VERSION 18.0 POSITION . . 1003 418 DIALOG main, label("logitgraph - Graph of the Probabilities from a Logistic Regression Model") tabtitle("Main") BEGIN GROUPBOX gb_a1 25 25 320 135, label("Variables") TEXT tx_a1 +25 +25 270 ., label("Dependent variable") VARNAME var_a1 @ +25 270 ., TEXT tx_a2 @ +25 270 ., label("Independent variables") VARLIST var_a2 @ +25 270 ., GROUPBOX gb_a2 25 175 320 218, label("Order") GROUPBOX gb_a2a 50 200 270 85, label("Order of independent variables") RADIO rad_a2a1 75 225 270 ., first label("Sort by magnitude of coefficients") RADIO rad_a2a2 @ 250 270 ., last label("Keep the provided order") GROUPBOX gb_a2b 50 288 270 85, label("Order of categories") RADIO rad_a2b1 75 +25 270 ., first label("Reverse the order if negative coefficient") RADIO rad_a2b2 @ +25 270 ., last label("Keep the provided order") GROUPBOX gb_b 363 25 615 368, label("Graph options") TEXT tx_b1 +25 +35 270 ., label("Width between lines:") EDIT ed_b1 +195 @ 75 ., default(1) TEXT tx_b2 388 +25 270 ., label("Background color:") COLOR col_b2 +220 @ 50 21, default(255 255 255) TEXT tx_b3 388 +25 270 ., label("Text color:") COLOR col_b3 +220 @ 50 21, default(0 0 0) TEXT tx_b4 388 +25 270 ., label("Text size:") EDIT ed_b4 +195 @ 75 ., default(10) GROUPBOX gb_b16 388 180 270 193, label("Color scheme") RADIO rad_b17a +25 +25 270 ., first label("Use an unique color") onclickon(script mono) TEXT tx_b18 +25 +25 270 ., label("Line color:") COLOR col_b18 +145 @ 50 21, default(0 0 0) RADIO rad_b17b 413 +33 270 ., last label("Use a color gradient") onclickon(script gradient) TEXT tx_b19 +25 +25 270 ., label("Line color p=0:") COLOR col_b19 +145 @ 50 21, default(255 255 80) TEXT tx_b20 -145 +25 270 ., label("Line color p=1:") COLOR col_b20 +145 @ 50 21, default(200 0 150) CHECKBOX ck_b21 -145 +25 270 ., label("Long direction of hue gradient") GROUPBOX gb_b8 683 50 270 110, label("Stimation point") TEXT tx_b10 +25 +25 270 ., label("Point size:") EDIT ed_b10 +170 @ 50 ., default(6) CHECKBOX ck_b9 -170 +25 270 ., label("Inner color:") default(1) COLOR col_b9 +170 @ 50 21, default(255 255 255) TEXT tx_b11 -170 +25 270 ., label("Gap to the label:") EDIT ed_b11 +170 @ 50 ., default(6) GROUPBOX gb_b12 683 169 270 110, label("Confidence interval") CHECKBOX ck_b13 +25 +25 270 ., label("Show confidence interval") default(1) CHECKBOX ck_b14 @ +25 270 ., label("Show limits of the confidence interval") default(1) TEXT tx_b15 @ +25 270 ., label("Line width:") EDIT ed_b15 +170 @ 50 ., default(3) GROUPBOX gb_b5 683 +44 270 85, label("Base line") TEXT tx_b6 708 +25 270 ., label("Line color:") COLOR col_b6 +170 @ 50 21, default(200 200 200) TEXT tx_b7 -170 +25 270 ., label("Line width:") EDIT ed_b7 +170 @ 50 ., default(1) END OK ok1, label("OK") CANCEL can1, label("Cancelar") SUBMIT sub1, label("Enviar") HELP hlp1, view("help logitgraph") RESET res1 COPY copy1 SCRIPT mono BEGIN main.tx_b18.enable main.col_b18.enable main.tx_b19.disable main.col_b19.disable main.tx_b20.disable main.col_b20.disable main.ck_b21.disable END SCRIPT gradient BEGIN main.tx_b18.disable main.col_b18.disable main.tx_b19.enable main.col_b19.enable main.tx_b20.enable main.col_b20.enable main.ck_b21.enable END PROGRAM command BEGIN put "logitgraph " put main.var_a1 " " put main.var_a2 ", " if main.rad_a2a2 { put "keepvarorder " } if main.rad_a2b2 { put "keepcatorder " } put "linedist(" main.ed_b1 ") " put "bgcolor(" main.col_b2 ") " put "textcolor(" main.col_b3 ") " put "textsize(" main.ed_b4 ") " if main.rad_b17a { put "lcolor(" main.col_b18 ") " } if main.rad_b17b { put "lcolor0(" main.col_b19 ") lcolor1(" main.col_b20 ") " if main.ck_b21 { put "colorlongway " } } put "ptsize(" main.ed_b10 ") " if main.ck_b9 { put "ptcolor(" main.col_b9 ") " } put "labelgap(" main.ed_b11 ") " if !main.ck_b13 { put "hideci " } if !main.ck_b14 { put "hidecilim " } put "linewidth(" main.ed_b15 ") " put "basecolor(" main.col_b6 ") " put "basewidth(" main.ed_b7 ") " END