{smcl} {cmd:help labutil2} {hline} {title:Title} {p 5} {cmd:labutil2} {hline 2} Manage value and variable labels {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:labutil2} is a bundle of programs to manage value labels, variable labels and more. Programs are listed below. {pstd} Some of the programs modify existing value labels and/or variables that are not explicitly specified. This behavior violates Stata conventions. Read the help files carefully, before using the programs. {dlgtab:Index} {p 4}{...} {hi:New value labels} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help labascii}}Define value labels from ASCII (text) file{p_end} {synopt:{help labcpy}}Modify copy of value label{p_end} {synopt:{help labdeval}}Define value labels matching variable names{p_end} {synopt:{help labvalpool}}Pool (sets of) value labels{p_end} {p 4}{...} {hi:Modify existing value labels} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help labmm}}Modify multiple value labels{p_end} {synopt:{help labren}}Rename value labels{p_end} {synopt:{help labvalch3}}Change text in value labels{p_end} {p 4}{...} {hi:Value label information} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help dslab}}Search for string in value labels{p_end} {synopt:{help labellist}}List value labels and more{p_end} {synopt:{help uselab}}List value labels and variables using them{p_end} {p 4}{...} {hi:Variable labels} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help labvars}}Label list of variables{p_end} {p 4}{...} {hi:Create variables} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help labgen2}}Create labeled variable{p_end} {p 4}{...} {hi:Change variables} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help labmv}}Change numeric values to extended missing values preserving value labels{p_end} {synopt:{help labmvs}}Change numeric values associated with value labels to extended missing values{p_end} {synopt:{help labrecode}}Modify value labels and recode variables they are attached to{p_end} {p 4}{...} {hi:Data cleaning} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help labdu}}Drop unused value labels from memory or delete values from value labels{p_end} {synopt:{help labundef}}List undefined value labels in current dataset{p_end} {synopt:{help labvalcl}}Clear value labels of null strings{p_end} {p 4}{...} {hi:Programming} {synoptset 12 tabbed}{...} {synopt:{help labunab}}Unbbreviate value label list{p_end} {title:Acknowledgments} {pstd} {cmd:labutil2} is inspired by the original {stata findit labutil:labutil} package written by Nick Cox. {title:Author} {pstd}Daniel Klein, University of Kassel, klein.daniel.81@gmail.com {title:Also see} {psee} Online: {help label}{p_end} {psee} if installed: {help labcd}, {help labcopy}, {help labdel}, {help lablog}, {help labdtch}, {help labmap}, {help labnoeq}, {help labvarch}, {help labvalch}, {help labmask}, {help labvalclone}, {help labvalcombine}{p_end}