*! version 1.2 Juni 11, 2014 @ 23:20:43 *! Clickable list of gph files * 0.1 Initial version * 0.2 File names sorted alphabetically * 0.3 Allow filename stubs, rclass type * 1.0 Makes lgphout intern * 1.1 Bug with ouption erase -> fixed * 1.2 Open eps in the backround // Caller Program // -------------- program lgph, rclass version 10.0 gettoken subcmd rest: 0 if "`subcmd'"=="GPHOUT" { GPHOUT `rest' } else { LISTIT `0' return local files `"`r(files)'"' } end // LISTIT // ------ program LISTIT, rclass version 10.0 syntax [name] [, Erase] local names: dir `"`c(pwd)'"' files "`namelist'*.gph" local names: list sort names foreach name of local names { if "`erase'" != "" /// local eitem `"[{stata `"erase "`name'""':{err}erase}]"' display /// `"{txt}`eitem'"' /// `" [{stata `"graph use "`name'""':display}]"' /// `" [{stata `"lgph GPHOUT "`name'", print"':print}]"' /// `" [{stata `"lgph GPHOUT "`name'", export"':toeps}]"' /// `" {res} `name' "' } display _n `"{txt}Click [{stata `"ldir"':here}] for other links"' return local files `"`names'"' end // Tranfer GPH-Files // ----------------- program GPHOUT version 10.0 syntax anything [, export print] if c(os)=="Unix" { local open shell xdg-open local back ">& /dev/null &" } else if c(os)=="Windows" local open winexec start else if c(os)=="MacOSX" local open shell open if "`export'" == "export" { graph use `anything' local fname = subinstr(`anything',".gph","",1) quietly graph export "`fname'.eps", replace display /// `" {res} `fname'.eps {txt}created "' /// `" [{stata `"`open' "`fname'.eps" `back'"':open}]"' } if "`print'" == "print" { graph use `anything' graph print } end exit Author: Ulrich Kohler Tel +49 (0)30 25491 361 Fax +49 (0)30 25491 360 Email kohler@wzb.eu exit Author: Ulrich Kohler Tel +49 (0)30 25491 361 Fax +49 (0)30 25491 360 Email kohler@wzb.eu