{smcl} {* 12oct2006}{...} {hline} help for {hi:lmoments8} {hline} {title:L-moments and derived statistics} {p 8 17 2}{cmd:lmoments8} [{it:varlist}] [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] [{cmd:,} {cmdab:all:obs} {cmdab:d:etail} {cmdab:m:atname(}{it:matrix_name}{cmd:)} {it:tabdisp_options} {cmd:variablenames} {cmd:se}[{cmd:(}{it:matrix_list_options}{cmd:)}] ] {p 8 17 2}{cmd:lmoments8} {it:varname} [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] [{cmd:,} {cmdab:all:obs} {cmd:by(}{it:varlist}{cmd:)} {cmdab:d:etail} {cmdab:g:enerate(}{it:specification}{cmd:)} {cmdab:m:atname(}{it:matrix_name}{cmd:)} {it:tabdisp_options} {cmd:se}[{cmd:(}{it:matrix_list_options}{cmd:)}] ] {p 4 4 2}{cmd:by ... :} may also be used with {cmd:lmoments8}: see help on {help by}. {title:Description} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:lmoments8} calculates L-moments and derived statistics for a {it:varlist}. Any string variables in {it:varlist} are ignored. Specifically, the first four L-moments and the derived statistics t, t_3 and t_4 are calculated for each variable in {it:varlist}. Stata 8 is required. At the time of writing, {cmd:lmoments} is the latest version of this program: it requires Stata 9. {title:Remarks} {p 4 4 2}Denote by X(j:n) the j th smallest observation from a sample of size n from a variable X and by E the expectation operator. {p 4 4 2}The first four L-moments are defined by E (X(1:1)), 1/2 E (X(2:2) - X(1:2)), 1/3 E (X(3:3) - 2 X(2:3) + X(1:3)) and 1/4 E (X(4:4) - 3 X(3:4) + 3 X(2:4) - X(1:4)). {p 4 4 2}They are estimated via these weighted averages for a sample x_1, ..., x_n, otherwise known as probability-weighted moments: b_0 = average of x(j:n), j - 1 b_1 = average of {hline 5} x(j:n), n - 1 j - 1 j - 2 b_2 = average of {hline 5} {hline 5} x(j:n) and n - 1 n - 2 j - 1 j - 2 j - 3 b_3 = average of {hline 5} {hline 5} {hline 5} x(j:n). n - 1 n - 2 n - 3 {p 4 4 2} The estimators are l_1 = b_0, l_2 = 2 b_1 - b_0, l_3 = 6 b_2 - 6 b_1 + b_0 and l_4 = 20 b_3 - 30 b_2 + 12 b_1 - b_0, {p 4 4 2}whence t = l_2 / l_1 (cf. coefficient of variation), t_3 = l_3 / l_2 (cf. skewness) and t_4 = l_4 / l_2 (cf. kurtosis). {title:Options} {p 4 8 2}{cmd:allobs} specifies use of the maximum possible number of observations for each variable. The default is to use only those observations for which all variables in {it:varlist} are not missing. {p 4 8 2}{cmd:by()} specifies one or more variables defining distinct groups for which L-moments should be calculated. {cmd:by()} is allowed only with a single {it:varname}. The choice between {cmd:by:} and {cmd:by()} is partly one of precisely what kind of output display is required. The display with {cmd:by:} is clearly structured by groups while that with {cmd:by()} is more compact. To show L-moments for several variables and several groups with a single call to {cmd:lmoments8}, the display with {cmd:by:} is essential. {p 4 8 2}{cmd:detail} specifies a full display of results. By default, n, l_1, l_2, t_3 and t_4 are shown. {cmd:detail} adds l_3, l_4 and t. {p 4 8 2}{cmd:generate()} specifies one or more new variables to hold calculated results. {cmd:generate()} is allowed only with a single {it:varname}. This option is most useful when you want to save L-moments calculated for several groups for further analysis. Note that {cmd:generate()} is not allowed with the {cmd:by:} prefix: use the {cmd:by()} option instead. Values for the new variables will necessarily be identical for all observations in each group: typically it will be useful to select just one observation for each group, say by using {help egen:egen, tag()}. {p 8 8 2} The specification consists of one or more space-separated elements {it:newvar}{cmd:=}{it:statistic}, where {it:newvar} is a new variable name and {it:statistic} is one of {cmd:n}, {cmd:l_1}, {cmd:l_2}, {cmd:l_3}, {cmd:l_4}, {cmd:t}, {cmd:t_3} or {cmd:t_4}. Omission of the underscore, as in {cmd:l1}, {cmd:l2}, {cmd:l3}, {cmd:l4}, {cmd:t3} and {cmd:t4}, is also allowed. {p 4 8 2}{cmd:matname()} specifies the name of a matrix in which to save the results of (the last set of) calculations. There will be 8 columns. The columns will contain n, l_1, l_2, l_3, l_4, t, t_3 and t_4. The matrix will contain missing values if n < 4 or l_1 == 0 or l_2 == 0. {p 4 8 2}{it:tabdisp_options} are options of {help tabdisp}. The default display has {cmd:format(%9.3f)}. {p 4 8 2}{cmd:variablenames} specifies that the variable names of {it:varlist} should be used in display. The default is to use variable labels to indicate a set of variables. {p 4 8 2}{cmd:se} specifies that the variance matrix of sample L-moments and the standard error vector of sample L-moments and derived ratios be displayed. The variance matrix of sample L-moments is estimated using the exact unbiased distribution-free estimator of Elamir and Seheult (2004). Note that negative estimates of each variance are possible, especially with very small samples. The standard errors of sample L-moments are the square roots of the diagonal elements of that matrix. The standard errors of t, t_3 and t_4 are obtained from the variances of ratios l_2/l_1, l_3/l_2, l_4/l_2 using Taylor-series-based approximations: for a ratio U/V, {p 8 8 2}var(U/V) = {c -(}var(U)/E(U)^2 + var(V)/E(V)^2 - 2 cov(U,V)/(E(U) E(V)){c )-} {c -(}E(U)/E(V){c )-}^2. {p 8 8 2}This information is reported for the last-named variable or group only. However, {cmd:by:} may be used to obtain listings of standard errors for each of several groups. {cmd:se} may be specified with options of {help matrix list} to tune the display of the matrices. This option can be rather slow for large sample sizes. {title:Examples} {p 4 8 2}{cmd:. lmoments8 price-foreign} {p 4 8 2}{cmd:. bysort rep78: lmoments8 mpg} {p 4 8 2}{cmd:. lmoments8 mpg, by(rep78) generate(mean=l1 L2=l2 L_CV=t)} {p 4 8 2}{cmd:. lmoments8 c, se(format(%9.4f))} {title:Saved results} {p 4 4 2}(for last-named variable or group only) r(N) n r(l_1) l_1 r(l_2) l_2 r(l_3) l_3 r(l_4) l_4 r(t) t r(t_3) t_3 r(t_4) t_4 r(b_1) b_1 r(b_2) b_2 r(b_3) b_3 if {cmd:se} specified only: r(V) variance matrix of l_1 ... l_4 r(SE) standard error vector of l_1 ... l_4 t t_3 t_4 {title:Acknowledgements} {p 4 4 2}{cmd:lmoments8} includes code from Patrick Royston's {cmd:lshape} program. Allan Seheult kindly provided and discussed reprints of his joint work. {title:Author} {p 4 4 2}Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University, U.K.{break} n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk {title:References} {p 4 8 2}{browse "http://www.research.ibm.com/people/h/hosking/lmoments.html": The L-moments page} {p 4 8 2}Elamir, E.A.H. and A.H. Seheult. 2004. Exact variance structure of sample L-moments. {it:Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference} 124: 337{c -}359. {p 4 8 2}Hosking, J.R.M. 1990. L-moments: Analysis and estimation of distributions using linear combinations of order statistics. {it:Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} Series B 52: 105{c -}124. {p 4 8 2}Hosking, J.R.M. 1998. L-moments. In Kotz, S., C.B. Read and D.L. Banks (eds) {it:Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Update Volume 2.} New York: Wiley, 357{c -}362. {p 4 8 2}Hosking, J.R.M. and J.R. Wallis. 1997. {it:Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on L-moments.} Cambridge University Press. {p 4 8 2}Royston, P. 1992. Which measures of skewness and kurtosis are best? {it:Statistics in Medicine} 11: 333{c -}343.