.AID.ADPP.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Guinea (USD million) 5.2.7_GNB.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF (excluding Japan funds) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.7_KHM.BAS.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.7_LAO.BAS.AID.UNESCO - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Laos (USD million) 5.2.7_MDG.BAS.AID.UNESCO - International aid to basic education executed by UNESCO in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.7_MRT.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Mauritania (USD million) 5.2.7_MWI.BAS.AID.KFW - International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.7_NER.BAS.AID.DFID - International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Niger (USD million) 5.2.7_SLE.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank (including the Global Partnership for Education) to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.7_TJK.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.7_TLS.TOT.AID.NZL - International aid disbursed to total education, New Zealand to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.7_VNM.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Vietnam (USD million) 5.2.7_ZMB.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Zambia (USD million) 5.2.8_AFG.BAS.AID.NLD - International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.8_BFA.BAS.AID.EC - International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Burkina Faso (USD million) 5.2.8_CIV.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million) 5.2.8_ETH.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, GPE Catalytic Fund to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.8_GNB.BAS.AID.JAP - International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan (via UNICEF) to Guinea Bissau (USD million) 5.2.8_KHM.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.8_LAO.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Laos (USD million) 5.2.8_MDG.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid to basic education executed by UNICEF in Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.8_MWI.BAS.AID.UNICEF - International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.8_NER.BAS.AID.CHE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Switzerland to Niger (USD million) 5.2.8_SLE.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Sierra Leone (USD million) 5.2.8_TJK.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.8_TLS.TOT.AID.CFNZL - International aid disbursed to total education, ChildFund NZAID and UNICEF to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.9_AFG.BAS.AID.NZL - International aid disbursed to basic education, New Zealand to Afghanistan (USD million) 5.2.9_ETH.BAS.AID.ITA - International aid disbursed to basic education, Italian Cooperation to Ethiopia (USD million) 5.2.9_KHM.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, AUSAID to Cambodia (USD million) 5.2.9_LAO.BAS.AID.WFP - International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Laos (USD million) 5.2.9_MDG.BAS.AID.GPE - International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Madagascar (USD million) 5.2.9_MWI.BAS.AID.USAID - International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Malawi (USD million) 5.2.9_NER.BAS.AID.LUX - International aid disbursed to basic education, Luxembourg to Niger (USD million) 5.2.9_TJK.BAS.AID.WB - International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Tajikistan (USD million) 5.2.9_TLS.TOT.AID.PRT - International aid disbursed to total education, Portugal to Timor-Leste (USD million) 5.2.AMeanIncGr.All - Annualized Mean Income Growth (2009-2014) 5.2.AMeanIncGr.B40 - Annualized Mean Income Growth Bottom 40 Percent (2009-2014) - Special Data Dissemination Standard 5.2_BASIC.EDU.AID - International aid for basic education, disbursed (up to present year) and scheduled (next years), aggregation of reporting donors (USD million) - Income poverty - Child malnutrition - Child mortality - Immunization - HIV/AIDS - Maternal health - Gender equality - Primary completion - Access to water - Per capita GDP growth 6.0.Conspc - Consumption per capita (2011 $) 6.0.GDP_current - GDP (current $) 6.0.GDP_growth - GDP growth (annual %) 6.0.GDP_usd - GDP (constant 2005 $) 6.0.GDPpc_constant - GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) 6.0.GNIpc - GNI per capita (2011 $) 6.1_LEG.CA - Coordinating agency of Local Education Group (1=text in notes) 6.1_PRIMARY.ENERGY.INTENSITY - Energy intensity level of primary energy (MJ/$2005 PPP) 6.2_LEG.OTHER.DONORS - Donor members in Local Education Group (1=text in notes) 6.3_LEG.CSO - Civil society organizations in Local Education Group (1=text in notes) 6.4_LAST.JSR - Date of last Joint Education Sector Review (year=full date in notes) 6.5_NEXT.JSR - Date of next Joint Education Sector Review (year=full date in notes) 7.1.1_ESP.PERIOD.START - Starting year of current Education Sector Plan period (year=full period in notes) 7.1.2_ESP.PERIOD.END - Ending year of current Education Sector Plan period (year=full period in notes) 7.11_CURR.ALLOCATION.MODALITY - Current allocation - Modality (1=text in notes) 7.12_CURR.ALLOCATION.2011.DISB - Current allocation - Total disbursements as of 12/2011 (USD millions) 7.13_CURR.ALLOCATION.DISB - Current allocation - Annual disbursements (USD million) 7.1_CURR.ALLOCATION.SE - Current allocation - Supervising or managing entity (1=text in notes) 7.2_ESP.ENDORSEMENT - Endorsement of Education Sector Plan (year) 7.3_PREV.ALLOCATION.YEAR - Previous allocation - Approval (year) 7.4_PREV.ALLOCATION.AMOUNT - Previous allocation - Amount disbursed (USD million) 7.5_CURR.ALLOCATION.YEAR - Current allocation - Approval (year) 7.6_CURR.ALLOCATION.AMOUNT - Current allocation - Total indicative amount (USD million) 7.7.1_CURR.ALLOCATION.PERIOD.START - Current allocation - Starting year of implementation period (year=full period in notes) 7.7.2_CURR.ALLOCATION.PERIOD.END - Current allocation - Ending year of Implementation period (year=full period in notes) 7.8_CURR.ALLOCATION.SIGNATURE - Current allocation - Signature date (year=full date in notes) 7.9_CURR.ALLOCATION.CLOSURE - Current allocation - Closing date (year=full date in notes) 8.0.LIPI - Labor Income Poverty Index 8.1_SCH.LEAVING.EXAMS - Administration of school leaving exams (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available) 8.2_INT.TESTS - Participation in international tests (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available) 8.3.10_ETH.LEAR.TEST.12.CHE.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Chemistry, optimal competency (%) 8.3.10_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.LANG.LOWEST - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in lowest level (%) 8.3.10_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P6.ENG.ABOV.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above proficient levels (%) 8.3.10_GIN.PASEC.CM1.FR.MATH.MEAN.BEG - PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%) 8.3.10_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.FR.UNDERMIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French, under minimal competency (%) 8.3.11_ETH.LEAR.TEST.12.PHY.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Physics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.11_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.MAT.LOWEST - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in lowest level (%) 8.3.11_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P3.MAT.ABOV.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above proficient levels (%) 8.3.11_GIN.LEAR.TEST.CEPE.MEAN - National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade) (mean score) 8.3.11_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.FR.UNDERMIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French, under minimal competency (%) 8.3.12_ETH.LEAR.TEST.12.AVR.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, average of all subjects, optimal competency (%) 8.3.12_GEO.LEAR.TEST.1.ENG.MED - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in medium level (%) 8.3.12_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P6.MAT.ABOV.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above proficient levels (%) 8.3.12_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BEPC.MEAN - National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade (mean score) 8.3.12_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.FR.UNDERMIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French, under minimal competency (%) 8.3.13_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.LANG.MED - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in medium level (%) 8.3.13_GHA.TIMSS.8.MAT.MEAN - TIMSS in Ghana, grade 8, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.13_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BAC.MEAN - National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, Terminale (mean score) 8.3.13_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.MATH.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.14_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.MAT.MED - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in medium level (%) 8.3.14_GHA.TIMSS.8.SCI.MEAN - TIMSS in Ghana, grade 8, Science (mean score) 8.3.14_GIN.LEAR.TEST.CEPE.MIN - National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), minimal competency 8.3.14_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.MATH.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.15_GEO.LEAR.TEST.1.ENG.HIGH - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in higher level (%) 8.3.15_GHA.LITERACY.P3.LETTERS - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Literacy in English, Letters per minute (mean) 8.3.15_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BEPC.MIN - National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, minimum competency 8.3.15_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.MATH.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.16_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.LANG.HIGH - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in higher level (%) 8.3.16_GHA.LITERACY.P5.LETTERS - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Letters per minute (mean) 8.3.16_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BAC.MIN - National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, minimal competency 8.3.16_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.MATH.OPTIM - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.17_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.MAT.HIGH - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in higher level (%) 8.3.17_GHA.LITERACY.P3.WORDS - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3 Literacy in English, Words per minute (mean) 8.3.17_GIN.LEAR.TEST.CEPE.OPTIM - National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), optimal competency 8.3.17_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.MATH.OPTIM - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.18_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.LAG.HIGHEST - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in highest level (%) 8.3.18_GHA.LITERACY.P5.WORDS - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Words per minute (mean) 8.3.18_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BEPC.OPTIM - National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, optimal competency 8.3.18_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.MATH.OPTIM - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.19_GEO.LEAR.TEST.9.MAT.HIGHEST - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in highest level (%) 8.3.19_GHA.LITERACY.P3.ZERO - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Literacy in English, Zero score 8.3.19_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BAC.OPTIM - National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, optimal competency 8.3.19_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.MATH.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, minimal competency (%) 8.3.1_ALB.LEAR.TEST.9.LANG.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Albania, grade 9, Language (mean score) 8.3.1_BFA.PASEC.CP2.FR - PASEC in Burkina Faso, CP2, French (mean score) 8.3.1_CAF.BREVET.SUCC - Brevet des colleges in Central African Republic, success rate (%) 8.3.1_CIV.LEAR.TEST.PRIM.ALL.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), mean score of all subjects 8.3.1_CMR.PASEC.25.FRE - PASEC in Cameroon, grades 2 and 5, French (mean score) 8.3.1_ETH.LEAR.TEST.10.ENG.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, English, optimal competency (%) 8.3.1_GEO.PIRLS.4.READ.MEAN - PIRLS in Georgia, grade 4, Reading (mean score) 8.3.1_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P3.ENG.ABOV.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, English, students above mean (%) 8.3.1_GIN.PASEC.CP2.FR.MEAN - PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French (mean score) 8.3.1_KGZ.PISA.89.READ1 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - overall (mean score) 8.3.1_KHM.LEAR.TEST.3.LANG.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 3, Language (mean score) 8.3.1_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.LANG.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (mean score) 8.3.1_MDA.LEAR.TEST.4.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, mean competency (%) 8.3.1_MDG.PASEC.CM2.FRE - PASEC in Madagascar, CM2, French (mean score) 8.3.1_MOZ.SACMEQ.TEST.6.READ - SACMEQ in Mozambique, grade 5, Reading (mean score) 8.3.1_MRT.PASEC.5.FR - PASEC in Mauritania, grade 5, French (mean score) 8.3.1_MWI.SACMEQ.357.READ - SACMEQ in Malawi, standards 3,5,7, Reading (mean score) 8.3.1_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.FR.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French (mean score) 8.3.1_SEN.LEAR.TEST.CE2.MATH.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%) 8.3.1_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT1 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.1_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.READ1 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.1_ZMB.LEAR.TEST.5.READ - National assessment for learning outcomes in Zambia, grade 5, Reading (mean score) 8.3.20_GHA.LITERACY.P5.ZERO - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Zero score 8.3.20_GIN.LEAR.TEST.CEPE.MAX - National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), maximal competency 8.3.20_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.MATH.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%) 8.3.21_GHA.NUMERACY.P3.ADDITIO - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Correct Additions (%) 8.3.21_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BEPC.MAX - National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, maximal competency 8.3.21_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.MATH.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%) 8.3.22_GHA.NUMERACY.P5.ADDITIO - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Correct Additions (%) 8.3.22_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BAC.MAX - National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, maximal competency 8.3.22_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.MATH.UNDERMIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%) 8.3.23_GHA.NUMERACY.P3.MULTIPLI - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Correct Multiplications (%) 8.3.23_GIN.LEAR.TEST.CEPE.SUCC - National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), success rate (%) 8.3.23_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.MATH.UNDERMIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%) 8.3.24_GHA.NUMERACY.P5.MULTIPLI - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Correct Multiplications (%) 8.3.24_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BEPC.SUCC - National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, success rate (%) 8.3.24_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.MATH.UNDERMIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%) 8.3.25_GHA.NUMERACY.P3.ZERO - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Zero score 8.3.25_GIN.LEAR.TEST.BAC.SUCC - National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, success rate (%) 8.3.25_NER.LEAR.TEST.CERTIFICATE.SUCC - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, end of 1st degree certificate, success rate (%) 8.3.26_GHA.NUMERACY.P5.ZERO - Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Zero score 8.3.2_ALB.LEAR.TEST.9.MAT.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Albania, grade 9, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_BFA.PASEC.CM1.FR - PASEC in Burkina Faso, CM1, French (mean score) 8.3.2_CAF.BAC.SUCC - Baccalaureate in Central African Republic, exam at the end of secondary education, success rate (%) 8.3.2_CIV.LEAR.TEST.SEC.ALL.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), mean score of all subjects 8.3.2_CMR.PASEC.25.MAT - PASEC in Cameroon, grades 2 and 5, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_ETH.LEAR.TEST.10.MAT.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Mathematics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.2_GEO.TIMSS.4.MAT.MEAN - TIMSS in Georgia, grade 4, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P6.ENG.ABOV.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above mean (%) 8.3.2_GIN.PASEC.CP2.MAT.MEAN - PASEC in Guinea, CP2, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_KGZ.PISA.89.READ2 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - access and retrieve (mean score) 8.3.2_KHM.LEAR.TEST.3.MAT.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 3, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.LANG.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (minimal competency) 8.3.2_MDA.LEAR.TEST.9.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, mean competency (%) 8.3.2_MDG.PASEC.CM2.MAT - PASEC in Madagascar, CM2, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_MOZ.SACMEQ.TEST.6.MAT - SACMEQ in Mozambique, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_MRT.PASEC.5.MAT - PASEC in Mauritania, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_MWI.SACMEQ.357.MAT - SACMEQ in Malawi, standards 3,5,7, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.2_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.FR.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French (mean score) 8.3.2_SEN.LEAR.TEST.CE2.FR.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, French, minimal competency (%) 8.3.2_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT2 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.2_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.READ2 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 2, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.2_ZMB.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Zambia, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.3_ALB.PISA.910.READ - PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Reading (mean score) 8.3.3_BFA.PASEC.CP2.MAT - PASEC in Burkina Faso, CP2, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.3_CIV.LEAR.TEST.PRIM.ALL.MIN.COMP - National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), minimal competency (%) 8.3.3_ETH.LEAR.TEST.10.BIO.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Biology, optimal competency (%) 8.3.3_GEO.TIMSS.4.SCI.MEAN - TIMSS in Georgia, grade 4, Science (mean score) 8.3.3_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P3.MAT.ABOV.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above mean (%) 8.3.3_GIN.PASEC.CP2.FR.MAT.MEAN - PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French and Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.3_KGZ.PISA.89.READ3 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - integrate and interpret (mean score) 8.3.3_KHM.LEAR.TEST.6.LANG.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 6, Language (mean score) 8.3.3_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.LANG.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (proficiency) 8.3.3_MDA.LEAR.TEST.4.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, minimal competency (%) 8.3.3_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.FR.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French (mean score) 8.3.3_SEN.LEAR.TEST.CE2.MATH.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.3_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT3 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.3_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.READ3 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 3, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.3_ZMB.SACMEQ.TEST.5.READ - SACMEQ in Zambia, grade 5, Reading (mean score) 8.3.4_ALB.PISA.910.MAT - PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.4_BFA.PASEC.CM1.MAT - PASEC in Burkina Faso, CM1, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.4_CIV.LEAR.TEST.SEC.ALL.MIN.COMP - National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), minimal competency (%) 8.3.4_ETH.LEAR.TEST.10.CHE.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Chemistry, optimal competency (%) 8.3.4_GEO.TIMSS.8.MAT.MEAN - TIMSS in Georgia, grade 8, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.4_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P6.MAT.ABOV.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above mean (%) 8.3.4_GIN.PASEC.CM1.FR.MEAN - PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French (mean score) 8.3.4_KGZ.PISA.89.READ4 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - reflect and evaluate (mean score) 8.3.4_KHM.LEAR.TEST.6.MAT.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 6, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.4_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.4_MDA.LEAR.TEST.9.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, minimal competency (%) 8.3.4_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.FR.OPTIM - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French, optimal competency (%) 8.3.4_SEN.LEAR.TEST.CE2.FR.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, French, optimal competency (%) 8.3.4_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT4 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.4_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.READ4 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 4, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.4_ZMB.SACMEQ.TEST.5.MAT - SACMEQ in Zambia, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.5_ALB.PISA.910.SCIENCE - PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Science (mean score) 8.3.5_CIV.LEAR.TEST.PRIM.ALL.OPT.COMP - National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), optimal competency (%) 8.3.5_ETH.LEAR.TEST.10.PHY.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Physics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.5_GEO.TIMSS.8.SCI.MEAN - TIMSS in Georgia, grade 8, Science (mean score) 8.3.5_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P3.ENG.ABOV.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, English, students above minimal competency (%) 8.3.5_GIN.PASEC.CM1.MAT.MEAN - PASEC in Guinea, CM1, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.5_KGZ.PISA.89.READ5 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - continuous texts (mean score) 8.3.5_KHM.LEAR.TEST.9.LANG.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 9, Language (mean score) 8.3.5_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Mathematics (minimal competency) 8.3.5_MDA.LEAR.TEST.4.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, proficient competency (%) 8.3.5_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.FR.OPTIM - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French, optimal competency (%) 8.3.5_SEN.PASEC.CM1.MATH.MEAN - PASEC in Senegal, CM1, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.5_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT5 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.5_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.READ5 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 5, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.6_CIV.LEAR.TEST.SEC.ALL.OPT.COMP - National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), optimal competency (%) 8.3.6_ETH.LEAR.TEST.10.AVR.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, average of all subjects, optimal competency (%) 8.3.6_GEO.PISA.9.READ.MEAN - PISA in Georgia, grade 9, Reading (mean score) 8.3.6_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P6.ENG.ABOV.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above minimum competency (%) 8.3.6_GIN.PASEC.CM1.FR.MAT.MEAN - PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French and Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.6_KGZ.PISA.89.READ6 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - non-continuous texts (mean score) 8.3.6_KHM.LEAR.TEST.9.MAT.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 9, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.6_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Mathematics (proficiency) 8.3.6_MDA.LEAR.TEST.9.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, proficient competency (%) 8.3.6_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.FR.OPTIM - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French, optimal competency (%) 8.3.6_SEN.PASEC.CM1.FR.MEAN - PASEC in Senegal, CM1, French (mean score) 8.3.6_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.MAT6 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.6_VNM.LEAR.TEST.5.READ6 - National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 6, scores in indicated level (%) 8.3.7_CIV.PASEC.PRI.FRE.MAT - PASEC in Côte d'Ivoire, CP2 and CM1, French and Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.7_ETH.LEAR.TEST.12.ENG.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, English, optimal competency (%) 8.3.7_GEO.PISA.9.MAT.MEAN - PISA in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.7_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P3.MAT.ABOV.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above minimal competency (%) 8.3.7_GIN.PASEC.CP2.FR.MATH.MEAN.END - PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%) 8.3.7_KGZ.PISA.89.READ7 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - mathematics (mean score) 8.3.7_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.WORLD.MEAN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, world around us (mean score) 8.3.7_MDA.PIRLS.READ.4.MEAN - PIRLS in Moldova, grade 4, Reading (mean score) 8.3.7_NER.LEAR.TEST.CP.FR.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French, minimal competency (%) 8.3.7_SEN.PASEC.MATH.MEAN - PASEC in Senegal, Mathematics, (mean score) 8.3.8_ETH.LEAR.TEST.12.MAT.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Mathematics, optimal competency (%) 8.3.8_GEO.PISA.9.SCI.MEAN - PISA in Georgia, grade 9, Science (mean score) 8.3.8_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P6.MAT.ABOV.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above minimal competency (%) 8.3.8_GIN.PASEC.CM1.FR.MATH.MEAN.END - PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%) 8.3.8_KGZ.PISA.89.READ8 - PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - science (mean score) 8.3.8_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.WORLD.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, world around us (minimal competency) 8.3.8_MDA.TIMSS.MAT.MEAN - TIMSS in Moldova, Mathematics (mean score) 8.3.8_NER.LEAR.TEST.CE2.FR.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French, minimal competency (%) 8.3.8_SEN.PASEC.FR.MEAN - PASEC in Senegal, French (mean score) 8.3.9_ETH.LEAR.TEST.12.BIO.OPT - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Biology, optimal competency (%) 8.3.9_GEO.LEAR.TEST.1.ENG.LOWEST - National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in lowest level (%) 8.3.9_GHA.LEAR.TEST.P3.ENG.ABOV.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, English, students above proficient levels (%) 8.3.9_GIN.PASEC.CP2.FR.MATH.MEAN.BEG - PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%) 8.3.9_LAO.LEAR.TEST.5.WORLD.PROF - National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, world around us (proficiency) 8.3.9_MDA.TIMSS.SCIEN.MEAN - TIMSS in Moldova, Science (mean score) 8.3.9_NER.LEAR.TEST.CM2.FR.MIN - National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French, minimal competency (%) 8.3_NATIONAL.ASSESSMENTS - Realization of national assessments (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available) 8.4_ORAL.READING.TEST - Administration of oral reading fluency tests (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available) 9.0.Employee.All - Employees (%) 9.0.Employee.B40 - Employees-Bottom 40 Percent (%) 9.0.Employee.T60 - Employees-Top 60 Percent (%) 9.0.Employer.All - Employers (%) 9.0.Employer.B40 - Employers-Bottom 40 Percent (%) 9.0.Employer.T60 - Employers-Top 60 Percent (%) 9.0.Labor.All - Labor Force Participation Rate (%) 9.0.Labor.B40 - Labor Force Participation Rate (%)-Bottom 40 Percent 9.0.Labor.T60 - Labor Force Participation Rate (%)-Top 60 Percent 9.0.SelfEmp.All - Self-Employed (%) 9.0.SelfEmp.B40 - Self-Employed-Bottom 40 Percent (%) 9.0.SelfEmp.T60 - Self-Employed-Top 60 Percent (%) 9.0.Unemp.All - Unemployed (%) 9.0.Unemp.B40 - Unemployed-Bottom 40 Percent (%) 9.0.Unemp.T60 - Unemployed-Top 60 Percent (%) 9.0.Unpaid.All - Unpaid Workers (%) 9.0.Unpaid.B40 - Unpaid Workers-Bottom 40 Percent (%) 9.0.Unpaid.T60 - Unpaid Workers-Top 60 Percent (%) 9.1.Employee.All - Employees (%), Male 9.1.Employee.B40 - Employees-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Employee.T60 - Employees-Top 60 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Employer.All - Employers (%), Male 9.1.Employer.B40 - Employers-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Employer.T60 - Employers-Top 60 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Labor.All - Labor Force Participation Rate (%), Male 9.1.Labor.B40 - Labor Force Participation Rate (%)-Bottom 40 Percent, Male 9.1.Labor.T60 - Labor Force Participation Rate (%)-Top 60 Percent, Male 9.1.SelfEmp.All - Self-Employed (%), Male 9.1.SelfEmp.B40 - Self-Employed-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Male 9.1.SelfEmp.T60 - Self-Employed-Top 60 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Unemp.All - Unemployed (%), Male 9.1.Unemp.B40 - Unemployed-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Unemp.T60 - Unemployed-Top 60 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Unpaid.All - Unpaid Workers (%), Male 9.1.Unpaid.B40 - Unpaid Workers-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Male 9.1.Unpaid.T60 - Unpaid Workers-Top 60 Percent (%), Male 9.1_AID.ALIGNMENT - Alignment of aid to education (% of total international aid to education) 9.2.Employee.All - Employees (%), Female 9.2.Employee.B40 - Employees-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Employee.T60 - Employees-Top 60 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Employer.All - Employers (%), Female 9.2.Employer.B40 - Employers-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Employer.T60 - Employers-Top 60 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Labor.All - Labor Force Participation Rate (%), Female 9.2.Labor.B40 - Labor Force Participation Rate (%)-Bottom 40 Percent, Female 9.2.Labor.T60 - Labor Force Participation Rate (%)-Top 60 Percent, Female 9.2.SelfEmp.All - Self-Employed (%), Female 9.2.SelfEmp.B40 - Self-Employed-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Female 9.2.SelfEmp.T60 - Self-Employed-Top 60 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Unemp.All - Unemployed (%), Female 9.2.Unemp.B40 - Unemployed-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Unemp.T60 - Unemployed-Top 60 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Unpaid.All - Unpaid Workers (%), Female 9.2.Unpaid.B40 - Unpaid Workers-Bottom 40 Percent (%), Female 9.2.Unpaid.T60 - Unpaid Workers-Top 60 Percent (%), Female 9.2_COORDINATED.TECH.COOP - Coordinated technical cooperation (% of total cooperation to education) 9.3_PFM.COUNTRY.SYSTEMS - Use of public financial management country systems (% of total international aid to education) 9.4_PROCUREMENT.COUNTRY.SYSTEMS - Use of procurement country systems (% of total international aid to education) 9.5_PIU - Number of parallel implementation units, education sector 9.6_PBA - Aid provided through program based approaches (% of international aid to education) 9020000 - 9020000:ACTUAL INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION 9060000 - 9060000:ACTUAL HOUSING, WATER, ELECTRICITY, GAS AND OTHER FUELS 9080000 - 9080000:ACTUAL HEALTH 9100000 - 9100000:HOUSEHOLDS AND NPISHS FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE 9110000 - 9110000:ACTUAL RECREATION AND CULTURE 9120000 - 9120000:ACTUAL EDUCATION 9140000 - 9140000:ACTUAL MISCELLANEOUS GOODS AND SERVICES 9250000 - 9250000:DOMESTIC ABSORPTION 9260000 - 9260000:INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS WITHOUT HOUSING 9270000 - 9270000:GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE A1 - 001.Number of Exporters A10i - 026.Export Value per Incumbent: Mean A10ii - 027.Export Value per Incumbent: Median A10iii - 028.Export Value per Incumbent: StDev. A10iv - 029.Export Value per Incumbent: First Quartile A10v - 030.Export Value per Incumbent: Third Quartile A11i - 031.Growth of Incumbents: Mean A11ii - 032.Growth of Incumbents: Median A11iii - 033.Growth of Incumbents: StDev. A11iv - 034.Growth of Incumbents: First Quartile A11v - 035.Growth of Incumbents: Third Quartile A12i - 036.Growth of Surviving Entrants: Mean A12ii - 037.Growth of Surviving Entrants: Median A12iii - 038.Growth of Surviving Entrants: StDev. A12iv - 039.Growth of Surviving Entrants: First Quartile A12v - 040.Growth of Surviving Entrants: Third Quartile A2 - 002.Number of Entrants A3 - 003.Number of Exiters A4 - 004.Number of Surviving Entrants A5 - 005.Number of Incumbents A6i - 006.Export Value per Exporter: Mean A6ii - 007.Export Value per Exporter: Median A6iii - 008.Export Value per Exporter: StDev. A6iv - 009.Export Value per Exporter: First Quartile A6v - 010.Export Value per Exporter: Third Quartile A7i - 011.Export Value per Entrant: Mean A7ii - 012.Export Value per Entrant: Median A7iii - 013.Export Value per Entrant: StDev. A7iv - 014.Export Value per Entrant: First Quartile A7v - 015.Export Value per Entrant: Third Quartile A8i - 016.Export Value per Exiter: Mean A8ii - 017.Export Value per Exiter: Median A8iii - 018.Export Value per Exiter: StDev. A8iv - 019.Export Value per Exiter: First Quartile A8v - 020.Export Value per Exiter: Third Quartile A9i - 021.Export Value per Surviving Entrant: Mean A9ii - 022.Export Value per Surviving Entrant: Median A9iii - 023.Export Value per Surviving Entrant: StDev. A9iv - 024.Export Value per Surviving Entrant: First Quartile A9v - 025.Export Value per Surviving Entrant: Third Quartile AG.AGR.TRAC.NO - Agricultural machinery, tractors AG.AID.CREL.MT - Cereal food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes) AG.AID.FOOD.MT - Total food (cereals and non-cereal) food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes) AG.AID.NCREL.MT - Non-cereal food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes) AG.CON.FERT.MT - Fertilizer consumption (metric tons) AG.CON.FERT.PT.ZS - Fertilizer consumption (% of fertilizer production) AG.CON.FERT.ZS - Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land) AG.CON.PEST.MT - Pesticide consumption (metric tons) AG.CRP.BLY.CD - Producer Price for Barley (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.BLY.CN - Producer Price for Barley (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.FNO.CD - Producer Price for Fonio (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.FNO.CN - Producer Price for Fonio (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.MLT.CD - Producer Price for Millet (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.MLT.CN - Producer Price for Millet (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.MZE.CD - Producer Price for Maize (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.MZE.CN - Producer Price for Maize (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.RICE.CD - Producer Price for Rice, paddy (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.RICE.CN - Producer Price for Rice, paddy (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.SGM.CD - Producer Price for Sorghum (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.SGM.CN - Producer Price for Sorghum (per tonne, current LCU) AG.CRP.WHT.CD - Producer Price for Wheat (per tonne, current US$) AG.CRP.WHT.CN - Producer Price for Wheat (per tonne, current LCU) AG.FRST.PROD.CHAR - Wood charcoal production quantity (tonnes) AG.FRST.PROD.WOOD - Wood fuel production quantity (CUM, solid volume units) AG.IMP.CREL.MT - Cereal imports (metric tons) AG.LND.AGRI.HA - Agricultural land (hectares) AG.LND.AGRI.K2 - Agricultural land (sq. km) AG.LND.AGRI.ZS - Agricultural land (% of land area) AG.LND.ARBL.HA - Arable land (hectares) AG.LND.ARBL.HA.PC - Arable land (hectares per person) AG.LND.ARBL.ZS - Arable land (% of land area) AG.LND.BLY.HA - Land under barley production (hectares) AG.LND.CERE.ZS - Cereal cropland (% of land area) AG.LND.CREL.HA - Land under cereal production (hectares) AG.LND.CROP.HA - Permanent cropland (hectares) AG.LND.CROP.ZS - Permanent cropland (% of land area) AG.LND.CRPA.HA - Arable and permanent cropland (hectares) AG.LND.EL5M.RU.K2 - Rural land area where elevation is below 5 meters (sq. km) AG.LND.EL5M.RU.ZS - Rural land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area) AG.LND.EL5M.UR.K2 - Urban land area where elevation is below 5 meters (sq. km) AG.LND.EL5M.UR.ZS - Urban land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area) AG.LND.EL5M.ZS - Land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area) AG.LND.FNO.HA - Land under fonio production (hectares) AG.LND.FRST.HA - Forest area (hectares) AG.LND.FRST.K2 - Forest area (sq. km) AG.LND.FRST.ZS - Forest area (% of land area) AG.LND.IRIG.AG.ZS - Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land) AG.LND.IRIG.HA - Land use, irrigated land (hectares) AG.LND.IRIG.HA.AG - Agricultural area irrigated (ha) AG.LND.IRIG.PO.HA - Land area equipped for irrigation (hectares) AG.LND.IRIG.ZS - Irrigated land (% of cropland) AG.LND.MLT.HA - Land under millet production (hectares) AG.LND.MZE.HA - Land under maize production (hectares) AG.LND.OTHR.ZS - Land use, other (% of land area) AG.LND.POP.ZS - Arable land (hectares per person) AG.LND.PPAS.ZS - Permanent pasture (% of land area) AG.LND.PRCP.MM - Average precipitation in depth (mm per year) AG.LND.RICE.HA - Land under rice production (hectares) AG.LND.SGM.HA - Land under sorghum production (hectares) AG.LND.TOTL.HA - Land area (hectares) AG.LND.TOTL.K2 - Land area (sq. km) AG.LND.TOTL.RU.K2 - Rural land area (sq. km) AG.LND.TOTL.UR.K2 - Urban land area (sq. km) AG.LND.TRAC.ZS - Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land AG.LND.WHT.HA - Land under wheat production (hectares) AG.PRD.AGRI.XD - Agriculture production index (1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.BLY.MT - Barley production (metric tons) AG.PRD.CREL.MT - Cereal production (metric tons) AG.PRD.CREL.XD - Cereal production index (1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.CROP.XD - Crop production index (2004-2006 = 100) AG.PRD.FNO.MT - Fonio production (metric tons) AG.PRD.FOOD.XD - Food production index (2004-2006 = 100) AG.PRD.GAGRI.XD - Agriculture production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GCREL.XD - Cereal production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GCROP.XD - Crop production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GFOOD.XD - Food production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GLVSK.XD - Livestock production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.GNFOOD.XD - Non-food production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.LVSK.XD - Livestock production index (2004-2006 = 100) AG.PRD.MLT.MT - Millet production (metric tons) AG.PRD.MZE.MT - Maize production (metric tons) AG.PRD.NFOOD.XD - Gross non-food production index (1999-2001 = 100) AG.PRD.RICE.MT - Rice production (metric tons) AG.PRD.RTTB.MT - Roots and tubers production (metric tons) AG.PRD.SGM.MT - Sorghum production (metric tons) AG.PRD.WHT.MT - Wheat production (metric tons) AG.SED.BLY.MT - Barley seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.CREL.MT - Cereal seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.FNO.MT - Fonio seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.MLT.MT - Millet seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.MZE.MT - Maize seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.RICE.MT - Rice seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.SGM.MT - Sorghum seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SED.WHT.MT - Wheat seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes) AG.SRF.TOTL.HA - Surface area (ha) AG.SRF.TOTL.K2 - Surface area (sq. km) AG.TRC.EMPL.ZS - Agricultural machinery, tractors per agricultural worker AG.USE.PEST.ZS - Pesticide consumption (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.BLY.KG - Barley yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.CREL.KG - Cereal yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.FNO.KG - Fonio yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.MLT.KG - Millet yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.MZE.KG - Maize yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.RICE.KG - Rice yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.SGM.KG - Sorghum yield (kg per hectare) AG.YLD.WHT.KG - Wheat yield (kg per hectare) B1 - 041.Herfindahl-Hirschman Index B2i - 042.Share of top 1% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value) B2ii - 043.Share of top 5% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value) B2iii - 044.Share of top 25% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value) B3i - 045.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: Mean B3ii - 046.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: Median B3iii - 047.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: StDev. B4i - 048.Number of Destinations per Exporter: Mean B4ii - 049.Number of Destinations per Exporter: Median B4iii - 050.Number of Destinations per Exporter: StDev. B5i - 051.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: Mean B5ii - 052.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: Median B5iii - 053.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: StDev. B6i - 054.Number of Exporters per Destination: Mean B6ii - 055.Number of Exporters per Destination: Median B6iii - 056.Number of Exporters per Destination: StDev. BAR.NOED.1519.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15-19 with no education BAR.NOED.1519.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15-19 with no education BAR.NOED.15UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15+ with no education BAR.NOED.15UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15+ with no education BAR.NOED.2024.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 20-24 with no education BAR.NOED.2024.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 20-24 with no education BAR.NOED.2529.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25-29 with no education BAR.NOED.2529.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25-29 with no education BAR.NOED.25UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25+ with no education BAR.NOED.25UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25+ with no education BAR.NOED.3034.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 30-34 with no education BAR.NOED.3034.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 30-34 with no education BAR.NOED.3539.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 35-39 with no education BAR.NOED.3539.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 35-39 with no education BAR.NOED.4044.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 40-44 with no education BAR.NOED.4044.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 40-44 with no education BAR.NOED.4549.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 45-49 with no education BAR.NOED.4549.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 45-49 with no education BAR.NOED.5054.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 50-54 with no education BAR.NOED.5054.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 50-54 with no education BAR.NOED.5559.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 55-59 with no education BAR.NOED.5559.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 55-59 with no education BAR.NOED.6064.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 60-64 with no education BAR.NOED.6064.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 60-64 with no education BAR.NOED.6569.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 65-69 with no education BAR.NOED.6569.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 65-69 with no education BAR.NOED.7074.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 70-74 with no education BAR.NOED.7074.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 70-74 with no education BAR.NOED.75UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 75+ with no education BAR.NOED.75UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 75+ with no education BAR.POP.1519 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 15-19, total BAR.POP.1519.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 15-19, female BAR.POP.15UP - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 15+, total BAR.POP.15UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 15+, female BAR.POP.2024 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 20-24, total BAR.POP.2024.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 20-24, female BAR.POP.2529 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 25-29, total BAR.POP.2529.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 25-29, female BAR.POP.25UP - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 25+, total BAR.POP.25UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 25+, female BAR.POP.3034 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 30-34, total BAR.POP.3034.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 30-34, female BAR.POP.3539 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 35-39, total BAR.POP.3539.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 35-39, female BAR.POP.4044 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 40-44, total BAR.POP.4044.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 40-44, female BAR.POP.4549 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 45-49, total BAR.POP.4549.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 45-49, female BAR.POP.5054 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 50-54, total BAR.POP.5054.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 50-54, female BAR.POP.5559 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 55-59, total BAR.POP.5559.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 55-59, female BAR.POP.6064 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 60-64, total BAR.POP.6064.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 60-64, female BAR.POP.6569 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 65-69, total BAR.POP.6569.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 65-69, female BAR.POP.7074 - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 70-74, total BAR.POP.7074.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 70-74, female BAR.POP.75UP - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 75+, total BAR.POP.75UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Population in thousands, age 75+, female BAR.PRM.CMPT.1519.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15-19 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.1519.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15-19 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.15UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15+ with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.15UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15+ with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2024.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 20-24 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2024.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 20-24 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2529.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25-29 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.2529.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25-29 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.25UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25+ with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.25UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25+ with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3034.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 30-34 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3034.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 30-34 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3539.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 35-39 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.3539.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 35-39 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4044.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 40-44 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4044.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 40-44 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4549.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 45-49 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.4549.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 45-49 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5054.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 50-54 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5054.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 50-54 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5559.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 55-59 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.5559.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 55-59 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6064.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 60-64 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6064.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 60-64 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6569.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 65-69 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.6569.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 65-69 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.7074.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 70-74 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.7074.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 70-74 with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.75UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 75+ with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.CMPT.75UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 75+ with primary schooling. Completed Primary BAR.PRM.ICMP.1519.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15-19 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.1519.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15-19 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.15UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15+ with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.15UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15+ with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.2024.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 20-24 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.2024.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 20-24 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.2529.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25-29 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.2529.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25-29 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.25UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25+ with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.25UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25+ with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.3034.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 30-34 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.3034.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 30-34 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.3539.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 35-39 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.3539.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 35-39 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.4044.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 40-44 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.4044.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 40-44 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.4549.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 45-49 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.4549.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 45-49 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.5054.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 50-54 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.5054.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 50-54 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.5559.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 55-59 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.5559.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 55-59 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.6064.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 60-64 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.6064.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 60-64 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.6569.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 65-69 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.6569.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 65-69 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.7074.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 70-74 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.7074.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 70-74 with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.75UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 75+ with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.ICMP.75UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 75+ with primary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Primary) BAR.PRM.SCHL.1519 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 15-19, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.1519.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 15-19, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.15UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 15+, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.15UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 15+, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.2024 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 20-24, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.2024.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 20-24, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.2529 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 25-29, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.2529.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 25-29, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.25UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 25+, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.25UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 25+, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.3034 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 30-34, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.3034.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 30-34, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.3539 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 35-39, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.3539.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 35-39, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.4044 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 40-44, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.4044.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 40-44, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.4549 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 45-49, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.4549.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 45-49, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.5054 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 50-54, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.5054.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 50-54, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.5559 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 55-59, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.5559.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 55-59, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.6064 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 60-64, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.6064.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 60-64, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.6569 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 65-69, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.6569.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 65-69, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.7074 - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 70-74, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.7074.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 70-74, female BAR.PRM.SCHL.75UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 75+, total BAR.PRM.SCHL.75UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of primary schooling, age 75+, female BAR.SCHL.1519 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 15-19, total BAR.SCHL.1519.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 15-19, female BAR.SCHL.15UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 15+, total BAR.SCHL.15UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 15+, female BAR.SCHL.2024 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 20-24, total BAR.SCHL.2024.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 20-24, female BAR.SCHL.2529 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 25-29, total BAR.SCHL.2529.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 25-29, female BAR.SCHL.25UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 25+, total BAR.SCHL.25UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 25+, female BAR.SCHL.3034 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 30-34, total BAR.SCHL.3034.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 30-34, female BAR.SCHL.3539 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 35-39, total BAR.SCHL.3539.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 35-39, female BAR.SCHL.4044 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 40-44, total BAR.SCHL.4044.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 40-44, female BAR.SCHL.4549 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 45-49, total BAR.SCHL.4549.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 45-49, female BAR.SCHL.5054 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 50-54, total BAR.SCHL.5054.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 50-54, female BAR.SCHL.5559 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 55-59, total BAR.SCHL.5559.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 55-59, female BAR.SCHL.6064 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 60-64, total BAR.SCHL.6064.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 60-64, female BAR.SCHL.6569 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 65-69, total BAR.SCHL.6569.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 65-69, female BAR.SCHL.7074 - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 70-74, total BAR.SCHL.7074.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 70-74, female BAR.SCHL.75UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 75+, total BAR.SCHL.75UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of total schooling, age 75+, female BAR.SEC.CMPT.1519.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15-19 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.1519.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15-19 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.15UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15+ with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.15UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15+ with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2024.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 20-24 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2024.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 20-24 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2529.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25-29 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.2529.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25-29 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.25UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25+ with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.25UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25+ with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3034.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 30-34 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3034.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 30-34 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3539.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 35-39 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.3539.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 35-39 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4044.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 40-44 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4044.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 40-44 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4549.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 45-49 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.4549.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 45-49 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5054.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 50-54 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5054.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 50-54 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5559.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 55-59 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.5559.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 55-59 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6064.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 60-64 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6064.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 60-64 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6569.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 65-69 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.6569.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 65-69 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.7074.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 70-74 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.7074.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 70-74 with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.75UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 75+ with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.CMPT.75UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 75+ with secondary schooling. Completed Secondary BAR.SEC.ICMP.1519.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15-19 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.1519.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15-19 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.15UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15+ with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.15UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15+ with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.2024.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 20-24 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.2024.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 20-24 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.2529.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25-29 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.2529.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25-29 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.25UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25+ with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.25UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25+ with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.3034.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 30-34 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.3034.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 30-34 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.3539.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 35-39 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.3539.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 35-39 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.4044.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 40-44 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.4044.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 40-44 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.4549.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 45-49 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.4549.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 45-49 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.5054.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 50-54 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.5054.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 50-54 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.5559.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 55-59 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.5559.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 55-59 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.6064.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 60-64 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.6064.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 60-64 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.6569.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 65-69 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.6569.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 65-69 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.7074.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 70-74 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.7074.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 70-74 with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.75UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 75+ with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.ICMP.75UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 75+ with secondary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Secondary) BAR.SEC.SCHL.1519 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 15-19, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.1519.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 15-19, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.15UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 15+, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.15UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 15+, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.2024 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 20-24, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.2024.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 20-24, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.2529 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 25-29, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.2529.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 25-29, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.25UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 25+, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.25UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 25+, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.3034 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 30-34, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.3034.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 30-34, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.3539 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 35-39, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.3539.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 35-39, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.4044 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 40-44, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.4044.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 40-44, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.4549 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 45-49, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.4549.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 45-49, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.5054 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 50-54, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.5054.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 50-54, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.5559 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 55-59, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.5559.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 55-59, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.6064 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 60-64, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.6064.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 60-64, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.6569 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 65-69, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.6569.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 65-69, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.7074 - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 70-74, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.7074.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 70-74, female BAR.SEC.SCHL.75UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 75+, total BAR.SEC.SCHL.75UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of secondary schooling, age 75+, female BAR.TER.CMPT.1519.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15-19 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.1519.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15-19 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.15UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15+ with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.15UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15+ with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2024.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 20-24 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2024.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 20-24 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2529.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25-29 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.2529.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25-29 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.25UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25+ with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.25UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25+ with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3034.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 30-34 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3034.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 30-34 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3539.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 35-39 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.3539.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 35-39 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4044.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 40-44 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4044.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 40-44 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4549.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 45-49 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.4549.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 45-49 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5054.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 50-54 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5054.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 50-54 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5559.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 55-59 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.5559.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 55-59 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6064.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 60-64 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6064.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 60-64 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6569.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 65-69 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.6569.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 65-69 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.7074.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 70-74 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.7074.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 70-74 with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.75UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 75+ with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.CMPT.75UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 75+ with tertiary schooling. Completed Tertiary BAR.TER.ICMP.1519.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15-19 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.1519.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15-19 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.15UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 15+ with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.15UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 15+ with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.2024.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 20-24 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.2024.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 20-24 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.2529.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25-29 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.2529.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25-29 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.25UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 25+ with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.25UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 25+ with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.3034.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 30-34 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.3034.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 30-34 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.3539.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 35-39 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.3539.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 35-39 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.4044.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 40-44 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.4044.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 40-44 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.4549.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 45-49 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.4549.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 45-49 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.5054.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 50-54 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.5054.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 50-54 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.5559.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 55-59 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.5559.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 55-59 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.6064.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 60-64 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.6064.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 60-64 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.6569.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 65-69 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.6569.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 65-69 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.7074.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 70-74 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.7074.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 70-74 with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.75UP.FE.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of female population age 75+ with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.ICMP.75UP.ZS - Barro-Lee: Percentage of population age 75+ with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) BAR.TER.SCHL.1519 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 15-19, total BAR.TER.SCHL.1519.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 15-19, female BAR.TER.SCHL.15UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 15+, total BAR.TER.SCHL.15UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 15+, female BAR.TER.SCHL.2024 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 20-24, total BAR.TER.SCHL.2024.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 20-24, female BAR.TER.SCHL.2529 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 25-29, total BAR.TER.SCHL.2529.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 25-29, female BAR.TER.SCHL.25UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 25+, total BAR.TER.SCHL.25UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 25+, female BAR.TER.SCHL.3034 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 30-34, total BAR.TER.SCHL.3034.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 30-34, female BAR.TER.SCHL.3539 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 35-39, total BAR.TER.SCHL.3539.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 35-39, female BAR.TER.SCHL.4044 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 40-44, total BAR.TER.SCHL.4044.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 40-44, female BAR.TER.SCHL.4549 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 45-49, total BAR.TER.SCHL.4549.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 45-49, female BAR.TER.SCHL.5054 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 50-54, total BAR.TER.SCHL.5054.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 50-54, female BAR.TER.SCHL.5559 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 55-59, total BAR.TER.SCHL.5559.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 55-59, female BAR.TER.SCHL.6064 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 60-64, total BAR.TER.SCHL.6064.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 60-64, female BAR.TER.SCHL.6569 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 65-69, total BAR.TER.SCHL.6569.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 65-69, female BAR.TER.SCHL.7074 - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 70-74, total BAR.TER.SCHL.7074.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 70-74, female BAR.TER.SCHL.75UP - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 75+, total BAR.TER.SCHL.75UP.FE - Barro-Lee: Average years of tertiary schooling, age 75+, female BG.GSR.NFSV.GD.ZS - Trade in services (% of GDP) BG.KAC.FNEI.GD.PP.ZS - Gross private capital flows (% of GDP, PPP) BG.KAC.FNEI.GD.ZS - Gross private capital flows (% of GDP) BG.KLT.DINV.GD.PP.ZS - Gross foreign direct investment (% of GDP, PPP) BG.KLT.DINV.GD.ZS - Gross foreign direct investment (% of GDP) BI.EMP.FRML.PB.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of formal employment BI.EMP.PWRK.PB.FE.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by gender (Female) BI.EMP.PWRK.PB.MA.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by gender (Male) BI.EMP.PWRK.PB.RU.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by location (Rural) BI.EMP.PWRK.PB.UR.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by location (Urban) BI.EMP.PWRK.PB.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of paid employment BI.EMP.TOTL.NO - Number of employed individuals BI.EMP.TOTL.PB.FE.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of total employment by gender (Female) BI.EMP.TOTL.PB.MA.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of total employment by gender (Male) BI.EMP.TOTL.PB.RU.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of total employment by location (Rural) BI.EMP.TOTL.PB.TT.ZS - Proportion of total employees with tertiary education working in public sector BI.EMP.TOTL.PB.UR.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of total employment by location (Urban) BI.EMP.TOTL.PB.ZS - Public sector employment as a share of total employment BI.POP.TOTL.CV - Sample size BI.PWK.AGES.PB.MD - Median age of public paid employees BI.PWK.AGES.PB.SM - Mean age of public paid employees BI.PWK.AGES.PV.MD - Median age of private paid employees BI.PWK.AGES.PV.SM - Mean age of private paid employees BI.PWK.PRVS.CK.FE.ZS - Females as a share of private paid employees by occupation (Clerks) BI.PWK.PRVS.CT.ZS - Share of private paid employees with a contract BI.PWK.PRVS.EO.FE.ZS - Females as a share of private paid employees by occupation (Elementary occupation) BI.PWK.PRVS.FE.Q1.ZS - Females, as a share of private paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 1) BI.PWK.PRVS.FE.Q2.ZS - Females, as a share of private paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 2) BI.PWK.PRVS.FE.Q3.ZS - Females as a share of private paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 3) BI.PWK.PRVS.FE.Q4.ZS - Females, as a share of private paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 4) BI.PWK.PRVS.FE.Q5.ZS - Females, as a share of private paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 5) BI.PWK.PRVS.FE.ZS - Females as a share of private paid employees BI.PWK.PRVS.HS.ZS - Share of private paid employees with health insurance BI.PWK.PRVS.NN.ZS - Individuals with no education as a share of private paid employees BI.PWK.PRVS.PN.FE.ZS - Females as a share of private paid employees by occupation (Professionals) BI.PWK.PRVS.PR.ZS - Individuals with primary education as a share of private paid employees BI.PWK.PRVS.RU.ZS - Rural residents as a share of private paid employees BI.PWK.PRVS.SG.ZS - Individuals with secondary education as a share of private paid employees BI.PWK.PRVS.SN.FE.ZS - Females as a share of private paid employees by occupation (Senior officials) BI.PWK.PRVS.SY.ZS - Share of private paid employees with social security BI.PWK.PRVS.TN.FE.ZS - Females as a share of private paid employees by occupation (Technicians) BI.PWK.PRVS.TT.ZS - Individuals with tertiary education as a share of private paid employees BI.PWK.PRVS.UM.ZS - Share of private paid employees with union membership BI.PWK.PUBS.CK.FE.ZS - Females as a share of public paid employees by occupation (Clerks) BI.PWK.PUBS.CT.ZS - Share of public paid employees with a contract BI.PWK.PUBS.EO.FE.ZS - Females as a share of public paid employees by occupation (Elementary occupation) BI.PWK.PUBS.FE.Q1.ZS - Females, as a share of public paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 1) BI.PWK.PUBS.FE.Q2.ZS - Females, as a share of public paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 2) BI.PWK.PUBS.FE.Q3.ZS - Females, as a share of public paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 3) BI.PWK.PUBS.FE.Q4.ZS - Females, as a share of public paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 4) BI.PWK.PUBS.FE.Q5.ZS - Females, as a share of public paid employee by wage quintile (Quintile 5) BI.PWK.PUBS.FE.ZS - Females, as a share of public paid employees BI.PWK.PUBS.HS.ZS - Share of public paid employees with health insurance BI.PWK.PUBS.NN.ZS - Individuals with no education as a share of public paid employees BI.PWK.PUBS.NO - Number of public paid employees BI.PWK.PUBS.PN.FE.ZS - Females as a share of public paid employees by occupation (Professionals) BI.PWK.PUBS.PR.ZS - Individuals with primary education as a share of public paid employees BI.PWK.PUBS.RU.ZS - Rural resident as a share of public paid employees BI.PWK.PUBS.SG.ZS - Individuals with secondary education as a share of public paid employees BI.PWK.PUBS.SN.FE.ZS - Females as a share of public paid employees by occupation (Senior officials) BI.PWK.PUBS.SY.ZS - Share of public paid employees with social security BI.PWK.PUBS.TN.FE.ZS - Females as a share of public paid employees by occupation (Technicians) BI.PWK.PUBS.TT.ZS - Individuals with tertiary education as a share of public paid employees BI.PWK.PUBS.UM.ZS - Share of public paid employees with union membership BI.PWK.TOTL.NO - Number of paid employees BI.WAG.CPRS.PB.ZS - Pay compression ratio in public sector BI.WAG.CPRS.PV.ZS - Pay compression ratio in private sector BI.WAG.PREM.PB - Public sector wage premium (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.CK - Public sector wage premium by occupation (Clerks) (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.EO - Public sector wage premium by occupation (Elementary occupation) (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.FE - Public sector wage premiums by gender (Female) (compared to all private employees) (%) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.GP - Public sector wage premium (compared to all private employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.MA - Public sector wage premiums by gender (Male) (compared to all private employees) (%) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.NN - Public sector wage premium by education level: No education (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.PN - Public sector wage premium by occupation (Professionals) (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.PR - Public sector wage premium by education level: Primary education (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.SG - Public sector wage premium by education level: Secondary education (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.SN - Public sector wage premium by occupation (Senior officials) (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.TN - Public sector wage premium by occupation (Technicians) (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PREM.PB.TT - Public sector wage premium by education level: Tertiary education (compared to formal wage employees) BI.WAG.PRVS.FM.MD - Female to male wage ratio in the private sector (using median) BI.WAG.PRVS.FM.SM - Female to male wage ratio in the private sector (using mean) BI.WAG.PRVS.PN - Relative wage of Professionals in private sector (using clerk as reference) BI.WAG.PRVS.SN - Relative wage of Senior officials in private sector (using clerk as reference) BI.WAG.PRVS.TN - Relative wage of Technicians in private sector (using clerk as reference) BI.WAG.PUBS.FM.MD - Female to male wage ratio in the public sector (using median) BI.WAG.PUBS.FM.SM - Female to male wage ratio in the public sector (using mean) BI.WAG.PUBS.PN - Relative wage of Professionals in public sector (using clerk as reference) BI.WAG.PUBS.SN - Relative wage of Senior officials in public sector (using clerk as reference) BI.WAG.PUBS.TN - Relative wage of Technicians in public sector (using clerk as reference) BI.WAG.TOTL.GD.ZS - Wage bill as a percentage of GDP BI.WAG.TOTL.PB.ZS - Wage bill as a percentage of Public Expenditure BM.AG.AGR.TRAC.CD - Agricultural tractors, exports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.AGR.TRAC.NO - Agricultural tractors, exports BM.AG.CREL.CD - Cereal exports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.CREL.MT - Cereal exports quantity (FAO, tonnes) BM.AG.FRST.CD - Forest products imports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.HZ.PEST.CD - Hazardous pesticides imports (FAO, current US$) BM.AG.PEST.CD - Pesticides imports (FAO, current US$) BM.FOD.AGRI.CD - Food imports excluding fish (FAO, current US$) BM.GSR.AGRI.CD - Total agricultural imports (FAO, current US$) BM.GSR.CMCP.ZS - Communications, computer, etc. (% of service imports, BoP) BM.GSR.COMM.CD - Communications services, imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.FCTY.CD - Primary income payments (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.FINS.CD - Financial services, imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.FXAI.CD - Other income payments (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.GNFS.CD - Imports of goods and services (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.INSF.ZS - Insurance and financial services (% of service imports, BoP) BM.GSR.INSU.CD - Insurance services, imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.MRCH.CD - Goods imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.MRCH.ZS - Merchandise imports (BOP): percentage of GDP (%) BM.GSR.NFSV.CD - Service imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.OSRV.CD - Other services, imports (BoP, US$) BM.GSR.ROYL.CD - Charges for the use of intellectual property, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.SERV.CD - Imports of total services (Debit, current US$) BM.GSR.TOTL.CD - Imports of goods, services and primary income (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.TRAN.CD - Transport services, imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.TRAN.ZS - Transport services (% of service imports, BoP) BM.GSR.TRVL.CD - Travel services, imports (BoP, current US$) BM.GSR.TRVL.ZS - Travel services (% of service imports, BoP) BM.KLT.DINV.CD - Foreign direct investment, net outflows by reporting economy (IMF-BoP, current US$) BM.KLT.DINV.CD.WD - Foreign direct investment, net outflows (BoP, current US$) BM.KLT.DINV.GD.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP) BM.KLT.DINV.WD.GD.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP) BM.SVF.TOTL.CD - Factor Service Payments (US$, BoP) BM.SVN.TOTL.CD - Non-Factor Services Payments (US$, BoP) BM.TRF.CURR.CD - Current transfers, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.TRF.MGR.CD - Migrant remittance outflows (current US$) BM.TRF.OFDC.CD - Official current transfers, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.TRF.PRVT.CD - Secondary income, other sectors, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.TRF.PWKR.CD - Workers' remittances, payments (BoP, current US$) BM.TRF.PWKR.CD.DT - Personal remittances, paid (current US$) BM.TRF.XOKA.CD - Private current transfers, payments (BoP, US$) BN.CAB.FUND.CD - Current Acc. Bal. after Off. Transf. (US$, BoP) BN.CAB.IOTR.CD - Current Account Balance after off. trans. (US$, BoP) BN.CAB.XOKA.CD - Current account balance (BoP, current US$) BN.CAB.XOKA.GD.ZS - Current account balance (% of GDP) BN.CAB.XOKA.GDP.ZS - Current account balance (% of GDP) BN.CAB.XOKA.GN.ZS - Current account balance (% of GNP) BN.CAB.XOTR.CD - Current Acc. Bal. before Off. Transf.(US$, BoP) BN.CAB.XOTR.ZS - Curr. acc. bal. before official transf. (% of GDP) BN.CUR.ACTN.CD - Current Account Balance (IMF def)(US$, BoP) BN.CUR.ACTX.CD - Total Deficit to be Financed (US$, BoP) BN.CUR.GDPM.ZS - Current account balance excluding net official capital grants (% of GDP) BN.DSR.UNPD.CD - Debt service not paid (BoP, current US$) BN.FAC.ARAC.CD - Debt Service not paid: Arrears Accumulation (BoP, current US$) BN.FIN.TOTL.CD - Net financial account (BoP, current US$) BN.FIN.TOTP.CD - Net private capital flows (US$) BN.GSR.FCTY.CD - Net primary income (BoP, current US$) BN.GSR.FCTY.CD.ZS - Net income (% of GDP) BN.GSR.GNFS.CD - Net trade in goods and services (BoP, current US$) BN.GSR.MRCH.CD - Net trade in goods (BoP, current US$) BN.KAC.EOMS.CD - Net errors and omissions (BoP, current US$) BN.KAC.FNEI.CD - Capital flows not elsewhere included (BoP, current US$) BN.KAC.OTHR.CD - Other capital flows, net (BoP, current US$) BN.KAP.RSDL.CD - Other Capital Inflows (net) (US$, BoP) BN.KLT.DINV.CD - Foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.DINV.CD.DRS - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (US$) BN.KLT.DINV.CD.ZS - Foreign direct investment (% of GDP) BN.KLT.DINV.DRS.GDI.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDI) BN.KLT.DINV.DRS.GDP.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) BN.KLT.NFLW.CD - Net long-term borrowing (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.OINV.CD - Other net investment (BoP, US$) BN.KLT.OTHR.CD - Other long-term inflows, net (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.PRVT.CD - Private capital flows, total (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.PRVT.CD.DT - Private capital flows, net total (DRS, current US$) BN.KLT.PRVT.GD.ZS - Private capital flows, total (% of GDP) BN.KLT.PTXL.CD - Portfolio Investment, net (BoP, current US$) BN.KLT.RSDL.CD - Other Long-Term Inflows (net) (US$, BoP) BN.KLT.TOTL.CD - Net direct and portfolio investment (US$) BN.KLT.TOTX.CD - Long-Term Capital Inflow (net) (US$, BoP) BN.KLT.XRSL.CD - Long-Term Capital Inflow, net (US$, BoP) BN.PEF.TOTL.CD - Portfolio investment, equity (DRS, current US$) BN.RES.4040.CD - Reserves and related items (BoP, US$) BN.RES.INCL.CD - Reserves and related items (BoP, current US$) BN.RES.LFAR.CD - Change in Reserves (- = increase) (US$, BoP) BN.TRF.CURR.CD - Net secondary income (BoP, current US$) BN.TRF.CURR.CD.ZS - Net current transfers (% of GDP) BN.TRF.KOGT.CD - Net capital account (BoP, current US$) BN.TRF.OFDC.CD - Official current transfers, net (BoP, current US$) BN.TRF.OFFK.CD - Net Official Capital Grants (US$, BoP) BN.TRF.OFFN.CD - Official Transfers (net) (US$, BoP) BN.TRF.OFFT.CD - Official Transfers, net (US$, BoP) BN.TRF.PRVT.CD - Private current transfers, net (BoP, current US$) BN.TRF.PWKR.CD - Workers' remittances, net (BoP, current US$) BN.TRF.PWKR.CD.DT - Personal remittances, net (current US$) BN.TRF.XOKA.CD - Private current transfers, net (BoP, US$) BN.TRN.KOGT.CD - Grants (disbursements) from new commitments (BoP, current US$) BPK.AUD.SUBN - BPK Audit Report on Sub-National Budget BX.AG.AGR.TRAC.CD - Agricultural tractors, imports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.AGR.TRAC.NO - Agricultural tractors, imports BX.AG.CREL.CD - Cereal imports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.CREL.MT - Cereal imports quantity (FAO, tonnes) BX.AG.FRST.CD - Forest products exports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.HZ.PEST.CD - Hazardous pesticides exports (FAO, current US$) BX.AG.PEST.CD - Pesticides exports (FAO, current US$) BX.FOD.AGRI.CD - Food exports excluding fish (FAO, current US$) BX.GRT.EXTA.CD.DT - Grants, excluding technical cooperation (current US$) BX.GRT.EXTA.CD.WD - Grants, excluding technical cooperation (BoP, current US$) BX.GRT.TECH.CD.DT - Technical cooperation grants (current US$) BX.GRT.TECH.CD.WD - Technical cooperation grants (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.AGRI.CD - Total agricultural exports (FAO, current US$) BX.GSR.CCIS.CD - ICT service exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.CCIS.ZS - ICT service exports (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.CMCP.ZS - Communications, computer, etc. (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.COMM.CD - Communications services, exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.FCTY.CD - Primary income receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.FINS.CD - Financial services, exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.GNFS.CD - Exports of goods and services (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.INCL.CD - Exports of goods, services, income and workers' remittances (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.INSF.ZS - Insurance and financial services (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.INSU.CD - Insurance services, exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.MRCH.CD - Goods exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.MRCH.ZS - Merchandise exports (BOP): percentage of GDP (%) BX.GSR.NFSV.CD - Service exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.OSRV.CD - Other services, exports (BoP, US$) BX.GSR.ROYL.CD - Charges for the use of intellectual property, receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.TOTL.CD - Exports of goods, services and primary income (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.TRAN.CD - Transport services, exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.TRAN.ZS - Transport services (% of service exports, BoP) BX.GSR.TRVL.CD - Travel services, exports (BoP, current US$) BX.GSR.TRVL.ZS - Travel services (% of service exports, BoP) BX.KLT.DINV.CD - Foreign direct investment, net inflows in reporting economy (IMF-BoP, current US$) BX.KLT.DINV.CD.DT - Foreign direct investment, net inflows in reporting economy (DRS, current US$) BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) BX.KLT.DINV.DT.GD.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) BX.KLT.DINV.DT.GI.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of gross capital formation) BX.KLT.DINV.WD.GD.ZS - Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) BX.KLT.DREM.CD.DT - Primary income on FDI (current US$) BX.PEF.TOTL.CD - Portfolio investment, equity (DRS, current US$) BX.PEF.TOTL.CD.DT - Portfolio investment, equity (DRS, current US$) BX.PEF.TOTL.CD.WD - Portfolio equity, net inflows (BoP, current US$) BX.SVF.TOTL.CD - Factor Service Receipts (US$, BoP) BX.SVN.TOTL.CD - Non-Factor Services Receipts (US$, BoP) BX.TRF.CURR.CD - Secondary income receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.TRF.MGR.CD - Migrant remittance inflows (current US$) BX.TRF.MGR.DT.GD.ZS - Migrant remittance inflows (% of GDP) BX.TRF.OFDC.CD - Official current transfers, receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.TRF.OFFT.CD - Official transfers, current and capital (Credit, current US$) BX.TRF.PRVT.CD - Private current transfers, receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.TRF.PWKR.CD - Personal transfers, receipts (BoP, current US$) BX.TRF.PWKR.CD.DT - Personal remittances, received (current US$) BX.TRF.PWKR.DT.GD.ZS - Personal remittances, received (% of GDP) BX.TRF.PWKR.GD.ZS - Workers' remittances, receipts (% of GDP) BX.TRF.XOKA.CD - Private current transfers, receipts (BoP, US$) C1 - 057.Firm Entry Rate C2 - 058.Firm Exit Rate C3 - 059.Entrant 1st Year Survival Rate C4 - 060.Share of Entrants in TEV (Total Export Value) C5 - 061.Entrant 2nd Year Survival Rate C6 - 062.Entrant 3rd Year Survival Rate CC.EST - Control of Corruption: Estimate CC.NO.SRC - Control of Corruption: Number of Sources CC.PER.RNK - Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank CC.PER.RNK.LOWER - Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval CC.PER.RNK.UPPER - Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval CC.STD.ERR - Control of Corruption: Standard Error CD - Expenditures (current US$, XR term) CM.FIN.INTL.GD.ZS - Financing via international capital markets (gross inflows, % of GDP) CM.MKT.INDX.ZG - S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change) CM.MKT.LCAP.CD - Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (current US$) CM.MKT.LCAP.GD.ZS - Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (% of GDP) CM.MKT.LDOM.NO - Listed domestic companies, total CM.MKT.TRAD.CD - Stocks traded, total value (current US$) CM.MKT.TRAD.GD.ZS - Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP) CM.MKT.TRNR - Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%) CORENS - Core CPI,not seas.adj,,, CORESA - Core CPI,seas.adj,,, CPTOTNSXN - CPI Price, nominal CPTOTSAXMZGY - CPI Price, % y-o-y, median weighted, seas. adj. CPTOTSAXN - CPI Price, nominal, seas. adj. CPTOTSAXNZGY - CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal, seas. adj. D-1 - Predictability of Direct Budget Support D-1.1 - (i) Annual deviation of actual budget support from the forecast provided by the donor agencies at least six weeks prior to the government submitting its budget proposals to the legislature (or equival D-1.2 - (ii) In-year timeliness of donor disbursements (compliance with aggregate quarterly estimates) D-2 - Financial information provided by donors for budgeting and reporting on project and program aid D-2.1 - (i) Completeness and timeliness of budget estimates by donors for project support D-2.2 - (ii) Frequency and coverage of reporting by donors on actual donor flows for project support D-3 - Proportion of aid that is managed by use of national procedures D1i - 063.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: Mean D1ii - 064.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: Median D1iii - 065.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: StDev. D2i - 066.Product Entry Rate of Surviving Entrants: Mean D2ii - 067.Product Entry Rate of Surviving Entrants: Median D2iii - 068.Product Entry Rate of Surviving Entrants: StDev. D3i - 069.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: Mean D3ii - 070.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: Median D3iii - 071.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: StDev. D4i - 072.Share of New Products in TEV of Surviving Entrants: Mean D4ii - 073.Share of New Products in TEV of Surviving Entrants: Median D4iii - 074.Share of New Products in TEV of Surviving Entrants: StDev. D5i - 075.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: Mean D5ii - 076.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: Median D5iii - 077.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: StDev. D6i - 078.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Mean D6ii - 079.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Median D6iii - 080.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: StDev. DAK.AGR.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Agriculture (in IDR Billion) DAK.EDU.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Education (in IDR Billion) DAK.ENVR.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Environment (in IDR Billion) DAK.FRST.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Forestry (in IDR Billion) DAK.FSH.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Fishery (in IDR Billion) DAK.GOVT.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Government Sector (in IDR Billion) DAK.HE.BSRV.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Health Sector (Subsect: Basic Services) (in IDR Billion) DAK.HE.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Health (in IDR Billion) DAK.HE.RSRV.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Health Sector (Subsect: Recommended Services) (in IDR Billion) DAK.INFR.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure (in IDR Billion) DAK.INFR.H2O.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure Sector (Subsect: Water) (in IDR Billion) DAK.INFR.IRIG.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure Sector (Subsect: Irrigation) (in IDR Billion) DAK.INFR.ROD.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure Sector (Subsect: Road) (in IDR Billion) DAK.POP.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Demographic (in IDR Billion) DAK.TRAD.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Trade (in IDR Billion) DAK.VILG.CR - Total Specific Allocation Grant for Village (in IDR Billion) DB.DOD.DLXF.CD - Central Government External Debt (US$) DC.AID.TOTL.CD - Official aid provided to part II countries (current US$) DC.DAC.AUSL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Australia (current US$) DC.DAC.AUTL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Austria (current US$) DC.DAC.BELL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Belgium (current US$) DC.DAC.CANL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Canada (current US$) DC.DAC.CECL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, European Union institutions (current US$) DC.DAC.CHEL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Switzerland (current US$) DC.DAC.CZEL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Czech Republic (current US$) DC.DAC.DEUL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Germany (current US$) DC.DAC.DNKL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Denmark (current US$) DC.DAC.ESPL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Spain (current US$) DC.DAC.FINL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Finland (current US$) DC.DAC.FRAL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, France (current US$) DC.DAC.GBRL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United Kingdom (current US$) DC.DAC.GRCL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Greece (current US$) DC.DAC.HUNL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Hungary (current US$) DC.DAC.IRLL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Ireland (current US$) DC.DAC.ISLL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Iceland (current US$) DC.DAC.ITAL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Italy (current US$) DC.DAC.JPNL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Japan (current US$) DC.DAC.KORL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Korea, Rep. (current US$) DC.DAC.LUXL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Luxembourg (current US$) DC.DAC.NLDL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Netherlands (current US$) DC.DAC.NORL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Norway (current US$) DC.DAC.NZLL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, New Zealand (current US$) DC.DAC.POLL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Poland (current US$) DC.DAC.PRTL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Portugal (current US$) DC.DAC.SVKL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Slovak Republic (current US$) DC.DAC.SVNL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Slovenia (current US$) DC.DAC.SWEL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) DC.DAC.TOTL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Total (current US$) DC.DAC.USAL.CD - Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United States (current US$) DC.ODA.COMM.CD - Total bilateral ODA commitments (current US$) DC.ODA.COMM.SA.CD - Total bilateral sector allocable ODA commitments (current US$) DC.ODA.SOCL.CD - Bilateral, sector-allocable ODA to basic social services (current US$) DC.ODA.SOCL.ZS - Bilateral, sector-allocable ODA to basic social services (% of bilateral ODA commitments) DC.ODA.TLDC.CD - Net ODA provided, to the least developed countries (current US$) DC.ODA.TLDC.GN.ZS - Net ODA provided to the least developed countries (% of GNI) DC.ODA.TOTL.CD - Net ODA provided, total (current US$) DC.ODA.TOTL.GN.ZS - Net ODA provided, total (% of GNI) DC.ODA.TOTL.KD - Net ODA provided, total (constant 2015 US$) DC.ODA.UNTD.CD - Bilateral ODA commitments that is untied (current US$) DC.ODA.UNTD.ZS - Bilateral ODA commitments that is untied (% of bilateral ODA commitments) DE.DOD.DLXF.CD - Non-financial Pub. Enterprises Ext. Debt (US$) DG.DOD.MWBG.CD - Pub. LT Debt, IBRD&IDA (US$, IBRD DRS - end of year) DG.DOD.OFFL.CD - Pub. LT Debt, Official Creditors(US$, IBRD DRS) DG.DOD.PRVT.CD - Pub. LT Debt, Private Creditors (US$, IBRD DRS) DG.DOD.TOTL.CD - Public/Pub. Guar. Long-Term Debt(US$, IBRD DRS) DI.DOD.TOTL.CD - Use of Fund Credit (US$, end of year) DL.AMT.TOTL.CD - Repay on Long-Term Loans (US$, as per IBRD DRS) DL.DIS.TOTL.CD - Disb. of Long-Term Loans (US$, as per IBRD DRS) DL.DOD.CBNK.CD - Central Bank, incl. IMF credit DL.DOD.CGOV.CD - Central Government DL.DOD.LTRM.CD - Long-Term Debt (by debtor) DL.DOD.NFPE.CD - Non-financial Public Enterprices DL.DOD.PRSC.CD - Private sector, incl. non-guaranteed DL.DOD.ROGG.CD - Rest of General Government DL.INT.TOTL.CD - Long-Term Interest Payments (as per IBRD DRS) DL.NFL.TOTL.CD - Long-Term Loans (net) (US$, as per IBRD DRS) DM.DOD.DLTF.CD - Central Bank Ext. Debt, incl. IMF credit (US$) DMGSRMRCHNSCD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions DMGSRMRCHNSKD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions DMGSRMRCHNSXD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$ DMGSRMRCHSACD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj. DMGSRMRCHSAKD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj. DMGSRMRCHSAXD - Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj. DN.DOD.TOTL.CD - Non-guar. Private Long-Term Debt(US$, IBRD DRS) DP.DOD.DECD.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECD.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECD.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECD.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECD.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECD.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECD.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECD.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECD.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECD.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECD.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECD.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECD.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, All instruments, Domestic creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECF.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECF.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECF.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECF.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECF.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECF.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECF.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECF.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECF.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECF.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECF.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECF.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECN.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECN.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECN.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECN.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECN.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECN.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECN.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECN.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECN.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECN.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECN.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECN.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECT.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECT.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECT.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECT.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECT.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECT.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECT.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECT.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECT.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECT.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECT.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECT.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECX.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECX.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECX.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECX.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECX.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECX.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECX.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECX.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECX.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DECX.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DECX.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DECX.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, All instruments, External creditors, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.L1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.M1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLCD.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD1.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D1, All maturities, Debt securities + loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD1.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D1, All maturities, Debt securities + loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD1.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D1, All maturities, Debt securities + loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD1.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D1, All maturities, Debt securities + loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD2.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D2, All maturities, D1+ SDRs + currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD2.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D2, All maturities, D1+ SDRs + currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD2.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D2, All maturities, D1+ SDRs + currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD2.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D2, All maturities, D1+ SDRs + currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD2A.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D2A, All maturities, D1+ currency and deposits, Maastricht debt, US$ DP.DOD.DLD2A.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D2A, All maturities, D1+ currency and deposits, Maastricht debt, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD2A.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D2A, All maturities, D1+ currency and deposits, Maastricht debt, US$ DP.DOD.DLD2A.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D2A, All maturities, D1+ currency and deposits, Maastricht debt, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD3.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D3, All maturities, D2+other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD3.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D3, All maturities, D2+other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD3.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D3, All maturities, D2+other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD3.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D3, All maturities, D2+other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD4.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D4, All maturities, D3+insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantees, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD4.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov.-D4, All maturities, D3+insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantees, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLD4.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D4, All maturities, D3+insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantees, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLD4.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov.-D4, All maturities, D3+insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantees, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.L1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.M1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.MV.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, Debt Securities, Market value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLDS.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.L1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.M1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLIN.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.L1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.M1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLLO.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.L1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.M1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLOA.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.M1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLSD.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, All maturities, Special Drawing Rights, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.L1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in one year or less, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.M1.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, With payment due in more than one year, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DLTC.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Long-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DLXF.CD - Priv. Sector Ext. Debt, incl. non-guarant.(US$) DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSCD.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSDS.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Short-term, Debt securities, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSIN.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Short-term, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSLO.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Short-term, Loans, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSOA.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Short-term, Other accounts payable, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.BC - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.BC.CD - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.BC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Budgetary Central Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.CG - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.CG.CD - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.CG.Z1 - Gross PSD, Central Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.FC - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.FC.CD - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.FC.Z1 - Gross PSD, Financial Public Corp., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.GG - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.GG.CD - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.GG.Z1 - Gross PSD, General Gov., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.NF - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.NF.CD - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.NF.Z1 - Gross PSD, Nonfinancial Public Corp., Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, % of GDP DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.PS - Gross PSD, Public Sector, Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, National Currency DP.DOD.DSTC.CR.PS.CD - Gross PSD, Total, Short-term, All instruments, Nominal Value, US$ DPANUSLCU - Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average DPANUSSPB - Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average DPANUSSPF - Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average DS.DOD.DLXF.CD - Rest of General Government External Debt (US$) DS.DOD.STRM.CD - Short-Term Debt DS.DOD.TOTL.CD - Identified Short-Term Debt (US$, end of year) DSTKMKTXD - Stock Markets, US$ DSTKMKTXN - Stock Markets, LCU DT.AMD.DLXF.CD - LT Principal due per balance of payments account (BoP, current US$) DT.AMT.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLAT.GG.CD - GG, bilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLAT.PS.CD - PS, bilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLTC.GG.CD - GG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.BLTC.PS.CD - PS, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEAE.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD - Principal repayments, Total (current US$) DT.AMT.DECT.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.CB.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, One year or less, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, Immediate, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.GG.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, One year or less, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IL.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, One year or less, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.MA.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, One year or less, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.OS.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, One year or less, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DECT.CD.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, One year or less, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEFE.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Principal, USD DT.AMT.DEGG.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DEPS.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, public sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DILD.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DIMF.CD - IMF repurchases (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Debt securities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTF.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, long-term + IMF (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Loans, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.GG.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Special drawing rights (allocations), Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Principal, USD DT.AMT.DLXF.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, long-term (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DOPS.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DPNG.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.DPPG.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLAT.GG.CD - GG, multilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLAT.PS.CD - PS, multilateral (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLTC.GG.CD - GG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.MLTC.PS.CD - PS, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.OFFT.GG.CD - GG, official creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.OFFT.OPS.CD - OPS, official creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.OFFT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, official creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.OFFT.PS.CD - PS, official creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PBND.GG.CD - GG, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PBND.OPS.CD - OPS, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PBND.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PBND.PS.CD - PS, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PCBK.GG.CD - GG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PCBK.OPS.CD - OPS, commercial banks (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PCBK.PRVG.CD - PRVG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PCBK.PS.CD - PS, commercial banks (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PGNG.CD - Principal repayments, PPG and PNG private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PROP.GG.CD - GG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PROP.OPS.CD - OPS, other private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PROP.PRVG.CD - PRVG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PROP.PS.CD - PS, other private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PRPG.CD - Principal repayments on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVS.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PRVT.GG.CD - GG, private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PRVT.OPS.CD - OPS, private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PRVT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PRVT.PS.CD - PS, private creditors (AMT, current US$) DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AMT.PUBS.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DECT.CD.CB.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DECT.CD.GG.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, Arrears, USD DT.AXA.DECT.CD.MA.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT.HH.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT.NB.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT.NF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DECT.CD.OT.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DIDI.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DIFE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. to fellow ent., All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DIIE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.AXA.DPPG.CD - Principal arrears, long-term DOD (US$) DT.AXA.OFFT.CD - Principal arrears, official creditors (current US$) DT.AXA.PRVT.CD - Principal arrears, private creditors (current US$) DT.AXF.DPPG.CD - Principal forgiven (current US$) DT.AXR.DPPG.CD - Principal rescheduled (current US$) DT.AXR.OFFT.CD - Principal rescheduled, official (current US$) DT.AXR.PRVT.CD - Principal rescheduled, private (current US$) DT.COM.BLAT.CD - Commitments, bilateral creditors (COM, current US$) DT.COM.DPPG.CD - Commitments, public and publicly guaranteed (COM, current US$) DT.COM.MIBR.CD - Commitments, IBRD (COM, current US$) DT.COM.MIDA.CD - Commitments, IDA (COM, current US$) DT.COM.MLAT.CD - Commitments, multilateral creditors (COM, current US$) DT.COM.OFFT.CD - Commitments, official creditors (COM, current US$) DT.COM.PRVT.CD - Commitments, private creditors (COM, current US$) DT.CUR.CCVL.CD - Cross-currency valuation (current US$) DT.CUR.DMAK.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Deutsche mark (%) DT.CUR.EURO.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Euro (%) DT.CUR.FFRC.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, French franc (%) DT.CUR.JYEN.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Japanese yen (%) DT.CUR.MULC.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Multiple currencies (%) DT.CUR.OTHC.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, all other currencies (%) DT.CUR.SDRW.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, SDR (%) DT.CUR.SWFR.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Swiss franc (%) DT.CUR.UKPS.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, Pound sterling (%) DT.CUR.USDL.ZS - Currency composition of PPG debt, U.S. dollars (%) DT.DFR.DPPG.CD - Debt forgiveness or reduction (current US$) DT.DIS.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLAT.GG.CD - GG, bilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLAT.PS.CD - PS, bilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLCT.CD - Disbursements, Bilateral on nonconcessional terms (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLTC.GG.CD - GG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.BLTC.PS.CD - PS, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DECT.CD - Disbursements, Total (current US$) DT.DIS.DEGG.CD - Disbursements on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DEPS.CD - Disbursements on external debt, public sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DIMF.CD - IMF purchases (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DLTF.CD - Disbursements on external debt, long-term + IMF (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DLXF.CD - Disbursements on external debt, long-term (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DOPS.CD - Disbursements on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DPNG.CD - Disbursements on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DPPG.CD - Disbursements on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.DSTC.CD - Disbursements, Short-term (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.IDAG.CD - IDA grants (current US$) DT.DIS.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLAT.GG.CD - GG, multilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLAT.PS.CD - PS, multilateral (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLCT.CD - Disbursements, PPG Multilateral creditors nonconcessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLTC.GG.CD - GG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.MLTC.PS.CD - PS, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.OFFT.GG.CD - GG, official creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.OFFT.OPS.CD - OPS, official creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.OFFT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, official creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.OFFT.PS.CD - PS, official creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PBND.GG.CD - GG, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PBND.OPS.CD - OPS, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PBND.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PBND.PS.CD - PS, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PCBK.GG.CD - GG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PCBK.OPS.CD - OPS, commercial banks (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PCBK.PRVG.CD - PRVG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PCBK.PS.CD - PS, commercial banks (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PGNG.CD - Disbursements, PPG and PNG private creditors (current US$) DT.DIS.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PROP.GG.CD - GG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PROP.OPS.CD - OPS, other private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PROP.PRVG.CD - PRVG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PROP.PS.CD - PS, other private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PRPG.CD - Disbursements on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PRVT.GG.CD - GG, private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PRVT.OPS.CD - OPS, private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PRVT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DIS.PRVT.PS.CD - PS, private creditors (DIS, current US$) DT.DOD.ALLC.CD - External debt stocks, concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.ALLC.ZS - Concessional debt (% of total external debt) DT.DOD.ALLC.ZSG - Debt on Concessional terms to GDP (% of GDP) DT.DOD.ALLC.ZSX - Debt on Concessional terms to export ratio (% of exports) DT.DOD.ALLN.CD - Debt on Non-concessional terms (current US$) DT.DOD.ALLN.ZSG - Debt on Non-concessional terms to GDP (% of GDP) DT.DOD.ALLN.ZSX - Debt on Non-concessional terms to export ratio (% of exports) DT.DOD.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLAT.GG.CD - GG, bilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLAT.PS.CD - PS, bilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTC.GG.CD - GG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTC.PS.CD - PS, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BLTN.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG Bilateral on nonconcessional terms (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.BNLT.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.BNLT.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.CDLT.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.CDLT.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.CDST.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.CDST.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DECT.AR.T4.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.DOD.DECT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CB.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD - External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.TL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CB.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CG - Total change in external debt stocks (current US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.DC.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.DC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Domestic currency, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.DT.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, All currencies, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.CB.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.GG.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.IL.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.MA.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.OT.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Foreign currency, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.ER.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.OD.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.TT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.UD.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.FF.YE.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government , All maturities, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.GG.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.LT.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.LT.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.LT.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.LT.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.MA.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.OT.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.PC - Debt outstanding and disbursed, Total per capita (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD.ST.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.ST.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.ST.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.ST.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.TO.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.UC.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Unallocated, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.UC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Unallocated, USD DT.DOD.DECT.CD.ZSG - Debt outstanding and disbursed, Total to GDP (% of GDP) DT.DOD.DECT.DS.T4.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DECT.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DECT.EX.ZS - External debt stocks (% of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.DOD.DECT.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DECT.GG.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DECT.GN.ZS - External debt stocks (% of GNI) DT.DOD.DECT.IL.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DECT.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DECT.MA.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DECT.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DECT.OT.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DECT.T4.AR.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DEGG.CD - External debt stocks, general government sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DEPS.CD - External debt stocks, public sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.FC.IL.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.FC.IL.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.FC.IL.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.FC.IL.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.FC.IL.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt of dir. investment ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt of dir. investment ent. to dir. investors, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt of dir. investment ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.PR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOD.DIDI.CD.PU.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.FC.IL.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liabilities to fellow enterprises, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.FC.IL.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liabilities to fellow enterprises, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.FC.IL.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liabilities to fellow enterprises, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.FC.IL.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., All curr., USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.FC.IL.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liabilities to fellow enterprises, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent. , Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt between fellow enterprises, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., end of period, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt between fellow enterprises, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt between fellow enterprises, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.PR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD DT.DOD.DIFE.CD.PU.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.FC.IL.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Euro, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.FC.IL.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Yen, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.FC.IL.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.FC.IL.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., All curr., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.FC.IL.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt of dir. investors to dir. investment ent., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., end of period, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt of dir. investors to dir. investment ent., Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt of dir. investors to dir. investment ent., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.PR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD DT.DOD.DIIE.CD.PU.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD DT.DOD.DIIL.CD.PR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, DI: Intercom Lending, USD DT.DOD.DIIL.CD.PU.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, DI: Intercom Lending, USD DT.DOD.DIMF.CD - Use of IMF credit (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits , USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DLTF.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, Long-term debt including IMF credit (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities , Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities , Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities , Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (SDRs), USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (SDRs), Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (SDRs), USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.GG.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (SDRs), USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (SDRs), Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (SDRs), USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances , Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances , USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD - External debt stocks, long-term (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.CB.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.DC.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Domestic currency, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.DC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Domestic currency, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.DR - Long-Term External Debt (by debtor) (US$) DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.CB.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.GG.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.MA.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.OT.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Foreign currency, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.FC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Foreign currency, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.GG.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.MA.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.OT.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.CD.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.PR.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.PU.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DLXF.PV.GNP.ZS - Present value of debt (% of GNP) DT.DOD.DLXF.PV.XGS.ZS - Present value of debt (% of exports of goods and services) DT.DOD.DOPS.CD - External debt stocks, other public sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DPNG.CD - External debt stocks, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DPNG.CD.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Private Sector Ext. Debt Not Publicly Guar., All maturities, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.DPNG.CD.LT.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Private Sector Ext. Debt Not Publicly Guar., Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DPNG.CD.ST.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Private Sector Ext. Debt Not Publicly Guar., Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DPNG.CD.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Private Sector Ext. Debt Not Publicly Guar., All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DPNG.ZS - Private nonguaranteed debt (% of external debt) DT.DOD.DPPC.CD.DT.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, All currencies, USD DT.DOD.DPPC.CD.TO.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DPPG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, Prin. and Int., USD DT.DOD.DPPG.CD - External debt stocks, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DPPG.CD.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DPPG.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOD.DSDR.CD - Use of IMF credit, SDR allocations (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD - External debt stocks, short-term (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.CB.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.DC.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Domestic currency, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.DC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Domestic currency, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.DR - Short-Term External Debt (US$) DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.CB.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.GG.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.MA.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.EU.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Euro, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.JY.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Yen, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.OT.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Other curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.TO.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, All curr., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.OT.US.US - Gross Ext. F. Curr Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, US dollar, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.T5.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Foreign currency, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.FC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Foreign currency, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.GG.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.MA.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.CD.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.IR.ZS - Short-term debt (% of total reserves) DT.DOD.DSTC.PR.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.PU.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.DSTC.XP.ZS - Short-term debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.DOD.DSTC.ZS - Short-term debt (% of total external debt) DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DSTO.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.HN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.NC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.BE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.EN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, end of period, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.EX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Exchange rate chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.OC.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other chg in vol., USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.PX.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Other price chg, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.TR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, Transactions, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.TD.MP.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt Securities, Diff. with Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.TD.MV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt Securities, Market Value, USD DT.DOD.DSTT.CD.OT.TD.NV.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt Securities, Nominal Value, USD DT.DOD.DSUN.CD.GG.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, General Government, Short-term, Unallocated gold accounts included in monetary gold, USD DT.DOD.DSUN.CD.GG.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Unallocated gold accounts included in monetary gold, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSUN.CD.GG.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, General Government, Short-term, Unallocated gold accounts included in monetary gold, USD DT.DOD.DSUN.CD.MA.AR.EA.US - Ext. Assets in Debt Instruments, Central Bank, Short-term, Unallocated gold accounts included in monetary gold, USD DT.DOD.DSUN.CD.MA.AR.GE.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Unallocated gold accounts included in monetary gold, Beginning pos., USD DT.DOD.DSUN.CD.MA.AR.NE.US - Net Ext. Debt Position, Central Bank, Short-term, Unallocated gold accounts included in monetary gold, USD DT.DOD.LOLT.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.LOLT.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.LOST.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.LOST.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.LTST.CD - External Debt, total DT.DOD.MDRI.CD - Debt forgiveness grants (current US$) DT.DOD.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.GG.CD - GG, multilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.PS.CD - PS, multilateral (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLAT.ZS - Multilateral debt (% of total external debt) DT.DOD.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLTC.GG.CD - GG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLTC.PS.CD - PS, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MLTN.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG Multilateral on nonconcessional terms (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.MMST.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.MMST.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.MWBG.CD - IBRD loans and IDA credits (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OFFT.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.OFFT.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.OFFT.GG.CD - GG, official creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OFFT.OPS.CD - OPS, official creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OFFT.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, Prin. and Int., USD DT.DOD.OFFT.PR.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.OFFT.PR.IN.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, Interest, USD DT.DOD.OFFT.PR.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, Principal, USD DT.DOD.OFFT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, official creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OFFT.PS.CD - PS, official creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.OFFT.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, Prin. and Int., USD DT.DOD.OFFT.PU.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.OFFT.PU.IN.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, Interest, USD DT.DOD.OFFT.PU.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, Principal, USD DT.DOD.OLLT.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.OLLT.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.OOST.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.OOST.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PBND.GG.CD - GG, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PBND.OPS.CD - OPS, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PBND.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PBND.PS.CD - PS, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCBK.GG.CD - GG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCBK.OPS.CD - OPS, commercial banks (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCBK.PRVG.CD - PRVG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCBK.PS.CD - PS, commercial banks (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PCCR.US - Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Paris Club member creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PCPR.LT.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Paris Club member creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PCPR.ST.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Paris Club member creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PCPR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Paris Club member creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PCPU.LT.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Paris Club member creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PCPU.ST.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Paris Club member creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PCPU.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Paris Club member creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PGNG.CD - Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG and PNG private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRAE.IL.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD DT.DOD.PRBA.CD.LT.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRBA.CD.ST.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRBA.CD.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRBL.CD.LT.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Official bilateral creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRBL.CD.ST.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Official bilateral creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRBL.CD.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Official bilateral creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRBN.LT.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.PRCD.LT.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Currency and deposits , USD DT.DOD.PRCD.ST.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Currency and deposits , USD DT.DOD.PRDI.IL.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOD.PRFE.IL.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD DT.DOD.PRLO.LT.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.PRLO.ST.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.PRLT.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRMM.ST.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.PRMU.CD.LT.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Multilateral creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRMU.CD.ST.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Multilateral creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRMU.CD.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Multilateral creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PROD.LT.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.PROD.ST.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PROP.GG.CD - GG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PROP.OPS.CD - OPS, other private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PROP.PRVG.CD - PRVG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PROP.PS.CD - PS, other private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PROT.CD.LT.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Other creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PROT.CD.ST.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Other creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PROT.CD.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Other creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRPG.CD - External debt stocks, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRST.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRTC.LT.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.PRTC.ST.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.PRTD.CD.LT.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Debt securities' holders, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRTD.CD.ST.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Debt securities' holders, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRTD.CD.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Debt securities' holders, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.AR.T4.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Arrears, Prin. and Int., USD DT.DOD.PRVS.CD - External debt stocks, long-term private sector (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRVS.CD.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.CD.LT.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.CD.ST.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.CD.T3.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.CD.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.DI.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, DI: Intercom. Lending, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.DS.LT.T4.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.DS.ST.T4.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.DS.T4.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.IR.T4.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Arrears, Interest, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.LT.TO.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.PR.T4.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Arrears, Principal, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.ST.AR.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVS.TO.T4.US - Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRVT.GG.CD - GG, private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRVT.OPS.CD - OPS, private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRVT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PRVT.PS.CD - PS, private creditors (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PSDR.LT.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), USD DT.DOD.PUAE.IL.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD DT.DOD.PUBA.CD.LT.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBA.CD.ST.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBA.CD.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBL.CD.LT.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Official bilateral creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBL.CD.ST.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Official bilateral creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBL.CD.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Official bilateral creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBN.LT.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.AR.T4.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Arrears, Prin. and Int., USD DT.DOD.PUBS.CD - External debt stocks, long-term public sector (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.PUBS.CD.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, Arrears, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.CD.LT.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.CD.ST.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.CD.T3.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All Creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.CD.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.DI.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, DI: Intercom. Lending, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.DS.LT.T4.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.DS.ST.T4.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.DS.T4.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.IR.T4.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Arrears, Interest, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.LT.TO.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.PR.T4.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Arrears, Principal, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.ST.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUBS.TO.T4.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUCD.LT.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Currency and deposits , USD DT.DOD.PUCD.ST.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Currency and deposits , USD DT.DOD.PUDI.IL.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOD.PUFE.IL.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD DT.DOD.PULO.LT.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.PULO.ST.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Loans, USD DT.DOD.PULT.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUMM.ST.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Debt securities, USD DT.DOD.PUMU.CD.LT.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Multilateral creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUMU.CD.ST.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Multilateral creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUMU.CD.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Multilateral creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUOD.LT.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.PUOO.ST.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOD.PUOT.CD.LT.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Other creditors, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUOT.CD.ST.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Other creditors, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUOT.CD.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Other creditors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUST.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUTC.LT.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.PUTC.ST.AR.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.PUTD.CD.LT.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Debt securities' holders, Long-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUTD.CD.ST.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Debt securities' holders, Short-term, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PUTD.CD.US - Public Sector Ext. Debt Pos., Debt securities' holders, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOD.PVLT.CD - Present value of debt (US$) DT.DOD.PVLX.CD - Present value of external debt (current US$) DT.DOD.PVLX.EX.ZS - Present value of external debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.DOD.PVLX.GN.ZS - Present value of external debt (% of GNI) DT.DOD.PVLX.ND.ZS - Present value to nominal value of debt (%) DT.DOD.RSDL.CD - Residual, debt stock-flow reconciliation (current US$) DT.DOD.SDLT.CD.PU.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), USD DT.DOD.TCLT.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.TCLT.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.TCST.CD.PR.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.TCST.CD.PU.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Public Sector Ext. Debt, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOD.VTOT.CD - External debt stocks, variable rate (DOD, current US$) DT.DOR.DECT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOR.DECT.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOR.DECT.CB.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOR.DECT.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DECT.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DECT.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DECT.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DECT.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DECT.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., All Sectors, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOR.DECT.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOR.DECT.GG.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOR.DECT.IL.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOR.DECT.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOR.DECT.MA.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOR.DECT.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD DT.DOR.DECT.OT.DS.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, All maturities, Debt securities, Memo item, USD DT.DOR.DECT.RL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Reserve related liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DIDI.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, ST debt on orig. maturity, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOR.DIFE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, ST debt on orig. maturity, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD DT.DOR.DIIE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, ST debt on orig. maturity, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DLTC.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DLTT.CD.CB.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DLXF.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DSCD.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, ST debt on orig. maturity, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DSCD.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, ST debt on orig. maturity, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DSCD.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, ST debt on orig. maturity, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DSCD.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, ST debt on orig. maturity, Currency and deposits, USD DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, ST debt on orig. maturity, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, ST debt on orig. maturity, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, ST debt on orig. maturity, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DSOO.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, ST debt on orig. maturity, Other debt liabilities, USD DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, ST debt on orig. maturity, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, ST debt on orig. maturity, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.IL.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, ST debt on orig. maturity, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, ST debt on orig. maturity, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, ST debt on orig. maturity, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DSTC.CD.RM.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, ST debt on orig. maturity, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, ST debt on orig. maturity, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, ST debt on orig. maturity, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DSTL.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, ST debt on orig. maturity, Loans, USD DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, ST debt on orig. maturity, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, ST debt on orig. maturity, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, ST debt on orig. maturity, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DSTM.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, ST debt on orig. maturity, Debt securities, USD DT.DOR.DSTT.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, ST debt on orig. maturity, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.DSTT.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., General Government, ST debt on orig. maturity, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.DSTT.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Central Bank, ST debt on orig. maturity, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.DSTT.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., Other Sectors, ST debt on orig. maturity, Trade credit and advances, USD DT.DOR.LTDI.CD.IL.RM.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD DT.DOR.LTFE.CD.IL.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD DT.DOR.LTIE.CD.IL.RM.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD DT.DOR.LTOT.CD.IL.RM.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., ST Rem., DI: Intercom Lending, LT debt obg pmt 1year or less, All instruments, USD DT.DSB.DPPG.CD - Debt buyback (current US$) DT.DSF.DPPG.CD - Debt stock reduction (current US$) DT.DTA.DLXF.CD - Total stock of arrears (principal and interest payments) (current US$) DT.DTA.OADJ.CD - Adjustment to Arrears DT.DXR.DPPG.CD - Debt stock rescheduled (current US$) DT.GPA.DPPG - Average grace period on new external debt commitments (years) DT.GPA.OFFT - Average grace period on new external debt commitments, official (years) DT.GPA.PRVT - Average grace period on new external debt commitments, private (years) DT.GRE.DPPG - Average grant element on new external debt commitments (%) DT.GRE.OFFT - Average grant element on new external debt commitments, official (%) DT.GRE.PRVT - Average grant element on new external debt commitments, private (%) DT.HPC.COMR.PV - Debt relief committed under HIPC initiative, cumulative US$ in end-2012 NPV terms DT.HPC.MDRI.PV - Debt relief delivered in full under MDRI initiative, cumulative US$ in end-2012 NPV terms DT.HPC.STTS - Status under enhanced HIPC initiative DT.HPC.TOTL.PV - Debt relief committed under HIPC and MDRI initiatives, cumulative US$ in end-2012 NPV terms DT.INA.DECT.CD - Adjustments to scheduled interest (current US$) DT.IND.DEXF.CD - Interest due, total long-term and short term, including IMF per BOP (current US$) DT.INP.DECT.00.03.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.03.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 3yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.04.06.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.04.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 4yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.05.10.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.05.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 5yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.07.09.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.10.12.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.10.15.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.13.18.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.19.24.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 0 to 3, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 9 to 12, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 12 to 18, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 18 to 24, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 3 to 6, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 6 to 9, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 0 to 3, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 9 to 12, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 12 to 18, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 18 to 24, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 3 to 6, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, More than 6 to 9, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, Immediate, USD DT.INP.DECT.CD.SA.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, Immediate, USD DT.INP.DECT.IQ.SA.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest payments on SDR allocations, Immediately, All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.00.03.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.03.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 3yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.04.06.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.04.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 4yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.05.10.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.05.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 5yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.07.09.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.10.12.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.10.15.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.13.18.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.19.24.MO.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 0 to 3, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 9 to 12, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 12 to 18, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 18 to 24, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 3 to 6, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 6 to 9, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 0 to 3, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 9 to 12, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 12 to 18, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 18 to 24, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 3 to 6, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, More than 6 to 9, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, Immediate, USD DT.INR.DECT.CD.SA.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, Immediate, USD DT.INR.DECT.IQ.SA.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Interest receipts on SDR holdings, Immediately, All instruments, USD DT.INR.DPPG - Average interest on new external debt commitments (%) DT.INR.OFFT - Average interest on new external debt commitments, official (%) DT.INR.PRVT - Average interest on new external debt commitments, private (%) DT.INT.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLAT.GG.CD - GG, bilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLAT.PS.CD - PS, bilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLTC.GG.CD - GG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.BLTC.PS.CD - PS, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEAE.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD - Interest payments on external debt, total (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DECT.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.CB.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, One year or less, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, Immediate, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.GG.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, One year or less, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IL.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, One year or less, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.MA.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, One year or less, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.OS.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, One year or less, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.CD.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, One year or less, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.DECT.EX.ZS - Interest payments on external debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.INT.DECT.GN.ZS - Interest payments on external debt (% of GNI) DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEFE.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Interest, USD DT.INT.DEGG.CD - Interest payments on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DEPS.CD - Interest payments on external debt, public sector (PPG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DILD.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Interest, USD DT.INT.DIMF.CD - IMF charges (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Debt securities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTF.CD - Interest payments, Long-term debt including IMF credit (current US$) DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.GG.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Special drawing rights (allocations), Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INT.DLXF.CD - Interest payments on external debt, long-term (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DOPS.CD - Interest payments on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DPNG.CD - Interest payments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DPPG.CD - Interest payments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.DSTC.CD - Interest payments on external debt, short-term (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLAT.GG.CD - GG, multilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLAT.PS.CD - PS, multilateral (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLTC.GG.CD - GG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.MLTC.PS.CD - PS, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$) DT.INT.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.OFFT.GG.CD - GG, official creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.OFFT.OPS.CD - OPS, official creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.OFFT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, official creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.OFFT.PS.CD - PS, official creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PBND.GG.CD - GG, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PBND.OPS.CD - OPS, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PBND.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PBND.PS.CD - PS, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PCBK.GG.CD - GG, commercial banks (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PCBK.OPS.CD - OPS, commercial banks (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PCBK.PRVG.CD - PRVG, commercial banks (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PCBK.PS.CD - PS, commercial banks (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PGNG.CD - Interest payments, PPG and PNG Private creditors (current US$) DT.INT.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PROP.GG.CD - GG, other private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PROP.OPS.CD - OPS, other private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PROP.PRVG.CD - PRVG, other private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PROP.PS.CD - PS, other private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PRPG.CD - Interest payments on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PRVS.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVS.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PRVT.GG.CD - GG, private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PRVT.OPS.CD - OPS, private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PRVT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PRVT.PS.CD - PS, private creditors (INT, current US$) DT.INT.PUBS.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INT.PUBS.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Loans, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.INTS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Interest, USD DT.IWA.DECT.CD.OT.HH.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IWA.DECT.CD.OT.NB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IWA.DECT.CD.OT.NF.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IXA.DECT.CD.CB.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IXA.DECT.CD.GG.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, Arrears, USD DT.IXA.DECT.CD.MA.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IXA.DECT.CD.OT.AR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IXA.DIDI.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IXA.DIFE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. to fellow ent., All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IXA.DIIE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.IXA.DPPG.CD - Interest arrears, long-term DOD (US$) DT.IXA.DPPG.CD.CG - Net change in interest arrears (current US$) DT.IXA.OFFT.CD - Interest arrears, official creditors (current US$) DT.IXA.PRVT.CD - Interest arrears, private creditors (current US$) DT.IXF.DPPG.CD - Interest forgiven (current US$) DT.IXR.DPPG.CD - Interest rescheduled (capitalized) (current US$) DT.IXR.OFFT.CD - Interest rescheduled, official (current US$) DT.IXR.PRVT.CD - Interest rescheduled, private (current US$) DT.MAT.DPPG - Average maturity on new external debt commitments (years) DT.MAT.OFFT - Average maturity on new external debt commitments, official (years) DT.MAT.PRVT - Average maturity on new external debt commitments, private (years) DT.NFL.BLAT.CD - Net financial flows, bilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLAT.GG.CD - GG, bilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLAT.PS.CD - PS, bilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLTC.GG.CD - GG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BLTC.PS.CD - PS, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.BOND.CD - Portfolio investment, bonds (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DECT.CD - Net flows on external debt, total (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DEGG.CD - Net flows on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DEPS.CD - Net flows on external debt, public sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DLXF.CD - Net flows on external debt, long-term (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DOPS.CD - Net flows on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DPNG.CD - Net flows on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DPPG.CD - Net flows on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.DSTC.CD - Net flows on external debt, short-term (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.FAOG.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, FAO (current US$) DT.NFL.IAEA.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, IAEA (current US$) DT.NFL.IFAD.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, IFAD (current US$) DT.NFL.ILOG.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, ILO (current US$) DT.NFL.IMFC.CD - Net financial flows, IMF concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.IMFN.CD - Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MIBR.CD - Net financial flows, IBRD (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MIDA.CD - Net financial flows, IDA (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLAT.CD - Net financial flows, multilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLAT.GG.CD - GG, multilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLAT.PS.CD - PS, multilateral (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLTC.GG.CD - GG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MLTC.PS.CD - PS, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.MOTH.CD - Net financial flows, others (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.NEBR.CD - EBRD, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.NIFC.CD - IFC, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.OFFT.GG.CD - GG, official creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.OFFT.OPS.CD - OPS, official creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.OFFT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, official creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.OFFT.PS.CD - PS, official creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PBND.GG.CD - GG, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PBND.OPS.CD - OPS, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PBND.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PBND.PS.CD - PS, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBK.GG.CD - GG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBK.OPS.CD - OPS, commercial banks (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBK.PRVG.CD - PRVG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBK.PS.CD - PS, commercial banks (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PCBO.CD - Commercial banks and other lending (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PROP.GG.CD - GG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PROP.OPS.CD - OPS, other private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PROP.PRVG.CD - PRVG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PROP.PS.CD - PS, other private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PRPG.CD - Net flows on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PRVT.GG.CD - GG, private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PRVT.OPS.CD - OPS, private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PRVT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.PRVT.PS.CD - PS, private creditors (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.RDBC.CD - Net financial flows, RDB concessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.RDBN.CD - Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional (NFL, current US$) DT.NFL.UNAI.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNAIDS (current US$) DT.NFL.UNCF.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNICEF (current US$) DT.NFL.UNCR.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNHCR (current US$) DT.NFL.UNDP.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNDP (current US$) DT.NFL.UNEC.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNECE (current US$) DT.NFL.UNEP.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNEP (current US$) DT.NFL.UNFP.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNFPA (current US$) DT.NFL.UNPB.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNPBF (current US$) DT.NFL.UNRW.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNRWA (current US$) DT.NFL.UNTA.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNTA (current US$) DT.NFL.UNWT.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, UNWTO (current US$) DT.NFL.WFPG.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, WFP (current US$) DT.NFL.WHOL.CD - Net official flows from UN agencies, WHO (current US$) DT.NTR.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLAT.GG.CD - GG, bilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLAT.PS.CD - PS, bilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLTC.GG.CD - GG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.BLTC.PS.CD - PS, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DECT.CD - Net transfers on external debt, total (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DEGG.CD - Net transfers on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DEPS.CD - Net transfers on external debt, public sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DLXF.CD - Net transfers on external debt, long-term (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DOPS.CD - Net transfers on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DPNG.CD - Net transfers on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.DPPG.CD - Net transfers on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLAT.CD - PPG, multilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLAT.GG.CD - GG, multilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLAT.PS.CD - PS, multilateral (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLTC.GG.CD - GG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.MLTC.PS.CD - PS, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.OFFT.GG.CD - GG, official creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.OFFT.OPS.CD - OPS, official creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.OFFT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, official creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.OFFT.PS.CD - PS, official creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PBND.GG.CD - GG, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PBND.OPS.CD - OPS, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PBND.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PBND.PS.CD - PS, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PCBK.GG.CD - GG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PCBK.OPS.CD - OPS, commercial banks (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PCBK.PRVG.CD - PRVG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PCBK.PS.CD - PS, commercial banks (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PROP.GG.CD - GG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PROP.OPS.CD - OPS, other private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PROP.PRVG.CD - PRVG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PROP.PS.CD - PS, other private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PRPG.CD - Net transfers on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PRVT.GG.CD - GG, private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PRVT.OPS.CD - OPS, private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PRVT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.NTR.PRVT.PS.CD - PS, private creditors (NTR, current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.CD - Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.GD.ZS - Net ODA received (% of GDP) DT.ODA.ALLD.GDI.ZS - Aid (% of GDI) DT.ODA.ALLD.GI.ZS - Net official development assistance received (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.ALLD.GN.ZS - Net ODA received (% of GNP) DT.ODA.ALLD.GNP.ZS - Aid (% of GNP) DT.ODA.ALLD.HIV.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.HIV.MITI.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.IMP.ZS - Aid (% of imports of goods and services) DT.ODA.ALLD.KD - Net official development assistance and official aid received (constant 2015 US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.MLR.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Malaria control, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.MP.ZS - Net ODA received (% exports and imports) DT.ODA.ALLD.PC.ZS - Net official development assistance received per capita (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.POP.ZS - Aid per capita (US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.PRVT.CD - Total ODA Private Net, all donors (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.XP.ZS - Net ODA received (% of central government expenditure) DT.ODA.ALLD.XPD.ZS - Aid (% of central government expenditures) DT.ODA.DACD.ADMN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for administrative costs of donors, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.BDGT.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general budget support, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for commodity and general program assistance, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.FOOD.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for developmental food aid/food security assistance, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.AGPA.OCOM.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for other commodity assistance, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ALLS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for all sectors and functions, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.CD - Net ODA received from DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.CD.PC - Net ODA received per capita from DAC donors(current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.DEBT.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for action related to debt, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.BKFN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for banking & financial services, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.BUSN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for business & other services, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for economic infrastructure, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.COMM.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for communications, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.NRGY.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for energy, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ECON.TRSP.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for transport and storage, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.BAS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for basic education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.PSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for post-secondary education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.SEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for secondary education, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EDU.UNKN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for education (level unspecified), DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for humanitarian aid, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.DISA.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for disaster prevention & preparedness, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.OTHR.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for emergency response, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.EMRC.RCST.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for reconstruction relief and rehabilitation, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.GVCS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for government & civil society, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.GVCS.CPS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for conflict, peace and security, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.GVCS.GEN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general government and civil society, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HIV.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HIV.MITI.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HLTH.BAS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for basic health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HLTH.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.HLTH.GEN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.KD - Net ODA received from DAC donors (constant 2010 US$) DT.ODA.DACD.MLR.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Malaria control, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.MSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for multisector, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.MSEC.GENV.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for general environment protection, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.MSEC.OMSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for other multisector initiatives, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.POP.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for population programmes and reproductive health, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.AGR.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for agriculture, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for agriculture, forestry and fishing sector, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.FISH.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for fishing, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.AGRI.FORS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for forestry, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for production sectors, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for industry, mining and construction, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.CON.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for construction, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.IND.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for industry, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.INDS.MIN.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for mineral resources and mining, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.TRDP.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for trade policy and regulations, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PROD.TRSM.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for tourism sector, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.PRVT.CD - Total ODA Private Net, DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.RFGE.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for refugees in donor countries, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.SOCI.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for social infrastructure & services, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.TSEC.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for total sector allocable, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.UNAL.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for unallocated/unspecified support, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.WSS.CD - Gross ODA aid disbursement for water supply and sanitation, DAC donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.DACD.ZSG - Net ODA received from DAC donors (% of recipient's GDP) DT.ODA.DACD.ZSI - Net ODA received from DAC donors (% of recipient's GDI) DT.ODA.MULT.CD - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.MULT.CD.PC - Net ODA received per capita from multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.MULT.KD - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (constant 2010 US$) DT.ODA.MULT.ZSG - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (% of GDP) DT.ODA.MULT.ZSI - Net ODA received from multilateral donors (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.MULTI.HIV.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, Multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.MULTI.HIV.MITI.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, Multilateral donors (current US$) DT.ODA.MULTI.MLR.CNTRL.CD - ODA aid disbursements for Malaria control, multilateral donors total (current US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.CD - Net ODA received from non-DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.KD - Net ODA received from non-DAC donors (constant 2010 US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.PRVT.CD - Total ODA Private Net, non-DAC donors (current US$) DT.ODA.NDAC.ZSG - Net ODA received from non-DAC bilateral donors (% of GDP) DT.ODA.NDAC.ZSI - Net ODA received from non-DAC bilateral donors (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.OATL.CD - Net official aid received (current US$) DT.ODA.OATL.KD - Net official aid received (constant 2015 US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.CD - Net official development assistance received (current US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.CD1 - Net official development assistance received (current US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.GD.ZS - Net ODA received (% of GDP) DT.ODA.ODAT.GI.ZS - Net ODA received (% of gross capital formation) DT.ODA.ODAT.GN.ZS - Net ODA received (% of GNI) DT.ODA.ODAT.KD - Net official development assistance received (constant 2015 US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.MP.ZS - Net ODA received (% of imports of goods, services and primary income) DT.ODA.ODAT.PC.ZS - Net ODA received per capita (current US$) DT.ODA.ODAT.XP.ZS - Net ODA received (% of central government expense) DT.SRV.POST.ZS - Debt service to export ratio, ex-post (%) DT.TDA.DECT.CD - Adjustments to scheduled debt service (current US$) DT.TDS.BLAT.CD - PPG, bilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLAT.GG.CD - GG, bilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLAT.PS.CD - PS, bilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLTC.CD - PPG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLTC.GG.CD - GG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.BLTC.PS.CD - PS, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEAE.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECA.XP.ZS - Debt service (PPG and IMF only, % of exports of goods and services) DT.TDS.DECT.15.UP.YR.SA.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, SDR allocations, More than15yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD - Debt service on external debt, total (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DECT.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, All Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.CB.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, One year or less, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, General Government, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.GG.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, One year or less, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IL.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, One year or less, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, All Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.MA.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, One year or less, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.03.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.0912.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.1218.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.1824.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.36.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.69.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.IQ.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OS.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, One year or less, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.RM.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, One year or less, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DECT.CD.SA.24P.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, SDR allocations, More than 2yrs, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.TDS.DECT.EX.ZS - Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.TDS.DECT.GD.ZS - Total debt service (% of GDP) DT.TDS.DECT.GN.ZS - Total debt service (% of GNI) DT.TDS.DECT.GNP.ZS - Total debt service (% of GNP) DT.TDS.DECT.XGS.ZS - Total debt service ( % of exports of goods and services) DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEFE.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. to fellow ent., Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DEGG.CD - Debt service on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DEPS.CD - Debt service on external debt, public sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 0 to 3, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 9 to 12, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 12 to 18, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 18 to 24, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 2yrs, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 3 to 6, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, More than 6 to 9, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DILD.CD.IL.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, DI: Intercom Lending, Immediate, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DIMF.CD - IMF repurchases and charges (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLBN.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Debt securities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLCD.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Currency and deposits, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTL.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Loans, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTO.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Other debt liabilities, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.GG.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTS.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Special drawing rights (allocations), Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.CB.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.GG.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, General Government, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.MA.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Central Bank, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.03.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 0 to 3, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.0912.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 9 to 12, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.1218.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 12 to 18, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.1824.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 18 to 24, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.24P.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 2yrs, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.36.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 3 to 6, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.69.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, More than 6 to 9, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLTT.CD.OT.AR.IQ.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pmt, Other Sectors, Immediate, Trade credit and advances, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.DLXF.CD - Debt service on external debt, long-term (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DOPS.CD - Debt service on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DPNG.CD - Debt service on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DPPF.XP.ZS - Debt service (PPG and IMF only, % of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.TDS.DPPG.CD - Debt service on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.DPPG.GN.ZS - Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of GNI) DT.TDS.DPPG.REV.ZS - PPG debt service (% of central government current revenue) DT.TDS.DPPG.RV.ZS - PPG debt service (% of central government current revenue) DT.TDS.DPPG.XP.ZS - Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.TDS.MIBR.CD - PPG, IBRD (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MIDA.CD - PPG, IDA (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLAT.CD - Multilateral debt service (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLAT.GG.CD - GG, multilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLAT.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLAT.PG.ZS - Multilateral debt service (% of public and publicly guaranteed debt service) DT.TDS.MLAT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLAT.PS.CD - PS, multilateral (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLTC.CD - PPG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLTC.GG.CD - GG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLTC.OPS.CD - OPS, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLTC.PRVG.CD - PRVG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.MLTC.PS.CD - PS, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.OFFT.CD - PPG, official creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.OFFT.GG.CD - GG, official creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.OFFT.OPS.CD - OPS, official creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.OFFT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, official creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.OFFT.PS.CD - PS, official creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PBND.CD - PPG, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PBND.GG.CD - GG, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PBND.OPS.CD - OPS, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PBND.PRVG.CD - PRVG, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PBND.PS.CD - PS, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PCBK.CD - PPG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PCBK.GG.CD - GG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PCBK.OPS.CD - OPS, commercial banks (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PCBK.PRVG.CD - PRVG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PCBK.PS.CD - PS, commercial banks (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PGNG.CD - Debt service, PPG and PNG private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PNGB.CD - PNG, bonds (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PNGC.CD - PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PROP.CD - PPG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PROP.GG.CD - GG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PROP.OPS.CD - OPS, other private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PROP.PRVG.CD - PRVG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PROP.PS.CD - PS, other private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PRPG.CD - Debt service on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVS.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Publicly Guar. Private Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PRVT.CD - PPG, private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PRVT.GG.CD - GG, private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PRVT.OPS.CD - OPS, private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PRVT.PRVG.CD - PRVG, private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PRVT.PS.CD - PS, private creditors (TDS, current US$) DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.00.03.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 0 to 3 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.03.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 3yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.04.06.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 3 to 6 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.04.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 4yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.05.10.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 5 to 10 yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.05.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 5yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.07.09.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 6 to 9 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.10.12.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 9 to 12 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.10.15.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 10 to 15 yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.13.18.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 12 to 18 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.15.UP.YR.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, More than15yrs, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.19.24.MO.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, 18 to 24 mo., All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TDS.PUBS.CD.IQ.00.US - Ext. Debt Service Pmt, Public Sector Ext. Debt, Immediately, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TRA.DECT.CD - Debt service, reduction in arrears/prepayments (current US$) DT.TXA.DECT.CD.CB.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.GG.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., Arrears, USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.IL.IN.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Interest, USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.IL.PR.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Principal, USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.MA.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT.HH.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., HH and nonprofit institu. (NPISHs), All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT.NB.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other financial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT.NF.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Nonfinancial corporations, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.OT.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DECT.CD.TO.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DIDI.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DIFE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. to fellow ent., All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXA.DIIE.CD.IL.US - Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., All maturities, All instruments, Prin. and Int., USD DT.TXR.DPPG.CD - Total amount of debt rescheduled (current US$) DT.UND.DPPG.CD - Undisbursed external debt, total (UND, current US$) DT.UND.OFFT.CD - Undisbursed external debt, official creditors (UND, current US$) DT.UND.PRVT.CD - Undisbursed external debt, private creditors (UND, current US$) DXGSRMRCHNSCD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions DXGSRMRCHNSKD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions DXGSRMRCHNSXD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$ DXGSRMRCHSACD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj. DXGSRMRCHSAKD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj. DXGSRMRCHSAXD - Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj. E1i - 081.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: Mean E1ii - 082.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: Median E1iii - 083.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: StDev. E2i - 084.Destination Entry Rate of Surviving Entrants: Mean E2ii - 085.Destination Entry Rate of Surviving Entrants: Median E2iii - 086.Destination Entry Rate of Surviving Entrants: StDev. E3i - 087.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: Mean E3ii - 088.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: Median E3iii - 089.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: StDev. E4i - 090.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Surviving Entrants: Mean E4ii - 091.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Surviving Entrants: Median E4iii - 092.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Surviving Entrants: StDev. E5i - 093.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: Mean E5ii - 094.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: Median E5iii - 095.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: StDev. E6i - 096.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Mean E6ii - 097.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Median E6iii - 098.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: StDev. EA.AGR.TOTL.IN.ZS - Agricultural land per worker (hectares) EA.NUS.ATLS - Additional Conv. Factor (Annual avg. Local/US$) EA.NUS.FCRF - Conversion Factor (Annual average, local per US$) EA.PRD.AGRI.KD - Agriculture value added per worker (constant 2010 US$) EA.PRD.LAND.KD - Agriculture value added per hectare of agricultural land (constant 1995 US$) EC.XPD.CAP.CR - Capital expenditure (in IDR) EC.XPD.GSR.CR - Goods and services expenditure (in IDR) EC.XPD.OTHR.CR - Others expenditure (in IDR) EC.XPD.STAF.CR - Personnel expenditure (in IDR) EC.XPD.TOTL.CR - Total Expenditure (in IDR) EE.BOD.CGLS.ZS - Water pollution, clay and glass industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.CHEM.ZS - Water pollution, chemical industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.FOOD.ZS - Water pollution, food industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.MTAL.ZS - Water pollution, metal industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.OTHR.ZS - Water pollution, other industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.PAPR.ZS - Water pollution, paper and pulp industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.TOTL.KG - Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day) EE.BOD.TXTL.ZS - Water pollution, textile industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.WOOD.ZS - Water pollution, wood industry (% of total BOD emissions) EE.BOD.WRKR.KG - Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day per worker) EF.EFM.OVRL.XD - Economic Fitness Metric EF.EFM.PROD.XD - Economic Fitness Metric EF.EFM.RANK.XD - Economic Fitness Ranking (1 = high, 149 = low) EF.EFM.UNIV.XD - Universal Economic Fitness Metric EG.CFT.ACCS.ZS - Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking (% of population) EG.EGY.PRIM.PP.KD - Energy intensity level of primary energy (MJ/$2011 PPP GDP) EG.EGY.PROD.KT.OE - Energy production (kt of oil equivalent) EG.ELC.ACCS.RU.ZS - Access to electricity, rural (% of rural population) EG.ELC.ACCS.UR.ZS - Access to electricity, urban (% of urban population) EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS - Access to electricity (% of population) EG.ELC.COAL.KH - Electricity production from coal sources (kWh) EG.ELC.COAL.ZS - Electricity production from coal sources (% of total) EG.ELC.FOSL.ZS - Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total) EG.ELC.HYRO.KH - Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (kWh) EG.ELC.HYRO.ZS - Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total) EG.ELC.LOSS.KH - Electric power transmission and distribution losses (kWh) EG.ELC.LOSS.ZS - Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output) EG.ELC.NGAS.KH - Electricity production from natural gas sources (kWh) EG.ELC.NGAS.ZS - Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total) EG.ELC.NUCL.KH - Electricity production from nuclear sources (kWh) EG.ELC.NUCL.ZS - Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total) EG.ELC.PETR.KH - Electricity production from oil sources (kWh) EG.ELC.PETR.ZS - Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) EG.ELC.PROD.KH - Electricity production (kWh) EG.ELC.RNEW.KH - Electricity production from renewable sources (kWh) EG.ELC.RNEW.ZS - Renewable electricity output (% of total electricity output) EG.ELC.RNWX.KH - Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (kWh) EG.ELC.RNWX.ZS - Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total) EG.FEC.RNEW.ZS - Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption) EG.GDP.PUSE.KO.87 - GDP per unit of energy use (1987 US$ per kg of oil equivalent) EG.GDP.PUSE.KO.KD - GDP per unit of energy use (2000 US$ per kg of oil equivalent) EG.GDP.PUSE.KO.PP - GDP per unit of energy use (PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent) EG.GDP.PUSE.KO.PP.KD - GDP per unit of energy use (constant 2017 PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent) EG.IMP.CONS.ZS - Energy imports, net (% of energy use) EG.IMP.TOTL.KT.OE - Energy imports (kt of oil equivalent) EG.NSF.ACCS.RU.ZS - Access to non-solid fuel, rural (% of rural population) EG.NSF.ACCS.UR.ZS - Access to non-solid fuel, urban (% of urban population) EG.NSF.ACCS.ZS - Access to non-solid fuel (% of population) EG.USE.COMM.CL.ZS - Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use) EG.USE.COMM.FO.ZS - Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total) EG.USE.COMM.GD.PP.KD - Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2017 PPP) EG.USE.COMM.KT.OE - Energy use (kt of oil equivalent) EG.USE.CRNW.KT.OE - Combustible renewables and waste (metric tons of oil equivalent) EG.USE.CRNW.ZS - Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy) EG.USE.ELEC.KH - Electric power consumption (kWh) EG.USE.ELEC.KH.PC - Electric power consumption (kWh per capita) EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE - Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) EMBIG - J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Spread (EMBI+),,,, EMBIGI - J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index(EMBI+),,,, EN.AGR.EMPL - Economically active population in agriculture (number) EN.AGR.EMPL.FE - Economically active population in agriculture, female (FAO, number) EN.AGR.EMPL.IN - Agricultural population (FAO, number) EN.AGR.EMPL.MA - Economically active population in agriculture, male (FAO, number) EN.ANM.THRD.NO - Animal species, threatened EN.ARE.LAND.ZS - Arable land area (% of total land area) EN.ATM.CO2E.CP.KT - CO2 emissions from cement production (thousand metric tons) EN.ATM.CO2E.EG.ZS - CO2 intensity (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use) EN.ATM.CO2E.FF.KT - CO2 emissions from fossil-fuels, total (thousand metric tons) EN.ATM.CO2E.FF.ZS - CO2 emissions from fossil-fuels (% of total) EN.ATM.CO2E.GDP - CO2 emissions, industrial (kg per 1987 US$ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.GF.KT - CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.GF.ZS - CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (% of total) EN.ATM.CO2E.GL.KT - CO2 emissions from gas flaring (thousand metric tons) EN.ATM.CO2E.KD.87.GD - CO2 emissions, industrial (kg per 1987 US$ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.KD.GD - CO2 emissions (kg per 2010 US$ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.KT - CO2 emissions (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.LF.KT - CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.LF.ZS - CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (% of total) EN.ATM.CO2E.PC - CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.GD - CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.GD.KD - CO2 emissions (kg per 2017 PPP $ of GDP) EN.ATM.CO2E.SF.KT - CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.SF.ZS - CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (% of total) EN.ATM.GHGO.KT.CE - Other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.GHGO.ZG - Other greenhouse gas emissions (% change from 1990) EN.ATM.GHGT.KT.CE - Total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.GHGT.ZG - Total greenhouse gas emissions (% change from 1990) EN.ATM.HFCG.KT.CE - HFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.METH.AG.KT.CE - Agricultural methane emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.METH.AG.ZS - Agricultural methane emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.METH.EG.KT.CE - Methane emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.METH.EG.ZS - Energy related methane emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.METH.IN.ZS - Energy related methane emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.METH.KT.CE - Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.METH.PC - Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent per capita) EN.ATM.METH.ZG - Methane emissions (% change from 1990) EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.KT.CE - Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.ZS - Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (% of total) EN.ATM.NOXE.EG.KT.CE - Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.EG.ZS - Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (% of total) EN.ATM.NOXE.EI.ZS - Nitrous oxide emissions in industrial and energy processes (% of total nitrous oxide emissions) EN.ATM.NOXE.IN.KT.CE - Industrial nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.IN.ZS - Nitrous oxide emissions in industrial and energy processes (% of total nitrous oxide emissions) EN.ATM.NOXE.KT.CE - Nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.MT.CE - Nitrous oxide emissions (metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.NOXE.PC - Nitrous oxide emissions (metric tons of CO2 equivalent per capita) EN.ATM.NOXE.ZG - Nitrous oxide emissions (% change from 1990) EN.ATM.PFCG.KT.CE - PFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.ATM.PM10.MC.M3 - PM10, country level (micrograms per cubic meter) EN.ATM.PM25.MC.M3 - PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter) EN.ATM.PM25.MC.T1.ZS - PM2.5 pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO Interim Target-1 value (% of total) EN.ATM.PM25.MC.T2.ZS - PM2.5 pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO Interim Target-2 value (% of total) EN.ATM.PM25.MC.T3.ZS - PM2.5 pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO Interim Target-3 value (% of total) EN.ATM.PM25.MC.ZS - PM2.5 air pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO guideline value (% of total) EN.ATM.SF6G.KT.CE - SF6 gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) EN.BIR.THRD.NO - Bird species, threatened EN.BIR.TOTL.NO - Bird species, total known EN.CLC.CDDY.XD - Cooling Degree Days EN.CLC.DRSK.XQ - Disaster risk reduction progress score (1-5 scale; 5=best) EN.CLC.GHGR.MT.CE - GHG net emissions/removals by LUCF (Mt of CO2 equivalent) EN.CLC.HEAT.XD - Health Index 35 EN.CLC.MDAT.ZS - Droughts, floods, extreme temperatures (% of population, average 1990-2009) EN.CLC.PRCP.XD - Maximum 5-day Rainfall (25-yr RL) EN.CLC.SPEI.XD - Mean Drought Index (SPEI) EN.CO2.BLDG.MT - CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (million metric tons) EN.CO2.BLDG.ZS - CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.ETOT.MT - CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (million metric tons) EN.CO2.ETOT.ZS - CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.MANF.MT - CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (million metric tons) EN.CO2.MANF.ZS - CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.OTHX.MT - CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (million metric tons) EN.CO2.OTHX.ZS - CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion) EN.CO2.TRAN.MT - CO2 emissions from transport (million metric tons) EN.CO2.TRAN.ZS - CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion) EN.EGY.PROD.KT.OE - Commercial energy production (kt of oil equivalent) EN.ELC.PROD.GWH - Electric power production (million kwh) EN.ELC.PROD.LOSS.ZS - Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output) EN.FSH.THRD.NO - Fish species, threatened EN.HPT.THRD.NO - Plant species (higher), threatened EN.HPT.TOTL.NO - Plant species (higher), total known EN.LAND.CRP - Land use, cropland (sq km) EN.LAND.CRP.ZS - Land use, cropland (% of land area) EN.LAND.OTH - Land use, other (sq km) EN.LAND.OTH.ZS - Land use, other (% of land area) EN.LAND.PPS - Land use, permanent pasture (sq km) EN.LAND.PPS.ZS - Land use, permanent pasture (% of land area) EN.LAND.TOTL - Land area (sq km) EN.LND.IRIG.AR.ZS - Irrigated land (% of arable land) EN.MAM.THRD.NO - Mammal species, threatened EN.NAGR.EMPL.IN - Non-agricultural population (FAO, number) EN.POP.DNST - Population density (people per sq. km of land area) EN.POP.EL5M.RU.ZS - Rural population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population) EN.POP.EL5M.UR.ZS - Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population) EN.POP.EL5M.ZS - Population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population) EN.POP.SLUM.UR.ZS - Population living in slums (% of urban population) EN.PRD.ELEC - Electricity production (million kwh) EN.PRD.ELEC.POP.ZS - Electricity production (kwh per capita) EN.ROD.ACCT - Traffic accidents EN.ROD.TRAF - Road traffic (vehicles per km) EN.RUR.DNST - Rural population density (rural population per sq. km of arable land) EN.RUR.DNST.TOTL - Population density, rural (people per sq km) EN.TDF.COMP - Traditional fuel use (kt of oil equivalent) EN.TDF.COMP.ZS - Traditional fuel use (% of total energy use) EN.TRN.ACCT.VEH.ZS - Traffic accidents (injured or killed per 1,000 vehicles) EN.TRN.NVEH.1K - Vehicles (per 1,000 people) EN.TRN.NVEH.KM - Vehicles (per km of road) EN.URB.LCTY - Population in largest city EN.URB.LCTY.UR.ZS - Population in the largest city (% of urban population) EN.URB.MCTY - Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million EN.URB.MCTY.TL.ZS - Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population) ENF.CONT.COEN.ATDR - Enforcing contracts: Alternative dispute resolution (0-3) (DB16-20 methodology) ENF.CONT.COEN.ATFE.PR - Enforcing contracts: Attorney fees (% of claim) ENF.CONT.COEN.COST.ZS - Enforcing contracts: Cost (% of claim) ENF.CONT.COEN.COST.ZS.DFRN - Enforcing contracts: Cost (% of claim) - Score ENF.CONT.COEN.CSMG - Enforcing contracts: Case management (0-6) (DB16-20 methodology) ENF.CONT.COEN.CTAU - Enforcing contracts: Court automation (0-4) (DB17-20 methodology) ENF.CONT.COEN.CTFE.PR - Enforcing contracts: Court fees (% of claim) ENF.CONT.COEN.CTSP.DB16 - Enforcing contracts: Court structure and proceedings (0-5) (DB16 methodology) ENF.CONT.COEN.CTSP.DB1719 - Enforcing contracts: Court structure and proceedings (0-5) (DB17-20 methodology) ENF.CONT.COEN.DB0415.DFRN - Enforcing contracts (DB04-15 methodology) - Score ENF.CONT.COEN.DB16.DFRN - Enforcing contracts (DB16 methodology) - Score ENF.CONT.COEN.DB1719.DFRN - Enforcing contracts (DB17-20 methodology) - Score ENF.CONT.COEN.ENFE.PR - Enforcing contracts: Enforcement fees (% of claim) ENF.CONT.COEN.ENJU.DY - Enforcing contracts: Enforcement of judgment (days) ENF.CONT.COEN.FLSR.DY - Enforcing contracts: Filing and service (days) ENF.CONT.COEN.PROC.NO - Enforcing contracts: Procedures (number) ENF.CONT.COEN.PROC.NO.DFRN - Enforcing contracts: Procedures (number) - Score ENF.CONT.COEN.QUJP.DB16.DFRN - Enforcing contracts: Quality of the judicial processes index (0-19) (DB17-20 methodology) - Score ENF.CONT.COEN.QUJP.DB1719.DFRN - Enforcing contracts: Quality of judicial processes index (0-19) (DB17-19 methodology) - Score ENF.CONT.COEN.QUJP.XD - Enforcing contracts: Quality of the judicial processes index (0-18) (DB17-20 methodology) ENF.CONT.COEN.RK.DB19 - Rank: Enforcing contracts (1=most business-friendly regulations) ENF.CONT.COEN.TRJU.DY - Enforcing contracts: Trial and judgment (days) ENF.CONT.DURS.DY - Enforcing contracts: Time (days) ENF.CONT.DURS.DY.DFRN - Enforcing contracts: Time (days) - Score ENF.CONT.EC.QJPI - Enforcing contracts: Quality of judicial administration index (0-18) (DB17-19 methodology) EP.CPI.1996 - Consumer Price Index in 42 cities base 1996 EP.CPI.2002 - Consumer Price Index in 45 cities base 2002 EP.CPI.2007 - Consumer Price Index in 66 cities base 2007 EP.CPI.2012 - Consumer Price Index in 82 cities base 2012 EP.PMP.DESL.CD - Pump price for diesel fuel (US$ per liter) EP.PMP.SGAS.CD - Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter) EP.PPR.BRED.XD - Bread and cereals price in PPP terms (U.S. price = 100) EP.PPR.MAIZ.CD - Agricultural producer price, maize ($ per metric ton) EP.PPR.MEAT.XD - Meat price in PPP terms (U.S. price = 100) EP.PPR.WHEA.CD - Agricultural producer price, wheat ($ per metric ton) ER.BDV.TOTL.XQ - GEF benefits index for biodiversity (0 = no biodiversity potential to 100 = maximum) ER.FSH.AQUA.MT - Aquaculture production (metric tons) ER.FSH.CAPT.MT - Capture fisheries production (metric tons) ER.FSH.PROD.MT - Total fisheries production (metric tons) ER.FST.DFST.ZG - Annual deforestation (% of change) ER.GDP.FWTL.M3.KD - Water productivity, total (constant 2010 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWAG.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWDM.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, domestic (% of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWIN.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, industry (% of total freshwater withdrawal) ER.H2O.FWST.ZS - Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources ER.H2O.FWTL.K3 - Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion cubic meters) ER.H2O.FWTL.ZS - Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources) ER.H2O.INTR.K3 - Renewable internal freshwater resources, total (billion cubic meters) ER.H2O.INTR.PC - Renewable internal freshwater resources per capita (cubic meters) ER.LND.PTLD.K2 - Terrestrial protected areas (sq. km) ER.LND.PTLD.TR.NO - Terrestrial protected areas (number) ER.LND.PTLD.TR.ZS - Terrestrial protected areas (% of total surface area) ER.LND.PTLD.ZS - Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area) ER.MRN.PTMR.K2 - Marine protected areas (sq. km) ER.MRN.PTMR.NO - Marine protected areas (number) ER.MRN.PTMR.ZS - Marine protected areas (% of territorial waters) ER.PTD.TOTL.ZS - Terrestrial and marine protected areas (% of total territorial area) EU.EGY.IMPT.CO.ZS - Energy imports, net (% of commercial energy use) EU.EGY.USES.GDP - GDP per unit of energy use (1987 US$ per kg of oil equivalent) EU.EGY.USES.KG.OE.PC - Commercial energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) EU.EGY.USES.KT.OE - Commercial energy use (kt of oil equivalent) FA.LBL.RCUR.CN - Currency Outside Banks (local) FB.AST.FRNO.ZS - Banking assets held by foreign-owned banks (% of total banking assets) FB.AST.LOAN.CB.P3 - Loan accounts, commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) FB.AST.LOAN.CO.P3 - Loan accounts, cooperatives (per 1,000 adults) FB.AST.LOAN.MF.P3 - Loan accounts, microfinance institutions (per 1,000 adults) FB.AST.LOAN.SF.P3 - Loan accounts, specialized state financial institutions (per 1,000 adults) FB.AST.NPER.ZS - Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%) FB.AST.PUBO.ZS - Banking assets held by government-owned banks (% of total banking assets) FB.ATM.TOTL.P5 - Automated teller machines (ATMs) (per 100,000 adults) FB.BNK.BRCH.CB.P5 - Branches, commercial banks (per 100,000 adults) FB.BNK.BRCH.CO.P5 - Branches, cooperatives (per 100,000 adults) FB.BNK.BRCH.MF.P5 - Branches, microfinance institutions (per 100,000 adults) FB.BNK.BRCH.P5 - Bank branches (per 100,000 people) FB.BNK.BRCH.SF.P5 - Branches, specialized state financial institutions (per 100,000 adults) FB.BNK.CAPA.ZS - Bank capital to assets ratio (%) FB.CAP.INST.ST.DM - FB.CAP.INST.ST.MS.AL - 660_Does government, industry, and NGOs participate in the multi-stakeholder structure to promote and coordinate financial education? FB.CAP.INST.ST.MS.GI - 659_Does government and industry only participate in the multi-stakeholder structure to promote and coordinate financial education? FB.CAP.INST.ST.MS.GP - 657_Does government participate in the multi-stakeholder structure to promote and coordinate financial education? FB.CAP.INST.ST.MS.IO - 658_Does industry only participate in the multi-stakeholder structure to promote and coordinate financial education? FB.CAP.INST.ST.MS.WB - FB.CAP.INST.ST.MU - FB.CAP.INST.ST.SG - FB.CAP.LEGL.DF.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.FE.CTR.WS - FB.CAP.POLI.G2P.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.GL.AP - 669_Has the government issued written guidelines directed to all providers of financial education on content and/or methodology? FB.CAP.POLI.GL.SP - 668_Has the government issued written guidelines directed to a limited set of providers of financial education on content and/or methodology? FB.CAP.POLI.GL.WP - FB.CAP.POLI.NM.5Y - FB.CAP.POLI.NS.BF.5Y - FB.CAP.POLI.NS.FC.5Y - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.CD.2Y - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.DT.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.IP.2Y - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.JS.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.NI - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.PR.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.SS.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.ST.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.PSC.UN.FE - FB.CAP.POLI.PTC.INF.WS - FB.CAP.POLI.RE.AP - 672_Does the government explicitly require all financial service providers to offer financial education? FB.CAP.POLI.RE.SP - 671_Does the government explicitly require a limited set of financial service providers to offer financial education? FB.CAP.POLI.RE.WP - FB.CAP.POLI.RG.DC.AP - 664_Does the government regularly collect data from all known providers of financial education on the reach of their programs? FB.CAP.POLI.RG.DC.SP - 663_Does the government regularly collect data from a limited set of providers of financial education on the reach of their programs? FB.CAP.POLI.RG.DC.WP - FB.CBK.BRCH.P5 - Commercial bank branches (per 100,000 adults) FB.CBK.BRWR.P3 - Borrowers from commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) FB.CBK.DPTR.P3 - Depositors with commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) FB.DPT.INSU.PC.ZS - Deposit insurance coverage (% of GDP per capita) FB.FCP.BREG.AL.CO.NP - FB.FCP.BREG.EB.AR - FB.FCP.BREG.EB.EL - FB.FCP.BREG.EB.NP - FB.FCP.BREG.EB.OR - FB.FCP.BREG.ML.PC.AG - FB.FCP.BREG.ML.PC.AP - FB.FCP.BREG.ML.PC.CO - FB.FCP.BREG.ML.PC.CR - FB.FCP.BREG.ML.PC.CS - FB.FCP.BREG.ML.PC.MS - FB.FCP.BREG.ML.PC.RO - FB.FCP.BREG.MS.DC - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.BU.ND - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.DI.SC - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.EF.AC - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.EF.RP - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.EP.AC - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.TC.RC - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.TC.RL - FB.FCP.BREG.PR.TC.UF - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.AD - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.AN - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.BM - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.BO - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.CI - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.CT - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.DC - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.FA - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.FC - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.FG - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.FI - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.FM - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.FO - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.AG - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.AT - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.BL - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.CA - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.CC - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.CL - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.DA - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.DC - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.EC - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.EM - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.FD - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.HL - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.LI - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.ML - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.NI - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.OT - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.PC - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.UC - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.UI - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IC.UT - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.IR - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.MI - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.MO - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.PS - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.RS - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.RT - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.SE - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.VI - FB.FCP.DISR.AS.WR - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.AC - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.DU - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.EM - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.IP - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.RG - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.RK - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.ST - FB.FCP.DISR.CH.TR - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DR.AF - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DR.LL - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DR.PL - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DR.RR - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DS.AS - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DS.CS - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DS.PS - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DS.SS - FB.FCP.INST.CB.DS.UR - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.CF - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.CM - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.DI - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.ER - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.FP - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.MB - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.MF - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.OF - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.RI - FB.FCP.INST.CB.PD.SW - FB.FCP.INST.CB.SF.AS - FB.FCP.INST.EP.IF - FB.FCP.INST.EP.IN - FB.FCP.INST.EP.IS - FB.FCP.INST.EP.IW - FB.FCP.INST.EP.RF - FB.FCP.INST.EP.RL - FB.FCP.INST.EP.WA - FB.FCP.INST.ES.AF.10 - 313_Was the financial consumer protection (FCP) unit in this country established after the year 2010? FB.FCP.INST.ES.BF.2K - 311_Was the financial consumer protection (FCP) unit in this country established before the year 2000? FB.FCP.INST.ES.BW.01 - 312_Was the financial consumer protection (FCP) unit in this country established between the years 2000 and 2010? FB.FCP.INST.ES.WH.EN - FB.FCP.INST.FC.SF.AS - FB.FCP.INST.MC.SF.AS - FB.FCP.INST.NB.SF.AS - FB.FCP.INST.NS.BW.LC - 317_Does the financial consumer protection (FCP) unit in this country have the staff of between 50 and 99 people? FB.FCP.INST.NS.BW.XL - 316_Does the financial consumer protection (FCP) unit in this country have the staff of between 10 and 49 people? FB.FCP.INST.NS.HW.MY - FB.FCP.INST.NS.LS.XP - 315_Does the financial consumer protection (FCP) unit in this country have the staff of less than 10 people? FB.FCP.INST.NS.MT.CM - 318_Does the financial consumer protection (FCP) unit in this country have the staff of 100 or more people? FB.FCP.INST.OB.SF.AS - FB.FCP.INST.OD.SF.AS - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.CH - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.EI - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.FE - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.II - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.IR - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.MM - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.MR - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.MS - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.NC - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.RF - FB.FCP.INST.SA.MA.TR - FB.FCP.INST.SI.SF.AS - FB.FCP.INST.ST.RS.DP - 302_In terms of institutional structure for financial consumer protection (FCP) regulation and supervision, does this country have a dedicated financial consumer protection authority model? FB.FCP.INST.ST.RS.GP - 303_In terms of institutional structure for financial consumer protection (FCP) regulation and supervision, does this country have a general consumer protection authority model? FB.FCP.INST.ST.RS.IA - 300_In terms of institutional structure for financial consumer protection (FCP) regulation and supervision, does this country have an integrated single financial sector authority model? FB.FCP.INST.ST.RS.IS - 301_In terms of institutional structure for financial consumer protection (FCP) regulation and supervision, does this country have an integrated sectoral financial sector authority model? FB.FCP.INST.ST.RS.SH - 304_In terms of institutional structure for financial consumer protection (FCP) regulation and supervision, does this country have a shared financial and general consumer protection authority model? FB.FCP.INST.ST.RS.WT - FB.FCP.INST.ST.UA.DF - FB.FCP.LEGL.FL.SA.EX - FB.FCP.LEGL.FR.CP.EX - FB.FCP.LEGL.GL.EF.EX - FB.FCP.LEGL.GL.NF.EX - FB.FCP.LEGL.NP.NF.NE - FB.FCP.LEGL.PR.SA.EX - FB.FCP.LEGL.SL.PP.EX - FB.FIN.INFO.XQ - Financial information infrastructure index (0=less developed to 10=more developed) FB.INC.BNKG.AC.SC.MC - FB.INC.BNKG.AC.SC.MM - FB.INC.BNKG.AC.SC.MO - FB.INC.BNKG.AC.SC.MX - FB.INC.BNKG.AC.SC.NC - FB.INC.BNKG.AC.SC.NL - FB.INC.BNKG.AC.SC.OF - FB.INC.EMNY.NB.IN.PM - FB.INC.EMNY.NB.IP.NP - FB.INC.EMNY.NB.PU.RR - FB.INC.EMNY.NB.SP.PM - FB.INC.EMNY.SF.TA.CB - FB.INC.EMNY.SF.TA.EA - FB.INC.EMNY.SF.TA.ND - FB.INC.EMNY.SF.TA.OT - FB.INC.EMNY.SF.TA.RA - FB.INC.EMNY.SF.TA.TA - FB.INC.EMNY.SP.IF.AM - 220_Are 100% of customers' e-money funds required to be separated from e-money issuer's funds and kept at more than one prudentially regulated financial institution, possibly the central bank and othe FB.INC.EMNY.SP.IF.AO - 219_Are 100% of customers' e-money funds required to be separated from e-money issuer's funds and kept at a single prudentially regulated financial institution, possibly the central bank? FB.INC.EMNY.SP.IF.NR - 222_Is it not required that customers' e-money funds are separated from e-money issuer's funds? FB.INC.EMNY.SP.IF.SM - 221_Is only a fraction of customers' e-money funds required to be separated from e-money issuer's funds and kept at one or more prudentially regulated financial institutions, possibly the central bank FB.INC.EMNY.SP.IF.WH - FB.INC.INST.CB.AU.AR - 192_For commercial banks, is authorization of new or modified financial products always explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.CB.AU.NR - 194_For commercial banks, is authorization of new or modified financial products never explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.CB.AU.SR - 193_For commercial banks, is authorization of new or modified financial products only in some cases explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.CB.AU.WR - FB.INC.INST.CB.CD.SE - FB.INC.INST.CB.CRB.CR - FB.INC.INST.CB.LN.AL - 168_For commercial banks, is all lending subject to interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.CB.LN.NL - 169_For commercial banks, are there no interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.CB.LN.SL - 170_For commercial banks, are there some interest rate caps or pricing limits that apply to certain products or segments? FB.INC.INST.CB.LN.WL - FB.INC.INST.CB.LT.NF - FB.INC.INST.CB.LT.NI - FB.INC.INST.CB.LT.OE - FB.INC.INST.CB.LT.SM - FB.INC.INST.CB.TP.LI - FB.INC.INST.FC.AU.AR - 200_For financial cooperatives, is authorization of new or modified financial products always explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.FC.AU.NR - 202_For financial cooperatives, is authorization of new or modified financial products never explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.FC.AU.SR - 201_For financial cooperatives, is authorization of new or modified financial products only in some cases explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.FC.AU.WR - FB.INC.INST.FC.CD.SE - FB.INC.INST.FC.CRB.CR - FB.INC.INST.FC.LN.AL - 176_For financial cooperatives, is all lending subject to interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.FC.LN.NL - 177_For financial cooperatives, are there no interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.FC.LN.SL - 178_For financial cooperatives, are there some interest rate caps or pricing limits that apply to certain products or segments? FB.INC.INST.FC.LN.WL - FB.INC.INST.FC.LT.NF - FB.INC.INST.FC.LT.NI - FB.INC.INST.FC.LT.OE - FB.INC.INST.FC.LT.SM - FB.INC.INST.FC.TP.LI - FB.INC.INST.FP.AU.CR - FB.INC.INST.FP.AU.LR - FB.INC.INST.FP.AU.OR - FB.INC.INST.FW.CB - FB.INC.INST.FW.FC - FB.INC.INST.FW.MC - FB.INC.INST.FW.NB - FB.INC.INST.FW.OB - FB.INC.INST.FW.OD - FB.INC.INST.MC.AU.AR - 208_For microcredit institutions (MCIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products always explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.MC.AU.NR - 210_For microcredit institutions (MCIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products never explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.MC.AU.SR - 209_For microcredit institutions (MCIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products only in some cases explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.MC.AU.WR - FB.INC.INST.MC.CRB.CR - FB.INC.INST.MC.LN.AL - 184_For microcredit institutions (MCIs), is all lending subject to interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.MC.LN.NL - 185_For microcredit institutions (MCIs), are there no interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.MC.LN.SL - 186_For microcredit institutions (MCIs), are there some interest rate caps or pricing limits that apply to certain products or segments? FB.INC.INST.MC.LN.WL - FB.INC.INST.MC.TP.LI - FB.INC.INST.NB.AU.AR - 212_For non-bank e-money issuers (NBEIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products always explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.NB.AU.NR - 214_For non-bank e-money issuers (NBEIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products never explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.NB.AU.SR - 213_For non-bank e-money issuers (NBEIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products only in some cases explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.NB.AU.WR - FB.INC.INST.NB.CRB.CR - FB.INC.INST.NB.TP.LI - FB.INC.INST.OB.AU.AR - 196_For other banks, is authorization of new or modified financial products always explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.OB.AU.NR - 198_For other banks, is authorization of new or modified financial products never explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.OB.AU.SR - 197_For other banks, is authorization of new or modified financial products only in some cases explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.OB.AU.WR - FB.INC.INST.OB.CD.SE - FB.INC.INST.OB.CRB.CR - FB.INC.INST.OB.LN.AL - 172_For other banks, is all lending subject to interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.OB.LN.NL - 173_For other banks, are there no interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.OB.LN.SL - 174_For other banks, are there some interest rate caps or pricing limits that apply to certain products or segments? FB.INC.INST.OB.LN.WL - FB.INC.INST.OB.LT.NF - FB.INC.INST.OB.LT.NI - FB.INC.INST.OB.LT.OE - FB.INC.INST.OB.LT.SM - FB.INC.INST.OB.TP.LI - FB.INC.INST.OD.AU.AR - 204_For other deposit taking institutions (ODTIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products always explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.OD.AU.NR - 206_For other deposit taking institutions (ODTIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products never explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.OD.AU.SR - 205_For other deposit taking institutions (ODTIs), is authorization of new or modified financial products only in some cases explicitly required? FB.INC.INST.OD.AU.WR - FB.INC.INST.OD.CD.SE - FB.INC.INST.OD.CRB.CR - FB.INC.INST.OD.LN.AL - 180_For other deposit taking institutions (ODTIs), is all lending subject to interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.OD.LN.NL - 181_For other deposit taking institutions (ODTIs), are there no interest rate caps or pricing limits? FB.INC.INST.OD.LN.SL - 182_For other deposit taking institutions (ODTIs), are there some interest rate caps or pricing limits that apply to certain products or segments? FB.INC.INST.OD.LN.WL - FB.INC.INST.OD.LT.NF - FB.INC.INST.OD.LT.NI - FB.INC.INST.OD.LT.OE - FB.INC.INST.OD.LT.SM - FB.INC.INST.OD.TP.LI - FB.INC.INST.PA.CB.AG - FB.INC.INST.PA.CB.CA - FB.INC.INST.PA.CB.EM - FB.INC.INST.PA.CB.IN - FB.INC.INST.PA.CB.PC - FB.INC.INST.PA.CB.PN - FB.INC.INST.PA.CB.TP - FB.INC.INST.PA.FC.AG - FB.INC.INST.PA.FC.CA - FB.INC.INST.PA.FC.EM - FB.INC.INST.PA.FC.IN - FB.INC.INST.PA.FC.PC - FB.INC.INST.PA.FC.PN - FB.INC.INST.PA.FC.TP - FB.INC.INST.PA.MC.AG - FB.INC.INST.PA.MC.CA - FB.INC.INST.PA.MC.EM - FB.INC.INST.PA.MC.IN - FB.INC.INST.PA.MC.PC - FB.INC.INST.PA.MC.PN - FB.INC.INST.PA.MC.TP - FB.INC.INST.PA.NB.AG - FB.INC.INST.PA.NB.CA - FB.INC.INST.PA.NB.EM - FB.INC.INST.PA.NB.IN - FB.INC.INST.PA.NB.PC - FB.INC.INST.PA.NB.PN - FB.INC.INST.PA.NB.TP - FB.INC.INST.PA.OB.AG - FB.INC.INST.PA.OB.CA - FB.INC.INST.PA.OB.EM - FB.INC.INST.PA.OB.IN - FB.INC.INST.PA.OB.PC - FB.INC.INST.PA.OB.PN - FB.INC.INST.PA.OB.TP - FB.INC.INST.PA.OD.AG - FB.INC.INST.PA.OD.CA - FB.INC.INST.PA.OD.EM - FB.INC.INST.PA.OD.IN - FB.INC.INST.PA.OD.PC - FB.INC.INST.PA.OD.PN - FB.INC.INST.PA.OD.TP - FB.INC.INST.SU.MN.NB - FB.INC.INST.TP.CB.ID - FB.INC.INST.TP.CB.LA - FB.INC.INST.TP.CB.OA - FB.INC.INST.TP.CB.RD - FB.INC.INST.TP.FC.ID - FB.INC.INST.TP.FC.LA - FB.INC.INST.TP.FC.OA - FB.INC.INST.TP.FC.RD - FB.INC.INST.TP.MC.ID - FB.INC.INST.TP.MC.LA - FB.INC.INST.TP.MC.OA - FB.INC.INST.TP.MC.RD - FB.INC.INST.TP.NB.ID - FB.INC.INST.TP.NB.LA - FB.INC.INST.TP.NB.OA - FB.INC.INST.TP.NB.RD - FB.INC.INST.TP.OB.ID - FB.INC.INST.TP.OB.LA - FB.INC.INST.TP.OB.OA - FB.INC.INST.TP.OB.RD - FB.INC.INST.TP.OD.ID - FB.INC.INST.TP.OD.LA - FB.INC.INST.TP.OD.OA - FB.INC.INST.TP.OD.RD - FB.INC.INST.TP.RA - FB.INC.LEGL.DF.MC - FB.INC.LEGL.DF.MF - FB.INC.LEGL.DF.MS - FB.INC.NSTR.FC.DV - FB.INC.NSTR.FC.LN - FB.INC.NSTR.FI.DV - FB.INC.NSTR.FI.LN - FB.INC.NSTR.GF.FI.DV - FB.INC.NSTR.GF.FI.LN - FB.INC.NSTR.MF.DV - FB.INC.NSTR.MF.LN - FB.INC.NSTR.ND.FI.DV - FB.INC.NSTR.ND.FI.LN - FB.INC.POLI.FI.DT.BP - FB.INC.POLI.FI.GT.FA - FB.INC.POLI.FI.PL - FB.INC.POLI.FI.RE - FB.INC.POLI.FI.TI - FB.INC.SURV.AF.FR - FB.INC.SURV.AF.HH - FB.LBL.DDPT.CB.P3 - Deposit accounts, commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) FB.LBL.DDPT.CO.P3 - Deposit accounts, cooperatives (per 1,000 adults) FB.LBL.DDPT.MF.P3 - Deposit accounts, microfinance institutions (per 1,000 adults) FB.LBL.DDPT.P3 - Bank deposit accounts (per 1,000 people) FB.LBL.DDPT.SF.P3 - Deposit accounts, specialized state financial institutions (per 1,000 adults) FB.POS.TOTL.P5 - Point-of-sale terminals (per 100,000 adults) FC.XPD.ADMN.CR - General administration function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.AGR.CR - Agriculture function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.ECON.CR - Economy function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.EDU.CR - Education function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.ENVR.CR - Environment function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.HE.CR - Health function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.HOUS.CR - Housing and public facilities function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.INFR.CR - Infrastructure function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.PROT.CR - Social protection function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.PUBL.CR - Public, law and order function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.RELG.CR - Religious function expenditure (in IDR) FC.XPD.TOUR.CR - Tourism and culture function expenditure (in IDR) FD.AST.PRVT.GD.ZS - Domestic credit to private sector by banks (% of GDP) FD.RES.LIQU.AS.ZS - Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%) FI.RES.GOLD.CD - Gold Holdings at London market price (US$ end period) FI.RES.GOLD.CD.WB - Gold, valued at year-end London prices (current US$) FI.RES.TOTL.CD - Total reserves (includes gold, current US$) FI.RES.TOTL.CD.WB - Total reserves including gold valued at London gold price (current US$) FI.RES.TOTL.CD.ZS - Total reserves includes gold (% of GDP) FI.RES.TOTL.DT.ZS - Total reserves (% of total external debt) FI.RES.TOTL.MO - Total reserves in months of imports FI.RES.TOTL.MO.WB - Total reserves in months of imports of goods and services FI.RES.XGLD.CD - Total reserves minus gold (current US$) FM.ASC.DOMO.CN - Claims on private sector, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.DOMS.CN - Net domestic credit, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.DOMS.ZS - Net domestic credit as % of M2 (annual % change) FM.ASC.GOVT.CN - Net domestic credit to government, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.GOVT.ZS - Claims on governments, etc. as % of M2 (annual % change) FM.ASC.NCGV.CN - Claims on central government, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.NFGD.CN - Total assets, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.NFRG.CN - Net foreign assets, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.NFRG.ZS - Net foreign assets as % of M2 (annual % change) FM.ASC.OFFO.CN - Claims on other official entities, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.OFIN.CN - Claims on nonmonetary financial institutions, flow (current LCU) FM.ASC.PRVT.ZS - Claims on private sector as % of M2 (annual % change) FM.ASC.TOTP.CN - Claims on private sector and other financial institutions, flow (current LCU) FM.AST.CGOV.ZG.M3 - Claims on central government (annual growth as % of broad money) FM.AST.DOMO.CN - Net domestic credit to private sector, stock (current LCU) FM.AST.DOMO.ZG.M3 - Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (annual growth as % of broad money) FM.AST.DOMS.CN - Net domestic credit (current LCU) FM.AST.GOVT.CN - Claims on governments and other public entities (current LCU) FM.AST.GOVT.CN.ZS - Claims on governments and other public entities (% of GDP) FM.AST.GOVT.ZG.M2 - Claims on governments, etc. (annual growth as % of M2) FM.AST.NCGV.CN - Claims on central government (current LCU) FM.AST.NFGD.CN - Total assets (current LCU) FM.AST.NFRG.CD - Net foreign assets (current US$) FM.AST.NFRG.CN - Net foreign assets (current LCU) FM.AST.OFFO.CN - Net domestic credit to other official entities, stock (current LCU) FM.AST.OFIN.CN - Net domestic credit to other private financial institutions, stock (current LCU) FM.AST.PRVT.CN - Banking survey: claims on private sector (net) (current LCU) FM.AST.PRVT.ZG.M2 - Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of M2) FM.AST.PRVT.ZG.M3 - Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of broad money) FM.AST.PUBL.CN - Claims on governments and other public entities (current LCU) FM.AST.PUBL.ZG.M2 - Claims on governments, etc. (annual growth as % of M2) FM.AST.TOTP.CN - Net domestic credit to rest of economy, stock (current LCU) FM.LBC.MQMY.CN - Money and quasi money (M2), flow (current LCU) FM.LBC.XMQM.CN - Other liabilities excluding M2, flow (current LCU) FM.LBL.BMNY.CN - Broad money (current LCU) FM.LBL.BMNY.GD.ZS - Broad money (% of GDP) FM.LBL.BMNY.IR.ZS - Broad money to total reserves ratio FM.LBL.BMNY.ZG - Broad money growth (annual %) FM.LBL.DDPT.CN - Demand Deposits (local) FM.LBL.MONY.CN - Money (current LCU) FM.LBL.MQMY.CN - Money and quasi money (M2) (current LCU) FM.LBL.MQMY.CN.WB - Money Supply, Broadly Defined (local) FM.LBL.MQMY.GD.ZS - Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP FM.LBL.MQMY.GDP.ZS - Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP FM.LBL.MQMY.IR.ZS - Money and quasi money (M2) to total reserves ratio FM.LBL.MQMY.XD - Income velocity of money (GDP/M2) FM.LBL.MQMY.ZG - Money and quasi money growth (annual %) FM.LBL.NBNK.CN - Currency Ouside Banks (local) FM.LBL.QMNY.CN - Quasi money (current LCU) FM.LBL.QMNY.CN.WB - Quasi-Monetary Liabilities (local) FM.LBL.QMNY.GDP.ZS - Quasi-liquid liabilities (% of GDP) FM.LBL.SEIG.GDP.ZS - Seignorage (% of GDP) FM.LBL.XMQM.CN - Other liabilities excluding M2 (current LCU) FN.CRED.AGR.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Agriculture (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.BUS.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Business (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.CNSP.TOTL - Total Credit by Utilization: Consumption (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.CNST.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Construction (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.INVS.TOTL - Total credit by Utilization: Investment (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.MINQ.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Mining and Quarrying (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.MNF.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Manufacture (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.SRV.OTHR.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Other Services (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.SRV.SOCL.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Social Services (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.TRAD.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Trade (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.TRAN.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Transportation (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.UTL.TOTL - Total Credit by Sector: Utilities (province level, in IDR Million) FN.CRED.WCAP.TOTL - Total Credit by Utilization: Working Capital (province level, in IDR Million) FN.DPST.TOTL - Total Deposits (province level, in IDR Million) FN.INR.CBIR - Central bank intervention rate (%) FN.LOAN.CBK.TOTL - Total Commercial and Rural Banks Loans Rupiah and Foreign Currency (province level, in IDR Million) FP.CPI.TOTL - Consumer price index (2010 = 100) FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG - Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) FP.FPI.TOTL - Food price index (2000 = 100) FP.FPI.TOTL.ZG - Inflation, food prices (annual %) FP.WPI.TOTL - Wholesale price index (2010 = 100) FP.WPI.TOTL.ZG - Inflation, wholesale prices (annual %) FR.INR.DPST - Deposit interest rate (%) FR.INR.DPST.DP - Real deposit interest rate (%) FR.INR.GBND - Bond interest rate (%) FR.INR.IMPL - International interest rate, implicit (%) FR.INR.LEND - Lending interest rate (%) FR.INR.LEND.DPST.DF - Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit) FR.INR.LEND.LIBOR3.DF - Interest rate spread (lending rate minus LIBOR) FR.INR.LNDP - Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit rate, %) FR.INR.LNLB - Interest rate spread (lending rate minus LIBOR, %) FR.INR.MMKT - Money market rate (%) FR.INR.RINR - Real interest rate (%) FR.INR.RISK - Risk premium on lending (lending rate minus treasury bill rate, %) FR.INR.TDPT - Time deposits interest rate (%) FR.INR.TDPT.RL - Real interest on time deposit (%) FR.INR.USA.LIBOR3 - LIBOR rate (%) FS.AST.CGOV.GD.ZS - Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP) FS.AST.DOMO.GD.ZS - Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (% of GDP) FS.AST.DOMS.GD.ZS - Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP) FS.AST.DTOT.ZS - Domestic credit provided by banking sector (% of GDP) FS.AST.PRVT.CN - Banking survey: claims on private sector (current LCU) FS.AST.PRVT.GD.ZS - Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) FS.AST.PRVT.GDP.ZS - Credit to private sector (% of GDP) FS.LBL.LIQU.GD.ZS - Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP FS.LBL.LIQU.GDP.ZS - Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP FS.LBL.QLIQ.GD.ZS - Quasi-liquid liabilities (% of GDP) FS.XPC.DDPT.CN - Demand deposits (current LCU) FS.XPC.TDPT.CN - Time deposits (current LCU) FX.OWN.TOTL.40.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, poorest 40% (% of population ages 15+) FX.OWN.TOTL.60.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, richest 60% (% of population ages 15+) FX.OWN.TOTL.FE.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, female (% of population ages 15+) FX.OWN.TOTL.MA.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, male (% of population ages 15+) FX.OWN.TOTL.OL.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, older adults (% of population ages 25+) FX.OWN.TOTL.PL.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, primary education or less (% of population ages 15+) FX.OWN.TOTL.SO.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, secondary education or more (% of population ages 15+) FX.OWN.TOTL.YG.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, young adults (% of population ages 15-24) FX.OWN.TOTL.ZS - Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider (% of population ages 15+) GB.AMA.ABRD.CN - Adjustments to foreign scheduled principal repayments (current LCU) GB.BAL.CIGR.CN - Current budget balance, including grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.OVRL.CN - Overall budget balance, including grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.OVRL.GD.ZS - Overall budget balance, including grants (% of GDP) GB.BAL.OVRL.GDP.ZS - Overall budget deficit, including grants (% of GDP) GB.BAL.OVRX.CN - Overall surplus/deficit, excluding current grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.OVXG.CN - Overall surplus/deficit, excluding all grants (current LCU) GB.BAL.XINT.CN - Primary balance, excluding interest (current LCU) GB.DOD.DMSY.CN - Central government debt, monetary system credit (current LCU) GB.DOD.DNMS.CN - Central government debt, other domestic (current LCU) GB.DOD.FRGN.CD - External debt, end year (current US$) GB.DOD.FRGN.CN - External debt, end year (current LCU) GB.DOD.TOTL.CN - Total government debt (current LCU) GB.DOD.TOTL.GD.ZS - Central government debt, total (% of GDP) GB.DOD.TOTL.GDP.ZS - Central government debt, total (% of GDP) GB.DTA.DOMS.CN - Central government arrears on domestic debt (current LCU) GB.DTA.FRGN.CN - Central government arrears on external debt (current LCU) GB.FIN.ABRD.CN - External borrowing, net (current LCU) GB.FIN.ABRD.GD.ZS - Financing from abroad (% of GDP) GB.FIN.ABRD.GDP.ZS - Financing from abroad (% of GDP) GB.FIN.DMSY.CN - Domestic financing, monetary system credit (current LCU) GB.FIN.DNMS.CN - Other domestic borrowing (current LCU) GB.FIN.DOMS.CN - Domestic financing, total (current LCU) GB.FIN.DOMS.GD.ZS - Domestic financing, total (% of GDP) GB.FIN.DOMS.GDP.ZS - Domestic finanacing (% of GDP) GB.FIN.IKFR.CN - Financing, including external capital grants (current LCU) GB.GRT.CTOT.CN - Total current grants (current LCU) GB.GRT.KFRN.CN - External capital grants (current LCU) GB.GRT.TOTL.CN - Grants (local currency) GB.INT.DECT.RV.ZS - Interest payments (% of current revenue) GB.NTX.CIGR.CN - Nontax receipts (current LCU) GB.NTX.TOTL.RV.ZS - Nontax revenue (% of current revenue) GB.NTX.TOTL.ZS - Nontax revenue (% of current revenue) GB.REV.CTOT.CN - Current revenue, excluding grants (current LCU) GB.REV.CTOT.GD.ZS - Current revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP) GB.REV.IGRT.CN - Total revenue including current grants (current LCU) GB.REV.TOTL.CN - Current revenue (local currency) GB.REV.TOTL.GDP.ZS - Current revenue (% of GDP) GB.REV.XAGT.CN - Central government revenue excluding all grants (current LCU) GB.REV.XAGT.CN.ZS - Central government revenues, excluding all grants (% of GDP) GB.RVC.IGRT.CN - Total currrent revenues including current grants (current LCU) GB.RVC.TOTL.CN - Current revenue, excluding grants (current LCU) GB.RVC.TOTL.GD.ZS - Current revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP) GB.RVK.TOTL.CN - Capital revenue (current LCU) GB.SOE.DECT.ZS - SOE external debt (% of GDP) GB.SOE.DOMS.ZS - State-owned enterprises, credit (% of gross domestic credit) GB.SOE.ECON.GD.ZS - State-owned enterprises, economic activity (% of GDP) GB.SOE.ECON.GDP.ZS - SOE economic activity (% of GDP) GB.SOE.EMPL.ZS - State-owned enterprises, employment (% of total) GB.SOE.GDIV.ZS - State-owned enterprises, investment (% of GDI) GB.SOE.NFLW.GD.ZS - State-owned enterprises, net financial flows from government (% of GDP) GB.SOE.NFLW.GDP.ZS - SOE net financial flows from government (% of GDP) GB.SOE.OVRL.GD.ZS - State-owned enterprises, overall balance before transfers (% of GDP) GB.SOE.OVRL.GDP.ZS - SOE overall balance before transfers (% of total) GB.SOE.PRVZ.CD - Privatization proceeds (current US$) GB.TAX.CMAR.ZS - Highest marginal tax rate, corporate rate (%) GB.TAX.DRCT.CN - Direct taxes (current LCU) GB.TAX.EXPT.BX.ZS - Export duties (% of exports) GB.TAX.EXPT.ZS - Export duties (% of tax revenue) GB.TAX.GSRV.CN - Taxes on goods and services, GB (current LCU) GB.TAX.GSRV.NAGR.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and srv.) GB.TAX.GSRV.RV.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.GSRV.VA.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services) GB.TAX.GSRV.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.IDRT.CN - Indirect taxes less subsidies (current LCU) GB.TAX.IMAR.CD - Highest marginal tax rate, individual (on income exceeding, US$) GB.TAX.IMAR.ZS - Highest marginal tax rate, individual rate (%) GB.TAX.IMPT.BM.ZS - Import duties (% of imports) GB.TAX.IMPT.ZS - Import duties (% of tax revenue) GB.TAX.INCM.ZS - Income, profit, and capital gains taxes (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.INTT.CN - Taxes on international trade, GB (current LCU) GB.TAX.INTT.RV.ZS - Taxes on international trade (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.INTT.ZS - Taxes on international trade (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.OTHR.RV.ZS - Other taxes (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.OTHR.ZS - Other taxes (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.SSEC.RV.ZS - Social security taxes (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.SSEC.ZS - Social security taxes (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.TOTL.CN - Tax revenue (current LCU) GB.TAX.TOTL.GD.ZS - Tax revenue (% of GDP) GB.TAX.TOTL.GDP.ZS - Tax revenue (% of GDP) GB.TAX.YPKG.RV.ZS - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of current revenue) GB.TAX.YPKG.ZS - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of total taxes) GB.TDS.ABRD.CN - Adjustments to foreign scheduled debt service (current LCU) GB.TDS.FRGN.CN - Central government debt service, external (current LCU) GB.XPC.GSRV.CN - Government consumption (current LCU) GB.XPC.GSRV.ZS - Goods and services expenditure (% of total expenditure) GB.XPC.INTD.CN - Interest on domestic debt (current LCU) GB.XPC.INTE.CN - Interest on external debt (current LCU) GB.XPC.INTP.REV.ZS - Interest payment (% of current revenue) GB.XPC.INTP.ZS - Interest payments (% of total expenditure) GB.XPC.SUBS.CN - Subsidies (GFS, current LCU) GB.XPC.TOTL.CN - Current expenditure, total (current LCU) GB.XPC.TRFO.CN - Other current transfers (current LCU) GB.XPC.TRFT.ZS - Subsidies and other current transfers (% of total expenditure) GB.XPC.WAGE.CN - Wages and salaries (current LCU) GB.XPC.WAGE.ZS - Wages and salaries (% of total expenditure) GB.XPD.DEFN.CN - Defense expenditure (current LCU) GB.XPD.DEFN.GDP.ZS - Defense expenditure (% of GDP) GB.XPD.INLD.CN - Total expenditure and net lending (current LCU) GB.XPD.RD.GNP.ZS - Expenditures for research and development (% of GNP) GB.XPD.RSDV.GD.ZS - Research and development expenditure (% of GDP) GB.XPD.RSDV.GN.ZS - Research and development expenditure (% of GNI) GB.XPD.TOTL.CN - Expenditure, total (current LCU) GB.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS - Expenditure, total (% of GDP) GB.XPD.TOTL.GDP.ZS - Total expenditure (% of GDP) GB.XPK.INLD.CN - Total capital expenditure and net lending (current LCU) GB.XPK.RINV.CN - Budgetary investment (current LCU) GB.XPK.TOTL.CN - Capital expenditure (current LCU) GB.XPK.TOTL.ZS - Capital expenditure (% of total expenditure) GB.XPL.TRNL.CN - Capital transfers (current LCU) GC.AST.TOTL.CN - Net acquisition of financial assets (current LCU) GC.AST.TOTL.GD.ZS - Net acquisition of financial assets (% of GDP) GC.BAL.CASH.CD - Fiscal balance, cash surplus/deficit (current US$) GC.BAL.CASH.CN - Cash surplus/deficit (current LCU) GC.BAL.CASH.GD.ZS - Cash surplus/deficit (% of GDP) GC.BAL.CIGR.CN - Government Current Budget Balance (local) GC.BAL.CURI.CN - Gov. Current Budget Balance (+C&K Grants)(Local) GC.BAL.OVRL.CN - Government Deficit (-) or Surplus (local) GC.DOD.TOTL.CN - Central government debt, total (current LCU) GC.DOD.TOTL.GD.ZS - Central government debt, total (% of GDP) GC.EKL.TOTL.CN - Gov. Capital Payments (+Net lend.)(Local) GC.EXC.TOTL.CN - Gov. Current Expenditure (Local) GC.FIN.DOMS.CN - Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (current LCU) GC.FIN.DOMS.GD.ZS - Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (% of GDP) GC.FIN.FRGN.CN - Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (current LCU) GC.FIN.FRGN.GD.ZS - Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (% of GDP) GC.LBL.TOTL.CN - Net incurrence of liabilities, total (current LCU) GC.LBL.TOTL.GD.ZS - Net incurrence of liabilities, total (% of GDP) GC.NFN.TOTL.CN - Net investment in nonfinancial assets (current LCU) GC.NFN.TOTL.GD.ZS - Net investment in nonfinancial assets (% of GDP) GC.NLD.TOTL.CN - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (current LCU) GC.NLD.TOTL.GD.ZS - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (% of GDP) GC.REV.CIGR.CN - Government Current Revenue (local) GC.REV.GOTR.CN - Grants and other revenue (current LCU) GC.REV.GOTR.ZS - Grants and other revenue (% of revenue) GC.REV.KTOT.CN - Government Capital Receipts (local) GC.REV.SOCL.CN - Social contributions (current LCU) GC.REV.SOCL.ZS - Social contributions (% of revenue) GC.REV.TOTL.CD - Total revenue (current US$) GC.REV.TOTL.CN - Total revenue (current LCU) GC.REV.XGRT.CD - Revenue, excluding grants (current US$) GC.REV.XGRT.CN - Revenue, excluding grants (current LCU) GC.REV.XGRT.GD.ZS - Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP) GC.RVG.CURI.CN - Gov. Current Revenue (+C&K Grants)(Local) GC.RVK.TOTL.CN - Gov. Capital Receipts (Local) GC.TAX.EXPT.CN - Taxes on exports (current LCU) GC.TAX.EXPT.ZS - Taxes on exports (% of tax revenue) GC.TAX.GSRV.CN - Taxes on goods and services (current LCU) GC.TAX.GSRV.RV.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% of revenue) GC.TAX.GSRV.VA.ZS - Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services) GC.TAX.IMPT.CN - Customs and other import duties (current LCU) GC.TAX.IMPT.ZS - Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue) GC.TAX.INTT.CN - Taxes on international trade (current LCU) GC.TAX.INTT.RV.ZS - Taxes on international trade (% of revenue) GC.TAX.OTHR.CN - Other taxes (current LCU) GC.TAX.OTHR.RV.ZS - Other taxes (% of revenue) GC.TAX.TOTL.CN - Tax revenue (current LCU) GC.TAX.TOTL.GD.ZS - Tax revenue (% of GDP) GC.TAX.YPKG.CN - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (current LCU) GC.TAX.YPKG.RV.ZS - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of revenue) GC.TAX.YPKG.ZS - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of total taxes) GC.XPC.TOTL.CN - Government Current Expenditure (local) GC.XPK.INLD.CN - Government Capital Payments (local) GC.XPN.COMP.CN - Compensation of employees (current LCU) GC.XPN.COMP.ZS - Compensation of employees (% of expense) GC.XPN.GSRV.CN - Goods and services expense (current LCU) GC.XPN.GSRV.ZS - Goods and services expense (% of expense) GC.XPN.INTP.CN - Interest payments (current LCU) GC.XPN.INTP.RV.ZS - Interest payments (% of revenue) GC.XPN.INTP.ZS - Interest payments (% of expense) GC.XPN.OTHR.CN - Other expense (current LCU) GC.XPN.OTHR.ZS - Other expense (% of expense) GC.XPN.TOTL.CD - Expense (current US$) GC.XPN.TOTL.CN - Expense (current LCU) GC.XPN.TOTL.GD.ZS - Expense (% of GDP) GC.XPN.TRFT.CN - Subsidies and other transfers (current LCU) GC.XPN.TRFT.ZS - Subsidies and other transfers (% of expense) GCI.10THPILLAR.XQ - 10th pillar: Market size GCI.11THPILLAR.XQ - 11th pillar: Business sophistication GCI.12THPILLAR.XQ - 12th pillar: Innovation GCI.1STPILLAR.XQ - 1st pillar: Institutions GCI.2NDPILLAR.XQ - 2nd pillar: Infrastructure GCI.3RDPILLAR.XQ - 3rd pillar: Macroeconomic stability GCI.4THPILLAR.XQ - 4th pllar: Health and primary education GCI.5THPILLAR.XQ - 5th pillar: Higher education and training GCI.6THPILLAR.XQ - 6th pillar: Goods market efficiency GCI.7THPILLAR.XQ - 7th pillar: Labor market efficiency GCI.8THPILLAR.XQ - 8th pillar: Financial market sophistication GCI.9THPILLAR.XQ - 9th pillar: Techonological readiness GCI.INDEX.XQ - Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) GCI.PILLAR11TO12.XQ - Innovation and sophistication factors (weighted index 11th pillar to 12 th pillar) GCI.PILLAR1TO4.XQ - Basic requirements (weighted index 1st pillar to 4th pillar) GCI.PILLAR5TO10.XQ - Efficiency enhancers (weighted index 5th to 10th pillar) GCI.RANK.XQ - Global Competitive Index (GCI) rank GD.ZS - Expenditure shares of GDP (percentage share, GDP=100, XR term) GE.EST - Government Effectiveness: Estimate GE.NO.SRC - Government Effectiveness: Number of Sources GE.PER.RNK - Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank GE.PER.RNK.LOWER - Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval GE.PER.RNK.UPPER - Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval GE.STD.ERR - Government Effectiveness: Standard Error GF.XPD.BUDG.ZS - Primary government expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget (%) GFDD.AI.01 - Bank accounts per 1,000 adults GFDD.AI.02 - Bank branches per 100,000 adults GFDD.AI.03 - Firms with a bank loan or line of credit (%) GFDD.AI.04 - Small firms with a bank loan or line of credit (%) GFDD.AI.05 - Account at a formal financial institution (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.06 - Saved at a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.07 - Loan from a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.08 - Account used for business purposes (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.09 - Account used to receive government payments (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.10 - Account used to receive remittances (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.11 - Account used to receive wages (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.12 - Saved any money in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.13 - Saved using a savings club in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.14 - Loan in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.15 - Loan from a private lender in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.16 - Loan from an employer in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.17 - Loan through store credit in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.18 - Loan from family or friends in the past year (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.19 - Checks used to make payments (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.20 - Credit card (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.21 - Debit card (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.22 - Electronic payments used to make payments (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.23 - Mobile phone used to pay bills (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.24 - Mobile phone used to send money (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.25 - ATMs per 100,000 adults GFDD.AI.26 - Depositing/withdrawing at least once in a typical month (% age 15+) GFDD.AI.27 - Firms with a checking or savings account (%) GFDD.AI.28 - Firms using banks to finance investments (%) GFDD.AI.29 - Firms using banks to finance working capital (%) GFDD.AI.30 - Loans requiring collateral (%) GFDD.AI.31 - Value of collateral needed for a loan (% of the loan amount) GFDD.AI.32 - Firms not needing a loan (%) GFDD.AI.33 - Firms whose recent loan application was rejected (%) GFDD.AI.34 - Investments financed by banks (%) GFDD.AI.35 - Working capital financed by banks (%) GFDD.AI.36 - Firms identifying access to finance as a major constraint (%) GFDD.AM.01 - Value traded excluding top 10 traded companies to total value traded (%) GFDD.AM.02 - Market capitalization excluding top 10 companies to total market capitalization (%) GFDD.AM.03 - Nonfinancial corporate bonds to total bonds and notes outstanding (%) GFDD.AM.04 - Investments financed by equity or stock sales (%) GFDD.DI.01 - Private credit by deposit money banks to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.02 - Deposit money banks'' assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.03 - Nonbank financial institutions’ assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.04 - Deposit money bank assets to deposit money bank assets and central bank assets (%) GFDD.DI.05 - Liquid liabilities to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.06 - Central bank assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.07 - Mutual fund assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.08 - Financial system deposits to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.09 - Life insurance premium volume to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.10 - Non-life insurance premium volume to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.11 - Insurance company assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.12 - Private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.13 - Pension fund assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DI.14 - Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) GFDD.DM.01 - Stock market capitalization to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.02 - Stock market total value traded to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.03 - Outstanding domestic private debt securities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.04 - Outstanding domestic public debt securities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.05 - Outstanding international private debt securities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.06 - Outstanding international public debt securities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.07 - International debt issues to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.08 - Gross portfolio equity liabilities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.09 - Gross portfolio equity assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.10 - Gross portfolio debt liabilities to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.11 - Gross portfolio debt assets to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.12 - Syndicated loan issuance volume to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.13 - Corporate bond issuance volume to GDP (%) GFDD.DM.14 - Syndicated loan average maturity (years) GFDD.DM.15 - Corporate bond average maturity (years) GFDD.EI.01 - Bank net interest margin (%) GFDD.EI.02 - Bank lending-deposit spread GFDD.EI.03 - Bank noninterest income to total income (%) GFDD.EI.04 - Bank overhead costs to total assets (%) GFDD.EI.05 - Bank return on assets (%, after tax) GFDD.EI.06 - Bank return on equity (%, after tax) GFDD.EI.07 - Bank cost to income ratio (%) GFDD.EI.08 - Credit to government and state-owned enterprises to GDP (%) GFDD.EI.09 - Bank return on assets (%, before tax) GFDD.EI.10 - Bank return on equity (%, before tax) GFDD.EM.01 - Stock market turnover ratio (%) GFDD.OE.01 - Consumer price index (2010=100, December) GFDD.OE.02 - Consumer price index (2010=100, average) GFDD.OI.01 - Bank concentration (%) GFDD.OI.02 - Bank deposits to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.03 - H-statistic GFDD.OI.04 - Lerner index GFDD.OI.05 - Boone indicator GFDD.OI.06 - 5-bank asset concentration GFDD.OI.07 - Liquid liabilities in millions USD (2000 constant) GFDD.OI.08 - Loans from nonresident banks (net) to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.09 - Loans from nonresident banks (amounts outstanding) to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.10 - External loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-à-vis the banking sector (% of domestic bank deposits) GFDD.OI.11 - External loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-à-vis the nonbanking sectors (% of domestic bank deposits) GFDD.OI.12 - External loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-à-vis all sectors (% of domestic bank deposits) GFDD.OI.13 - Remittance inflows to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.14 - Consolidated foreign claims of BIS reporting banks to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.15 - Foreign banks among total banks (%) GFDD.OI.16 - Foreign bank assets among total bank assets (%) GFDD.OI.17 - Global leasing volume to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.18 - Total factoring volume to GDP (%) GFDD.OI.19 - Banking crisis dummy (1=banking crisis, 0=none) GFDD.OM.01 - Number of listed companies per 1,000,000 people GFDD.OM.02 - Stock market return (%, year-on-year) GFDD.SI.01 - Bank Z-score GFDD.SI.02 - Bank non-performing loans to gross loans (%) GFDD.SI.03 - Bank capital to total assets (%) GFDD.SI.04 - Bank credit to bank deposits (%) GFDD.SI.05 - Bank regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets (%) GFDD.SI.06 - Liquid assets to deposits and short term funding (%) GFDD.SI.07 - Provisions to nonperforming loans (%) GFDD.SM.01 - Stock price volatility GPFI1_TOTL - Financial knowledge score (0-3) GPFI2 - Disclosure index (0-5) GPFI3 - Dispute resolution index (0-1) GPFI4 - Getting credit: Distance to frontier (0-100) GPSS - Interoperability of ATM networks and interoperability of POS terminals (0-1) GPSS_1 - E-money accounts per 1,000 adults GPSS_2 - Retail cashless transactions per 1,000 adults GPSS_3 - Agents of payment service providers per 100,000 adults GPSS_4 - POS terminals per 100,000 adults GPSS_5 - Debit cards per 1,000 adults GV.BAL.OVRL.CN - Government Deficit (-) or Surplus (local) GV.CONT.CO.ES - Control of Corruption (estimate) GV.CONT.CO.NO - Control of Corruption (number of surveys/polls) GV.CONT.CO.SE - Control of Corruption (standard error) GV.GOVT.EF.ES - Government Effectiveness (estimate) GV.GOVT.EF.NO - Government Effectiveness (number of surveys/polls) GV.GOVT.EF.SE - Government Effectiveness (standard error) GV.POLI.ST.ES - Political Stability/No Violence (estimate) GV.POLI.ST.NO - Political Stability/No Violence (number of surveys/polls) GV.POLI.ST.SE - Political Stability/No Violence (standard error) GV.REGL.LA.ES - Regulatory Quality (estimate) GV.REGL.LA.NO - Regulatory Quality (number of surveys/polls) GV.REGL.LA.SE - Regulatory Quality (standard error) GV.RULE.LW.ES - Rule of Law (estimate) GV.RULE.LW.NO - Rule of Law (number off surveys/polls) GV.RULE.LW.SE - Rule of Law (standard error) GV.TI.RANK.IDX - Corruption Perceptions Index (rank) GV.TI.SCOR.IDX - Corruption Perceptions Index (score) GV.VOIC.AC.ES - Voice and Accountability (estimate) GV.VOIC.AC.NO - Voice and Accountability (number of surveys/polls) GV.VOIC.AC.SE - Voice and Accountability (standard error) HD.HCI.AMRT - Survival Rate from Age 15-60 HD.HCI.AMRT.FE - Survival Rate from Age 15-60, Female HD.HCI.AMRT.MA - Survival Rate from Age 15-60, Male HD.HCI.EYRS - Expected Years of School HD.HCI.EYRS.FE - Expected Years of School, Female HD.HCI.EYRS.MA - Expected Years of School, Male HD.HCI.HLOS - Harmonized Test Scores HD.HCI.HLOS.FE - Harmonized Test Scores, Female HD.HCI.HLOS.MA - Harmonized Test Scores, Male HD.HCI.LAYS - Learning-Adjusted Years of School HD.HCI.LAYS.FE - Learning-Adjusted Years of School, Female HD.HCI.LAYS.MA - Learning-Adjusted Years of School, Male HD.HCI.MORT - Probability of Survival to Age 5 HD.HCI.MORT.FE - Probability of Survival to Age 5, Female HD.HCI.MORT.MA - Probability of Survival to Age 5, Male HD.HCI.OVRL - Human Capital Index (HCI) (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.FE - Human Capital Index (HCI), Female (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.LB - Human Capital Index (HCI), Lower Bound (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.LB.FE - Human Capital Index (HCI), Female, Lower Bound (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.LB.MA - Human Capital Index (HCI), Male, Lower Bound (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.MA - Human Capital Index (HCI), Male (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.UB - Human Capital Index (HCI), Upper Bound (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.UB.FE - Human Capital Index (HCI), Female, Upper Bound (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.OVRL.UB.MA - Human Capital Index (HCI), Male, Upper Bound (scale 0-1) HD.HCI.STNT - Fraction of Children Under 5 Not Stunted HD.HCI.STNT.FE - Fraction of Children Under 5 Not Stunted, Female HD.HCI.STNT.MA - Fraction of Children Under 5 Not Stunted, Male HF.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS - Condom use in last intercourse (% of females at risk population) HF.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS.Q1 - Condom use in last intercourse (% of females at risk population): Q1 (lowest) HF.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS.Q2 - Condom use in last intercourse (% of females at risk population): Q2 HF.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS.Q3 - Condom use in last intercourse (% of females at risk population): Q3 HF.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS.Q4 - Condom use in last intercourse (% of females at risk population): Q4 HF.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS.Q5 - Condom use in last intercourse (% of females at risk population): Q5 (highest) HF.DYN.AIDS.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) HF.DYN.AIDS.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.DYN.AIDS.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49): Q2 HF.DYN.AIDS.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49): Q3 HF.DYN.AIDS.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49): Q4 HF.DYN.AIDS.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49): Q5 (highest) HF.DYN.CONM.ZS - Contraceptive prevalence, modern methods (% of females ages 15-49) HF.DYN.CONM.ZS.Q1 - Contraceptive prevalence, modern methods (% of females ages 15-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.DYN.CONM.ZS.Q2 - Contraceptive prevalence, modern methods (% of females ages 15-49): Q2 HF.DYN.CONM.ZS.Q3 - Contraceptive prevalence, modern methods (% of females ages 15-49): Q3 HF.DYN.CONM.ZS.Q4 - Contraceptive prevalence, modern methods (% of females ages 15-49): Q4 HF.DYN.CONM.ZS.Q5 - Contraceptive prevalence, modern methods (% of females ages 15-49): Q5 (highest) HF.DYN.IMRT.IN - Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) HF.DYN.IMRT.IN.Q1 - Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): Q1 (lowest) HF.DYN.IMRT.IN.Q2 - Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): Q2 HF.DYN.IMRT.IN.Q3 - Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): Q3 HF.DYN.IMRT.IN.Q4 - Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): Q4 HF.DYN.IMRT.IN.Q5 - Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): Q5 (highest) HF.DYN.MORT - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000) HF.DYN.MORT.Q1 - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000): Q1 (lowest) HF.DYN.MORT.Q2 - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000): Q2 HF.DYN.MORT.Q3 - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000): Q3 HF.DYN.MORT.Q4 - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000): Q4 HF.DYN.MORT.Q5 - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000): Q5 (highest) HF.DYN.SMEA - Pap smear in last 5 years (% of females 30-49) HF.DYN.SMEA.Q1 - Pap smear in last 5 years (% of females 30-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.DYN.SMEA.Q2 - Pap smear in last 5 years (% of females 30-49): Q2 HF.DYN.SMEA.Q3 - Pap smear in last 5 years (% of females 30-49): Q3 HF.DYN.SMEA.Q4 - Pap smear in last 5 years (% of females 30-49): Q4 HF.DYN.SMEA.Q5 - Pap smear in last 5 years (% of females 30-49): Q5 (highest) HF.IMM.FULL - Immunization, full (% of children ages 15-23 months) HF.IMM.FULL.Q1 - Immunization, full (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q1 (lowest) HF.IMM.FULL.Q2 - Immunization, full (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q2 HF.IMM.FULL.Q3 - Immunization, full (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q3 HF.IMM.FULL.Q4 - Immunization, full (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q4 HF.IMM.FULL.Q5 - Immunization, full (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q5 (highest) HF.IMM.MEAS - Immunization, measles (% of children ages 15-23 months) HF.IMM.MEAS.Q1 - Immunization, measles (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q1 (lowest) HF.IMM.MEAS.Q2 - Immunization, measles (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q2 HF.IMM.MEAS.Q3 - Immunization, measles (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q3 HF.IMM.MEAS.Q4 - Immunization, measles (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q4 HF.IMM.MEAS.Q5 - Immunization, measles (% of children ages 15-23 months): Q5 (highest) HF.MLR.NETS.ZS - Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population) HF.MLR.NETS.ZS.Q1 - Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population): Q1 (lowest) HF.MLR.NETS.ZS.Q2 - Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population): Q2 HF.MLR.NETS.ZS.Q3 - Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population): Q3 HF.MLR.NETS.ZS.Q4 - Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population): Q4 HF.MLR.NETS.ZS.Q5 - Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.ANV4.ZS - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women) HF.STA.ANV4.ZS.Q1 - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.ANV4.ZS.Q2 - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women): Q2 HF.STA.ANV4.ZS.Q3 - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women): Q3 HF.STA.ANV4.ZS.Q4 - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women): Q4 HF.STA.ANV4.ZS.Q5 - Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.ARIC.ZS - Acute respiratory infections treated (% of children under 5 with cough and rapid breathing) HF.STA.ARIC.ZS.Q1 - Acute respiratory infections treated (% of children under 5 with cough and rapid breathing): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.ARIC.ZS.Q2 - Acute respiratory infections treated (% of children under 5 with cough and rapid breathing): Q2 HF.STA.ARIC.ZS.Q3 - Acute respiratory infections treated (% of children under 5 with cough and rapid breathing): Q3 HF.STA.ARIC.ZS.Q4 - Acute respiratory infections treated (% of children under 5 with cough and rapid breathing): Q4 HF.STA.ARIC.ZS.Q5 - Acute respiratory infections treated (% of children under 5 with cough and rapid breathing): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BLSG.ZS - Blood sugar measured in last 5 years (% of population at risk of diabetes) HF.STA.BLSG.ZS.Q1 - Blood sugar measured in last 5 years (% of population at risk of diabetes): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BLSG.ZS.Q2 - Blood sugar measured in last 5 years (% of population at risk of diabetes): Q2 HF.STA.BLSG.ZS.Q3 - Blood sugar measured in last 5 years (% of population at risk of diabetes): Q3 HF.STA.BLSG.ZS.Q4 - Blood sugar measured in last 5 years (% of population at risk of diabetes): Q4 HF.STA.BLSG.ZS.Q5 - Blood sugar measured in last 5 years (% of population at risk of diabetes): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BM15.FE - Mean BMI, female (ages 15-49) HF.STA.BM15.FE.Q1 - Mean BMI, female (ages 15-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BM15.FE.Q2 - Mean BMI, female (ages 15-49): Q2 HF.STA.BM15.FE.Q3 - Mean BMI, female (ages 15-49): Q3 HF.STA.BM15.FE.Q4 - Mean BMI, female (ages 15-49): Q4 HF.STA.BM15.FE.Q5 - Mean BMI, female (ages 15-49): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BM18 - Mean BMI, adults (age 18+) HF.STA.BM18.FE - Mean BMI, female (age 18+) HF.STA.BM18.FE.Q1 - Mean BMI, female (age 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BM18.FE.Q2 - Mean BMI, female (age 18+): Q2 HF.STA.BM18.FE.Q3 - Mean BMI, female (age 18+): Q3 HF.STA.BM18.FE.Q4 - Mean BMI, female (age 18+): Q4 HF.STA.BM18.FE.Q5 - Mean BMI, female (age 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BM18.Q1 - Mean BMI, adults (age 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BM18.Q2 - Mean BMI, adults (age 18+): Q2 HF.STA.BM18.Q3 - Mean BMI, adults (age 18+): Q3 HF.STA.BM18.Q4 - Mean BMI, adults (age 18+): Q4 HF.STA.BM18.Q5 - Mean BMI, adults (age 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BMIN.MA - Mean BMI, male (age 18+) HF.STA.BMIN.MA.Q1 - Mean BMI, male (age 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BMIN.MA.Q2 - Mean BMI, male (age 18+): Q2 HF.STA.BMIN.MA.Q3 - Mean BMI, male (age 18+): Q3 HF.STA.BMIN.MA.Q4 - Mean BMI, male (age 18+): Q4 HF.STA.BMIN.MA.Q5 - Mean BMI, male (age 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BP18.ZS - Blood pressure measured in last 12 months (% of population age 18+) HF.STA.BP18.ZS.Q1 - Blood pressure measured in last 12 months (% of population age 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BP18.ZS.Q2 - Blood pressure measured in last 12 months (% of population age 18+): Q2 HF.STA.BP18.ZS.Q3 - Blood pressure measured in last 12 months (% of population age 18+): Q3 HF.STA.BP18.ZS.Q4 - Blood pressure measured in last 12 months (% of population age 18+): Q4 HF.STA.BP18.ZS.Q5 - Blood pressure measured in last 12 months (% of population age 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BPDI - Mean diastolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg) HF.STA.BPDI.Q1 - Mean diastolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BPDI.Q2 - Mean diastolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q2 HF.STA.BPDI.Q3 - Mean diastolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q3 HF.STA.BPDI.Q4 - Mean diastolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q4 HF.STA.BPDI.Q5 - Mean diastolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BPHT.ZS - High blood pressure or being treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population) HF.STA.BPHT.ZS.Q1 - High blood pressure or being treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BPHT.ZS.Q2 - High blood pressure or being treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q2 HF.STA.BPHT.ZS.Q3 - High blood pressure or being treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q3 HF.STA.BPHT.ZS.Q4 - High blood pressure or being treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q4 HF.STA.BPHT.ZS.Q5 - High blood pressure or being treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BPSY - Mean systolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg) HF.STA.BPSY.Q1 - Mean systolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BPSY.Q2 - Mean systolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q2 HF.STA.BPSY.Q3 - Mean systolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q3 HF.STA.BPSY.Q4 - Mean systolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q4 HF.STA.BPSY.Q5 - Mean systolic blood pressure, adult population (mmHg): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BPTR.ZS - Treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population) HF.STA.BPTR.ZS.Q1 - Treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BPTR.ZS.Q2 - Treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q2 HF.STA.BPTR.ZS.Q3 - Treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q3 HF.STA.BPTR.ZS.Q4 - Treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q4 HF.STA.BPTR.ZS.Q5 - Treated for high blood pressure (% of adult population): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.BRTC.ZS - Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) HF.STA.BRTC.ZS.Q1 - Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.BRTC.ZS.Q2 - Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total): Q2 HF.STA.BRTC.ZS.Q3 - Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total): Q3 HF.STA.BRTC.ZS.Q4 - Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total): Q4 HF.STA.BRTC.ZS.Q5 - Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.CHOL - Mean cholesterol, adult population (mmol/L) HF.STA.CHOL.ZS - High cholesterol or on treatment for high cholesterol (% of adult population) HF.STA.CHOM.ZS - Cholesterol measured in last five years (% of population at risk of high cholesterol) HF.STA.CHOM.ZS.Q1 - Cholesterol measured in last five years (% of population at risk of high cholesterol): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.CHOM.ZS.Q2 - Cholesterol measured in last five years (% of population at risk of high cholesterol): Q2 HF.STA.CHOM.ZS.Q3 - Cholesterol measured in last five years (% of population at risk of high cholesterol): Q3 HF.STA.CHOM.ZS.Q4 - Cholesterol measured in last five years (% of population at risk of high cholesterol): Q4 HF.STA.CHOM.ZS.Q5 - Cholesterol measured in last five years (% of population at risk of high cholesterol): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.DIAB.ZS - Treated for raised blood glucose or diabetes (% of adult population) HF.STA.DIAB.ZS.Q1 - Treated for raised blood glucose or diabetes (% of adult population): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.DIAB.ZS.Q2 - Treated for raised blood glucose or diabetes (% of adult population): Q2 HF.STA.DIAB.ZS.Q3 - Treated for raised blood glucose or diabetes (% of adult population): Q3 HF.STA.DIAB.ZS.Q4 - Treated for raised blood glucose or diabetes (% of adult population): Q4 HF.STA.DIAB.ZS.Q5 - Treated for raised blood glucose or diabetes (% of adult population): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.GLUC - Mean fasting blood glucose, adult population (mmol/L) HF.STA.GLYC.ZS - Impaired fasting glycaemia (% of adult population) HF.STA.HE15.FE - Mean height in meters, female, (age 15-49) HF.STA.HE15.FE.Q1 - Mean height in meters, female, (age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.HE15.FE.Q2 - Mean height in meters, female, (age 15-49): Q2 HF.STA.HE15.FE.Q3 - Mean height in meters, female, (age 15-49): Q3 HF.STA.HE15.FE.Q4 - Mean height in meters, female, (age 15-49): Q4 HF.STA.HE15.FE.Q5 - Mean height in meters, female, (age 15-49): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.HE18 - Mean height in meters, adults (age 18+) HF.STA.HE18.FE - Mean height in meters, female (age 18+) HF.STA.HE18.FE.Q1 - Mean height in meters, female (age 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.HE18.FE.Q2 - Mean height in meters, female (age 18+): Q2 HF.STA.HE18.FE.Q3 - Mean height in meters, female (age 18+): Q3 HF.STA.HE18.FE.Q4 - Mean height in meters, female (age 18+): Q4 HF.STA.HE18.FE.Q5 - Mean height in meters, female (age 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.HE18.MA - Mean height in meters, male (age 18+) HF.STA.HE18.MA.Q1 - Mean height in meters, male (age 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.HE18.MA.Q2 - Mean height in meters, male (age 18+): Q2 HF.STA.HE18.MA.Q3 - Mean height in meters, male (age 18+): Q3 HF.STA.HE18.MA.Q4 - Mean height in meters, male (age 18+): Q4 HF.STA.HE18.MA.Q5 - Mean height in meters, male (age 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.HE18.Q1 - Mean height in meters, adults (age 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.HE18.Q2 - Mean height in meters, adults (age 18+): Q2 HF.STA.HE18.Q3 - Mean height in meters, adults (age 18+): Q3 HF.STA.HE18.Q4 - Mean height in meters, adults (age 18+): Q4 HF.STA.HE18.Q5 - Mean height in meters, adults (age 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.INPT.ZS - Inpatient care use in last 12 months (% of population 18+) HF.STA.INPT.ZS.Q1 - Inpatient care use in last 12 months (% of population 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.INPT.ZS.Q2 - Inpatient care use in last 12 months (% of population 18+): Q2 HF.STA.INPT.ZS.Q3 - Inpatient care use in last 12 months (% of population 18+): Q3 HF.STA.INPT.ZS.Q4 - Inpatient care use in last 12 months (% of population 18+): Q4 HF.STA.INPT.ZS.Q5 - Inpatient care use in last 12 months (% of population 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.MALN.ZS - Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5) HF.STA.MALN.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.MALN.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5): Q2 HF.STA.MALN.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5): Q3 HF.STA.MALN.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5): Q4 HF.STA.MALN.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.MAMO.ZS - Mammography in last 2 years, (% of females 50-69) HF.STA.MAMO.ZS.Q1 - Mammography in last 2 years, (% of females 50-69): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.MAMO.ZS.Q2 - Mammography in last 2 years, (% of females 50-69): Q2 HF.STA.MAMO.ZS.Q3 - Mammography in last 2 years, (% of females 50-69): Q3 HF.STA.MAMO.ZS.Q4 - Mammography in last 2 years, (% of females 50-69): Q4 HF.STA.MAMO.ZS.Q5 - Mammography in last 2 years, (% of females 50-69): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OB15.FE.ZS - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 15-49) HF.STA.OB15.FE.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 15-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OB15.FE.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 15-49): Q2 HF.STA.OB15.FE.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 15-49): Q3 HF.STA.OB15.FE.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 15-49): Q4 HF.STA.OB15.FE.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 15-49): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OB18.FE.ZS - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+) HF.STA.OB18.FE.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OB18.FE.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q2 HF.STA.OB18.FE.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q3 HF.STA.OB18.FE.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q4 HF.STA.OB18.FE.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of obesity, female, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OB18.MA.ZS - Prevalence of obesity, male, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+) HF.STA.OB18.MA.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of obesity, male, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OB18.MA.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of obesity, male, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q2 HF.STA.OB18.MA.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of obesity, male, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q3 HF.STA.OB18.MA.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of obesity, male, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q4 HF.STA.OB18.MA.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of obesity, male, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OB18.ZS - Prevalence of obesity, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+) HF.STA.OB18.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of obesity, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OB18.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of obesity, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q2 HF.STA.OB18.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of obesity, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q3 HF.STA.OB18.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of obesity, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q4 HF.STA.OB18.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of obesity, BMI > 30 (% of population 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.ORTH.ZS - Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS) HF.STA.ORTH.ZS.Q1 - Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.ORTH.ZS.Q2 - Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS): Q2 HF.STA.ORTH.ZS.Q3 - Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS): Q3 HF.STA.ORTH.ZS.Q4 - Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS): Q4 HF.STA.ORTH.ZS.Q5 - Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OW15.FE.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population ages 15-49) HF.STA.OW15.FE.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population ages 15-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OW15.FE.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population ages 15-49): Q2 HF.STA.OW15.FE.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population ages 15-49): Q3 HF.STA.OW15.FE.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population ages 15-49): Q4 HF.STA.OW15.FE.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population ages 15-49): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OW18.FE.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+) HF.STA.OW18.FE.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OW18.FE.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q2 HF.STA.OW18.FE.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q3 HF.STA.OW18.FE.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q4 HF.STA.OW18.FE.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of overweight, female, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OW18.MA.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, male, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+) HF.STA.OW18.MA.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of overweight, male, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OW18.MA.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of overweight, male, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q2 HF.STA.OW18.MA.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of overweight, male, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q3 HF.STA.OW18.MA.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of overweight, male, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q4 HF.STA.OW18.MA.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of overweight, male, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.OW18.ZS - Prevalence of overweight, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+) HF.STA.OW18.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of overweight, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.OW18.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of overweight, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q2 HF.STA.OW18.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of overweight, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q3 HF.STA.OW18.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of overweight, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q4 HF.STA.OW18.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of overweight, BMI > 25 (% of population 18+): Q5 (highest) HF.STA.STNT.ZS - Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5) HF.STA.STNT.ZS.Q1 - Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5): Q1 (lowest) HF.STA.STNT.ZS.Q2 - Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5): Q2 HF.STA.STNT.ZS.Q3 - Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5): Q3 HF.STA.STNT.ZS.Q4 - Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5): Q4 HF.STA.STNT.ZS.Q5 - Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.CONS.ZS - Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%) HF.UHC.CONS.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.CONS.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q2 HF.UHC.CONS.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q3 HF.UHC.CONS.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q4 HF.UHC.CONS.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.NOP1.CG - Change in poverty gap due to out-of-pocket health spending ($ 2011 PPP), $1.90 poverty line HF.UHC.NOP1.ZS - Proportion of population pushed below the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%) HF.UHC.NOP1.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population pushed below the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.NOP1.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population pushed below the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q2 HF.UHC.NOP1.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population pushed below the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q3 HF.UHC.NOP1.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population pushed below the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q4 HF.UHC.NOP1.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population pushed below the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.NOP2.CG - Change in poverty gap due to out-of-pocket health spending ($ 2011 PPP), $3.20 poverty line HF.UHC.NOP2.ZS - Proportion of population pushed below the $3.20 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%) HF.UHC.NOP2.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population pushed below the $3.20 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.NOP2.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population pushed below the $3.20 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q2 HF.UHC.NOP2.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population pushed below the $3.20 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q3 HF.UHC.NOP2.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population pushed below the $3.20 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q4 HF.UHC.NOP2.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population pushed below the $3.20 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.NOP3.CG - Change in poverty gap due to out-of-pocket health spending ($ 2011 PPP), $5.50 poverty line HF.UHC.NOP3.ZS - Proportion of population pushed below the $5.50 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%) HF.UHC.NOP3.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population pushed below the $5.50 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.NOP3.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population pushed below the $5.50 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q2 HF.UHC.NOP3.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population pushed below the $5.50 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q3 HF.UHC.NOP3.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population pushed below the $5.50 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q4 HF.UHC.NOP3.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population pushed below the $5.50 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.NOP4.CG - Change in poverty gap due to out-of-pocket health spending ($ 2011 PPP), $21.70 poverty line HF.UHC.NOP4.ZS - Proportion of population pushed below the $21.70 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%) HF.UHC.NOP4.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population pushed below the $21.70 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.NOP4.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population pushed below the $21.70 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q2 HF.UHC.NOP4.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population pushed below the $21.70 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q3 HF.UHC.NOP4.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population pushed below the $21.70 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q4 HF.UHC.NOP4.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population pushed below the $21.70 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line by out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.NOPX.ZS - Proportion of population pushed by out-of-pocket health care expenditure below the societal poverty line, defined as the higher of the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line and a 50% of median consumption p HF.UHC.NOPX.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population pushed by out-of-pocket health care expenditure below the societal poverty line, defined as the higher of the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line and a 50% of median consumption p HF.UHC.NOPX.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population pushed by out-of-pocket health care expenditure below the societal poverty line, defined as the higher of the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line and a 50% of median consumption p HF.UHC.NOPX.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population pushed by out-of-pocket health care expenditure below the societal poverty line, defined as the higher of the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line and a 50% of median consumption p HF.UHC.NOPX.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population pushed by out-of-pocket health care expenditure below the societal poverty line, defined as the higher of the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line and a 50% of median consumption p HF.UHC.NOPX.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population pushed by out-of-pocket health care expenditure below the societal poverty line, defined as the higher of the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) poverty line and a 50% of median consumption p HF.UHC.OOP.CG - Mean household per capita out-of-pocket health spending ($ 2011 PPP) HF.UHC.OOP.ZS - Mean share of household consumption or income used on out-of-pocket health spending (%) HF.UHC.OOP.ZS.Q1 - Mean share of household consumption or income used on out-of-pocket health spending (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.OOP.ZS.Q2 - Mean share of household consumption or income used on out-of-pocket health spending (%): Q2 HF.UHC.OOP.ZS.Q3 - Mean share of household consumption or income used on out-of-pocket health spending (%): Q3 HF.UHC.OOP.ZS.Q4 - Mean share of household consumption or income used on out-of-pocket health spending (%): Q4 HF.UHC.OOP.ZS.Q5 - Mean share of household consumption or income used on out-of-pocket health spending (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.OOPC.10.ZS - Proportion of population spending more than 10% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%) HF.UHC.OOPC.10.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population spending more than 10% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.OOPC.10.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population spending more than 10% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q2 HF.UHC.OOPC.10.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population spending more than 10% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q3 HF.UHC.OOPC.10.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population spending more than 10% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q4 HF.UHC.OOPC.10.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population spending more than 10% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UHC.OOPC.25.ZS - Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%) HF.UHC.OOPC.25.ZS.Q1 - Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q1 (lowest) HF.UHC.OOPC.25.ZS.Q2 - Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q2 HF.UHC.OOPC.25.ZS.Q3 - Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q3 HF.UHC.OOPC.25.ZS.Q4 - Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q4 HF.UHC.OOPC.25.ZS.Q5 - Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%): Q5 (highest) HF.UWT.TFRT - Unmet need for contraception (% of females ages 15-49) HF.UWT.TFRT.Q1 - Unmet need for contraception (% of females ages 15-49): Q1 (lowest) HF.UWT.TFRT.Q2 - Unmet need for contraception (% of females ages 15-49): Q2 HF.UWT.TFRT.Q3 - Unmet need for contraception (% of females ages 15-49): Q3 HF.UWT.TFRT.Q4 - Unmet need for contraception (% of females ages 15-49): Q4 HF.UWT.TFRT.Q5 - Unmet need for contraception (% of females ages 15-49): Q5 (highest) HH.DHS.GAR.456 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary HH.DHS.GAR.456.F - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Female HH.DHS.GAR.456.M - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Male HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q1 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q2 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q3 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q4 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.GAR.456.Q5 - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.GAR.456.R - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Rural HH.DHS.GAR.456.U - DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Urban HH.DHS.NAR.1 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary HH.DHS.NAR.1.F - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Female HH.DHS.NAR.1.M - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Male HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q1 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q2 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q3 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q4 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.NAR.1.Q5 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.NAR.1.R - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Rural HH.DHS.NAR.1.U - DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Urban HH.DHS.NAR.23 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary HH.DHS.NAR.23.F - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Female HH.DHS.NAR.23.M - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Male HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q1 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q2 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q3 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q4 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.NAR.23.Q5 - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.NAR.23.R - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Rural HH.DHS.NAR.23.U - DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Urban HH.DHS.NIR.1 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education HH.DHS.NIR.1.F - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Female HH.DHS.NIR.1.M - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Male HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q1 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q2 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q3 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q4 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.NIR.1.Q5 - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.NIR.1.R - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Rural HH.DHS.NIR.1.U - DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Urban HH.DHS.OOS.1 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary HH.DHS.OOS.1.F - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Female HH.DHS.OOS.1.M - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Male HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q1 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q2 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q3 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q4 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOS.1.Q5 - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOS.1.R - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Rural HH.DHS.OOS.1.U - DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Urban HH.DHS.OOST.DO - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out HH.DHS.OOST.DO.F - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Female HH.DHS.OOST.DO.M - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Male HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q1 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q2 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q3 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q4 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.Q5 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOST.DO.R - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Rural HH.DHS.OOST.DO.U - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Urban HH.DHS.OOST.L - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry HH.DHS.OOST.L.F - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Female HH.DHS.OOST.L.M - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Male HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q1 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q2 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q3 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q4 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOST.L.Q5 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOST.L.R - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Rural HH.DHS.OOST.L.U - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Urban HH.DHS.OOST.X - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school HH.DHS.OOST.X.F - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Female HH.DHS.OOST.X.M - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Male HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q1 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q2 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q3 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q4 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.OOST.X.Q5 - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.OOST.X.R - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Rural HH.DHS.OOST.X.U - DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Urban HH.DHS.PCR - DHS: Primary completion rate HH.DHS.PCR.F - DHS: Primary completion rate. Female HH.DHS.PCR.M - DHS: Primary completion rate. Male HH.DHS.PCR.Q1 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.PCR.Q2 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.PCR.Q3 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.PCR.Q4 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.PCR.Q5 - DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.PCR.R - DHS: Primary completion rate. Rural HH.DHS.PCR.U - DHS: Primary completion rate. Urban HH.DHS.SCR - DHS: Secondary completion rate HH.DHS.SCR.F - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Female HH.DHS.SCR.M - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Male HH.DHS.SCR.Q1 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.SCR.Q2 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.SCR.Q3 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.SCR.Q4 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.SCR.Q5 - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.SCR.R - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Rural HH.DHS.SCR.U - DHS: Secondary completion rate. Urban HH.DHS.TR.12 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary HH.DHS.TR.12.F - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Female HH.DHS.TR.12.M - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Male HH.DHS.TR.12.Q1 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q2 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q3 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q4 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.TR.12.Q5 - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.TR.12.R - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Rural HH.DHS.TR.12.U - DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Urban HH.DHS.YRS.1519 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.F - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Female HH.DHS.YRS.1519.M - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Male HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q1 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q2 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q3 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q4 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.Q5 - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.YRS.1519.R - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Rural HH.DHS.YRS.1519.U - DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Urban HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+ HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.F - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Female HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.M - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Male HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q1 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 1 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q2 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 2 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q3 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 3 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q4 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 4 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q5 - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 5 HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.R - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Rural HH.DHS.YRS.15UP.GIN.U - DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Urban HH.MICS.GAR.456 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary HH.MICS.GAR.456.F - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Female HH.MICS.GAR.456.M - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Male HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q1 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q2 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q3 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q4 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.GAR.456.Q5 - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.GAR.456.R - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Rural HH.MICS.GAR.456.U - MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Urban HH.MICS.NAR.1 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary HH.MICS.NAR.1.F - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Female HH.MICS.NAR.1.M - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Male HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q1 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q2 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q3 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q4 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.NAR.1.Q5 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.NAR.1.R - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Rural HH.MICS.NAR.1.U - MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Urban HH.MICS.NAR.23 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary HH.MICS.NAR.23.F - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Female HH.MICS.NAR.23.M - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Male HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q1 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q2 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q3 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q4 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.NAR.23.Q5 - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.NAR.23.R - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Rural HH.MICS.NAR.23.U - MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Urban HH.MICS.OOS.1 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary HH.MICS.OOS.1.F - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Female HH.MICS.OOS.1.M - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Male HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q1 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q2 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q3 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q4 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOS.1.Q5 - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOS.1.R - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Rural HH.MICS.OOS.1.U - MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Urban HH.MICS.OOST.DO - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out HH.MICS.OOST.DO.F - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Female HH.MICS.OOST.DO.M - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Male HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q1 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q2 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q3 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q4 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.Q5 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOST.DO.R - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Rural HH.MICS.OOST.DO.U - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Urban HH.MICS.OOST.L - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry HH.MICS.OOST.L.F - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Female HH.MICS.OOST.L.M - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Male HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q1 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q2 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q3 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q4 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOST.L.Q5 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOST.L.R - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Rural HH.MICS.OOST.L.U - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Urban HH.MICS.OOST.X - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school HH.MICS.OOST.X.F - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Female HH.MICS.OOST.X.M - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Male HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q1 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q2 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q3 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q4 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.OOST.X.Q5 - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.OOST.X.R - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Rural HH.MICS.OOST.X.U - MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Urban HH.MICS.PCR - MICS: Primary completion rate HH.MICS.PCR.F - MICS: Primary completion rate. Female HH.MICS.PCR.M - MICS: Primary completion rate. Male HH.MICS.PCR.Q1 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.PCR.Q2 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.PCR.Q3 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.PCR.Q4 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.PCR.Q5 - MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.PCR.R - MICS: Primary completion rate. Rural HH.MICS.PCR.U - MICS: Primary completion rate. Urban HH.MICS.SCR - MICS: Secondary completion rate HH.MICS.SCR.F - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Female HH.MICS.SCR.M - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Male HH.MICS.SCR.Q1 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.SCR.Q2 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.SCR.Q3 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.SCR.Q4 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.SCR.Q5 - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.SCR.R - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Rural HH.MICS.SCR.U - MICS: Secondary completion rate. Urban HH.MICS.TR.12 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary HH.MICS.TR.12.F - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Female HH.MICS.TR.12.M - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Male HH.MICS.TR.12.Q1 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q2 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q3 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q4 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.TR.12.Q5 - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.TR.12.R - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Rural HH.MICS.TR.12.U - MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Urban HH.MICS.YRS.1519 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.F - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Female HH.MICS.YRS.1519.M - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Male HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q1 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q2 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q3 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q4 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.Q5 - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.YRS.1519.R - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Rural HH.MICS.YRS.1519.U - MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Urban HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+ HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.F - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Female HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.M - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Male HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q1 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 1 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q2 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 2 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q3 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 3 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q4 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 4 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.Q5 - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 5 HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.R - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Rural HH.MICS.YRS.15UP.GIN.U - MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Urban HLG-1 - Predictability of Transfers from Higher Level of Government HLG-1.1 - (i) Annual deviation of actual total HLG transfers from the original total estimated amount provided by HLG to the SN entity for inclusion in the latter’s budget HLG-1.2 - (ii) Annual variance between actual and estimated transfers of earmarked grants HLG-1.3 - (iii) In-year timeliness of transfers from HLG (compliance with timetables for in-year distribution of disbursements agreed within one month of the start of the SN fiscal year) HOU.ELC.ACSN.ZS - Household Access to Electricity: Total (in % of total household) HOU.H2O.ACSN.ZS - Household Access to Safe Water (in % of total household) HOU.MLT.MAIN.ZS - Household Access to Fixed Line Phone Connection (in % of total Household) HOU.STA.ACSN.ZS - Household Access to safe Sanitation (in % of total Household) HOU.XPD.EDU.PC.CR - Monthly Per Capita Household Education Expenditure (in IDR) HOU.XPD.HE.PC.CR - Monthly Per Capita Household Health Expenditure (in IDR) HOU.XPD.PC.CR - Household per capita expenditure (in IDR) HOU.XPD.TOTL.20POOR.CR - Monthly Per Capita TOTAL Household Expenditure for The Poorest 20 percent (in IDR) IBP.OBI.XQ - Open Budget Index Overall Country Score IC.BUS.DFRN.XQ - Ease of doing business score (0 = lowest performance to 100 = best performance) IC.BUS.DIR.XQ - Protecting investors, director liability index IC.BUS.DISC.XQ - Business extent of disclosure index (0=less disclosure to 10=more disclosure) IC.BUS.EASE.DFRN.DB1014 - Global: Ease of doing business score (DB10-14 methodology) IC.BUS.EASE.DFRN.DB15 - Ease of doing business score (DB15 methodology) IC.BUS.EASE.DFRN.DB16 - Global: Ease of doing business score (DB15 methodology) IC.BUS.EASE.DFRN.XQ.DB1719 - Global: Ease of doing business score (DB17-20 methodology) IC.BUS.EASE.XQ - Ease of doing business index (1=most business-friendly regulations) IC.BUS.INVS.XQ - Protecting investors, investor protection index IC.BUS.NDNS.ZS - New business density (new registrations per 1,000 people ages 15-64) IC.BUS.NREG - New businesses registered (number) IC.BUS.NREG.ZS - Business entry rate (new registrations as % of total) IC.BUS.SHR.XQ - Protecting investors, shareholder suits index IC.BUS.TOTL - Total businesses registered (number) IC.BUS.XQ - Protecting investors (rank) IC.CLS.COST.EST.ZS - Closing a business, cost (% of estate) IC.CLS.DURS - Closing a business, time (years) IC.CLS.REC.CD - Closing a business, recovery rate (cents on the dollar) IC.CLS.XQ - Closing a business (rank) IC.CNS.CORR.ZS - Corruption (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.CRIM.ZS - Crime (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.ELEC.ZS - Electricity (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.FINA.ZS - Finance (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.GEN.ZS - Firms that share or own their own generator (% of firms) IC.CNS.IMP.DURS - Days to Obtain Import License IC.CNS.INFM.ZS - Practices Informal Sector (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LAND.ZS - Access to Land (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LBRG.ZS - Labor regulations (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LBSK.ZS - Labor skills (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LEGL.ZS - Courts (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LIC.ZS - Licenses & Permits (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.LOSS.ZS - Losses Due to Theft, Robbery, Vandalism, and Arson Against the Firm (% of Sales) IC.CNS.PER.DURS - Days to Obtain Construction-related Permit IC.CNS.POLC.ZS - Policy uncertainty (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TAXAD.ZS - Tax administration (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TAXR.ZS - Tax rates (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TRAD.ZS - Customs & trade regulations (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNS.TRSP.ZS - Transportation (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint) IC.CNST.LIR.XD.02.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits: Liability and insurance regimes index (0-2) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.CNST.PC.XD.04.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits: Professional certifications index (0-4) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.CNST.PRMT.BQCI.015.DB1619.DFRN - Dealing with construction permits: Building quality control index (0-15) (DB16-20 methodology) - Score IC.CNST.PRMT.COST.WRH.VAL - Dealing with construction permits: Cost (% of Warehouse value) IC.CNST.PRMT.COST.WRH.VAL.DFRN - Dealing with construction permits: Cost (% of Warehouse value) - Score IC.CNST.PRMT.DFRN.DB0615 - Dealing with construction permits (DB06-15 methodology) - Score IC.CNST.PRMT.DFRN.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits (DB16-20 methodology) - Score IC.CNST.PRMT.PROC.NO - Dealing with construction permits: Procedures (number) IC.CNST.PRMT.PROC.NO.DFRN - Dealing with construction permits: Procedures (number) - Score IC.CNST.PRMT.QBR.XD.02.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits: Quality of building regulations index (0-2) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.CNST.PRMT.QCAC.XD.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits: Quality control after construction index (0-3) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.CNST.PRMT.QCBC.XD.01.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits: Quality control before construction index (0-1) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.CNST.PRMT.QCDC.XD.03.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits: Quality control during construction index (0-3) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.CNST.PRMT.RK - Rank: Dealing with construction permits (1=most business-friendly regulations) IC.CNST.PRMT.TM.DY - Dealing with construction permits: Time (days) IC.CNST.PRMT.TM.DY.DFRN - Dealing with construction permits: Time (days) - Score IC.CON.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get a Construction Permit (% of firms) IC.CRD.INFO.XQ - Depth of credit information index (0=low to 8=high) IC.CRD.LGL.XQ - Getting credit, legal rights index IC.CRD.PRVT.P3 - Private credit bureau coverage (borrowers per 1,000 adults) IC.CRD.PRVT.ZS - Private credit bureau coverage (% of adults) IC.CRD.PUBL.P3 - Public credit registry coverage (borrowers per 1,000 adults) IC.CRD.PUBL.ZS - Public credit registry coverage (% of adults) IC.CRD.XQ - Getting credit (rank) IC.CRED.ACC.ACES.DB0514 - Getting Credit total score (DB05-14 methodology) IC.CRED.ACC.ACES.DB1519 - Getting Credit total score (DB15-20 methodology) IC.CRED.ACC.CRD.DB0514.DFRN - Getting credit (DB05-14 methodology) - Score IC.CRED.ACC.CRD.DB1519.DFRN - Getting credit (DB15-20 methodology) - Score IC.CRED.ACC.CRD.RK - Rank: Getting credit (1=most business-friendly regulations) IC.CRED.ACC.DPTH.CISI.XD.06.DB0514 - Getting credit: Depth of credit information index (0-6) (DB05-14 methodology) IC.CRED.ACC.DPTH.CISI.XD.06.DB0514.DFRN - Getting credit: Depth of credit information index (0-6) (DB05-14 methodology) - Score IC.CRED.ACC.DPTH.CISI.XD.08.DB1519 - Getting credit: Depth of credit information index (0-8) (DB15-20 methodology) IC.CRED.ACC.DPTH.CISI.XD.08.DB1519.DFRN - Getting credit: Depth of credit information index (0-8) (DB15-20 methodology) - Score IC.CRED.ACC.LGL.RGHT.010.XD.DB0514.DFRN - Getting credit: Strength of legal rights index (0-10) (DB05-14 methodology) - Score IC.CRED.ACC.LGL.RGHT.012.XD.DB1519.DFRN - Getting credit: Strength of legal rights index (0-12) (DB15-20 methodology) - Score IC.CRED.ACC.LGL.RGHT.XD.010.DB0514 - Getting credit: Strength of legal rights index (0-10) (DB05-14 methodology) IC.CRED.ACC.LGL.RGHT.XD.012.DB1519 - Getting credit: Strength of legal rights index (0-12) (DB15-20 methodology) IC.CRED.ACC.PRVT.CRD.ZS - Getting credit: Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) IC.CRED.ACC.PUBL.CRD.REG.COVR.ZS - Getting credit: Credit registry coverage (% of adults) IC.CUS.DURS.EX - Average time to clear exports through customs (days) IC.CUS.DURS.IM - Average time to clear imports from customs (days) IC.DCP.BQC.XD.015.DB1619 - Dealing with construction permits: Building quality control index (0-15) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.DMKT.BRK.ZS - Products shipped to supply domestic markets lost due to breakage or spoilage (%) IC.DMKT.LOSS.ZS - Products shipped to supply domestic markets lost due to theft (%) IC.ELC.ACES.DFRN.DB1015 - Getting electricity (DB10-15 methodology) - Score IC.ELC.ACES.DFRN.DB1619 - Getting electricity (DB16-20 methodology) - Score IC.ELC.ACES.RK DB19 - Rank: Getting electricity (1=most business-friendly regulations) IC.ELC.ACS.COST - Getting electricity: Cost to get electricity (% of income per capita) IC.ELC.ACS.COST.DFRN - Getting electricity: Cost to get electricity (% of income per capita) - Score IC.ELC.COMM.TRFF.CG.01.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Communication of tariffs and tariff changes (0-1) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.DURS - Time to obtain an electrical connection (days) IC.ELC.GEN.ZS - Electricity from Generator (%) IC.ELC.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get an electrical connection (% of firms) IC.ELC.LMTG.OUTG.01.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Financial deterrents aimed at limiting outages (0-1) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.MONT.OUTG.01.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Mechanisms for monitoring outages (0-1) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.OUTG - Power outages in firms in a typical month (number) IC.ELC.OUTG.DY - Electrical outages (days) IC.ELC.OUTG.FREQ.DURS.03.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Total duration and frequency of outages per customer a year (0-3) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.OUTG.HR - Average duration of power outages (hours) IC.ELC.OUTG.MN.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Minimum outage time (in minutes) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.OUTG.ZS - Firms experiencing electrical outages (% of firms) IC.ELC.PRI.KH.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Price of electricity (US cents per kWh) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.PROC.NO - Getting electricity: Procedures (number) IC.ELC.PROC.NO.DFRN - Getting electricity: Procedures (number) - Score IC.ELC.REGU.MONT.01.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Regulatory monitoring (0-1) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.RSTOR.01.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Mechanisms for restoring service (0-1) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.RSTT.XD.08.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff index (0-8) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.RSTT.XD.08.DFRN.DB1619 - Getting electricity: Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff index (0-8) (DB16-20 methodology) - Score IC.ELC.SAID.XD.DB1619 - Getting electricity: System average interruption duration index (SAIDI) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.SAIF.XD.DB1619 - Getting electricity: System average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.ELC.TIME - Time required to get electricity (days) IC.ELC.TIME.DFRN - Getting electricity: Time (days) - Score IC.ELEC.COST.PC.ZS - Cost to get electricity connection (% of income per capita) IC.ELEC.PROC - Procedures required to get electricity (number) IC.ELEC.TIME - Time required to get electricity (days) IC.ELEC.XQ - Getting electricity (rank) IC.EMP.FIRE.WK - Firing cost (weeks of wages) IC.EMPL.FTRNG.ZS - Employees offered formal training (%) IC.EXP.COST.CD - Cost to export (US$ per container) IC.EXP.CSBC.CD - Cost to export, border compliance (US$) IC.EXP.CSDC.CD - Cost to export, documentary compliance (US$) IC.EXP.DOCS - Documents to export (number) IC.EXP.DURS - Time to export (days) IC.EXP.TMBC - Time to export, border compliance (hours) IC.EXP.TMDC - Time to export, documentary compliance (hours) IC.FRM.ACC.ZS - Firms with a Checking or Savings Account (% of firms) IC.FRM.AGE.YR - Age of firm (years) IC.FRM.AUDIT.ZS - Firms with annual Financial Statement reviewed by External Auditor (% of firms) IC.FRM.BKWC.ZS - Firms using banks to finance working capital (% of firms) IC.FRM.BNKS.ZS - Firms using banks to finance investment (% of firms) IC.FRM.BRIB.ZS - Bribery incidence (% of firms experiencing at least one bribe payment request) IC.FRM.CMPU.ZS - Firms competing against unregistered firms (% of firms) IC.FRM.COMP.ZS - Firms identifying practices of competitors in the Informal Sector as a major constraint (% of firms) IC.FRM.COR.ZS - Firms identifying corruption as a major constraint (% of firms) IC.FRM.CORR.CORR1 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts in meetings with tax officials IC.FRM.CORR.CORR10 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an operating license IC.FRM.CORR.CORR11 - Percent of firms identifying corruption as a major constraint IC.FRM.CORR.CORR2 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to secure government contract IC.FRM.CORR.CORR3 - Value of gift expected to secure a government contract (% of contract value) IC.FRM.CORR.CORR4 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to public officials to get things done IC.FRM.CORR.CORR6 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an electrical connection IC.FRM.CORR.CORR7 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get a water connection IC.FRM.CORR.CORR8 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get a construction permit IC.FRM.CORR.CORR9 - Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an import license IC.FRM.CORR.CRIME9 - Percent of firms identifying the courts system as a major constraint IC.FRM.CORR.GRAFT2 - Bribery index (% of gift or informal payment requests during public transactions) IC.FRM.CORR.ZS - Informal payments to public officials (% of firms) IC.FRM.COST.PC.ZS - Dealing with construction permits, cost (% of income per capita) IC.FRM.CRD.ZS - Firms with Line of Credit or Loans from Financial Institutions (% of firms) IC.FRM.CRIM.ZS - Losses due to theft and vandalism (% of annual sales of affected firms) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME1 - Percent of firms paying for security IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME2_C - If the establishment pays for security, average security costs (% of annual sales) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME3_C - If there were losses, average losses due to theft and vandalism (% of annual sales) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME5 - Products shipped to supply domestic markets that were lost due to theft (% of product value) IC.FRM.CRM.CRIME8 - Percent of firms identifying crime, theft and disorder as a major constraint IC.FRM.CRT.ZS - Believing the court system is fair, impartial and uncorrupted (% of firms identifying this as a major contraint) IC.FRM.CUS.ZS - Firms that trade identifying customs & trade regulations as a major constraint (% of firms) IC.FRM.DURS - Time required to obtain an operating license (days) IC.FRM.ELEC.ZS - Electricity (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.EMAIL.ZS - Firms using email to communicate with clients/suppliers (% of firms) IC.FRM.EMPL.PERM - Average number of permanent, full time employees IC.FRM.EMPL.SKILL - Average number of skilled production employees IC.FRM.EMPL.TEMP - Average number of seasonal/temporary, full-time employees IC.FRM.EMPL.UNSKILL - Average number of unskilled production workers IC.FRM.EXP.ZS - Exporter firms (% of firms) IC.FRM.FCHAR.CAR1 - Age of the establishment (years) IC.FRM.FCHAR.CAR2 - Proportion of private domestic ownership in a firm (%) IC.FRM.FCHAR.LFORM3 - Percent of firms with legal status of Sole Proprietorship IC.FRM.FEMM.ZS - Firms with female top manager (% of firms) IC.FRM.FEMO.ZS - Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms) IC.FRM.FEMW.ZS - Full time female workers (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN1 - Proportion of investment financed internally (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN10 - Value of collateral needed for a loan (% of the loan amount) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN11 - Proportion of loans requiring collateral (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN12 - Percent of firms using banks to finance investments IC.FRM.FIN.FIN13 - Percent of firms using banks to finance working capital IC.FRM.FIN.FIN14 - Percent of firms with a bank loan/line of credit IC.FRM.FIN.FIN15 - Percent of firms with a checking or savings account IC.FRM.FIN.FIN16 - Percent of firms identifying access to finance as a major constraint IC.FRM.FIN.FIN2 - Proportion of investment financed by banks (%) IC.FRM.FIN.FIN20 - Percent of firms not needing a loan IC.FRM.FIN.FIN21 - Percent of firms whose recent loan application was rejected IC.FRM.FIN.FIN7 - Proportion of working capital financed by banks (%) IC.FRM.FINA.ZS - Access to finance (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.FINPUT.ZS - Firms that use material inputs and/or supplies of foreign origin IC.FRM.FREG.ZS - Firms formally registered when operations started (% of firms) IC.FRM.GEN.GEND1 - Percent of firms with female participation in ownership IC.FRM.GEN.GEND2 - Proportion of permanent full-time workers that are female (%) IC.FRM.GEN.GEND3 - Proportion of permanent full-time non-production workers that are female (%) IC.FRM.GEN.GEND4 - Percent of firms with a female top manager IC.FRM.INFM.ZS - Firms that do not report all sales for tax purposes (% of firms) IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR1 - Percent of firms competing against unregistered or informal firms IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR2 - Percent of firms identifying practices of competitors in the informal sector as a major constraint IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR4 - Percent of firms formally registered when they started operations in the country IC.FRM.INFOR.INFOR5 - Number of years firm operated without formal registration IC.FRM.INFRA.IN1 - Days to obtain an electrical connection (upon application) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN10_C - If a generator is used, average proportion of electricity from a generator (%) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN11 - Percent of firms identifying transportation as a major constraint IC.FRM.INFRA.IN12 - Percent of firms identifying electricity as a major constraint IC.FRM.INFRA.IN14 - Proportion of products lost to breakage or spoilage during shipping to domestic markets (%) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN2 - Number of electrical outages in a typical month IC.FRM.INFRA.IN3_C - If there were outages, average duration of a typical electrical outage (hours) IC.FRM.INFRA.IN6 - Number of water insufficiencies in a typical month IC.FRM.INFRA.IN9 - Percent of firms owning or sharing a generator IC.FRM.INFRM.ZS - Services firms competing against unregistered or informal firms (% of service firms) IC.FRM.INNOV.T1 - Percent of firms with an internationally-recognized quality certification IC.FRM.INNOV.T2 - Percent of firms with an annual financial statement reviewed by external auditors IC.FRM.INNOV.T3 - Capacity utilization (%) IC.FRM.INNOV.T4 - Percent of firms using technology licensed from foreign companies IC.FRM.INNOV.T5 - Percent of firms having their own Web site IC.FRM.INNOV.T6 - Percent of firms using e-mail to interact with clients/suppliers IC.FRM.ISOC.ZS - Internationally-recognized quality certification (% of firms) IC.FRM.LBRG.ZS - Labor regulations (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.LBSK.ZS - Labor skill level (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.LIC.ZS - Business Licensing and Permits (% of firms Identifying this as major constraint) IC.FRM.METG.ZS - Firms visited or required meetings with tax officials (% of firms) IC.FRM.MGR.EXP - Years of experience of the Top Manager working in the firm's sector IC.FRM.OBS.OBST1 - Percent of firms choosing access to finance as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST10 - Percent of firms choosing labor regulations as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST11 - Percent of firms choosing political instability as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST12 - Percent of firms choosing practices of the informal sector as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST13 - Percent of firms choosing tax administration as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST14 - Percent of firms choosing tax rates as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST15 - Percent of firms choosing transportation as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST2 - Percent of firms choosing access to land as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST3 - Percent of firms choosing business licensing and permits as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST4 - Percent of firms choosing corruption as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST5 - Percent of firms choosing courts as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST6 - Percent of firms choosing crime, theft and disorder as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST7 - Percent of firms choosing customs and trade regulations as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST8 - Percent of firms choosing electricity as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OBS.OBST9 - Percent of firms choosing inadequately educated workforce as their biggest obstacle IC.FRM.OUTG.ZS - Value lost due to electrical outages (% of sales for affected firms) IC.FRM.OWN.GOV.ZS - Enterprise ownership - Government/state (%) IC.FRM.OWN.PFOR.ZS - Enterprise ownership - Private Foreign (%) IC.FRM.OWN.PLOC.ZS - Enterprise ownership - Private Domestic (%) IC.FRM.OWN.ZS - Largest shareholder ownership (%) IC.FRM.PROC - Dealing with construction, procedures (number) IC.FRM.REG.BUS1 - Days to obtain an import license IC.FRM.REG.BUS2 - Days to obtain an operating license IC.FRM.REG.BUS3 - Days to obtain a construction-related permit IC.FRM.REG.BUS5 - Percent of firms identifying business licensing and permits as a major constraint IC.FRM.REG.REG1 - Senior management time spent dealing with the requirements of government regulation (%) IC.FRM.REG.REG2_C - If there were visits, average number of visits or required meetings with tax officials IC.FRM.REG.REG4 - Percent of firms identifying tax rates as a major constraint IC.FRM.REG.REG5 - Percent of firms identifying tax administration as a major constraint IC.FRM.REG.ZS - Firms Formally Registered when Started Operations in the Country (% of firms) IC.FRM.RSDV.ZS - Firms that spend on R&D (% of firms) IC.FRM.SEC.ZS - Firms Paying for Security (% of firms) IC.FRM.SECR.ZS - Security costs (% of sales) IC.FRM.TAXAD.ZS - Tax Administration (% of firms identifying this as major constraint) IC.FRM.TAXR.ZS - Tax rates (% of firms identifying this as major constraint) IC.FRM.TECH.ZS - Firms using technology licensed from foreign companies (% of firms) IC.FRM.THEV.ZS - Firms experiencing losses due to theft and vandalism (% of firms) IC.FRM.TIME - Time required to deal with construction permits (days) IC.FRM.TRD.TR1 - Days to clear direct exports through customs IC.FRM.TRD.TR11 - Percent of firms using material inputs and/or supplies of foreign origin IC.FRM.TRD.TR2 - Days to clear imports from customs IC.FRM.TRD.TR5 - Proportion of total sales that are exported directly (%) IC.FRM.TRD.TR8 - Proportion of total inputs that are of foreign origin (%) IC.FRM.TRD.TR9 - Percent of firms identifying customs and trade regulations as a major constraint IC.FRM.TRNG.ZS - Firms offering formal training (% of firms) IC.FRM.TRSP.ZS - Transportation (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint) IC.FRM.WEB.ZS - Firms using its own website (% of firms) IC.FRM.WRKF.WK1 - Percent of firms offering formal training IC.FRM.WRKF.WK10 - Percent of firms identifying an inadequately educated workforce as a major constraint IC.FRM.WRKF.WK2 - Proportion of workers offered formal training (%) IC.FRM.WRKF.WK8 - Years of the top manager's experience working in the firm's sector IC.FRM.WRKF.WK9 - Percent of firms identifying labor regulations as a major constraint IC.FRM.WTLIC.DURS - Number of years firms operated without formal registration IC.FRM.XQ - Dealing with construction permits (rank) IC.GCON.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to secure a Government contract (% of firms) IC.GOV.DURS.ZS - Time spent dealing with the requirements of government regulations (% of senior management time) IC.GRAFT.XQ - Incidence of Graft index IC.IMP.COST.CD - Cost to import (US$ per container) IC.IMP.CSBC.CD - Cost to import, border compliance (US$) IC.IMP.CSDC.CD - Cost to import, documentary compliance (US$) IC.IMP.DOCS - Documents to import (number) IC.IMP.DURS - Time to import (days) IC.IMP.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get an Import License (% of firms) IC.IMP.TMBC - Time to import, border compliance (hours) IC.IMP.TMDC - Time to import, documentary compliance (hours) IC.ISV.DURS - Time to resolve insolvency (years) IC.LGL.CONT.XQ - Enforcing contracts (rank) IC.LGL.COST.DEBT.ZS - Enforcing contracts, cost (% of claim) IC.LGL.CRED.XQ - Strength of legal rights index (0=weak to 12=strong) IC.LGL.DURS - Time required to enforce a contract (days) IC.LGL.EMPL.XQ - Rigidity of employment index (0=less rigid to 100=more rigid) IC.LGL.LACK.ZS - Courts (% of managers surveyed lacking confidence in courts to uphold property rights) IC.LGL.PROC - Procedures to enforce a contract (number) IC.LOAN.COL.ZS - Loans requiring collateral (%) IC.OPER.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get an Operating License (% of firms) IC.PRP.COST.PROP.ZS - Cost of registering property (% of property value) IC.PRP.DURS - Time required to register property (days) IC.PRP.PROC - Procedures to register property (number) IC.PRP.XQ - Registering property (rank) IC.REG.CAP.PC.ZS - Minimum capital for starting a business (% of income per capita) IC.REG.COST.PC.FE.ZS - Cost of business start-up procedures, female (% of GNI per capita) IC.REG.COST.PC.FE.ZS.DRFN - Starting a business: Cost - Women (% of income per capita) - Score IC.REG.COST.PC.MA.ZS - Cost of business start-up procedures, male (% of GNI per capita) IC.REG.COST.PC.MA.ZS.DFRN - Starting a business: Cost - Men (% of income per capita) - Score IC.REG.COST.PC.ZS - Cost of business start-up procedures (% of GNI per capita) IC.REG.DFRN.PC.DFRN - Starting a business: Paid-in Minimum capital (% of income per capita) - Score IC.REG.DURS - Time required to start a business (days) IC.REG.DURS.FE - Time required to start a business, female (days) IC.REG.DURS.FE.DY - Starting a business: Time - Women (days) IC.REG.DURS.FE.DY.DRFN - Starting a business: Time - Women (days)- Score IC.REG.DURS.MA - Time required to start a business, male (days) IC.REG.DURS.MA.DY - Starting a business: Time - Men (days) IC.REG.DURS.MA.DY.DFRN - Starting a business: Time - Men (days) - Score IC.REG.MIN.CAP - Starting a business: Minimum capital (% of income per capita) IC.REG.PROC - Start-up procedures to register a business (number) IC.REG.PROC.FE - Start-up procedures to register a business, female (number) IC.REG.PROC.FE.NO - Starting a business: Procedures required - Women (number) IC.REG.PROC.FE.NO.DFRN - Starting a business: Procedures required - Women (number) - Score IC.REG.PROC.MA - Start-up procedures to register a business, male (number) IC.REG.PROC.MA.NO - Starting a business: Procedures required - Men (number) IC.REG.PROC.MA.NO.DFRN - Starting a business: Procedures required - Men (number) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.COST.PRT.VAL - Registering property: Cost (% of property value) IC.REG.PRRT.COST.PRT.VAL.DFRN - Registering property: Cost (% of property value) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.DFRN.DB0515 - Registering property (DB05-15 methodology) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.DFRN.DB16 - Registering property (DB16 methodology) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.DFRN.DB1719 - Registering property (DB17-20 methodology) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.DURS.TM - Registering property: Time (days) IC.REG.PRRT.DURS.TM.DRFN - Registering property: Time (days) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.EQACCS.XD.08.DB1619 - Registering property: Equal access to property rights index (-2-0) (DB17-20 methodology) IC.REG.PRRT.GEO.COVR.XD.08.DB1619 - Registering property: Geographic coverage index (0-8) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.REG.PRRT.LAND.DISP.XD.08.DB1619 - Registering property: Land dispute resolution index (0-8) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.REG.PRRT.LNDADM.GEN.XD.030.DB1719.DFRN - Registering property: Quality of land administration index with Gender (0-30) (DB17-19 methodology) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.PROC.NO - Registering property: Procedures (number) IC.REG.PRRT.PROC.NO.DFRN - Registering property: Procedures (number) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.QUAL.LNDADM.XD.030.DB16 - Registering property: Quality of land administration index (0-30) (DB17-20 methodology) IC.REG.PRRT.QUAL.LNDADM.XD.030.DB16.DFRN - Registering property: Quality of land administration index (0-30) (DB17-20 methodology) - Score IC.REG.PRRT.QUAL.LNDADM.XD.030.DB1719 - Registering property: Quality of land administration index (0-30) (DB17-19 methodology) IC.REG.PRRT.REG.RK.DB19 - Rank: Registering property (1=most business-friendly regulations) IC.REG.PRRT.RELI.INFR.XD.09.DB1619 - Registering property: Reliability of infrastructure index (0-8) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.REG.PRRT.TRAP.INFO.XD.06.DB1619 - Registering property: Transparency of information index (0-6) (DB16-20 methodology) IC.REG.STRT.BUS.DFRN - Starting a business - Score IC.REG.STRT.BUS.RK.DB19 - Rank: Starting a business (1=most business-friendly regulations) IC.REG.XQ - Starting a business (rank) IC.SALE.DOM.ZS - Domestic Sales (% sales) IC.SME.EMPL.ZS - MSME employment (% of total employment) IC.SME.TOTL - Micro, small and medium enterprises (number) IC.SME.TOTL.P3 - Micro, small and medium enterprises (per 1,000 people) IC.TAX.DURS - Time to prepare and pay taxes (hours) IC.TAX.GIFT.ZS - Firms expected to give gifts in meetings with tax officials (% of firms) IC.TAX.LABR.CP.ZS - Labor tax and contributions (% of commercial profits) IC.TAX.LBR.ZS - Paying taxes, labor tax and contributions (%) IC.TAX.METG - Average number of visits or required meetings with tax officials (for affected firms) IC.TAX.OTH.ZS - Paying taxes, other taxes (%) IC.TAX.OTHR.CP.ZS - Other taxes payable by businesses (% of commercial profits) IC.TAX.PAYM - Tax payments (number) IC.TAX.PFT.ZS - Paying taxes, profit tax (%) IC.TAX.PRFT.CP.ZS - Profit tax (% of commercial profits) IC.TAX.TOTL.CP.ZS - Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) IC.TAX.TOTL.GP.ZS - Total tax payable by businesses (% of gross profit) IC.TAX.XQ - Paying taxes (rank) IC.TEL.DURS - Delay in obtaining a mainline telephone connection (days) IC.TEL.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get a phone connection (% of firms) IC.TRD.XQ - Trading across borders (rank) IC.VAL.COL.ZS - Value of collateral needed for a loan (% of the loan amount) IC.VALG.GIFT.ZS - Value of gift expected to secure Government Contract (% of Contract) IC.WAT.DURS - Delay in obtaining a water connections (days) IC.WAT.GIFT.ZS - Expected to give gifts to get a water connection (% of firms) IC.WEF.LLCD.FE - Number of female directors IC.WEF.LLCD.FE.ZS - Share of female directors (% of total directors) IC.WEF.LLCD.MA - Number of male directors IC.WEF.LLCD.MA.ZS - Share of male directors (% of total directors) IC.WEF.LLCO.FE - Number of female business owners IC.WEF.LLCO.FE.ZS - Share of female business owners (% of total business owners) IC.WEF.LLCO.MA - Number of male business owners IC.WEF.LLCO.MA.ZS - Share of male business owners (% of total business owners) IC.WEF.SOLO.FE - Number of female sole proprietors IC.WEF.SOLO.FE.ZS - Share of female sole proprietors (% of sole proprietors) IC.WEF.SOLO.MA - Number of male sole proprietors IC.WEF.SOLO.MA.ZS - Share of male sole proprietors (% of sole proprietors) IC.WRH.DURS - Time required to build a warehouse (days) IC.WRH.PROC - Procedures to build a warehouse (number) IDX.HDI - Human Development Index IDX.HDI.REV - Human Development Index, revised method IE.ICT.PCAP.CD - Information and communication technology expenditure per capita (current US$) IE.ICT.TOTL.CD - Information and communication technology expenditure (current US$) IE.ICT.TOTL.GD.ZS - Information and communication technology expenditure (% of GDP) IE.PPI.ENGY.CD - Investment in energy with private participation (current US$) IE.PPI.ICTI.CD - Investment in ICT with private participation (current US$) IE.PPI.TELE.CD - Investment in telecoms with private participation (current US$) IE.PPI.TRAN.CD - Investment in transport with private participation (current US$) IE.PPI.WATR.CD - Investment in water and sanitation with private participation (current US$) IE.PPN.ENGY.CD - Public private partnerships investment in energy (current US$) IE.PPN.ICTI.CD - Public private partnerships investment in ICT (current US$) IE.PPN.TELE.CD - Public private partnerships investment in telecom (current US$) IE.PPN.TRAN.CD - Public private partnerships investment in transport (current US$) IE.PPN.WATR.CD - Public private partnerships investment in water and sanitation (current US$) IMPCOV - Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods IN.AGR.GR.IRRIG.AREA - Gross Irrigated Area under all crops ('000 hectares) IN.AGR.YLD.ALL - Yield - All Foodgrains (Kgs/Hectare) IN.AGR.YLD.RICE - Yield - Rice (Kgs/Hectare) IN.AGR.YLD.SUGRCANE - Yield - Sugarcane (Kgs/Hectare) IN.EC.GSDP.PERCAP.NOM.INR - Nominal GSDP Per Capita (INR) IN.EC.GSDP.PERCAP.NOM.USD - Nominal GSDP Per Capita (USD) IN.EC.GSDP.PERCAP.REAL.INR - Real GSDP Per Capita (INR) IN.EC.GSDP.PERCAP.REAL.INR.GRWTHRAT - Real GSDP Per Capita (INR) Growth Rate IN.EC.GSDP.PERCAP.REAL.USD - Real GSDP Per Capita (USD) IN.EC.GSDP.PERCAP.REAL.USD.GRWTHRAT - Real GSDP Per Capita (USD) Growth Rate IN.EC.POP.GRWTHRAT - Decadal Growth of Population (%) IN.EC.POP.GRWTHRAT.RURL - Decadal Growth of Population, Rural (%) IN.EC.POP.GRWTHRAT.URBN - Decadal Growth of Population, Urban (%) IN.EC.POP.RURL - Population, Rural (Thousands) IN.EC.POP.RURL.PCT - Population, Rural (%) IN.EC.POP.TOTL - Population (Thousands) IN.EC.POP.URBN.PCT - Population, Urban (%) IN.EDU.ENROL.GEN - Enrolment by Caste-General (%) IN.EDU.ENROL.MSLM - Enrolment by Caste-Muslim (%) IN.EDU.ENROL.OBC - Enrolment by Caste-OBC (%) IN.EDU.ENROL.SC - Enrolment by Caste-SC (%) IN.EDU.ENROL.ST - Enrolment by Caste-ST (%) IN.EDU.GR.ENRL.RATIO - Gross Enrolment Ratio (%) IN.EDU.NET.ENRL.RATIO - Net Enrolment Ratio (%) IN.EDU.PUPIL.TCHR - Pupil-Teacher Ratio IN.EDU.TCHR.NUM - Teachers (Number) IN.EDU.TCHRTRNG.NUM - Teacher Education Institutes (DIETs, CTEs, IASEs) IN.ENRGY.ELEC.CAP - Total- Installed Capacity (MW) IN.ENRGY.ELEC.GEN - Total-Electricity Generated Gross (GWh) IN.ENRGY.ELEC.PERCAP.CONSMPN - Utilities/Non Utilities Per Capita Consumption (KWh) IN.ENRGY.ELEC.PERCAP.CONSMPN.NONUTLTS - Non Utilities Per Capita Consumption (KWh) IN.ENRGY.ELEC.PERCAP.CONSMPN.TOTL - Total (Utilities & Non-Utilities) Per Capita Consumption (KWh) IN.ENRGY.GRID.RENEW.CAP - Grid interactive renewable power installed capacity (MW) IN.ENRGY.TOWNS.ELECTRFIED.NUM - Number of Towns Electrified (Per 2001 Census) IN.ENRGY.TOWNS.ELECTRFIED.PERCENT - Number of Towns Electrified (Percentage) IN.ENRGY.TOWNS.TOTL - Number of Towns Total (Per 2001 Census) IN.ENRGY.VILLAG.ELECTRFIED - Number of Villages Electrified IN.ENRGY.VILLAG.ELECTRFIED.PERCENT - Number of Villages Electrified (Percentage) IN.ENRGY.VILLAG.TOTL - Number of Villages Total (Per 2001 Census) IN.ENV.CO2.CONC - CO2 Emission (in thousand metric tons of Carbon) IN.ENV.CO2.PERCAP.CONC - Per Capita Emission ( metric tons of Carbon) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.AGRILAND.AREA - Agricultural land (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.AGRILAND.PCT - Ratio: Agricultural land to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.BUILT.AREA - Built-up land (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.BUILT.PCT - Ratio: Built-up land to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.FOREST.AREA - Forest (Non- tidal)/ Plantation (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.FOREST.PCT - Ratio: Forest (Non- tidal)/ Plantation to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.OTHFEATURES.AREA - Other features (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.OTHFEATURES.PCT - Ratio: Other features to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.SHORELAND.AREA - Shore land (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.SHORELAND.PCT - Ratio: Shore land to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.WASTELAND.AREA - Barren wasteland (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.WASTELAND.PCT - Ratio: Barren/ wasteland to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.WATERBODIES.AREA - Water bodies (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.WATERBODIES.PCT - Ratio: Water bodies to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.WETLAND.AREA - Wetlands (SQ KMs) IN.ENV.COASTALZONE.WETLAND.PCT - Ratio: Wetland to total coastal area of state (%) IN.ENV.CROPINTENSIT.PCT - Cropping Intensity (%) IN.ENV.FOREST.AREA - Forest Cover ('000 hectares) IN.ENV.FOREST.PCT - Forest Cover (Percent of Geographical Area) IN.ENV.GEO.AREA - Geographical Area ('000 hectares) IN.ENV.GROSS.IRRIG.AREA - Gross Irrigated Area ('000 hectares) IN.ENV.IRRIGTOCROPPED.PCT - Ratio: Gross Irrigated to Total Cropped Area (%) IN.ENV.NET.IRRIG.AREA - Net Irrigated Area ('000 hectares) IN.ENV.NO2.CONC - AIr Quality: Nitrogen Oxide (Micrograms/Cubic Meter) IN.ENV.NOCULTIVATION.AREA - Area not available for cultivation ('000 hectares) IN.ENV.OTHR.UNCULTIVABL.AREA - Other uncultivated (excl. fallow land) ('000 hectares) IN.ENV.PM.CONC - AIr Quality: Particulate Matter (Micrograms/Cubic Meter) IN.ENV.SO2.CONC - AIr Quality: Sulfur Dioxide (Micrograms/Cubic Meter) IN.FIN.COMMBANK.NUM - Commercial Bank Offices (Total) IN.FIN.FININCL.INDX - Financial Inclusion Index (CRISIL Method) IN.FIN.HH.BNKG.SRVC.RURL - Total number of households availing banking services - Rural IN.FIN.HH.BNKG.SRVC.TOTL - Total number of households availing banking services IN.FIN.HH.BNKG.SRVC.URBN - Total number of households availing banking services - Urban IN.FIN.HH.RURL - Total number of households -Rural IN.FIN.HH.TOTL - Total number of households IN.FIN.HH.URBN - Total number of households - Urban IN.FIN.POP.PERBANK - Average Population Per Bank Office (In Thousands) IN.HLTH.AUXNURSE.NUM - Auxiliary nursing midwives IN.HLTH.CHC.NUM - Number of Community Health Centers (CHCs) IN.HLTH.DISTHOSPTL.NUM - Number of District Hospitals IN.HLTH.DOCS.PER100K - Number of Government Allopathic Doctors Per 100,000 Population IN.HLTH.GOVHOSPTL.BEDS.NUM - Government Hospitals Number of beds IN.HLTH.GOVHOSPTL.BEDS.PER100K - Government Hospitals Number of beds Per 100,000 Population IN.HLTH.GOVHOSPTL.NUM - Government Hospitals (Number) IN.HLTH.GOVHOSPTL.PER100K - Government Hospitals (Number) Per 100,000 Population IN.HLTH.HIVDEATH.EST - HIV/AIDS Related Death Estimates IN.HLTH.HIVINFECTION.EST - HIV Infection Estimates IN.HLTH.HLTHSTAFF.NUM - Health visitors & Health supervisors IN.HLTH.MALARIA.CASES - Malaria - Cases IN.HLTH.MALARIA.DEATH - Malaria - Deaths IN.HLTH.SUBCTR.NUM - Number of Sub-Centers (SCs) IN.IS.RRS.ELEC.KM - Electrified Route Kilometres IN.IS.RRS.FRGT.LEAD - Freight Traffic (revenue earning) - Lead (Average no. of KMs per tonne) IN.IS.RRS.FRGT.RATE - Average Freight Rate per Tonne-KM (in Paise, for all commodities) IN.IS.RRS.FRGT.RVENU.NET.TON.KM - Freight Traffic (revenue earning) -Net Tonne Kilometers (millions) IN.IS.RRS.FRGT.SPEED - Speed of Freight Trains (KMs/hour) IN.IS.RRS.FRGT.TONS.ORIG - Freight Traffic - Tonnes originating (Millions) IN.IS.RRS.LOCO.NO - Locomotives - Number in service IN.IS.RRS.LOCO.TRACT.KG3 - Locomotives -Total tractive effort ('000 Kgs) IN.IS.RRS.PASG.KM.NONSUB - Passenger-Kilometers Traffic (Non-Suburban), in millions IN.IS.RRS.PASG.KM.SUB - Passenger-Kilometers Traffic (Suburban), in millions IN.IS.RRS.PASG.KM.TOTL - Total Passenger-Kilometers Traffic, in millions IN.IS.RRS.RUN.KM - Running Track Kilometres IN.IS.RRS.TOTL.KM - Total Route Kilometers IN.IS.RRS.TRKDENSITY.NTKM - Net tonnes Kms. per Route Km. per Annum (' 000s) IN.IS.RRS.TRKDENSITY.TRAIN - Train Kms. per Running Track Km. per Day IN.IS.RRS.WAGN.LEAD - Wagon Usage: Avergae Wagon Lead during run (in Tonnes) IN.IS.RRS.WAGN.NTKM.PER.WAGNDAY - Wagon Usage: Net Tonne-KMs/Weagon Day IN.IS.RRS.WAGN.USAGE - Wagon Usage (KMs/Wagon Day) IN.IS.RRS.WAGON.NO - Number of wagons in service (All Gauges) IN.IS.RRSTRKDENSITY.PASG - Passenger Kms. per Route Km. per Annum 000s IN.LABR.LABR.MYS - Labor Force ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Mean Years of Schooling IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level All Levels IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL.DIPL - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level Diploma/Cert IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL.HSCNDRY - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level Hr. Secondary IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL.MIDDL - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level Middle IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL.NOTLITRT - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level Not Literate IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL.PG - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level Degree + Post Graduate IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL.PRIMRY - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level Literacy upto Primary IN.LABR.LFPR.TOTL.SCNDRY - LFPR per 1000 for ages 15+ Rural & Urban: Level Secondary IN.POV.ASSETS.LANDMOBILE.PCT - Households with telephones (Landline & Mobile, %) IN.POV.HCR.EST.RURL - Poverty HCR Estimates (%) - Rural IN.POV.HCR.EST.TOTL - Poverty HCR Estimates (%) - Total IN.POV.HCR.EST.URBN - Poverty HCR Estimates (%) - Urban IN.POV.HH.ASSETS.COMP.INTERNET.PCT - Households having computer laptops (w/Internet, %) IN.POV.HH.ASSETS.COMP.NOINTERNET.PCT - Households having computer laptops (w/o Internet, %) IN.POV.HH.ASSETS.COMPUTERS.PCT - Households having computer laptops (%) IN.POV.HH.ASSETS.LANDLINEPHONE.PCT - Households with telephones (Landline, %) IN.POV.HH.ASSETS.MOBILEPHONE.PCT - Households with telephones (Mobile, %) IN.POV.HH.ASSETS.NUM - Households with assets (Number) IN.POV.HH.ASSETS.PHONE.PCT - Households with telephones (%) IN.POV.HH.DRKNGWATER - Total households with drinking water facility IN.POV.HH.DRKNGWATER.AWAY - Availability of drinking water from a source away IN.POV.HH.DRKNGWATER.NEAR - Availability of drinking water source near the premises IN.POV.HH.DRKNGWATER.WITHIN - Availability of drinking water source within the premises IN.POV.HH.DRNKNGWATER.RURL.PCT - Households Access to Safe Drinking Water - Rural (%) IN.POV.HH.DRNKNGWATER.TOTL.PCT - Households Access to Safe Drinking Water - Total (%) IN.POV.HH.DRNKNGWATER.URBN.PCT - Households Access to Safe Drinking Water - Urban (%) IN.POV.HH.SLUMS.NUM - Households in Slums (Number) IN.POV.HOUSNG.URBN.NUM - Urban housing - approved (number, cumulative total) IN.POV.INF.MORTRATE - Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000) IN.POV.INF.MORTRATE.UNDR5 - Under 5 Mortality Rate (Per 1,000) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.FEMALE - Literacy Rate Female (%) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.MALE - Literacy Rate Male (%) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.RURL - Literacy rate, Rural (%) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.SLUMS.FEMALE.PCT - Literacy Rate in Slums-Female (%) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.SLUMS.MALE.PCT - Literacy Rate in Slums - Male (%) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.SLUMS.TOTL.PCT - Literacy Rate in Slums - Total (%) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.TOTL - Literacy Rate (%) IN.POV.LIT.RAT.URBN - Literacy rate, Urban (%) IN.POV.LTRIN.POV.AWAY - Latrine not available within premises IN.POV.LTRIN.POV.WITHIN - Latrine facility available within premises IN.POV.MIGRNTS.5TO9YEARS.NUM - Migrants, Total: 5 to 9 years residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.FEMALE.1TO4YEARS.NUM - Migrants, Female 1 to 4 years residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.FEMALE.5TO9YEARS.NUM - Migrants, Female: 5 to 9 years residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.FEMALE.NUM - Migrants - Female (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.FEMALE.UNDER1YEAR.NUM - Migrants, Female: less than 1 Year residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.MALE.1TO4YEARS.NUM - Migrants, Male: 1 to 4 years residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.MALE.5TO9YEARS.NUM - Migrants, Male: 5 to 9 years residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.MALE.NUM - Migrants - Male (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.MALE.UNDER1YEAR.NUM - Migrants, Male: less than 1 Year residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.TOTL.1TO4YEARS.NUM - Migrants, Total: 1 to 4 years residence (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.TOTL.NUM - Migrants, Total (Number) IN.POV.MIGRNTS.TOTL.UNDER1YEAR.NUM - Migrants, Total: less than 1 Year residence (Number) IN.POV.SLUM.POP.FEMALE.NUM - Total Slum Population - Female (Number) IN.POV.SLUM.POP.MALE.NUM - Total Slum Population - Male (Number) IN.POV.SLUM.POP.TOTL.NUM - Total Slum Population (Number) IN.POV.WORKERS.SLUMS.FEMALE.NUM - Total Workers in Slums - Female (Number) IN.POV.WORKERS.SLUMS.MALE.NUM - Total Workers in Slums - Male (Number) IN.POV.WORKERS.SLUMS.TOTL.NUM - Total Workers in Slums (Number) IN.TRANSPORT.NATLHWY.BELOWSTD - National Highways (surfaced length) - Below standard single lane (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.NATLHWY.DBLLANE - National Highways (surfaced length) - Standard double lane (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.NATLHWY.MULTLANE - National Highways (surfaced length) - Standard multi lane (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.NATLHWY.ONELANESTD - National Highways (surfaced length) - Standard single lane (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.NATLHWY.TOTL - National Highways (surfaced length) - Total (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.RD.URBN - Urban Roads (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.RD.URBN.BTCC.SURFACE - Urban Roads, B.T/C.C surface (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.RD.URBN.SURFACED - Urban Roads Surfaced (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.RD.URBN.WBM.SURFACE - Urban Roads, W.B.M. surface (KMs) IN.TRANSPORT.RDCRASH.INJURD.NUM - Number of seriously injured in road traffic crashes IN.TRANSPORT.RDCRASH.NUM - Number of road crashes IN.TRANSPORT.RURLRD.DENSIT - Rural Road Density (KMs/1000 Population) IN.TRANSPORT.TRAFDEATH.NUM - Number of road traffic deaths IN.TRANSPORT.URBNRD.DENSIT - Urban Road Density (KMs Per 1000 Population) IP.IDS.NRCT - Industrial design applications, nonresident, by count IP.IDS.RSCT - Industrial design applications, resident, by count IP.JRN.ARTC.SC - Scientific and technical journal articles IP.PAT.NRES - Patent applications, nonresidents IP.PAT.RESD - Patent applications, residents IP.TMK.AGGD - Trademark applications, aggregate direct IP.TMK.MDRD - Trademark applications, Madrid IP.TMK.NRCT - Trademark applications, nonresident, by count IP.TMK.NRES - Trademark applications, direct nonresident IP.TMK.RESD - Trademark applications, direct resident IP.TMK.RSCT - Trademark applications, resident, by count IP.TMK.TOTL - Trademark applications, total IPTOTNSKD - Industrial Production, constant US$ IPTOTSAKD - Industrial Production, constant US$, seas. adj. IQ.CPA.BREG.XQ - CPIA business regulatory environment rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.DEBT.XQ - CPIA debt policy rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.ECON.XQ - CPIA economic management cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.ENVR.XQ - CPIA policy and institutions for environmental sustainability rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.FINQ.XQ - CPIA quality of budgetary and financial management rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.FINS.XQ - CPIA financial sector rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.FISP.XQ - CPIA fiscal policy rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.GNDR.XQ - CPIA gender equality rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.HRES.XQ - CPIA building human resources rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.IRAI.XQ - IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.MACR.XQ - CPIA macroeconomic management rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PADM.XQ - CPIA quality of public administration rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PRES.XQ - CPIA equity of public resource use rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PROP.XQ - CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PROT.XQ - CPIA social protection rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.PUBS.XQ - CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.REVN.XQ - CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.SOCI.XQ - CPIA policies for social inclusion/equity cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.STRC.XQ - CPIA structural policies cluster average (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.TRAD.XQ - CPIA trade rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.CPA.TRAN.XQ - CPIA transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector rating (1=low to 6=high) IQ.ICR.RISK.XQ - ICRG composite risk rating (0=highest risk to 100=lowest) IQ.PPN.REGQ.S0 - Assessment of country’s adherence to the best regulatory practices at the preparation stage of PPP project (scale 1-100) IQ.PPN.REGQ.S1 - Assessment of country’s adherence to the best regulatory practices at the procurement stage of PPP project (scale 1-100) IQ.PPN.REGQ.S2 - Assessment of country’s adherence to the best regulatory practices at the management stage of PPP project (scale 1-100) IQ.PPN.REGQ.S3 - Assessment of country’s adherence to the best regulatory practices, procurement of unsolicited proposals (scale 1-100) IQ.SCI.MTHD - Methodology assessment of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100) IQ.SCI.OVRL - Statistical Capacity score (Overall average) IQ.SCI.PRDC - Periodicity and timeliness assessment of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100) IQ.SCI.SRCE - Source data assessment of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100) IQ.WEF.CUST.XQ - Burden of customs procedure, WEF (1=extremely inefficient to 7=extremely efficient) IQ.WEF.PORT.XQ - Quality of port infrastructure, WEF (1=extremely underdeveloped to 7=well developed and efficient by international standards) IS.AIR.DPRT - Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide IS.AIR.DPRT.P3 - Aircraft departures (thousands) IS.AIR.GOOD.MT.K1 - Air transport, freight (million ton-km) IS.AIR.PSGR - Air transport, passengers carried IS.AIR.PSGR.P3 - Air transport, passengers carried (thousands) IS.ROD.DESL.KT - Road sector diesel fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.DESL.PC - Road sector diesel fuel consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.DNST.K2 - Road density (km of road per 100 sq. km of land area) IS.ROD.ENGY.KT - Road sector energy consumption (kt of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.ENGY.PC - Road sector energy consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.ENGY.ZS - Road sector energy consumption (% of total energy consumption) IS.ROD.GOOD.MT.K6 - Roads, goods transported (million ton-km) IS.ROD.NORM.XD - Roads, normalized index (100 = expected total length) IS.ROD.PAVE.ZS - Roads, paved (% of total roads) IS.ROD.PSGR.K6 - Roads, passengers carried (million passenger-km) IS.ROD.SGAS.KT - Road sector gasoline fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.SGAS.PC - Road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent) IS.ROD.TOTL.KM - Roads, total network (km) IS.ROD.TRAF - Road traffic (million vehicle-km) IS.RRS.DESL.ZS - Diesel locomotives available (in service as % of total diesel locomotives) IS.RRS.DNST - Rail traffic density (passengers and freight/km) IS.RRS.ELEC.KM - Rail lines, electric (km) IS.RRS.EMPL.TU.ZS - Railway employee productivity (traffic units per employee) IS.RRS.GOOD.KM - Railways, good hauled (ton-km) IS.RRS.GOOD.KM.PP.ZS - Railways, goods transported (ton-km per PPP $ million of GDP) IS.RRS.GOOD.MT.K6 - Railways, goods transported (million ton-km) IS.RRS.PASG.K2.PP.ZS - Railways, passenger-km (per PPP $ million of GDP) IS.RRS.PASG.KM - Railways, passengers carried (million passenger-km) IS.RRS.TOTL.KM - Rail lines (total route-km) IS.RRS.TRFF.PF - Ratio of rail passenger tariffs to freight tariffs IS.SHP.GCNW.XQ - Liner shipping connectivity index (maximum value in 2004 = 100) IS.SHP.GOOD.TU - Container port traffic (TEU: 20 foot equivalent units) IS.VEH.2CYL.P3 - Two-wheelers (per 1,000 people) IS.VEH.NVEH.P3 - Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people) IS.VEH.PCAR.P3 - Passenger cars (per 1,000 people) IS.VEH.ROAD.K1 - Vehicles (per km of road) IT.BBD.USEC.CD - Fixed broadband Internet access tariff (US$ per month) IT.CEL.COVR.ZS - Population covered by mobile cellular network (%) IT.CEL.SETS - Mobile cellular subscriptions IT.CEL.SETS.P2 - Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) IT.CEL.SETS.P3 - Mobile phone subscribers (per 1,000 people) IT.CEL.USEC.CD - Price basket for mobile (US$ per month) IT.CELL.3MIN.CD.OP - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (off-peak rate - current US$) IT.CELL.3MIN.CD.PK - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (peak rate - current US$) IT.CELL.3MIN.CN.OP - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (off-peak rate - current LCU) IT.CELL.3MIN.CN.PK - Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (peak rate - current LCU) IT.CELL.MSUB.CD - Mobile cellular monthly subscription (current US$) IT.CELL.MSUB.CN - Mobile cellular monthly subscription (current LCU) IT.CELL.PO.CONN.CD - Mobile cellular postpaid connection charge (current US$) IT.CELL.PO.CONN.CN - Mobile cellular postpaid connection charge (current LCU) IT.CELL.PR.CONN.CD - Mobile cellular prepaid connection charge (current US$) IT.CELL.PR.CONN.CN - Mobile cellular prepaid connection charge (current LCU) IT.CMP.PCMP - Personal computers IT.CMP.PCMP.ED - Personal computers installed in education IT.CMP.PCMP.P2 - Personal computers (per 100 people) IT.CMP.PCMP.P3 - Personal computers (per 1,000 people) IT.FAX.MACH.P3 - Fax machines (per 1,000 people) IT.INT.TRAF.MN - International telecom, outgoing traffic (minutes per subscriber) IT.INT.TRAF.MN.PS - International telecom, outgoing traffic (minutes per subscriber) IT.INT.TTRF.MN - International voice traffic, total fixed and mobile (out and in, minutes) IT.INT.TTRF.MN.PC - International voice traffic, total fixed and mobile (minutes per person) IT.MBL.USEC.CD - Mobile cellular prepaid tariff (US$ per month) IT.MLT.3MIN.CD.OP - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (off-peak rate - current US$) IT.MLT.3MIN.CD.PK - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (peak rate - current US$) IT.MLT.3MIN.CD.US - Telephone average cost of call to US (US$ per three minutes) IT.MLT.3MIN.CN.OP - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (off-peak rate - current LCU) IT.MLT.3MIN.CN.PK - Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (peak rate - current LCU) IT.MLT.BCONN.CD - Business telephone connection charge (current US$) IT.MLT.BCONN.CN - Business telephone connection charge (current LCU) IT.MLT.BSUB.CD - Business telephone monthly subscription (current US$) IT.MLT.BSUB.CN - Business telephone monthly subscription (current LCU) IT.MLT.CLCL.CD - Telephone average cost of local call (US$ per three minutes) IT.MLT.CONN.CD - Residential telephone connection charge (current US$) IT.MLT.CONN.CN - Residential telephone connection charge (current LCU) IT.MLT.EMPL - Telephone mainlines per employee IT.MLT.FALT.CL - Telephone faults cleared by next working day (%) IT.MLT.FALT.M2 - Telephone faults (per 100 mainlines) IT.MLT.INVS.CD - Fixed telephone service investment (current US$) IT.MLT.INVS.CN - Fixed telephone service investment (current LCU) IT.MLT.LCTY.P3 - Telephone mainlines in largest city (per 1,000 people) IT.MLT.MAIN - Fixed telephone subscriptions IT.MLT.MAIN.P2 - Fixed telephone subscriptions (per 100 people) IT.MLT.MAIN.P3 - Telephone mainlines (per 1,000 people) IT.MLT.REVN.CD - Revenue from fixed telephone service (current US$) IT.MLT.REVN.CN - Revenue from fixed telephone service (current LCU) IT.MLT.REVN.ZS - Telephone revenue per mainline (current US$) IT.MLT.RSUB.CD - Residential monthly telephone subscription (current US$) IT.MLT.RSUB.CN - Residential monthly telephone subscription (current LCU) IT.MLT.USEC.CD - Price basket for residential fixed line (US$ per month) IT.MLT.WAIT - Telephone mainlines, waiting list IT.MLT.WAIT.P3 - Telephone mainlines, waiting list (thousands) IT.MLT.WAIT.YR - Invalid Code IT.MOB.COV.ZS - Population coverage of mobile cellular telephony (%) IT.MOB.INVS.CD - Mobile communication investment (current US$) IT.MOB.INVS.CN - Mobile communication investment (current LCU) IT.MOB.REVN.CD - Revenue from mobile communication (current US$) IT.MOB.REVN.CN - Revenue from mobile communication (current LCU) IT.NET.BBND - Fixed broadband subscriptions IT.NET.BBND.P2 - Fixed broadband subscriptions (per 100 people) IT.NET.BBND.P3 - Broadband subscribers (per 1,000 people) IT.NET.BNDW - International Internet bandwidth (Mbps) IT.NET.BNDW.PC - International Internet bandwidth (bits per person) IT.NET.CONN.CD - Fixed broadband Internet connection charge (current US$) IT.NET.CONN.CN - Fixed broadband Internet connection charge (current LCU) IT.NET.EDUC.ZS - Schools connected to the Internet (%) IT.NET.HOST.P4 - Internet hosts (per 10,000 people) IT.NET.ISPC.CD - Internet service provider access charges ($ per 30 off-peak hours) IT.NET.SECR - Secure Internet servers IT.NET.SECR.P6 - Secure Internet servers (per 1 million people) IT.NET.SUB.CD - Fixed broadband Internet monthly subscription (current US$) IT.NET.SUB.CN - Fixed broadband Internet monthly subscription (current LCU) IT.NET.TELC.CD - Internet telephone access charges ($ per 30 off-peak hours) IT.NET.USEC.CD - Price basket for Internet (US$ per month) IT.NET.USEC.ZS - Internet total monthly price (% of monthly GNI per capita) IT.NET.USER - Internet users IT.NET.USER.P2 - Internet users (per 100 people) IT.NET.USER.P3 - Internet users (per 1,000 people) IT.NET.USER.ZS - Individuals using the Internet (% of population) IT.PAY.PHONES - Public payphones IT.PAY.PHONES.P3 - Public payphones (per 1,000 people) IT.PC.HOUS.ZS - Homes with a personal computer (%) IT.PRT.NEWS.P3 - Daily newspapers (per 1,000 people) IT.RAD.HOUS.ZS - Households with a radio (%) IT.RAD.SETS - Number of radio sets IT.RAD.SETS.P3 - Radio sets (per 1,000 people) IT.RES.USEC.CD - Residential fixed line telephone tariff (US$ per month) IT.TEL.EMPL.TO - Telephone employees, total IT.TEL.HOUS.ZS - Households with a telephone (%) IT.TEL.INVS.CD - Total annual investment in telecom (current US$) IT.TEL.INVS.CN - Telecommunications investment (current LCU) IT.TEL.INVS.RV.ZS - Telecommunications investment (% of revenue) IT.TEL.REVN.CD - Total revenue from all telecommunication services (current US$) IT.TEL.REVN.CN - Telecommunications revenue (current LCU) IT.TEL.REVN.GD.ZS - Telecommunications revenue (% GDP) IT.TEL.TOTL - Mobile and fixed-line telephone subscribers IT.TEL.TOTL.EM - Fixed line and mobile cellular subscriptions per employee IT.TEL.TOTL.P2 - Fixed line and mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) IT.TEL.TOTL.P3 - Telephone (mainlines and mobile phone) subscribers (per 1,000 people) IT.TEL.UNMT.ZS - Unmet demand (% of waiting list to number main fixed telephone lines in operation) IT.TELC.IM.CD - Telecommunication equipment - import (current US$) IT.TELC.XP.CD - Telecommunication equipment - export (current US$) IT.TVS.CABL.P3 - Cable television subscribers (per 1,000 people) IT.TVS.HOUS.ZS - Households with television (%) IT.TVS.SETS.P3 - Television sets (per 1,000 people) LND.TOTL.K2 - Total Area (in Km²) LO.EGRA.CLPM.AFA.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.AFA.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.AMH.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.AMH.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.FRN.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). French. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.HAR.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.HAR.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SID.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SID.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SOM.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SOM.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.TIG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLPM.TIG.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Names Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.AKU.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Akuapem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.ARB.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.ARB.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Arabic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.AST.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Asante Twi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.CHI.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Chitonga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.CIN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Cinyanja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.DAG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Dagaare. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.DAGB.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Dagbani. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.DAN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Dangme. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.EWE.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Ewe. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.FAN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Fante. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.FLP.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.GA.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Ga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.GON.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Gonja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.ICI.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Icibemba. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.IND.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Indonesian. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.KAS.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Kasem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.KII.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Kiikaonde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.LUN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Lunda. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.LUV.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Luvale. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.NZE.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Nzema. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CLSPM.SIL.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Letter Sounds Read Per Minute (Mean). Silozi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.AFA.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.AFA.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.AMH.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.AMH.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ARB.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.FLP.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.HAR.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.HAR.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.KIS.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kiswahili. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SID.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SID.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SOM.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SOM.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.TIG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.TIG.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Isolated Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.AFA.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.AFA.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.AKU.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Akuapem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.AMH.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.AMH.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.ARB.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.ARB.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Arabic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.AST.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Asante Twi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.CHI.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chitonga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.CIN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Cinyanja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.DAG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dagaare. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.DAGB.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dagbani. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.DAN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dangme. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.EWE.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Ewe. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.FAN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Fante. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.FLP.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.FRN.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). French. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.GA.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Ga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.GON.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Gonja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.HAR.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.HAR.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.ICI.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Icibemba. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.IND.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Indonesian. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.KAS.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kasem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.KII.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kiikaonde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.KIS.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kiswahili. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.LUN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Lunda. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.LUV.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Luvale. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.NZE.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Nzema. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SID.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SID.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SIL.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Silozi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SOM.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SOM.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.TIG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.CWPM.ZERO.TIG.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Share of students with a zero score (%). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.INIT.0.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Identification of the Initial Sound of a Spoken Word - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.AFA.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.AFA.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.AKU.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Akuapem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.AMH.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.AMH.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.ARB.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.ARB.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Arabic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.AST.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Asante Twi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.CHI.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chitonga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.CIN.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Cinyanja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.DAG.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dagaare. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.DAGB.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dagbani. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.DAN.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dangme. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.EWE.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Ewe. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.FAN.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Fante. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.FLP.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.GA.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Ga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.GON.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Gonja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.HAR.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.HAR.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.ICI.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Icibemba. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.IND.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Indonesian. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.KAS.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kasem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.KII.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kiikaonde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.KIS.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kiswahili. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.LUN.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Lunda. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.LUV.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Luvale. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.NZE.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Nzema. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SID.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SID.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SIL.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Silozi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SOM.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SOM.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.TIG.2GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.LSTN.0.TIG.3GRD - EGRA: Listening Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.AFA.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.AFA.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.AKU.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Akuapem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.AMH.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.AMH.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.ARB.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.ARB.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Arabic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.AST.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Asante Twi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.CHI.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chitonga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.CIN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Cinyanja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.DAG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Dagaare. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.DAGB.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Dagbani. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.DAN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Dangme. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.EWE.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Ewe. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.FAN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Fante. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.FLP.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.FRN.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). French. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.GA.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Ga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.GON.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Gonja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.HAR.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.HAR.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.ICI.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Icibemba. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.IND.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Indonesian. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.KAS.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kasem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.KII.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kiikaonde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.KIS.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kiswahili. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.LUN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Lunda. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.LUV.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Luvale. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.NZE.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Nzema. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SID.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SID.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SIL.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Silozi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SOM.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SOM.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.TIG.2GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.NCWPM.TIG.3GRD - EGRA: Correct Non-Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.AFA.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.AFA.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.AKU.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Akuapem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.AMH.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.AMH.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.ARB.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.ARB.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Arabic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.AST.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Asante Twi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.CHI.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Chitonga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.CIN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Cinyanja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.DAG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Dagaare. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.DAGB.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Dagbani. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.DAN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Dangme. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.EWE.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Ewe. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.FAN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Fante. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.FLP.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.FRN.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). French. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.GA.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Ga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.GON.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Gonja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.HAR.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.HAR.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.ICI.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Icibemba. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.IND.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Indonesian. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.KAS.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kasem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.KII.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kiikaonde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.KIS.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kiswahili. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.LUN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Lunda. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.LUV.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Luvale. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.NZE.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Nzema. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SID.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SID.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SIL.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Silozi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SOM.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SOM.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.TIG.2GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.ORF.TIG.3GRD - EGRA: Oral Reading Fluency - Correct Words Read Per Minute (Mean). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.AFA.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.AFA.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.AKU.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Akuapem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.AMH.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.AMH.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.ARB.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.ARB.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Arabic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.AST.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Asante Twi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.BMN.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.BOM.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.CHC.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.CHC.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.CHI.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Chitonga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.CIN.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Cinyanja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.DAG.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dagaare. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.DAGB.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dagbani. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.DAN.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Dangme. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.ENG.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.ENG.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.ENG.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.ENG.6GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.EWE.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Ewe. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.FAN.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Fante. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.FLF.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.FLP.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.FRN.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). French. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.GA.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Ga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.GON.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Gonja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.HAR.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.HAR.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.ICI.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Icibemba. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.IND.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Indonesian. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.KAS.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kasem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.KII.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kiikaonde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.KIS.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kiswahili. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.KNY.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.KNY.6GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.LUN.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Lunda. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.LUV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Luvale. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.NZE.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Nzema. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SID.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SID.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SIL.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Silozi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SNG.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SOM.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SOM.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SPN.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SPN.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.SPN.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.TIG.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.0.TIG.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students with a zero score (%). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.AFA.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Afan Oromo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.AFA.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Afan Oromo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.AKU.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Akuapem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.AMH.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Amharic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.AMH.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Amharic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.ARB.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Arabic. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.ARB.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Arabic. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.AST.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Asante Twi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.BMN.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Bamanankan. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.BOM.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Bomu. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.CHC.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Chichewa. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.CHC.ADV.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Chichewa. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.CHI.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Chitonga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.CIN.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Cinyanja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.DAG.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Dagaare. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.DAGB.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Dagbani. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.DAN.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Dangme. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.ENG.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). English. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.ENG.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). English. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.ENG.ADV.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). English. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.ENG.ADV.6GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). English. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.EWE.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Ewe. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.FAN.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Fante. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.FLF.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Fulfulde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.FLP.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Filipino. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.FRN.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). French. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.GA.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Ga. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.GON.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Gonja. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.HAR.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Hararigna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.HAR.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Hararigna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.ICI.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Icibemba. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.IND.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Indonesian. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.KAS.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Kasem. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.KII.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Kiikaonde. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.KIS.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Kiswahili. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.KNY.ADV.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Kinyarwanda. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.KNY.ADV.6GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Kinyarwanda. 6th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.LUN.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Lunda. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.LUV.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Luvale. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.NZE.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Nzema. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SID.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SID.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Sidaamu Afoo. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SIL.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Silozi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SNG.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Songhoi. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SOM.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Somaligna. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SOM.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Somaligna. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SPN.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Spanish. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SPN.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Spanish. 3rd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.SPN.ADV.4GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Spanish. 4th Grade LO.EGRA.READ.TIG.ADV.2GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Tigrinya. 2nd Grade LO.EGRA.READ.TIG.ADV.3GRD - EGRA: Reading Comprehension - Share of students scoring at least 80 percent (%). Tigrinya. 3rd Grade LO.LLECE.MAT3 - LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, total LO.LLECE.MAT3.0 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT3.0.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT3.0.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT3.1 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT3.1.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT3.1.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT3.2 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.MAT3.2.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.MAT3.2.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.MAT3.3 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.MAT3.3.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.MAT3.3.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.MAT3.4 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.MAT3.4.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.MAT3.4.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.MAT3.FE - LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, female LO.LLECE.MAT3.MA - LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, male LO.LLECE.MAT3.P10 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Mathematics Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT3.P25 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Mathematics Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT3.P50 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Mathematics Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT3.P75 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Mathematics Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT3.P90 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Mathematics Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT4 - LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 4th grade students, total LO.LLECE.MAT4.P10 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT4.P25 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT4.P50 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT4.P75 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT4.P90 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT6 - LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, total LO.LLECE.MAT6.0 - LLECE: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT6.0.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT6.0.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT6.1 - LLECE: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT6.1.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT6.1.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.MAT6.2 - LLECE: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.MAT6.2.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.MAT6.2.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.MAT6.3 - LLECE: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.MAT6.3.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.MAT6.3.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.MAT6.4 - LLECE: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.MAT6.4.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.MAT6.4.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.MAT6.FE - LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, female LO.LLECE.MAT6.MA - LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, male LO.LLECE.MAT6.P10 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Mathematics Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT6.P25 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Mathematics Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT6.P50 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Mathematics Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT6.P75 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Mathematics Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.MAT6.P90 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Mathematics Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA3 - LLECE: Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, total LO.LLECE.REA3.0 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA3.0.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA3.0.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA3.1 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA3.1.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA3.1.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA3.2 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.REA3.2.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.REA3.2.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.REA3.3 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.REA3.3.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.REA3.3.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.REA3.4 - LLECE: 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.REA3.4.FE - LLECE: Female 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.REA3.4.MA - LLECE: Male 3rd grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.REA3.FE - LLECE: Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, female LO.LLECE.REA3.MA - LLECE: Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, male LO.LLECE.REA3.P10 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Reading Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA3.P25 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Reading Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA3.P50 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Reading Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA3.P75 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Reading Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA3.P90 - LLECE: Distribution of 3rd Grade Reading Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA4 - LLECE: Mean performance on the reading scale for 4th grade students, total LO.LLECE.REA4.P10 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Reading Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA4.P25 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Reading Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA4.P50 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Reading Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA4.P75 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Reading Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA4.P90 - LLECE: Distribution of 4th Grade Reading Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA6 - LLECE: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, total LO.LLECE.REA6.0 - LLECE: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA6.0.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA6.0.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA6.1 - LLECE: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA6.1.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA6.1.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.REA6.2 - LLECE: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.REA6.2.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.REA6.2.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.REA6.3 - LLECE: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.REA6.3.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.REA6.3.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.REA6.4 - LLECE: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.REA6.4.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.REA6.4.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.REA6.FE - LLECE: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, female LO.LLECE.REA6.MA - LLECE: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, male LO.LLECE.REA6.P10 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Reading Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA6.P25 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Reading Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA6.P50 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Reading Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA6.P75 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Reading Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.REA6.P90 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Reading Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.SCI6 - LLECE: Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, total LO.LLECE.SCI6.0 - LLECE: 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.SCI6.0.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.SCI6.0.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.LLECE.SCI6.1 - LLECE: 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.SCI6.1.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.SCI6.1.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.LLECE.SCI6.2 - LLECE: 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.SCI6.2.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.SCI6.2.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.LLECE.SCI6.3 - LLECE: 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.SCI6.3.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.SCI6.3.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.LLECE.SCI6.4 - LLECE: 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.SCI6.4.FE - LLECE: Female 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.SCI6.4.MA - LLECE: Male 6th grade students by science proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.LLECE.SCI6.FE - LLECE: Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, female LO.LLECE.SCI6.MA - LLECE: Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, male LO.LLECE.SCI6.P10 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Science Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.SCI6.P25 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Science Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.SCI6.P50 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Science Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.SCI6.P75 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Science Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.LLECE.SCI6.P90 - LLECE: Distribution of 6th Grade Science Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE.P05 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade French Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE.P10 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade French Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE.P25 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade French Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE.P50 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade French Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE.P75 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade French Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE.P90 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade French Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE.P95 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade French Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.FRE5 - PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students. Total LO.PASEC.FRE5.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students. Female LO.PASEC.FRE5.HIG - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.FRE5.HIG.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.FRE5.HIG.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.FRE5.LO - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.FRE5.LO.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.FRE5.LO.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.FRE5.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students. Male LO.PASEC.MAT.2 - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 2nd grade students. Total LO.PASEC.MAT.2.ADD1 - PASEC: Percentage of 2nd grade students correcting answering the addition problem: 8+5 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.ADD2 - PASEC: Percentage of 2nd grade students correcting answering the addition problem: 14+23 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.ADD3 - PASEC: Percentage of 2nd grade students correcting answering the addition problem: 39+26 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.CNT.0T60 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by last number reached when counting out loud. 0 to 60 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.CNT.61T80 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by last number reached when counting out loud. 61 to 80 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.CNT.80UP - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by last number reached when counting out loud. 80+ LO.PASEC.MAT.2.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 2nd grade students. Female LO.PASEC.MAT.2.L0 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.L1 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.L2 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.L3 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 2nd grade students. Male LO.PASEC.MAT.2.MG.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students in multigrade and standard classes. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.2.NPP - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 2nd grade students who did not attend pre-primary education LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P05 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P1 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 1st Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P10 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P25 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P50 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P75 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P90 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P95 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.P99 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade mathematics scores: 99th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.2.PP - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 2nd grade students who attended pre-primary education LO.PASEC.MAT.2.PP.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students who attended/did not attend pre-primary education. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.2.PRI.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students in private and public education. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.2.RU.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students in rural and urban areas. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.2.SUB1 - PASEC: Percentage of 2nd grade students correcting answering the subtraction problem: 13-7 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.SUB2 - PASEC: Percentage of 2nd grade students correcting answering the subtraction problem: 34-11 LO.PASEC.MAT.2.SUB3 - PASEC: Percentage of 2nd grade students correcting answering the subtraction problem: 50-18 LO.PASEC.MAT.6 - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students. Total LO.PASEC.MAT.6.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students. Female LO.PASEC.MAT.6.L0 - PASEC: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PASEC.MAT.6.L1 - PASEC: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PASEC.MAT.6.L2 - PASEC: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PASEC.MAT.6.L3 - PASEC: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PASEC.MAT.6.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students. Male LO.PASEC.MAT.6.MG.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students in multigrade and standard classes. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.6.NPP - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students who did not attend pre-primary education LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P05 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P1 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 1st Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P10 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P25 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P50 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P75 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P90 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P95 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.P99 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade mathematics scores: 99th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.6.PP - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students who attended pre-primary education LO.PASEC.MAT.6.PP.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students who attended/did not attend pre-primary education. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.6.PRI.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students in private and public education. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.6.RU.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students in rural and urban areas. Mathematics LO.PASEC.MAT.P05 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade Mathematics Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.P10 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade Mathematics Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.P25 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade Mathematics Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.P50 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade Mathematics Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.P75 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade Mathematics Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.P90 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade Mathematics Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT.P95 - PASEC: Distribution of 5th Grade Mathematics Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.MAT5 - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students. Total LO.PASEC.MAT5.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students. Female LO.PASEC.MAT5.HIG - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.MAT5.HIG.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.MAT5.HIG.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.MAT5.LO - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), total LO.PASEC.MAT5.LO.FE - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), female LO.PASEC.MAT5.LO.MA - PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), male LO.PASEC.MAT5.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students. Male LO.PASEC.REA.2 - PASEC: Mean performance on the language scale for 2nd grade students. Total LO.PASEC.REA.2.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the language scale for 2nd grade students. Female LO.PASEC.REA.2.L0 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by language proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PASEC.REA.2.L1 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by language proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PASEC.REA.2.L2 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by language proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PASEC.REA.2.L3 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by language proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PASEC.REA.2.L4 - PASEC: 2nd grade students by language proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PASEC.REA.2.LTR.0T5 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of letters read accurately in one minute. 0 to 5 Letters LO.PASEC.REA.2.LTR.11T20 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of letters read accurately in one minute. 11 to 20 Letters LO.PASEC.REA.2.LTR.20UP - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of letters read accurately in one minute. 20+ Letters LO.PASEC.REA.2.LTR.6T10 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of letters read accurately in one minute. 6 to 10 Letters LO.PASEC.REA.2.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the language scale for 2nd grade students. Male LO.PASEC.REA.2.MG.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students in multigrade and standard classes. Language LO.PASEC.REA.2.NPP - PASEC: Mean performance on the language scale for 2nd grade students who did not attend pre-primary education LO.PASEC.REA.2.P05 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P1 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 1st Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P10 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P25 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P50 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P75 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P90 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P95 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.P99 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade language scores: 99th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.2.PP - PASEC: Mean performance on the language scale for 2nd grade students who attended pre-primary education LO.PASEC.REA.2.PP.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students who attended/did not attend pre-primary education. Language LO.PASEC.REA.2.PRI.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students in private and public education. Language LO.PASEC.REA.2.RU.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 2nd grade students in rural and urban areas. Language LO.PASEC.REA.2.WRD.0 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of words read accurately in one minute. 0 Words LO.PASEC.REA.2.WRD.11T20 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of words read accurately in one minute. 11 to 20 Words LO.PASEC.REA.2.WRD.1T5 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of words read accurately in one minute. 1 to 5 Words LO.PASEC.REA.2.WRD.20UP - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of words read accurately in one minute. 20+ Words LO.PASEC.REA.2.WRD.6T10 - PASEC: Distribution of 2nd grade students by average number of words read accurately in one minute. 6 to 10 Words LO.PASEC.REA.6 - PASEC: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students. Total LO.PASEC.REA.6.FE - PASEC: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students. Female LO.PASEC.REA.6.L0 - PASEC: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PASEC.REA.6.L1 - PASEC: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PASEC.REA.6.L2 - PASEC: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PASEC.REA.6.L3 - PASEC: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PASEC.REA.6.L4 - PASEC: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PASEC.REA.6.MA - PASEC: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students. Male LO.PASEC.REA.6.MG.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students in multigrade and standard classes. Reading LO.PASEC.REA.6.NPP - PASEC: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students who did not attend pre-primary education LO.PASEC.REA.6.P05 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P1 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 1st Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P10 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P25 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P50 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P75 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P90 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P95 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.P99 - PASEC: Distribution of 6th grade reading scores: 99th Percentile Score LO.PASEC.REA.6.PP - PASEC: Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students who attended pre-primary education LO.PASEC.REA.6.PP.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students who attended/did not attend pre-primary education. Reading LO.PASEC.REA.6.PRI.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students in private and public education. Reading LO.PASEC.REA.6.RU.GAP - PASEC: Average performance gap between 6th grade students in rural and urban areas. Reading LO.PIAAC.LIT - PIAAC: Mean Adult Literacy Proficiency. Total LO.PIAAC.LIT.1 - PIAAC: Adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.2 - PIAAC: Adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.LIT.3 - PIAAC: Adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.LIT.4 - PIAAC: Adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.LIT.5 - PIAAC: Adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.LIT.BE - PIAAC: Adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE - PIAAC: Mean Adult Literacy Proficiency. Female LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE.1 - PIAAC: Female adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE.2 - PIAAC: Female adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE.3 - PIAAC: Female adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE.4 - PIAAC: Female adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE.45 - PIAAC: Female adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 4 & 5 LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE.5 - PIAAC: Female adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.LIT.FE.BE - PIAAC: Female adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA - PIAAC: Mean Adult Literacy Proficiency. Male LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA.1 - PIAAC: Male adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA.2 - PIAAC: Male adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA.3 - PIAAC: Male adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA.4 - PIAAC: Male adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA.45 - PIAAC: Male adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 4 & 5 LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA.5 - PIAAC: Male adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.LIT.MA.BE - PIAAC: Male adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.P05 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Literacy Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.LIT.P10 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Literacy Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.LIT.P25 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Literacy Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.LIT.P50 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Literacy Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.LIT.P75 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Literacy Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.LIT.P90 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Literacy Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.LIT.P95 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Literacy Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU - PIAAC: Mean Young Adult Literacy Proficiency. Total LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.1 - PIAAC: Young adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.2 - PIAAC: Young adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.3 - PIAAC: Young adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.4 - PIAAC: Young adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.45 - PIAAC: Young adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 4 & 5 LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.5 - PIAAC: Young adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.BE - PIAAC: Young adults by literacy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.FE - PIAAC: Mean Young Adult Literacy Proficiency. Female LO.PIAAC.LIT.YOU.MA - PIAAC: Mean Young Adult Literacy Proficiency. Male LO.PIAAC.NUM - PIAAC: Mean Adult Numeracy Proficiency. Total LO.PIAAC.NUM.1 - PIAAC: Adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.2 - PIAAC: Adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.NUM.3 - PIAAC: Adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.NUM.4 - PIAAC: Adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.NUM.5 - PIAAC: Adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.NUM.BE - PIAAC: Adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE - PIAAC: Mean Adult Numeracy Proficiency. Female LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE.1 - PIAAC: Female adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE.2 - PIAAC: Female adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE.3 - PIAAC: Female adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE.4 - PIAAC: Female adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE.45 - PIAAC: Female adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 4 & 5 LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE.5 - PIAAC: Female adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.NUM.FE.BE - PIAAC: Female adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA - PIAAC: Mean Adult Numeracy Proficiency. Male LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA.1 - PIAAC: Male adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA.2 - PIAAC: Male adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA.3 - PIAAC: Male adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA.4 - PIAAC: Male adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA.45 - PIAAC: Male adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 4 & 5 LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA.5 - PIAAC: Male adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.NUM.MA.BE - PIAAC: Male adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.P05 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Numeracy Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.NUM.P10 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Numeracy Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.NUM.P25 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Numeracy Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.NUM.P50 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Numeracy Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.NUM.P75 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Numeracy Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.NUM.P90 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Numeracy Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.NUM.P95 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Numeracy Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU - PIAAC: Mean Young Adult Numeracy Proficiency. Total LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.1 - PIAAC: Young adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.2 - PIAAC: Young adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.3 - PIAAC: Young adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.4 - PIAAC: Young adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.45 - PIAAC: Young adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 4 & 5 LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.5 - PIAAC: Young adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.BE - PIAAC: Young adults by numeracy proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.FE - PIAAC: Mean Young Adult Numeracy Proficiency. Female LO.PIAAC.NUM.YOU.MA - PIAAC: Mean Young Adult Numeracy Proficiency. Male LO.PIAAC.TEC.1 - PIAAC: Adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.2 - PIAAC: Adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.TEC.3 - PIAAC: Adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.TEC.BE - PIAAC: Adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.FAIL - PIAAC: Adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Failed the ICT Core Test LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.1 - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.2 - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.3 - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.BE - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.FAIL - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Failed ICT Core Test LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.FAILNO - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). No computer experience or failed the ICT core test LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.NO - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). No computer experience LO.PIAAC.TEC.FE.OPT - PIAAC: Female adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Opted out of computer-based assessment LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.1 - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.2 - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.3 - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.BE - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.FAIL - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Failed ICT Core Test LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.FAILNO - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). No computer experience or failed the ICT core test LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.NO - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). No computer experience LO.PIAAC.TEC.MA.OPT - PIAAC: Male adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Opted out of computer-based assessment LO.PIAAC.TEC.NO - PIAAC: Adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). No computer experience LO.PIAAC.TEC.OPT - PIAAC: Adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Opted out of computer-based assessment LO.PIAAC.TEC.P05 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.TEC.P10 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.TEC.P25 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.TEC.P50 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.TEC.P75 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.TEC.P90 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.TEC.P95 - PIAAC: Distribution of Adult Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.1 - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.2 - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 2 LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.3 - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Level 3 LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.BE - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Below Level 1 LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.FAIL - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Failed ICT Core Test LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.FAILNO - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). No computer experience or failed the ICT core test LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.NO - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). No computer experience LO.PIAAC.TEC.YOU.OPT - PIAAC: Young adults by proficiency level in problem solving in technology-rich environments (%). Opted out of computer-based assessment LO.PIRLS.REA - PIRLS: Mean performance on the reading scale, total LO.PIRLS.REA.ADV - PIRLS: Fourth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.ADV.FE - PIRLS: Female 4th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.ADV.MA - PIRLS: Male 4th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.BL - PIRLS: Fourth grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.BL.FE - PIRLS: Female 4th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.BL.MA - PIRLS: Male 4th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.FE - PIRLS: Mean performance on the reading scale, female LO.PIRLS.REA.HI - PIRLS: Fourth grade students reaching the high international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.HI.FE - PIRLS: Female 4th grade students reaching the high international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.HI.MA - PIRLS: Male 4th grade students reaching the high international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.INT - PIRLS: Fourth grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.INT.FE - PIRLS: Female 4th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.INT.MA - PIRLS: Male 4th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.LOW - PIRLS: Fourth grade students reaching the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.LOW.FE - PIRLS: Female 4th grade students reaching the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.LOW.MA - PIRLS: Male 4th grade students reaching the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%) LO.PIRLS.REA.MA - PIRLS: Mean performance on the reading scale, male LO.PIRLS.REA.P05 - PIRLS: Distribution of Reading Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PIRLS.REA.P10 - PIRLS: Distribution of Reading Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PIRLS.REA.P25 - PIRLS: Distribution of Reading Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PIRLS.REA.P50 - PIRLS: Distribution of Reading Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PIRLS.REA.P75 - PIRLS: Distribution of Reading Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PIRLS.REA.P90 - PIRLS: Distribution of Reading Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PIRLS.REA.P95 - PIRLS: Distribution of Reading Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PISA.MAT - PISA: Mean performance on the mathematics scale LO.PISA.MAT.0 - PISA: 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PISA.MAT.0.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PISA.MAT.0.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Below Level 1 LO.PISA.MAT.1 - PISA: 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PISA.MAT.1.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PISA.MAT.1.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 LO.PISA.MAT.2 - PISA: 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.MAT.2.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.MAT.2.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.MAT.3 - PISA: 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.MAT.3.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.MAT.3.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.MAT.4 - PISA: 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.MAT.4.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.MAT.4.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.MAT.5 - PISA: 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.MAT.5.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.MAT.5.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.MAT.6 - PISA: 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.MAT.6.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.MAT.6.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.MAT.FE - PISA: Mean performance on the mathematics scale. Female LO.PISA.MAT.MA - PISA: Mean performance on the mathematics scale. Male LO.PISA.MAT.P05 - PISA: Distribution of Mathematics Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PISA.MAT.P10 - PISA: Distribution of Mathematics Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PISA.MAT.P25 - PISA: Distribution of Mathematics Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PISA.MAT.P50 - PISA: Distribution of Mathematics Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PISA.MAT.P75 - PISA: Distribution of Mathematics Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PISA.MAT.P90 - PISA: Distribution of Mathematics Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PISA.MAT.P95 - PISA: Distribution of Mathematics Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PISA.REA - PISA: Mean performance on the reading scale LO.PISA.REA.0 - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1B LO.PISA.REA.0.B1C - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1C LO.PISA.REA.0.B1C.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1C LO.PISA.REA.0.B1C.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Below Level 1C LO.PISA.REA.1A - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1A LO.PISA.REA.1A.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1A LO.PISA.REA.1A.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1A LO.PISA.REA.1B - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1B LO.PISA.REA.1B.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1B LO.PISA.REA.1B.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1B LO.PISA.REA.1C - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1C LO.PISA.REA.1C.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1C LO.PISA.REA.1C.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1C LO.PISA.REA.2 - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.REA.2.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.REA.2.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.REA.3 - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.REA.3.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.REA.3.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.REA.4 - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.REA.4.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.REA.4.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.REA.5 - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.REA.5.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.REA.5.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.REA.6 - PISA: 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.REA.6.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.REA.6.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.REA.FE - PISA: Mean performance on the reading scale. Female LO.PISA.REA.MA - PISA: Mean performance on the reading scale. Male LO.PISA.REA.P05 - PISA: Distribution of Reading Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PISA.REA.P10 - PISA: Distribution of Reading Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PISA.REA.P25 - PISA: Distribution of Reading Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PISA.REA.P50 - PISA: Distribution of Reading Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PISA.REA.P75 - PISA: Distribution of Reading Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PISA.REA.P90 - PISA: Distribution of Reading Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PISA.REA.P95 - PISA: Distribution of Reading Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.PISA.SCI - PISA: Mean performance on the science scale LO.PISA.SCI.0 - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Below Level 1B LO.PISA.SCI.0.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Below Level 1B LO.PISA.SCI.0.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Below Level 1B LO.PISA.SCI.1A - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 1A LO.PISA.SCI.1A.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 1A LO.PISA.SCI.1A.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 1A LO.PISA.SCI.1B - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 1B LO.PISA.SCI.1B.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 1B LO.PISA.SCI.1B.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 1B LO.PISA.SCI.2 - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.SCI.2.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.SCI.2.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 2 LO.PISA.SCI.3 - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.SCI.3.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.SCI.3.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 3 LO.PISA.SCI.4 - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.SCI.4.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.SCI.4.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 4 LO.PISA.SCI.5 - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.SCI.5.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.SCI.5.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 5 LO.PISA.SCI.6 - PISA: 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.SCI.6.FE - PISA: Female 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.SCI.6.MA - PISA: Male 15-year-olds by science proficiency level (%). Level 6 LO.PISA.SCI.FE - PISA: Mean performance on the science scale. Female LO.PISA.SCI.MA - PISA: Mean performance on the science scale. Male LO.PISA.SCI.P05 - PISA: Distribution of Science Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.PISA.SCI.P10 - PISA: Distribution of Science Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.PISA.SCI.P25 - PISA: Distribution of Science Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.PISA.SCI.P50 - PISA: Distribution of Science Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.PISA.SCI.P75 - PISA: Distribution of Science Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.PISA.SCI.P90 - PISA: Distribution of Science Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.PISA.SCI.P95 - PISA: Distribution of Science Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.SACMEQ.MAT - SACMEQ: Mean performance on the mathematics scale LO.SACMEQ.MAT.FE - SACMEQ: Mean performance on the mathematics scale, female LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L1 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 - Pre-Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L1.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 - Pre-Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L1.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 1 - Pre-Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L2 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 - Emergent Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L2.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 - Emergent Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L2.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 2 - Emergent Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L3 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 - Basic Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L3.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 - Basic Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L3.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 3 - Basic Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L4 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 - Beginning Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L4.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 - Beginning Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L4.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 4 - Beginning Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L5 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 5 - Competent Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L5.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 5 - Competent Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L5.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 5 - Competent Numeracy LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L6 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 6 - Mathematically Skilled LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L6.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 6 - Mathematically Skilled LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L6.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 6 - Mathematically Skilled LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L7 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 7 - Concrete Problem Solving LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L7.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 7 - Concrete Problem Solving LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L7.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 7 - Concrete Problem Solving LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L8 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 8 - Abstract Problem Solving LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L8.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 8 - Abstract Problem Solving LO.SACMEQ.MAT.L8.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by mathematics proficiency level (%). Level 8 - Abstract Problem Solving LO.SACMEQ.MAT.MA - SACMEQ: Mean performance on the mathematics scale, male LO.SACMEQ.REA - SACMEQ: Mean performance on the reading scale, total LO.SACMEQ.REA.FE - SACMEQ: Mean performance on the reading scale, female LO.SACMEQ.REA.L1 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 - Pre-Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L1.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 - Pre-Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L1.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 1 - Pre-Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L2 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 - Emergent Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L2.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 - Emergent Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L2.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 2 - Emergent Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L3 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 - Basic Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L3.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 - Basic Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L3.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 3 - Basic Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L4 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 - Reading for Meaning LO.SACMEQ.REA.L4.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 - Reading for Meaning LO.SACMEQ.REA.L4.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 4 - Reading for Meaning LO.SACMEQ.REA.L5 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 5 - Interpretive Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L5.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 5 - Interpretive Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L5.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 5 - Interpretive Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L6 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 6 - Inferential Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L6.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 6 - Inferential Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L6.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 6 - Inferential Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L7 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 7 - Analytical Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L7.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 7 - Analytical Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L7.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 7 - Analytical Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L8 - SACMEQ: 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 8 - Critical Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L8.FE - SACMEQ: Female 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 8 - Critical Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.L8.MA - SACMEQ: Male 6th grade students by reading proficiency level (%). Level 8 - Critical Reading LO.SACMEQ.REA.MA - SACMEQ: Mean performance on the reading scale, male LO.TIMSS.MAT4 - TIMSS: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.MAT4.ADV - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.ADV.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.ADV.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.BL - TIMSS: Fourth grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.BL.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.BL.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.FE - TIMSS: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.MAT4.HI - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the high international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.HI.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.HI.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.INT - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.INT.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.INT.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.LOW - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.LOW.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.LOW.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT4.MA - TIMSS: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, male LO.TIMSS.MAT4.P05 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT4.P10 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT4.P25 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT4.P50 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT4.P75 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT4.P90 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT4.P95 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Mathematics Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT8 - TIMSS: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.MAT8.ADV - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.ADV.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.ADV.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.BL - TIMSS: Eighth grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.BL.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.BL.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.FE - TIMSS: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.MAT8.HI - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the high international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.HI.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.HI.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.INT - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.INT.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.INT.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.LOW - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.LOW.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.LOW.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.MAT8.MA - TIMSS: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, male LO.TIMSS.MAT8.P05 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Mathematics Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT8.P10 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Mathematics Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT8.P25 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Mathematics Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT8.P50 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Mathematics Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT8.P75 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Mathematics Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT8.P90 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Mathematics Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.MAT8.P95 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Mathematics Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI4 - TIMSS: Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.SCI4.ADV - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.ADV.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.ADV.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.BL - TIMSS: Fourth grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.BL.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.BL.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.FE - TIMSS: Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.SCI4.HI - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the high international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.HI.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.HI.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.INT - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.INT.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.INT.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.LOW - TIMSS: Fourth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.LOW.FE - TIMSS: Female 4th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.LOW.MA - TIMSS: Male 4th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI4.MA - TIMSS: Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, male LO.TIMSS.SCI4.P05 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Science Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI4.P10 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Science Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI4.P25 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Science Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI4.P50 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Science Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI4.P75 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Science Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI4.P90 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Science Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI4.P95 - TIMSS: Distribution of 4th Grade Science Scores: 95th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI8 - TIMSS: Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, total LO.TIMSS.SCI8.ADV - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.ADV.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.ADV.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.BL - TIMSS: Eighth grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.BL.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.BL.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.FE - TIMSS: Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, female LO.TIMSS.SCI8.HI - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the high international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.HI.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.HI.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the high international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.INT - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.INT.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.INT.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.LOW - TIMSS: Eighth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.LOW.FE - TIMSS: Female 8th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.LOW.MA - TIMSS: Male 8th grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%) LO.TIMSS.SCI8.MA - TIMSS: Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, male LO.TIMSS.SCI8.P05 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Science Scores: 5th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI8.P10 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Science Scores: 10th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI8.P25 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Science Scores: 25th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI8.P50 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Science Scores: 50th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI8.P75 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Science Scores: 75th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI8.P90 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Science Scores: 90th Percentile Score LO.TIMSS.SCI8.P95 - TIMSS: Distribution of 8th Grade Science Scores: 95th Percentile Score LP.EXP.DURS.MD - Lead time to export, median case (days) LP.IMP.DURS.MD - Lead time to import, median case (days) LP.LPI.CUST.RK - Efficiency of the clearance process, rank (1=highest performer) LP.LPI.CUST.XQ - Logistics performance index: Efficiency of customs clearance process (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.INFR.RK - Quality- of trade and transport-related infrastructure, rank (1=highest performer) LP.LPI.INFR.XQ - Logistics performance index: Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.ITRN.RK - Ease of arranging competitively priced international shipments, rank (1=highest performer) LP.LPI.ITRN.XQ - Logistics performance index: Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.LOGS.RK - Competence and quality of logistics services, rank (1=highest performer) LP.LPI.LOGS.XQ - Logistics performance index: Competence and quality of logistics services (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.OVRL.RK - Logistics performance index: Overall rank (1=highest performance) LP.LPI.OVRL.RK.LB - Logistics performance index: Overall rank (1=highest performance), lower bound LP.LPI.OVRL.RK.UB - Logistics performance index: Overall rank (1=highest performance), upper bound LP.LPI.OVRL.RK.ZS - Logistics performance index: Percent of highest performer) LP.LPI.OVRL.XQ - Logistics performance index: Overall (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.OVRL.XQ.LB - Logistics performance index: Overall score (1=low to 5=high), lower bound LP.LPI.OVRL.XQ.UB - Logistics performance index: Overall score (1=low to 5=high), upper bound LP.LPI.TIME.RK - Frequency with which shipments reach consignee within scheduled or expected time, rank (1=highest performer) LP.LPI.TIME.XQ - Logistics performance index: Frequency with which shipments reach consignee within scheduled or expected time (1=low to 5=high) LP.LPI.TRAC.RK - Ability to track and trace consignments, rank (1=highest performer) LP.LPI.TRAC.XQ - Logistics performance index: Ability to track and trace consignments (1=low to 5=high) MO.INDEX.ECON.XQ - Sustainable Economic Opportunity MO.INDEX.HDEV.XQ - Human Development MO.INDEX.PHR.XQ - Participation and Human Rights MO.INDEX.SRLW.XQ - Safety and Rule of Law MO.INDEX.XQ - Overall Mo Ibrahim index MS.MIL.MPRT.KD - Arms imports (SIPRI trend indicator values) MS.MIL.MPRT.ZS - Arms imports (% of total imports) MS.MIL.TOTL.P1 - Armed forces personnel, total MS.MIL.TOTL.TF.ZS - Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force) MS.MIL.XPND.CD - Military expenditure (current USD) MS.MIL.XPND.CN - Military expenditure (current LCU) MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS - Military expenditure (% of GDP) MS.MIL.XPND.GN.ZS - Military expenditure (% of GNI) MS.MIL.XPND.ZS - Military expenditure (% of general government expenditure) MS.MIL.XPRT.KD - Arms exports (SIPRI trend indicator values) MS.MIL.XPRT.ZS - Arms exports (% of total exports) NA.GDP.ACC.FB.SNA08.CR - GDP on Accommodation & Food Beverages Activity Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.ACC.FB.SNA08.KR - GDP on Accommodation & Food Beverages Activity Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.AGR.CR - GDP on Agriculture Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.AGR.KR - GDP on Agriculture Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.AGR.SNA08.CR - GDP on Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.AGR.SNA08.KR - GDP on Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.BUSS.SNA08.CR - GDP on Business Services Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.BUSS.SNA08.KR - GDP on Business Services Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.CNST.CR - GDP on Construction Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.CNST.KR - GDP on Construction Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.CNST.SNA08.CR - GDP on Construction Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.CNST.SNA08.KR - GDP on Construction Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.EDUS.SNA08.CR - GDP on Education Services Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.EDUS.SNA08.KR - GDP on Education Services Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.ELEC.GAS.SNA08.CR - GDP on Electricity & Gas Supply Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.ELEC.GAS.SNA08.KR - GDP on Electricity & Gas Supply Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.EXC.OG.CR - Total GDP excluding Oil and Gas (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.EXC.OG.KR - Total GDP excluding Oil and Gas (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.FINS.CR - GDP on Financial Service Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.FINS.KR - GDP on Financial Service Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.FINS.SNA08.CR - GDP on Financial & Insurance Activity Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.FINS.SNA08.KR - GDP on Financial & Insurance Activity Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.HLTH.SOCW.SNA08.CR - GDP on Human Health & Social Work Activity Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.HLTH.SOCW.SNA08.KR - GDP on Human Health & Social Work Activity Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.INC.OG.CR - Total GDP including Oil and Gas (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.INC.OG.KR - Total GDP including Oil and Gas (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.INC.OG.SNA08.CR - Total GDP including Oil and Gas (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.INC.OG.SNA08.KR - Total GDP including Oil and Gas (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.INF.COMM.SNA08.CR - GDP on Information & Communication Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.INF.COMM.SNA08.KR - GDP on Information & Communication Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.MINQ.CR - GDP on Mining and Quarrying Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.MINQ.KR - GDP on Mining and Quarrying Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.MINQ.SNA08.CR - GDP on Mining & Quarrying Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.MINQ.SNA08.KR - GDP on Mining & Quarrying Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.MNF.CR - GDP on Manufacturing Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.MNF.KR - GDP on Manufacturing Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.MNF.SNA08.CR - GDP on Manufacturing Industry Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.MNF.SNA08.KR - GDP on Manufacturing Industry Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.PADM.DEF.SNA08.CR - GDP on Public Administration, Defense & Compulsory Social Security Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.PADM.DEF.SNA08.KR - GDP on Public Administration, Defense & Compulsory Social Security Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.REST.SNA08.CR - GDP on Real Estate Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.REST.SNA08.KR - GDP on Real Estate Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.SRV.OTHR.CR - GDP on Other Service Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.SRV.OTHR.KR - GDP on Other Service Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.SRV.OTHR.SNA08.CR - GDP on Other Services Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.SRV.OTHR.SNA08.KR - GDP on Other Services Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.TRAN.COMM.CR - GDP on Transportation and Telecommunication Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.TRAN.COMM.KR - GDP on Transportation and Telecommunication Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.TRAN.STOR.SNA08.CR - GDP on Transportation & Storage Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.TRAN.STOR.SNA08.KR - GDP on Transportation & Storage Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.TRD.HTL.CR - GDP on Trade, Hotel and Restaurant Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.TRD.HTL.KR - GDP on Trade, Hotel and Restaurant Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.TRD.SNA08.CR - GDP on Wholesales & Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles & Motorcycles Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.TRD.SNA08.KR - GDP on Wholesales & Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles & Motorcycles Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NA.GDP.UTL.CR - GDP on Utilities Sector (in IDR Million), Current Price NA.GDP.UTL.KR - GDP on Utilities Sector (in IDR Million), Constant Price NA.GDP.WTR.WST.SNA08.CR - GDP on Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste & Recycling Management Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NA.GDP.WTR.WST.SNA08.KR - GDP on Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste & Recycling Management Sector (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Constant Price NE.CON.GOVT.CD - General government final consumption expenditure (current US$) NE.CON.GOVT.CN - General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU) NE.CON.GOVT.KD - General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) NE.CON.GOVT.KD.87 - General government consumption (constant 1987 US$) NE.CON.GOVT.KD.ZG - General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) NE.CON.GOVT.KN - General government final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) NE.CON.GOVT.KN.87 - General government consumption (constant 1987 LCU) NE.CON.GOVT.KN.87.ZG - General government consumption (annual % growth) NE.CON.GOVT.ZS - General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) NE.CON.PCAP.CD - Final consumption expenditure plus discrepancy, per capita (current US$) NE.CON.PEPC.KD - Private consumption per capita (1987 US$) NE.CON.PETC.CD - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$) NE.CON.PETC.CN - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU) NE.CON.PETC.KD - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2010 US$) NE.CON.PETC.KD.87 - Private consumption, etc. (constant 1987 US$) NE.CON.PETC.KD.ZG - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth) NE.CON.PETC.KN - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU) NE.CON.PETC.KN.87 - Private consumption, etc. (constant 1987 LCU) NE.CON.PETC.KN.87.ZG - Private consumption, etc. (annual % growth) NE.CON.PETC.ZS - Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP) NE.CON.PRVT.CD - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (current US$) NE.CON.PRVT.CN - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (current LCU) NE.CON.PRVT.KD - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) NE.CON.PRVT.KD.87 - Private consumption (constant 1987 US$) NE.CON.PRVT.KD.ZG - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) NE.CON.PRVT.KN - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) NE.CON.PRVT.KN.87 - Private consumption, (constant 1987 LCU) NE.CON.PRVT.KN.87.ZG - Private consumption (annual % growth) NE.CON.PRVT.PC.KD - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2010 US$) NE.CON.PRVT.PC.KD.ZG - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure per capita growth (annual %) NE.CON.PRVT.PC.ZG - Private consumption per capita growth (annual %) NE.CON.PRVT.PC.ZS - Private consumption per capita (constant 1995 US$) NE.CON.PRVT.POP.ZG - Private consumption per capita growth (annual %) NE.CON.PRVT.PP.CD - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure, PPP (current international $) NE.CON.PRVT.PP.KD - Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure, PPP (constant 2017 international $) NE.CON.PRVT.ZS - Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) NE.CON.PVPC.KD - Private consumption per capita (1987 USD) NE.CON.TETC.CD - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$) NE.CON.TETC.CN - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU) NE.CON.TETC.KD - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2010 US$) NE.CON.TETC.KD.87 - Total consumption, etc. (constant 1987 US$) NE.CON.TETC.KD.ZG - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth) NE.CON.TETC.KN - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU) NE.CON.TETC.KN.87 - Total consumption, etc. (constant 1987 LCU) NE.CON.TETC.KN.87.ZG - Total consumption, etc. (annual % growth) NE.CON.TETC.ZS - Final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP) NE.CON.TOTL.CD - Final consumption expenditure (current US$) NE.CON.TOTL.CN - Final consumption expenditure (current LCU) NE.CON.TOTL.KD - Final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) NE.CON.TOTL.KD.87 - Total consumption (constant 1987 US$) NE.CON.TOTL.KD.ZG - Final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) NE.CON.TOTL.KN - Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) NE.CON.TOTL.KN.87 - Total consumption (constant 1987 LCU) NE.CON.TOTL.ZG - Total consumption: contribution to growth of GDP (%) NE.CON.TOTL.ZS - Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) NE.DAB.DEFL.ZS - Gross national expenditure deflator (base year varies by country) NE.DAB.TOTL.CD - Gross national expenditure (current US$) NE.DAB.TOTL.CN - Gross national expenditure (current LCU) NE.DAB.TOTL.IN - Domestic Absorption Deflator NE.DAB.TOTL.KD - Gross national expenditure (constant 2010 US$) NE.DAB.TOTL.KD.87 - Domestic absorption (constant 1987 US$) NE.DAB.TOTL.KN - Gross national expenditure (constant LCU) NE.DAB.TOTL.KN.87 - Domestic absorption (constant 1987 LCU) NE.DAB.TOTL.XD - Domestic Absorption deflator (1987=100,Index) NE.DAB.TOTL.ZS - Gross national expenditure (% of GDP) NE.EXP.CAPM.KN - KP Capacity to Import (Local) NE.EXP.GNFS.CD - Exports of goods and services (current US$) NE.EXP.GNFS.CN - Exports of goods and services (current LCU) NE.EXP.GNFS.KD - Exports of goods and services (constant 2010 US$) NE.EXP.GNFS.KD.87 - Exports of goods and services (constant 1987 US$) NE.EXP.GNFS.KD.ZG - Exports of goods and services (annual % growth) NE.EXP.GNFS.KN - Exports of goods and services (constant LCU) NE.EXP.GNFS.KN.87 - Exports of goods and services (constant 1987 LCU) NE.EXP.GNFS.KN.87.ZG - Exports of goods and services (annual % growth) NE.EXP.GNFS.KN.ZG - Exports of goods and non-financial services, growth (%, constant LCU) NE.EXP.GNFS.XN - Export price index (goods and services, 2000=100) NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS - Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) NE.EXP.TTEF.KN - KP Terms of Trade Adjustment (Local) NE.GDI.CON.GOVT.CR - GDP expenditure on general government consumption (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.CON.GOVT.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on general government consumption (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.CON.NPI.CR - GDP expenditure on non profit private institution consumption (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.CON.NPI.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on non profit private institution consumption (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.CON.PRVT.CR - GDP expenditure on private consumption (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.CON.PRVT.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on private consumption (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.EXPT.CR - GDP expenditure on exports (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.EXPT.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on exports (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.FCGV.CD - GDFI - central government (current US$) NE.GDI.FCGV.CN - GDFI - central government (current LCU) NE.GDI.FCGV.KD - GDFI - central government (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FCGV.KN - GDFI - central government (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FGOV.CD - GDFI - general government (current US$) NE.GDI.FGOV.CN - GDFI - general government (current LCU) NE.GDI.FGOV.KD - GDFI - general government (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FGOV.KN - GDFI - general government (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FIXD.CN - CP Fixed Investment (Local) NE.GDI.FIXD.KN - Fixed Investment (local) (Const. Price) NE.GDI.FLGV.CD - GDFI - state and local government (current US$) NE.GDI.FLGV.CN - GDFI - state and local government (current LCU) NE.GDI.FLGV.KN - GDFI - state and local government (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPBE.CD - GDFI - public enterprises (current US$) NE.GDI.FPBE.CN - GDFI - public enterprises (current LCU) NE.GDI.FPBE.KN - GDFI - public enterprises (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPRV.CD - GDFI - private (current US$) NE.GDI.FPRV.CN - Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (current LCU) NE.GDI.FPRV.GI.ZS - Private fixed investment (% of GDFI) NE.GDI.FPRV.GI.ZS.IC - Private fixed investment (% of gross domestic fixed investment) NE.GDI.FPRV.IC.ZS - Private investment (% of GDFI) NE.GDI.FPRV.IFC.ZS - Private investment (% of GDFI) NE.GDI.FPRV.KD - GDFI - private sector (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FPRV.KN - GDFI - private sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPRV.ZS - Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP) NE.GDI.FPUB.CD - GDFI - public sector (current US$) NE.GDI.FPUB.CN - Gross fixed capital formation, public sector (current LCU) NE.GDI.FPUB.KD - GDFI - public sector (constant 2000 US$) NE.GDI.FPUB.KN - GDFI - public sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FPUB.ZS - Gross public investment (% of GDP) NE.GDI.FTOT.CD - Gross fixed capital formation (current US$) NE.GDI.FTOT.CN - Gross fixed capital formation (current LCU) NE.GDI.FTOT.CR - GDP expenditure on gross fixed capital formation (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.FTOT.KD - Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2010 US$) NE.GDI.FTOT.KD.87 - Gross domestic fixed investment (constant 1987 US$) NE.GDI.FTOT.KD.ZG - Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth) NE.GDI.FTOT.KN - Gross fixed capital formation (constant LCU) NE.GDI.FTOT.KN.87 - Gross domestic fixed investment (constant 1987 LCU) NE.GDI.FTOT.KN.87.ZG - Gross domestic fixed investment (annual % growth) NE.GDI.FTOT.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on gross fixed capital formation (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.FTOT.ZS - Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) NE.GDI.IMPT.CR - GDP expenditure on imports (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.IMPT.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on imports (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.INEX.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on inter-region net exports (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.PCAP.KD - Gross domestic investment per capita (1987 USD) NE.GDI.PCAP.KD.87 - Gross domestic investment per cap. (1987 US$) NE.GDI.STKB.CD - Changes in inventories (current US$) NE.GDI.STKB.CN - Changes in inventories (current LCU) NE.GDI.STKB.CR - GDP expenditure on changes in stock (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.STKB.KD.87 - Change in inventories (constant 1987 US$) NE.GDI.STKB.KN - Changes in inventories (constant LCU) NE.GDI.STKB.KN.87 - Change in inventories (constant 1987 LCU) NE.GDI.STKB.SNA08.CR - GDP expenditure on changes in stock (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.STPB.CD - Change in stocks public sector (current US$) NE.GDI.STPB.CN - Change in stocks public sector (current LCU) NE.GDI.STPB.KN - Change in stocks, public sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.STPV.CD - Change in stocks, private sector (current US$) NE.GDI.STPV.CN - Change in stocks, private sector (current LCU) NE.GDI.STPV.KN - Change in stocks, private sector (constant LCU) NE.GDI.TOTL.CD - Gross capital formation (current US$) NE.GDI.TOTL.CN - Gross capital formation (current LCU) NE.GDI.TOTL.CR - Total GDP based on expenditure (in IDR Million) NE.GDI.TOTL.KD - Gross capital formation (constant 2010 US$) NE.GDI.TOTL.KD.87 - Gross domestic investment (constant 1987 US$) NE.GDI.TOTL.KD.ZG - Gross capital formation (annual % growth) NE.GDI.TOTL.KN - Gross capital formation (constant LCU) NE.GDI.TOTL.KN.87 - Gross domestic investment (constant 1987 LCU) NE.GDI.TOTL.KN.87.ZG - Gross domestic investment (annual % growth) NE.GDI.TOTL.SNA08.CR - Total GDP based on expenditure (in IDR Million), SNA 2008, Current Price NE.GDI.TOTL.ZG - Gross domestic investment: contr. to growth of GDP(%) NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS - Gross capital formation (% of GDP) NE.IMP.GNFS.CD - Imports of goods and services (current US$) NE.IMP.GNFS.CN - Imports of goods and services (current LCU) NE.IMP.GNFS.KD - Imports of goods and services (constant 2010 US$) NE.IMP.GNFS.KD.87 - Imports of goods and services (constant 1987 US$) NE.IMP.GNFS.KD.ZG - Imports of goods and services (annual % growth) NE.IMP.GNFS.KN - Imports of goods and services (constant LCU) NE.IMP.GNFS.KN.87 - Imports of goods and services (constant 1987 LCU) NE.IMP.GNFS.KN.87.ZG - Imports of goods and services (annual % growth) NE.IMP.GNFS.XN - Import price index (goods and services 2000=100) NE.IMP.GNFS.ZS - Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) NE.MRCH.GDP.ZS - Merchandise trade to GDP ratio (%) NE.RSB.GNFS.CD - External balance on goods and services (current US$) NE.RSB.GNFS.CN - External balance on goods and services (current LCU) NE.RSB.GNFS.KD.87 - Resource balance (constant 1987 US$) NE.RSB.GNFS.KN - External balance on goods and services (constant LCU) NE.RSB.GNFS.KN.87 - Resource balance (constant 1987 LCU) NE.RSB.GNFS.ZG - Resource balance: contribution to growth of GDP (%) NE.RSB.GNFS.ZS - External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) NE.RSB.TOTL.KN - Resource Balance (local) (Const. Price) NE.TRD.GNFS.CD - Trade of goods and services (current US$) NE.TRD.GNFS.ZS - Trade (% of GDP) NE.TRM.TRAD.XN - Terms of trade index (2000=100) NE.TRM.TRAD.XU - Terms of trade (goods and services, 2000 = 100) NEER - Nominal Effecive Exchange Rate NP.AGR.TOTL.CN - Agriculture, value added (local) (Curr. Price) NP.AGR.TOTL.IN - Agricultural Value Added Deflator NP.AGR.TOTL.KN - Agriculture, value added (local) (Const. Price) NP.AGR.TOTL.ZG - Agriculture: contribution to growth of GDP (%) NP.IND.TOTL.CN - CP Value Added in Industry (Local) NP.IND.TOTL.IN - Industrial Value Added Deflator NP.IND.TOTL.KN - Industry, value added (local) (Const. Price) NP.IND.TOTL.ZG - Industry: contribution to growth of GDP (%) NP.MAN.TOTL.CN - CP Value Added in Manufacturing (Local) NP.MAN.TOTL.IN - Manuf. Value Added Deflator NP.MAN.TOTL.KN - KP Value Added in Manufacturing (Local) NP.SRV.TOTL.CN - CP Value Added in Services, etc. (Local) NP.SRV.TOTL.KN - KP Value Added in Services, etc. (Local) NP.SRV.TOTL.ZG - Services: contribution to growth of GDP (%) NRRV.SHR.FRST.CR - Total Natural Resources Revenue Sharing from Forestry (in IDR, realization value) NRRV.SHR.FSH.CR - Total Natural Resources Revenue Sharing from Fishery (in IDR, realization value) NRRV.SHR.GAS.CR - Total Natural Resources Revenue Sharing from Gas (in IDR, realization value) NRRV.SHR.GEOT.CR - Total Natural Resources Revenue Sharing from Geothermal Energy (in IDR, realization value) NRRV.SHR.MIN.CR - Total Natural Resources Revenue Sharing from Mining (in IDR, realization value) NRRV.SHR.PETR.CR - Total Natural Resources Revenue Sharing from Oil (in IDR, realization value) NV.AGR.EMPL.KD - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added per worker (constant 2010 US$) NV.AGR.PCAP.KD.ZG - Real agricultural GDP per capita growth rate (%) NV.AGR.TOTL.CD - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (current US$) NV.AGR.TOTL.CN - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (current LCU) NV.AGR.TOTL.KD - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (constant 2010 US$) NV.AGR.TOTL.KD.87 - Agriculture, value added (constant 1987 US$) NV.AGR.TOTL.KD.ZG - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (annual % growth) NV.AGR.TOTL.KN - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (constant LCU) NV.AGR.TOTL.KN.87 - Agriculture, value added (constant 1987 LCU) NV.AGR.TOTL.KN.87.ZG - Agriculture, value added (annual % growth) NV.AGR.TOTL.XD - Agriculture, val. added defl. (1987=100,Index) NV.AGR.TOTL.ZG - Real agricultural GDP growth rates (%) NV.AGR.TOTL.ZS - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP) NV.FSM.TOTL.CN - Financial intermediary services indirectly Measured (FISIM) (current LCU) NV.FSM.TOTL.KN - Financial intermediary services indirectly Measured (FISIM) (constant LCU) NV.IND.CNST.CD - Construction, value added (current US$) NV.IND.CNST.CN - Construction, value added (current LCU) NV.IND.CNST.KN - Construction, value added (constant LCU) NV.IND.EMPL.KD - Industry (including construction), value added per worker (constant 2010 US$) NV.IND.GELW.CD - Electricity, gas and water supply, value added (current US$) NV.IND.GELW.CN - Electricity, gas and water supply, value added (current LCU) NV.IND.GELW.KN - Electricity, gas and water supply, value added (constant LCU) NV.IND.MANF.CD - Manufacturing, value added (current US$) NV.IND.MANF.CN - Manufacturing, value added (current LCU) NV.IND.MANF.KD - Manufacturing, value added (constant 2010 US$) NV.IND.MANF.KD.87 - Manufacturing, value added (constant 1987 US$) NV.IND.MANF.KD.ZG - Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth) NV.IND.MANF.KN - Manufacturing, value added (constant LCU) NV.IND.MANF.KN.87 - Manufacturing, value added (constant 1987 LCU) NV.IND.MANF.KN.87.ZG - Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth) NV.IND.MANF.KN.ZG - Value added, manufacturing growth rate (%) NV.IND.MANF.XD - Manufacturing, val. added defl.(1987=100,Index) NV.IND.MANF.ZS - Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) NV.IND.MINQ.CD - Mining and quarrying, value added (current US$) NV.IND.MINQ.CN - Mining and quarrying, value added (current LCU) NV.IND.MINQ.KD - Value added, mining and quarrying (constant 2000 US$) NV.IND.MINQ.KN - Mining and quarrying, value added (constant LCU) NV.IND.TOTL.CD - Industry (including construction), value added (current US$) NV.IND.TOTL.CN - Industry (including construction), value added (current LCU) NV.IND.TOTL.KD - Industry (including construction), value added (constant 2010 US$) NV.IND.TOTL.KD.87 - Industry, value added (constant 1987 US$) NV.IND.TOTL.KD.ZG - Industry (including construction), value added (annual % growth) NV.IND.TOTL.KN - Industry (including construction), value added (constant LCU) NV.IND.TOTL.KN.87 - Industry, value added (constant 1987 LCU) NV.IND.TOTL.KN.87.ZG - Industry, value added (annual % growth) NV.IND.TOTL.XD - Industry, val. added defl. (1987=100,Index) NV.IND.TOTL.ZG - Industry: contribution to growth of GDP (%) NV.IND.TOTL.ZS - Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP) NV.MNF.CHEM.UN.ZS - Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.CHEM.ZS.UN - Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.FBTO.UN.ZS - Food, beverages, and tobacco (% of value added in mfg) NV.MNF.FBTO.ZS.UN - Food, beverages and tobacco (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.MTRN.UN.ZS - Machinery and transport equipment (% of value added in mfg) NV.MNF.MTRN.ZS.UN - Machinery and transport equipment (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.OTHR.UN.ZS - Other manufacturing (% of value added in mfg) NV.MNF.OTHR.ZS.UN - Other manufacturing (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.MNF.TECH.ZS.UN - Medium and high-tech Industry (including construction) (% manufacturing value added) NV.MNF.TXTL.UN.ZS - Textiles and clothing (% of value added in mfg) NV.MNF.TXTL.ZS.UN - Textiles and clothing (% of value added in manufacturing) NV.SRV.ADMN.CD - Public administration and defence, value added (current US$) NV.SRV.ADMN.CN - Public administration and defence, value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.ADMN.KN - Public administration and defence, value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.BNKG.CD - Financial and insurance activities (banking), value added (current US$) NV.SRV.BNKG.CN - Financial and insurance activities (banking), value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.BNKG.KN - Financial and insurance activities (banking), value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.DISC.CD - Discrepancy in GDP, value added (current US$) NV.SRV.DISC.CN - Discrepancy in GDP, value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.DISC.KN - Discrepancy in GDP, value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.DWEL.CD - Ownership of dwellings, value added (current US$) NV.SRV.DWEL.CN - Ownership of dwellings, value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.DWEL.KN - Ownership of dwellings, value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.EMPL.KD - Services, value added per worker (constant 2010 US$) NV.SRV.OTHR.CD - Other services, value added (current US$) NV.SRV.OTHR.CN - Other services, value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.OTHR.KN - Other services, value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.TETC.CD - Services, etc., value added (current US$) NV.SRV.TETC.CN - Services, etc., value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.TETC.KD - Services, etc., value added (constant 2010 US$) NV.SRV.TETC.KD.87 - Services, etc., value added (constant 1987 US$) NV.SRV.TETC.KD.ZG - Services, etc., value added (annual % growth) NV.SRV.TETC.KN - Services, etc., value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.TETC.KN.87 - Services, etc., value added (constant 1987 LCU) NV.SRV.TETC.KN.87.ZG - Services, etc., value added (annual % growth) NV.SRV.TETC.KN.ZG - Value added, services and etc growth rate (%) NV.SRV.TETC.ZG - Services: contribution to growth of GDP (%) NV.SRV.TETC.ZS - Services, etc., value added (% of GDP) NV.SRV.TOTL.CD - Services, value added (current US$) NV.SRV.TOTL.CN - Services, value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.TOTL.KD - Services, value added (constant 2010 US$) NV.SRV.TOTL.KD.ZG - Services, value added (annual % growth) NV.SRV.TOTL.KN - Services, value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.TOTL.ZS - Services, value added (% of GDP) NV.SRV.TRAD.CD - Wholesale and retail trade, value added (current US$) NV.SRV.TRAD.CN - Wholesale and retail trade, value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.TRAD.KN - Wholesale and retail trade, value added (constant LCU) NV.SRV.TRAN.CD - Transportation, storage and communication, value added (current US$) NV.SRV.TRAN.CN - Transportation, storage and communication, value added (current LCU) NV.SRV.TRAN.KN - Transportation, storage and communication, value added (constant LCU) NW.HCA.PC - Human capital per capita (constant 2014 US$) NW.HCA.TO - Human capital (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.AGRI.PC - Natural capital per capita, agricultural land (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.AGRI.TO - Natural capital, agricultural land (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.CROL.PC - Natural capital per capita, agricultural land: cropland (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.CROL.TO - Natural capital, agricultural land: cropland (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.FNTI.PC - Natural capital per capita, forests: nontimber (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.FNTI.TO - Natural capital, forests: nontimber (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.FORE.PC - Natural capital per capita, forests (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.FORE.TO - Natural capital, forests (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.FTIM.PC - Natural capital per capita, forests: timber (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.FTIM.TO - Natural capital, forests: timber (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MBAU.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: bauxite (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MBAU.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: bauxite (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MCOP.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: copper (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MCOP.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: copper (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MGOL.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: gold (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MGOL.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: gold (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MINR.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets: minerals (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MINR.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets: minerals (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MIRO.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: iron ore (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MIRO.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: iron ore (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MLEA.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: lead (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MLEA.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: lead (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MNIC.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: nickel (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MNIC.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: nickel (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MPHO.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: phosphate (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MPHO.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: phosphate (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MSIL.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: silver (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MSIL.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: silver (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MTIN.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: tin (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MTIN.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: tin (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MZIN.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets, minerals: zinc (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.MZIN.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets, minerals: zinc (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.PASL.PC - Natural capital per capita, agricultural land: pastureland (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.PASL.TO - Natural capital, agricultural land: pastureland (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.PC - Natural capital per capita (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.PRAR.PC - Natural capital per capita, protected areas (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.PRAR.TO - Natural capital, protected areas (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SACO.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets: coal (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SACO.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets: coal (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SAGA.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets: gas (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SAGA.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets: gas (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SAOI.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets: oil (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SAOI.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets: oil (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SSOI.PC - Natural capital per capita, subsoil assets (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.SSOI.TO - Natural capital, subsoil assets (constant 2014 US$) NW.NCA.TO - Natural capital (constant 2014 US$) NW.NFA.PC - Net foreign assets per capita (constant 2014 US$) NW.NFA.TO - Net foreign assets (constant 2014 US$) NW.PCA.PC - Produced capital per capita (constant 2014 US$) NW.PCA.TO - Produced capital (constant 2014 US$) NW.TOW.PC - Total wealth per capita (constant 2014 US$) NW.TOW.TO - Total wealth (constant 2014 US$) NY.ADJ.AEDU.CD - Adjusted savings: education expenditure (current US$) NY.ADJ.AEDU.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: education expenditure (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DCO2.CD - Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.DCO2.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DFOR.CD - Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (current US$) NY.ADJ.DFOR.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DKAP.CD - Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (current US$) NY.ADJ.DKAP.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DMIN.CD - Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (current US$) NY.ADJ.DMIN.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DNGY.CD - Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$) NY.ADJ.DNGY.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: energy depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DPEM.CD - Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.DPEM.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.DRES.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.ICTR.CD - Adjusted savings: gross savings (current US$) NY.ADJ.ICTR.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: gross savings (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.NNAT.CD - Adjusted savings: net national savings (current US$) NY.ADJ.NNAT.GN.ZS - Adjusted savings: net national savings (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.NNTY.CD - Adjusted net national income (current US$) NY.ADJ.NNTY.KD - Adjusted net national income (constant 2010 US$) NY.ADJ.NNTY.KD.ZG - Adjusted net national income (annual % growth) NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.CD - Adjusted net national income per capita (current US$) NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.KD - Adjusted net national income per capita (constant 2010 US$) NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.KD.ZG - Adjusted net national income per capita (annual % growth) NY.ADJ.SVNG.CD - Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.SVNG.GN.ZS - Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI) NY.ADJ.SVNG.PC.CD - Adjusted net savings per capita (current US$) NY.ADJ.SVNX.CD - Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (current US$) NY.ADJ.SVNX.GN.ZS - Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (% of GNI) NY.AGR.SUBS.GD.ZS - Agricultural support estimate (% of GDP) NY.EXP.CAPM.KD.87 - Exports as a capacity to import (constant 1987 US$) NY.EXP.CAPM.KN - Exports as a capacity to import (constant LCU) NY.EXP.CAPM.KN.87 - Exports as a capacity to import (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GDP.COAL.RT.ZS - Coal rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.DEFL.87.ZG - Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) NY.GDP.DEFL.KD.ZG - Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) NY.GDP.DEFL.KD.ZG.AD - Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %) NY.GDP.DEFL.ZS - GDP deflator (base year varies by country) NY.GDP.DEFL.ZS.87 - GDP deflator (1987 = 100) NY.GDP.DEFL.ZS.AD - GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country) NY.GDP.DISC.CD - Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current US$) NY.GDP.DISC.CN - Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU) NY.GDP.DISC.KN - Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (constant LCU) NY.GDP.FCST.CD - Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (current US$) NY.GDP.FCST.CN - Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (current LCU) NY.GDP.FCST.KD - Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (constant 2010 US$) NY.GDP.FCST.KD.87 - GDP at factor cost (constant 1987 US$) NY.GDP.FCST.KN - Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (constant LCU) NY.GDP.FCST.KN.87 - GDP at factor cost (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GDP.FRST.RT.ZS - Forest rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.MINR.RT.ZS - Mineral rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.MKTP.CD - GDP (current US$) NY.GDP.MKTP.CD.XD - GDP deflator, index (2000=100; US$ series) NY.GDP.MKTP.CN - GDP (current LCU) NY.GDP.MKTP.CN.AD - GDP: linked series (current LCU) NY.GDP.MKTP.CN.XD - GDP deflator, period average (LCU index 2000=100) NY.GDP.MKTP.IN - GDP Deflator NY.GDP.MKTP.KD - GDP (constant 2010 US$) NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.87 - GDP at market prices (constant 1987 US$) NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG - GDP growth (annual %) NY.GDP.MKTP.KN - GDP (constant LCU) NY.GDP.MKTP.KN.87 - GDP at market prices (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GDP.MKTP.KN.87.ZG - GDP growth (annual %) NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.CD - GDP, PPP (current international $) NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.KD - GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $) NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.KD.87 - GDP, PPP (constant 1987 international $) NY.GDP.MKTP.XD - GDP deflator (1987=100,Index) NY.GDP.MKTP.XU.E - GDP deflator, end period (base year varies by country) NY.GDP.MKTP.ZG - Gross domestic product (Av. annual growth, %) NY.GDP.NGAS.RT.ZS - Natural gas rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.PCAP.CD - GDP per capita (current US$) NY.GDP.PCAP.CN - GDP per capita (current LCU) NY.GDP.PCAP.KD - GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$) NY.GDP.PCAP.KD.ZG - GDP per capita growth (annual %) NY.GDP.PCAP.KN - GDP per capita (constant LCU) NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD - GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD - GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $) NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD.87 - GDP per capita, PPP (constant 1987 international $) NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD.ZG - GDP per capita, PPP annual growth (%) NY.GDP.PETR.RT.ZS - Oil rents (% of GDP) NY.GDP.TOTL.RT.ZS - Total natural resources rents (% of GDP) NY.GDS.PRVT.CD - Gross domestic savings, private (current US$) NY.GDS.PRVT.CN - Gross domestic savings, private (current LCU) NY.GDS.PRVT.KN - Gross domestic savings, private (constant LCU) NY.GDS.PUBL.CD - Gross domestic savings, public (current US$) NY.GDS.PUBL.CN - Gross domestic savings, public (current LCU) NY.GDS.PUBL.KN - Gross domestic savings, public (constant LCU) NY.GDS.TOTL.CD - Gross domestic savings (current US$) NY.GDS.TOTL.CN - Gross domestic savings (current LCU) NY.GDS.TOTL.KD - Gross domestic savings, total (constant 2000 US$) NY.GDS.TOTL.KD.87 - Gross domestic savings (constant 1987 US$) NY.GDS.TOTL.KN - Gross domestic savings (constant LCU) NY.GDS.TOTL.KN.87 - Gross domestic savings (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GDS.TOTL.ZS - Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) NY.GDY.TOTL.KD - Gross domestic income (constant 2005 US$) NY.GDY.TOTL.KD.87 - Gross domestic income (constant 1987 US$) NY.GDY.TOTL.KN - Gross domestic income (constant LCU) NY.GDY.TOTL.KN.87 - Gross domestic income (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GEN.AEDU.GD.ZS - Genuine savings: education expenditure (% of GDP) NY.GEN.DCO2.GD.ZS - Genuine savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GDP) NY.GEN.DFOR.GD.ZS - Genuine savings: net forest depletion (% of GDP) NY.GEN.DKAP.GD.ZS - Genuine savings: consumption of fixed capital (% of GDP) NY.GEN.DMIN.GD.ZS - Genuine savings: mineral depletion (% of GDP) NY.GEN.DNGY.GD.ZS - Genuine savings: energy depletion (% of GDP) NY.GEN.NDOM.GD.ZS - Genuine savings: net domestic savings (% of GDP) NY.GEN.SVNG.GD.ZS - Genuine domestic savings (% of GDP) NY.GNP.ATLS.CD - GNI, Atlas method (current US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.CD - GNI (current US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.CN - GNI (current LCU) NY.GNP.MKTP.KD - GNI (constant 2010 US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.KD.87 - GNP at market prices (constant 1987 US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.KD.ZG - GNI growth (annual %) NY.GNP.MKTP.KN - GNI (constant LCU) NY.GNP.MKTP.KN.87 - GNP at market prices (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GNP.MKTP.KN.87.ZG - GNP growth (annual %) NY.GNP.MKTP.PC.CD - GNI per capita (current US$) NY.GNP.MKTP.PP.CD - GNI, PPP (current international $) NY.GNP.MKTP.PP.KD - GNI, PPP (constant 2017 international $) NY.GNP.MKTP.PP.KD.87 - GNP, PPP (constant 1987 international $) NY.GNP.PCAP.CD - GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) NY.GNP.PCAP.CD.AT - GNP per capita (Atlas method) (US$,curr. pr.) NY.GNP.PCAP.CN - GNI per capita (current LCU) NY.GNP.PCAP.KD - GNI per capita (constant 2010 US$) NY.GNP.PCAP.KD.87 - GNP per capita (constant 1987 US$) NY.GNP.PCAP.KD.ZG - GNI per capita growth (annual %) NY.GNP.PCAP.KN - GNI per capita (constant LCU) NY.GNP.PCAP.KN.87 - GNP per capita (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GNP.PCAP.PP.CD - GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) NY.GNP.PCAP.PP.KD - GNI per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $) NY.GNP.PCAP.PP.KD.87 - GNP per capita, PPP (constant 1987 international $) NY.GNP.PCAP.ZG - GNP per capita growth (annual %) NY.GNP.PCAT.CD - Gross national product per capita (USD, Atlas meth.) NY.GNS.ICTR.CD - Gross savings (current US$) NY.GNS.ICTR.CN - Gross savings (current LCU) NY.GNS.ICTR.GN.ZS - Gross savings (% of GNI) NY.GNS.ICTR.KD - Gross national savings, including net current transfers (constant 2000 US$) NY.GNS.ICTR.KN - Gross national savings, including net current transfers (constant LCU) NY.GNS.ICTR.ZS - Gross savings (% of GDP) NY.GNS.PRVT.CD - Gross national savings, private (current US$) NY.GNS.PRVT.CN - Gross national savings, private (current LCU) NY.GNS.PRVT.KN - Gross national savings, private (constant LCU) NY.GNS.PUBL.CD - Gross national savings, public (current US$) NY.GNS.PUBL.CN - Gross national savings, public (current LCU) NY.GNS.PUBL.KN - Gross national savings, public (constant LCU) NY.GNS.TOTL.CN - CP Gross National Savings (Local) NY.GNY.PCAP.KD - Gross national income per capita (1987 USD) NY.GNY.PCAP.KD.87 - Gross national income per capita (1987 US$) NY.GNY.TOTL.CN - Gross national disposable income (current LCU) NY.GNY.TOTL.KD - Gross national income (constant 2000 US$) NY.GNY.TOTL.KD.87 - Gross national income (constant 1987 US$) NY.GNY.TOTL.KN - Gross national income (constant LCU) NY.GNY.TOTL.KN.87 - Gross national income (constant 1987 LCU) NY.GNY.TOTL.ZG - Gross national income (Av. annual growth, %) NY.GSR.NFCY.CD - Net primary income (Net income from abroad) (current US$) NY.GSR.NFCY.CN - Net primary income (Net income from abroad) (current LCU) NY.GSR.NFCY.KD.87 - Net income from abroad (constant 1987 US$) NY.GSR.NFCY.KN - Net primary income (Net income from abroad) (constant LCU) NY.GSR.NFCY.KN.87 - Net income from abroad (constant 1987 LCU) NY.SVF.NFSY.CN - CP Net Factor Income (+) or Payments (Local) NY.TAX.IDRT.CD - Indirect taxes (current US$) NY.TAX.IDRT.CN - Indirect taxes (current LCU) NY.TAX.NIND.CD - Taxes less subsidies on products (current US$) NY.TAX.NIND.CN - Taxes less subsidies on products (current LCU) NY.TAX.NIND.KD.87 - Net indirect taxes (constant 1987 US$) NY.TAX.NIND.KN - Taxes less subsidies on products (constant LCU) NY.TAX.NIND.KN.87 - Net indirect taxes (constant 1987 LCU) NY.TAX.SUBS.CD - Subsidies (current US$) NY.TAX.SUBS.CN - Subsidies (current LCU; from SNA) NY.TRF.NCTR.CD - Net secondary income (Net current transfers from abroad) (current US$) NY.TRF.NCTR.CN - Net secondary income (Net current transfers from abroad) (current LCU) NY.TRF.NCTR.KN - Net secondary income (Net current transfers from abroad) (constant LCU) NY.TTF.GNFS.KD.87 - Terms of trade adjustment (constant 1987 US$) NY.TTF.GNFS.KN - Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU) NY.TTF.GNFS.KN.87 - Terms of trade adjustment (constant 1987 LCU) NY.TTF.MRCH.KN - Terms of Trade Adjustment (local) (Const. Price) NYGDPMKTPKDZ - Annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on constant 2010 US Dollars. NYGDPMKTPSACD - GDP,current US$,millions,seas. adj., NYGDPMKTPSACN - GDP,current LCU,millions,seas. adj., NYGDPMKTPSAKD - GDP,constant 2010 US$,millions,seas. adj., NYGDPMKTPSAKN - GDP,constant 2010 LCU,millions,seas. adj., OECD.TSAL.0.E0 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Pre-Primary. Starting salary OECD.TSAL.0.E10 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Pre-Primary. 10 years of experience OECD.TSAL.0.E15 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Pre-Primary. 15 years of experience OECD.TSAL.0.ETOP - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Pre-Primary. Top of scale OECD.TSAL.1.E0 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Primary. Starting salary OECD.TSAL.1.E10 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Primary. 10 years of experience OECD.TSAL.1.E15 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Primary. 15 years of experience OECD.TSAL.1.ETOP - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Primary. Top of scale OECD.TSAL.2.E0 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Lower Secondary. Starting salary OECD.TSAL.2.E10 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Lower Secondary. 10 years of experience OECD.TSAL.2.E15 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Lower Secondary. 15 years of experience OECD.TSAL.2.ETOP - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Lower Secondary. Top of scale OECD.TSAL.3.E0 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Upper Secondary. Starting salary OECD.TSAL.3.E10 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Upper Secondary. 10 years of experience OECD.TSAL.3.E15 - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Upper Secondary. 15 years of experience OECD.TSAL.3.ETOP - Annual statutory teacher salaries in public institutions in USD. Upper Secondary. Top of scale OTHR.TAX.PAID.ZS - Other taxes (% of profits) PA.NPP - PPP (LCU per international $) PA.NUS - Exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) PA.NUS.ATLS - DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$) PA.NUS.FCRF - Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) PA.NUS.FCRF.XR - Official exchange rate to parallel exchange rate ratio PA.NUS.PPP - PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $) PA.NUS.PPP.05 - 2005 PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $) PA.NUS.PPPC.RF - Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate PA.NUS.PRVT.PP - PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $) PA.NUS.PRVT.PP.05 - 2005 PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $) PA.PPR.MAIZ.CD - Maize price (US$ per metric ton) PA.PPR.MAIZ.CN - Maize price (local currency per metric ton) PA.PPR.WHEA.CD - Wheat price (US$ per metric ton) PA.PPR.WHEA.CN - Wheat price (local currency per metric ton) PALM.LND.DMG - Palm Oil Land Area by type of condition: Damaged (in Hectares) PALM.LND.IMM - Palm Oil Land Area by type of condition: Immature (in Hectares) PALM.LND.MTR - Palm Oil Land Area by type of condition: Mature (in Hectares) PALM.LND.PRVT - Palm Oil Land Area by type of ownership: Private (in Hectares) PALM.LND.SMHD - Palm Oil Land Area by type of ownership: Smallholder (in Hectares) PALM.LND.SOE - Palm Oil Land Area by type of ownership: State Owned Enterprise (in Hectares) PALM.LND.TOTL - Palm Oil Land Area: Total (in Hectares) PALM.PRD.PRVT - Palm Production by type of ownership: Private (in Tons) PALM.PRD.SMHD - Palm Production by type of ownership: Smallholder (in Tons) PALM.PRD.SOE - Palm Production by type of ownership: State Owned Enterprise (in Tons) PALM.PRD.TOTL - Palm Production: Total (in Tons) PALM.YLD.PRVT - Palm Oil Yield by type of ownership: Private (in Kg/Ha) PALM.YLD.SMHD - Palm Oil Yield by type of ownership: Smallholder (in Kg/Ha) PALM.YLD.SOE - Palm Oil Yield by type of ownership: State Owned Enterprise (in Kg/Ha) PAY.TAX.COIT.AU.HRS.DB1719 - Paying taxes: Time to comply with corporate income tax correction (hours) (DB17-20 methodology) PAY.TAX.COIT.AU.HRS.TM.DB1719.DFRN - Paying taxes: Time to comply with corporate income tax correction (hours) (DB17-20 methodology) - Score PAY.TAX.COIT.AU.WKS.DB1719 - Paying taxes: Time to complete a corporate income tax correction (weeks) (DB17-20 methodology) PAY.TAX.COIT.WKS.TM.DB1719.DFRN - Paying taxes: Time to complete a corporate income tax correction (weeks) (DB17-20 methodology) - Score PAY.TAX.DB0616.DFRN - Paying taxes (DB06-16 methodology) - Score PAY.TAX.DB1719.DRFN - Paying taxes (DB17-20 methodology) - Score PAY.TAX.LABR.TAX.CONTR.ZS - Paying taxes: Labor tax and contributions (% of profits) PAY.TAX.POST.FIL.XD.0100.DB1719.DFRN - Paying taxes: Postfiling index (0-100) (DB17-20 methodology) - Score PAY.TAX.PRFT.CP.ZS - Paying taxes: Profit tax (% of profits) PAY.TAX.PYMT.FREQ.NO - Paying taxes: Payments (number per year) PAY.TAX.PYMT.NO.DFRN - Paying taxes: Payments per year (number per year) - Score PAY.TAX.RK.DB19 - Rank: Paying taxes (1=most business-friendly regulations) PAY.TAX.TM - Paying taxes: Time (hours per year) PAY.TAX.TM.DFRN - Paying taxes: Time (hours per year) - Score PAY.TAX.TOT.TAX.RT.ZS - Paying taxes: Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) PAY.TAX.TOT.TAX.RT.ZS.DRFRN - Paying taxes: Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) - Score PAY.TAX.VAT.REF.OBT.WKS.TM.DB1719 - Paying taxes: Time to obtain VAT refund (weeks) (DB17-20 methodology) PAY.TAX.VAT.REF.OBT.WKS.TM.DB1719.DFRN - Paying taxes: Time to obtain VAT refund (weeks) (DB17-20 methodology) - Score PAY.TAX.VAT.REFU.COMP.HRS.TM.DB1719 - Paying taxes: Time to comply with VAT refund (hours) (DB17-20 methodology) PAY.TAX.VAT.REFU.COMP.HRS.TM.DB1719.DFRN - Paying taxes: Time to comply with VAT refund (hours) (DB17-20 methodology) - Score PC.CD - Expenditures per capita (current US$, XR term) PC.PP.CD - Expenditures per capita (current international $, PPP term) PC.US.PP.ZX - Expenditures per capita (index, US=100, PPP term) PC.US.ZX - Expenditures per capita (index, US=100, XR term) PC.WL.PP.ZX - Expenditures per capita (index, World=100, PPP term) PC.WL.ZX - Expenditures per capita (index, World=100, XR term) PE.NUS.FCAE - Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, end period) PE.USG.LNDN - London gold price (US$ per ounce) PI-1 - Aggregate expenditure out-turn compared to original approved budget PI-10 - Public access to key fiscal information PI-11 - Orderliness and participation in the annual budget process PI-11.1 - (i) Existence of and adherence to a fixed budget calendar; PI-11.2 - (ii) Clarity/comprehensiveness of and political involvement in the guidance on the preparation of budget submissions (budget circular or equivalent); PI-11.3 - (iii) Timely budget approval by the legislature or similarly mandated body (within the last three years); PI-12 - Multi-year perspective in fiscal planning, expenditure policy and budgeting PI-12.1 - (i) Preparation of multi -year fiscal forecasts and functional allocations PI-12.2 - (ii) Scope and frequency of debt sustainability analysis PI-12.3 - (iii) Existence of sector strategies with multi-year costing of recurrent and investment expenditure; PI-12.4 - (iv) Linkages between investment budgets and forward expenditure estimates PI-13 - Transparency of taxpayer obligations and liabilities PI-13.1 - (i) Clarity and comprehensiveness of tax liabilities PI-13.2 - (ii) Taxpayer access to information on tax liabilities and administrative procedures PI-13.3 - (iii) Existence and functioning of a tax appeals mechanism PI-14 - Effectiveness of measures for taxpayer registration and tax assessment PI-14.1 - (i) Controls in the taxpayer registration system PI-14.2 - (ii) Effectiveness of penalties for non-compliance with registration and declaration obligations PI-14.3 - (iii) Planning and monitoring of tax audit and fraud investigation programs PI-15 - Effectiveness in collection of tax payments PI-15.1 - (i) Collection ratio for gross tax arrears, being the percentage of tax arrears at the beginning of a fiscal year, which was collected during that fiscal year (average of the last two fiscal years) PI-15.2 - (ii) Effectiveness of transfer of tax collections to the Treasury by the revenue administration PI-15.3 - (iii) Frequency of complete accounts reconciliation between tax assessments, collections, arrears records and receipts by the Treasury PI-16 - Predictability in the availability of funds for commitment of expenditures PI-16.1 - (i) Extent to which cash flows are forecast and monitored PI-16.2 - (ii) Reliability and horizon of periodic in-year information to MDAs on ceilings for expenditure commitmentc PI-16.3 - (iii) Frequency and transparency of adjustments to budget allocations, which are decided above the level of management of MDAs PI-17 - Recording and management of cash balances, debt and guarantees PI-17.1 - (i) Quality of debt data recording and reporting PI-17.2 - (ii) Extent of consolidation of the government’s cash balances PI-17.3 - (iii) Systems for contracting loans and issuance of guarantees PI-18 - Effectiveness of payroll controls PI-18.1 - (i) Degree of integration and reconciliation between personnel records and payroll data PI-18.2 - (ii) Timeliness of changes to personnel records and the payroll PI-18.3 - (iii) Internal controls of changes to personnel records and the payroll PI-18.4 - (iv) Existence of payroll audits to identify control weaknesses and/or ghost workers PI-19 - Competition, value for money and controls in procurement PI-19.1 - (i) Transparency, comprehensiveness and competition in the legal and regulatory framework PI-19.2 - (ii) Use of competitive procurement methods PI-19.3 - (iii) Public access to complete, reliable and timely procurement information PI-19.4 - (iv) Existence of an independent administrative procurement complaints system PI-19.5 - (i) Evidence on the use of open competition for award of contracts PI-19.6 - (ii) Extent of justification for use of less competitive procurement methods PI-19.7 - (iii) Existence and operation of a procurement complaints mechanism PI-2 - Composition of expenditure out-turn compared to original approved budget PI-2.1 - (i) Extent of the variance in expenditure composition during the last three years, excluding contingency items PI-2.2 - (ii) The average amount of expenditure actually charged to the contingency vote over the last three years PI-20 - Effectiveness of internal controls for non-salary expenditure PI-20.1 - (i) Effectiveness of expenditure commitment controls PI-20.2 - (ii) Comprehensiveness, relevance and understanding of other internal control rules/ procedures PI-20.3 - (iii) Degreeof compliance with rules for processing and recording transactions PI-21 - Effectiveness of internal audit PI-21.1 - (i) Coverage and quality of the internal audit function PI-21.2 - (ii) Frequency and distribution of reports PI-21.3 - (iii) Extent of management response to internal audit findings PI-22 - Timeliness and regularity of accounts reconciliation PI-22.1 - (i) Regularity of bank reconciliations PI-22.2 - (ii) Regularity of reconciliation and clearance of suspense accounts and advances PI-23 - Availability of information on resources received by service delivery units PI-24 - Quality and timeliness of in-year budget reports PI-24.1 - (i) Scope of reports in terms of coverage and compatibility with budget estimates PI-24.2 - (ii) Timeliness of the issue of reports PI-24.3 - (iii) Quality of information PI-25 - Quality and timeliness of annual financial statements PI-25.1 - (i) Completeness of the financial statements PI-25.2 - (ii) Timeliness of submission of the financial statements PI-25.3 - (iii) Accounting standards used PI-26 - Scope, nature and follow-up of external audit PI-26.1 - (i) Scope/nature of audit performed (incl. adherence to auditing standards) PI-26.2 - (ii) Timeliness of submission of audit reports to legislature PI-26.3 - (iii) Evidence of follow up on audit recommendations PI-27 - Legislative scrutiny of the annual budget law PI-27.1 - (i) Scope of the legislature’s scrutiny PI-27.2 - (ii) Extent to which the legislature’s procedures are well-established and respected PI-27.3 - (iii) Adequacy of time for the legislature to provide a response to budget proposals PI-27.4 - (iv) Rules for in-year amendments to the budget without ex-ante approval by the legislature PI-28 - Legislative scrutiny of external audit reports PI-28.1 - (i) Timeliness of examination of audit reports by the legislature (for reports received within the last three years) PI-28.2 - (ii) Extent of hearings on key findings undertaken by the legislature PI-28.3 - (iii) Issuance of recommended actions by the legislature and implementation by the executive PI-3 - Aggregate revenue out-turn compared to original approved budget PI-4 - Stock and monitoring of expenditure payment arrears PI-4.1 - (i) Stock of expenditure payment arrears (as a % of actual total expenditure for the corresponding fiscal year) & any recent change in the stock PI-4.2 - (ii) Availability of data for monitoring the stock of expenditure payment arrears PI-5 - Classification of the budget PI-6 - Comprehensiveness of information included in budget documentation PI-7 - Extent of unreported government operations PI-7.1 - (i) The level of extra-budgetary expenditure (other than donor funded projects) which is unreported i.e. not included in fiscal reports PI-7.2 - (ii) Income/expenditure information on donor-funded projects which is included in fiscal reports PI-8 - Transparency of inter-governmental fiscal relations PI-8.1 - (i) Transparent and rules based systems in the horizontal allocation among SN governments of unconditional and conditional transfers from central government (both budgeted and actual allocations); PI-8.2 - (ii) Timeliness of reliable information to SN governments on their allocations from central government for the coming year; PI-8.3 - (iii) Extent to which consolidated fiscal data (at least on revenue and expenditure) is collected and reported for general government according to sectoral categories PI-9 - Oversight of aggregate fiscal risk from other public sector entities PI-9.1 - (i) Extent of central government monitoring of AGAs and Pes PI-9.2 - (ii) Extent of central government monitoring of SN government's fiscal position POP - Population POP.ZS - Population (percentage share, World=100) PP.CD - Expenditures (current international $, PPP term) PRJ.ATT.1519.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.1519.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.1519.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.1519.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.1519.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.1519.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.1519.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.1519.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.1519.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.1519.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.1519.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.1519.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.1519.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.1519.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.1519.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.1519.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.1519.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.1519.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15-19 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.15UP.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.15UP.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.15UP.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.15UP.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.15UP.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.15UP.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.15UP.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.15UP.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.15UP.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.15UP.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.15UP.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.15UP.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.15UP.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.15UP.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.15UP.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.15UP.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.15UP.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.15UP.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 15+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2024.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2024.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2024.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2024.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2024.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2024.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2024.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2024.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2024.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2024.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2024.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2024.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2024.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.2024.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.2024.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.2024.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2024.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2024.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-24 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2039.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2039.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2039.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2039.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2039.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2039.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2039.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2039.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2039.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2039.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2039.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2039.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2039.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.2039.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.2039.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.2039.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2039.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2039.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-39 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2064.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2064.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2064.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2064.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2064.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2064.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2064.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2064.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2064.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2064.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2064.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2064.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2064.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.2064.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.2064.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.2064.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2064.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2064.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 20-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2529.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2529.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2529.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.2529.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2529.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2529.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2529.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2529.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2529.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2529.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.2529.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.2529.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.2529.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.2529.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.2529.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.2529.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.2529.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.2529.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25-29 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.25UP.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.25UP.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.25UP.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.25UP.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.25UP.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.25UP.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.25UP.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.25UP.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.25UP.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.25UP.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.25UP.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.25UP.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.25UP.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.25UP.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.25UP.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.25UP.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.25UP.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.25UP.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 25+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.4064.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.4064.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.4064.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.4064.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.4064.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.4064.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.4064.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.4064.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.4064.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.4064.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.4064.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.4064.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.4064.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.4064.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.4064.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.4064.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.4064.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.4064.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 40-64 by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.60UP.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.60UP.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.60UP.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.60UP.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.60UP.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.60UP.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.60UP.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.60UP.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.60UP.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.60UP.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.60UP.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.60UP.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.60UP.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.60UP.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.60UP.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.60UP.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.60UP.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.60UP.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 60+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.80UP.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.80UP.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.80UP.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.80UP.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.80UP.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.80UP.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.80UP.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.80UP.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.80UP.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.80UP.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.80UP.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.80UP.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.80UP.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.80UP.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.80UP.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.80UP.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.80UP.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.80UP.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the population age 80+ by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.ALL.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.ALL.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.ALL.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.ATT.ALL.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.ALL.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.ALL.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.ALL.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.ALL.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.ALL.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.ALL.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.ATT.ALL.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.ATT.ALL.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.ATT.ALL.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.ATT.ALL.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.ATT.ALL.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.ATT.ALL.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.ATT.ALL.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.ATT.ALL.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Percentage of the total population by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.MYS.0T19.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 0-19. Female PRJ.MYS.0T19.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 0-19. Male PRJ.MYS.0T19.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 0-19. Total PRJ.MYS.1519.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 15-19. Female PRJ.MYS.1519.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 15-19. Male PRJ.MYS.1519.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 15-19. Total PRJ.MYS.15UP.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 15+. Female PRJ.MYS.15UP.GPI - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean Years of Schooling. Age 15+. Gender Gap PRJ.MYS.15UP.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 15+. Male PRJ.MYS.15UP.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 15+. Total PRJ.MYS.2024.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-24. Female PRJ.MYS.2024.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-24. Male PRJ.MYS.2024.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-24. Total PRJ.MYS.2039.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-39. Female PRJ.MYS.2039.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-39. Male PRJ.MYS.2039.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-39. Total PRJ.MYS.2064.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-64. Female PRJ.MYS.2064.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-64. Male PRJ.MYS.2064.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 20-64. Total PRJ.MYS.2529.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 25-29. Female PRJ.MYS.2529.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 25-29. Male PRJ.MYS.2529.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 25-29. Total PRJ.MYS.25UP.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 25+. Female PRJ.MYS.25UP.GPI - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean Years of Schooling. Age 25+. Gender Gap PRJ.MYS.25UP.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 25+. Male PRJ.MYS.25UP.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 25+. Total PRJ.MYS.4064.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 40-64. Female PRJ.MYS.4064.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 40-64. Male PRJ.MYS.4064.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 40-64. Total PRJ.MYS.60UP.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 60+. Female PRJ.MYS.60UP.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 60+. Male PRJ.MYS.60UP.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 60+. Total PRJ.MYS.65UP.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 65+. Female PRJ.MYS.65UP.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 65+. Male PRJ.MYS.65UP.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 65+. Total PRJ.MYS.80UP.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 80+. Female PRJ.MYS.80UP.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 80+. Male PRJ.MYS.80UP.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Mean years of schooling. Age 80+. Total PRJ.POP.1519.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.POP.1519.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.POP.1519.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.POP.1519.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.1519.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.1519.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.1519.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.1519.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.1519.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.1519.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.1519.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.1519.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.1519.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.POP.1519.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.POP.1519.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.POP.1519.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.POP.1519.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.POP.1519.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 15-19 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.POP.2024.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.POP.2024.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.POP.2024.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.POP.2024.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.2024.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.2024.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.2024.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.2024.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.2024.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.2024.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.2024.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.2024.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.2024.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.POP.2024.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.POP.2024.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.POP.2024.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.POP.2024.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.POP.2024.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 20-24 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.POP.2529.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.POP.2529.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.POP.2529.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.POP.2529.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.2529.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.2529.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.2529.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.2529.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.2529.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.2529.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.2529.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.2529.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.2529.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.POP.2529.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.POP.2529.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.POP.2529.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.POP.2529.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.POP.2529.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population age 25-29 in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PRJ.POP.ALL.1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Female PRJ.POP.ALL.1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Male PRJ.POP.ALL.1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Primary. Total PRJ.POP.ALL.2.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.ALL.2.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.ALL.2.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Lower Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.ALL.3.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.ALL.3.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.ALL.3.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Upper Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.ALL.4.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Female PRJ.POP.ALL.4.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Male PRJ.POP.ALL.4.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Post Secondary. Total PRJ.POP.ALL.NED.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Female PRJ.POP.ALL.NED.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Male PRJ.POP.ALL.NED.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. No Education. Total PRJ.POP.ALL.S1.FE - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Female PRJ.POP.ALL.S1.MA - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Male PRJ.POP.ALL.S1.MF - Wittgenstein Projection: Population in thousands by highest level of educational attainment. Incomplete Primary. Total PROT.MINOR.INV.DFRN.DB0614 - Protecting minority investors (DB06-14 methodology) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.DFRN.DB1519 - Protecting minority investors (DB15-20 methodology) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.EASE.SHARE.LGL.XD.010.DB0614 - Protecting minority investors: Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) (DB06-14 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.EASE.SHARE.LGL.XD.010.DB1519 - Protecting minority investors: Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) (DB15-20 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.EASE.SSI.XD.0010.DB0614.DFRN - Protecting minority investors: Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) (DB06-14 methodology) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.EASE.SSI.XD.0010.DB1519.DFRN - Protecting minority investors: Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) (DB15-20 methodology) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.BUS.DISC.010.XD - Protecting minority investors: Extent of disclosure index (0-10) PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.CONFL.INTER.XD.010.DB1519 - Protecting minority investors: Extent of conflict of interest regulation index (0-10) (DB15-19 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.CORP.TRANP.XD.0010.DB1519 - Protecting minority investors: Extent of corporate transparency index (0-7) (DB15-20 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.CORP.TRANS.XD.010.DB1519.DFRN - Protecting minority investors: Extent of corporate transparency index (0-7) (DB15-20 methodology) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.DIR.LBL.010.XD.DFRN - Protecting minority investors: Extent of director liability index (0-10) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.DISC.010.XD.DFRN - Protecting minority investors: Extent of disclosure index (0-10) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.OWNR.CONT.XD.0100.DB1519 - Protecting minority investors: Extent of ownership and control index (0-7) (DB15-20 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.OWNR.CONTL.010.XD.DFRN - Protecting minority investors: Extent of ownership and control index (0-7) (DB15-20 methodology) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.SHARE.GOV.XD.010.DB1519 - Protecting minority investors: Extent of shareholder governance index (0-10) (DB15-19 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.SHARE.RTS.XD.010.DB1519 - Protecting minority investors: Extent of shareholder rights index (0-6) (DB15-20 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.EXT.SHRHLD.RGT.XD.0010.DB1519.DRFN - Protecting minority investors: Extent of shareholder rights index (0-6) (DB15-20 methodology) - Score PROT.MINOR.INV.IC.PRIN.EXT.DIR.LGL.010.XD - Protecting minority investors: Extent of director liability index (0-10) PROT.MINOR.INV.IC.PRIN.MINOR.RK - Rank: Protecting minority investors (1=most business-friendly regulations) PROT.MINOR.INV.STRENG.INV.PROT.XD.010.DB0614 - Protecting minority investors: Strength of investor protection index (0-10) (DB06-14 methodology) PROT.MINOR.INV.STRENG.MIN.INV.PROT.XD.010.DB0614 - Protecting minority investors: Strength of minority investor protection index (0-50) (DB15-20 methodology) PRT.PDCL.IND1.IDX - PDI-1 Country with operational national development strategies (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND10A.ALLD.ZS - PDI-10a Donor missions co-ordinated (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND10B.ALLD.ZS - PDI-10b Country-analysis co-ordinated (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND11.IDX - PDI-11 Existence of a monitorable performance assessment framework (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND12.IDX - PDI-12 Existence of a mutual accountability review (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND2A.IDX - PDI-2a Country financial management systems reliability (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND2B.IDX - PDI-2b Country procurement systems reliability (rating) PRT.PDCL.IND3.ALLD.ZS - PDI-3 Government budget estimates comprehensive and realistic (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND4.ALLD.ZS - PDI-4 Technical assistance aligned and co-ordinated with country programmes (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND5A.ALLD.ZS - PDI-5a Aid for government sectors uses country public finanacial management systems (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND5B.ALLD.ZS - PDI-5b Aid for government sectors uses country procurement systems (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND6.ALLD.NUM - PDI-6 Project implementation units parallel to country structures (number) PRT.PDCL.IND7.ALLD.ZS - PDI-7 Aid disbursements on schedule and recorded by government (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND8.ALLD.ZS - PDI-8 Bilateral aid that is untied (percent) PRT.PDCL.IND9.ALLD.ZS - PDI-9 Aid provided in the framework of programme-based appproaches (%) PV.EST - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Estimate PV.NO.SRC - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Number of Sources PV.PER.RNK - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank PV.PER.RNK.LOWER - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval PV.PER.RNK.UPPER - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval PV.STD.ERR - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Standard Error PX.MUV.TOTL - Manufactures value index PX.MUV.TOTL.XU - Manufactured exports unit value (MUV) index (% change) PX.REC.REER - Real effective exchange rate index (line rec, 2005 = 100) PX.REX.REER - Real effective exchange rate index (2010 = 100) PX.US - Price level index (US=100) PX.WL - Price level index (World=100) Q.1C0.1C0.C.9A.ALL.PITT.1.ALL.MV.TO1.ALL - 26_Portfolio investment assets Q.1C0.1C0.C.9A.MOA.RXGT.1.ALL.MV.TO1.ALL - 24_International reserves (excluding gold) Q.1C0.1C0.C.9B.IFI.LMIM.1.ALL.NV.SDR.MOA - 07_Multilateral loans, IMF Q.1C0.1C0.C.9B.IFI.LMIM.1.STR.NV.SDR.MOA - 13_Multilateral loans, IMF, short term Q.1C0.1C0.C.9B.IFI.SDAL.1.ALL.MV.SDR.MOA - 11_SDR allocation Q.1C0.1C0.C.9E.ALL.DSTT.1.ALL.MV.TO1.ALL - 14_Debt securities held by nonresidents Q.1C0.1C0.C.9E.ALL.DSTT.1.STO.MV.TO1.ALL - 15_Debt securities held by nonresidents, total, short term Q.1C0.1C0.D.9B.MOA.SDHO.1.ALL.MV.SDR.IFI - 25_SDR holdings Q.1E0.1E0.C.9B.IFI.LMOI.1.ALL.NV.TO1.ALL - 08_Multilateral loans, other institutions Q.1E0.1E0.C.9B.IFI.LMTT.1.ALL.NV.TO1.ALL - 06_Multilateral loans, total Q.5A0.5A0.C.9C.GGO.LOBA.1.ALL.NV.TO1.ALL - 04_Official bilateral loans, aid loans Q.5A0.5A0.C.9C.GGO.LOBN.1.ALL.NV.TO1.ALL - 05_Official bilateral loans, other Q.5A0.5A0.C.9C.GGO.LOBT.1.ALL.NV.TO1.ALL - 03_Official bilateral loans, total Q.5B0.5B0.C.5A.BKC.ASTT.1.ALL.MX.TO1.ALL - 23_Liabilities to BIS banks, consolidated, total Q.5B0.5B0.C.5A.BKC.ASTT.1.STR.MX.TO1.ALL - 12_Liabilities to BIS banks (cons.), short term Q.5B0.5B0.C.5A.BKL.ASTT.1.ALL.MX.TO1.ALL - 22_Liabilities to BIS banks, locational, total Q.5B0.5B0.C.5A.BKL.LDPT.1.ALL.NV.TO1.ALL - 01_Cross-border loans from BIS reporting banks Q.5B0.5B0.C.5A.BKL.LDPT.1.ALL.NV.TO1.NBK - 02_Cross-border loans from BIS banks to nonbanks Q.5B0.5B0.D.5A.ALL.DFXB.1.ALL.NV.TO1.BMA - 27_Cross-border deposits with BIS rep. banks Q.5B0.5B0.D.5A.NBK.DFXB.1.ALL.NV.TO1.BMA - 28_Cross-border dep. with BIS banks, nonbanks Q.5B0.5B0.M.3P.ALL.DSIT.1.ALL.NV.TO1.ALL - 16_International debt securities, all maturities Q.5B0.5B0.M.3P.ALL.DSIT.1.ALL.NV.TO1.NBK - 17_International debt securities, nonbanks Q.5B0.5B0.M.3P.ALL.DSIT.1.STR.NV.TO1.ALL - 18_International debt securities, short term Q.5B0.5B0.M.3P.ALL.DSIT.1.STR.NV.TO1.NBK - 19_Intnl debt securities, nonbanks, short term Q.6T0.5B0.C.3P.GGO.PCNO.1.ALL.NV.TO1.GGO - 21_Paris Club claims (non ODA) Q.6T0.5B0.C.3P.GGO.PCOD.1.ALL.NV.TO1.GGO - 20_Paris Club claims (ODA) Q.8A0.5B0.C.5A.ALL.IECE.1.ALL.MX.TO1.ALL - 09_Insured export credit exposures, Berne Union Q.8A0.5B0.C.5A.ALL.IECE.1.STR.MX.TO1.ALL - 10_Insured export credit exposures, short term (BU) REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate RES.DPST.CBK - Outstanding Deposits of Commercial Banks owned by Regional Government (Province Level, in IDR Million) RESLV.ISV.COPR.03.XD.DB1519 - Resolving insolvency: Commencement of proceedings index (0-3) (DB15-20 methodology) RESLV.ISV.COST.ZS - Resolving insolvency: Cost (% of estate) RESLV.ISV.CPI.04.XD.DB1519 - Resolving insolvency: Creditor participation index (0-4) (DB15-20 methodology) RESLV.ISV.DB0414.DFRN - Resolving insolvency (DB04-14 methodology) - Score RESLV.ISV.DB1519.DFRN - Resolving insolvency - Score RESLV.ISV.DFRN.RCOV.RT - Resolving insolvency: Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) - Score RESLV.ISV.DURS.YR - Resolving insolvency: Time (years) RESLV.ISV.MGDA.XD.DB1519 - Resolving insolvency: Management of debtor's assets index (0-6) (DB15-20 methodology) RESLV.ISV.OTCM - Resolving insolvency: Outcome (0 as piecemeal sale and 1 as going concern) RESLV.ISV.RCOV.RT - Resolving insolvency: Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) RESLV.ISV.RCOV.RT.016.DB1519.DFRN - Resolving insolvency: Strength of insolvency framework index (0-16) - Score RESLV.ISV.RK.DB19 - Rank: Resolving insolvency (1=most business-friendly regulations) RESLV.ISV.ROPC.03.XD.DB1519 - Reorganization proceedings index (0-3) (DB15-20 methodology) RESLV.ISV.SOIF.06.DB1519 - Resolving insolvency: Strength of insolvency framework index (0-16) RETSALESSA - Retail Sales Volume,Index,,, REV.DAK.CR - Total Special Allocation Grant/DAK (in IDR) REV.DAU.CR - Total General Allocation Grant/DAU (in IDR) REV.NRRV.SHR.CR - Total Natural Resource Revenue Sharing/DBH SDA (in IDR) REV.OSRV.CR - Total Own Source Revenue/PAD (in IDR) REV.OTHR.CR - Total Other Revenue (in IDR) REV.RV.SHR.CR - Total Revenue Sharing REV.TOTL.CR - Total Revenue (in IDR) REV.TXRV.SHR.CR - Total Tax Revenue Sharing/DBH Pajak (in IDR) RL.EST - Rule of Law: Estimate RL.NO.SRC - Rule of Law: Number of Sources RL.PER.RNK - Rule of Law: Percentile Rank RL.PER.RNK.LOWER - Rule of Law: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval RL.PER.RNK.UPPER - Rule of Law: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval RL.STD.ERR - Rule of Law: Standard Error ROD.DIST.ASPH.KM - Length of District Road: Asphalt (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.DIST.BDMG.BM.KM - Length of District Road: Bad Damage (in km) (Bina Marga Data) ROD.DIST.BDMG.KM - Length of District Road: Bad Damage (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.DIST.DIRT.KM - Length of District Road: Dirt (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.DIST.FAIR.BM.KM - Length of District Road: Fair (in km) (Bina Marga Data) ROD.DIST.FAIR.KM - Length of District Road: Fair (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.DIST.GOOD.BM.KM - Length of District Road: Good (in km) (Bina Marga Data) ROD.DIST.GOOD.KM - Length of District Road: Good (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.DIST.GRAVL.KM - Length of District Road: Gravel (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.DIST.LDMG.BM.KM - Length of District Road: Light Damage (in km) (Bina Marga Data) ROD.DIST.LDMG.KM - Length of District Road: Light Damage (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.DIST.OTHR.KM - Length of District Road: Other (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.ASPH.KM - Length of National Road: Asphalt (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.BDMG.KM - Length of National Road: Bad Damage (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.DIRT.KM - Length of National Road: Dirt (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.FAIR.KM - Length of National Road: Fair (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.GOOD.KM - Length of National Road: Good (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.GRAVL.KM - Length of National Road: Gravel (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.LDMG.KM - Length of National Road: Light Damage (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.NATL.OTHR.KM - Length of National Road: Other (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.ASPH.KM - Length of Province Road: Asphalt (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.BDMG.KM - Length of Province Road: Bad Damage (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.DIRT.KM - Length of Province Road: Dirt (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.FAIR.KM - Length of Province Road: Fair (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.GOOD.KM - Length of Province Road: Good (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.GRAVL.KM - Length of Province Road: Gravel (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.LDMG.KM - Length of Province Road: Light Damage (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.PROV.OTHR.KM - Length of Province Road: Other (in km) (BPS Data, Province only) ROD.VILG.ASPH.ZS - Villages with road: Asphalt (in % of total villages) ROD.VILG.DIRT.ZS - Villages with road: Dirt (in % of total villages) ROD.VILG.GRAVL.ZS - Villages with road: Gravel (in % of total villages) ROD.VILG.OTHR.ZS - Villages with road: Other (in % of total villages) RQ.EST - Regulatory Quality: Estimate RQ.NO.SRC - Regulatory Quality: Number of Sources RQ.PER.RNK - Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank RQ.PER.RNK.LOWER - Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank, Lower Bound of 90% Confidence Interval RQ.PER.RNK.UPPER - Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank, Upper Bound of 90% Confidence Interval RQ.STD.ERR - Regulatory Quality: Standard Error S01 - EXPENDITURES (National currency units, billions) S02 - EXPENDITURE SHARES (GDP=100) S03 - PPPs (US$=1) S04 - REAL EXPENDITURES (US$, billions) S05 - REAL EXPENDITURES: COUNTRY AND REGIONAL SHARES (World=100) S06 - REAL EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA (US$) S07 - INDEX OF REAL EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA (World=100) S08 - PRICE LEVEL INDEX (World = 100) S09 - NOMINAL EXPENDITURES (US$, billions) S10 - NOMINAL EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA (US$) S11 - EXCHANGE RATE (US$ = 1.000) S12 - POPULATION (millions) SABER.EMIS.GOAL1 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 1: Enabling Environment SABER.EMIS.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Legal Framework SABER.EMIS.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Organizational Structure SABER.EMIS.GOAL1.LVL3 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 1 Lever 3: Human Resources SABER.EMIS.GOAL1.LVL4 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 1 Lever 4: Infrastructural capacity SABER.EMIS.GOAL1.LVL5 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 1 Lever 5: Budget SABER.EMIS.GOAL1.LVL6 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 1 Lever 6: Data-driven Culture SABER.EMIS.GOAL2 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 2: System Soundness SABER.EMIS.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Data Architecture SABER.EMIS.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: Data Coverage SABER.EMIS.GOAL2.LVL3 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 2 Lever 3: Data Analytics SABER.EMIS.GOAL2.LVL4 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 2 Lever 4: Dynamic System SABER.EMIS.GOAL2.LVL5 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 2 Lever 5: Serviceability SABER.EMIS.GOAL3 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 3: Quality data SABER.EMIS.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Methodological Soundness SABER.EMIS.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: Accuracy and Reliability SABER.EMIS.GOAL3.LVL3 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 3 Lever 3: Integrity SABER.EMIS.GOAL3.LVL4 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 3 Lever 4: Periodicity and Timeliness SABER.EMIS.GOAL4 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 4: Utilization in decision making SABER.EMIS.GOAL4.LVL1 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 4 Lever 1: Openness SABER.EMIS.GOAL4.LVL2 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 4 Lever 2: Operational Use SABER.EMIS.GOAL4.LVL3 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 4 Lever 3: Accessibility SABER.EMIS.GOAL4.LVL4 - SABER: (Education Management Information Systems) Policy Goal 4 Lever 4: Effectiveness in Disseminating Findings SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL1 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 1: Establishing an Enabling Environment SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Legal Framework SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Inter-sectoral Coordination SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL1.LVL3 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 1 Lever 3: Finance SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL2 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 2: Implementing Widely SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Scope of Programs SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: Coverage SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL2.LVL3 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 2 Lever 3: Equity SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL3 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 3: Monitoring and Assuring Quality SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Data Availability SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: Quality Standards SABER.ERL.CHLD.GOAL3.LVL3 - SABER: (Early Childhood Development) Policy Goal 3 Lever 3: Compliance with Standards SABER.GRVT.GOAL5 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5: Encouraging innovation by providers SABER.GRVT.GOAL5.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5 Lever 1: Teacher standards SABER.GRVT.GOAL5.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5 Lever 2: Appointment and deployment of teachers SABER.GRVT.GOAL5.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5 Lever 3: Teacher salaries SABER.GRVT.GOAL5.LVL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5 Lever 4: Teacher dismissal SABER.GRVT.GOAL5.LVL5 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5 Lever 5: Curriculum delivery SABER.GRVT.GOAL5.LVL6 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5 Lever 6: Classroom resourcing SABER.GRVT.GOAL5.LVL7 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 5 Lever 7: Budget autonomy SABER.GRVT.GOAL6 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 6: Holding schools accountable SABER.GRVT.GOAL6.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 6 Lever 1: Student standards SABER.GRVT.GOAL6.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 6 Lever 2: Student assessment SABER.GRVT.GOAL6.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 6 Lever 3: Financial reporting SABER.GRVT.GOAL6.LVL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 6 Lever 4: Inspection SABER.GRVT.GOAL6.LVL5 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 6 Lever 5: Improvement planning SABER.GRVT.GOAL6.LVL6 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 6 Lever 6: Sanctions and rewards SABER.GRVT.GOAL7 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 7: Empowering all parents, students, and communities SABER.GRVT.GOAL7.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 7 Lever 1: Information SABER.GRVT.GOAL7.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 7 Lever 2: Voice SABER.GRVT.GOAL7.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 7 Lever 3: Selection SABER.GRVT.GOAL7.LVL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 7 Lever 4: Contributions SABER.GRVT.GOAL8 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8: Promoting diversity of supply SABER.GRVT.GOAL8.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8 Lever 1: Ownership SABER.GRVT.GOAL8.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8 Lever 2: Certification standards SABER.GRVT.GOAL8.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8 Lever 3: Market entry information SABER.GRVT.GOAL8.LVL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8 Lever 4: Regulatory fees SABER.GRVT.GOAL8.LVL5 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8 Lever 5: Funding SABER.GRVT.GOAL8.LVL6 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8 Lever 6: Incentives SABER.GRVT.GOAL8.LVL7 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector, Government funded) Policy Goal 8 Lever 7: Planning SABER.HLTH.GOAL1 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Feeding Policy Goal 1: Policy Frameworks SABER.HLTH.GOAL2 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Feeding Policy Goal 2: Financial Capacity SABER.HLTH.GOAL3 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Feeding Policy Goal 3: Institutional Capacity and Coordination SABER.HLTH.GOAL4 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Feeding Policy Goal 4: Design and Implementation SABER.HLTH.GOAL5 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Feeding Policy Goal 5: Community Roles–Reaching Beyond Schools SABER.HLTH.GOAL6 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Health Policy Goal 1: Health-related school policies SABER.HLTH.GOAL7 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Health Policy Goal 2: Safe, Supportive School Environments SABER.HLTH.GOAL8 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Health Policy Goal 3: School-Based Health and Nutrition Services SABER.HLTH.GOAL9 - SABER: (School Health and School Feeding) Health Policy Goal 4: Skills-Based Health Education SABER.PRVT.GOAL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 1: Encouraging innovation by providers SABER.PRVT.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Teacher standards SABER.PRVT.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Teacher appointment and deployment SABER.PRVT.GOAL1.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 1 Lever 3: Teacher salaries SABER.PRVT.GOAL1.LVL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 1 Lever 4: Teacher dismissal SABER.PRVT.GOAL1.LVL5 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 1 Lever 5: Curriculum Delivery SABER.PRVT.GOAL1.LVL6 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 1 Lever 6: Classroom resourcing SABER.PRVT.GOAL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 2: Holding schools accountable SABER.PRVT.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Student standards SABER.PRVT.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: Student assessment SABER.PRVT.GOAL2.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 2 Lever 3: Inspection SABER.PRVT.GOAL2.LVL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 2 Lever 4: Improvement planning SABER.PRVT.GOAL2.LVL5 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 2 Lever 5: Sanctions SABER.PRVT.GOAL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 3: Empowering all parents, students, and communities SABER.PRVT.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Information SABER.PRVT.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: Voice SABER.PRVT.GOAL3.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 3 Lever 3: Financial Support SABER.PRVT.GOAL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 4: Promoting diversity of supply SABER.PRVT.GOAL4.LVL1 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 4 Lever 1: Tuition fees SABER.PRVT.GOAL4.LVL2 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 4 Lever 2: Ownership SABER.PRVT.GOAL4.LVL3 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 4 Lever 3: Certification standards SABER.PRVT.GOAL4.LVL4 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 4 Lever 4: Market entry SABER.PRVT.GOAL4.LVL5 - SABER: (Engaging the Private Sector) Policy Goal 4 Lever 5: Regulatory fees SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL1 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 1: Level of autonomy in the planning and management of school budget SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Legal authority over the management of the operational budget SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Legal authority over the management of the non-teaching staff salaries SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL1.LVL3 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 1 Lever 3: Legal authority over the management of teacher salaries SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL1.LVL4 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 1 Lever 4: Legal authority to raise additional funds for the school SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL1.LVL5 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 1 Lever 5: Collaborative budget planning SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL2 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 2: Level of autonomy in personnel management SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Autonomy in teacher appointment and deployment decisions SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: Autonomy in non-teaching staff appointment and deployment decisions SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL2.LVL3 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 2 Lever 3: Autonomy in school principal appointment and deployment decisions SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL3 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 3: Role of the school council on school governance SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Participation of the school councils in budget preparation SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: Participation of the school councils in financial oversight SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL3.LVL3 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 3 Lever 3: Participation of the school councils in personnel management SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL3.LVL4 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 3 Lever 4: Participation of the school councils in school activities SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL3.LVL5 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 3 Lever 5: Participation of the school councils in learning inputs SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL3.LVL6 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 3 Lever 6: Transparency in community participation SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL4 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 4: School and student assessment SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL4.LVL1 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 4 Lever 1: Existence and Frequency of school assessments SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL4.LVL2 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 4 Lever 2: Use of school assessments for making school adjustments SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL4.LVL3 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 4 Lever 3: Existence and Frequency of standardized student assessments SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL4.LVL4 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 4 Lever 4: Use of standardized student assessments for pedagogical, operational, and personnel adjustments SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL4.LVL5 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 4 Lever 5: Publication of student assessments SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL5 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 5: School Accountability SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL5.LVL1 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 5 Lever 1: Guidelines for the use of results of student assessments SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL5.LVL2 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 5 Lever 2: Analysis of school and student performan SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL5.LVL3 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 5 Lever 3: Degree of Financial accountability at the central level, regional, municipal, local and school level SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL5.LVL4 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 5 Lever 4: Degree of Accountability in school operations SABER.SCH.ATNM.GOAL5.LVL5 - SABER: (School Autonomy Accountability) Policy Goal 5 Lever 5: Degree of learning accountability SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL1 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 1: Ensuring adequacy SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Are ther policies and systems set up to provide basic educational inputs to all? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Are there basic educational inputs for all primary school students? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL2 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 2: Monitoring learning conditions and outcomes SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Does the government provide more resources to students from disadvantaged backgrounds? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: Do payments for schooling represent a high share of income for low income households? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL3 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 3: Overseeing service delivery SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Are resources allocated and disbursed in a manner that is transparent and effective? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: Do monitoring and auditing processes encourage accountability in the use of funding? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL4 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 4: Budgeting with adequate and transparent information SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL4.LVL1 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 4 Lever 1: Is there an informed budget process? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL4.LVL2 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 4 Lever 2: Is the budget comprehensive and transparent? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL5 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 5: Providing more resources to students who need them SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL5.LVL1 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 5 Lever 1: Are more public resources available to students from disadvantaged backgrounds? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL5.LVL2 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 5 Lever 2: Do payments for schooling represent a small share of income for low income families? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL6 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 6: Managing resources efficiently SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL6.LVL1 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 6 Lever 1: Are there systems in place to verify the use of educational resources? SABER.SCH.FNNC.GOAL6.LVL2 - SABER: (School Finance) Policy Goal 6 Lever 2: Are education expenditures audited? SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL1 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 1: Classroom Assessment SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Enabling Context and System Alignment SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Assessment Quality SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL2 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 2: Examinations SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Enabling Context SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: System Alignment SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL2.LVL3 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 2 Lever 3: Assessment Quality SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL3 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 3: National Large-Scale Assessment (NLSA) SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Enabling Context SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: System Alignment SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL3.LVL3 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 3 Lever 3: Assessment Quality SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL4 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 4: International Large-Scale Assessment (ILSA) SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL4.LVL1 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 4 Lever 1: Enabling Context SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL4.LVL2 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 4 Lever 2: System Alignment SABER.STD.ASS.GOAL4.LVL3 - SABER: (Student Assessment) Policy Goal 4 Lever 3: Assessment Quality SABER.TECH.GOAL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 1: Setting clear expectations for teachers SABER.TECH.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Are there clear expectations for teachers? SABER.TECH.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Is there useful guidance on the use of teachers' working time? SABER.TECH.GOAL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 2: Attracting the best into teaching SABER.TECH.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Are entry requirements set up to attract talented candidates? SABER.TECH.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: Is teacher pay appealing for talented candidates? SABER.TECH.GOAL2.LVL3 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 2 Lever 3: Are working conditions appealing for talented applicants? SABER.TECH.GOAL2.LVL4 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 2 Lever 4: Are there attractive career opportunities? SABER.TECH.GOAL3 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 3: Preparing teachers with useful Training and experience SABER.TECH.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Are there minimum standards for pre-service teaching education programs? SABER.TECH.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: To what extent are teacher-entrants required to be familiar with classroom practice? SABER.TECH.GOAL4 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 4: Matching teachers' skills with students' needs SABER.TECH.GOAL4.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 4 Lever 1: Are there incentives for teachers to work at hard-to-staff schools? SABER.TECH.GOAL4.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 4 Lever 2: Are there incentives for teachers to teach critical shortage subjects? SABER.TECH.GOAL5 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 5: Leading teachers with strong principals SABER.TECH.GOAL5.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 5 Lever 1: Does the education system invest in developing qualified school leaders? SABER.TECH.GOAL5.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 5 Lever 2: Are principals expected to support and improve instructional practice? SABER.TECH.GOAL6 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 6: Monitoring teaching and learning SABER.TECH.GOAL6.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 6 Lever 1: Are there systems in place to assess student learning in order to inform teaching and policy? SABER.TECH.GOAL6.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 6 Lever 2: Are there systems in place to monitor teacher performance? SABER.TECH.GOAL6.LVL3 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 6 Lever 3: Are there multiple mechanisms to evaluate teacher performance? SABER.TECH.GOAL7 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 7: Supporting teachers to improve instruction SABER.TECH.GOAL7.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 7 Lever 1: Are there opportunities for professional development? SABER.TECH.GOAL7.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 7 Lever 2: Is teacher professional development collaborative and focused on instructional improvement? SABER.TECH.GOAL7.LVL3 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 7 Lever 3: Is teacher professional development assigned based on perceived needs? SABER.TECH.GOAL8 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 8: Motivating teachers to perform SABER.TECH.GOAL8.LVL1 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 8 Lever 1: Are career opportunities linked to performance? SABER.TECH.GOAL8.LVL2 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 8 Lever 2: Are there mechanisms to hold teachers accountable? SABER.TECH.GOAL8.LVL3 - SABER: (Teachers) Policy Goal 8 Lever 3: Is teacher compensation linked to performance? SABER.TER.GOAL1 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 1: Vision for Tertiary Education SABER.TER.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Clear vision SABER.TER.GOAL2 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 2: Regulatory Framework for Tertiary Education SABER.TER.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Steering the system SABER.TER.GOAL3 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 3: Governance SABER.TER.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Articulation SABER.TER.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: Institutional autonomy SABER.TER.GOAL4 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 4: Finance SABER.TER.GOAL4.LVL1 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 4 Lever 1: Coverage of resource allocation SABER.TER.GOAL4.LVL2 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 4 Lever 2: Resource allocation SABER.TER.GOAL4.LVL3 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 4 Lever 3: Resource utilization (Equity) SABER.TER.GOAL5 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 5: Quality Assurance SABER.TER.GOAL5.LVL1 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 5 Lever 1: Accreditation and Institutional Quality Standards SABER.TER.GOAL5.LVL2 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 5 Lever 2: Tertiary Education Management Information SABER.TER.GOAL6 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 6: The Relevance of Tertiary Education for Economic and Social Needs SABER.TER.GOAL6.LVL1 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 6 Lever 1: Economic Development SABER.TER.GOAL6.LVL2 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 6 Lever 2: Fostering RDI and Innovation SABER.TER.GOAL6.LVL3 - SABER: (Tertiary Education) Policy Goal 6 Lever 3: Fostering Social and Cultural Development and Environmental Protection and Sustainability SABER.WORK.GOAL1 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 1: Strategic Framework SABER.WORK.GOAL1.LVL1 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 1 Lever 1: Setting a Strategic Direction SABER.WORK.GOAL1.LVL2 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 1 Lever 2: Fostering a Demand-Driven Approach SABER.WORK.GOAL1.LVL3 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 1 Lever 3: Strengthening Critical Coordination SABER.WORK.GOAL2 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 2: System Oversight SABER.WORK.GOAL2.LVL1 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 2 Lever 1: Ensuring Efficiency and Equity in Funding SABER.WORK.GOAL2.LVL2 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 2 Lever 2: Assuring Relevant and Reliable Standards SABER.WORK.GOAL2.LVL3 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 2 Lever 3: Diversifying Pathways for Skills Acquisition SABER.WORK.GOAL3 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 3: Service Delivery SABER.WORK.GOAL3.LVL1 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 3 Lever 1: Enabling Diversity and Excellence in Training Provision SABER.WORK.GOAL3.LVL2 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 3 Lever 2: Fostering Relevance in Public Training Programs SABER.WORK.GOAL3.LVL3 - SABER: (Workforce Development) Policy Goal 3 Lever 3: Enhancing Evidence-based Accountability for Results SE.ADT.1524.IL.FE.ZS - Illiteracy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.IL.MA.ZS - Illiteracy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.IL.ZS - Illiteracy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.LT.FE.ZS - Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS - Literacy rate, youth (ages 15-24), gender parity index (GPI) SE.ADT.1524.LT.MA.ZS - Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) SE.ADT.1524.LT.ZS - Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24) SE.ADT.ILIT.FE.ZS - Illiteracy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) SE.ADT.ILIT.MA.ZS - Illiteracy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above) SE.ADT.ILIT.ZS - Illiteracy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS - Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) SE.ADT.LITR.MA.ZS - Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above) SE.ADT.LITR.ZS - Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) SE.COM.DURS - Compulsory education, duration (years) SE.ENR.ORPH - Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans ages 10-14 SE.ENR.PRIM.FM.ZS - School enrollment, primary (gross), gender parity index (GPI) SE.ENR.PRIM.ZS - School Enroll. Ratio, primary school (%) SE.ENR.PRSC.FM.ZS - School enrollment, primary and secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI) SE.ENR.SECO.FM.ZS - School enrollment, secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI) SE.ENR.SECO.ZS - School Enroll. Ratio, secondary school (%) SE.ENR.TERT.FM.ZS - School enrollment, tertiary (gross), gender parity index (GPI) SE.JRSEC.NENR.ZS - Net Enrollment Ratio: Junior Secondary (in %) SE.LITR.15UP.ZS - Literacy Rate for Population age 15 and over (in % of total population) SE.LPV.PRIM - Learning poverty: Share of Children at the End-of-Primary age below minimum reading proficiency adjusted by Out-of-School Children (%) SE.LPV.PRIM.BMP - Pupils below minimum reading proficiency at end of primary (%). Low GAML threshold SE.LPV.PRIM.BMP.FE - Female pupils below minimum reading proficiency at end of primary (%). Low GAML threshold SE.LPV.PRIM.BMP.MA - Male pupils below minimum reading proficiency at end of primary (%). Low GAML threshold SE.LPV.PRIM.FE - Learning poverty: Share of Female Children at the End-of-Primary age below minimum reading proficiency adjusted by Out-of-School Children (%) SE.LPV.PRIM.MA - Learning poverty: Share of Male Children at the End-of-Primary age below minimum reading proficiency adjusted by Out-of-School Children (%) SE.LPV.PRIM.OOS - Primary school age children out-of-school (%) SE.LPV.PRIM.OOS.FE - Female primary school age children out-of-school (%) SE.LPV.PRIM.OOS.MA - Male primary school age children out-of-school (%) SE.NEXM.SCR.JRSEC - Average National Exam Score: Junior Secondary Level (out of 100, available only at district level) SE.NEXM.SCR.PRM - Average National Exam Score: Primary Level (out of 100, available only at district level) SE.NEXM.SCR.SRSEC - Average National Exam Score: Senior Secondary Level (out of 100, available only at district level) SE.PRE.DURS - Preprimary education, duration (years) SE.PRE.ENRL - Enrolment in pre-primary education, both sexes (number) SE.PRE.ENRL.FE - Enrolment in pre-primary education, female (number) SE.PRE.ENRL.FE.ZS - Percentage of students in pre-primary education who are female (%) SE.PRE.ENRL.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, preprimary SE.PRE.ENRR - School enrollment, preprimary (% gross) SE.PRE.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, preprimary, female (% gross) SE.PRE.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, preprimary, male (% gross) SE.PRE.NENR - Net enrolment rate, pre-primary, both sexes (%) SE.PRE.NENR.FE - Net enrolment rate, pre-primary, female (%) SE.PRE.NENR.MA - Net enrolment rate, pre-primary, male (%) SE.PRE.PRIV.ZS - Percentage of enrolment in pre-primary education in private institutions (%) SE.PRE.TCAQ.FE.ZS - Trained teachers in preprimary education, female (% of female teachers) SE.PRE.TCAQ.MA.ZS - Trained teachers in preprimary education, male (% of male teachers) SE.PRE.TCAQ.ZS - Trained teachers in preprimary education (% of total teachers) SE.PRE.TCHR - Teachers in pre-primary education, both sexes (number) SE.PRE.TCHR.FE - Teachers in pre-primary education, female (number) SE.PRE.TCHR.FE.ZS - Percentage of teachers in pre-primary education who are female (%) SE.PRM.AGEE.ZS - Age efficiency, primary (net enrollment as % of gross) SE.PRM.AGES - Primary school starting age (years) SE.PRM.CMPL.FE.ZS - Gross graduation ratio from primary education, female (%) SE.PRM.CMPL.MA.ZS - Gross graduation ratio from primary education, male (%) SE.PRM.CMPL.ZS - Gross graduation ratio from primary education, both sexes (%) SE.PRM.CMPR.FE.ZS - Primary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.CMPR.MA.ZS - Primary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.CMPR.Q1.ZS - Primary completion rate, poorest quintile (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.CMPR.Q5.ZS - Primary completion rate, richest quintile (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.CMPR.RU.ZS - Primary completion rate, rural (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.CMPR.UR.ZS - Primary completion rate, urban (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.CMPT.FE.ZS - Primary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.CMPT.MA.ZS - Primary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS - Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.CUAT.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, female (%) (cumulative) SE.PRM.CUAT.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, male (%) (cumulative) SE.PRM.CUAT.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, total (%) (cumulative) SE.PRM.DROP.FE.ZS - Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, female (%) SE.PRM.DROP.MA.ZS - Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, male (%) SE.PRM.DROP.ZS - Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, both sexes (%) SE.PRM.DURS - Primary education, duration (years) SE.PRM.ENNR.FE - Primary Schl. Enroll. Ratio, Female SE.PRM.ENRL - Primary education, pupils SE.PRM.ENRL.FE - Enrolment in primary education, female (number) SE.PRM.ENRL.FE.ZS - Primary education, pupils (% female) SE.PRM.ENRL.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, primary SE.PRM.ENRR - School enrollment, primary (% gross) SE.PRM.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, primary, female (% gross) SE.PRM.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, primary, male (% gross) SE.PRM.ENRR.MF - School Enroll. Ratio, primary (%) SE.PRM.GINT.FE.ZS - Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, female (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.GINT.MA.ZS - Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, male (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.GINT.ZS - Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, total (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.NENR - School enrollment, primary (% net) SE.PRM.NENR.FE - School enrollment, primary, female (% net) SE.PRM.NENR.MA - School enrollment, primary, male (% net) SE.PRM.NENR.ZS - Net Enrollment Ratio: Primary (in %) SE.PRM.NINT.FE.ZS - Net intake rate in grade 1, female (% of official school-age population) SE.PRM.NINT.MA.ZS - Net intake rate in grade 1, male (% of official school-age population) SE.PRM.NINT.ZS - Net intake rate in grade 1 (% of official school-age population) SE.PRM.OENR.FE.ZS - Over-age students, primary, female (% of female enrollment) SE.PRM.OENR.MA.ZS - Over-age students, primary, male (% of male enrollment) SE.PRM.OENR.ZS - Over-age students, primary (% of enrollment) SE.PRM.PRIV.ZS - School enrollment, primary, private (% of total primary) SE.PRM.PRS4.FE.ZS - Persistence to grade 4, female (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRS4.MA.ZS - Persistence to grade 4, male (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRS4.ZS - Persistence to grade 4, total (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRS5.FE.ZS - Persistence to grade 5, female (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRS5.MA.ZS - Persistence to grade 5, male (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRS5.ZS - Persistence to grade 5, total (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRSL.FE.ZS - Persistence to last grade of primary, female (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRSL.MA.ZS - Persistence to last grade of primary, male (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PRSL.ZS - Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort) SE.PRM.PTRA - Primary school pupil-teacher ratio SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS - Repeaters, primary, female (% of female enrollment) SE.PRM.REPT.MA.ZS - Repeaters, primary, male (% of male enrollment) SE.PRM.REPT.ZS - Repeaters, primary, total (% of total enrollment) SE.PRM.TCAQ.FE.ZS - Trained teachers in primary education, female (% of female teachers) SE.PRM.TCAQ.MA.ZS - Trained teachers in primary education, male (% of male teachers) SE.PRM.TCAQ.ZS - Trained teachers in primary education (% of total teachers) SE.PRM.TCHR - Primary education, teachers SE.PRM.TCHR.FE - Teachers in primary education, female (number) SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS - Primary education, teachers (% female) SE.PRM.TENR - Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary (% of primary school age children) SE.PRM.TENR.FE - Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary, female (% of primary school age children) SE.PRM.TENR.MA - Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary, male (% of primary school age children) SE.PRM.UNER - Children out of school, primary SE.PRM.UNER.FE - Children out of school, primary, female SE.PRM.UNER.FE.ZS - Children out of school, female (% of female primary school age) SE.PRM.UNER.MA - Children out of school, primary, male SE.PRM.UNER.MA.ZS - Children out of school, male (% of male primary school age) SE.PRM.UNER.Q1.ZS - Children out of school, primary, poorest quintile (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.UNER.Q5.ZS - Children out of school, primary, richest quintile (% of relevant age group, DHS/MICS) SE.PRM.UNER.ZS - Children out of school (% of primary school age) SE.SCH.EFIC.ZS - Education coefficient of efficiency (ideal years to graduate as % of actual) SE.SCH.LIFE - School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, both sexes (years) SE.SCH.LIFE.FE - School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, female (years) SE.SCH.LIFE.MA - School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, male (years) SE.SCHL.JRSEC - Number of schools at Junior Secondary Level SE.SCHL.PRM - Number of schools at Primary Level SE.SCHL.SRSEC - Number of schools at Senior Secondary level SE.SEC.AGEE.ZS - Age efficiency, secondary (net enrollment as % of gross) SE.SEC.AGES - Lower secondary school starting age (years) SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.FE.ZS - Lower secondary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group) SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.MA.ZS - Lower secondary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group) SE.SEC.CMPT.LO.ZS - Lower secondary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.LO.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.PO.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.CUAT.UP.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) SE.SEC.DURS - Secondary education, duration (years) SE.SEC.DURS.LO - Theoretical duration of lower secondary education (years) SE.SEC.DURS.UP - Theoretical duration of upper secondary education (years) SE.SEC.ENRL - Secondary education, pupils SE.SEC.ENRL.FE - Enrolment in secondary education, female (number) SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.VO.ZS - Share of female students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes (%) SE.SEC.ENRL.FE.ZS - Secondary education, pupils (% female) SE.SEC.ENRL.GC - Secondary education, general pupils SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE - Enrolment in secondary general, female (number) SE.SEC.ENRL.GC.FE.ZS - Secondary education, general pupils (% female) SE.SEC.ENRL.LO.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, lower secondary SE.SEC.ENRL.MA.VO.ZS - Share of male students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes (%) SE.SEC.ENRL.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary SE.SEC.ENRL.UP.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, upper secondary SE.SEC.ENRL.VO - Secondary education, vocational pupils SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE - Enrolment in secondary vocational, female (number) SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.FE.ZS - Secondary education, vocational pupils (% female) SE.SEC.ENRL.VO.ZS - Share of all students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes (%) SE.SEC.ENRR - School enrollment, secondary (% gross) SE.SEC.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, secondary, female (% gross) SE.SEC.ENRR.LO - Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, both sexes (%) SE.SEC.ENRR.LO.FE - Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, female (%) SE.SEC.ENRR.LO.MA - Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, male (%) SE.SEC.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, secondary, male (% gross) SE.SEC.ENRR.MF - School Enroll. Ratio, secondary (%) SE.SEC.ENRR.UP - Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, both sexes (%) SE.SEC.ENRR.UP.FE - Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, female (%) SE.SEC.ENRR.UP.MA - Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, male (%) SE.SEC.NENR - School enrollment, secondary (% net) SE.SEC.NENR.FE - School enrollment, secondary, female (% net) SE.SEC.NENR.MA - School enrollment, secondary, male (% net) SE.SEC.PRIV.ZS - School enrollment, secondary, private (% of total secondary) SE.SEC.PROG.FE.ZS - Progression to secondary school, female (%) SE.SEC.PROG.MA.ZS - Progression to secondary school, male (%) SE.SEC.PROG.ZS - Progression to secondary school (%) SE.SEC.REPT.FE.ZS - Repeaters, secondary, female (% of female enrollment) SE.SEC.REPT.MA.ZS - Repeaters, secondary, male (% of male enrollment) SE.SEC.REPT.ZS - Repeaters, secondary, total (% of total enrollment) SE.SEC.TCAQ.FE.ZS - Trained teachers in secondary education, female (% of female teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.LO.FE.ZS - Trained teachers in lower secondary education, female (% of female teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.LO.MA.ZS - Trained teachers in lower secondary education, male (% of male teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.LO.ZS - Trained teachers in lower secondary education (% of total teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.MA.ZS - Trained teachers in secondary education, male (% of male teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.UP.FE.ZS - Trained teachers in upper secondary education, female (% of female teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.UP.MA.ZS - Trained teachers in upper secondary education, male (% of male teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.UP.ZS - Trained teachers in upper secondary education (% of total teachers) SE.SEC.TCAQ.ZS - Trained teachers in secondary education (% of total teachers) SE.SEC.TCHR - Secondary education, teachers SE.SEC.TCHR.FE - Secondary education, teachers, female SE.SEC.TCHR.FE.ZS - Secondary education, teachers (% female) SE.SEC.TCHR.GC - Secondary education, general teachers SE.SEC.TCHR.GC.FE.ZS - Secondary education, general teachers (% female) SE.SEC.TCHR.VO - Secondary education, vocational teachers SE.SEC.TCHR.VO.FE.ZS - Secondary education, vocational teachers (% female) SE.SEC.UNER - Children out of school, secondary SE.SEC.UNER.FE - Children out of school, secondary, female SE.SEC.UNER.FE.ZS - Children out of school, secondary, female (% of relevant age group) SE.SEC.UNER.LO.FE.ZS - Adolescents out of school, female (% of female lower secondary school age) SE.SEC.UNER.LO.MA.ZS - Adolescents out of school, male (% of male lower secondary school age) SE.SEC.UNER.LO.ZS - Adolescents out of school (% of lower secondary school age) SE.SEC.UNER.MA - Children out of school, secondary, male SE.SEC.UNER.MA.ZS - Children out of school, secondary, male (% of relevant age group) SE.SEC.UNER.ZS - Children out of school, secondary (% of relevant age group) SE.SRSEC.NENR.ZS - Net Enrollment Ratio: Senior Secondary (in %) SE.STUD.JRSEC - Number of Student: Junior Secondary Level (in number of people, 2009 data only) SE.STUD.PRM - Number of Student: Primary Level (in number of people, 2009 data only) SE.STUD.SRSEC - Number of Student: Senior Secondary Level (in number of people, 2009 data only) SE.TCHR.JRSEC - Number of Teacher: Junior Secondary Level (in number of people, 2009 data only) SE.TCHR.PRM - Number of Teacher: Primary Level (in number of people, 2009 data only) SE.TCHR.SRSEC - Number of Teacher: Senior Secondary Level (in number of people, 2009 data only) SE.TER.CMPL.FE.ZS - Gross graduation ratio from first degree programmes (ISCED 6 and 7) in tertiary education, female (%) SE.TER.CMPL.MA.ZS - Gross graduation ratio from first degree programmes (ISCED 6 and 7) in tertiary education, male (%) SE.TER.CMPL.ZS - Gross graduation ratio from first degree programmes (ISCED 6 and 7) in tertiary education, both sexes (%) SE.TER.CUAT.BA.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, at least Bachelor's or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.BA.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least Bachelor's or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.BA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least Bachelor's or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.DO.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.DO.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.DO.ZS - Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.MS.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, at least Master's or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.MS.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least Master's or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.MS.ZS - Educational attainment, at least Master's or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.ST.FE.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.ST.MA.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.CUAT.ST.ZS - Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) SE.TER.ENRL - Enrolment in tertiary education, all programmes, both sexes (number) SE.TER.ENRL.FE - Enrolment in tertiary education, all programmes, female (number) SE.TER.ENRL.FE.ZS - Percentage of students in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.ENRL.TC.ZS - Pupil-teacher ratio, tertiary SE.TER.ENRR - School enrollment, tertiary (% gross) SE.TER.ENRR.FE - School enrollment, tertiary, female (% gross) SE.TER.ENRR.MA - School enrollment, tertiary, male (% gross) SE.TER.GRAD - Graduates from tertiary education, both sexes (number) SE.TER.GRAD.AG.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.AG.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.ED.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Education programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.ED.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Education programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.EN.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.EN.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE - Graduates from tertiary education, female (number) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.AG.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.ED.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Education programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.EN.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.HL.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Health and Welfare programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.HU.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Arts and Humanities programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.OT.ZS - Percentage of graduates from programmes in unspecified fields in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.SC.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.SI.ZS - Female share of graduates from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programmes, tertiary (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.SS.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Social Sciences, Journalism and Information programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.SV.ZS - Percentage of graduates from Services programmes in tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.FE.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education who are female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.HL.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Health and Welfare programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.HL.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Health and Welfare programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.HU.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Arts and Humanities programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.HU.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Arts and Humanities programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.OT.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from programmes in unspecified fields, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.OT.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from programmes in unspecified fields, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.SC.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.SC.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.SS.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Social Sciences, Journalism and Information programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.SS.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Social Sciences, Journalism and Information programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.GRAD.SV.FE.ZS - Percentage of female graduates from tertiary education graduating from Services programmes, female (%) SE.TER.GRAD.SV.ZS - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Services programmes, both sexes (%) SE.TER.PRIV.ZS - Percentage of enrolment in tertiary education in private institutions (%) SE.TER.SCIE.ZS - Science and engineering students (% of total tertiary students) SE.TER.TCHR - Teachers in tertiary education programmes, both sexes (number) SE.TER.TCHR.FE - Teachers in tertiary education programmes, female (number) SE.TER.TCHR.FE.ZS - Tertiary education, academic staff (% female) SE.TOT.ENRR - Gross enrolment ratio, primary to tertiary, both sexes (%) SE.XPD.CPRM.ZS - Current education expenditure, primary (% of total expenditure in primary public institutions) SE.XPD.CSEC.ZS - Current education expenditure, secondary (% of total expenditure in secondary public institutions) SE.XPD.CTER.ZS - Current education expenditure, tertiary (% of total expenditure in tertiary public institutions) SE.XPD.CTOT.ZS - Current education expenditure, total (% of total expenditure in public institutions) SE.XPD.CUR.TOTL.ZS - Current expenditure as % of total expenditure in public institutions (%) SE.XPD.EDUC.ZS - Public Expenditure on Education (% GDP) SE.XPD.MPRM.ZS - All education staff compensation, primary (% of total expenditure in primary public institutions) SE.XPD.MSEC.ZS - All education staff compensation, secondary (% of total expenditure in secondary public institutions) SE.XPD.MTER.ZS - All education staff compensation, tertiary (% of total expenditure in tertiary public institutions) SE.XPD.MTOT.ZS - All education staff compensation, total (% of total expenditure in public institutions) SE.XPD.PRIM.GDP.ZS - Public spending on education, primary (% of GDP) SE.XPD.PRIM.PC.ZS - Government expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per capita) SE.XPD.PRIM.ZS - Expenditure on primary education (% of government expenditure on education) SE.XPD.PTCH.ZS - Spending on teaching materials, primary (% of primary expenditure) SE.XPD.SECO.GDP.ZS - Public spending on education, secondary (% of GDP) SE.XPD.SECO.PC.ZS - Government expenditure per student, secondary (% of GDP per capita) SE.XPD.SECO.ZS - Expenditure on secondary education (% of government expenditure on education) SE.XPD.STCH.ZS - Spending on teaching materials, secondary (% of secondary expenditure) SE.XPD.TCHR.XC.ZS - Teachers' salaries (% of current education expenditure) SE.XPD.TERT.GDP.ZS - Public spending on education, tertiary (% of GDP) SE.XPD.TERT.PC.ZS - Government expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per capita) SE.XPD.TERT.ZS - Expenditure on tertiary education (% of government expenditure on education) SE.XPD.TOTL.GB.ZS - Government expenditure on education, total (% of government expenditure) SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS - Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP) SE.XPD.TOTL.GN.ZS - Public spending on education, total (% of GNI, UNESCO) SE.YRS.SCHL.1519.Q1 - Average years of schooling, poorest quintile (ages 15-19, DHS/MICS) SE.YRS.SCHL.1519.Q5 - Average years of schooling, richest quintile (ages 15-19, DHS/MICS) SF.CMN.FAX.TH - Fax machines (per 1,000 people) SF.CMN.ICALL.3MN.CD - International telecom, average price call to USA (US$ per 3 min.) SF.CMN.ICALL.MN.SU - International telecom, outgoing traffic (minutes per subscriber) SF.CMN.INET.USER.10K - Internet users (per 10,000 people) SF.CMN.MNLN.TH - Telephone mainlines (per 1,000 people) SF.CMN.NEWS.TH - Daily newspapers (per 1,000 people) SF.CMN.PC.TH - Personal computers (per 1,000 people) SF.CMN.PHON.CELL.TH - Mobile phones (per 1,000 people) SF.CMN.PHON.LCTY.ZS - Telephone mainlines in largest city (% of total) SF.CMN.PHON.LN.WAIT - Telephone mainlines, waiting time (years) SF.CMN.RDIO.TH - Radios (per 1,000 people) SF.CMN.TELE.TH - Television sets (per 1,000 people) SF.TRN.AIR.DPRT - Aircraft departures (thousands) SF.TRN.AIR.GDS - Air transport, freight (ton-km) SF.TRN.AIR.PSGR - Air transport, passengers carried (thousands) SF.TRN.RAIL.GDS - Railways, goods transported (million ton-km) SF.TRN.RAIL.KM.ZS - Rail traffic (km per million US$ GDP) SF.TRN.ROAD.GDS - Roads, goods transported (million ton-km) SF.TRN.ROAD.NORM - Roads, normalized index (100 = expected total length) SF.TRN.ROAD.PV.ZS - Roads, paved (%) SG.ABS.PENB - There are periods of absence due to child care accounted for in pension benefits (1=yes; 0=no) SG.AGE.FUPN.EQ - The ages at which men and women can retire with full pension benefits are equal (1=yes; 0=no) SG.AGE.MRET.EQ - The mandatory retirement age for men and women are equal (1=yes; 0=no) SG.AGE.PAPN.EQ - The ages at which men and women can retire with partial pension benefits are equal (1=yes; 0=no) SG.AGE.RTRE.FE - Mandatory retirement age, female SG.AGE.RTRE.FL.FE - Retirement age with full benefits, female SG.AGE.RTRE.FL.MA - Retirement age with full benefits, male SG.AGE.RTRE.MA - Mandatory retirement age, male SG.AGE.RTRE.PL.FE - Retirement age with partial benefits, female SG.AGE.RTRE.PL.MA - Retirement age with partial benefits, male SG.APL.PSPT.EQ - A woman can apply for a passport in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.BUS.REGT.EQ - A woman can register a business in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.CNT.SIGN.EQ - A woman can sign a contract in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.COK.CHCO.ZS - Main cooking fuel: charcoal (% of households) SG.COK.CROP.ZS - Main cooking fuel: agricultural crop (% of households) SG.COK.DUNG.ZS - Main cooking fuel: dung (% of households) SG.COK.ELEC.ZS - Main cooking fuel: electricity (% of households) SG.COK.HOUS.ZS - Location of cooking: inside the house (% of households) SG.COK.LPGN.ZS - Main cooking fuel: LPG/natural gas/biogas (% of households) SG.COK.OTHR.ZS - Location of cooking: other places (% of households) SG.COK.OUTD.ZS - Location of cooking: outdoors (% of households) SG.COK.SBLD.ZS - Location of cooking: separate building (% of households) SG.COK.STRW.ZS - Main cooking fuel: straw/shrubs/grass (% of households) SG.COK.WOOD.ZS - Main cooking fuel: wood (% of households) SG.CTR.TRVL.EQ - A woman can travel outside the country in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.DMK.ALLD.FN.ZS - Women participating in the three decisions (own health care, major household purchases, and visiting family) (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.DPCH.FN.ZS - Women participating in making daily purchase decisions (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.FOOD.FN.ZS - Women participating in decision of what food to cook daily (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.HLTH.FN.ZS - Women participating in own health care decisions (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.HLTH.HB.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's own health care: mainly husband (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.HLTH.OT.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's own health care: other (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.HLTH.SE.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's own health care: someone else (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.HLTH.WF.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's own health care: mainly wife (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.HLTH.WH.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's own health care: wife and husband jointly (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.NONE.FN.ZS - Women participating in none of the three decisions (own health care, major household purchases, and visiting family) (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.PRCH.FN.ZS - Women participating in making major household purchase decisions (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.PRCH.HB.ZS - Decision maker about major household purchases: mainly husband (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.PRCH.OT.ZS - Decision maker about major household purchases: other (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.PRCH.SE.ZS - Decision maker about major household purchases: someone else (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.PRCH.WF.ZS - Decision maker about major household purchases: mainly wife (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.PRCH.WH.ZS - Decision maker about major household purchases: wife and husband jointly (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.SRCR.FN.ZS - Women making their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.VISI.FN.ZS - Women participating in decision of visits to family, relatives, friends (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.VISI.HB.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's visits to her family or relatives: mainly husband (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.VISI.OT.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's visits to her family or relatives: other (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.VISI.SE.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's visits to her family or relatives: someone else (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.VISI.WF.ZS - Decision maker about a woman's visits to her family or relatives: mainly wife (% of women age 15-49) SG.DMK.VISI.WH.ZS - Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: wife and husband jointly (% of women age 15-49) SG.DML.PRGW - Dismissal of pregnant workers is prohibited (1=yes; 0=no) SG.DNG.WORK.DN.EQ - Women can work in jobs deemed dangerous in the same way as men (1=yes; 0=no) SG.GEN.LSOM.ZS - Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) SG.GEN.MNST.ZS - Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) SG.GEN.PARL.ZS - Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%) SG.GEN.TECH.ZS - Female professional and technical workers (% of total) SG.GET.JOBS.EQ - A woman can get a job in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.H2O.PRMS.HH.ZS - Households with water on the premises (%) SG.H2O.TL30.HH.ZS - Households with water less than 30 minutes away round trip (%) SG.H2O.TM30.HH.ZS - Households with water 30 minutes or longer away round trip (%) SG.HLD.HEAD.EQ - A woman can be head of household in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.HME.TRVL.EQ - A woman can travel outside her home in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.IHT.ASST.EQ - Female and male surviving spouses have equal rights to inherit assets (1=yes; 0=no) SG.IHT.ASST.PT.EQ - Sons and daughters have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents (1=yes; 0=no) SG.IND.WORK.EQ - Women are able to work in the same industries as men (1=yes; 0=no) SG.JOB.NOPN.EQ - Nonpregnant and nonnursing women can do the same jobs as men (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.ASST.AR - The law grants spouses equal administrative authority over assets during marriage (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.CHMR - Law prohibits or invalidates child or early marriage (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.CRDD.GR - The law prohibits discrimination in access to credit based on gender (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.EQRM.WK - Law mandates equal remuneration for females and males for work of equal value (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.INDX - Women Business and the Law Index Score (scale 1-100) SG.LAW.LEVE.PU - Law mandates paid or unpaid maternity leave (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.NMCN - The law provides for the valuation of nonmonetary contributions (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.NODC.HR - Law prohibits discrimination in employment based on gender (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LAW.OBHB.MR.NO - There is no legal provision that requires a married woman to obey her husband (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LEG.DVAW - There is legislation specifically addressing domestic violence (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LEG.SXHR.EM - There is legislation on sexual harassment in employment (1=yes; 0=no) SG.LOC.LIVE.EQ - A woman can choose where to live in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.MMR.LEVE.EP - Mothers are guaranteed an equivalent position after maternity leave (1=yes; 0=no) SG.NGT.WORK.EQ - Women can work the same night hours as men (1=yes; 0=no) SG.NOD.CONS - Nondiscrimination clause mentions gender in the constitution (1=yes; 0=no) SG.OBT.DVRC.EQ - A woman can obtain a judgment of divorce in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.OPN.BANK.EQ - A woman can open a bank account in the same way as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.OWN.HSAJ.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who own a house both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSAJ.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who own a house both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.HSAJ.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who own a house both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.HSAJ.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who own a house both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.HSAJ.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who own a house both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSAJ.FE.ZS - Women who own a house both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.HSAJ.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who own a house both alone and jointly (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSAJ.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who own a house both alone and jointly (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.HSAJ.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who own a house both alone and jointly (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.HSAJ.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who own a house both alone and jointly (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.HSAJ.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who own a house both alone and jointly (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSAJ.MA.ZS - Men who own a house both alone and jointly (% of men) SG.OWN.HSAL.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who own a house alone (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSAL.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who own a house alone (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.HSAL.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who own a house alone (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.HSAL.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who own a house alone (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.HSAL.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who own a house alone (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSAL.FE.ZS - Women who own a house alone (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.HSAL.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who own a house alone (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSAL.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who own a house alone (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.HSAL.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who own a house alone (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.HSAL.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who own a house alone (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.HSAL.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who own a house alone (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSAL.MA.ZS - Men who own a house alone (% of men) SG.OWN.HSJT.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who own a house jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSJT.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who own a house jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.HSJT.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who own a house jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.HSJT.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who own a house jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.HSJT.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who own a house jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSJT.FE.ZS - Women who own a house jointly (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.HSJT.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who own a house jointly (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSJT.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who own a house jointly (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.HSJT.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who own a house jointly (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.HSJT.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who own a house jointly (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.HSJT.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who own a house jointly (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSJT.MA.ZS - Men who own a house jointly (% of men) SG.OWN.HSNO.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who do not own a house (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSNO.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who do not own a house (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.HSNO.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who do not own a house (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.HSNO.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who do not own a house (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.HSNO.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who do not own a house (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSNO.FE.ZS - Women who do not own a house (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.HSNO.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who do not own a house (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.HSNO.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who do not own a house (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.HSNO.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who do not own a house (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.HSNO.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who do not own a house (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.HSNO.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who do not own a house (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.HSNO.MA.ZS - Men who do not own a house (% of men) SG.OWN.LDAJ.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who own land both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDAJ.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who own land both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.LDAJ.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who own land both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.LDAJ.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who own land both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.LDAJ.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who own land both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDAJ.FE.ZS - Women who own land both alone and jointly (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.LDAJ.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who own land both alone and jointly (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDAJ.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who own land both alone and jointly (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.LDAJ.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who own land both alone and jointly (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.LDAJ.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who own land both alone and jointly (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.LDAJ.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who own land both alone and jointly (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDAJ.MA.ZS - Men who own land both alone and jointly (% of men) SG.OWN.LDAL.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who own land alone (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDAL.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who own land alone (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.LDAL.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who own land alone (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.LDAL.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who own land alone (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.LDAL.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who own land alone (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDAL.FE.ZS - Women who own land alone (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.LDAL.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who own land alone (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDAL.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who own land alone (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.LDAL.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who own land alone (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.LDAL.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who own land alone (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.LDAL.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who own land alone (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDAL.MA.ZS - Men who own land alone (% of men) SG.OWN.LDJT.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who own land jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDJT.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who own land jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.LDJT.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who own land jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.LDJT.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who own land jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.LDJT.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who own land jointly (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDJT.FE.ZS - Women who own land jointly (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.LDJT.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who own land jointly (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDJT.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who own land jointly (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.LDJT.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who own land jointly (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.LDJT.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who own land jointly (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.LDJT.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who own land jointly (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDJT.MA.ZS - Men who own land jointly (% of men) SG.OWN.LDNO.FE.Q1.ZS - Women who do not own land (% of women age 15-49): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDNO.FE.Q2.ZS - Women who do not own land (% of women age 15-49): Q2 SG.OWN.LDNO.FE.Q3.ZS - Women who do not own land (% of women age 15-49): Q3 SG.OWN.LDNO.FE.Q4.ZS - Women who do not own land (% of women age 15-49): Q4 SG.OWN.LDNO.FE.Q5.ZS - Women who do not own land (% of women age 15-49): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDNO.FE.ZS - Women who do not own land (% of women age 15-49) SG.OWN.LDNO.MA.Q1.ZS - Men who do not own land (% of men): Q1 (lowest) SG.OWN.LDNO.MA.Q2.ZS - Men who do not own land (% of men): Q2 SG.OWN.LDNO.MA.Q3.ZS - Men who do not own land (% of men): Q3 SG.OWN.LDNO.MA.Q4.ZS - Men who do not own land (% of men): Q4 SG.OWN.LDNO.MA.Q5.ZS - Men who do not own land (% of men): Q5 (highest) SG.OWN.LDNO.MA.ZS - Men who do not own land (% of men) SG.OWN.PRRT.IM - Men and married women have equal ownership rights to immovable property (1=yes; 0=no) SG.PEN.SXHR.EM - Criminal penalties or civil remedies exist for sexual harassment in employment (1=yes; 0=no) SG.POP.MIGR.FE.ZS - Female migrants (% of international migrant stock) SG.REG.NLID.FE.ZS - Women with a national identity card or equivalent foundational identity document (% of women ages 15+) SG.REG.NLID.MA.ZS - Men with a national identity card or equivalent foundational identity document (% of men ages 15+) SG.REM.RIGT.EQ - A woman has the same rights to remarry as a man (1=yes; 0=no) SG.RSX.BRTH.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she has recently given birth (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.RSX.BRTH.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she has recently given birth (%): Q2 SG.RSX.BRTH.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she has recently given birth (%): Q3 SG.RSX.BRTH.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she has recently given birth (%): Q4 SG.RSX.BRTH.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she has recently given birth (%): Q5 (highest) SG.RSX.BRTH.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she has recently given birth (%) SG.RSX.NORS.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for none of the reasons (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.RSX.NORS.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for none of the reasons (%): Q2 SG.RSX.NORS.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for none of the reasons (%): Q3 SG.RSX.NORS.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for none of the reasons (%): Q4 SG.RSX.NORS.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for none of the reasons (%): Q5 (highest) SG.RSX.NORS.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for none of the reasons (%) SG.RSX.REAS.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for all of the reasons (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.RSX.REAS.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for all of the reasons (%): Q2 SG.RSX.REAS.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for all of the reasons (%): Q3 SG.RSX.REAS.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for all of the reasons (%): Q4 SG.RSX.REAS.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for all of the reasons (%): Q5 (highest) SG.RSX.REAS.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband for all of the reasons (%) SG.RSX.SXOT.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.RSX.SXOT.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women (%): Q2 SG.RSX.SXOT.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women (%): Q3 SG.RSX.SXOT.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women (%): Q4 SG.RSX.SXOT.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women (%): Q5 (highest) SG.RSX.SXOT.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women (%) SG.RSX.TIRD.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she is tired or not in the mood (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.RSX.TIRD.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she is tired or not in the mood (%): Q2 SG.RSX.TIRD.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she is tired or not in the mood (%): Q3 SG.RSX.TIRD.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she is tired or not in the mood (%): Q4 SG.RSX.TIRD.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she is tired or not in the mood (%): Q5 (highest) SG.RSX.TIRD.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she is tired or not in the mood (%) SG.RSX.TMDS.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sexually transmitted disease (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.RSX.TMDS.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sexually transmitted disease (%): Q2 SG.RSX.TMDS.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sexually transmitted disease (%): Q3 SG.RSX.TMDS.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sexually transmitted disease (%): Q4 SG.RSX.TMDS.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sexually transmitted disease (%): Q5 (highest) SG.RSX.TMDS.ZS - Women who believe a wife is justified refusing sex with her husband if she knows he has sexually transmitted disease (%) SG.TIM.UWRK.FE - Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, female (% of 24 hour day) SG.TIM.UWRK.MA - Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, male (% of 24 hour day) SG.VAW.1549.ZS - Proportion of women subjected to physical and/or sexual violence in the last 12 months (% of women age 15-49) SG.VAW.ARGU.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.VAW.ARGU.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%): Q2 SG.VAW.ARGU.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%): Q3 SG.VAW.ARGU.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%): Q4 SG.VAW.ARGU.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%): Q5 (highest) SG.VAW.ARGU.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%) SG.VAW.BURN.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.VAW.BURN.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%): Q2 SG.VAW.BURN.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%): Q3 SG.VAW.BURN.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%): Q4 SG.VAW.BURN.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%): Q5 (highest) SG.VAW.BURN.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%) SG.VAW.GOES.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.VAW.GOES.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%): Q2 SG.VAW.GOES.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%): Q3 SG.VAW.GOES.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%): Q4 SG.VAW.GOES.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%): Q5 (highest) SG.VAW.GOES.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%) SG.VAW.MARR.ZS - Spousal physical or sexual violence in last 12 months (%) SG.VAW.NEGL.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.VAW.NEGL.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%): Q2 SG.VAW.NEGL.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%): Q3 SG.VAW.NEGL.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%): Q4 SG.VAW.NEGL.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%): Q5 (highest) SG.VAW.NEGL.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%) SG.VAW.REAS.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.VAW.REAS.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%): Q2 SG.VAW.REAS.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%): Q3 SG.VAW.REAS.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%): Q4 SG.VAW.REAS.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%): Q5 (highest) SG.VAW.REAS.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%) SG.VAW.REFU.Q1.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%): Q1 (lowest) SG.VAW.REFU.Q2.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%): Q2 SG.VAW.REFU.Q3.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%): Q3 SG.VAW.REFU.Q4.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%): Q4 SG.VAW.REFU.Q5.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%): Q5 (highest) SG.VAW.REFU.ZS - Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%) SH.ACS.ALON.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (not wanting to go alone) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.ALON.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (not wanting to go alone) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.ALON.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (not wanting to go alone) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.ALON.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (not wanting to go alone) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.ALON.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (not wanting to go alone) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ACS.DIST.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (distance to health facility) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.DIST.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (distance to health facility) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.DIST.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (distance to health facility) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.DIST.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (distance to health facility) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.DIST.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (distance to health facility) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ACS.MONY.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting money for treatment) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.MONY.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting money for treatment) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.MONY.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting money for treatment) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.MONY.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting money for treatment) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.MONY.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting money for treatment) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ACS.NOFP.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (concern there may not be a female provider) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.NOFP.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (concern there may not be a female provider) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.NOFP.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (concern there may not be a female provider) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.NOFP.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (concern there may not be a female provider) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.NOFP.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (concern there may not be a female provider) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ACS.PERM.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting permission to go for treatment) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.PERM.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting permission to go for treatment) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.PERM.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting permission to go for treatment) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.PERM.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting permission to go for treatment) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.PERM.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (getting permission to go for treatment) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ACS.PROB.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (any of the specified problems) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.PROB.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (any of the specified problems) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.PROB.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (any of the specified problems) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.PROB.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (any of the specified problems) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.PROB.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (any of the specified problems) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ACS.TRAN.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (having to take transport) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.TRAN.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (having to take transport) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.TRAN.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (having to take transport) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.TRAN.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (having to take transport) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.TRAN.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (having to take transport) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ACS.WHER.Q1.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (knowing where to go for treatment) (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.ACS.WHER.Q2.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (knowing where to go for treatment) (% of women): Q2 SH.ACS.WHER.Q3.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (knowing where to go for treatment) (% of women): Q3 SH.ACS.WHER.Q4.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (knowing where to go for treatment) (% of women): Q4 SH.ACS.WHER.Q5.ZS - Problems in accessing health care (knowing where to go for treatment) (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.ADM.INPT - Inpatient admission rate (% of population ) SH.ALC.PCAP.FE.LI - Total alcohol consumption per capita, female (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, female 15+ years of age) SH.ALC.PCAP.LI - Total alcohol consumption per capita (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, 15+ years of age) SH.ALC.PCAP.MA.LI - Total alcohol consumption per capita, male (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, male 15+ years of age) SH.ANM.ALLW.ZS - Prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age (% of women ages 15-49) SH.ANM.CHLD.ZS - Prevalence of anemia among children (% of children under 5) SH.ANM.NPRG.ZS - Prevalence of anemia among non-pregnant women (% of women ages 15-49) SH.CON.1524.FE.ZS - Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24) SH.CON.1524.MA.ZS - Condom use, population ages 15-24, male (% of males ages 15-24) SH.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS - Condom use with non regular partner, % adults(15-49), female SH.CON.AIDS.MA.ZS - Condom use with non regular partner, % adults(15-49), male SH.DR.TOTL - Number of Doctors SH.DTH.0514 - Number of deaths ages 5-14 years SH.DTH.COMM.1534.FE.ZS - Cause of death, by communicable diseases, ages 15-34, female (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.COMM.1534.MA.ZS - Cause of death, by communicable diseases, ages 15-34, male (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.COMM.3559.FE.ZS - Cause of death, by communicable diseases, ages 35-59, female (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.COMM.3559.MA.ZS - Cause of death, by communicable diseases, ages 35-59, male (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.COMM.ZS - Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total) SH.DTH.IMRT - Number of infant deaths SH.DTH.INJR.1534.FE.ZS - Cause of death, by injury, ages 15-34, female (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.INJR.1534.MA.ZS - Cause of death, by injury, ages 15-34, male (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.INJR.3559.FE.ZS - Cause of death, by injury, ages 35-59, female (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.INJR.3559.MA.ZS - Cause of death, by injury, ages 35-59, male (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.INJR.ZS - Cause of death, by injury (% of total) SH.DTH.MORT - Number of under-five deaths SH.DTH.NCOM.1534.FE.ZS - Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases, ages 15-34, female (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.NCOM.1534.MA.ZS - Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases, ages 15-34, male (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.NCOM.3559.FE.ZS - Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases, ages 35-59, female (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.NCOM.3559.MA.ZS - Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases, ages 35-59, male (% of relevant age group) SH.DTH.NCOM.ZS - Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases (% of total) SH.DTH.NMRT - Number of neonatal deaths SH.DYN.0514 - Probability of dying at age 5-14 years (per 1,000 children age 5) SH.DYN.AIDS - Adults (ages 15+) living with HIV SH.DYN.AIDS.DH - AIDS estimated deaths (UNAIDS estimates) SH.DYN.AIDS.FE.ZS - Women's share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) SH.DYN.AIDS.HG.ZS - HIV prevalence rate, adult 15-49 years (%; high estimate) SH.DYN.AIDS.LW.ZS - HIV prevalence rate, adult 15-49 years (%; low estimate) SH.DYN.AIDS.ZS - Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) SH.DYN.CHLD.FE - Mortality rate, female child (per 1,000 female children age one) SH.DYN.CHLD.MA - Mortality rate, male child (per 1,000 male children age one) SH.DYN.MORT - Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births) SH.DYN.MORT.FE - Mortality rate, under-5, female (per 1,000 live births) SH.DYN.MORT.MA - Mortality rate, under-5, male (per 1,000 live births) SH.DYN.MORT.Q1 - Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births): Q1 (lowest) SH.DYN.MORT.Q2 - Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births): Q2 SH.DYN.MORT.Q3 - Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births): Q3 SH.DYN.MORT.Q4 - Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births): Q4 SH.DYN.MORT.Q5 - Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births): Q5 (highest) SH.DYN.NCOM.FE.ZS - Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70, female (%) SH.DYN.NCOM.MA.ZS - Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70, male (%) SH.DYN.NCOM.ZS - Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70 (%) SH.DYN.NMRT - Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births) SH.FPL.ACPT.Q1.ZS - Acceptability of media messages on family planning (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.ACPT.Q2.ZS - Acceptability of media messages on family planning (% of women): Q2 SH.FPL.ACPT.Q3.ZS - Acceptability of media messages on family planning (% of women): Q3 SH.FPL.ACPT.Q4.ZS - Acceptability of media messages on family planning (% of women): Q4 SH.FPL.ACPT.Q5.ZS - Acceptability of media messages on family planning (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.FBRT.Q1.ZS - Median age at first birth (women ages 25-49): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.FBRT.Q2.ZS - Median age at first birth (women ages 25-49): Q2 SH.FPL.FBRT.Q3.ZS - Median age at first birth (women ages 25-49): Q3 SH.FPL.FBRT.Q4.ZS - Median age at first birth (women ages 25-49): Q4 SH.FPL.FBRT.Q5.ZS - Median age at first birth (women ages 25-49): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.FMAR.Q1.ZS - Median age at first marriage (women ages 25-49): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.FMAR.Q2.ZS - Median age at first marriage (women ages 25-49): Q2 SH.FPL.FMAR.Q3.ZS - Median age at first marriage (women ages 25-49): Q3 SH.FPL.FMAR.Q4.ZS - Median age at first marriage (women ages 25-49): Q4 SH.FPL.FMAR.Q5.ZS - Median age at first marriage (women ages 25-49): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.FSEX.Q1.ZS - Median age at first sexual intercourse (women ages 25-49): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.FSEX.Q2.ZS - Median age at first sexual intercourse (women ages 25-49): Q2 SH.FPL.FSEX.Q3.ZS - Median age at first sexual intercourse (women ages 25-49): Q3 SH.FPL.FSEX.Q4.ZS - Median age at first sexual intercourse (women ages 25-49): Q4 SH.FPL.FSEX.Q5.ZS - Median age at first sexual intercourse (women ages 25-49): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.HEAR.Q1.ZS - Heard family planning on radio and television (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.HEAR.Q2.ZS - Heard family planning on radio and television (% of women): Q2 SH.FPL.HEAR.Q3.ZS - Heard family planning on radio and television (% of women): Q3 SH.FPL.HEAR.Q4.ZS - Heard family planning on radio and television (% of women): Q4 SH.FPL.HEAR.Q5.ZS - Heard family planning on radio and television (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.IDLC.Q1 - Mean ideal number of children (per woman): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.IDLC.Q2 - Mean ideal number of children (per woman): Q2 SH.FPL.IDLC.Q3 - Mean ideal number of children (per woman): Q3 SH.FPL.IDLC.Q4 - Mean ideal number of children (per woman): Q4 SH.FPL.IDLC.Q5 - Mean ideal number of children (per woman): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.KNOW.Q1.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (any method) (% of married women): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.KNOW.Q2.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (any method) (% of married women): Q2 SH.FPL.KNOW.Q3.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (any method) (% of married women): Q3 SH.FPL.KNOW.Q4.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (any method) (% of married women): Q4 SH.FPL.KNOW.Q5.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (any method) (% of married women): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.KWMD.Q1.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (modern method) (% of married women): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.KWMD.Q2.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (modern method) (% of married women): Q2 SH.FPL.KWMD.Q3.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (modern method) (% of married women): Q3 SH.FPL.KWMD.Q4.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (modern method) (% of married women): Q4 SH.FPL.KWMD.Q5.ZS - Knowledge of contraception (modern method) (% of married women): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.LIMT.Q1.ZS - Desire to stop (limit) childbearing (% of married women): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.LIMT.Q2.ZS - Desire to stop (limit) childbearing (% of married women): Q2 SH.FPL.LIMT.Q3.ZS - Desire to stop (limit) childbearing (% of married women): Q3 SH.FPL.LIMT.Q4.ZS - Desire to stop (limit) childbearing (% of married women): Q4 SH.FPL.LIMT.Q5.ZS - Desire to stop (limit) childbearing (% of married women): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.MBRI.Q1 - Median birth interval (months): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.MBRI.Q2 - Median birth interval (months): Q2 SH.FPL.MBRI.Q3 - Median birth interval (months): Q3 SH.FPL.MBRI.Q4 - Median birth interval (months): Q4 SH.FPL.MBRI.Q5 - Median birth interval (months): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.MSTM.Q1.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted later) (% of births): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.MSTM.Q2.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted later) (% of births): Q2 SH.FPL.MSTM.Q3.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted later) (% of births): Q3 SH.FPL.MSTM.Q4.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted later) (% of births): Q4 SH.FPL.MSTM.Q5.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted later) (% of births): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.READ.Q1.ZS - Family planning messages in print (% of women): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.READ.Q2.ZS - Family planning messages in print (% of women): Q2 SH.FPL.READ.Q3.ZS - Family planning messages in print (% of women): Q3 SH.FPL.READ.Q4.ZS - Family planning messages in print (% of women): Q4 SH.FPL.READ.Q5.ZS - Family planning messages in print (% of women): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.SATI.ZS - Demand for family planning satisfied by any methods (% of married women with demand for family planning) SH.FPL.SATM.ZS - Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (% of married women with demand for family planning) SH.FPL.UWTD.Q1.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted no more) (% of births): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.UWTD.Q2.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted no more) (% of births): Q2 SH.FPL.UWTD.Q3.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted no more) (% of births): Q3 SH.FPL.UWTD.Q4.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted no more) (% of births): Q4 SH.FPL.UWTD.Q5.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted no more) (% of births): Q5 (highest) SH.FPL.WNTD.Q1.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted then) (% of births): Q1 (lowest) SH.FPL.WNTD.Q2.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted then) (% of births): Q2 SH.FPL.WNTD.Q3.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted then) (% of births): Q3 SH.FPL.WNTD.Q4.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted then) (% of births): Q4 SH.FPL.WNTD.Q5.ZS - Fertility planning status (wanted then) (% of births): Q5 (highest) SH.H2O.BASW.Q1.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population): Q1 (lowest) SH.H2O.BASW.Q2.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population): Q2 SH.H2O.BASW.Q3.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population): Q3 SH.H2O.BASW.Q4.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population): Q4 SH.H2O.BASW.Q5.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population): Q5 (highest) SH.H2O.BASW.RU.Q1.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, rural (% of rural population): Q1 (lowest) SH.H2O.BASW.RU.Q2.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, rural (% of rural population): Q2 SH.H2O.BASW.RU.Q3.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, rural (% of rural population): Q3 SH.H2O.BASW.RU.Q4.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, rural (% of rural population): Q4 SH.H2O.BASW.RU.Q5.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, rural (% of rural population): Q5 (highest) SH.H2O.BASW.RU.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, rural (% of rural population) SH.H2O.BASW.UR.Q1.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, urban (% of urban population): Q1 (lowest) SH.H2O.BASW.UR.Q2.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, urban (% of urban population): Q2 SH.H2O.BASW.UR.Q3.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, urban (% of urban population): Q3 SH.H2O.BASW.UR.Q4.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, urban (% of urban population): Q4 SH.H2O.BASW.UR.Q5.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, urban (% of urban population): Q5 (highest) SH.H2O.BASW.UR.ZS - People using at least basic drinking water services, urban (% of urban population) SH.H2O.BASW.ZS - People using at least bas