program define xeq // Modified version of "Xeq" from gr_example2.ado di as res di as res _asis `". `0'"' `0' end program define ivcloglog_ex version 8.2 if (_caller() < 8.2) version 8 else version 8.2 set more off di as text di as text "{bf:******************************************************************************}" di as text "{bf:*****************************BEGINNING OF EXAMPLE*****************************}" di as text "{bf:******************************************************************************}" di as res ". preserve" // Cannot use -xeq- here because then -restore- will happen at the end of -xeq- preserve `0' di as res di as res ". restore" restore di as text "{bf:******************************************************************************}" di as text "{bf:********************************END OF EXAMPLE********************************}" di as text "{bf:******************************************************************************}" end program define ivcloglog_ex1 xeq use "", clear xeq ivcloglog fem_work fem_educ kids, auxiliary(other_inc = male_educ) vhatname(vhat) vce(robust) nogenerate end program define ivcloglog_ex2 xeq use "", clear xeq gen high_other_inc = (other_inc > 50) xeq ivcloglog fem_work fem_educ kids, auxiliary(other_inc = male_educ) endogenous(high_other_inc other_inc) vhatname(vhat) vce(robust) nogenerate end program define ivcloglog_ex3 xeq sysuse cancer, clear xeq gen id = _n xeq recode drug 1=0 2=1 3=. xeq label values drug . xeq expand studytime xeq bysort id: gen time = _n xeq bysort id: gen event = (died & _n == _N) xeq gen external_instrument = drug xeq ivcloglog event ibn.time age, auxiliary(drug = external_instrument, noconstant) vhatname(vhat) noconstant order(2) vce(cluster id) nogenerate end