{smcl} {* 23nov2007}{...} {hline} help for {hi:inequal7}{right:(Ph. Van Kerm)} {hline} {title:Measures of inequality (revised)} {p 8 15}{cmd:inequal7} {it:varlist} [{it:weight}] [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] [{cmd:,} {cmdab:f:ormat}{cmd:(%}{it:fmt}{cmd:)} {cmdab:returns:calars}] {p}{cmd:aweight}s and {cmd:fweight}s are allowed; see help {help weights}. {title:Description} {p}{cmd:inequal7} computes a series of inequality measures of the variables in {it:varlist}. It is a revised and upgraded version of {cmd:inequal} published by Edward Whitehouse in STB-23. {cmd:inequal7} also supersedes the previously released {cmd:inequal2}. {p}Up to 5 variables can be specified in {it:varlist}. {p}The inequality measures computed are: the "relative mean deviation", the "coefficient of variation", the "standard deviation of logs", the"Gini index", the "Mehran index", the "Piesch index", the "Kakwani index", "Theil entropy index", the "mean log deviation" and the "generalised entropy measure" with sensitivity parameters -1 and 2 [see, e.g., Cowell [1995] for a definition of these measures]. {p}Seven changes have been made compared to {cmd:inequal}:{p_end} {p 3 7}- Inclusion of the "generalised entropy measure" with sensitivity parameters -1 and 2;{p_end} {p 3 7}- The procedure accepts {cmd:aweight}s;{p_end} {p 3 7}- The procedure computes inequality measures for up to 5 variables;{p_end} {p 3 7}- The procedure returns results in r() format (and in global macros);{p_end} {p 3 7}- Ranks are computed in a modified way with weighted data, so that results obtained with grouped data are consistent with individual data;{p_end} {p 3 7}- Output appearence conforms to Stata 7 standards;{p_end} {p 3 7}- Control over the display format is given to the user with a standard {cmd:format(%}{it:fmt}{cmd:)} option.{p_end} {title:Options} {p 0 4}{cmd:format(%}{it:fmt}{cmd:)} specifies the format to be used to display the estimated inequality indices. The default is to use a {cmd:%6.5f} format. {p 0 4}{cmd:returnscalars} requests that estimated indices be returned in r() scalars (instead of r() locals). {title:Saved Results} {p}For historical reasons, {cmd:inequal7} returns results in r() locals and in global macros. However, to allow using {cmd:inequal7} with the {cmd:bootstrap} or {cmd:jkknife} commands, results can be saved in r() scalars by specifying the {cmd:returnscalars} option. {p}[Important notice: When multiple variables are entered in {it:varlist}, returned results are the inequality measures of the {bf:last} variable listed.] {p 4 7}r(rmd) and S_1 contain the "relative mean deviation"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(cov) and S_2 contain the "coefficient of variation"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(sdl) and S_3 contain the "standard deviation of logs"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(gini) and S_4 contain the "Gini coefficient"'{p_end} {p 4 7}r(mehran) and S_5 contain the "Mehran index"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(piesch) and S_6 contain the "Piesch index"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(kakwani) and S_7 contain the "Kakwani index"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(theil) and S_8 contain the "Theil index (or generalised entropy measure with sensitivity parameter 1)"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(mld) and S_9 contain the "Mean Log Deviation (or generalised entropy measure with sensitivity parameter 0)"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(ge_1) and S_10 contain the "Generalised entropy measure with sensitivity parameter -1"{p_end} {p 4 7}r(ge2) and S_11 contain the "Generalised entropy measure with sensitivity parameter 2"{p_end} {title:Acknowledgements} {p}{cmd:inequal7} is an upgrade of {cmd:inequal} published in Stata Technical Bulletin 23. Edward Whitehouse, the original author, is therefore the key contributor to {cmd:inequal7}. Useful comments and testing by Stephen Jenkins are gratefully acknowledged. Thanks also to A. Peichl and A. Paulus for detailed bug reports.{p_end} {title:References} {p 5 10}Coulter Ph. (1989), Measuring Inequality -A Methodological Handbook-, Westview Press USA. {p 5 10}Cowell, F.A. (1995). Measuring Inequality (second edition). Prentice-Hall/Harvester-Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead. {p 5 10}Whitehouse, E. (1994). sg30:Measures of inequality in Stata. Stata Technical Bulletin 23. {title:Author} {p 5}Philippe VAN KERM {p_end} {p 5}CEPS/INSTEAD{p_end} {p 5}Differdange, G.-D. Luxembourg{p_end} {title:Also see} Manual: {hi:[R] lorenz} STB: {hi:sg30 (STB-23)} {p 0 19}On-line: help for {help inequal} (if installed), {help ineqdeco} (if installed), {help ineqerr} (if installed){p_end}