/* lqte_no_se.ado performs the following operation: 1) It computes the LQTEs. It calls qq_transfo.mo to compute the quantile-quantile transforms Q_d, and my_sort.mo to rearrange the cdfs of Y(0) and Y(1) and ensure that they are increasing and included between 0 and 1. */ quietly capture program drop lqte_no_se quietly program lqte_no_se, eclass sortpreserve version 12 syntax varlist(min=4 max=4 numeric) [if] [in] /// [, MOREOUTPUT true_D(name) BOOT is_special_case(numlist)] tokenize `varlist', parse(" ,") args Y G T D marksample touse preserve tempname minY maxY mean_Y_11 quantile quantiles quietly { keep if `touse' count local tot_obs=r(N) sum `Y' local minY=r(min) local maxY=r(max) sum `Y' if `G'==1 & `T'==1 local maxY_11=r(max)-0.001 /*compute P(D_1t=1)*/ forvalues i=0(1)1 { tempname mean_D_1`i' quietly sum `true_D' if `G'==1 & `T'==`i', meanonly scalar `mean_D_1`i''=r(mean) } /*if treatment variable takes only one value in control group, identify this value.*/ if `is_special_case'==1 { tempname mean_D_0 sum `D' if `G'==0, meanonly scalar `mean_D_0'=r(mean) } local Ntierce=`tot_obs'+1 /*if more than 11000 obs, create an equidistant grid of 11000 points between min-1/11000 and max of the support of the data*/ if `tot_obs'>11000 { tempvar newY_grid local N=`tot_obs' local Nbis=`tot_obs'+11000 set obs `Nbis' local a=`minY'-(`maxY'-`minY')/11000 range `newY_grid' `a' `maxY' 11000 replace `Y'=`newY_grid'[_n-`N'] in `N'/`Nbis' drop `newY_grid' } /*otherwise extract single values of Y in the data and use them as a new dataset*/ else { tempvar is_first newY_grid tempname count_first sort `Y', stable bysort `Y': gen `is_first'=cond(_n==1,1,0) count if `is_first'==1 scalar `count_first'=r(N)+1 local Nbis=`tot_obs'+`count_first' mata: createYvalues("`Y'","`is_first'","`count_first'","`newY_grid'") replace `Y'=`newY_grid' in `Ntierce'/`Nbis' drop `newY_grid' `is_first' } /*create an index that identifies those "new" datapoints*/ tempvar indice gen `indice'=1 in `Ntierce'/`Nbis' replace `indice'=0 if `indice'==. /*compute counterfactual CDFs evaluated at new grid points*/ display `Ntierce' display `Nbis' tab `indice' /*estimator of LQTE */ local pb_comp=0 forvalues i=1(1)2 { /*empty variable to store counterfactual CDF of Y(i) for switchers in treatment group*/ tempvar F_`i' gen `F_`i''=0 /*update of the first term in numerator of CDF of Y(i) among switchers*/ count if `D'==`i' & `G'==1 & `T'==1 if r(N)!=0 { tempvar F_`i'11 /*create CDF in group {D=i,G=1,T=1}*/ cumul `Y' if `D'==`i' & `G'==1 & `T'==1, gen(`F_`i'11') equal sort `Y' `F_`i'11', stable /*apply this CDF to observations not belonging to that group*/ replace `F_`i'11'=0 in 1/1 if `F_`i'11'>=. replace `F_`i'11'=`F_`i'11'[_n-1] if `F_`i'11'>=. /*update of counterfactual CDF*/ if `i'==1 { replace `F_`i''=(1-`mean_D_11')*`F_`i'11'/ /// (1-`mean_D_11'-(1-`mean_D_10')) } else { replace `F_`i''=`mean_D_11'*`F_`i'11'/ /// (`mean_D_11'-`mean_D_10') } } /*update of the second term in numerator of CDF of Y(i) among switchers*/ count if `D'==`i' & `G'==1 & `T'==0 if r(N)!=0 { tempvar inv_Q`i' is_in_`i'00 is_in_`i'01 Ybis F_`i'10 is_in_`i'10 /*create CDF in group {D=i,G=1,T=0}*/ cumul `Y' if `D'==`i' & `G'==1 & `T'==0 /// , gen(`F_`i'10') equal gen `is_in_`i'10'=(`D'==`i' & `G'==1 & `T'==0) if `is_special_case'==0 { gen `is_in_`i'00'=(`D'==`i' & `G'==0 & `T'==0) count if `is_in_`i'00'==1 local count_`i'00=r(N) gen `is_in_`i'01'=(`D'==`i' & `G'==0 & `T'==1) count if `is_in_`i'01'==1 local count_`i'01=r(N) } else { gen `is_in_`i'00'=(`D'==`mean_D_0' & `G'==0 & `T'==0) count if `is_in_`i'00'==1 local count_`i'00=r(N) gen `is_in_`i'01'=(`D'==`mean_D_0' & `G'==0 & `T'==1) count if `is_in_`i'01'==1 local count_`i'01=r(N) } if (`count_`i'00'!=0 & `count_`i'01'!=0) { mata:qq_transfo("`Y'","`is_in_`i'00'","`is_in_`i'01'","`indice'","`inv_Q`i''") drop `is_in_`i'00' `is_in_`i'01' `is_in_`i'10' /*create a variable equal to Y for old obs and Q_i^{-1} for new obs. Then we sort on this new variable and on F_{i10}. This allows to evaluate F_{i10} on Q_i^{-1}'s support.*/ gen `Ybis'=`inv_Q`i'' if `indice'==1 replace `Ybis'=`Y' if `Ybis'==. sort `Ybis' `F_`i'10', stable replace `F_`i'10'=0 in 1/1 if `F_`i'10'>=. replace `F_`i'10'=`F_`i'10'[_n-1] /// if `F_`i'10'>=. /*update counterfactual CDF*/ if `i'==1 { replace `F_`i''=`F_`i''-(1-`mean_D_10')*`F_`i'10'/ /// (1-`mean_D_11'-(1-`mean_D_10')) } else { replace `F_`i''=`F_`i''-`mean_D_10'*`F_`i'10'/ /// (`mean_D_11'-`mean_D_10') } drop `inv_Q`i'' *`F_inv_Q`i'' } else { local pb_comp=1 drop `is_in_`i'00' `is_in_`i'01' `is_in_`i'10' } } sum `F_`i'', meanonly local pb_comp`i'=r(mean) } local N_q=19 if `pb_comp'==0 & `pb_comp1'!=0 & `pb_comp2'!=0 { /*keep only the new datapoints*/ keep if `indice'==1 quietly count if `indice'==1 local N_obs=r(N) sort `Y', stable mata: my_sort("`F_1'") mata: my_sort("`F_2'") /*compute LQTEs for each treatment status*/ matrix `quantile'=J(`N_q',2,0) forvalues h=1(1)2 { replace `F_`h''=0 if `F_`h''<0 replace `F_`h''=1 if `F_`h''>1 replace `F_`h''=1 if `Y'>=`maxY_11' forvalues i=1(1)`N_q' { local tau=(1/(`N_q'+1))*`i' sum `Y' if `F_`h''>=`tau' if r(N)==0 { matrix `quantile'[`i',`h']=. } else { matrix `quantile'[`i',`h']=r(min) } } } matrix `quantiles'=`quantile'[1...,2]-`quantile'[1...,1] } else { matrix `quantiles'=J(`N_q',1,.) } local q_list "" forvalues i=1(1)19 { local q=`i'*5 local q_list "`q_list' q_`q'" } matrix rownames `quantiles'=`q_list' ereturn matrix LQTE=`quantiles' } end