Define mapped value labels --------------------------
^labmap^ valuelabelname ^, v^alues^(^integer numlist^) l^abels^(^numlist^)^ > [ ^pre^fix^(^str^) post^fix^(^str^) l^ist label_options ] ^labmap^ valuelabelname ^, v^alues^(^integer numlist^) f^irst^(^#^) s^tep^( > ^#^)^ [ ^m^aximum^(^#^) pre^fix^(^str^) post^fix^(^str^) l^ist label_options ]
Description -----------
^labmap^ defines value labels using a mapping from numeric values to numeric labels. This is best explained by example.
Suppose you have a time variable which is minutes after midnight, so that 0 = 12 am, 720 = 12 pm, 1440 = next 12 am, but you wish to have value labels which are hours. This could be done by specifying labels one by one with ^label define^, but ^labmap^ offers a systematic alternative.
There are two syntaxes, one using ^labels()^ and one using ^first() step()^ [ ^max()^ ] to specify the numbers to be used as labels.
Options -------
^values(^integer numlist^)^ specifies a numlist of integers whose value labels > are to be defined. This is a required option.
^labels(^numlist^)^ specifies a numlist of labels. If ^labels()^ is specified, ^values()^ and ^labels()^ must contain the same number of elements after expansion.
^first(^#^)^ specifies the first label.
^step(^#^)^ specifies the step between labels.
^maximum(^#^)^ specifies the maximum label.
^prefix^ adds text at the beginning of each label.
^postfix^ adds text at the end of each label.
^list^ invokes ^label list^ valuelabelname after the changes produced.
label_options are options of ^label define^, namely ^add^, ^modify^ and (Stata 7 only) ^nofix^. See help on @label@. Examples --------
^. labmap time, v(0(60)1440) l(12 1/12 1/12)^
^. labmap time, v(0(60)1440) f(12) m(12) s(1)^
^. labmap time, v(0(60)660) f(12) m(12) s(1) post(" am")^ ^. labmap time, v(720(60)1380) f(12) m(12) s(1) post(" pm") add^ ^. labmap time, v(1440) l(12) post(" am") add^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Also see --------
On-line: help for @label@, @numlist@ Manual: ^[U] 15.6^, ^[R] label^