*! version 2.15 Mai 28, 2024 @ 10:45:43 UK *! Decomposing total effects using the KHB method *! Support: ukohler@uni-potsdam.de * 1.0: New name (was dlp). First version sent to SSC * 1.1: Percentage of total added to disentangle table * 1.2: - Disentangle not worked varlist appreviations -> fixed * - New way to set vcetype * . Option -keep- * 1.3: -mlogit, outcome()- not worked with labeled depvar -> fixed * 1.4: Add facility to cooperate with -bootstrap- and -permute- * 1.5: Naming conventions changed to full, reduced, difference * 2.0: New standard errors, Move things to Mata * 2.1: Bug fix regarding suest * 2.2: vce(clustervar) did not work. Fixed * 2.3: Option or implemented * 2.4: Bug with Option -keep-; Fixed. Bug with option Concomittant. Fixed * 2.5: Erase SE from when user specified -ape- * 2.6: Allow xtlogit/xtprobit: factor variables for Z variables * 2.7: Backport to Stata 11 (No Factor variables for Z in Stata 11) * 2.8: Interactions in Z-Vars not used -> work in progress * 2.9: Option outcome not used for slogit -> fixed * 2.10: Option -continuous- not used. -> fixed * 2.11: S.E. incorrect with option -concomittant()- -> fixed * 2.12: Changes names of residuals stored with -khb ..., keep- * 2.13: Version 2.12 accidently outcommented a line. -> fixed * 2.14: Updated to Stata 17, removed some noisily debug lines * 2.15: iweights allowed // Caller Program // ============== program khb, eclass local caller = c(version) version 17 // Low level parsing // ----------------- syntax [anything] [if] [in] [aweight fweight pweight iweight] /// [, Concomitant(varlist fv) Summary ape Disentangle /// vce(string) Verbose Keep or /// continuous NOTable OUTcome(string) XStandard ZStandard nopost *] // Clean -permute-/-bootstrap- generated call local anything: subinstr local anything ") (" " || ", all local anything: subinstr local anything "(" "", all local anything: subinstr local anything ")" "", all gettoken model anything:anything gettoken Y anything:anything gettoken X Z: anything, parse("||") local Z: subinstr local Z "||" "" fvunab Z: `Z' local method = cond("`ape'"=="","KHB","APE") // Check for input errors // ---------------------- if strpos(`"`X'"',`"|"') > 0 { di as error /// `"Key variable of interest not specified;"' /// `" check position of "||"."' exit 198 } if `"`Z'"' == "" { di as error /// `"No mediator specified (Use "||" to separate mediators"' /// `" from variables to be decomposed)"' exit 198 } if "`model'" == "rologit" & "`ape'" != "" { di as error "Option ape not allowed for rologit" exit 198 } if "`weight'"!="" { local wexp [`weight'`exp'] local aweight [aweight`exp'] } marksample touse markout `touse' `Y' `X' `Z' `concomitant' if "`keep'" !="" { capture drop _khb_res* capture drop __KHB_ID_ gen long __KHB_ID_ = _n tempfile keep } preserve quietly keep if `touse' // Remove Z if constant // -------------------- foreach var of local Z { sum `var', meanonly if r(min) == r(max) { di as text `"Note: `var' is a constant in estimation sample; not used"' local remove `var' } } local Z: list Z - remove // Standardize // ----------- if `"`xstandard'"' == `"xstandard"' _KHB_Std `X', weight(`aweight') if `"`zstandard'"' == `"zstandard"' _KHB_Std `Z', weight(`aweight') // SUREG or SUEST? if "`weight'" == "pweight" | "`weight'" == "iweight" local suest suest if "`suest'" == "" & "`vce'" != "" local suest suest if "`suest'" == "" { foreach var of local Z { capture assert `var' == 0 | `var'==1 if !mi(`var') if !_rc local suest suest } } // Subprogram calling // ------------------ // Main table _KHB `model', y(`Y') x(`X') z(`Z') method(`method') /// c(`concomitant') `summary' `disentangle' vce(`vce') `notable' /// outcome(`outcome') `continuous' `options' `verbose' keep(`keep') /// weight(`wexp') `suest' `or' caller(`caller') tempname khb estimates store `khb' restore quietly estimates restore `khb' ereturn repost, esample(`touse') if "`keep'" != "" { merge 1:1 __KHB_ID_ using `keep', nogenerate assert(1 3) noreport drop __KHB_ID_ } end // Karlson/Holm/Breen Method // ========================= program _KHB, eclass syntax anything, y(varlist) x(varlist fv) z(varlist fv) method(string) /// [c(varlist fv) summary vce(string) NOTable continuous outcome(string) /// verbose weight(string) aweight(string) keep(string) disentangle suest /// or caller(string) *] local nofz: word count `z' if "`verbose'" != "" local verbose noisily unabcmd `anything' local model `r(cmd)' local typ1 regress rologit local typ2 logit ologit probit oprobit scobit cloglog clogit /// xtlogit xtprobit local typ3 mlogit slogit local typ4 slogit // Temporarily turn off if `: list posof "`model'" in typ1' > 0 local typ 1 if `: list posof "`model'" in typ2' > 0 local typ 2 if `: list posof "`model'" in typ3' > 0 local typ 3 if `: list posof "`model'" in typ4' > 0 local typ 4 if "`typ'" == "" { di "{txt} Note: `model' not supported. Output is experimental" local typ 2 } quietly { // Helper-Regression // ----------------- local zspec `z' if `caller' > 11.2 { foreach token of local z { local stubname: subinstr local token "." "_", all local stubname: subinstr local stubname "#" "_", all fvrevar `token', stub(_`stubname') if `"`r(varlist)'"' != `"`token'"' { local factor `r(varlist)' gettoken first rest: factor if "`rest'"=="" local zexp `zexp' `first' else local zexp `zexp' `: list clean rest' } else local zexp `zexp' `token' } local z `zexp' } else if `caller' < 12 { capture confirm numeric variable `z' if _rc == 101 { display as error /// "Factor variables for z-vars not allowed for Stata 11" exit 101 } } // Sureg or suest? if "`suest'" == "" { sureg `z' = `x' `c' `weight' // Store Residuals (for rescaling factor) foreach var of local z { tempname e`var' predict `e`var'', resid equation(`var') local elist `elist' `e`var'' char `e`var''[khbres] `var' } } else { if "`weight'" != "" | `=strpos("`vce'","cluster")' { if `=strpos("`vce'","cluster")' /// gettoken cluster clustervar: vce svyset `clustervar' `weight' local svy "svy:" } foreach var of local z { `svy' reg `var' `x' `c' tempname e`var' predict `e`var'', resid local elist `elist' `e`var'' char `e`var''[khbres] `var' estimates store e`var' local models `models' e`var' } suest `models', `=cond("`svy'"!="","svy","")' } // Keep results for Mata matrix _SURb = e(b) matrix list _SURb matrix _SURcov = e(V) // Full Model // ---------- // The model `verbose' `model' `y' `x' `z' `c' `weight', vce(`vce') `options' // Store features for ereturn local vcetype = cond("`=e(vcetype)'"!=".","`=e(vcetype)'","") if "`model'" == "mlogit" { local eqnames `e(eqnames)' local basename: word `e(k_eq_model_skip)' of `eqnames' local removed: list eqnames - basename local mlogitY: word 1 of `removed' local outcome = cond("`outcome'"=="","`mlogitY'","`outcome'") local predict predict(outcome(`outcome')) local base = e(baseout) } if "`model'" == "ologit" | "`model'" == "oprobit" | "`model'" == "slogit" { local predict predict(outcome(`outcome')) } local r2full = cond("`model'"=="regress",e(r2),e(r2_p)) local N = e(N) // Option APE if "`method'"=="APE" margins, dydx(*) post /// `continuous' `predict' // Define equation names for models if inlist("`model'","regress","logit","xtregress") local eqname "" else if inlist("`model'","ologit","oprobit","scobit","xtlogit","xtprobit") local eqname `y' else if inlist("`model'","mlogit") local eqname `outcome' else if inlist("`model'","slogit") local eqname dim1 // Store results matrix _FULLb = e(b) matrix _FULLcov = e(V) if "`method'" == "KHB" { matrix _FULLb = _FULLb[1,"`eqname':"] matrix _FULLcov = _FULLcov["`eqname':"1,"`eqname':"] } // Reduced model // ------------- `verbose' `model' `y' `x' `elist' `c' `weight', vce(`vce') `options' // Option APE if "`method'"=="APE" margins, dydx(*) post /// `continuous' `predict' matrix _REDUCEDb = e(b) matrix _REDUCEDcov = e(V) if "`method'" == "KHB" { matrix _REDUCEDb = _REDUCEDb[1,"`eqname':"] matrix _REDUCEDcov = _REDUCEDcov["`eqname':"1,"`eqname':"] } // Call Mata Function // ------------------- // Coef names of Concommitant if "`c'" != "" { reg `y' `c' local Cnames: colnames e(b) } // Coefnames in Helper Regresson local SURxnames: colnames _SURb local SURxnames: list uniq SURxnames local SURxnames: list SURxnames - Cnames /* 2.13: brought back in this line */ local SURxnames: subinstr local SURxnames " _cons" "", all local SURxnames: subinstr local SURxnames " " `"",""' , all // Z variables local FULLznames: subinstr local z " " `"",""' , all // Coefnames of Full model local FULLxnames: colnames _FULLb local FULLxnames: list FULLxnames - z local FULLxnames: list FULLxnames - Cnames local FULLxnames: subinstr local FULLxnames " _cons" "", all local FULLxnames: subinstr local FULLxnames " " `"",""' , all // Call it mata: khb(("`SURxnames'"),("`FULLznames'"),("`FULLxnames'"),("`method'")) // Calculate Summary table // ---------------------- if "`summary'"!="" { // Naive total effects // -------------------- `model' `y' `x' `c' `weight', vce(`vce') `options' // Store for ereturn local r2naive = e(r2_p) // Option APE if "`method'"=="APE" margins, dydx(*) post /// `continuous' `predict' matrix _NAIVEb = e(b) matrix _NAIVEcov = e(V) if "`method'" == "KHB" { matrix _NAIVEb = _NAIVEb[1,"`eqname':"] matrix _NAIVEcov = _NAIVEcov["`eqname':"1,"`eqname':"] } local NAIVExnames: colnames _NAIVEb local NAIVExnames: list NAIVExnames - Cnames local NAIVExnames: subinstr local NAIVExnames " _cons" "", all local NAIVExnames: subinstr local NAIVExnames " " `"",""' , all mata: khb_summary(("`NAIVExnames'")) } // Disentangle table // ------------------- if "`disentangle'" != "" { mata: khb_disentangle(("`FULLznames'"),("`FULLxnames'")) } } // Output // ------ if "`model'" == "regress" local title "{res}Linear Probability Models" else local title "the {res}`method'{txt}-Method" if "`model'" == "regress" local fit "R-squared" else local fit "Pseudo R2" // Header di _n `"{txt}Decomposition using `title'"' di _n `"{txt}Model-Type: {res} `model'{txt}"' /// _col(52)`"Number of obs ={res}"' %8.0f `N' di `"{txt}Variables of Interest:{res} `x'{txt}"' /// _col(52) `"{txt}`fit' ={res}"' %8.2f `r2full' di `"{txt}Z-variable(s):{res} `zspec'"' if "`c'" != "" di `"{txt}Concomitant:{res} `c'"' if "`model'" == "mlogit" di "{txt}Results for outcome {res}`outcome'" /// `"{txt} and base outcome {res}`basename'"' // Table of coefficients if "`or'" != "" local eform eform(or) ereturn post _b _V, esample(`touse') obs(`N') depname(`y') ereturn local vcetype `vcetype' if "`notable'" == "" { ereturn display, `eform' if "`method'" == "APE" display /// "{txt} Note: Standard errors of difference not known" /// " for APE method" } // Summary table if "`summary'" != "" { local rescaletitle /// = cond("`method'"=="KHB","Resc_Fact","Dist_Sens") local rspec forv i = 2/`=rowsof(_SUMMARY)' { local rspec `rspec'& } // Display table matrix colnames _SUMMARY = Conf_ratio Conf_Pct `rescaletitle' matlist _SUMMARY /// , rowtitle(Variable) title(Summary of confounding) /// cspec(o4& %12s | %10.0g & %10.2f & %10.0g o2&) /// rspec(&-`rspec'-) ereturn matrix Naive_b _NAIVEb ereturn matrix Naive_V _NAIVEcov // Ereturn Info in Summary as scalar local rownames: rownames _SUMMARY local i 1 foreach row of local rownames { local row: subinstr local row "." "_" local rescale = cond("`method'"=="KHB","rescale","distsens") ereturn scalar ratio_`row' = _SUMMARY[`i',1] ereturn scalar pct_`row' = _SUMMARY[`i',2] ereturn scalar `rescale'_`row' = _SUMMARY[`i++',3] } matrix drop _SUMMARY } // Disentangle table if "`disentangle'" != "" { local rspec forv i = 2/`=rowsof(_DISENTANGLE)' { local rspec `rspec'& } // Display table matlist _DISENTANGLE /// , rowtitle(Z-Variable) title(Components of Difference) /// cspec(o4& %12s | %9.0g & %9.0g & %9.2f & %9.2f o2&) /// rspec(&-`rspec'-) ereturn matrix disentangle _DISENTANGLE } // Nonstandard Returns // ------------------- ereturn local cmd khb ereturn local model `model' ereturn local method `method' ereturn local depvar `y' ereturn local key_vars `x' ereturn local mediator_vars `z' if "`c'" !="" local concomitant_vars `c' ereturn local title Decomposition ereturn local vce `vcetype' ereturn matrix Reduced_V _REDUCEDcov ereturn matrix Reduced_b _REDUCEDb ereturn matrix Full_V _FULLcov ereturn matrix Full_b _FULLb ereturn matrix SUR_V _SURcov ereturn matrix SUR_b _SURb ereturn matrix Diff_V _Vdiff // Keep residuals // -------------- local i 1 if "`keep'" != "" { capture drop _khb_res* foreach var of varlist `elist' { local name ``var'[khbres]' ren `var' _khb_res_`name' } keep __KHB_ID_ _khb_res* quietly save `keep' } end // Subprogram for standardization // ============================== program _KHB_Std syntax varlist(fv) [, weight(string)] if strpos("`varlist'",".") > 0 { di as error "Factor variables not allowed with option xstandard" exit 198 } tempvar z foreach var of local varlist { quietly { sum `var' `weight' gen double z = (`var' - r(mean))/r(sd) drop `var' ren z `var' } } end exit