help for lomodrs                 (SSC distribution 26 Jun 2006)

Lo Modified R/S test for long range dependence in timeseries

lomodrs varname [if exp] [in range] [, maxlag(#)]

lomodrs is for use with time-series data. You must tsset your data before using lomodrs; see help tsset. lomodrs supports the by prefix, which may be used to operate on each time series in a panel. Alternatively, the if qualifier may be used to specify a single time series in a panel.

varname may contain time-series operators; help varlist.


lomodrs performs Lo's (1991) modified rescaled range (R/S, "range over standard deviation") test for long range dependence of a time series. The classical R/S test, devised by Hurst (1951) and Mandelbrot (1972), is shown to be excessively sensitive to "short-range dependence" (e.g. ARMA components). Lo's modified version of the statistic takes account of short-range dependence by performing a Newey-West correction (using a Bartlett window) to derive a consistent estimate of the long-range variance of the timeseries.

Inference from the modified R/S test for long range dependence is complementary to that derived from that of other tests for long memory, or fractional integration in a timeseries, such as kpss, gphudak, modlpr and roblpr.

The maximum lag order for the test is by default calculated from the sample size and the first-order autocorrelation coefficient of the varname using the data-dependent rule of Andrews (1991), assuming that the dgp is AR(1). The maximum lag order may be specified with the maxlag option. If it is set to zero, the test performed is the classical Hurst-Mandelbrot rescaled-range statistic.

Critical values for the test are taken from Lo, 1991, Table II.

The test statistic and number of observations are placed in the return array.


maxlag(#) specifies the maximum lag order to be used in calculating the test. If omitted, the maximum lag order is calculated as described above.


. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/Mills2d/sp500a.dta

. lomodrs sp500ar . lomodrs sp500ar, max(0) . lomodrs sp500ar if tin(1946,)


Christopher F. Baum, Boston College, USA baum@bc.edu

Tairi Room, Boston College, USA


Andrews, D. Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation. Econometrica, 59, 1991, 817-858.

Hurst, H. Long Term Storage Capacity of Reservoirs. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 116, 1951, 770-799.

Lo, Andrew W. Long-Term Memory in Stock Market Prices. Econometrica, 59, 1991, 1279-1313.

Mandelbrot, B. Statistical Methodology for Non-Periodic Cycles: From the Covariance to R/S Analysis. Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, 1, 1972, 259-290.

Also see

On-line: regress, time, tsset, ac, corrgram; gphudak (if installed), modlpr (if installed), kpss (if installed)