*! 1.0.2 Ariel Linden 01May2024 // set default pr() to 0.05 *! 1.0.1 Ariel Linden 18Apr2024 // fixed issue with "dots" not displaying properly // changed trperiod() to "string" so that command will work with updated itsamatch and itsa *! 1.0.0 Ariel Linden 03Apr2018 program define itsaperm, rclass version 11.0 /* obtain settings */ syntax varlist(min=1 numeric) [if] [in] [aweight] , /// weight only relevant for -newey- TRPeriod(string) /// start time of intervention TREATid(numlist min=1 max=1 int sort) /// ID of actual treated unit [ Pr(real 0.05) /// minimum p-value for balancing covariates MATCHvar(varlist) /// variables used for matching LAG(int -1) /// lag only relevant for -newey- PRAIS /// use -prais- rather than default -newey- NOIsily /// shows _zxt estimates as they are computed PLOt PLOt2(str asis) /// generate forest-plot FAVors(str) /// labels for left and right side of zero REPLace /// replace variables generated in previous run * ] /* check if data is tsset with panel and time var */ quietly { marksample touse count if `touse' if r(N) == 0 error 2000 local N = r(N) replace `touse' = -`touse' tsset local tvar `r(timevar)' local pvar `r(panelvar)' /* drop program variables if option "replace" is chosen */ if "`replace'" != "" { local itsapermvars : char _dta[_itsapermvars] if "`itsapermvars'" != "" { foreach v of local itsapermvars { capture drop `v' } } } /********* validate options ************/ if "`exp'" != "" & "`prais'" != "" { di as err "weights may not be specified with prais option" exit 101 } if "`prais'" != "" { if `lag' != -1 { di as err "lag() may not be specified with prais option" exit 198 } } else if `lag' == -1 local lag 0 if "`pr'" == "" { local pr = 0 } /* Get unique levels of the panel (pvar) variable */ sum `pvar' if `touse' local rmin = r(min) local rmax = r(max) levelsof `pvar' if `touse', local(levels) local cnt = r(r) /* determine if pvar has value labels and assign them to ID*/ local pvarlabl: value label `pvar' if "`pvarlabl'" != "" { gen id:`pvarlabl' = . if `touse' } else { gen id = . if `touse' } gen strL idC = "" if `touse' gen estimate =. if `touse' gen se = . if `touse' gen z = . if `touse' gen p = . if `touse' gen lcl = . if `touse' gen ucl = . if `touse' /* if matchvar is not specified, use varlist */ if "`matchvar'" == "" { local matchvar `varlist' } local r 1 // row } // end quietly /* setup for dots */ if "`noisily'" == "" { di _n di as txt "Iterating across (" as res `cnt' as txt ") units of {bf:`pvar'} " di as txt "{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 10 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 20 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 30 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 40 " "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 50 " } /* loop thru -itsamatch- then -itsa- for each unit of pvar */ foreach i of local levels { if "`noisily'" == "" { _dots `cnt' 0 } else if "`noisily'" != "" { di _n di as txt "ID#: `i'" } capture `noisily' { qui replace id = `i' in `r' qui itsamatch `matchvar' if `touse', treatid(`i') trperiod(`trperiod') pr(`pr') lag(`lag') `prais' local(controls) `options' qui replace idC = "`controls'" in `r' qui itsa `varlist' if `touse', treatid(`i') trperiod(`trperiod') contid(`controls') lag(`lag') `prais' replace `options' lincom _b[_z_x_t`trperiod'] // diff-in-diffs quietly { replace estimate = r(estimate) in `r' replace se = r(se) in `r' replace z = r(z) in `r' replace p = r(p) in `r' replace lcl = r(lb) in `r' replace ucl = r(ub) in `r' } // end quietly } // end capture local r = `r' + 1 } // end foreach /* track variables generated */ local itsapermvars id nC idC estimate se z p lcl ucl char def _dta[_itsapermvars] "`itsapermvars'" /* generate forest-plot */ if `"`plot'`plot2'"' != ""{ /* handling value labels */ tempvar id2 if "`pvarlabl'" != "" { tempvar id1 decode id, gen(`id1') encode `id1', gen(`id2') } else { qui gen `id2' = id if id !=. } /* get pvar variable label */ local ydesc : var label `pvar' if `"`ydesc'"' == "" local ydesc "`pvar'" /* location of xmlabels */ quietly sum lcl local lxmlabl = (r(min) - 0)/2 quietly sum ucl local uxmlabl = (r(max) - 0)/2 /* favors */ if "`favors'" != "" { local pos = strpos("`favors'", "#") local leftfav = substr("`favors'",1,(`pos'-1)) local rightfav = substr("`favors'",(`pos'+1),(length("`favors'")-`pos'+1) ) local favopt `"xmlabel(`lxmlabl' `"`leftfav'"' `uxmlabl' `"`rightfav'"', noticks labels labsize(*1.5) labgap(5))"' } twoway(rcap lcl ucl `id2', lwidth(thin) lcolor(gray) hor) /// (scatter `id2' estimate, msymbol(circle_hollow) mcolor(gray) msize(medsmall)) /// (rcap lcl ucl `id2' if `id2'==`treatid', lwidth(thin) lcolor(black) hor) /// (scatter `id2' estimate if `id2'==`treatid', msymbol(circle) msize(medsmall) mcolor(black)), /// ytitle("`ydesc'") /// ylabel(`rmin'(1)`rmax', labsize(vsmall) angle(hor) valuelabel glcolor(dimgray)) /// xtitle(Difference-in-differences in trends (95% CIs), size(medium)) /// xscale(titlegap(3)) /// xline(0) xlabel(, nogrid format(" %9.0fc") labsize(small)) `favopt' /// legend(off) scheme(s2mono) `plot2' } // end plot end