p jaccard module to calculate Jaccard similarity or dissimilarity of sets p jarowinkler module to calculate the Jaro-Winkler distance between strings p jb module to perform Jarque-Bera test for normality on series p jb6 modules to perform Jarque-Bera test for normality p jc module to dynamically load and call Java plugins p jformat module to justify formats for a list of variables p jmpierce module to perform Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition p jmpierce2 module to compute trend decomposition of outcome differentials p jnsn module to fit Johnson distributions p johans module to perform Johansen-Juselius ML estimates of cointegration p joinvars module to join values of variables p jonter module to perform Jonckheere-Terpstra test p joy_plot module to produce joy plots p joyplot module to produce joyplots or ridgeline plots p jrule module to detect model misspecifications in SEM p jsonio module for I/O operations on JSON data p julia module to provide interface to Julia p jwdid module to estimate Difference-in-Difference models using Mundlak approach