{smcl} {* version 1.0.4 08jun2012}{...} {cmd:help labrec} {hline} {p 5 8 8} {cmd:labrec} has been superseded by {helpb labrecode} which is also part of {help labutil2} package. {cmd:labrec} will not be removed from the package, but there will be no further updates. See {help labrec##r:Remarks}. {title:Title} {p 5} {cmd:labrec} {hline 2} Modify value labels and recode variables they are attached to {title:Syntax} {p 8} {cmd:labrec} {it:namelist} {cmd:(}{it:rule}{cmd:)} [{cmd:(}{it:rule}{cmd:)} {it:...}] [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {p 5} where {it:namelist} is a list of value label names, a {varlist}, or a combination of the two {p 5} {it:rule} is {p 8} {it:{help numlist}} {cmd:=} {it:#} [{cmd:"}{it:label}{cmd:"}] {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:labrec} modifies value labels and recodes all variables they are attached to accordingly. In value labels, values specified in {it:numlist} are changed to {it:#} and any text associated with values in {it:numlist} is deleted from the value label. A user defined {it:label} is associated with {it:#}. If no {it:label} is specified {cmd:labrec} combines text associated with values in {it:numlist} and attaches it to {it:#}. {pstd} {hi:Caution:} Modifications affect all variables that have the same value label as one variables in {it:namelist} attached. The program alters existing variables. See {help labrec##r:Remarks}. {title:Options} {phang} {opt noch:ange} recode value labels but not variables. {phang} {opt nol:abel} prevents {cmd:labrec} from creating labels if the user does not provide them. Default is to combine text associated with values in {it:numlist} and attach it to {it:#}. Note that specifying {opt nolabel} does not detach text from {it:#}. To do this specify {hi:""} as {it:label} in {it:rules}. {phang} {opt a:dd} adds text associated with values in {it:numlist} to text associated with {it:#} if no user defined {it:label} is provided. May not be combined with {opt nolabel}. {phang} {opt sep:arate(chars)} specifies the separator between labels. Default is to use space ({hi:" "}). May not be specified with {opt nolabel}. {phang} {opt nodel:ete} does not delete text associated with values in {it:numlist} from value labels. This option is seldom used. {marker r} {title:Remarks} {pstd} {cmd:labrec} violates Stata conventions. Specifying variable {hi:foo} in {it:namelist}, changes variable {hi:foo}. It also changes variable {hi:bar}, if {hi:bar} has the same value label, say {hi:foobar}, attached. In fact, any variable that has value label {hi:foobar} attached will be recoded, even though neither variable {hi:bar} nor value label name {hi:foobar} is ever specified. I thank Daniel Possenriede for bringing this to may attention again. {cmd:labrec} will continue to work the way it did, but is superseded by {helpb labrecode}. Specifying variable names in {it:namelist} is allowed with {cmd:labrecode}, but this feature has to be requested by the user. {title:Examples} {pstd} In the {hi:nlsw88} dataset, change value 2 in {hi:racelbl} and {hi:race} to value 3. Attach text "black" to value 3. Delete the association between value 2 and text "black" from {hi:racelbl}. {phang2}{cmd:. labrec racelbl (2 = 3)}{p_end} {pstd} Do the same as above, but keep text "other" attached to value 3. {phang2}{cmd:. labrec racelbl (2 = 3) ,nolabel}{p_end} {pstd} Do the same as above, but attach text "other black" to value 3. {phang2}{cmd:. labrec racelbl (2 = 3) ,add}{p_end} {pstd} Do the same as above, but delete value 3 from {hi:racelbl}. {phang2}{cmd:. labrec racelbl (2 = 3 "")}{p_end} {pstd} In value label {hi:occlbl} change values 1 and 2 to value 14 and attach text "Prof./Managers". Also change value 9 to value 10. Attach text "Farmers Farm laborers" to value 10. {phang2}{cmd:. labrec occupation (1 2 = 14 "Prof./Managers")} {cmd:(9/10 = 10)}{p_end} {pstd} Note that option {opt add} is not needed here, because value 10 is part of {it:numlist}. Variable {hi:occupation} is recoded accordingly as would be any other variable using value label {hi:occlbl}. {pstd} Reverses value label {hi:racelbl} and recode variable {hi:race} accordingly. {phang2}{cmd:. labrec race (1=3)(3=1)}{p_end} {title:Author} {pstd}Daniel Klein, University of Bamberg, klein.daniel.81@gmail.com {title:Also see} {psee} Online: {help label}{p_end} {psee} if installed: {help labvalch}, {help rev}, {help strrec}, {help labutil2} {p_end}