help ldir



ldir Clickable list of folder names

Syntax ldir [ stub ] [ , hidden ]


ldir lists the names of folders or directories in compact form and allow to click on the names to make it the working directory.

If stub is specified, only folders with names containing stub are listed.

If Nick Winter's user written program fastcd has been used to define bookmarks, those bookmarks are also shown. In addition ldir shows the clickable link [+] for adding the current working directory to the list of bookmarks. If the current working directory is already bookmarked the clickable link [-] can be used to remove it from the list of bookmarks.

The list of foldernames is returned in r(folders), so long as that is not empty.


hidden By default, ldir does not list folder names starting with "."; these are the so called "hidden" folders on Linux/UNIX systems. The option hidden lists these folders as well.


. ldir


ldir is build from Nick Cox's program folders available on SSC. I would like to thank Nick Cox for allowing me to distribute ldir on SSC

Also see

Manual: [R] dir; [R] cd; [R] pwd

Online: help for dirtools; help for folders (if installed)


Ulrich Kohler email: web:

Address: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin Reichpietschufer 50 10785 Berlin Germany