******************************************************************************* *type logitfe.ado *! logitfe v3.0.3 mgonza 24Feb2017 *capture program drop logitfe program logitfe, eclass byable(recall) sortpreserve version 11.2, missing local version : di "version " string(_caller()) ", missing:" local logitfe_cmd "logitfe" local cmdline "`logitfe_cmd' `*'" syntax varlist(min=2 fv ts) [if] [in] [, /* */ NOCorrection /* */ ANalytical /* */ LAGS(integer 0) /* */ JACKknife /* */ SS1 /* */ SS2 /* */ MULtiple(integer 0) Individuals Time /* */ JS /* */ SJ /* */ JJ /* */ DOUBLE /* */ IEFFECTS(string) /* */ TEFFECTS(string) /* */ IBIAS(string) /* */ TBIAS(string) /* */ POPulation(integer 0)] gettoken depvar indepvar : varlist _fv_check_depvar `depvar' ******************************************************************************* *Validate ieffects, teffects, ibias and tbias options if "`ieffects'" != "" { local ans Y N local ansnames yes no local ans1 : list posof "`ieffects'" in ansnames if !`ans1' { di as err "Error: -ieffects- must be chosen from -`ansnames'-." exit 198 } } if "`teffects'" != "" { local ans Y N local ansnames yes no local ans1 : list posof "`teffects'" in ansnames if !`ans1' { di as err "Error: -teffects- must be chosen from -`ansnames'-." exit 198 } } if "`ibias'" != "" { local ans Y N local ansnames yes no local ans1 : list posof "`ibias'" in ansnames if !`ans1' { di as err "Error: -ibias- must be chosen from -`ansnames'-." exit 198 } } if "`tbias'" != "" { local ans Y N local ansnames yes no local ans1 : list posof "`tbias'" in ansnames if !`ans1' { di as err "Error: -tbias- must be chosen from -`ansnames'-." exit 198 } } ******************************************************************************* *Fixed effects and bias corrections incompatibilities if "`ieffects'" == "no" & "`ibias'" == "yes" { if "`teffects'" != "no" { di as err "Incompatible options: -ieffects(`ieffects')- and -ibias(`ibias')-." exit 198 } if "`teffects'" == "no" { if "`tbias'" == "yes" { di as err "Incompatible options: -ieffects(`ieffects'), ibias(`ibias'), teffects(`teffects') and tbias(`tbias')-." exit 198 } else { di as err "Incompatible options: -ieffects(`ieffects')- and -ibias(`ibias')-." exit 198 } } } if "`teffects'" == "no" & "`tbias'" == "yes" { if "`ieffects'" != "no" { di as err "Incompatible options: -teffects(`teffects')- and -tbias(`tbias')-." exit 198 } if "`ieffects'" == "no" { if "`ibias'" == "yes" { di as err "Incompatible options: -ieffects(`ieffects'), ibias(`ibias'), teffects(`teffects') and tbias(`tbias')-." exit 198 } else { di as err "Incompatible options: -teffects(`teffects')- and -tbias(`tbias')-." exit 198 } } } if "`ieffects'" == "no" & "`teffects'" == "no" { di as err "-ieffects(`ieffects') teffects(`teffects')- is an invalid option." exit 198 } ******************************************************************************* *Fixed effects and bias correction parameters ******************************************************************************* if ("`ieffects'" == "" | "`ieffects'" == "yes") { if "`teffects'" == "no" { local fe = 1 local te = 0 local tebias = 0 if ("`ibias'" == "" | "`ibias'" == "yes") { local febias = 1 local lags = `lags' } else { local febias = 0 local lags = 0 } } else { local fe = 1 local te = 1 if ("`ibias'" == "" | "`ibias'" == "yes") { local febias = 1 local lags = `lags' } else { local febias = 0 local lags = 0 } if ("`tbias'" == "" | "`tbias'" == "yes") { local tebias = 1 } else { local tebias = 0 } } } if ("`teffects'" == "" | "`teffects'" == "yes") { if "`ieffects'" == "no" { local fe = 0 local te = 1 local febias = 0 local lags = 0 if ("`tbias'" == "" | "`tbias'" == "yes") { local tebias = 1 } else { local tebias = 0 } } else { local fe = 1 local te = 1 if ("`ibias'" == "" | "`ibias'" == "yes") { local febias = 1 local lags = `lags' } else { local febias = 0 local lags = 0 } if ("`tbias'" == "" | "`tbias'" == "yes") { local tebias = 1 } else { local tebias = 0 } } } ******************************************************************************* *No correction incompatibilities if "`nocorrection'" != "" { local copts "`analytical'`jackknife'`ss1'`ss2'`individuals'`time'`js'`sj'`jj'`double'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`analytical' `jackknife' `ss1' `ss2' `individuals' `time' `js' `sj' `jj' `double'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -nocorrection- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `lags' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -lags(`lags')- is an -analytical- option." exit 198 } if `multiple' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -multiple(`multiple')- is a -jackknife ss1/ss2- option." exit 198 } if "`ibias'" == "yes" & "`tbias'" != "yes" { di as err "Incompatible options: -nocorrection- and -ibias(`ibias')-." exit 198 } if "`tbias'" == "yes" & "`ibias'" != "yes"{ di as err "Incompatible options: -nocorrection- and -tbias(`tbias')-." exit 198 } if "`ibias'" == "yes" & "`tbias'" == "yes"{ di as err "Incompatible options: -nocorrection- and -ibias(`ibias') tbias(`tbias')-." exit 198 } } ******************************************************************************* *Validate analytical option if "`analytical'" != "" | ("`nocorrection'" == "" & "`analytical'" == "" & "`jackknife'" == "") { local copts "`ss1'`ss2'`individuals'`time'`js'`sj'`jj'`double'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`ss1' `ss2' `individuals' `time' `js' `sj' `jj' `double'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -analytical (the default)- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if "`ibias'" == "no" & "`tbias'" == "no" { di as err "Incompatible options: -analytical (the default)- and -ibias(`ibias') tbias(`tbias')-." di as err "Use the -nocorrection- option instead" exit 198 } if `multiple' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -multiple(`multiple')- is a -jackknife ss1/ss2- option." exit 198 } if `lags' < 0 { di as err "Invalid option: number of lags must be higher or equal than 0" exit 198 } } ******************************************************************************* *Validate spjackknife option if "`jackknife'" != "" { local copts "`analytical'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`analytical'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -jackknife- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `lags' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -lags(`lags')- is an -analytical- option." exit 198 } if "`ibias'" == "no" & "`tbias'" == "no" { di as err "Incompatible options: -jackknife- and -ibias(`ibias') tbias(`tbias')-." di as err "Use the -nocorrection- option instead" exit 198 } if "`ss1'" != "" { local copts "`ss2'`js'`sj'`jj'`double'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`ss2' `js' `sj' `jj' `double'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -ss1- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `multiple' < 0 { di as err "Invalid multiple option" exit 198 } if `multiple' > 0 { capt mata mata which mm_sample() if _rc { di as error "mm_panels() from -moremata- is required; type -ssc install moremata- to obtain it" exit 499 } } } if "`ss2'" != "" { local copts "`ss1'`js'`sj'`jj'`double'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`ss1' `js' `sj' `jj' `double'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -ss2- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `multiple' < 0 { di as err "Invalid multiple option" exit 198 } if `multiple' > 0 { capt mata mata which mm_sample() if _rc { di as error "mm_panels() from -moremata- is required; type -ssc install moremata- to obtain it" exit 499 } } } if "`js'" != "" { local copts "`ss1'`ss2'`individuals'`time'`sj'`jj'`double'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`ss1' `ss2' `individuals' `time' `sj' `jj' `double'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -js1- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `multiple' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -multiple(`multiple')- is a -jackknife ss1/ss2- option." exit 198 } } if "`sj'" != "" { local copts "`ss1'`ss2'`individuals'`time'`js'`jj'`double'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`ss1' `ss2' `individuals' `time' `js' `jj' `double'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -js1- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `multiple' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -multiple(`multiple')- is a -jackknife ss1/ss2- option." exit 198 } } if "`jj'" != "" { local copts "`ss1'`ss2'`individuals'`time'`js'`sj'`double'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`ss1' `ss2' `individuals' `time' `js' `sj' `double'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -js2- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `multiple' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -multiple(`multiple')- is a -jackknife ss1/ss2- option." exit 198 } } if "`double'" != "" { local copts "`ss1'`ss2'`individuals'`time'`js'`sj'`jj'" if "`copts'" != "" { local copts "`ss1' `ss2' `individuals' `time' `js' `sj' `jj'" local copts : list retokenize copts di as err "Incompatible options: -double- and -`copts'-." exit 198 } if `multiple' != 0 { di as err "Incompatible options: -multiple(`multiple')- is a -jackknife ss1/ss2- option." exit 198 } } } ******************************************************************************* *Validate data are tsset capture tsset local pvar "`r(panelvar)'" local tvar "`r(timevar)'" if "`pvar'" == "" & "`tvar'" != ""{ di as err "Error: must -tsset- data and specify panelvar" exit 5 } if "`tvar'" == "" & "`pvar'" != ""{ di as err "Error: must -tsset- data and specify timevar" exit 5 } if "`pvar'" == "" & "`tvar'" == ""{ di as err "Error: must -tsset- data and specify panelvar and timevar" exit 5 } ******************************************************************************* *Estimation sample marksample touse markout `touse' `pvar' `tvar' `depvar' `indepvar', strok tsreport if `touse', panel if `r(N_gaps)' != 0 { display in gr "Warning: time variable " in ye "`tvar'" in gr " has " /* */ in ye "`r(N_gaps)'" in gr " gap(s) in relevant range" } ******************************************************************************* *Validate (binary) depvar qui tabulate `depvar' if `touse' if r(r) != 2 { display as error "Error: `depvar' is not a binary variable" exit 198 } quietly summarize `depvar' if `touse' if (r(min)!=0 & r(max)!=1) { display as error "Error: `depvar' is not a 0/1 variable" exit 198 } ******************************************************************************* *Check for collinearities local fvops = "`s(fvops)'" == "true" | _caller() >= 11 if `fvops' { local rmcoll "version 11: _rmcoll" local fvexp expand } else { local rmcoll _rmcoll } di di in ye "Computing uncorrected fixed effects estimator" `rmcoll' `varlist' if `touse', `fvexp' logit touse(`touse') tempvar tousesample qui gen byte `tousesample' = `touse' local varlist1 `"`r(varlist)'"' gettoken depvar indepvar : varlist1 ******************************************************************************* *Identifying individuals with all 0's or all 1's in depvar *Identifying indepvars in which outcome does not vary ******************************************************************************* cap noi CheckGroups `touse' `pvar' `tvar' `depvar' `indepvar', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar `e(varlist)' local n `e(n)' local ng `e(ng)' local nt `e(nt)' local n_orig `e(n_orig)' local ng_orig `e(ng_orig)' local nt_orig `e(nt_orig)' cap local n_drop `e(n_drop)' cap local ng_drop `e(ng_drop)' cap local nt_drop `e(nt_drop)' ******************************************************************************* * Validate Finite population correction parameter ******************************************************************************* if `population' != 0 { if `population' < 0 { di as err "Invalid population option: population must be a finite positive integer" exit 198 } if `population' < `n_orig' { di as err "Invalid population option: population must be a finite positive integer" di as err " higher or equal than the number of original observations (`n_orig')." exit 198 } } if `population' == 0 { local fpc = 1 } else { local fpc = (`population' - `n')/(`population' - 1) } ******************************************************************************* * Validate double option ******************************************************************************* if "`double'" != "" { tempvar sumi indexdouble mata: checkdouble( "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ "`tousesample'" ) mat `indexdouble' = r(index) scalar `sumi' = r(sum) local Jdouble = rowsof(`indexdouble') if `sumi' == 0 { di as err "Invalid -double- option: no observations with the same index for `pvar' and `tvar'" exit 198 } } ******************************************************************************* *Estimation Block ******************************************************************************* tempvar b V bapes Vapes tempname k df_m r2_p chi2 p rankV rankV2 N_drop N_group_drop N_group tempname T_min T_max T_avg ll ll_0 local depname `depvar' local indepnames "`indepvar'" ******************************************************************************* *Uncorrected Logit Model (Necessary for any option) ******************************************************************************* tempvar grouppvar grouptvar qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `touse' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `touse' mata: logit( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar'", /* */ "`grouppvar'", /* */ "`grouptvar'", /* */ `n_orig', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ `fpc', /* */ "`touse'" ) mat `V' = r(V) mat `Vapes' = r(Vmfx) scalar `k' = r(k) scalar `df_m' = r(df_m) scalar `ll' = r(ll) scalar `rankV' = r(rank) scalar `T_min' = r(T_min) scalar `T_max' = r(T_max) scalar `T_avg' = r(T_avg) ******************************************************************************* *Without correction ******************************************************************************* if "`nocorrection'" != "" { mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } ******************************************************************************* *Analytical correction ******************************************************************************* if "`analytical'" != "" | ("`nocorrection'" == "" & "`analytical'" == "" & "`jackknife'" == "") { if `lags' > 0 { if `T_min' - 1 < `lags' { di di in gr "Maximum possible lags for at least one group within" in ye " `pvar' " in gr "are (" `T_min' - 1 ")." di in red "Number of lags (`lags') exceeds maximum possible lags." exit 198 } } di di in ye "Computing analytical correction" tempvar betafe allobs tempname NT mat `betafe' = r(beta) qui g `allobs' = _n scalar `NT' = _N if `lags' > 0 { forvalues i = 1(1)`lags' { tempvar l`i'touse touse`i' qui g `l`i'touse' = L`i'.`touse' qui g byte `touse`i'' = `touse' == 1 & `l`i'touse' == 1 qui drop `l`i'touse' local lagstouse `lagstouse' `touse`i'' } } else { local lagstouse } mata: analytical( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar'", /* */ "`grouppvar'", /* */ "`grouptvar'", /* */ "`allobs'", /* */ "`lagstouse'", /* */ "`betafe'", /* */ `lags', /* */ "`NT'", /* */ `n_orig', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ `febias', /* */ `tebias', /* */ "`touse'") mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } ******************************************************************************* *Split Jackknife in 4 subpanels ******************************************************************************* if "`jackknife'" != "" { tempvar bfe bfemfx mat `bfe' = r(b) mat `bfemfx' = r(bmfx) if "`ss1'" != "" { tempvar betas betasmfx if `febias' == 1 & `tebias' == 0 { if `multiple' == 0 | (`multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "") { if `multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { di di in ye "note:" in gr " multiple partitions only in the cross-section without" di in gr "correction for time fixed-effects delivers the same" di in gr "estimator wihtout multiple partitions." local multiple = 0 } mat `betas' = J(2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(2, `k', .) tempvar touse1 touse2 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap noi sstousei `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 2" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { mat `betas' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) set seed 13579 forvalues j = 1/`multiple' { di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in multiple partition `j' of `multiple'" tempvar touse1 touse2 btemp bmfxtemp mat `btemp' = J(2, `k', .) mat `bmfxtemp' = J(2, `k', .) if "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") qui egen pvar2 = group(`pvar') } else { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") } qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' cap noi sstousei `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' cap qui CheckGroups `v' pvar2 tvar2 `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' qui mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "pvar2", /* */ "tvar2", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `btemp'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `bmfxtemp'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } mata: betas_ss1("`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`btemp'", /* */ "`bmfxtemp'", /* */ 0 ) mat `betas'[`j', 1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`j', 1] = r(bmfx) mat drop `btemp' `bmfxtemp' qui drop `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 } } } else if `febias' == 0 & `tebias' == 1 { if `multiple' == 0 | (`multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "") { if `multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { di di in ye "note:" in gr " multiple partitions only in the time-dimension without" di in gr "correction for individual fixed-effects delivers the same" di in gr "estimator wihtout multiple partitions." local multiple = 0 } mat `betas' = J(2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(2, `k', .) tempvar touse1 touse2 grouppvar grouptvar qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' cap noi sstouset `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 2" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { mat `betas' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) set seed 13579 forvalues j = 1/`multiple' { di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in multiple partition `j' of `multiple'" tempvar touse1 touse2 btemp bmfxtemp mat `btemp' = J(2, `k', .) mat `bmfxtemp' = J(2, `k', .) if "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui egen tvar2 = group(`tvar') } else { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") } qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' cap noi sstouset `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' cap qui CheckGroups `v' pvar2 tvar2 `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' qui mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "pvar2", /* */ "tvar2", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `btemp'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `bmfxtemp'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } mata: betas_ss1("`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`btemp'", /* */ "`bmfxtemp'", /* */ 0 ) mat `betas'[`j', 1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`j', 1] = r(bmfx) mat drop `btemp' `bmfxtemp' qui drop `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 } } } else { if `multiple' == 0 { mat `betas' = J(4, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(4, `k', .) tempvar touse1 touse2 touse3 touse4 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse3' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse4' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap noi ss1touse `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 4" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { mat `betas' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) set seed 13579 forvalues j = 1/`multiple' { di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in multiple partition `j' of `multiple'" tempvar touse1 touse2 touse3 touse4 btemp bmfxtemp mat `btemp' = J(4, `k', .) mat `bmfxtemp' = J(4, `k', .) if "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui egen tvar2 = group(`tvar') } else if "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") qui egen pvar2 = group(`pvar') } else { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") } qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse3' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse4' = `tousesample' cap noi ss1touse `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' pvar2 tvar2 local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' cap qui CheckGroups `v' pvar2 tvar2 `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' qui mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "pvar2", /* */ "tvar2", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `btemp'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `bmfxtemp'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } mata: betas_ss1("`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`btemp'", /* */ "`bmfxtemp'", /* */ 0 ) mat `betas'[`j', 1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`j', 1] = r(bmfx) mat drop `btemp' `bmfxtemp' qui drop `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 } } } mata: betas_ss1( "`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`betas'", /* */ "`betasmfx'", /* */ `multiple' ) mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } ******************************************************************************* *Split Jackknife in both dimensions: half panel out and either all T or all N ******************************************************************************* if "`ss2'" != "" | ("`ss1'" == "" & "`ss2'" == "" & "`js'" == "" & "`sj'" == "" & "`jj'" == "" & "`double'" == "") { tempvar betas betasmfx if `febias' == 1 & `tebias' == 0 { if `multiple' == 0 | (`multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "") { if `multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { di di in ye "note:" in gr " multiple partitions only in the cross-section without" di in gr "correction for time fixed-effects delivers the same" di in gr "estimator wihtout multiple partitions." local multiple = 0 } mat `betas' = J(2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(2, `k', .) tempvar touse1 touse2 groppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap noi sstousei `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 2" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { mat `betas' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) set seed 13579 forvalues j = 1/`multiple' { di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in multiple partition `j' of `multiple'" tempvar touse1 touse2 btemp bmfxtemp mat `btemp' = J(2, `k', .) mat `bmfxtemp' = J(2, `k', .) if "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") qui egen pvar2 = group(`pvar') } else { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") } qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' cap noi sstousei `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' cap qui CheckGroups `v' pvar2 tvar2 `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' qui mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "pvar2", /* */ "tvar2", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `btemp'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `bmfxtemp'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } mata: betas_ss1("`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`btemp'", /* */ "`bmfxtemp'", /* */ 0 ) mat `betas'[`j', 1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`j', 1] = r(bmfx) mat drop `btemp' `bmfxtemp' qui drop `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 } } } else if `febias' == 0 & `tebias' == 1 { if `multiple' == 0 | (`multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "") { if `multiple' != 0 & "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { di di in ye "note:" in gr " multiple partitions only in the time-dimension without" di in gr "correction for individual fixed-effects delivers the same" di in gr "estimator wihtout multiple partitions." local multiple = 0 } mat `betas' = J(2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(2, `k', .) tempvar touse1 touse2 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap noi sstouset `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 2" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { mat `betas' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) set seed 13579 forvalues j = 1/`multiple' { di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in multiple partition `j' of `multiple'" tempvar touse1 touse2 btemp bmfxtemp mat `btemp' = J(2, `k', .) mat `bmfxtemp' = J(2, `k', .) if "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui egen tvar2 = group(`tvar') } else { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") } qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' cap noi sstouset `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' cap qui CheckGroups `v' pvar2 tvar2 `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' qui mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "pvar2", /* */ "tvar2", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `btemp'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `bmfxtemp'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } mata: betas_ss1("`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`btemp'", /* */ "`bmfxtemp'", /* */ 0 ) mat `betas'[`j', 1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`j', 1] = r(bmfx) mat drop `btemp' `bmfxtemp' qui drop `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 } } } else { if `multiple' == 0 { mat `betas' = J(4, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(4, `k', .) tempvar touse1 touse2 touse3 touse4 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse3' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse4' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap noi ss2touse `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 4" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { mat `betas' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`multiple', `k' , .) set seed 13579 forvalues j = 1/`multiple' { di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in multiple partition `j' of `multiple'" tempvar touse1 touse2 touse3 touse4 btemp bmfxtemp mat `btemp' = J(4, `k', .) mat `bmfxtemp' = J(4, `k', .) if "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui egen tvar2 = group(`tvar') } else if "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") qui egen pvar2 = group(`pvar') } else { qui sort `pvar' qui mata: multiplepvar("`pvar'") qui sort `tvar' qui mata: multipletvar("`tvar'") } qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse3' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse4' = `tousesample' cap noi ss2touse `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' pvar2 tvar2 local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' `touse3' `touse4' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' cap qui CheckGroups `v' pvar2 tvar2 `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' qui mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "pvar2", /* */ "tvar2", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `btemp'[`i',1] = r(b) mat `bmfxtemp'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } mata: betas_ss2("`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`btemp'", /* */ "`bmfxtemp'", /* */ 0 , /* */ 1 , /* */ 1 ) mat `betas'[`j', 1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`j', 1] = r(bmfx) mat drop `btemp' `bmfxtemp' qui drop `touse1' `touse2' pvar2 tvar2 } } } mata: betas_ss2( "`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`betas'", /* */ "`betasmfx'", /* */ `multiple', /* */ `febias', /* */ `tebias' ) mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } ******************************************************************************* *Delete-one Jackknife in cross-section, split-panel jackknife in time-series ******************************************************************************* if "`js'" != "" { tempvar betas betasmfx if `febias' == 1 & `tebias' == 0 { qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' tempvar group qui egen `group' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `group' if `tousesample' local J = r(max) mat `betas' = J(`J', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`J', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`J' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `group' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of `J'" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else if `febias' == 0 & `tebias' == 1 { mat `betas' = J(2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(2, `k', .) local J = 2 tempvar touse1 touse2 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap noi sstouset `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 2" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' tempvar group qui egen `group' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `group' if `tousesample' local J = r(max) mat `betas' = J(`J'+2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`J'+2, `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`J' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `group' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel " `i' " of " `J'+2 if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } tempvar touse1 touse2 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap qui sstouset `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel " `i'+`J' " of " `J'+2 if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i'+`J',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i'+`J',1] = r(bmfx) } } mata: betas_js( "`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`betas'", /* */ "`betasmfx'", /* */ `febias', /* */ `tebias', /* */ `J' ) mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } ******************************************************************************* *Split-panel jackknife in cross-section, delete-one jackknife in time-series ******************************************************************************* if "`sj'" != "" { tempvar betas betasmfx if `febias' == 1 & `tebias' == 0 { mat `betas' = J(2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(2, `k', .) local J = 2 tempvar touse1 touse2 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap noi sstousei `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of 2" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else if `febias' == 0 & `tebias' == 1 { qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' tempvar group qui egen `group' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `group' if `tousesample' local J = r(max) mat `betas' = J(`J', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`J', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`J' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `group' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of `J'" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } } else { qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' tempvar group qui egen `group' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `group' if `tousesample' local J = r(max) mat `betas' = J(`J'+2, `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`J'+2, `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`J' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `group' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel " `i' " of " `J'+2 if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) } tempvar touse1 touse2 grouppvar grouptvar qui gen byte `touse1' = `tousesample' qui gen byte `touse2' = `tousesample' qui egen `grouppvar' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui egen `grouptvar' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' cap qui sstousei `tousesample' `touse1' `touse2' `grouppvar' `grouptvar' local varlist2 `touse1' `touse2' foreach v of local varlist2 { local i : list posof `"`v'"' in varlist2 qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `v', `fvexp' logit touse(`v') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel " `i'+`J' " of " `J'+2 if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `v' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`v'" ) mat `betas' [`i'+`J',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i'+`J',1] = r(bmfx) } } mata: betas_sj( "`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`betas'", /* */ "`betasmfx'", /* */ `febias', /* */ `tebias', /* */ `J' ) mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } ******************************************************************************* *Delete-one Jackknife in cross-section and time-series ******************************************************************************* if "`jj'" != "" { tempvar groupp groupt betas betasmfx qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' qui egen `groupp' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `groupp' if `tousesample' local Jp = r(max) qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' qui egen `groupt' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `groupt' if `tousesample' local Jt = r(max) if `febias' == 1 & `tebias' == 0 { mat `betas' = J(`Jp', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`Jp', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`Jp' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `groupp' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of `Jp'" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx' [`i',1] = r(bmfx) qui drop `index' } } else if `febias' == 0 & `tebias' == 1 { mat `betas' = J(`Jt', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`Jt', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`Jt' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `groupt' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of `Jt'" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) qui drop `index' } } else { mat `betas' = J(`Jp'+`Jt', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`Jp'+`Jt', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`Jp' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `groupp' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel " `i' " of " `Jp'+`Jt' if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx' [`i',1] = r(bmfx) qui drop `index' } forvalues i = 1/`Jt' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `groupt' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel " `i'+`Jp' " of " `Jt'+`Jp' if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`Jp'+`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`Jp'+`i',1] = r(bmfx) qui drop `index' } } mata: betas_jj( "`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`betas'", /* */ "`betasmfx'", /* */ `febias', /* */ `tebias', /* */ `Jp', /* */ `Jt' ) mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } ******************************************************************************* *Double Panel Jackknife: delete i = t ******************************************************************************* if "`double'" != "" { tempvar betas betasmfx if `febias' == 1 & `tebias' == 0 { qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' tempvar group qui egen `group' = group(`pvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `group' if `tousesample' local J = r(max) mat `betas' = J(`J', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`J', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`J' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `group' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of `J'" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) qui drop `index' } } else if `febias' == 0 & `tebias' == 1 { qui sort `pvar' `tvar' `tousesample' tempvar group qui egen `group' = group(`tvar') if `tousesample' qui sum `group' if `tousesample' local J = r(max) mat `betas' = J(`J', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`J', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`J' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = `group' != `i' & `tousesample' qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of `J'" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) qui drop `index' } } else { local J = `Jdouble' mat `betas' = J(`J', `k', .) mat `betasmfx' = J(`J', `k', .) forvalues i = 1/`J' { tempvar index qui gen byte `index' = (`pvar' != `indexdouble'[`i', 1] & `tvar' != `indexdouble'[`i', 1] & `tousesample') qui `rmcoll' `varlist' if `index', `fvexp' logit touse(`index') local varlisttemp `"`r(varlist)'"' local singular : list varlist1 - varlisttemp di di in ye "Computing fixed-effects estimator in subpanel `i' of `J'" if "`singular'" != "" { di in gr "Warning: collinear variable(s) not in the original sample detected" di in gr "Collinear variables: " in ye "`singular'" } cap qui CheckGroups `index' `pvar' `tvar' `varlisttemp', teffects(`teffects') ieffects(`ieffects') local indepvar2 `e(varlist)' local ntemp `e(n)' local ngtemp `e(ng)' local n_origtemp `e(n_orig)' local ng_origtemp `e(ng_orig)' mata: logit_no_sd( "`depvar'", /* */ "`indepvar2'", /* */ "`pvar'", /* */ "`tvar'", /* */ `n_origtemp', /* */ `fe', /* */ `te', /* */ "`index'" ) mat `betas' [`i',1] = r(b) mat `betasmfx'[`i',1] = r(bmfx) qui drop `index' } } mata: betas_double( "`bfe'", /* */ "`bfemfx'", /* */ "`betas'", /* */ "`betasmfx'", /* */ `J' ) mat `b' = r(b) mat `bapes' = r(bmfx) } } ******************************************************************************** * Done with estimation block ******************************************************************************** mat colnames `b' = `indepnames' mat colnames `V' = `indepnames' mat rownames `V' = `indepnames' mat colnames `bapes' = `indepnames' mat colnames `Vapes' = `indepnames' mat rownames `Vapes' = `indepnames' ******************************************************************************** * r2_p, chi2, p ******************************************************************************** qui mata: logitconstantonly( "`depvar'", /* */ "`touse'" ) scalar `ll_0' = r(ll_0) scalar `r2_p' = 1 - `ll'/`ll_0' scalar `chi2' = 2 * (`ll' - `ll_0') scalar `p' = chiprob(`df_m', `chi2') ********************************************************************************* * Post and display results ********************************************************************************* tempname btemp Vtemp bapestemp Vapestemp mat `btemp' = `b' mat `Vtemp' = `V' mat `bapestemp' = `bapes' mat `Vapestemp' = `Vapes' qui count if `touse' local N = r(N) capture ereturn post `b' `V', dep(`depname') obs(`N') esample(`touse') ereturn matrix b2 `bapes' ereturn matrix V2 `Vapes' ereturn local cmd `logitfe_cmd' ereturn local cmdline `cmdline' ereturn local chi2type "LR" ereturn local id `pvar' ereturn local time `tvar' ereturn scalar k = `k' ereturn scalar df_m = `df_m' ereturn scalar ll = `ll' ereturn scalar rankV = `rankV' ereturn scalar rankV2 = `rankV' ereturn scalar ll_0 = `ll_0' ereturn scalar r2_p = `r2_p' ereturn scalar chi2 = `chi2' ereturn scalar p = `p' if `n' < `n_orig' { if (`ng_orig' - `ng' > 1) | (`nt_orig' - `nt' > 1) { ereturn scalar N_drop = `n_orig' - `n' ereturn scalar N_group_drop = `ng_orig' - `ng' ereturn scalar N_time_drop = `nt_orig' - `nt' } } ereturn scalar N_group = `ng' ereturn scalar T_min = `T_min' ereturn scalar T_max = `T_max' ereturn scalar T_avg = `T_avg' ereturn scalar fpc = `fpc' if `fe' ==1 & `te' == 0 { local title1 "Type of included effects: individual effects only" } else if `fe' == 0 & `te' == 1 { local title1 "Type of included effects: time effects only" } else { local title1 "Type of included effects: individual and time effects" } if `febias' == 1 & `tebias' == 0 { local title2 "Type of bias correction: individual effects only" } else if `febias' == 0 & `tebias' == 1 { local title2 "Type of bias correction: time effects only" } else { local title2 "Type of bias correction: individual and time effects" } if "`nocorrection'" != "" { local title "Uncorrected fixed-effects estimates" local title2 "Type of bias correction: none" } if "`analytical'" != "" | ("`nocorrection'" == "" & "`analytical'" == "" & "`jackknife'" == "") { local title "Analytical bias-correction" local title3 "Triming parameter = `lags'" } if "`jackknife'" != "" { if "`ss1'" != "" { local title "Split-panel jackknife in four subpanels" if `multiple' > 0 { if "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { local title3 "`multiple' multiple partitions in the cross-section dimension" } else if "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { local title3 "`multiple' multiple partitions in the time dimension" } else { local title3 "`multiple' multiple partitions in both the cross-section and the time dimension" } } } if "`ss2'" != "" | ("`ss1'" == "" & "`ss2'" == "" & "`js'" == "" & "`sj'" == "" & "`jj'" == "" & "`double'" == "") { local title "Split-panel jackknife in both dimensions" if `multiple' > 0 { if "`individuals'" != "" & "`time'" == "" { local title3 "`multiple' multiple partitions in the cross-section dimension" } else if "`individuals'" == "" & "`time'" != "" { local title3 "`multiple' multiple partitions in the time dimension" } else { local title3 "`multiple' multiple partitions in both the cross-section and the time dimension" } } } if "`js'" != "" { local title "Delete-one jackknife in cross-section, split-panel in time series" } if "`sj'" != "" { local title "Split-panel jackknife in cross-section, delete-one jackknife in time series" } if "`jj'" != "" { local title "Delete-one jackknife in cross-section and time series" } if "`double'" != "" { local title "Double-panel jackknife" } } local title4 "Average Partial Effects" capture ereturn local title3 `title3' ereturn local title2 `title2' ereturn local title1 `title1' ereturn local title `title' di in gr _n "`e(title)'" di in gr "`e(title1)'" di in gr "`e(title2)'" local tlen=length("`e(title2)'") di in gr "{hline `tlen'}" if "`e(title3)'" != "" { di in gr "`e(title3)'" } di in gr "ID variable = " in ye e(id) _continue di in gr _col(48) "Number of obs. = " in ye %8.0f e(N) di in gr "Time variable = " in ye e(time) _continue di in gr _col(48) "Number of groups = " in ye %8.0f e(N_group) di in gr _col(48) "Obs. per group: min = " in ye %8.0f e(T_min) di in gr _col(48) " avg = " in ye %8.1f e(T_avg) di in gr _col(48) " max = " in ye %8.0f e(T_max) di in gr _col(48) "LR chi2(" in ye %4.0f e(df_m) in gr ") = " in ye %8.2f e(chi2) di in gr _col(48) "Prob > chi2 = " in ye %8.4f e(p) di in gr "Log-likelihood = " in ye %12.0g e(ll) _continue di in gr _col(48) "Pseudo R2 = " in ye %8.4f e(r2_p) di ereturn display, noempty ereturn repost b = `bapestemp' V = `Vapestemp' di in ye "`title4'" if e(fpc) != 1 { di in gr "Variance adjusted by the finite population parameter " in ye %8.4f e(fpc) } ereturn display, noempty ereturn repost b = `btemp' V = `Vtemp' end ******************************************************************************* *Subroutines ******************************************************************************* capture program drop Disp program define Disp version 8.2 syntax [anything] [, _col(integer 15) ] local len = 80-`_col'+1 local piece : piece 1 `len' of `"`anything'"' local i 1 while "`piece'" != "" { di in gr _col(`_col') "`first'`piece'" local i = `i' + 1 local piece : piece `i' `len' of `"`anything'"' } if `i'==1 { di } end capture program drop sstousei program define sstousei, eclass byable(recall) sortpreserve version 11.2, missing syntax varlist gettoken touse varlist : varlist gettoken touse1 varlist : varlist gettoken touse2 varlist : varlist gettoken pvar tvar : varlist tempvar t1 t2 i1 i2 qui sum `tvar' if `touse' qui gen byte `t1' = cond(`tvar' <= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0) if `touse' qui gen byte `t2' = cond(ceil(r(max)/2) == floor(r(max)/2), /* */ cond(`tvar' > ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0), cond(`tvar' >= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0)) if `touse' **All individuals, first half of time periods qui gen byte `i1' = (`t1' & `touse') qui replace `touse1' = `i1' **All individuals, second half of time periods qui gen byte `i2' = (`t2' & `touse') qui replace `touse2' = `i2' end capture program drop sstouset program define sstouset, eclass byable(recall) sortpreserve version 11.2, missing syntax varlist gettoken touse varlist : varlist gettoken touse1 varlist : varlist gettoken touse2 varlist : varlist gettoken pvar tvar : varlist tempvar N t1 t2 i1 i2 qui egen `N' = group(`pvar') if `touse' qui sum `N' if `touse' qui gen byte `t1' = cond(`N' <= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0) if `touse' qui gen byte `t2' = cond(ceil(r(max)/2) == floor(r(max)/2), /* */ cond(`N' > ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0), cond(`N' >= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0)) if `touse' **Bottom half panel out, all time periods qui gen byte `i1' = (`t1' & `touse') qui replace `touse1' = `i1' **Top half panel out, all time periods qui gen byte `i2' = (`t2' & `touse') qui replace `touse2' = `i2' end capture program drop ss1touse program define ss1touse, eclass byable(recall) sortpreserve version 11.2, missing syntax varlist gettoken touse varlist : varlist gettoken touse1 varlist : varlist gettoken touse2 varlist : varlist gettoken touse3 varlist : varlist gettoken touse4 varlist : varlist gettoken pvar tvar : varlist tempvar N t1 t2 h1 h2 i1 i2 i3 i4 qui sum `tvar' if `touse' qui gen byte `t1' = cond(`tvar' <= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0) if `touse' qui gen byte `t2' = cond(ceil(r(max)/2) == floor(r(max)/2), /* */ cond(`tvar' > ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0), cond(`tvar' >= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0)) if `touse' qui egen `N' = group(`pvar') if `touse' qui sum `N' if `touse' qui gen byte `h1' = cond(`N' <= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0) if `touse' qui gen byte `h2' = cond(ceil(r(max)/2) == floor(r(max)/2), /* */ cond(`N' > ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0), cond(`N' >= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0)) if `touse' **Bottom half panel out, first half of time periods qui gen byte `i1' = (`t1' & `h1' & `touse') qui replace `touse1' = `i1' **Bottom half panel out, second half of time periods qui gen byte `i2' = (`t2' & `h1' & `touse') qui replace `touse2' = `i2' **Top half panel out, first half of time periods qui gen byte `i3' = (`t1' & `h2' & `touse') qui replace `touse3' = `i3' **Top half panel out, second half of time periods qui gen byte `i4' = (`t2' & `h2' & `touse') qui replace `touse4' = `i4' end capture program drop ss2touse program define ss2touse, eclass byable(recall) sortpreserve version 11.2, missing syntax varlist gettoken touse varlist : varlist gettoken touse1 varlist : varlist gettoken touse2 varlist : varlist gettoken touse3 varlist : varlist gettoken touse4 varlist : varlist gettoken pvar tvar : varlist tempvar N t1 t2 h1 h2 i1 i2 i3 i4 qui sort `touse' `pvar' `tvar' qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen byte `t1' = cond(_n <= ceil(_N/2), 1, 0) if `touse' qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen byte `t2' = cond(ceil(_N/2) == floor(_N/2), /* */ cond(_n > ceil(_N/2), 1, 0), cond(_n >= ceil(_N/2), 1, 0)) if `touse' qui egen `N' = group(`pvar') if `touse' qui sum `N' if `touse' qui sort `touse' `pvar' `tvar' qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen byte `h1' = cond(`N' <= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0) if `touse' qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen byte `h2' = cond(ceil(r(max)/2) == floor(r(max)/2), /* */ cond(`N' > ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0), cond(`N' >= ceil(r(max)/2), 1, 0)) if `touse' **Bottom half panel out, all time periods qui gen byte `i1' = (`h1' & `touse') qui replace `touse1' = `i1' **Top half panel out, all time periods qui gen byte `i2' = (`h2' & `touse') qui replace `touse2' = `i2' **All individuals, first half of time periods qui gen byte `i3' = (`t1' & `touse') qui replace `touse3' = `i3' **All individuals, second half of time periods qui gen byte `i4' = (`t2' & `touse') qui replace `touse4' = `i4' end capture program drop CheckGroups program define CheckGroups, eclass byable(recall) sortpreserve version 11.2, missing syntax varlist(fv ts)[, IEFFects(string) TEFFects(string)] gettoken touse varlist : varlist gettoken pvar varlist : varlist gettoken tvar varlist : varlist gettoken depvar1 indepvar1 : varlist ******************************************************************************* * Only individual effects ******************************************************************************* if ("`ieffects'" == "" | "`ieffects'" == "yes") & "`teffects'" == "no" { sort `touse' `pvar' *Check outcome varies for at least one individual cap by `touse' `pvar' : assert `depvar1' == `depvar1'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as err "Outcome does not vary for any group" exit 2000 } *Check for multiple positive outcomes accross individuals tempvar sumdep qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen double `sumdep' = cond(_n == _N, sum(`depvar1'), .) if `touse' qui count if `sumdep' > 1 & `sumdep' < . if `r(N)' { di as txt "note: multiple positive outcomes within " _c di as txt "groups encountered" local multiple multiple } *Delete groups where outcome doesn't vary. CountObsGroups `touse' `pvar' local n_orig = r(n) local ng_orig = r(ng) sort `touse' `tvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `tvar' local nt_orig = r(ng) local nt = `nt_orig' sort `touse' `pvar' tempvar varies rtouse qui by `touse' `pvar': gen byte `varies' = cond(_n==_N, sum(`depvar1'!=`depvar1'[1]), .) if `touse' qui by `touse' `pvar': gen byte `rtouse' = (`varies'[_N]>0) & `touse' qui replace `touse' = `rtouse' sort `touse' `pvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `pvar' local n = r(n) local ng = r(ng) if `n' < `n_orig' { if `ng_orig'-`ng' > 1 { local s s } di as txt "note: " `ng_orig'-`ng' " group`s' (" _c di as txt `n_orig'-`n' _c di as txt " obs) dropped because of all positive or" di as txt " all zero outcomes" local ng_drop = `ng_orig' - `ng' local n_drop = `n_orig' - `n' } *Check that each depvar varies in at least 1 group. capture tsset local pvar "`r(panelvar)'" local tvar "`r(timevar)'" markout `touse' `pvar' `tvar' `depvar1' `indepvar1', strok sort `pvar' `tvar' `touse' if `"`indepvar1'"' != "" { fvexpand `indepvar1' local indepvar1 "`r(varlist)'" foreach v of local indepvar1 { _ms_parse_parts `v' if r(type) == "variable" & !r(omit) { cap bysort `touse' `pvar': assert `v' == `v'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as txt "note: `v' omitted because of no "_c di as txt "within-group variance" if _caller() < 11 { local v } else local v o.`v' } } local xs `xs' `v' } } local indepvar1 `xs' } ******************************************************************************* * Only time effects ******************************************************************************* else if ("`teffects'" == "" | "`teffects'" == "yes") & "`ieffects'" == "no" { sort `touse' `tvar' *Check outcome varies for at least one individual cap by `touse' `tvar' : assert `depvar1' == `depvar1'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as err "outcome does not vary for any time period" exit 2000 } *Check for multiple positive outcomes accross individuals tempvar sumdep qui by `touse' `tvar' : gen double `sumdep' = cond(_n == _N, sum(`depvar1'), .) if `touse' qui count if `sumdep' > 1 & `sumdep' < . if `r(N)' { di as txt "note: multiple positive outcomes within " _c di as txt "time periods encountered" local multiple multiple } *Delete groups where outcome doesn't vary. CountObsGroups `touse' `tvar' local n_orig = r(n) local nt_orig = r(ng) sort `touse' `pvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `pvar' local ng_orig = r(ng) local ng = `ng_orig' sort `touse' `tvar' tempvar varies rtouse qui by `touse' `tvar' : gen byte `varies' = cond(_n == _N, sum(`depvar1' != `depvar1'[1]), .) if `touse' qui by `touse' `tvar' : gen byte `rtouse' = (`varies'[_N] > 0 & `touse') qui replace `touse' = `rtouse' sort `touse' `tvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `tvar' local n = r(n) local nt = r(ng) if `n' < `n_orig' { if `nt_orig'-`nt' > 1 { local s s } di as txt "note: " `nt_orig'-`nt' " time period`s' (" _c di as txt `n_orig'-`n' _c di as txt " obs) dropped because of all positive or" di as txt " all zero outcomes" local nt_drop = `nt_orig' - `nt' local n_drop = `n_orig' - `n' } *Check that each depvar varies in at least 1 group. capture tsset local pvar "`r(panelvar)'" local tvar "`r(timevar)'" markout `touse' `pvar' `tvar' `depvar1' `indepvar1', strok sort `pvar' `tvar' `touse' if `"`indepvar1'"' != "" { fvexpand `indepvar1' local indepvar1 "`r(varlist)'" foreach v of local indepvar1 { _ms_parse_parts `v' if r(type) == "variable" & !r(omit) { cap bysort `touse' `tvar': assert `v' == `v'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as txt "note: `v' omitted because of no "_c di as txt "within-time variance" if _caller() < 11 { local v } else local v o.`v' } } local xs `xs' `v' } } local indepvar1 `xs' } ******************************************************************************* * Both individual and time effects ******************************************************************************* else { sort `touse' `pvar' *Check outcome varies for at least one individual cap by `touse' `pvar' : assert `depvar1' == `depvar1'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as err "Outcome does not vary for any group" exit 2000 } sort `touse' `tvar' cap by `touse' `tvar' : assert `depvar1' == `depvar1'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as err "Outcome does not vary for any time period" exit 2000 } *Check for multiple positive outcomes accross individuals tempvar sumdep sort `touse' `pvar' qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen double `sumdep' = cond(_n == _N, sum(`depvar1'), .) if `touse' qui count if `sumdep' > 1 & `sumdep' < . if `r(N)' { di as txt "note: multiple positive outcomes within " _c di as txt "groups encountered" local multiple multiple } tempvar sumdept sort `touse' `tvar' qui by `touse' `tvar' : gen double `sumdept' = cond(_n == _N, sum(`depvar1'), .) if `touse' qui count if `sumdept' > 1 & `sumdept' < . if `r(N)' { di as txt "note: multiple positive outcomes within " _c di as txt "time periods encountered" local multiple multiple } *Delete groups where outcome doesn't vary. sort `touse' `pvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `pvar' local n_orig = r(n) local ng_orig = r(ng) sort `touse' `tvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `tvar' local nt_orig = r(ng) sort `touse' `pvar' tempvar varies rtouse qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen byte `varies' = cond(_n == _N, sum(`depvar1' != `depvar1'[1]), .) if `touse' qui by `touse' `pvar' : gen byte `rtouse' = (`varies'[_N] > 0 & `touse') qui replace `touse' = `rtouse' sort `touse' `tvar' tempvar variest rtouset qui by `touse' `tvar' : gen byte `variest' = cond(_n == _N, sum(`depvar1' != `depvar1'[1]), .) if `touse' qui by `touse' `tvar' : gen byte `rtouset' = (`variest'[_N] > 0 & `touse') qui replace `touse' = `rtouset' sort `touse' `pvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `pvar' local n = r(n) local ng = r(ng) sort `touse' `tvar' CountObsGroups `touse' `tvar' local nt = r(ng) if `n' < `n_orig' { if `ng_orig'-`ng' > 1 { local sp s } if `nt_orig'-`nt' > 1 { local st s } if `ng_orig'-`ng' > 0 & `nt_orig'-`nt' == 0 { di as txt "note: " `ng_orig'-`ng' " group`sp' (" _c di as txt `n_orig'-`n' _c di as txt " obs) dropped because of all positive or" di as txt " all zero outcomes" } else if `ng_orig'-`ng' == 0 & `nt_orig'-`nt' > 0 { di as txt "note: " `nt_orig'-`nt' " time period`st' (" _c di as txt `n_orig'-`n' _c di as txt " obs) dropped because of all positive or" di as txt " all zero outcomes" } else { di as txt "note: " `ng_orig'-`ng' " group`sp' and " _c di as txt `nt_orig'-`nt' " time period`st' (" _c di as txt `n_orig'-`n' _c di as txt " obs) dropped because" di as txt " of all positive or all zero outcomes" } local ng_drop = `ng_orig' - `ng' local nt_drop = `nt_orig' - `nt' local n_drop = `n_orig' - `n' } *Check that each depvar varies in at least 1 group. capture tsset local pvar "`r(panelvar)'" local tvar "`r(timevar)'" markout `touse' `pvar' `tvar' `depvar1' `indepvar1', strok sort `pvar' `tvar' `touse' if `"`indepvar1'"' != "" { fvexpand `indepvar1' local indepvar1 "`r(varlist)'" foreach v of local indepvar1 { _ms_parse_parts `v' if r(type) == "variable" & !r(omit) { cap bysort `touse' `pvar': assert `v' == `v'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as txt "note: `v' omitted because of no "_c di as txt "within-group variance" if _caller() < 11 { local v } else local v o.`v' } } local xs `xs' `v' } } local indepvar1 `xs' sort `pvar' `tvar' `touse' if `"`indepvar1'"' != "" { fvexpand `indepvar1' local indepvar1 "`r(varlist)'" foreach v of local indepvar1 { _ms_parse_parts `v' if r(type) == "variable" & !r(omit) { cap bysort `touse' `tvar': assert `v' == `v'[1] if `touse' if !_rc { di as txt "note: `v' omitted because of no "_c di as txt "within-time variance" if _caller() < 11 { local v } else local v o.`v' } } local ts `ts' `v' } } local indepvar1 `ts' } ereturn local varlist `indepvar1' ereturn scalar n = `n' ereturn scalar ng = `ng' ereturn scalar nt = `nt' ereturn scalar n_orig = `n_orig' ereturn scalar ng_orig = `ng_orig' ereturn scalar nt_orig = `nt_orig' if `:length local n_drop' { ereturn scalar n_drop = `n_drop' cap ereturn scalar ng_drop = `ng_drop' cap ereturn scalar nt_drop = `nt_drop' } end capture program drop CountObsGroups program CountObsGroups, rclass args touse group tempvar i qui count if `touse' return scalar n = r(N) qui by `touse' `group': gen byte `i' = _n==1 & `touse' qui count if `i' return scalar ng = r(N) end ******************************************************************************* *MATA functions ******************************************************************************* mata: mata clear mata: mata set matastrict off mata: void logitconstantonly( string scalar yvar, string scalar touse ) { external Y, X st_view(Y =., ., yvar, touse) X = J(rows(Y), 1, 1) XX = quadcross(X, X) Xy = quadcross(X, Y) XXinv = invsym(XX) delta = XXinv * Xy delta = delta' S = optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S, &llnlogit()) optimize_init_which(S, "max") optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d2") optimize_init_params(S, delta) beta = optimize(S) ll_0 = optimize_result_value(S) st_numscalar("r(ll_0)", ll_0) } void logit( string scalar yvar, string scalar Xvars, string scalar pvar, string scalar tvar, real scalar n_orig, real scalar fe, real scalar te, real scalar fpc, string scalar touse ) { external Y, X st_view(Y = ., ., yvar , touse) st_view(x2p = ., ., Xvars , touse) st_view(panelvar = ., ., pvar , touse) st_view(timevar = ., ., tvar , touse) k = cols(x2p) N = rows(Y) info = panelsetup(panelvar, 1) T_min = panelstats(info)[3] T_max = panelstats(info)[4] T_avg = panelstats(info)[2]/panelstats(info)[1] info = uniqrows(panelvar) ng = rows(info) if (fe == 1 & te == 0) { FE = J(N, ng, .) for (i = 1; i<=ng; i ++) { FE[., i] = (panelvar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, FE[., 2::cols(FE)], J(N, 1, 1) } else if (fe == 0 & te == 1) { info = uniqrows(timevar) TE = J(N, rows(info), .) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { TE[., i] = (timevar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, TE[., 2::cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) } else { FE = J(N, ng, .) for (i = 1; i<=ng; i ++) { FE[., i] = (panelvar :== info[i]) } info = uniqrows(timevar) TE = J(N, rows(info), .) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { TE[., i] = (timevar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, FE[., 2::cols(FE)], TE[., 2::cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) } /*X = x2p, fe*FE[., 2::cols(FE)], te*TE[., 2::cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1)*/ XX = quadcross(X, X) XXinv = invsym(XX) XXinvdiag = diagonal(XXinv) //Check for additional collinearities between fixed-effects and regressors for (i=1; i<=rows(XXinvdiag); i++) { if (XXinvdiag[i]== 0) { X[., i] = J(rows(X), 1, 0) } } df_m = rank(X) - 1 dfs = N - df_m XX = quadcross(X, X) Xy = quadcross(X, Y) XXinv = invsym(XX) delta = XXinv * Xy delta = delta' S = optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S, &llnlogit()) optimize_init_which(S, "max") optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d2") optimize_init_params(S, delta) beta = optimize(S) H = optimize_result_V(S) ll = optimize_result_value(S) rank = rank(H) index = X * beta' bmfx = J(1, k, .) vate = J(k, 1, .) temp = J(cols(X), k, .) temp1 = J(rows(uniqrows(panelvar)), 1, uniqrows(timevar)) temp2 = J(rows(uniqrows(timevar)), 1, uniqrows(panelvar)) temp2 = sort(temp2, 1) info1 = panelsetup(temp2, 1) info2 = panelsetup(panelvar, 1) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) { if ((min(x2p[.,i]) == 0 & max(x2p[.,i]) == 1) & rows(uniqrows(x2p[.,i])) == 2) { X1 = X X0 = X X1[., i] = J(rows(X1), 1, 1) X0[., i] = J(rows(X0), 1, 0) bmfx[i] = sum(logcdf(X1 * beta') - logcdf(X0 * beta'))/n_orig index0 = index - beta[i] * X[., i] index1 = index + beta[i] * (1 :- X[., i]) ates = logcdf(index1) - logcdf(index0) } else { bmfx[i] = beta[i] * sum(logpdf(X * beta'))/n_orig ates = beta[i] * logpdf(index) } X1temp = J(rows(temp1), 1, .) X2temp = timevar, ates for (p=1; p<=ng; p++) { X11temp = panelsubmatrix(X1temp, p, info1) X22temp = panelsubmatrix(X2temp, p, info2) X11temp[X22temp[., 1]] = X22temp[., 2] X1temp[info1[p,1]::info1[p,2], .] = X11temp } ates = X1temp' ates = rowshape(ates, ng)' ates2 = ates' if ((min(x2p[.,i]) == 0 & max(x2p[.,i]) == 1) & rows(uniqrows(x2p[.,i])) == 2) { x = colsum(ates') :/ colnonmissing(ates') ate = sum(x)/cols(x) temp[.,i] = colsum(logpdf(index1) :* X1 - logpdf(index0) :* X0)'/n_orig } else { ate = bmfx[i] select = J(cols(X), 1, 0) select[i] = 1 if (beta[i] != 0) { temp[., i] = -beta[i] * colsum(index :* logpdf(index) :* X)'/n_orig + ate * select / beta[i] } else { temp[., i] = J(cols(X), 1, 0) } } vate[i] = fpc * (sum(rowsum(ates :- ate) :^ 2) + sum(rowsum(ates2 :- ate) :^ 2) - sum((ates :- ate) :^ 2))/dfs^2 } Vmfx = temp' * H * temp :+ vate b = beta[1..k] V = H[1..k, 1..k] _makesymmetric(V) _makesymmetric(Vmfx) st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(V)", V) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) st_matrix("r(Vmfx)", Vmfx) st_matrix("r(beta)", beta) st_numscalar("r(k)", k) st_numscalar("r(df_m)", df_m) st_numscalar("r(ll)", ll) st_numscalar("r(rank)", rank) st_numscalar("r(N)", N) st_numscalar("r(T_min)", T_min) st_numscalar("r(T_max)", T_max) st_numscalar("r(T_avg)", T_avg) } void logit_no_sd( string scalar yvar, string scalar Xvars, string scalar pvar, string scalar tvar, real scalar n_orig, real scalar fe, real scalar te, string scalar touse ) { external Y, X st_view(Y = ., ., yvar, touse) st_view(x2p = ., ., Xvars, touse) st_view(panelvar = ., ., pvar, touse) st_view(timevar = ., ., tvar, touse) k = cols(x2p) N = rows(Y) info = uniqrows(panelvar) FE = J(N, rows(info), 0) if (fe == 1 & te == 0) { for (i = 1; i<=rows(info); i ++) { FE[., i] = (panelvar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, FE[., 2::cols(FE)], J(N, 1, 1) } else if (fe == 0 & te == 1) { info = uniqrows(timevar) TE = J(N, rows(info), 0) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { TE[., i] = (timevar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, TE[., 2::cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) } else { for (i = 1; i<=rows(info); i ++) { FE[., i] = (panelvar :== info[i]) } info = uniqrows(timevar) TE = J(N, rows(info), 0) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { TE[., i] = (timevar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, FE[., 2::cols(FE)], TE[., 2::cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) } XX = quadcross(X, X) XXinv = invsym(XX) XXinvdiag = diagonal(XXinv) //Check for additional collinearities between fixed-effects and regressors for (i=1; i<=rows(XXinvdiag); i++) { if (XXinvdiag[i]== 0) { X[., i] = J(rows(X), 1, 0) } } XX = quadcross(X, X) Xy = quadcross(X, Y) XXinv = invsym(XX) delta = XXinv * Xy delta = delta' S = optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S, &llnlogit()) optimize_init_which(S, "max") optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d2") optimize_init_params(S, delta) beta = optimize(S) bmfx = J(1, k, .) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) { if ((min(x2p[.,i]) == 0 & max(x2p[.,i]) == 1) & rows(uniqrows(x2p[.,i])) == 2) { X1 = X X0 = X X1[., i] = J(rows(X1), 1, 1) X0[., i] = J(rows(X0), 1, 0) bmfx[i] = sum(logcdf(X1 * beta') - logcdf(X0 * beta'))/n_orig } else { bmfx[i] = beta[i] * sum(logpdf(X * beta'))/n_orig } } b = beta[1..k] st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void analytical( string scalar yvar, string scalar Xvars, string scalar pvar, string scalar tvar, string scalar obs, string scalar ltouse, string scalar beta1, real scalar lags, string scalar NT1, real scalar n_orig, real scalar fe, real scalar te, real scalar febias, real scalar tebias, string scalar touse) { external Y, X beta = st_matrix(beta1) NT = st_numscalar(NT1) st_view(Y = ., ., yvar , touse) st_view(x2p = ., ., Xvars , touse) st_view(panelvar = ., ., pvar , touse) st_view(timevar = ., ., tvar , touse) st_view(lagstouse = ., ., ltouse , touse) st_view(allobs = ., ., obs , touse) st_view(esample = ., ., touse) k = cols(x2p) N = rows(Y) ng = rows(uniqrows(panelvar)) FE = J(N, ng, .) TNp = J(ng, 1, .) info = panelsetup(panelvar, 1) info1 = uniqrows(panelvar) for (i = 1; i <= rows(info); i ++) { TNp[i] = rows(panelsubmatrix(panelvar, i, info)) } if (lags>0) { TNplags = J(ng, lags, .) for (j=1; j<=lags; j++) { for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { TNplags[i,j]= sum(panelsubmatrix(lagstouse[.,j], i, info)) } } } if (fe == 1 & te == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= rows(info); i ++) { FE[., i] = (panelvar :== info1[i]) } X = x2p, FE[., 2..cols(FE)], J(N, 1, 1) X1 = FE[., 2..cols(FE)], J(N, 1, 1) } else if (fe == 0 & te == 1) { info = uniqrows(timevar) TE = J(N, rows(info), .) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { TE[., i] = (timevar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) X1 = TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) } else { for (i = 1; i <= rows(info); i ++) { FE[., i] = (panelvar :== info1[i]) } info = uniqrows(timevar) TE = J(N, rows(info), .) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { TE[., i] = (timevar :== info[i]) } X = x2p, FE[., 2..cols(FE)], TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) X1 = FE[., 2..cols(FE)], TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1) } /*X = x2p, fe*FE[., 2..cols(FE)], te*TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1)*/ index = X * beta' /*X1 = fe*FE[., 2..cols(FE)], te*TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1)*/ ws = logpdf(index) XX = quadcross(X1, ws, X1) Xy = quadcross(X1, ws, x2p) delta = invsym(XX) * Xy resx = x2p - X1 * delta if (lags>0) { psi = Y - logcdf(index) psiNT = J(NT,1,0) psiNT[allobs] = psi lagspsiNT = J(NT,lags,0) for (j=1; j<=lags; j++) { lagspsiNT[select(allobs, lagstouse[.,j]), j] = psiNT[select((allobs:-1), lagstouse[.,j])] } lagspsiNT = select(lagspsiNT, esample) } if (febias == 0) { B = J(1, k, 0) } else { B = (((logcdf(index) :* ws :* resx)' * FE) :/ (ws' * FE))' :/ TNp if (lags>0) { for (i=1; i<=lags; i++) { B = B - ((((lagspsiNT[.,i] :* lagstouse[.,i] :* ws :* resx)' * FE) :/ (ws' * FE))' :/ TNplags[.,i]) } } B = mean(B) } if (tebias == 0) { D = J(1, k, 0) } else { D = mean((((logcdf(index) :* ws :* resx)' * TE) :/ (ws' * TE))') } W = (resx' * (ws :* resx)) / N bias = (febias * B + tebias * D/ng) * invsym(W) b = beta[1..k] - bias offset = x2p * b' if (fe == 1 & te == 0) { X = FE[., 2..cols(FE)], J(N, 1, 1), offset } else if (fe == 0 & te == 1) { X = TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1), offset } else { X = FE[., 2..cols(FE)], TE[., 2..cols(TE)], J(N, 1, 1), offset } XX = quadcross(X, X) XXinv = invsym(XX) XXinvdiag = diagonal(XXinv) //Check for additional collinearities between fixed-effects and regressors for (i=1; i<=rows(XXinvdiag); i++) { if (XXinvdiag[i]== 0) { X[., i] = J(rows(X), 1, 0) } } XX = quadcross(X, X) Xy = quadcross(X, Y) XXinv = invsym(XX) delta = XXinv * Xy delta = delta' C = J(1, cols(X), 0) k1 = cols(X) C[k1] = 1 c = 1 Cc = C, c S = optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S, &llnlogit()) optimize_init_which(S, "max") optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d2") optimize_init_params(S, delta) optimize_init_constraints(S, Cc) beta = optimize(S) index = X * beta' ws = logpdf(index) date = logpdf(index) :* (1 :- 2* logcdf(index)) ddate = date :* (1 :- 2 * logcdf(index)) - 2 * logpdf(index) :^2 XX = quadcross(X1, ws, X1) Xy = quadcross(X1, ws, (date :/ ws)) delta = invsym(XX) * Xy pdate = X1 * delta if (febias == 0) { B = 0 } else { B = (((-date :* pdate + ddate)' * FE) :/ (ws' * FE))' :/ TNp if (lags>0) { rdate = (date :/ ws) - X1 * delta psi = Y - logcdf(index) psiNT = J(NT,1,0) psiNT[allobs]= psi lagspsiNT = J(NT,lags,0) for (j=1; j<=lags; j++) { lagspsiNT[select(allobs, lagstouse[.,j]), j] = psiNT[select((allobs:-1), lagstouse[.,j])] } lagspsiNT = select(lagspsiNT, esample) for (i=1; i<=lags; i++) { B = B + ((((2 * lagspsiNT[.,i] :* lagstouse[.,i] :* ws :* rdate)' * FE) :/ (ws' * FE))' :/ TNplags[.,i]) } } B = (1/2) * mean(B) } if (tebias == 0) { D = 0 } else { D = (1/2) * mean((((-date :* pdate + ddate)' * TE) :/ (ws' * TE))') } bias = febias*B + tebias*D/ng bmfx = b * (sum(logpdf(index))/n_orig - bias) for (i = 1; i <= k; i ++) { if ((min(x2p[.,i]) == 0 :& max(x2p[.,i]) == 1) :& rows(uniqrows(x2p[.,i])) == 2) { index0 = index - b[i] * x2p[., i] index1 = index + b[i] * (1 :- x2p[., i]) date = logpdf(index1) - logpdf(index0) ddate = logpdf(index1) :* (1 :- 2 * logcdf(index1)) - logpdf(index0) :* (1 :- 2 * logcdf(index0)) XX = quadcross(X1, ws, X1) Xy = quadcross(X1, ws, (date :/ ws)) delta = invsym(XX) * Xy pdate = X1 * delta if (febias == 0) { B = 0 } else { B = (((-logpdf(index) :* (1 :- 2 * logcdf(index)) :* pdate + ddate)' * FE) :/ (ws' * FE))' :/ TNp if (lags>0) { rdate = (date :/ ws) - X1 * delta for (j=1; j<=lags; j++) { B = B + ((((2 * lagspsiNT[.,j] :* lagstouse[.,j] :* ws :* rdate)' * FE) :/ (ws' * FE))' :/ TNplags[.,j]) } } B = (1/2) * mean (B) } if (tebias == 0) { D = 0 } else { D = (1/2) * mean((((-logpdf(index) :* (1 :- 2 * logcdf(index)) :* pdate + ddate)' * TE) :/ (ws' * TE))') } bias = febias*B + tebias*D/ng bmfx[i] = sum(logcdf(index1) - logcdf(index0))/n_orig - bias } else { bmfx[i] = bmfx[i] } } st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void multiplepvar( string scalar pvar ) { st_view(panelvar = ., ., pvar) /*rseed(13579)*/ info = panelsetup(panelvar, 1) mm_panels(panelvar, Sinfo=.) ng = rows(uniqrows(panelvar)) p = mm_sample(ng, ng, ., ., 1) panelvar2 = J(rows(panelvar), 1, .) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { panelvar2[info[i,1]::info[i,2]] = J(Sinfo[i], 1, p[i]) } st_addvar("double", "pvar2") st_store(., "pvar2", panelvar2) } void multipletvar( string scalar tvar ) { st_view(timevar = ., ., tvar) /*rseed(02468)*/ info = panelsetup(timevar, 1) mm_panels(timevar, Sinfo=.) ng = rows(uniqrows(timevar)) p = mm_sample(ng, ng, ., ., 1) timevar2 = J(rows(timevar), 1, .) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { timevar2[info[i,1]::info[i,2]] = J(Sinfo[i], 1, p[i]) } st_addvar("double", "tvar2") st_store(., "tvar2", timevar2) } void betas_ss1( string scalar beta_fe, string scalar betamfx_fe, string scalar betas_fe, string scalar betasmfx_fe, real scalar multiple ) { bfe = st_matrix(beta_fe) bfemfx = st_matrix(betamfx_fe) betas = st_matrix(betas_fe) betasmfx = st_matrix(betasmfx_fe) if (multiple == 0) { b = 2*bfe - mean(betas) bmfx = 2*bfemfx - mean(betasmfx) } else { b = mean(betas) bmfx = mean(betasmfx) } st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void betas_ss2( string scalar beta_fe, string scalar betamfx_fe, string scalar betas_fe, string scalar betasmfx_fe, real scalar multiple, real scalar febias, real scalar tebias ) { bfe = st_matrix(beta_fe) bfemfx = st_matrix(betamfx_fe) betas = st_matrix(betas_fe) betasmfx = st_matrix(betasmfx_fe) if (multiple == 0) { if (febias == 0 | tebias == 0) { b = 2*bfe - mean(betas) bmfx = 2*bfemfx - mean(betasmfx) } else { b = 3*bfe - 2 * mean(betas) bmfx = 3*bfemfx - 2 * mean(betasmfx) } } else { b = mean(betas) bmfx = mean(betasmfx) } st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void betas_js( string scalar beta_fe, string scalar betamfx_fe, string scalar betas_fe, string scalar betasmfx_fe, real scalar febias, real scalar tebias, real scalar J ) { bfe = st_matrix(beta_fe) bfemfx = st_matrix(betamfx_fe) betas = st_matrix(betas_fe) betasmfx = st_matrix(betasmfx_fe) if (febias == 1 & tebias == 0) { b = J * bfe - (J - 1) * mean(betas) bmfx = J * bfemfx - (J - 1) * mean(betasmfx) } else if (febias == 0 & tebias == 1) { b = 2 * bfe - mean(betas) bmfx = 2 * bfemfx - mean(betasmfx) } else { b = (J + 1) * bfe - (J - 1) * mean(betas [1::J, .]) - mean(betas [(J+1)::(J+2), .]) bmfx = (J + 1) * bfemfx - (J - 1) * mean(betasmfx [1::J, .]) - mean(betasmfx [(J+1)::(J+2), .]) } st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void betas_sj( string scalar beta_fe, string scalar betamfx_fe, string scalar betas_fe, string scalar betasmfx_fe, real scalar febias, real scalar tebias, real scalar J ) { bfe = st_matrix(beta_fe) bfemfx = st_matrix(betamfx_fe) betas = st_matrix(betas_fe) betasmfx = st_matrix(betasmfx_fe) if (febias == 1 & tebias == 0) { b = 2 * bfe - mean(betas) bmfx = 2 * bfemfx - mean(betasmfx) } else if (febias == 0 & tebias == 1) { b = J * bfe - (J - 1) * mean(betas) bmfx = J * bfemfx - (J - 1) * mean(betasmfx) } else { b = (J + 1) * bfe - (J - 1) * mean(betas [1::J, .]) - mean(betas [(J+1)::(J+2), .]) bmfx = (J + 1) * bfemfx - (J - 1) * mean(betasmfx [1::J, .]) - mean(betasmfx [(J+1)::(J+2), .]) } st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void betas_jj( string scalar beta_fe, string scalar betamfx_fe, string scalar betas_fe, string scalar betasmfx_fe, real scalar febias, real scalar tebias, real scalar Jp, real scalar Jt ) { bfe = st_matrix(beta_fe) bfemfx = st_matrix(betamfx_fe) betas = st_matrix(betas_fe) betasmfx = st_matrix(betasmfx_fe) if (febias == 1 & tebias == 0) { b = Jp * bfe - (Jp - 1) * mean(betas) bmfx = Jp * bfemfx - (Jp - 1) * mean(betasmfx) } else if (febias == 0 & tebias == 1) { b = Jt * bfe - (Jt - 1) * mean(betas) bmfx = Jt * bfemfx - (Jt - 1) * mean(betasmfx) } else { b = (Jp + Jt - 1) * bfe - (Jp - 1) * mean(betas [1::Jp, .]) - (Jt - 1) * mean(betas [(Jp+1)::(Jp+Jt), .]) bmfx = (Jp + Jt - 1) * bfemfx - (Jp - 1) * mean(betasmfx [1::Jp, .]) - (Jt - 1) * mean(betasmfx [(Jp+1)::(Jp+Jt), .]) } st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void checkdouble( string scalar pvar, string scalar tvar, string scalar touse ) { st_view(panelvar = ., ., pvar , touse) st_view(timevar = ., ., tvar , touse) info = panelsetup(panelvar, 1) info1 = uniqrows(panelvar) info2 = uniqrows(timevar) // Check there is at least one i = t, i = 1,...,N, t = 1,...,T index = J(rows(info), 1, .) for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { A = info1[i] :- info2 A = select(A, A :== 0) index[i] = (rows(A) > 0 ? 1 : 0) } st_numscalar("r(sum)", sum(index)) st_matrix("r(index)", select(info1, index)) } void betas_double( string scalar beta_fe, string scalar betamfx_fe, string scalar betas_fe, string scalar betasmfx_fe, real scalar J ) { bfe = st_matrix(beta_fe) bfemfx = st_matrix(betamfx_fe) betas = st_matrix(betas_fe) betasmfx = st_matrix(betasmfx_fe) b = J * bfe - (J - 1) * mean(betas) bmfx = J * bfemfx - (J - 1) * mean(betasmfx) st_matrix("r(b)", b) st_matrix("r(bmfx)", bmfx) } void llnlogit(todo, b, llj, g, H) { external Y, X real colvector pm real colvector xb real colvector lj real colvector dllj real colvector d2llj real scalar dim real scalar nobs nobs = rows(Y) dim = cols(X) if (nobs != rows(X) | dim != cols(b)) { _error(3200) } pm = 2 * (Y :!= 0) :- 1 xb = X * b' lj = invlogit(pm :* xb) if (any(lj :== 0)) { llj = . return } llj = quadcolsum(ln(lj)) if (todo == 0) return dllj = pm :* invlogit(-pm :* xb) if (missing(dllj)) { llj = . return } g = quadcross(dllj, X) if (todo == 1) return d2llj = abs(dllj) :* lj if (missing(d2llj)) { llj = . return } H = -quadcross(X, d2llj, X) } real matrix logcdf(real matrix X) { logcdf = exp(X) :/ (1 :+ exp(X)) return(logcdf) } real matrix logpdf(real matrix X) { logpdf = invlogit(X) :* (1 :- invlogit(X)) return(logpdf) } end