help for ^lrutil^

Introduction to some logistic regression utilities ----------------------------

@grfreq@ and @grlogit@ plot the prevalence and logit of a binary variable by another. E.g. asthma by sex. Useful for scale checking.

@lrplot@ plots the odds ratios from a logistic regression model graphically. Easier to get a quick overview of a model.

@lrchg@ Computes likelihood ratio tests and changes in coefficients between models. Useful in model building.

@lrmatx@ Stores the coefficients from a logistic regression model as a matrix for easy manipulation.

@lrint@ Help file with code fragment that shows how to use the above to produce an easily interpretable graph of a model that includes and interaction of a continous and a categorical variable.

Author -------

Jan Brogger, University of Bergen, Norway jan.brogger@@med.uib.no

Shameless plug -------------- I am looking for internship & residency in internal medicine/pulmonary medicine US/EU. Am doing PhD in respiratory epidemiology now.