d 'JULIA': module to provide interface to Julia d d This package provides an interface to the free programming d language Julia. It provides three connections: 1) A "jl:" prefix d command that lets you send single-line commands from the Stata d prompt to Julia and see the results. 2) Subcommands such as d PutVarsToDF for high-speed copying of data between Julia and d Stata. 3) Julia functions for reading and writing Stata d variables, macros, matrices, and scalars. It runs in 64-bit d Windows, Linux, or macOS with an Intel or ARM CPU. On Intel Macs, d it may require at least macOS 11 (Big Sur) or 12 (Monterey) to d run reliably. d d KW: Julia d KW: plugins d d Requires: Stata version 14.1 and Julia 1.9 d d Distribution-Date: 20240818 d d Author: David Roodman d Support: email david@@davidroodman.com d f jl.ado f ../_/_jl.ado f jl.sthlp F ../s/stataplugininterface.jl G LINUX64 jl.pluginLINUX64 jl.plugin G MACARM64 jl.pluginMACARM64 jl.plugin G MACINTEL64 jl.pluginMACINTEL64 jl.plugin G WIN64 jl.pluginWIN64.dll jl.plugin h jl.plugin