help for ^labdtch^ 

Detach value labels -------------------

^labdtch^ varlist

Description -----------

^labdtch^ detaches value labels from the variables in varlist.

Remarks -------

Suppose you define value labels, attach them to variables, and then later change your mind about attaching labels.

Even if you drop the value labels, according to Stata, for example the ^describe^ or ^codebook^ commands, the variables continue to have labels attached: it is just that those labels do not exist.

Labels can be detached from varname by

^label values^ varname

^labdtch^ makes it easy to do this with a varlist.

^labdtch^ does not drop value labels. For that, use ^label drop^.

^labdtch^ ignores any string variables in varlist.

Examples --------

. ^labdtch foreign^

The following detaches all value labels from variables (possibly useful, but also dangerous): . ^labdtch _all^

Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

On-line: help for @label@, @labedit@ (if installed) Manual: ^[U] 15.6^, ^[R] label^