.- help for ^lablog^ .-Define value labels for log base 10 numbers -------------------------------------------
^lablog^ valuelabelname ^, v^alues^(^numlist^)^ [ ^m^ax^(^#^) l^ist ]
Description -----------
^lablog^ defines value labels for values which are base 10 logarithms containing the antilogged values.
The ^label define^ ... ^, modify^ command that defines the labels is echoed to the monitor.
Remarks -------
Suppose you have a variable which contains numbers which are base 10 logarithms of some other numbers. On a graph you wish to have labelling in the original antilogged or exponentiated scale, so that 0 appears as 1, 1 as 10, -1 as 0.1, and so forth. ^lablog^ is designed for this problem.
^lablog logs, v(1/6)^ for example is equivalent to
^label def logs 1 "10" 2 "100" 3 "1000" 4 "10000" 5 "100000" 6 "1000000"^ ^, modify^ after which you may attach the value labels in ^logs^ to one or more variables.
The format here with each zero digit explicit may be unacceptable for very big or very small numbers. By default labels for integers >= 7 or <= -7 are defined as powers of 10 such as ^"10^^7"^ or ^"10^^-7"^. The threshold at which this change of format takes place may be tuned by the option ^max( )^.
Note that Stata does not permit value labels to be attached to non-integers.
Options -------
^values(^numlist^)^ specifies a numlist of integers whose value labels are to be modified (added or changed). This is a required option.
^max(^#^)^ specifies a maximum level at which the format of the value labels changes to powers of 10 rather than numbers with each zero digit specified. ^max(5)^ would mean that the value labels for 4, 5, -4 and -5 would be ^"10000"^, ^"10^^5"^, ^"0.0001"^ and ^"10^^-5"^, respectively. See also Remarks above.
^list^ invokes ^label list^ valuelabelname after the modifications. Examples --------
. ^lablog logs, v(1/6)^ . ^lablog logs, v(1/6) m(5)^ . ^lab val lincome logs^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk
Also see --------
On-line: help for @label@, @numlist@ Manual: ^[U] 15.6^, ^[R] label^