help for lomackinlay

Perform Lo-MacKinlay variance ratio test

lomackinlay varname [if exp] [in range] [, q(numlist) gaps robust ]

lomackinlay is for use on time series data, which must be tsset. It may be applied to a single panel of a panel (xt) data set using an if qualifier. lomackinlay also supports the by: prefix.


lomackinlay computes a overlapping variance-ratio test on a timeseries. The timeseries should be in level form; e.g., to test that stock returns vary randomly around a constant mean, you consider the null hypothesis that the log price series is a random walk with drift. The log price series would then be given in the varlist. If the assumption of homoskedastic errors in the process generating the differenced series is not reasonable, the robust option may be used to calculate a variance ratio test statistic robust to arbitrary heteroskedasticity.


q(numlist) optionally specifies a numlist of values for the span of differencing. If not provided, the numlist of 2 4 8 16 is applied.

gaps is used to indicate that gaps in the timeseries are allowed.

robust specifies that a heteroskedasticity-robust test statistic should be computed.


. webuse wpi1 . lomackinlay ln_wpi . lomackinlay ln_wpi, robust . lomackinlay ln_wpi, q(2 3 5 7 9)


Campbell, J. Y., Lo, A. W. and A. C. MacKinlay, The Econometrics of Financial M > arkets. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.

Lo, A. and MacKinlay, A. C., "Stock market prices do not follow random walks: e > vidence from a simple specification test", Review of Financial Studies 1:1, 1988. Lo, A. W. and A. C. MacKinlay, A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/b > ooks/lo/

Tse, Ng and Zhang, "A small-sample overlapping variance-ratio test", available from www.mysmu.edu/faculty/yktse/JTSA_R.pdf


Christopher F Baum, Boston College baum@bc.edu


Tomasz Stepniak's query to Statalist suggested this problem. I am very grateful to Allin Cottrell for pointing out several corrections required in the code and providing corrected code. Brian Fryd also pointed out an error in the routine and provided a fix, for which I thank him.

Also see

On-line: help for lomodrs (if installed)