/* diagvar *! VERSION 1.0 28/09/2012 keyword: eclass */ VERSION 11.0 INCLUDE _std_large INCLUDE _ht260 INCLUDE header HELP hlp1, view("help var") RESET res1 DIALOG main, label("diagvar - (VAR) Breusch-Pagan Diagonal Covariance Matrix Test") /* */ tabtitle("Model") BEGIN DEFINE _x _xsetbu DEFINE _y _top INCLUDE _bu_tsset TEXT tx_dv _lft _topph 129 ., /* */ label("Dependent Variables:") VARLIST vl_dv @ _ss _iwd ., /* */ label("Dependent Variables") ts CHECKBOX ck_nocons _lft _ms _cwd1 ., /* */ label("No Constant") /* */ option("noconstant") GROUPBOX gb_lags _lft _ls _iwd _ht2 , /* */ label("VAR Lag Order") SPINNER sp_lags1 _ilft _ms _spwd ., /* */ min(1) max(c(N)) default(1) /* */ label("VAR Lag Order") CHECKBOX ck_exog _lft _xxls _cwd1 ., /* */ label("Exogenous Variables:") /* */ onclickon(gaction main.vl_exog.enable) /* */ onclickoff(gaction main.vl_exog.disable) VARLIST vl_exog _indent2 _ss _ibwd ., /* */ label("Exogenous Variables") ts /* */ option("exog") END DIALOG opt, tabtitle("Model 2") BEGIN /* column 1 */ CHECKBOX ck_constr _lft _top _cwd1 _ht15h, /* */ groupbox /* */ label("Constraints") /* */ onclickon(program constr_on) /* */ onclickoff(script constr_off) COMBOBOX cb_constr _indent _ms _cwd3 ., /* */ append /* */ dropdown /* */ contents(constraint) /* */ label("Constraints") /* */ option("constraints") RADIO rb_sure @ _ls _cwd3 ., first /* */ label("Use iterated SURE") /* */ onclickon(program sure) CHECKBOX ck_nolog _indent2 _ss _cwd5 ., /* */ label("Suppress SURE iteration log") /* */ option(nolog) DEFINE holdy @y DEFINE holdx @x SPINNER sp_iter @ _ms _spwd ., /* */ label("iterate") /* */ min(1) /* */ max(1600) /* */ default(1600) /* */ option("iterate") TEXT tx_sep _spsep @ 100 ., /* */ label("Maximum iterations") EDIT ed_tol holdx _ms _en7wd ., /* */ option("tolerance") /* */ default(.000001) /* */ numonly /* */ label("Convergence tolerance") TEXT tx_tol _en7sep @ 130 ., /* */ label("Convergence tolerance") RADIO rb_noisure _ilft _ls _cwd3 ., last /* */ label("Use one-step SURE") /* */ onclickon(script noisure) /* */ option(noisure) GROUPBOX gb_adv _lft +35 _iwd _ht2, /* */ label("Advanced") CHECKBOX ck_nobigf _ilft _ss _ibwd ., /* */ label("Do not compute parameter vector for coefficients implicitly set to zero")/* */ option(nobigf) /* column 2 */ CHECKBOX ck_dfk _lft2 _top _cwd1 ., /* */ label("Small sample d.f. adjustment") /* */ option(dfk) CHECKBOX ck_small @ _ms @ ., /* */ label("Report small sample t and F statistics") /* */ option(small) END INCLUDE byifin DIALOG rpt, tabtitle("Reporting") BEGIN DEFINE _x _lft DEFINE _cx _spr2 DEFINE _y _top INCLUDE _sp_level GROUPBOX gb_tests _lft _ls _iwd _ht2, /* */ label("Additional test statistics") CHECKBOX ck_luts _ilft _ss _inwd ., /* */ option(lutstats) /* */ label("Report Lutkepohl lag-order selection statistics") DEFINE _x _lft DEFINE _y _xls DEFINE _cx _iwd INCLUDE _nocnsreport DEFINE _x _lft DEFINE _y _ms DEFINE _cx _iwd INCLUDE _vsquish END PROGRAM constr_on BEGIN call gaction opt.cb_constr.enable call gaction opt.rb_sure.enable call gaction opt.rb_noisure.enable if opt.rb_sure { call gaction opt.ck_nolog.enable call gaction opt.sp_iter.enable call gaction opt.tx_sep.enable call gaction opt.ed_tol.enable call gaction opt.tx_tol.enable } END SCRIPT constr_off BEGIN opt.cb_constr.disable opt.rb_sure.disable opt.ck_nolog.disable opt.sp_iter.disable opt.tx_sep.disable opt.ed_tol.disable opt.tx_tol.disable opt.rb_noisure.disable END PROGRAM sure BEGIN if opt.ck_constr { call gaction opt.ck_nolog.enable call gaction opt.sp_iter.enable call gaction opt.tx_sep.enable call gaction opt.ed_tol.enable call gaction opt.tx_tol.enable } END SCRIPT noisure BEGIN opt.ck_nolog.disable opt.sp_iter.disable opt.tx_sep.disable opt.ed_tol.disable opt.tx_tol.disable END PROGRAM command BEGIN INCLUDE _by_pr put "var" varlist main.vl_dv INCLUDE _ifin_pr beginoptions option main.ck_nocons put "lags(1/" put main.sp_lags1 put ") " if main.ck_exog { require main.vl_exog optionarg main.vl_exog } if opt.ck_constr { require opt.cb_constr optionarg opt.cb_constr } option opt.ck_nobigf option opt.rb_noisure optionarg /hidedefault opt.sp_iter optionarg /hidedefault opt.ed_tol option opt.ck_nolog option opt.ck_small option opt.ck_dfk optionarg /hidedefault rpt.sp_level option rpt.ck_luts INCLUDE _nocnsreport_pr INCLUDE _vsquish_pr endoptions END