*! 1.3.0 Ariel Linden 01May2024 // made changes to allow -itsamatch- to work with the new version of -itsa- that implements -glm2-. *! 1.2.1 Ariel Linden 18Apr2024 // changed how the results are displayed, now presenting pvar unit labels instead of underlying values *! 1.2.0 Ariel Linden 10Apr2024 // fixed trperiod() to allow the user to enter a pseudofunction datetime e.g. (20jan1988) *! 1.1.0 Ariel Linden 21Nov2017 // Added local()option *! 1.0.0 Ariel Linden 21October2017 capture program drop itsamatch program define itsamatch, rclass version 11.0 /* obtain settings */ syntax varlist(min=1 numeric) [if] [in] [aweight] , /// weight only relevant for -newey- TRPeriod(string) /// TREATid(numlist min=1 max=1 int sort) /// [ Pr(real 0.05) /// LAG(int -1) /// lag only relevant for -newey- PRAIS /// Local(str) /// macro that can be used in -itsa- * ] * Pr(numlist max=1 >0 <1) preserve quietly { marksample touse count if `touse' if r(N) == 0 error 2000 local N = r(N) replace `touse' = -`touse' /* check if data is tsset with panel and time var */ /* -tsset- errors out if no time variable set */ tsset local tvar `r(timevar)' local pvar `r(panelvar)' loc tsf `r(tsfmt)' * check format of date if substr("`tsf'",2,1) == "t" { local tsfr = substr("`tsf'",1,3) local period = lower(substr("`tsf'", 3, 1)) } else local tsfr `tsf' local cnt: word count `trperiod' if `cnt' > 1 { di as err "{p}Only one treatment period can be specified{p_end}" exit 198 } /* parse dates in trperiod() */ tokenize "`trperiod'", parse(";") local done = 0 local i = 0 local count = 0 while !`done' { local ++i local next = "``i''" local done = ("`next'" == "") // keep dates only (exclude semicolon) if ("`next'" != ";") & (!`done') { local ++count local trp`count' = `period'(`next') local trp `trp' `trp`count'' local trperiod2 `trp' } // end if } // end while /* check if trperiod is among tvars */ levelsof `tvar' if `touse', local(levt) if !`: list trperiod2 in levt' { di as err "{p}Treatment period not found in the time variable: check {bf:trperiod()} to ensure that the date is specified correctly{p_end}" exit 198 } /* check if treatid is among pvars */ levelsof `pvar' if `touse', local(pevt) if ! `: list treatid in pevt' { di as err "treatid(`treatid') is not found in the `pvar' variable" exit 498 } // Parse varlist and generate _z and _zt variables tokenize `varlist' local varcount : word count `varlist' foreach var of varlist `varlist' { gen _z`var' =. gen _zt`var' =. local clist `clist' _z`var' _zt`var' } // Get unique levels of the panel (group) variable tab `pvar' if `touse' local num = r(r) - 1 levelsof `pvar' if `touse', local(levels) } // end quietly // setup for dots di _n di as txt "Iterating across (" as res `num' as txt ") panels (`pvar') " di as txt "{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 10 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 20 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 30 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 40 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 50 " tempname B C D OPT contid rowmin // loop thru -itsa- for each panel within each variable of varlist foreach num of local levels { _dots `varcount' 0 foreach var of varlist `varlist' { if `num' != `treatid' { qui { if "`prais'" != "" { itsa `var' if `touse', treat(`treatid') trp(`trperiod') cont(`num') replace prais `options' } else itsa `var' if `touse' [`weight' `exp'], treat(`treatid') trp(`trperiod') cont(`num') lag(`lag') replace `options' mat `B' = r(table) matrix coleq `B' = "" mat `C' = `B'["pvalue","_z"] mat `D' = `B'["pvalue","_z_t"] replace _z`var' = trace(`C') if `pvar' == `num' replace _zt`var' = trace(`D') if `pvar' == `num' } // qui } // ! treated } //foreach var } //foreach num // Collapse _z and _zt variables by panel, and compute minimum row value collapse `clist' if `pvar' !=`treatid' & `touse', by(`pvar') egen `rowmin' =rowmin(`clist') // make a matrix of values for those panels exceeding the specified p-value cutoff mkmat `pvar' `clist' if `rowmin' > `pr' , matrix(`OPT') // display results list `pvar' `clist' if `rowmin' > `pr', noobs divider separator(0) abbreviate(129) //make a matrix of just the control IDs mat `contid' = `OPT'[1..., 1]' //make a c_local macro of control IDs that can be used within -itsa- if "`local'" != "" { forval i = 1/`=colsof(`contid')' { local Y `Y' `=`contid'[1,`i']' } c_local `local' `"`Y'"' } // save matrices for control ids and for results return matrix contids = `contid' return matrix results = `OPT' end