p iati module to import International Aid Transparency Initiative data p ic module to compute measures of interaction contrast (biological interaction) p icalc module to compute Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models p icc2 module to compute Intraclass correlation coefficients based on crossed mixed regression p icc23 module that computes models 2 and 3 of the intra-class correlation p iccconf module to compute a confidence interval for an intraclass correlation (ICC) p iccvar module to calculate intraclass correlation (ICC) after xtmixed p icdpic module to provide methods for translating International Classification of Diseases (Ninth Revision) diagnosis codes into standard injury categories and/or scores p ice module for multiple imputation of missing values p icet module to perform multiple imputation of covariates p icio module for Economic Analysis with Inter-Country Input-Output tables p icomp module to calculate model selection information criteria p icw_index module to aggregate the variables included in the varlist into an index p idonepsu module for dealing with strata that have singleton PSUs p ie_rate module to conduct age, period, and cohort (APC) analysis of tabular rate data using the intrinsic estimator p iefieldkit module providing Stata commands for primary data collection and cleaning p ietoolkit module providing commands specially developed for Impact Evaluations p ifin module to generate a local containing an if statement to select multiple values p ifwins module to subset a dataset by 'if exp' before subsetting by 'in range' p igeintb module to estimate intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) with multiple sets of instruments p igencox module to fit generalized Cox models p igenerate module to apply a variety of coding schemes, including weighted effect coded interactions p igeset module to estimate intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) with a single set of instruments p igesetci module to compute confidence intervals for partially identified intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) p igini module to perform Gini index decomposition by individual and group p igini1 module to perform Gini index decomposition by individual and group p ihelp module to display the help documents in PDF format using the default browser p ihstrans module for generating inverse hyperbolic sine (IHS) transformed variables p iia module to test the iia assumption in conditional logistic regression (version 5) p ilr module to compute a isometric log-ratio (ILR) transformation of a set of variables p imbalance module to check covariate imbalance before and after matching p imperfectiv module to estimate bounds with "Imperfect Instrumental Variables" (Nevo and Rosen, 2012) p importsav module to convert SPSS file to Stata p imputeitems module to impute missing data of binary items p imputemok module to impute binary data by a Mokken scale p imputerasch module to impute binary data by a Rasch model p imusic module to find music and enjoy while working on Stata p imvol module to compute Implied Volatility in Black-Scholes European Option Pricing Model p inccat module to concatenate one or more input files to an output file inserting additional input files p inclusion_economics_scheme module to provide a graphic scheme for Inclusion Economics branded data p indeplist module to returns lists of independent variables from the active estimation command p index Module to Estimate Price, Quantity, and Value Index Numbers p indexplot module for index plots of estimation results p ineq module to calculate measures of inequality p ineqdec0 module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup p ineqdecgini module to estimate Gini coefficient with optional decomposition by subgroups p ineqdeco module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup p ineqfac module to calculate inequality decomposition by factor components p ineqord module to calculate indices of inequality and polarization for ordinal data p ineqrbd module to calculate regression-based inequality decomposition p inequal2 module to compute measures of inequality p inequal7 module to compute measures of inequality p inflate module to inflate variables to real dollars using the CPI-U series p ingap module to insert gap observations into a data set before output by listtex p inlist2 module to create an inlist() dummy, without the inlist() limitations p inmor module to compute marginal odds ratios after model estimation p inorm module to perform multiple imputation using Schafer's method p insheetjson module for importing tabular data from JSON sources on the internet p inshell module to send commands to the shell as well as capture and print their standard output, standard error, and native shell return codes p insingap module to insert a single gap observation at the top of each by-group p insob module to insert empty observations p instabilitycerdi module for Calculating the Instability or the Volatility of a Variable by the CERDI Method in some Time Window p installpkg module to install Stata packages by specifying zipfile/pkgfile or local directory p int_utils module to perform interval computations in Mata p intcens module to perform interval-censored survival analysis p inteff3 module to compute partial effects in a probit or logit model with a triple dummy variable interaction term p integrate module to perform one-dimensional integration p integrate_aq module to do adaptive quadrature for integrals p interactplot module to generate plots for interaction terms of multiplicative regressions p interflex module to estimate multiplicative interaction models with diagnostics and visualization p intext module to read text files into string variables p intgph module to interpret interaction effects and present graphically p intreg2 module to perform interval regression with multiplicative heteroskedasticity p intsolver module providing functions and tools for finding solutions to nonlinear equation systems in Mata p intterms module to enumerate all indicators for all intersections of two categorical variables p invcdf module to invert the cumulative distribution function p invcise module to compute standard errors using the inverse confidence interval method p invdesc module to change variable attributes using a describe or descsave resultsset p invgammafit module to fit a two-parameter inverse gamma distribution p invgaussfit module to fit a two-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution p iop module to to compute different measures of inequality of opportunity for dichotomous, ordered and continuous outcome variables p iot module to estimate Leontief Input-Output Table p iota module to compute the iota coefficient of interrater agreement for interval or nominal multivariate observations p ipabcstats module to compare survey and back check data, producing an Excel output of comparisons and error rates p ipdfc module to reconstruct individual participant data from a published Kaplan-Meier curve p ipdforest module to produce forest plot for individual patient data IPD meta-analysis (one stage) p ipdmetan module for performing two-stage IPD meta-analysis p ipdpower module to perform simulation based power calculations for mixed effects modelling p ipf module to perform log-linear modelling using Iterative Proportional Fitting p ipfraking module to perform iterative proportional fitting, aka raking p ipfweight module to create adjustment weights for surveys p ipshin module to perform Im-Pesaran-Shin panel unit root test p ipwbreg module to compute inverse propensity weights from Bernoulli regression p ipwlogit module to fit marginal logistic regression by inverse probability weighting p iquantile module to calculate interpolated quantiles p ira module to calculate rwg and related interrater agreement indices p irax module to perform isotonic regression analysis p irr module to calculate the (periodic) internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. p irrepro module to produce a simulation of irreproducible results p irscharities module to import and format IRS Exempt Organization Business Master File Data p isa module to perform Imbens' (2003) sensitivity analysis p isco module to recode 4 digit ISCO-68 occupational codes p iscogen module to translate ISCO codes p iscoil module to recode Israeli CBS occupation standard classification into ISCO-08 occupational classification p iscooesch module to recode ISCO codes into Oesch class scheme p isko module to recode 4 digit ISCO-88 occupational codes p isocodes module to generate standardized country codes and names p isogini module to estimate isogini measures at different percentiles p isograph module to compute inequality over logit ranks of social hierarchy p isopoverty module to generate data for Inequality-Poverty and Iso-Poverty curves p istdize module to generate indirectly standardized rates using a standard population p isvar module to filter names into variable names and others p itpscore module to implement Iterative Propensity Score Logistic Regression Model Search Procedure p itsa module to perform interrupted time series analysis for single and multiple groups p itsadgp module to generate artificial data for interrupted time-series analysis p itsamatch module to perform matching in multiple group interrupted time-series analysis p itsaperm module to perform permutation tests for matched multiple group interrupted time series analysis p itsarand module for conducting randomization tests for single-case and multiple-baseline AB phase designs p itsp_ado module to accompany Introduction to Stata Programming book p itspower module for simulation based power calculations for linear interrupted time series (ITS) designs p itvalpctile module for estimation of interval-valued percentiles (quantiles) for interval-valued data p ivactest module to perform Cumby-Huizinga test for autocorrelation after IV/OLS estimation p ivbounds module providing instrumental variable method to bound treatment-effects estimates with potentially misreported and endogenous program participation p ivcheck module to choose between OLS and contaminated IV p ivcloglog module to estimate a complementary log-log model with endogenous covariates, instrumented via the control function approach (i.e., 2SRI) p ivcrc module to implement the instrumental variables correlated random coefficients estimator p ivdesc module to profile compliers and non-compliers for instrumental variable analysis p ivendog module to calculate Durbin-Wu-Hausman endogeneity test after ivreg p ivgauss2 module to estimate two-parameter log-inverse Gaussian regression p ivglog module to estimate inverse Gaussian distribution-log link MLE model p ivgmm0 module to perform instrumental variables via GMM p ivgravity module containing method-of-moment IV estimators of exponential-regression models with two-way fixed effects from a cross-section of data on dyadic interactions and endogenous covariates p ivhettest module to perform Pagan-Hall and related heteroskedasticity tests after IV p ivmediate module to perform Causal mediation analysis in instrumental-variables regressions p ivolsdec module to produce decomposition of the IV-OLS coefficient gap p ivpermute module to estimate nearly collinear robust instrumental variables regression p ivpois module to estimate an instrumental variables Poisson regression via GMM p ivprob-ivtobit modules to estimate instrumental variables probit and tobit p ivprob-ivtobit6 modules to estimate instrumental variables probit and tobit p ivqreg2 module to provide structural quantile function estimation p ivreg2 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation p ivreg210 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v10) p ivreg28 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v8) p ivreg29 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v9) p ivreg2h module to perform instrumental variables estimation using heteroskedasticity-based instruments p ivreg2hdfe module to estimate an Instrumental Variable Linear Regression Model with two High Dimensional Fixed Effects p ivreg2m module to identify treatment-effects estimates with potentially misreported and endogenous program participation p ivreg_ss module to compute confidence intervals, standard errors, and p-values in an IV regression in which the excluded instrumental variable has a shift-share structure p ivreghdfe module for extended instrumental variable regressions with multiple levels of fixed effects p ivregress2 module to export first and second-stage results similar to ivregress p ivreset module to perform Ramsey/Pesaran-Taylor/Pagan-Hall RESET specification test after IV/GMM/OLS estimation p ivrobust module to perform weak instrument test for a single endogenous regressor in TSLS and LIML p ivtreatreg module to estimate binary treatment models with idiosyncratic average effect p ivvif module to report variance inflation factors after IV