program define ivprob, eclass version 6.0 syntax varlist [if] [in], ENDOG(varlist) IV(varlist) EXOG(varlist) * parse "`*'" local depvar "`varlist'" tempvar tmpy touse marksample touse local niv : word count `iv' local nendog : word count `endog' /* need to eliminate variables that predict success/failure perfectly and restrict sample accordingly */ qui probit `depvar' `endog' `exog' if `touse' replace `touse'=e(sample) matrix tmp = get(_b) local tmp : colnames tmp tokenize "`tmp'", parse(" ") local i 1 while `i'<=`nendog' { mac shift local i=`i'+1 } local exog "`1'" mac shift while "`1'" != "_cons" { local exog "`exog' `1'" mac shift } local nexog : word count `exog' local K=`nexog'+`niv' /* K=total number of exogenous variables */ matrix Dhat=J(`K'+1,`nendog'+`nexog'+1,0) /* Inititialize Dhat matrix */ /* fill in remaining columns of Dhat= I_1: lower right identity matrix */ matrix Dhat[`niv'+1,`nendog'+1]=I(`nexog'+1) parse "`endog'", parse(" ") local e = 1 /* do 1st stage regression for each endogenous variable */ while `e'<=`nendog' { qui regress `1' `iv' `exog' if `touse' matrix tmp=get(_b) matrix Dhat[1,`e']=tmp' tempvar fitted`e' resid`e' qui predict `fitted`e'' `if' qui replace `fitted`e'' =. if `1' ==. qui predict `resid`e'' `if', residuals qui replace `resid`e'' =. if `1' ==. local fitted "`fitted' `fitted`e''" local resid "`resid' `resid`e''" mac shift local e = 1 + `e' } /* get lee model estimates */ cap estimates drop lastpbt qui probit `depvar' `fitted' `exog' if `touse' matrix tmp = get(_b) matrix beta=tmp[1,1..`nendog'] matrix means=get(mns) matrix colnames means = `endog' `exog' _cons estimates hold lastpbt * Run probit of depvar on resid, and exog variables qui probit `depvar' `iv' `exog' `resid' if `touse' local obs = e(N) local df = e(df_m) matrix tmp = get(_b) matrix alpha=J(1,`K'+1,0) /* initialize alpha */ matrix alpha[1,1]=tmp[1,1..`K'] /* take coefficients on all exog variables */ matrix alpha[1,`K'+1]=tmp[1,`K'+`nendog'+1] /*get coefficient on constant (skipping coefs on residuals */ matrix lamda=tmp[1,`K'+1..`K'+`nendog'] /* coefficients on residuals go into lamda */ matrix tmp = get(VCE) /* now get VCE matrix, skipping residuals */ matrix Jinv=J(`K'+1,`K'+1,0) /* initialize Jinv matrix and move VCE matrix into it */ matrix Jinv[1,1]=tmp[1..`K',1..`K'] local i 1 while `i'<=`K' { matrix Jinv[`K'+1,`i']=tmp[`K'+`nendog'+1,`i'] matrix Jinv[`i',`K'+1]=Jinv[`K'+1,`i'] local i=`i'+1 } matrix Jinv[`K'+1,`K'+1]=tmp[`K'+`nendog'+1,`K'+`nendog'+1] local e 1 gen `tmpy'=0 parse "`endog'", parse(" ") while `e'<=`nendog' { local tmp=lamda[1,`e']-beta[1,`e'] qui replace `tmpy'=`tmpy'+`1'*`tmp' mac shift local e=`e'+1 } qui regress `tmpy' `iv' `exog' if `touse' matrix V=get(VCE) matrix Omega=V+Jinv matrix OmInv=inv(Omega) matrix delta1=Dhat' * OmInv * Dhat matrix rownames delta1= `endog' `exog' _cons matrix colnames delta1= `endog' `exog' _cons matrix delta1=inv(delta1) matrix delta2=Dhat' * OmInv * alpha' matrix delta=delta1 * delta2 matrix rownames delta = `endog' `exog' _cons matrix delta=delta' matrix bnew=delta matrix Vnew=delta1 estimates unhold lastpbt tempname b V matrix `b'=e(b) matrix `V'=e(V) local nobs=e(N) local tr2_p=e(r2_p) local tchi2= e(chi2) local tdf_m= e(df_m) local tll= e(ll) local tll_0= e(ll_0) est post `b' `V', obs(`nobs') depname(`depvar') esample(`touse') est local depvar "`depvar'" est scalar r2_p=`tr2_p' est scalar chi2= `tchi2' est scalar df_m= `tdf_m' est scalar ll= `tll' est scalar ll_0= `tll_0' est local cmd="probit" est matrix mns means estimates repost b=bnew V=Vnew , rename estimates disp end