*! 1.3 MBH Dec 29 2022 *! this program determines which shell is in use by Stata and displays it along with its version info **! a) includes minor coding refinements **! b) in additon to the shell versions tested in the Sept 8 2022 revision, this **! program has now been tested with: **! bash (5.2.15) **! dash (0.5.12) **! ksh93 (93u+m/1.0.4 2022-10-22) **! Microsoft PowerShell (7.3.1) **! oksh (5.2.14 99/07/13.2) **! oil (0.13.1) **! tcsh (6.24.07) **! 1.2 MBH 15 Oct 2022 **! updated for inshell version 2.6 **! 1.1 MBH 8 Sept 2022 **! a) ksh is identified by the presense of a "ksh" string rather than **! a string equal to "ksh," primarily for users of ksh93 **! b) better handling of version strings **! this program has now been tested with: **! bash (3.2.57 and 5.1.16) **! dash (, though the shell does not report version numbers) **! ksh (93u+ 2012-08-01) **! ksh93 (93u+m/1.0.3 2022-08-25) **! mksh (R59 2020/10/31) **! oil (0.12.5) **! Microsoft PowerShell (7.2.6) **! tcsh (6.21.00 and 6.24.01) **! yash (2.53) **! zsh (5.9 and 5.7.1) **! 1.0 MBH 11 July 2022 program define inshell_getshell, rclass version 14 // detect whether Stata is using PowerShell *************************************************** capture which inshell_detect_pwsh if (!_rc) { inshell_detect_pwsh if (!missing(r(pwsh_detected))) { return add exit 0 } } // obtain the shell's location **************************************************************** if (!missing("${S_SHELL}")) { local shell_location : word 1 of ${S_SHELL} local method "S_SHELL" } else if (missing("${S_SHELL}")) { local shell_location : environment SHELL local method "default" } if (!missing("`shell_location'")) { local shell = substr("`shell_location'", strrpos("`shell_location'", "/") + 1, .) } else if (missing("`shell_location'")) { display as error /// " >>> your shell's path could not be determined" exit 1 } if (strpos("`shell_location'", "//")) { local shell_location = subinstr("`shell_location'", "//", "/", .) } if ("`shell_location'" == "`: environment SHELL'") local check "✅" // obtain the shell's version ***************************************************************** local version_file "`c(tmpdir)'inshell_sh_version_`= clock(c(current_time), "hms")'`= runiformint(1, 99999)'.txt" capture quietly erase "`version_file'" if ("`shell'" == "bash") { quietly shell echo \$BASH_VERSION > "`version_file'" } else if (inlist("`shell'", "oil", "osh")) { quietly shell echo \$OIL_VERSION > "`version_file'" } else if ("`shell'" == "sh") { quietly shell echo $($0 --version) > "`version_file'" } else if ("`shell'" == "yash") { quietly shell echo \$YASH_VERSION > "`version_file'" } else if ("`shell'" == "zsh") { quietly shell echo \$ZSH_VERSION > "`version_file'" } else if (strpos("`shell'", "ksh")) { quietly shell echo \$KSH_VERSION 2> "`version_file'" 1> "`version_file'" } else if (inlist("`shell'", "csh", "tcsh")) { quietly shell echo \$tcsh > "`version_file'" } // clean the shell's version ****************************************************************** if (inlist("`shell'", "ash", "dash")) { local shell_version_pure "{it:(not available in`= cond("`shell'" == "dash", " Debian", "")' Almquist shell)}" } if (!inlist("`shell'", "ash", "dash")) { mata : st_local("shell_version2", cat("`version_file'")[1]) } if (inlist("`shell'", "sh", "bash", "csh", "oil", "osh", "tcsh", "yash", "zsh")) { local shell_version_pure : word 1 of `shell_version2' if ("`shell'" == "bash") { local shell_version_pure = substr("`shell_version_pure'", 1, `= strpos("`shell_version_pure'", "(") - 1') } return local shell_version_pure "`shell_version_pure'" } if (strpos("`shell'", "ksh")) { local shell_version2 = trim(regexr("`shell_version2'", "sh (AT&T Research)|Version [AJM?]*|.*KSH *v|.*KSH", "")) local shell_version_pure "`shell_version2'" } local version_text = cond(inlist("`shell'", "ash", "dash"), "text", "result") local s1 "space 2" display /// as text _n " >>> {it}your current shell is{sf}" /// as result "{`s1'}`shell'" _n /// as text "{it}{space 7}which is at version{sf}" /// as `version_text' "{`s1'}`shell_version_pure'" _n /// as text "{it}{space 9}and is located at{sf}" /// as result "{`s1'}`shell_location' `check'" _n return local shell "`shell'" return local shell_location "`shell_location'" return local shell_version "`shell_version2'" return local method "`method'" capture quietly erase "`version_file'" end