Reshape to long (limited alternative version)
longshape varlist [if exp] [in range] , iname(idvar(s)) jname(newvar) [ yname(newvar) yvallab(lblname) replace ]
longshape is a convenience command automating one kind of simple reshape long. Please study the Remarks below carefully to see if it matches your needs. Otherwise, it is likely that you really do need reshape.
Suppose that observations are identified by one or more existing variables idvar(s) and that you want to reshape a single bunch of variables varlist to long, i.e. to stack varlist into one variable. Any other variables are to be repeated alongside. reshape will do this for you, but three details can bite:
1. reshape requires that the variable names in varlist start with the same prefix or stub. Thus if a b c are to be stacked into one variable y, they would need to be called ya yb yc. It is easy enough to rename these variables before a reshape, but with longshape it is only necessary to specify a desired new name through the yname() option.
2. More awkwardly, with a reshape long the variable labels of varlist would disappear, so that it would be necessary to save them somewhere and put them back, or at worst to retype them. With longshape the variable labels, when they exist, become the value labels of a new variable.
3. On occasion, you might want to specify directly that the new variable be assigned particular value labels. longshape has an option for that.
One converse to this is that longshape does not support simultaneous reshaping of several bunches of variables, so for that you need reshape (or stack).
iname() specifies the name(s) of the variables that singly or jointly specify observations uniquely. This is a required option.
jname() specifies a name for a new variable to hold information on variables in varlist. Specifically, longshape creates two new variables, as follows. Suppose you specify jname(which). Then two new variables which and _which will be created. which is a numeric variable with value labels, which will be the original variable labels if defined and otherwise the original variable names. _which is a string variable with the original variable names. Thus when specifying jname(jname) it is necessary that both jname and _jname be available as new variable names. This is a required option.
yname() specifies a name for the single new variable formed by stacking varlist. The name defaults to y, so long as that is a new variable name.
replace forces a replacement of the existing dataset by the new reshaped dataset even though that existing dataset has changed since it was last saved or has not been saved at all. See save. Although this option may be used, it is better strategy to save the dataset first.
yvallab() specifies that a particular set of value labels be assigned to the new variable named in yname(). This is an occasionally used option.
. clear . set obs 6 . gen id = _n . gen a = ceil(10 * runiform()) . label var a "the label of a" . gen b = ceil(10 * runiform()) . label var b "the label of b" . l . save longshapetest, replace . longshape a b, i(id) j(which) . l
(ecological data, observations are sites, species abundances to be stacked into one variable) . longshape achmil-calcus, i(id) j(species) y(abundance)
Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University, U.K.
Also see
Online: help for reshape, stack