{smcl} {* $Date: 2008-08-20 $}{...} {hline} help for {hi:jonter}{right:Version 2.4 2008-08-20} {hline} {title:Jonckheere-Terpstra Test} {p 4 11} {cmd:jonter} {it:varname} [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:exp}] {cmd:,} {cmd:by(}{it:groupvar}{cmd:)} [{cmdab:v:erbose} {cmdab:j:only} {cmdab:c:ontinuity}] {title:Description} {p} {cmd:jonter} calculates test statistics, {it:J} and {it:J*}, and asymptotic {it:p}-values for the Jonckheere-Terpstra test for ordered alternatives. {title:Options} {p} Note that the {cmd:by()} is mandatory. Both {it:varname} and {it:groupvar} must be at least ordinal. {p} {cmd:verbose} allows display of the individual Mann-Whitney U counts. {p} {cmd:jonly} limits the calculations to those for the {it:J} test statistic. This allows the command to complete somewhat faster, and is highly recommended for use of {cmd:jonter} with {cmd:permute} when use is made only of the {it:J} test statistic. {p} {cmd:continuity} causes a continuity correction to be applied to {it:J*}. This might aid somewhat in the normal approximation, but use of a continuity correction with the Jonckheere-Terpstra test is not widespread. {title:Remarks} {p} {cmd:jonter} provides an alternative to the nonparametric trend test {cmd:nptrend}, which is Stata's implementation of the Cuzick test. The Jonckheere-Terpstra test's {it:p}-value asymptotically converges to that for the test for Kendall's tau ({cmd:ktau}). As with {cmd:ktau}, {cmd:jonter} is intended for small to moderate-sized datasets; the duration of computations grows disproportionately with sample size. {p} {cmd:jonter} corrects {it:J} and {it:J*} for tied values in {it:varname}. It also reports asymptotic {it:p}-values for the test of descending ordered alternatives, as well as for that of ascending ordered alternatives. This obviates the need to manually reverse ordering of the values in the {it:by} or {it:varname} variables in order to test for a descending ordering. It also reports the asymptotic {it:p}-value for the alternative of either an ascending or a descending ordering against the null hypothesis of no ordering (i.e., the two-tailed test), when the direction of ordering in the {it:by} variable cannot be independently specified in advance. {p} Test statistics and {it:p}-values are returned in scalars: r(J){c 151}Jonckheere-Terpstra test statistic, {it:J}; r(JH0){c 151}expectation of {it:J} under the null hypothesis; r(se_JH0){c 151}square-root of the variance of {it:J} under the null hypothesis; r(Jstar){c 151}asymptotic normal approximation of {it:J}; and r(p), r(p_l) and r(p_u){c 151}{it:p}-values associated with {it:J*}. {title:Examples} {p 4}{inp:. jonter latency, by(dose)} {title:Author} Joseph Coveney jcoveney@bigplanet.com {title:Acknowledgment} {p} Nicholas J. Cox edited an earlier version of {cmd:jonter}, fixing bugs and providing major improvements in efficiency and functionality. Correspondence regarding support should nevertheless be addressed to the author listed above. {title:Also see} Manual: {hi:[R] nptrend} {hi:[R] spearman} {p 0 19}On-line: help for {help nptrend}, {help ktau}, {help somersd} (if installed)