//s2sc and povmap mata functions
*! ls2sc_povmap 0.5.3 27 Apr 2017
*! Copyright (C) World Bank 2016-17 - Minh Cong Nguyen & Paul Andres Corral Rodas
*! Minh Cong Nguyen - mnguyen3@worldbank.org
*! Paul Andres Corral Rodas - pcorralrodas@worldbank.org
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the ter ms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
version 11
mata clear
mata drop *()
mata set matalnum on
mata set mataoptimize on
string scalar lsae_povmapStataVersion() return("`c(stata_version)'")
string scalar lsae_povmapVersion() return("00.05.00")
//0- Estimation functions
//Main function
void _s2cs_base0(string scalar yvar,
string scalar xvar,
string scalar zvar,
string scalar yhat,
string scalar yhat2,
string scalar sae1,
string scalar wgt,
string scalar idvar,
string scalar touse)
//real scalar locationeff,
y = st_data(.,tokens(yvar), touse)
x = st_data(.,tokens(xvar), touse)
z1 = st_data(.,tokens(zvar), touse)
yh = st_data(.,tokens(yhat), touse)
yh2 = st_data(.,tokens(yhat2), touse)
wt = st_data(.,tokens(wgt), touse)
area = st_data(.,tokens(sae1), touse)
id = st_data(.,idvar,touse)
sim = strtoreal(st_local("rep"))
seed = strtoreal(st_local("seed"))
vce = strtoreal(st_local("vceopt"))
EB = strtoreal(st_local("ebest"))
hheff = strtoreal(st_local("hheffs"))
h3 = strtoreal(st_local("h3"))
betaout = st_local("matbeta")
if (st_local("nolocation")~="") h3 = 2
boots = strtoreal(st_local("boots"))
etanorm = strtoreal(st_local("etanormal"))
epsnorm = strtoreal(st_local("epsnormal"))
if (boots==1 & (strtoreal(st_local("psu1"))==1)) psu = st_data(.,st_local("psu"),touse)
external bsim, asim, maxA, varr, sigma, v_sigma, allest, sigma_eps, hherr, locerr, locerr2, bs
//sort data
if (boots==1 & (strtoreal(st_local("psu1"))==1)) {
data = area, id, y, x, z1, yh, yh2, wt, psu
_sort(data, (1,cols(data),2))
y = &(data[.,3])
x = &(data[.,4..4+cols(x)-1], J(rows(x),1,1))
z1 = &(data[.,3+cols(*x)..3+cols(*x)+cols(z1)-1])
yh = &(data[.,3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)..3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)+cols(yh)-1])
yh2 = &(data[.,3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)+cols(*yh)..3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)+cols(*yh)+cols(yh2)-1])
wt = &(data[.,cols(data)-1])
area = &(data[.,1])
psu = &(data[.,cols(data)])
info = panelsetup(*area,1)
info2= panelsetup(*psu,1)
if (rows(info)>rows(info2)) _error("Your specified PSU variable is at a higher level than your cluster variable")
else {
data = area, id, y, x, z1, yh, yh2, wt
_sort(data, (1,2))
y = &(data[.,3])
x = &(data[.,4..4+cols(x)-1], J(rows(x),1,1))
z1 = &(data[.,3+cols(*x)..3+cols(*x)+cols(z1)-1])
yh = &(data[.,3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)..3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)+cols(yh)-1])
yh2 = &(data[.,3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)+cols(*yh)..3+cols(*x)+cols(*z1)+cols(*yh)+cols(yh2)-1])
wt = &(data[.,cols(data)])
area = &(data[.,1])
psu = &(data[.,1])
info = panelsetup(*area,1)
info2 = info
//return results
//return a matrix of pointers -
//row1: bOLS, vbOLS, rmse, r2 fstat, adjr2, Nobs, degree of freedom
//row2: aOLS, vaOLS, rmse, r2 fstat, adjr2, Nobs, degree of freedom
//row3: sigma_eta2, sigma_eps2, ratio eta/overall, var of sigmaeta2, maxA, varr
//row4: bGLS, vbGLS
allest = _f_s2sc_estall_eb(*y, *x, *z1, *yh, *yh2, *wt, *area, info, sim, seed, h3, vce, EB, 0, touse)
// _f_s2sc_estall_eb(y, x, z, wt, area, info, sim, seed,henderson,hhe)
if (st_local("nooutput")=="") {
st_matrix("_bols", (*allest[1,1])')
st_matrix("_vols", (*allest[1,2]))
st_matrix("_rmse_beta", (*allest[1,4]))
st_matrix("_r2_beta", (*allest[1,5]))
st_matrix("_F_beta", (*allest[1,6]))
st_matrix("_r2a_beta", (*allest[1,7]))
st_matrix("_N_beta", (*allest[1,8]))
st_matrix("_dfm_beta", (*allest[1,9]))
if (hheff==1) {
//Alfa --- Need to include no location option!
st_matrix("_bzols", (*allest[2,1])')
st_matrix("_vzols", (*allest[2,2]))
st_matrix("_rmse_alpha", (*allest[2,4]))
st_matrix("_r2_alpha", (*allest[2,5]))
st_matrix("_F_alpha", (*allest[2,6]))
st_matrix("_r2a_alpha", (*allest[2,7]))
st_matrix("_N_alpha", (*allest[2,8]))
st_matrix("_dfm_alpha", (*allest[2,9]))
if (h3==1) { //Henderson
st_matrix("_v_eta", (*allest[3,1]))
st_matrix("_v_eps", (*allest[3,2]))
st_matrix("_v_ratio", (*allest[3,3]))
if (h3==0) { //ELL
st_matrix("_v_eta", (*allest[3,1]))
st_matrix("_v_eps", (*allest[3,2]))
st_matrix("_v_ratio", (*allest[3,3]))
st_matrix("_fvar_sigeta2", (*allest[3,4]))
//st_matrix("_svar_sigeta2", (*allest[3,5]))
if (h3==2) { //No location
st_matrix("_v_eps", (*allest[1,4]:^2))
//GLS Results
st_matrix("_bgls", (*allest[4,1])')
st_matrix("_vgls", (*allest[4,2]))
//st_matrix("Zn", *allest[4,3])
//Coefficients for 2nd stage
if (sim>0) {
if (boots==0) { //get betas parametric
if (h3==1) _error("Parametric drawing with H3 option is not allowed")
if (EB==1) _error("Parametric drawing with EB option is not allowed")
hherr = locerr = asim = v_sigma = maxA = varr = sigma_eps = sigma = J(1,1,.) //empty matrix storing purpose - which can be overwritten later
bsim = _f_drawnorm(sim, *allest[4,1]', *allest[4,2], seed)
//for sigma eta
if (epsnorm==0) hherr = *allest[4,4]
//epsnorm 1 requires the census!!
sigma = *allest[3,1] //sigma_eta2
if (*allest[3,4]==.) v_sigma = *allest[3,5] //simulated variance of sigma_eta2
else v_sigma = *allest[3,4] //parametric variance of sigma_eta2
if (etanorm==1) locerr = _f_gammadraw(sigma, v_sigma, sim)
else locerr = (*allest[4,3])[.,2]
//for sigma epsilon
if (hheff==1) { //with household effect
asim = _f_drawnorm(sim, *allest[2,1]', *allest[2,2], seed)
maxA = J(sim, 1, *allest[3,6])
varr = J(sim, 1, *allest[3,7])
if (hheff==0) { //without household effect
if (h3==1) sigma_eps = J(sim, 1, (*allest[1,4]-*allest[3,1]))
if (h3==0) sigma_eps = J(sim, 1, (*allest[3,2]))
if (h3==2) sigma_eps = J(sim, 1, (*allest[1,4]))
} //End of parametric option
else { //Get via bootstrap:
bs = _f_bootstrap_estall(*y, *x, *z1, *yh, *yh2, *wt, *area, info, info2, sim, seed, h3, vce, EB, *psu, touse)
if ((EB==1) & ((etanorm==0)|(epsnorm==0))) {
display("I've changed your selection from semi-parametric to normal. When EB is chosen, only normal eta and epsilon drawings are allowed")
varr = maxA =sigma_eps= J(sim,1,.)
//Ask again why bs[1] here
bsim = J(sim,cols((*(*bs[1])[4,1])'),.)
if (hheff==1) asim = J(sim,cols((*(*bs[1])[2,1])'),.)
//fill up with randomly drawn sigma etas
if (EB==1) {
locerr = (*(*bs[1])[4,3])[.,1]
locerr2 = .
else { //(EB==0)
if (etanorm==1) locerr = J(sim,1,.)
else locerr = J(rows(info),sim,.) //(etanorm==0)
//if (etanorm==0) locerr = J(rows(info),sim,.)
if (epsnorm==0) hherr = J(rows((*(*bs[1])[4,4])),sim,.)
for(i=1;i<=sim;i++) {
bsim[i,.] = (*(*bs[i])[4,1])'
if (EB==1) {
locerr = locerr, (*(*bs[i])[4,3])[|.,2 \ .,3|]
locerr2 = locerr2, (0, (*(*bs[i])[3,1]))
else { //EB==0
if (etanorm==1) locerr[i,1] = (*(*bs[i])[3,1])
else locerr[.,i] = (*(*bs[i])[4,3])[.,2] //etanorm==0
if (hheff==1) {
asim[i,.] = (*(*bs[i])[2,1])'
if (epsnorm==1) {
maxA[i,1] = *(*bs[i])[3,6]
varr[i,1] = *(*bs[i])[3,7]
else {
if (epsnorm==1) {
if (h3==0) sigma_eps[i,1] = *(*bs[i])[3,2]
if (h3==1) sigma_eps[i,1] = *(*bs[i])[1,4] - *(*bs[i])[3,1]
if (h3==2) sigma_eps[i,1] = *(*bs[i])[1,4]
if (epsnorm==0) hherr[.,i] = *(*bs[i])[4,4]
} //sim
} ////Get via bootstrap:
} //sim>0
//st_matrix("Zn", (*(*bs[1])[4,4]))
//st_matrix("Zn", mean(*asim))
//write the bsim to file - with this order (7 items): asim, sigma, v_sigma, maxA, varr, bsim, sigma_eps
if ((st_local("stage")=="first") & (st_local("matbeta")!="")) {
fh = fopen(betaout, "rw")
fputmatrix(fh, asim)
fputmatrix(fh, sigma)
fputmatrix(fh, v_sigma)
fputmatrix(fh, maxA)
fputmatrix(fh, varr)
fputmatrix(fh, bsim)
fputmatrix(fh, sigma_eps)
// We call upon the Henderson or ELL function for 1st stage
function _f_s2sc_estall_eb( real matrix y,
real matrix x,
real matrix z,
real matrix yh,
real matrix yh2,
real matrix wt,
real matrix area,
real matrix info,
real scalar sim,
real scalar seed,
real scalar henderson,
real scalar vceopt,
real scalar EB,
real scalar bs,
string scalar touse) {
pointer(real matrix) rowvector estout
estout = J(10,25,NULL)
rinfo = rows(info)
b_ols = _f_wols(y, x, wt, info, vceopt, bs)
yhs = quadcross(x',*b_ols[1,1])
//RESULTS FROM OLS that are passed on to Stata and other functions
estout[1,1] = &(*b_ols[1,1]) //Beta model Betas
estout[1,2] = &(*b_ols[1,2]) //Beta model VCOV
estout[1,4] = &(sqrt(*b_ols[1,4])) //RMSE
estout[1,5] = &(*b_ols[1,5]) //R2
estout[1,6] = &(*b_ols[1,6]) //F-Stat
estout[1,7] = &(*b_ols[1,7]) //Adj. R2
estout[1,8] = &(*b_ols[1,8]) //Num Obs
estout[1,9] = &(*b_ols[1,9]) //Degrees of freedom (K-1)
//order matters for z - check alpha variables
if ((allof(z,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) { //0,0,0
hheffect = 0
else {
yhs2 = yhs:^2
if ((allof(z,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zn = yhs2:*yh2 //0,0,1
if ((allof(z,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) zn = yhs :*yh //0,1,0
if ((allof(z,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zn = yhs :*yh, yhs2:*yh2 //0,1,1
if ((allof(z,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) zn = z //1,0,0
if ((allof(z,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zn = z, yhs2:*yh2 //1,0,1
if ((allof(z,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) zn = z, yhs :*yh //1,1,0
if ((allof(z,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zn = z, yhs :*yh, yhs2:*yh2 //1,1,1
zn = zn, J(rows(zn),1,1)
hheffect = 1
//Henderson III or ELL or no location effect
if (henderson==1) { //Henderson III
H3 = _f_henderson_p1(y, x, wt, area, *b_ols[1,3], info, 1)
estout[3,1] = &(*H3[1,2]) //SIGMA ETA
estout[3,2] = &(*H3[1,1]) //SIGMA EPSilon
estout[3,3] = &(*H3[1,2]/(*b_ols[1,4])) //Ratio of Variance over MSE
estout[3,4] = &(*H3[1,3]) //Ehats
if (hheffect==1) {
ech = *H3[1,3]
maxA = 1.05*max(ech:^2)
lhslog = ln((ech:^2):/(maxA:-(ech:^2)))
alpha_ols = _f_wols(lhslog, zn, wt, info, vceopt, bs)
estout[2,1] = &(*alpha_ols[1,1]) //Beta
estout[2,2] = &(*alpha_ols[1,2]) //VCOV
estout[2,4] = &(sqrt(*alpha_ols[1,4])) //RMSE
estout[2,5] = &(*alpha_ols[1,5]) //R2
estout[2,6] = &(*alpha_ols[1,6]) //F-Stat
estout[2,7] = &(*alpha_ols[1,7]) //Adj. R2
estout[2,8] = &(*alpha_ols[1,8]) //Num Oalphas
estout[2,9] = &(*alpha_ols[1,9]) //Degrees of freedom (K-1)
bigb = exp(quadcross(zn',*alpha_ols[1,1]))
var_r = *alpha_ols[1,4]
sige2 = (maxA*(bigb:/(1:+bigb))) + (0.5*var_r)*((maxA*(bigb:*(1:-bigb))):/((1:+bigb):^3))
sige2 = *H3[1,1]*(sige2/mean(sige2))
estout[3,6] = &(maxA)
estout[3,7] = &(var_r)
else { //hheffect==0
sige2 = J(*b_ols[1,8], 1, (*b_ols[1,4]-*H3[1,2]))
b_gls0 = _f_hh_gls2(y, x, wt, sige2, *H3[1,2], info, 1,bs)
estout[4,1] = &(*b_gls0[1,1])
estout[4,2] = &(*b_gls0[1,2])
if (EB==1) {
ebout = _f_ebmatch(*H3[1,2], wt, sige2, info, area, *b_gls0[1,3])
estout[4,3] = &(*ebout[1,1]) //ETA
estout[4,4] = &(*ebout[1,2]) //EPS
else {
noebout = _f_hhech(*b_gls0[1,3], wt, info, area)
estout[4,3] = &(*noebout[1,1]) //ETA
estout[4,4] = &(*noebout[1,2]) //EPS
} //end of Henderson III
if (henderson==0) { //FOR ELL
//obtain sigma_eta2 and sampling variance of sigma_eta2
sigeta = _ell_sigeta(*b_ols[1,3], wt, info, 0)
estout[3,1] = &(*sigeta[1,1]) //Var of ETA
//Variance of epsilon
estout[3,2] = &(*b_ols[1,4] - *sigeta[1,1]) //varepsilon
estout[3,3] = &(*sigeta[1,1]/(*b_ols[1,4])) //ratiov
estout[3,4] = &(*sigeta[1,2]) //parametric variance of sigma_eta2
if (hheffect==1) {
ech = J(rows(*b_ols[1,3]),1,.)
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
res1 = panelsubmatrix(*b_ols[1,3],i,info)
m0 = info[i,1],1 \ info[i,2],1
ech[|m0|] = res1 :- mean(res1)
//if (i==1) area[i,.] ,mean(res1)
//wt1 = panelsubmatrix(wt,i,info)
//ech[info[i,1]..info[i,2],1] = res1 :- mean(res1, wt1)
//if (i==1) area[i,.] ,mean(res1,wt1), quadsum(wt1)
//else dump=dump \ (area[i,.] ,mean(res1,wt1), quadsum(wt1))
//Standardize Residuals
ech = ech*(sqrt(*estout[3,2])/sqrt(quadvariance(ech)))
//Alpha OLS
maxA = 1.05*max(ech:^2)
lhslog = ln((ech:^2):/(maxA:-(ech:^2)))
alpha_ols = _f_wols(lhslog, zn, wt, info,vceopt, bs)
estout[2,1] = &(*alpha_ols[1,1]) //Beta
estout[2,2] = &(*alpha_ols[1,2]) //VCOV
estout[2,4] = &(sqrt(*alpha_ols[1,4])) //RMSE
estout[2,5] = &(*alpha_ols[1,5]) //R2
estout[2,6] = &(*alpha_ols[1,6]) //F-Stat
estout[2,7] = &(*alpha_ols[1,7]) //Adj. R2
estout[2,8] = &(*alpha_ols[1,8]) //Num Oalphas
estout[2,9] = &(*alpha_ols[1,9]) //Degrees of freedom (K-1)
bigb = exp(quadcross(zn',*alpha_ols[1,1]))
var_r = *alpha_ols[1,4]
sige2 = (maxA*(bigb:/(1:+bigb))) + (0.5*var_r)*((maxA*(bigb:*(1:-bigb))):/((1:+bigb):^3))
estout[3,6] =&(maxA)
estout[3,7] =&(var_r)
else { //hheffect==0
sige2 = J(*b_ols[1,8], 1, *estout[3,2])
//b_gls0 = _f_ell_gls(y, x, wt,info, sige2, *sigeta[1,1])
b_gls0 = _f_hh_gls2(y, x, wt, sige2, *sigeta[1,1], info, EB, bs)
estout[4,1] = &(*b_gls0[1,1])
estout[4,2] = &(*b_gls0[1,2])
if (EB==1) {
ebout = _f_ebmatch(*sigeta[1,1], wt, sige2, info, area, *b_gls0[1,3])
estout[4,3] = &(*ebout[1,1]) //ETA
estout[4,4] = &(*ebout[1,2]) //EPS
else {
noebout = _f_hhech(*b_gls0[1,3], wt, info, area)
estout[4,3] = &(*noebout[1,1]) //ETA
estout[4,4] = &(*noebout[1,2]) //EPS
} //end of ELL
if (henderson==2) { //No location effect
//Notice that there's no adjustment made
if (hheffect==1) {
ech = *b_ols[1,3]
//Alpha OLS
maxA = 1.05*max(ech:^2)
lhslog = ln((ech:^2):/(maxA:-(ech:^2)))
alpha_ols = _f_wols(lhslog, zn, wt, info, vceopt, bs)
estout[2,1] = &(*alpha_ols[1,1]) //Beta
estout[2,2] = &(*alpha_ols[1,2]) //VCOV
estout[2,4] = &(sqrt(*alpha_ols[1,4])) //RMSE
estout[2,5] = &(*alpha_ols[1,5]) //R2
estout[2,6] = &(*alpha_ols[1,6]) //F-Stat
estout[2,7] = &(*alpha_ols[1,7]) //Adj. R2
estout[2,8] = &(*alpha_ols[1,8]) //Num Oalphas
estout[2,9] = &(*alpha_ols[1,9]) //Degrees of freedom (K-1)
estout[2,10]= &maxA
bigb = exp(quadcross(zn',*alpha_ols[1,1]))
var_r = *alpha_ols[1,4]
sige2 = (maxA*(bigb:/(1:+bigb))) + (0.5*var_r)*((maxA*(bigb:*(1:-bigb))):/((1:+bigb):^3))
else {
sige2=J(*b_ols[1,8], 1, *b_ols[1,4])
//b_gls0 = _f_ell_gls(y, x, wt,info, sige2, *sigeta[1,1])
b_gls0 = _f_hh_gls2(y, x, wt, sige2, 0, info, EB,1)
estout[4,1] = &(*b_gls0[1,1])
estout[4,2] = &(*b_gls0[1,2])
} //henderson ==2
if ((strtoreal(st_local("alfatest")))==1 & bs==0) {
st_store(.,st_varindex(tokens(st_local("alfaerr"))), touse, lhslog)
st_store(.,st_varindex(tokens(st_local("exbeta"))), touse, yhs )
// Prepares vcov matrix for Henderson
function _f_henderson_p1(real matrix y,
real matrix x,
real matrix wt,
real matrix area,
real matrix ehat,
real matrix info,
real scalar EB)
pointer(real matrix) rowvector sigout2
sigout2 = J(1,5,NULL)
sxw = quadcross(x,wt,x)
sxw2 = quadcross(x,(wt:^2),x)
rinfo = rows(info)
//These are to be filled in the loop
xdm = J(rows(x), cols(x), 0)
ydm = J(rows(x), 1, 0)
sumw = sumw2 = ebar = J(rinfo,1,0)
xbar = J(rinfo,cols(x),0)
sse = sw2 = 0
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
x1 = panelsubmatrix(x,i,info)
y1 = panelsubmatrix(y,i,info)
wt1 = panelsubmatrix(wt,i,info)
sw2 = sw2 + quadsum((wt1:^2))/quadsum(wt1)
m1 = info[i,1]
m2 = info[i,2]
m0 = m1,1 \ m2,1
ydm[|m0|] = y1 :- mean(y1,wt1)
xbar[i,.] = mean(x1,wt1)
m0 = m1,. \ m2,.
xdm[|m0|] = x1 :- xbar[i,.]
sumw[i] = quadsum(wt1)
if (EB == 1) {
sumw2[i] = quadsum((wt1:^2))
ebar[i] = mean(panelsubmatrix(ehat,i,info),wt1)
//remove 0 vector columns for inversion
xdm = select(xdm,(colsum((xdm:==0)):~=rows(xdm)))
sxdmw = quadcross(xdm,wt,xdm)
sxdmw2 = quadcross(xdm,(wt:^2),xdm)
yxdmw = quadcolsum((wt:*ydm):*xdm)
sse = quadcross(wt,(ydm:^2)) - quadcross(quadcross(yxdmw', sxdmw)',yxdmw')
t2 = trace(quadcross(sxdmw',sxdmw2))
t3 = trace(quadcross(sxw,sxw2))
t4 = trace(sxw*quadcross(xbar,(sumw:^2),xbar))
sigma2ech = sse/(quadsum(wt)-sw2-t2)
sigma2eta = (quadcross(wt,(y:^2)) -
quadcross(quadcross(quadcross(x,wt,y),sxw)',quadcross(x,wt,y)) -
gamma_a = sigma2eta:/(sigma2eta:+(sigma2ech:*(sumw2:/(sumw:^2))))
utilde = - (mean(gamma_a:*ebar)):+(gamma_a:*ebar)
//eps tilde
epstilde = J(rows(ehat),1,0)
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
m1 = info[i,1]
m2 = info[i,2]
m0 = m1,1 \ m2,1
epstilde[|m0|] = J(m2-m1+1, 1 , utilde[i])
//epstilde[|info[i,1],1\info[i,2],1|] = J(rows(epstilde[|info[i,1],1\info[i,2],1|]),1,utilde[i])
epstilde = -mean(ehat - epstilde ):+(ehat - epstilde)
epshat = epstilde:*(sqrt(sigma2ech)/sqrt(quadvariance(epstilde)))
uhat = utilde:*(sqrt(sigma2eta)/sqrt(quadvariance(utilde)))
sigout2[1,3] = &(epshat)
sigout2[1,4] = &(uhat)
sigout2[1,1] = &(sigma2ech)
sigout2[1,2] = &(sigma2eta)
//epshat for alfa model (replaces residuals from OLS and is then used in alfa model)
//BOOTSTRAP, adjusted from Minh's
function _f_bootstrap_estall(real matrix y,
real matrix x,
real matrix z,
real matrix yh,
real matrix yh2,
real matrix wt,
real matrix area,
real matrix info,
real matrix info2,
real scalar sim,
real scalar seed,
real scalar henderson,
real scalar vceopt,
real scalar EB,
real matrix psu,
string scalar touse) {
pointer(pointer(real matrix) rowvector) colvector bsout
bsout = J(sim,1,NULL)
data0 = area, y, x, z, yh, yh2, wt
rowdata = rows(data0)
coldata = cols(data0)
data = J(rowdata, coldata,.)
colsx = cols(x)
colsy = cols(y)
colsz = cols(z)
colsyh = cols(yh)
colsyh2 = cols(yh2)
rinfo = rows(info2)
for(s=1;s<=sim;s++) {
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
dout = panelsubmatrix(data0,i,info2)
nrow = rows(dout)
m0 = info2[i,1],1 \ info2[i,2],coldata
data[|m0|] = dout[ceil(nrow*uniform(nrow,1)), .]
//_sort(data, 1)
area1 = &(data[.,1])
y1 = &(data[.,2])
x1 = &(data[|.,3 \ .,3+colsx-1|])
z1 = &(data[|.,3+colsx \ .,3+colsx+colsz-1|])
yhx = &(data[|.,3+colsx+colsz \.,3+colsx+colsz+colsyh-1|])
yhx2 = &(data[|.,3+colsx+colsz+colsyh \ .,3+colsx+colsz+colsyh+colsyh2-1|])
wt1 = &(data[.,coldata])
est = _f_s2sc_estall_eb(*y1, *x1, *z1, *yhx, *yhx2, *wt1, *area1, info, sim, seed, henderson, vceopt, EB,1, touse)
//if (*est[3,1]<0) *est[3,1] = 0
c = 1
if (*est[3,1]<0) {
if (c<=100) {
s = s - 1
c = c + 1
else _error("Please try a different PSU or select a different seed number.")
else bsout[s] = f_pointer_clone(est)
//Column processing function
void _s2sc_sim_cols(string scalar xvar, string scalar zvars, string scalar yhats, string scalar yhats2, string scalar areavar, string scalar plvar, string scalar wgt, string scalar touse, string scalar hhid, string scalar matin)
count = strtoreal(st_local("colprocess"))
sim = strtoreal(st_local("rep"))
seed = strtoreal(st_local("seed"))
h3 = strtoreal(st_local("h3"))
if (st_local("nolocation")~="") h3 = 2
hheff = strtoreal(st_local("hheffs"))
boots = strtoreal(st_local("boots"))
etanorm = strtoreal(st_local("etanormal"))
epsnorm = strtoreal(st_local("epsnormal"))
EB = strtoreal(st_local("ebest"))
pline = strtoreal(st_local("pline"))
lg = strtoreal(st_local("lny"))
varinmod = tokens(st_local("varinmodel"))
//pointer(real matrix) rowvector agginfo
agglist = tokens(st_local("aggids"))
indlist = tokens(st_local("indicators"))
//pointer(real matrix) colvector arealvl
//agginfo = J(rows(agglist), 1, NULL)
mem = strtoreal(st_local("maxmem"))
mem = floor((mem/8/sim))
external bsim, asim, maxA, varr, sigma, v_sigma, sigma_eps, locerr, hherr, locerr2
colsbsim = cols(bsim)
colsasim = cols(asim)
if ((EB==1) & ((etanorm==0)|(epsnorm==0))){
//WARNING: area must be sorted outside in Stata
//census data - or use other way, ie seek(fh, (N*8+77)*6 ,-1) to get the 7th column
fhcensus = fopen(matin, "r")
varlist = fgetmatrix(fhcensus)
p0 = ftell(fhcensus)
a = fgetmatrix(fhcensus)
p1 = ftell(fhcensus)
N = rows(a)
a = J(1,1,.)
//The data
x = tokens(xvar)
z1 = tokens(zvars)
yh = tokens(yhats)
yh2 = tokens(yhats2)
area = tokens(areavar)
wt = tokens(wgt)
id = tokens(hhid)
pl = tokens(plvar)
colsx = cols(x)
colsz1 = cols(z1)
colsyh = cols(yh)
colsyh2 = cols(yh2)
if (st_local("cuts")!="") cut = tokens(st_local("cuts"))
coladd = (st_local("addvars")!="" ? cols(tokens(st_local("addvars"))) : 0)
//if (pline==.) st_view(pl,.,tokens(st_local("pline")), .)
//Check if X and other variables (varinmodel local), Z and Yhats are in the code
e3499 = _fvarscheck(varinmod, varlist)
if (z1[1] != "__mz1_000") e3499 = _fvarscheck(z1, varlist)
if (yh[1] != "__myh_000") e3499 = _fvarscheck(yh, varlist)
if (yh2[1] != "__myh2_000") e3499 = _fvarscheck(yh2, varlist)
if (st_local("addvars")!="") e3499 = _fvarscheck(tokens(st_local("addvars")), varlist)
if (e3499==1) {
errprintf("Variables mentioned above are missing from the target dataset\n")
if (hheff==1) { //zalpha condition - __mz1_000, __myh_000, __myh2_000
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "000" //0,0,0
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "001" //0,0,1
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "010" //0,1,0
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "011" //0,1,1
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "100" //1,0,0
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "101" //1,0,1
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "110" //1,1,0
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "111" //1,1,1
//sort is done before and setup area panel
area_v = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(area[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
//wt_v = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wt[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
//pl_v = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(pl[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
info = panelsetup(area_v, 1)
rowsinfo = rows(info)
//for (r=1; r<=cols(agglist); r++) agginfo[r,1] = &(panelsetup(_ftruncateID(area_v, agglist[r]), 1))
//area_v = 1
//create the mark index (0 and 1)
mask = _fdatamark(N, varinmod, varlist, fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
//N = quadcolsum(mask)
//New mata structure: key, matrixobs, matrixvar, _ByID, _ID, _WEIGHT, _YHAT1..._YHAT100, _POVLINE, addition vars
if (st_local("ydump")!="") {
if (st_local("plinevar")!="") ncols = 3 + sim + 1 + coladd
else ncols = 3 + sim + coladd
yd = fopen(st_local("ydump"),"rw")
//"DATA_MATRIX", "VARIABLE_MATRIX" are removed from the matrix variable
varname = "_ByID", "_ID", "_WEIGHT"
varname = varname, tokens(st_local("yhatlist"))
//if (st_local("plinevar")!="") varname = varname, "_POVLINE"
if (st_local("addvars")!="") varname = varname, tokens(st_local("addvars"))
fputmatrix(yd, (87801, quadcolsum(mask), ncols, sim, quadsum(strlen(varname)))) //DATA_MATRIX
if (st_local("addvars")!="") fputmatrix(yd, ("_ByID", "_ID", "_WEIGHT", tokens(st_local("yhatlist")), tokens(st_local("addvars")))) //VARIABLE_MATRIX
else fputmatrix(yd, ("_ByID", "_ID", "_WEIGHT", tokens(st_local("yhatlist")))) //VARIABLE_MATRIX
fputmatrix(yd, select(J(N,1,1), mask)) //_ByID
fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(area[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_ID
fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wt[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_WEIGHT
//if (st_local("plinevar")!="") fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(st_local("plinevar"), varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_POVLINE
//Simulation dots
if (boots==0) display("Parametric drawing of betas")
else display("Bootstrapped drawing of betas and parameters")
//count = 20 //need to be based on memory available
printf("{txt}\nNumber of simulations: {res}%g{txt}", sim)
printf("{txt}\nEach dot (.) represents {res}%g{txt} simulation(s).\n", count)
display("{txt}{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 1 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 2 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 3 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 4 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 5 ")
//Getting etamat for all area and all simulations
//do this because we keep the sequential draw: for each area within each simulation, then repeat each simulation.
if (EB==1) {
cens_area = J(rowsinfo,1,.)
for(r=1; r<=rowsinfo; r++) cens_area[r,1] = area_v[info[r,1],1]
D = _ebcensus4(cens_area, locerr, locerr2, info)
etamat = rnormal(1,1,D[.,2*1-1],sqrt(D[.,1*2])) //j==1
for(j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, rnormal(1,1,D[.,2*j-1],sqrt(D[.,j*2]))
cens_area = D = NULL
else { //EB==0
if (etanorm==0) {
//etamat = _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,1])
//for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,j])
//Added by Paul Apr 27 2018
itsbs = cols(locerr)!=1
etamat = _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,1])'
if (itsbs==1) for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,j])'
else for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,1])'
else { //(etanorm==1)
etamat = rnormal(rowsinfo,1,0,sqrt(locerr[1]))
for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, rnormal(rowsinfo,1,0,sqrt(locerr[j]))
area_v = NULL
for (s=1; s<=sim; s=s+count) {
//xb and epsnorm
m0 = s,1 \ s+count-1,1
m1 = .,s \ .,s+count-1
xb = J(N,1,1)*bsim[|s,colsbsim \ s+count-1,colsbsim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsx; v++) xb = xb :+ _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(x[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)*bsim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
if (epsnorm==1) {
if (hheff==1) {
if (zcond == "100") { //xb = (zi,J(rows(zi),1,1))*asim'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
if (zcond == "110") { //xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0) *asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1 \ s+count-1,v+colsz1|]'):*xb
if (zcond == "111") { //xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0) *asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1 \ s+count-1,v+colsz1|]'):*xb
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1+colsyh \ s+count-1,v+colsz1+colsyh|]'):*(xb:^2)
if (zcond == "010") { //xb = (yhi*asim[.,cols(asim)-1]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'):*xb
if (zcond == "011") { //xb = (yhi*asim[.,1..cols(yhi)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim')+ J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'):*xb
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsyh \ s+count-1,v+colsyh|]'):*(xb:^2)
if (zcond == "001") { //xb = (yh2i*asim[.,1..cols(yh2i)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'):*(xb:^2)
if (zcond == "101") { //xb = zi*asim[|.,1 \.,cols(zi)|]' + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi2)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0) *asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1 \ s+count-1,v+colsz1|]' ):*(xb:^2)
zb = exp(zb)
zb = (maxA[|m0|]':*(zb:/(1:+zb))) :+ (.5*varr[|m0|])':*((maxA[|m0|]':*(zb:*(1:-zb))):/((1:+zb):^3))
//_editmissing(zb, maxA)
xb = xb + colshape(vec(rnormal(1,1,0,sqrt(zb))'),N)' //checked OK on 1 sim or many sim
zb = NULL //release zb
else { // hheff==0
xb = xb + rnormal(N,1,0,sqrt(sigma_eps[|m0|])') //checked OK on 1 sim or many sim
else { //epsnorm==0
xb = xb + _f_sampleeps(count, N, hherr[|m1|]) //checked OK on 1 sim or many sim
for(j=1; j<=rowsinfo; j++) {
m2 = info[j,1],. \ info[j,2],.
xb[|m2|] = xb[|m2|] :+ etamat[j, s..s+count-1]
//now we have xb, let do the calculation fgt, gini, etc.
//Write col by col to the mata data
if (st_local("ydump")!="") {
if (lg==1) for (m=1; m<=count; m++) fputmatrix(yd, exp(select(xb[.,m], mask)))
else for (m=1; m<=count; m++) fputmatrix(yd, select(xb[.,m], mask))
if (mod(s,50)==0) printf(" %5.0f\n",s)
} //end of s
xb = area_v = wt_v = pl_v = NULL
//Add additional variables to the ydump
if (st_local("ydump")!="") {
if (st_local("addvars")!="") {
addvarlist = tokens(st_local("addvars"))
for (v=1; v<=coladd; v++) fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(addvarlist[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_ID
//Column processing function + on the fly
void _s2sc_sim_cols2(string scalar xvar, string scalar zvars, string scalar yhats, string scalar yhats2, string scalar areavar, string scalar plvar, string scalar wgt, string scalar touse, string scalar hhid, string scalar matin)
count = strtoreal(st_local("colprocess"))
sim = strtoreal(st_local("rep"))
seed = strtoreal(st_local("seed"))
h3 = strtoreal(st_local("h3"))
if (st_local("nolocation")~="") h3 = 2
hheff = strtoreal(st_local("hheffs"))
boots = strtoreal(st_local("boots"))
etanorm = strtoreal(st_local("etanormal"))
epsnorm = strtoreal(st_local("epsnormal"))
EB = strtoreal(st_local("ebest"))
lg = strtoreal(st_local("lny"))
varinmod = tokens(st_local("varinmodel"))
//pointer(real matrix) rowvector agginfo
indlist = tokens(st_local("indicators"))
//pline = strtoreal(st_local("pline"))
yesmata = strtoreal(st_local("matay"))
agglist = strtoreal(tokens(st_local("aggids")))
fgtlist = tokens(st_local("fgtlist"))
gelist = tokens(st_local("gelist"))
pl = strtoreal(tokens(plvar))
plreal = 1
if (missing(pl)>0) {
pl = tokens(plvar)
plreal = 0
external bsim, asim, maxA, varr, sigma, v_sigma, sigma_eps, locerr, hherr, locerr2
colsbsim = cols(bsim)
colsasim = cols(asim)
if ((EB==1) & ((etanorm==0)|(epsnorm==0))){
//WARNING: area must be sorted outside in Stata
//census data - or use other way, ie seek(fh, (N*8+77)*6 ,-1) to get the 7th column
fhcensus = fopen(matin, "r")
varlist = fgetmatrix(fhcensus)
p0 = ftell(fhcensus)
a = fgetmatrix(fhcensus)
p1 = ftell(fhcensus)
N = rows(a)
a = J(1,1,.)
//The data
x = tokens(xvar)
z1 = tokens(zvars)
yh = tokens(yhats)
yh2 = tokens(yhats2)
area = tokens(areavar)
wt = tokens(wgt)
id = tokens(hhid)
//pl = tokens(plvar)
colsx = cols(x)
colsz1 = cols(z1)
colsyh = cols(yh)
colsyh2 = cols(yh2)
if (st_local("cuts")!="") cut = tokens(st_local("cuts"))
coladd = (st_local("addvars")!="" ? cols(tokens(st_local("addvars"))) : 0)
//if (pline==.) st_view(pl,.,tokens(st_local("pline")), .)
//Check if X and other variables (varinmodel local), Z and Yhats are in the code
if (st_local("addvars")!="") e3699 = _fvarscheck(tokens(st_local("addvars")), varlist)
else e3699=0
e3499 = _fvarscheck(varinmod, varlist)
if (z1[1] != "__mz1_000") e3499 = _fvarscheck(z1, varlist)
if (yh[1] != "__myh_000") e3499 = _fvarscheck(yh, varlist)
if (yh2[1] != "__myh2_000") e3499 = _fvarscheck(yh2, varlist)
if ((e3499==1) | (e3699==1)){
errprintf("Variables mentioned above are missing from the target dataset\n")
if (hheff==1) { //zalpha condition - __mz1_000, __myh_000, __myh2_000
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "000" //0,0,0
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "001" //0,0,1
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "010" //0,1,0
if ((z1[1]=="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "011" //0,1,1
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "100" //1,0,0
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]=="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "101" //1,0,1
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]=="__myh2_000")) zcond = "110" //1,1,0
if ((z1[1]~="__mz1_000") & (yh[1]~="__myh_000") & (yh2[1]~="__myh2_000")) zcond = "111" //1,1,1
//sort is done before and setup area panel
area_v = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(area[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
display("{it:Number of observations in target dataset:}")
if (rows(area_v)==0){
errprintf("Your target dataset has no observations, please check\n")
//wt_v = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wt[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
//pl_v = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(pl[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
info = panelsetup(area_v, 1)
rowsinfo = rows(info)
display("{it:Number of clusters in target dataset:}")
//for (r=1; r<=cols(agglist); r++) agginfo[r,1] = &(panelsetup(_ftruncateID(area_v, agglist[r]), 1))
//area_v = 1
//create the mark index (0 and 1)
mask = _fdatamark(N, varinmod, varlist, fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)
//N = quadcolsum(mask)
//Prep for on the fly calculation
if (yesmata==1 & st_local("ydump")=="") {
wt_v = select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wt[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)
nHHLDs = rows(wt_v)
area2 = select(area_v, mask)
nagg = cols(agglist)
npovlines = cols(pl)
infov = areaid = nhh = J(1, nagg, NULL)
nrow = J(1, nagg, .)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
idfake = trunc(area2/10^agglist[j])
infov[j] = &(panelsetup(idfake, 1))
areaid[j] = &(idfake[(*infov[j])[(1::rows(*infov[j])),2],.])
nhh[j] = &((*infov[j])[.,2] - (*infov[j])[.,1] :+ 1)
nrow[j] = rows(*infov[j])
idfake = NULL
//Unit nHHLDs nDroppedHHLD nIndividuals YTrimed nSim Min_Y Max_Y Mean StdErr
rmatnames = "nSim", "Unit", "nHHLDs", "nIndividuals", "Mean"
senames = "StdErr"
nfgts = cols(fgtlist)
if (nfgts>0) {
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
for (ind=1; ind<=nfgts; ind++) {
plname = (plreal==1 ? strtoname(strofreal(pl[l])) : "_" + pl[l])
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_" + fgtlist[ind] + plname
senames = senames, "se_" + fgtlist[ind] + plname
nges = cols(gelist)
if (nges>0) {
for (ind=1; ind<=nges; ind++) {
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_" + gelist[ind]
senames = senames, "se_" + gelist[ind]
rmatnames = rmatnames, senames
if (npovlines>0 & nfgts>0 & plreal==0) {
plvalue = J(1,npovlines, NULL)
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) plvalue[l] = &((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(pl[l], varname), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask))
//New mata structure: key, matrixobs, matrixvar, _ByID, _ID, _WEIGHT, _YHAT1..._YHAT100, _POVLINE, addition vars
if (st_local("ydump")!="") {
if (st_local("plinevar")!="") ncols = 3 + sim + 1 + coladd
else ncols = 3 + sim + coladd
yd = fopen(st_local("ydump"),"rw")
//"DATA_MATRIX", "VARIABLE_MATRIX" are removed from the matrix variable
varname = "_ByID", "_ID", "_WEIGHT"
varname = varname, tokens(st_local("yhatlist"))
//if (st_local("plinevar")!="") varname = varname, "_POVLINE"
if (st_local("addvars")!="") varname = varname, tokens(st_local("addvars"))
fputmatrix(yd, (87801, quadcolsum(mask), ncols, sim, quadsum(strlen(varname)))) //DATA_MATRIX
if (st_local("addvars")!="") fputmatrix(yd, ("_ByID", "_ID", "_WEIGHT", tokens(st_local("yhatlist")), tokens(st_local("addvars")))) //VARIABLE_MATRIX
else fputmatrix(yd, ("_ByID", "_ID", "_WEIGHT", tokens(st_local("yhatlist")))) //VARIABLE_MATRIX
fputmatrix(yd, select(J(N,1,1), mask)) //_ByID
fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(area[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_ID
fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wt[1], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_WEIGHT
//if (st_local("plinevar")!="") fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(st_local("plinevar"), varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_POVLINE
//Simulation dots
if (boots==0) display("Parametric drawing of betas")
else display("Bootstrapped drawing of betas and parameters")
//count = 20 //need to be based on memory available
printf("{txt}\nNumber of simulations: {res}%g{txt}", sim)
printf("{txt}\nEach dot (.) represents {res}%g{txt} simulation(s).\n", count)
display("{txt}{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 1 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 2 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 3 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 4 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 5 ")
//Getting etamat for all area and all simulations
//do this because we keep the sequential draw: for each area within each simulation, then repeat each simulation.
if (EB==1) {
cens_area = J(rowsinfo,1,.)
for(r=1; r<=rowsinfo; r++) cens_area[r,1] = area_v[info[r,1],1]
D = _ebcensus4(cens_area, locerr, locerr2, info)
etamat = rnormal(1,1,D[.,2*1-1],sqrt(D[.,1*2])) //j==1
for(j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, rnormal(1,1,D[.,2*j-1],sqrt(D[.,j*2]))
cens_area = D = NULL
else { //EB==0
if (etanorm==0) {
//etamat = _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,1])
//for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,j])
//Added by Paul C Apr 27 2018
itsbs = cols(locerr)!=1
etamat = _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,1])'
if (itsbs==1) for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,j])'
else for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, _f_sampleeps(rowsinfo, 1, locerr[.,1])'
else { //(etanorm==1)
etamat = rnormal(rowsinfo,1,0,sqrt(locerr[1]))
for (j=2; j<=sim; j++) etamat = etamat, rnormal(rowsinfo,1,0,sqrt(locerr[j]))
if (yesmata==0) area_v = NULL
else {
if (st_local("ydump")=="") {
block = J(1, 5 + nfgts*npovlines + nges,.)
sim0 = 1
for (s=1; s<=sim; s=s+count) {
//xb and epsnorm
m0 = s,1 \ s+count-1,1
m1 = .,s \ .,s+count-1
xb = J(N,1,1)*bsim[|s,colsbsim \ s+count-1,colsbsim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsx; v++) xb = xb :+ _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(x[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)*bsim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
if (epsnorm==1) {
if (hheff==1) {
if (zcond == "100") { //xb = (zi,J(rows(zi),1,1))*asim'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0)*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
if (zcond == "110") { //xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0) *asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1 \ s+count-1,v+colsz1|]'):*xb
if (zcond == "111") { //xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0) *asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1 \ s+count-1,v+colsz1|]'):*xb
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1+colsyh \ s+count-1,v+colsz1+colsyh|]'):*(xb:^2)
if (zcond == "010") { //xb = (yhi*asim[.,cols(asim)-1]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'):*xb
if (zcond == "011") { //xb = (yhi*asim[.,1..cols(yhi)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim')+ J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsyh; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'):*xb
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsyh \ s+count-1,v+colsyh|]'):*(xb:^2)
if (zcond == "001") { //xb = (yh2i*asim[.,1..cols(yh2i)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'):*(xb:^2)
if (zcond == "101") { //xb = zi*asim[|.,1 \.,cols(zi)|]' + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi2)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
zb = J(N,1,1)*asim[|s,colsasim \ s+count-1,colsasim|]' //change to 0 for nocons
for (v=1; v<=colsz1; v++) zb = zb + _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(z1[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0) *asim[|s,v \ s+count-1,v|]'
for (v=1; v<=colsyh2; v++) zb = zb + ((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(yh2[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0))*asim[|s,v+colsz1 \ s+count-1,v+colsz1|]' ):*(xb:^2)
zb = exp(zb)
zb = (maxA[|m0|]':*(zb:/(1:+zb))) :+ (.5*varr[|m0|])':*((maxA[|m0|]':*(zb:*(1:-zb))):/((1:+zb):^3))
//_editmissing(zb, maxA)
xb = xb + colshape(vec(rnormal(1,1,0,sqrt(zb))'),N)' //checked OK on 1 sim or many sim
zb = NULL //release zb
else { // hheff==0
xb = xb + rnormal(N,1,0,sqrt(sigma_eps[|m0|])') //checked OK on 1 sim or many sim
else { //epsnorm==0
if (boots==0) xb = xb + _f_sampleeps(count, N, hherr[.,1]) //Parametric only has one vector!
else xb = xb + _f_sampleeps(count, N, hherr[|m1|]) //checked OK on 1 sim or many sim
for(j=1; j<=rowsinfo; j++) {
m2 = info[j,1],. \ info[j,2],.
xb[|m2|] = xb[|m2|] :+ etamat[j, s..s+count-1]
//Write col by col to the mata data
if (st_local("ydump")!="") {
if (lg==1) for (m=1; m<=count; m++) fputmatrix(yd, exp(select(xb[.,m], mask)))
else for (m=1; m<=count; m++) fputmatrix(yd, select(xb[.,m], mask))
//now we have xb, let do the calculation fgt, gini, etc.
if (yesmata==1 & st_local("ydump")=="") {
xb = select(xb, mask)
for (m=1; m<=count; m++) {
block0 = J(1,5,.)
wt_m = wt_v
if (lg==1) y = exp(xb[.,m])
else y = xb[.,m]
if (colmissing(y)>0) {
_editmissing(y, 0)
wt_m[selectindex(rowmissing(y)),.] = J(rows(selectindex(rowmissing(y))),1,0)
wy = wt_m:*y
running = quadrunningsum(wt_m,0), quadrunningsum(wy,0)
//minmaxy = minmax(y)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = running[(*infov[j])[1,2],.] \ running[(*infov[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - running[(*infov[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
block0 = block0 \ J(nrow[j],1,sim0), *areaid[j], *nhh[j], A[.,1] , A[.,2]:/A[.,1]
else block0 = block0 \ sim0 , 0 , nHHLDs, running[nHHLDs,1], running[nHHLDs,2]/running[nHHLDs,1]
block0 = block0[2..rows(block0),.]
if (nfgts>0) {
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
if (plreal==1) {
wt_p = (y:<= pl[l]):*wt_m
rgap = 1:-(y:/ pl[l])
else {
wt_p = (y:<= *plvalue[l]):*wt_m
rgap = 1:-(y:/ *plvalue[l])
for (ind=1; ind<=nfgts; ind++) {
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt0") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p,0)
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt1") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p:*rgap,0)
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt2") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p:*rgap:*rgap,0)
fgtx = J(1,1,.)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = currfgt[(*infov[j])[1,2],.] \ currfgt[(*infov[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - currfgt[(*infov[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ A[.,2] :/ A[.,1]
else fgtx = fgtx \ currfgt[nHHLDs,2]:/ currfgt[nHHLDs,1]
block0 = block0, fgtx[2..rows(fgtx),1]
A = fgtx = currfgt = NULL
} //ind
} //plines
} //nfgt
if (nges>0) {
lny = ln(y)
wlny = wt_m:*lny
for (ind=1; ind<=nges; ind++) {
if (gelist[ind]=="ge0") current = running, quadrunningsum(wlny,0)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge1") current = running, quadrunningsum(wy:*lny,0)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge2") current = running, quadrunningsum(wy:*y,0)
fgtx = J(1,1,.)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge0") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*infov[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*infov[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*infov[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ -(A[.,3]:/A[.,1]) :+ ln(A[.,2]:/A[.,1])
else fgtx = fgtx \ -(current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,1]) :+ ln(current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1])
if (gelist[ind]=="ge1") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*infov[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*infov[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*infov[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ (A[.,3]:/A[.,2]) :- ln(A[.,2]:/A[.,1])
else fgtx = fgtx \ (current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,2]) :- ln(current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1])
if (gelist[ind]=="ge2") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*infov[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*infov[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*infov[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ 0.5*((((A[.,2] :/A[.,1]) :^-2):*(A[.,3]:/A[.,1])):-1)
else fgtx = fgtx \ 0.5*((((current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1]):^-2):*(current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,1])):-1)
block0 = block0, fgtx[2..rows(fgtx),1]
A = fgtx = current = NULL
} //ind
} //nges
//add blocks
block = block \ block0
sim0 = sim0 + 1
} //m
} //yesmata
if (mod(s,50)==0) printf(" %5.0f\n",s)
} //end of s
xb = area_v = wt_v = wt_m = pl_v = NULL
block0 = y = wt0 = wt = area = wy = running = wt_p = rgap = plvalue = lny = wlny = info = areaid = nhh = NULL
//Add additional variables to the ydump
if (st_local("ydump")!="") {
if (st_local("addvars")!="") {
addvarlist = tokens(st_local("addvars"))
for (v=1; v<=coladd; v++) fputmatrix(yd, select(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(addvarlist[v], varlist), fhcensus, p0, p1-p0), mask)) //_ID
//export results to Stata
if (yesmata==1 & st_local("ydump")=="") {
block = block[2..rows(block),.]
_sort(block, (2,1))
infov = panelsetup(block,2)
rinfo = rows(infov)
outsim = J(1, 4+(cols(block)-4)*2, .)
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
rr = infov[i,1],5 \ infov[i,2],.
out = quadmeanvariance(block[|rr|])
outsim = outsim \ infov[i,2]-infov[i,1]+1, block[infov[i,1],2::4], out[1,.], sqrt(diagonal(out[2..rows(out),.])')
out = block = NULL
outsim = outsim[2..rows(outsim),.]
(void) st_addvar("double", rmatnames)
outsim = NULL
// OLS with weight and vce option 0 none, 1 robust, 2 cluster, 3 povmap adjustment
function _f_wols(real matrix y, real matrix x, real matrix wt, real matrix info, real scalar vce, real scalar bs) {
pointer(real matrix) rowvector olsout
olsout = J(1,9,NULL)
nobs = rows(x) // N Obs
ncolx = cols(x)
if (bs==0) {
xwx = invsym(quadcross(x,wt,x))
b_ols = quadcross(xwx,quadcross(x,wt,y))
res = y - quadcross(x',b_ols)
N = rows(info)
//USE MSE FROM POVMAP, it will not match that from stata!
mse = quadcross(res,wt,res)/(mean(wt))/(nobs - ncolx)
if (vce==0) v_ols = (quadcross(res,wt,res)*xwx)/(nobs - ncolx) //regular WOLS COV
if (vce==1) v_ols = (nobs/(nobs - ncolx))*quadcross(xwx',quadcross(quadcross((wt:*res):*x,(wt:*res):*x)',xwx)) //aw robust or pw: correct stata way
if (vce==2) { //cluster
if (N>1) { //VCE cluster COV
M = J(ncolx, ncolx, 0)
for(i=1; i<=N; i++) {
xi = panelsubmatrix(x, i, info)
ei = panelsubmatrix(res, i, info)
wi = panelsubmatrix(wt, i, info)
we = quadcross((wi:*ei)' ,(wi:*ei)')
M = M + quadcross(quadcross(xi,we)',xi)
v_ols = ((nobs - 1)/(nobs - ncolx))*(N/(N-1))*quadcross(quadcross(xwx',M)',xwx)
else { //Robust OLS COV
v_ols = (nobs/(nobs - ncolx))*quadcross(xwx',quadcross(quadcross((wt:*res):*x,(wt:*res):*x)',xwx))
if (vce==3) v_ols = quadcross(quadcross(xwx',quadcross(x,(wt:^2),x))',xwx):*mse // Povmap method with adjustment
//estimate other statistics for OLS
df = ncolx - 1 //Degrees of freedom
R2 = 1 - quadcross(res,wt,res)/quadcrossdev(y, mean(y,wt), wt, y, mean(y,wt)) //R2
fstat = (R2/(1-R2))*((nobs - ncolx)/df) //Fstat
aR2 = 1 - ((nobs - 1)/(nobs - ncolx))*(1-R2) //Adjusted R2
} //bs
else {
b_ols = quadcross(invsym(quadcross(x,wt,x)),quadcross(x,wt,y))
res = y - quadcross(x',b_ols)
mse = quadcross(res,wt,res)/(mean(wt))/(nobs - ncolx)
olsout[1,1]= &(b_ols)
olsout[1,2]= &(v_ols)
olsout[1,3]= &(res)
olsout[1,4]= &(mse)
olsout[1,5]= &(R2)
olsout[1,6]= &(fstat)
olsout[1,7]= &(aR2)
olsout[1,8]= &(nobs)
olsout[1,9]= &(df)
//simple remove index function (i<=n)
function _f_rmindex(real scalar i, real scalar n) {
if (i==1) return(2..n)
else if (i==n) return(1..n-1)
else {
if (i>n | i<0 | n<0) {
errprintf("Wrong input; must be i<=n and both i and n are positive\n")
else return(1..i-1,i+1..n)
//function to select variables based on the VIF information with intercept
function _f_vif(string scalar xvar, string scalar wvar, string scalar touse) {
x0 = st_data(.,tokens(xvar), touse)
wt = st_data(.,tokens(wvar), touse)
nobs = rows(x0)
x0 = x0, J(nobs,1,1)
ncolx = cols(x0)
ncolx1 = ncolx-1
xpx0 = quadcross(x0,wt,x0)
vif = J(ncolx1,1,.)
for (i=1; i<=ncolx1; i++) {
ind = _f_rmindex(i,ncolx)
y = x0[.,i]
x = x0[.,ind]
res = y - quadcross(x',quadcross(invsym(xpx0[ind, ind])', quadcross(x,wt,y)))
R2 = 1 - quadcross(res,wt,res)/quadcrossdev(y, mean(y,wt), wt, y, mean(y,wt)) //R2
aR2 = 1 - ((nobs - 1)/(nobs - ncolx))*(1-R2) //Adjusted R2
vif[i] = 1/(1-aR2)
//function to select variables based on the VIF information with intercept, x0 does not contain constant, return vif
function _f_vif_mata(real matrix x0, real matrix wt) {
nobs = rows(x0)
x0 = x0, J(nobs,1,1)
ncolx = cols(x0)
ncolx1 = ncolx-1
xpx0 = quadcross(x0,wt,x0)
vif = J(ncolx1,1,.)
for (i=1; i<=ncolx1; i++) {
ind = _f_rmindex(i,ncolx)
y = x0[.,i]
x = x0[.,ind]
res = y - quadcross(x',quadcross(invsym(xpx0[ind, ind])', quadcross(x,wt,y)))
R2 = 1 - quadcross(res,wt,res)/quadcrossdev(y, mean(y,wt), wt, y, mean(y,wt)) //R2
aR2 = 1 - ((nobs - 1)/(nobs - ncolx))*(1-R2) //Adjusted R2
vif[i] = 1/(1-aR2)
//stepwise vif function based on a threshold, remove one var at at time, return index
function _f_stepvif(string scalar xvar, string scalar wvar, real scalar threshold, string scalar touse) {
varname = tokens(xvar)
x0 = st_data(.,tokens(xvar), touse)
wt = st_data(.,tokens(wvar), touse)
vif = _f_vif_mata(x0, wt)
matind = selectindex(vif: threshold) {
vif = _f_vif_mata(x0[., matind], wt)
matind = matind[selectindex(vif :< max(vif))']
st_local("vifvar", invtokens(varname[matind]))
//GLS Roy's paper
function _f_hh_gls2(real matrix y, real matrix x, real matrix wt, real matrix sig_e, real scalar sig_n, real matrix info, real scalar EB, real scalar bs) {
pointer(real matrix) rowvector glsout2
glsout2 = J(1,3,NULL)
//Capital sigma matrix for GLS
xtwex = xtwewx = J(cols(x), cols(x), 0)
xtwey = J(cols(x), 1, 0)
N = rows(info)
//Loop through clusters
for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
cv = panelsubmatrix(sig_e,i,info)
v = diag(cv) + J(rows(cv),rows(cv),sig_n)
wt1 = panelsubmatrix(wt,i,info)
cv = diag(cv:/wt1) + (quadsum(wt1)/quadsum(wt1:^2))*J(rows(cv),rows(cv),sig_n)
x1 = panelsubmatrix(x,i,info)
y1 = panelsubmatrix(y,i,info)
xt = quadcross(x1,cv)
xtwex = xtwex + quadcross(xt',x1)
xtwey = xtwey + quadcross(xt',y1)
xtwewx = xtwewx + quadcross(quadcross(xt',v)',quadcross(cv,x1))
if (bs==0) {
Beta2 = quadcross(xtwex,xtwey)
vcov2 = quadcross(quadcross((xtwex),xtwewx)',(xtwex))
else {
//Beta2 = lusolve(xtwex,xtwey)
Beta2 = quadcross(invsym(xtwex),xtwey)
//following estimates GLS residuals for EB
glsout2[1,1] = &(Beta2)
glsout2[1,2] = &(vcov2)
glsout2[1,3] = &(y -quadcross(x',Beta2))
function _f_hh_gls2old(real matrix y, real matrix x, real matrix wt, real matrix sig_e, real scalar sig_n, real matrix info, real scalar EB, real scalar bs) {
pointer(real matrix) rowvector glsout2
glsout2 = J(1,3,NULL)
//Capital sigma matrix for GLS
xtwex = xtwewx = J(cols(x), cols(x), 0)
xtwey = J(cols(x), 1, 0)
N = rows(info)
//Loop through clusters
for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
cv = diag(panelsubmatrix(sig_e,i,info))
v = cv + J(rows(cv),cols(cv),sig_n)
wt1 = panelsubmatrix(wt,i,info)
cv = quadcross((diag((1:/wt1))),cv) + (quadsum(wt1)/quadsum(wt1:^2))*J(rows(cv),cols(cv),sig_n)
x1 = panelsubmatrix(x,i,info)
y1 = panelsubmatrix(y,i,info)
xt = quadcross(x1,cv)
xtwex = xtwex + quadcross(xt',x1)
xtwey = xtwey + quadcross(xt',y1)
//xtwewx = xtwewx + quadcross(quadcross(xt',v)',quadcross(luinv(cv)',x1))
xtwewx = xtwewx + quadcross(quadcross(xt',v)',quadcross(cv',x1))
if (bs==0) {
Beta2 = quadcross(xtwex',xtwey)
vcov2 = quadcross(quadcross((xtwex)',xtwewx)',(xtwex))
else {
//Beta2 = lusolve(xtwex,xtwey)
Beta2 = quadcross(invsym(xtwex),xtwey)
//following estimates GLS residuals for EB
glsout2[1,1] = &(Beta2)
glsout2[1,2] = &(vcov2)
glsout2[1,3] = &(y -quadcross(x',Beta2))
// Sigma eta for ELL
function _ell_sigeta(real matrix uch, real matrix wt, real matrix info, real scalar sim) {
pointer(real matrix) rowvector ellsig
ellsig = J(1,2,NULL)
N = rows(info)
tau2c = wc = ucdot = nc = J(N,1,.)
wall = quadsum(wt)
data = uch, wt
for (a=1; a<=N; a++) {
//Get weights
datai = panelsubmatrix(data, a, info)
wi = datai[.,cols(datai)]
wc[a] = (quadsum(wi)/wall)
//Get Tau_c
ucdot[a] = mean(datai[.,1],wi)
nc[a] = rows(datai)
ech = datai[.,1] :- ucdot[a]
tau2c[a] = (1/(nc[a]*(nc[a]-1)))*quadcrossdev(ech,mean(ech),ech,mean(ech))
//end of Tau
num1 = quadcrossdev(ucdot,(mean(ucdot,wc)),wc,ucdot,(mean(ucdot,wc)))
num2 = quadcross((wc:*tau2c),(1:-wc))
den = quadcross(wc,(1:-wc))
sigmas = ((num1-num2)/den),0
varsigma2 = max(sigmas)
ellsig[1,1] = &(varsigma2)
if (sim==0) {
sig2n_hat = 0
for (a=1; a<=N; a++) {
sig2n_hat = sig2n_hat +2*(((wc[a]/den)^2)*((varsigma2^2)+(tau2c[a]^2)+2*varsigma2*tau2c[a])+(((wc[a]*(1-wc[a]))/den)^2)*((tau2c[a]^2)/(nc[a]-1)))
ellsig[1,2] = &(sig2n_hat)
//ELL GLS, no longer used in PovMap. Offer as option?
function _f_ell_gls(real matrix y, real matrix x, real matrix wt, real matrix info, real matrix sig_e, real scalar sig_n) {
pointer(real matrix) rowvector glsout
glsout = J(1,2,NULL)
N = rows(info)
//Capital sigma matrix for GLS
xtwex = xtwewx = J(cols(x), cols(x), 0)
xtwey = J(cols(x), 1, 0)
//Loop through clusters
for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
cv = diag(panelsubmatrix(sig_e,i,info))
cv = cv + J(rows(cv),cols(cv),sig_n)
x1 = panelsubmatrix(x,i,info)
wt1 = panelsubmatrix(wt,i,info)
y1 = panelsubmatrix(y,i,info)
xt = quadcross(x1,wt1,luinv(cv))
xtwex = xtwex + quadcross(xt',x1)
xtwey = xtwey + quadcross(xt',y1)
xtwewx = xtwewx + quadcross(xt',wt1,x1)
Beta2 = quadcross(luinv(xtwex)',xtwey)
vcov2 = quadcross(quadcross(luinv(xtwex)',xtwewx)',luinv(xtwex))
//VCOV is not symmetric, it must be symmetric, we follow Haslett, 2005 pg 160
vcov2 =(1/2)*(vcov2+vcov2')
glsout[1,1] = &(Beta2)
glsout[1,2] = &(vcov2)
//function to draw multivariate normal distribution
function _f_drawnorm(real scalar n, real matrix M, real matrix V, real scalar seed) {
return(M :+ invnormal(uniform(n,cols(V)))*cholesky(V)')
//function to draw multivariate normal distribution - POVMAP's way
function _f_drawnorm2(real scalar n, real matrix M, real matrix vcov) {
return(M:+ (invnormal(uniform(n,rows(vcov)))*(U*diag(sqrt(D))*U')))
//Random drawing with replacement of epsilons
function _f_sampleeps(real scalar n, real scalar dim, real matrix eps) {
sige2 = J(dim,n,0)
N = rows(eps)
if (cols(eps)==1) for(i=1; i<=n; i++) sige2[.,i]=eps[ceil(N*runiform(dim,1)),1]
else for(i=1; i<=n; i++) sige2[.,i]=eps[ceil(N*runiform(dim,1)),i]
//for(i=1; i<=n; i++) sige2[.,i]=eps[ceil(rows(eps)*runiform(dim,1)),i]
// data[|m0|] = dout[ceil(nrow*uniform(nrow,1)), .]
//Gamma sampler for sigeta
function _f_gammadraw(real matrix seta, real matrix var_seta, real scalar n) {
return(rgamma(n,1,(seta^2/var_seta), (var_seta/seta)))
//Function to match location error for EB?
function _f_ebmatch(real matrix sigeta, real matrix wt, real matrix sigeps, real matrix info, real matrix area, real matrix res) {
pointer(real matrix) colvector ebout
ebout = J(1,2,NULL)
N = rows(info)
sigout = J(N,3,.) //sigout -> Area, uhat, sigmaeta
for(i=1;i<=N;i++) {
sige = panelsubmatrix(sigeps,i,info)
peso = panelsubmatrix(wt,i,info)
resi = panelsubmatrix(res,i,info)
alfach = ((peso:/sige) :/ quadsum((peso:/sige)))
//alfach = quadcross(sige,(((peso:/sige):/quadsum((peso:/sige))):^2))
gammau = sigeta/(sigeta+(quadsum((peso:^2))/(quadsum(peso)*quadsum((peso:/sige)))))
//sigout[i,.] = area[info[i,1]], (gammau*(alfach*quadsum(resi))), (sigeta - (gammau^2)*(sigeta + alfach))
sigout[i,.] = area[info[i,1]], (gammau*quadcross(resi,alfach)), (sigeta - (gammau^2)*(sigeta + quadcross(sige,(alfach:^2))))
res[|info[i,1],1 \ info[i,2],1|] = -(gammau*quadcross(resi,alfach)):+resi
//Function to ..?
function _f_hhech(real matrix res, real matrix wt, real matrix info, real matrix area) {
pointer(real matrix) colvector echout
N = rows(info)
for(i=1;i<=N;i++) {
peso = panelsubmatrix(wt,i,info)
resi = panelsubmatrix(res,i,info)
eta[i,.] = area[info[i,1]],mean(resi,peso)
res[|info[i,1],1 \ info[i,2],1|] = -eta[i,2]:+resi
echout[1,1] = &eta
echout[1,2] = &res
//Pointer Function to clone pointers
pointer (transmorphic matrix) scalar f_pointer_clone(transmorphic matrix X) {
transmorphic matrix Y
return(&(Y = X))
//To assign etas and sigetas to census areas for EB
function _ebcensus4(real matrix area1, real matrix etabs, real matrix etabs2, real matrix info1) {
N = rows(info1)
for(i=1; i<=N; i++) {
for(j=1;((j<=rows(etabs)) & (k==0));j++) {
if (area1[i,1]==etabs[j,1]) {
cens_etas[i,.] = etabs[|j,2\j,cols(etabs)|]
if (j!=rows(etabs)) etabs = etabs[|j+1,. \ rows(etabs),.|]
if ((k==0) & (j==rows(etabs))) cens_etas[i,.] = etabs2[1,2..cols(etabs2)]
//To assign etas and sigetas to census areas for EB
function _ebcensus5(real matrix area1, real matrix etabs, real matrix info1) {
N = rows(info1)
nrow = rows(etabs)
ncol = cols(etabs)
for(i=1; i<=nrow;i++) for(j=1; j<=N;j++) if (area1[j,1]==etabs[i,1]) cens_etas[j,1]=i
//1- DATA related functions
//function to find the position of the variable
//indlist is tokenize string matrix, strfind is string input
//_fvarindex("roof", indlist) //varlist = tokens(strall), 0 is not found
function _fvarindex(strfind, varlist) {
match = 0
nvars = cols(varlist)
for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
if (strmatch(varlist[i], strfind) == 1) {
match = i
i = nvars
//function to get the column from the mata matrix datafile
//bytestart=p0, bytelength=p1-p0
function _fgetcoldata(colpos, filehandler, bytestart, bytelength) {
if (colpos > 0) {
fseek(filehandler, (colpos-1)*bytelength + bytestart ,-1)
else {
function _fgetcoldata2(colpos, filehandler, n) {
fseek(filehandler, (n*8+77)*colpos ,-1) //this is because there is 1 vector before the data so colpos is the same, otherwise colspos-1
//function to mark 0 and 1 to use in calculation (remove missing)
function _fdatamark(obs, varmod, varlist, filehandler, bytestart, bytelength) {
mark = J(obs,1,1)
col = cols(varmod)
for (i=1; i<=col; i++) mark = mark:*((_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(varmod[i], varlist), filehandler, bytestart, bytelength)):~=.)
//function to truncate IDs by the position of the ID
function _ftruncateID(real matrix ids, real scalar pos) {
//function to save ydump2dta
function _fydump2dta(ydump, dtaout) {
dtafcol = strtoreal(st_local("dtacol"))
dtafsize = strtoreal(st_local("dtasize"))
yd = fopen(ydump,"r")
info = fgetmatrix(yd)
varname = fgetmatrix(yd)
header = 77+5*8+4*info[3]+77+info[5]
addvar = info[3]-info[4]
filesize = (info[2]*info[3]*8 + 4*info[2])/1024^2
ncolperfile = floor((dtafsize*(1024^2) - 4*info[2])/(8*info[2]))
nfiles = ceil(filesize/dtafsize)
//first file _seq, _ByID, _ID, _WEIGHT, addvars, sim
//second file _seq, _ByID, _ID, _WEIGHT, sim
//function to get levelsof from Andrew Maurer/statalist.org
real vector _fintlevelsof(real vector A) {
real scalar maxA, minA, rangeA, offset
real vector minmaxA, b
minmaxA = minmax(A)
minA = minmaxA[1,1]
maxA = minmaxA[1,2]
rangeA = maxA-minA+1
offset = -minA+1
if (rangeA > 10^9) _error(9,"range of vector must be less than 1 billion")
b = J(rangeA, 1, 0)
b[A:+offset,1] = J(length(A),1,1)
//function to check the variable in the list, return 0/1 and local _itran
function _fvarscheck(varscheck, varlist) {
nvarscheck = cols(varscheck)
ret = 0
for (v=1; v<=nvarscheck; v++) {
if (_fvarindex(varscheck[v], varlist)==0) {
errprintf("Variable %s not found\n", varscheck[v])
ret = 1
//function to expand the col in data by info structure
//data = unit, trans;, info is panel info matrix, areaid is id from each subgroup
function _fdataexpand(data, info, areaid) {
if (rows(data)~=rows(areaid)) exit(error(3200))
else {
nrow = rows(info)
out = J(info[rnrow,2],1,.)
for (i=1; i<=nrow; i++) {
j = selectindex(areaid:==data[i,1])
out[info[j,1]..info[j,2]] = J(info[j,2]-info[j,1], 1, data[i,2])
//2- CALCULATION functions
// function to compute indicators, X = inclist, wt, pline
// y = nHHLDs, nIndividuals, min_y, max_y, mean, (indicator)
function _fgetinds(x, wt, pl, lny) {
//if (lny==1) x = exp(x)
if (lny==1) pl = ln(pl)
//we also can do the ln of poverty line, this is much faster than the exp(x)
indlist = tokens(st_local("indicators"))
y = J(cols(x),1,rows(x)), J(cols(x),1,quadsum(wt)), colminmax(x)', mean(x,wt)'
for (i=1; i<=cols(indlist); i++) {
if (indlist[i]=="fgt0") y = y , _fFGT(x, pl, wt, 0)'
if (indlist[i]=="fgt1") y = y , _fFGT(x, pl, wt, 1)'
if (indlist[i]=="fgt2") y = y , _fFGT(x, pl, wt, 2)'
if (indlist[i]=="gini") y = y , _fGinis(x, wt)'
if (indlist[i]=="ge0") y = y , _fGE(x, wt, 0)'
if (indlist[i]=="ge1") y = y , _fGE(x, wt, 1)'
if (indlist[i]=="ge2") y = y , _fGE(x, wt, 2)'
// need to add different weights
//function to simulate the budget allocation - JDE paper
void _s2sc_inds_sim(string scalar ydump, string scalar plines, string scalar aggids, string scalar areavar, string scalar wgtvar, real matrix transdata) {
//agglist = strtoreal(tokens(st_local("aggids")))
agglist = strtoreal(tokens(aggids))
fgtlist = tokens(st_local("fgtlist"))
gelist = tokens(st_local("gelist"))
pl = strtoreal(tokens(plines))
plreal = 1
if (missing(pl)>0) {
pl = tokens(plines)
plreal = 0
in = fopen(ydump, "r" )
size = fgetmatrix(in)
varname = fgetmatrix(in)
p0 = ftell(in)
id = fgetmatrix(in)
p1 = ftell(in)
id = NULL
area = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(areavar, varname), in, p0, p1-p0)
wt0 = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wgtvar, varname), in, p0, p1-p0)
p2 = 2*(p1-p0)+p1
nHHLDs = rows(wt0)
nagg = cols(agglist)
npovlines = cols(pl)
info = areaid = nhh = J(1, nagg, NULL)
nrow = J(1, nagg, .)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
idfake = trunc(area/10^agglist[j])
info[j] = &(panelsetup(idfake, 1))
areaid[j] = &(idfake[(*info[j])[(1::rows(*info[j])),2],.])
nhh[j] = &((*info[j])[.,2] - (*info[j])[.,1] :+ 1)
nrow[j] = rows(*info[j])
idfake = NULL
//Unit nHHLDs nDroppedHHLD nIndividuals YTrimed nSim Min_Y Max_Y Mean StdErr
rmatnames = "nSim", "Unit", "nHHLDs", "nIndividuals", "Mean"
senames = "StdErr"
nfgts = cols(fgtlist)
if (nfgts>0) {
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
for (ind=1; ind<=nfgts; ind++) {
plname = (plreal==1 ? strtoname(strofreal(pl[l])) : "_" + pl[l])
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_" + fgtlist[ind] + plname
senames = senames, "se_" + fgtlist[ind] + plname
//nges = cols(gelist)
nges = 0
if (nges>0) {
for (ind=1; ind<=nges; ind++) {
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_" + gelist[ind]
senames = senames, "se_" + gelist[ind]
rmatnames = rmatnames, senames
if (npovlines>0 & nfgts>0 & plreal==0) {
plvalue = J(1,npovlines, NULL)
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) plvalue[l] = &(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(pl[l], varname), in, p0, p1-p0))
fseek(in, p2, -1)
block = J(1, 5 + nfgts*npovlines + nges,.)
printf("{txt}\nComputing indicators for {res}%g{txt} simulation(s).\n", size[4])
display("{txt}{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 1 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 2 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 3 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 4 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 5 ")
for (sim=1; sim<=size[4]; sim++) {
block0 = J(1,5,.)
y0 = fgetmatrix(in)
wt = wt0
if (colmissing(y0)>0) {
_editmissing(y0, 0)
index = selectindex(rowmissing(y0))
wt[index,.] = J(rows(index),1,0)
index = NULL
wy = wt:*y0
running = quadrunningsum(wt,0), quadrunningsum(wy,0)
//minmaxy = minmax(y)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) { //no mean
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = running[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ running[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - running[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
block0 = block0 \ J(nrow[j],1,sim), *areaid[j], *nhh[j], A[.,1] , J(rows(A),1,0)
else block0 = block0 \ sim , 0 , nHHLDs, running[nHHLDs,1], 0
block0 = block0[2..rows(block0),.]
if (nfgts>0) {
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
for (ind=1; ind<=nfgts; ind++) {
fgtx = J(1,1,.)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
y = y0 + _fdataexpand(*data[j,l], *info[j], *areaid[j])
if (plreal==1) {
wt_p = (y:<= pl[l]):*wt
rgap = 1:-(y:/ pl[l])
else {
wt_p = (y:<= *plvalue[l]):*wt
rgap = 1:-(y:/ *plvalue[l])
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt0") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p,0)
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt1") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p:*rgap,0)
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt2") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p:*rgap:*rgap,0)
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = currfgt[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ currfgt[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - currfgt[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ A[.,2] :/ A[.,1]
else fgtx = fgtx \ currfgt[nHHLDs,2]:/ currfgt[nHHLDs,1]
block0 = block0, fgtx[2..rows(fgtx),1]
A = fgtx = currfgt = NULL
} //ind
} //plines
} //nfgt
if (nges>0) {
lny = ln(y)
wlny = wt:*lny
for (ind=1; ind<=nges; ind++) {
if (gelist[ind]=="ge0") current = running, quadrunningsum(wlny,0)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge1") current = running, quadrunningsum(wy:*lny,0)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge2") current = running, quadrunningsum(wy:*y,0)
fgtx = J(1,1,.)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge0") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ -(A[.,3]:/A[.,1]) :+ ln(A[.,2]:/A[.,1])
else fgtx = fgtx \ -(current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,1]) :+ ln(current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1])
if (gelist[ind]=="ge1") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ (A[.,3]:/A[.,2]) :- ln(A[.,2]:/A[.,1])
else fgtx = fgtx \ (current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,2]) :- ln(current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1])
if (gelist[ind]=="ge2") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ 0.5*((((A[.,2] :/A[.,1]) :^-2):*(A[.,3]:/A[.,1])):-1)
else fgtx = fgtx \ 0.5*((((current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1]):^-2):*(current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,1])):-1)
block0 = block0, fgtx[2..rows(fgtx),1]
A = fgtx = current = NULL
} //ind
} //nges
//add blocks
block = block \ block0
if (mod(sim,50)==0) printf(" %5.0f\n",sim)
} //sim
block0 = y = y0 = wt0 = wt = area = wy = running = wt_p = rgap = plvalue = lny = wlny = info = areaid = nhh = NULL
block = block[2..rows(block),.]
_sort(block, (2,1))
info = panelsetup(block,2)
rinfo = rows(info)
outsim = J(1, 4+(cols(block)-4)*2, .)
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
rr = info[i,1],5 \ info[i,2],.
out = quadmeanvariance(block[|rr|])
outsim = outsim \ info[i,2]-info[i,1]+1, block[info[i,1],2::4], out[1,.], sqrt(diagonal(out[2..rows(out),.])')
out = block = NULL
outsim = outsim[2..rows(outsim),.]
(void) st_addvar("double", rmatnames)
outsim = NULL
// function to process indicators for ydump, save output to dta
void _s2sc_inds(string scalar ydump, string scalar plines, string scalar aggids, string scalar areavar, string scalar wgtvar) {
//agglist = strtoreal(tokens(st_local("aggids")))
agglist = strtoreal(tokens(aggids))
fgtlist = tokens(st_local("fgtlist"))
gelist = tokens(st_local("gelist"))
pl = strtoreal(tokens(plines))
plreal = 1
if (missing(pl)>0) {
pl = tokens(plines)
plreal = 0
in = fopen(ydump, "r" )
size = fgetmatrix(in)
varname = fgetmatrix(in)
p0 = ftell(in)
id = fgetmatrix(in)
p1 = ftell(in)
id = NULL
area = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(areavar, varname), in, p0, p1-p0)
wt0 = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wgtvar, varname), in, p0, p1-p0)
p2 = 2*(p1-p0)+p1
nHHLDs = rows(wt0)
nagg = cols(agglist)
npovlines = cols(pl)
info = areaid = nhh = J(1, nagg, NULL)
nrow = J(1, nagg, .)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
idfake = trunc(area/10^agglist[j])
info[j] = &(panelsetup(idfake, 1))
areaid[j] = &(idfake[(*info[j])[(1::rows(*info[j])),2],.])
nhh[j] = &((*info[j])[.,2] - (*info[j])[.,1] :+ 1)
nrow[j] = rows(*info[j])
idfake = NULL
//Unit nHHLDs nDroppedHHLD nIndividuals YTrimed nSim Min_Y Max_Y Mean StdErr
rmatnames = "nSim", "Unit", "nHHLDs", "nIndividuals", "Mean"
senames = "StdErr"
nfgts = cols(fgtlist)
if (nfgts>0) {
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
for (ind=1; ind<=nfgts; ind++) {
plname = (plreal==1 ? strtoname(strofreal(pl[l])) : "_" + pl[l])
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_" + fgtlist[ind] + plname
senames = senames, "se_" + fgtlist[ind] + plname
nges = cols(gelist)
if (nges>0) {
for (ind=1; ind<=nges; ind++) {
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_" + gelist[ind]
senames = senames, "se_" + gelist[ind]
rmatnames = rmatnames, senames
if (npovlines>0 & nfgts>0 & plreal==0) {
plvalue = J(1,npovlines, NULL)
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) plvalue[l] = &(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(pl[l], varname), in, p0, p1-p0))
fseek(in, p2, -1)
block = J(1, 5 + nfgts*npovlines + nges,.)
printf("{txt}\nComputing indicators for {res}%g{txt} simulation(s).\n", size[4])
display("{txt}{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 1 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 2 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 3 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 4 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 5 ")
for (sim=1; sim<=size[4]; sim++) {
block0 = J(1,5,.)
y = fgetmatrix(in)
wt = wt0
if (colmissing(y)>0) {
index = selectindex(rowmissing(y0))
wt[index,.] = J(rows(index),1,0)
_editmissing(y, 0)
index = NULL
wy = wt:*y
running = quadrunningsum(wt,0), quadrunningsum(wy,0)
//minmaxy = minmax(y)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = running[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ running[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - running[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
block0 = block0 \ J(nrow[j],1,sim), *areaid[j], *nhh[j], A[.,1] , A[.,2]:/A[.,1]
else block0 = block0 \ sim , 0 , nHHLDs, running[nHHLDs,1], running[nHHLDs,2]/running[nHHLDs,1]
block0 = block0[2..rows(block0),.]
if (nfgts>0) {
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
if (plreal==1) {
wt_p = (y:<= pl[l]):*wt
rgap = 1:-(y:/ pl[l])
else {
wt_p = (y:<= *plvalue[l]):*wt
rgap = 1:-(y:/ *plvalue[l])
for (ind=1; ind<=nfgts; ind++) {
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt0") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p,0)
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt1") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p:*rgap,0)
if (fgtlist[ind]=="fgt2") currfgt = running[.,1], quadrunningsum(wt_p:*rgap:*rgap,0)
fgtx = J(1,1,.)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = currfgt[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ currfgt[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - currfgt[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ A[.,2] :/ A[.,1]
else fgtx = fgtx \ currfgt[nHHLDs,2]:/ currfgt[nHHLDs,1]
block0 = block0, fgtx[2..rows(fgtx),1]
A = fgtx = currfgt = NULL
} //ind
} //plines
} //nfgt
if (nges>0) {
lny = ln(y)
wlny = wt:*lny
for (ind=1; ind<=nges; ind++) {
if (gelist[ind]=="ge0") current = running, quadrunningsum(wlny,0)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge1") current = running, quadrunningsum(wy:*lny,0)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge2") current = running, quadrunningsum(wy:*y,0)
fgtx = J(1,1,.)
if (gelist[ind]=="ge0") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ -(A[.,3]:/A[.,1]) :+ ln(A[.,2]:/A[.,1])
else fgtx = fgtx \ -(current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,1]) :+ ln(current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1])
if (gelist[ind]=="ge1") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ (A[.,3]:/A[.,2]) :- ln(A[.,2]:/A[.,1])
else fgtx = fgtx \ (current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,2]) :- ln(current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1])
if (gelist[ind]=="ge2") {
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = current[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ current[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - current[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ 0.5*((((A[.,2] :/A[.,1]) :^-2):*(A[.,3]:/A[.,1])):-1)
else fgtx = fgtx \ 0.5*((((current[nHHLDs,2]:/current[nHHLDs,1]):^-2):*(current[nHHLDs,3]:/current[nHHLDs,1])):-1)
block0 = block0, fgtx[2..rows(fgtx),1]
A = fgtx = current = NULL
} //ind
} //nges
//add blocks
block = block \ block0
if (mod(sim,50)==0) printf(" %5.0f\n",sim)
} //sim
block0 = y = wt0 = wt = area = wy = running = wt_p = rgap = plvalue = lny = wlny = info = areaid = nhh = NULL
block = block[2..rows(block),.]
_sort(block, (2,1))
info = panelsetup(block,2)
rinfo = rows(info)
outsim = J(1, 4+(cols(block)-4)*2, .)
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
rr = info[i,1],5 \ info[i,2],.
out = quadmeanvariance(block[|rr|])
outsim = outsim \ info[i,2]-info[i,1]+1, block[info[i,1],2::4], out[1,.], sqrt(diagonal(out[2..rows(out),.])')
out = block = NULL
outsim = outsim[2..rows(outsim),.]
(void) st_addvar("double", rmatnames)
outsim = NULL
// need to add different options for weights
// function to process tabulations for ydump, save output to dta
void _s2sc_stats(string scalar ydump, string scalar plines, string scalar aggids, string scalar areavar, string scalar wgtvar) {
agglist = strtoreal(tokens(aggids))
indlist = tokens(st_local("indicators"))
addvars = tokens(st_local("catvar"))
naddvar = cols(addvars)
convars = tokens(st_local("contvar"))
nconvar = cols(convars)
pl = strtoreal(tokens(plines))
plreal = 1
if (missing(pl)>0) {
pl = tokens(plines)
plreal = 0
in = fopen(ydump, "r")
size = fgetmatrix(in)
varname = fgetmatrix(in)
p0 = ftell(in)
id = fgetmatrix(in)
p1 = ftell(in)
id = NULL
area = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(areavar, varname), in, p0, p1-p0)
wt0 = _fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(wgtvar, varname), in, p0, p1-p0)
p2 = 2*(p1-p0)+p1
nobs = rows(wt0)
nagg = cols(agglist)
npovlines = cols(pl)
info = areaid = J(1, nagg, NULL)
nrow = J(1, nagg, .)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
idfake = trunc(area/10^agglist[j])
info[j] = &(panelsetup(idfake, 1))
areaid[j] = &(idfake[(*info[j])[(1::rows(*info[j])),2],.])
nrow[j] = rows(*info[j])
idfake = NULL
ffgtall = J(quadsum(nrow)+1,1,.)
ncells = 0
rmatnames = "nSim", "Unit", "Povline"
senames = "se"
if (naddvar > 0) {
addlvl = add = J(1, naddvar, NULL)
for (v=1; v<=naddvar; v++) {
add[.,v] = &(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(addvars[v], varname), in, p0, p1-p0))
addlvl[v] = &(_fintlevelsof(*add[.,v]))
ncells = ncells + rows(*addlvl[v])
for (cat=1; cat<=rows(*addlvl[v]); cat++) {
for (c=0; c<=1; c++) {
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_poor_" + strofreal(c) + "_" + addvars[v] + "_" + strofreal(cat) + "_" + "r"
senames = senames, "se_poor_" + strofreal(c) + "_" + addvars[v] + "_" + strofreal(cat) + "_" + "r"
if (nconvar > 0) {
cont = J(1, nconvar, NULL)
for (v=1; v<=nconvar; v++) {
ncells = ncells + 1
cont[.,v] = &(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(convars[v], varname), in, p0, p1-p0))
for (c=0; c<=1; c++) {
rmatnames = rmatnames, "avg_poor_" + strofreal(c) + "_" + convars[v]
senames = senames, "se_poor_" + strofreal(c) + "_" + convars[v]
rmatnames = rmatnames, senames[2..cols(senames)]
if (npovlines>0 & plreal==0) {
plvalue = J(1,npovlines, NULL)
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) plvalue[l] = &(_fgetcoldata(_fvarindex(pl[l], varname), in, p0, p1-p0))
printf("{txt}\nComputing statistics for {res}%g{txt} simulation(s).\n", size[4])
display("{txt}{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 1 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 2 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 3 " +
"{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 4 " + "{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 5 ")
fseek(in, p2, -1)
fcell = J(1,3+2*ncells,.)
for (sim=1; sim<=size[4]; sim++) {
y = fgetmatrix(in)
wt = wt0
if (colmissing(y)>0) {
index = selectindex(rowmissing(y0))
wt[index,.] = J(rows(index),1,0)
_editmissing(y, 0)
index = NULL
//wt_running = quadrunningsum(wt,0)
block0 = J(1,3,.)
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
if (plreal==1) plv = pl[l]
else plv = l
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) block0 = block0 \ (J(nrow[j],1,sim), *areaid[j], J(nrow[j],1, plv))
else block0 = block0 \ (sim , 0, plv)
block0 = block0[2::rows(block0),.]
if (naddvar > 0) {
fcell1 = J(quadsum(nrow)*npovlines,1,.)
for (v=1; v<=naddvar; v++) {
lvl = rows(*addlvl[v])
cumwt = J(3, lvl, NULL)
cum = J(1, 2, NULL)
fcell0 = J(1, 2*lvl, .)
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
cum[1] = &(J(nobs, 1, 0))
cum[2] = &(J(nobs, 1, 0))
if (plreal==1) dummy = y:<= pl[l]
else dummy = y:<= *plvalue[l]
for (cat=1; cat<=lvl; cat++) {
cumwt[1,cat] = &(quadrunningsum(wt:* (dummy:==0) :* (*add[.,v]:==(*addlvl[v])[cat]),0))
cumwt[2,cat] = &(quadrunningsum(wt:* (dummy:==1) :* (*add[.,v]:==(*addlvl[v])[cat]),0))
cumwt[3,cat] = &(*cumwt[1,cat] :+ *cumwt[2,cat])
cum[1] = &(*cum[1] :+ *cumwt[1,cat])
cum[2] = &(*cum[2] :+ *cumwt[2,cat])
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
rowcell = J(nrow[j],1,.)
for (cat=1; cat<=lvl; cat++) {
for (c=1; c<=2; c++) {
cell = (*cumwt[c,cat])[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ (*cumwt[c,cat])[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - (*cumwt[c,cat])[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
rtot = (*cum[c])[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ (*cum[c])[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - (*cum[c])[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
rowcell = rowcell, (cell:/rtot)
fcell0 = fcell0 \ rowcell[.,2::cols(rowcell)]
else {
r0cell = J(1,1,.)
for (cat=1; cat<=lvl; cat++) {
for (c=1; c<=2; c++) r0cell = r0cell, (*cumwt[c,cat])[nobs,.] :/ (*cum[c])[nobs,.]
fcell0 = fcell0 \ r0cell[.,2::cols(r0cell)]
} //nagg
} //npovlines
fcell1 = fcell1, fcell0[2::rows(fcell0),.]
fcell0 = NULL
} //addvars
fcell1 = fcell1[.,2::cols(fcell1)]
cum = cumwt = dummy = NULL
} //if naddvar
if (nconvar > 0) {
fgtcont = J(quadsum(nrow)*npovlines,1,.)
for (v=1; v<=nconvar; v++) {
fgtx = J(1,2,.)
for (l=1; l<=npovlines; l++) {
if (plreal==1) dummy = y:<= pl[l]
else dummy = y:<= *plvalue[l]
curr1 = quadrunningsum(wt:* (dummy:==1) ,0), quadrunningsum(wt:* *cont[.,v] :* (dummy:==1) ,0)
curr0 = quadrunningsum(wt:* (dummy:==0) ,0), quadrunningsum(wt:* *cont[.,v] :* (dummy:==0) ,0)
for (j=1; j<=nagg; j++) {
if (nrow[j] >=2) {
A = curr0[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ curr0[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - curr0[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
B = curr1[(*info[j])[1,2],.] \ curr1[(*info[j])[(2::nrow[j]),2],.] - curr1[(*info[j])[(1::nrow[j]-1),2],.]
fgtx = fgtx \ (A[.,2] :/ A[.,1], B[.,2] :/ B[.,1])
else fgtx = fgtx \ (curr0[nobs,2]:/ curr0[nobs,1], curr1[nobs,2]:/ curr1[nobs,1])
} //nagg
A = B = NULL
} //povlines
fgtcont = fgtcont, fgtx[2::rows(fgtx),.]
} //nconvar
fgtcont = fgtcont[.,2::cols(fgtcont)]
curr1 = curr0 = dummy = fgtx = NULL
} //if nconvar
if (naddvar > 0 & nconvar > 0) fcell = fcell \ (block0, fcell1, fgtcont)
if (naddvar > 0 & nconvar ==0) fcell = fcell \ (block0, fcell1)
if (naddvar ==0 & nconvar > 0) fcell = fcell \ (block0, fgtcont)
fcell1 = fgtcont = block0 = NULL
if (mod(sim,50)==0) printf(" %5.0f\n",sim)
} //sim
block0 = y = wt0 = wt = area = wy = dummy = plvalue = info = areaid = addlvl = add = cont= NULL
fcell = fcell[2::rows(fcell),.]
_sort(fcell, (3,2,1))
info = panelsetup(strofreal(fcell[.,2])+strofreal(fcell[.,3]),1)
rinfo = rows(info)
outsim = J(1, 3+(cols(fcell)-3)*2, .)
for (i=1; i<=rinfo; i++) {
rr = info[i,1],4 \ info[i,2],.
out = quadmeanvariance(fcell[|rr|])
outsim = outsim \ info[i,2]-info[i,1]+1, fcell[info[i,1],2::3], out[1,.], sqrt(diagonal(out[2..rows(out),.])')
out = fcell = NULL
outsim = outsim[2..rows(outsim),.]
(void) st_addvar("double", rmatnames)
outsim = NULL
//Generalized entropy index GE(0)=MLD, GE(1)= Theil
function _fGE(y, w, alpha) {
if (alpha==0) return(-quadcolsum(w:*ln(y:/mean(y,w))):/quadcolsum(w))
else if (alpha==1) return(quadcolsum(w:*((y:/mean(y,w)):*ln(y:/mean(y,w)))):/quadcolsum(w))
else return((1/(alpha*(alpha-1))):*(quadcolsum(w:*(((y:/mean(y,w)):^alpha):-1)):/quadcolsum(w)))
//Gini coefficient (fastgini formula) x and w are vectors
function _fGini(x, w) {
t = x,w
xw = x:*w
rxw = quadrunningsum(xw) :- (xw:/2)
return(1- 2*((quadcross(rxw,w)/quadcross(x,w))/quadcolsum(w)))
//Gini coefficient (fastgini formula) x and w are vectors
function _fGininew(x, w) {
t = x,w
xw = t[.,1]:*t[.,2]
rxw = quadrunningsum(t[.,1]:*t[.,2]) :- ((t[.,1]:*t[.,2]):/2)
return(1- 2*((quadcross(rxw,t[.,2])/quadcross(t[.,1],t[.,2]))/quadcolsum(t[.,2])))
//Gini coefficient (fastgini formula) x is MATRIX, w is vector
function _fGinis(x, w) {
out = J(1,0,.)
ncols = cols(x)
for(i=1;i<=ncols;i++) out = out, _fGini(x[.,i], w)
// function to return 1 if matrix is between z0, z1
function _franges(inc, z0, z1) {
if (allof(z0,0)==1) {
return(inc:< z1)
else {
a = z0 :<= inc
b = inc:< z1
c = a:+b
//FGT functions
function _fFGT(inc, z1, wt, alpha) {
return(mean(x2[.,1], x2[.,2]))
//ratio of bottom mean over all mean
function _fratio(x, w, btm) {
x1 = x, w, _fpctile(x, 100, w)
x2 = select(x1, x1[.,cols(x1)]:<=btm)
return(mean(x2[.,1], x2[.,2])/mean(x,w))
//Block processing function
void _s2sc_sim_break(string scalar xvar,
string scalar zvars,
string scalar yhats,
string scalar yhats2,
string scalar areavar,
string scalar wgt,
string scalar touse,
string scalar hhid)
sim = strtoreal(st_local("rep"))
seed = strtoreal(st_local("seed"))
h3 = strtoreal(st_local("h3"))
if (st_local("nolocation")~="") h3 = 2
hheff = strtoreal(st_local("hheffs"))
boots = strtoreal(st_local("boots"))
etanorm = strtoreal(st_local("etanormal"))
epsnorm = strtoreal(st_local("epsnormal"))
EB = strtoreal(st_local("ebest"))
pline = strtoreal(st_local("pline"))
lg = strtoreal(st_local("lny"))
ydump = strtoreal(st_local("ydump1"))
res = strtoreal(st_local("results1"))
fgt0d = strtoreal(st_local("fgt0"))
fgt1d = strtoreal(st_local("fgt1"))
fgt2d = strtoreal(st_local("fgt2"))
mem = strtoreal(st_local("maxmem"))
mem = floor((mem/8/sim))
external bsim, asim, maxA, varr, sigma, v_sigma, sigma_eps, locerr, hherr, locerr2
//The data
st_view(x ,.,tokens(xvar), touse)
st_view(z1 ,.,tokens(zvars), touse)
st_view(yh ,.,tokens(yhats), touse)
st_view(yh2 ,.,tokens(yhats2), touse)
st_view(area,.,tokens(areavar), touse)
st_view(wt,.,tokens(wgt), touse)
st_view(id ,.,tokens(hhid), touse)
if (st_local("cuts")!="") st_view(cut ,.,tokens(st_local("cuts")),touse)
if (st_local("addvars")!="") st_view(add ,.,tokens(st_local("addvars")),touse)
if (pline==.) st_view(povline,.,tokens(st_local("pline")), touse)
if (hheff==1) {
//zalpha condition
if ((allof(z1,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) zcond = "000" //0,0,0
if ((allof(z1,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zcond = "001" //0,0,1
if ((allof(z1,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) zcond = "010" //0,1,0
if ((allof(z1,.)==1) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zcond = "011" //0,1,1
if ((allof(z1,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) zcond = "100" //1,0,0
if ((allof(z1,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==1) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zcond = "101" //1,0,1
if ((allof(z1,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==1)) zcond = "110" //1,1,0
if ((allof(z1,.)==0) & (allof(yh,.)==0) & (allof(yh2,.)==0)) zcond = "111" //1,1,1
//sort is done before and setup area panel
info = panelsetup(area,1)
if((any((info[.,2]-info[.,1]):>mem))) _error("One of your cluster's memory requirements exceeds the amount of memory you specified, increase maxmem")
infi2 = _fuptohere(mem,info, totmem)
inf2 = panelsetup(infi2,1)
//Prepare ydump file
if (ydump==1) {
yd = fopen(st_local("ydump"),"rw")
//append the weight variable for ydump
numcol = cols(area) + cols(wt) + cols(id)
if (st_local("cuts")!="") numcol = numcol + cols(cut)
if (st_local("addvars")!="") numcol = numcol + cols(add)
fputmatrix(yd, st_local("ydnames"))
fputmatrix(yd, numcol)
fputmatrix(yd, sim)
fputmatrix(yd, area)
fputmatrix(yd, wt)
fputmatrix(yd, id)
if (st_local("cuts")!="") fputmatrix(yd, cut)
if (st_local("addvars")!="") fputmatrix(yd, add)
if (res==1) {
indis = fopen(st_local("results"),"rw")
unit = J(rows(info),3,.)
fputmatrix(indis, ("Area Observations Weights"))
fputmatrix(indis, 3)
if (fgt0d==1) fgt0 = J(rows(info),sim,.)
if (fgt1d==1) fgt1 = J(rows(info),sim,.)
if (fgt2d==1) fgt2 = J(rows(info),sim,.)
if (boots==0) {
display("Parametric drawing of betas")
for(i=1;i<=rows(inf2);i++) {
infin = info[|inf2[i,1],.\inf2[i,2],.|]
if (pline==.) panelsubview(povi,povline,.,infin)
if (fgt0d==1) fgt0i = J(rows(infin),sim,.)
if (fgt1d==1) fgt1i = J(rows(infin),sim,.)
if (fgt2d==1) fgt2i = J(rows(infin),sim,.)
if (res==1) uniti = J(rows(infin),3,.)
lisa = panelsetup(areai,1)
if (i!=1) rseed(lastseed1)
if ((epsnorm==1) & (hheff==1)) {
if (zcond == "100") xb = (zi,J(rows(zi),1,1))*asim'
if (zcond == "110") xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "111") xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "010") xb = (yhi*asim[.,cols(asim)-1]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "011") xb = (yhi*asim[.,1..cols(yhi)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim')+ J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "001") xb = (yh2i*asim[.,1..cols(yh2i)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "101") xb = zi*asim[|.,1 \.,cols(zi)|]' + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
xb =exp(xb)
xb = (maxA[1,1]*(xb:/(1:+xb))) + (.5*varr[1,1])*((maxA[1,1]*(xb:*(1:-xb))):/((1:+xb):^3))
xb = rnormal(1,1,0,sqrt(xb)) + ((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim')
if (epsnorm==0) xb = (xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'+ _f_sampleeps(sim, rows(xi), hherr)
if ((epsnorm==1) & (hheff==0)) xb = (xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'+ rnormal(rows(xi),sim,0,sqrt(sigma_eps[1,1]))
//to ensure that when we partition blocks we get the same seeds
if (i!=1) rseed(lastseed2)
for(j=1;j<=rows(lisa);j++) {
if (etanorm==1) xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|] = xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|]:+ rnormal(1,1,0,sqrt(locerr'))
if (etanorm==0) xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|] = xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|]:+ _f_sampleeps(sim,1, locerr)
if ((fgt0d==1) & (lg==1)) fgt0i[j,.] = _fFGT(exp(xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]), povi[|lisa[j,1],1 \ lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],0)
if ((fgt0d==1) & (lg==0)) fgt0i[j,.] = _fFGT((xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],0)
if ((fgt1d==1) & (lg==1)) fgt1i[j,.] = _fFGT(exp(xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],1)
if ((fgt1d==1) & (lg==0)) fgt1i[j,.] = _fFGT((xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],1)
if ((fgt2d==1) & (lg==1)) fgt2i[j,.] = _fFGT(exp(xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],2)
if ((fgt2d==1) & (lg==0)) fgt2i[j,.] = _fFGT((xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],2)
uniti[j,.] = areai[lisa[j,1],1], rows(wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|]), quadsum(wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|])
//Outputs for povmap
if (ydump==1) fputmatrix(yd, xb)
if (fgt0d==1) fgt0[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = fgt0i
if (fgt1d==1) fgt1[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = fgt1i
if (fgt2d==1) fgt2[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = fgt2i
if (res==1) unit[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = uniti
//to ensure that when we partition blocks we get the same seeds
if ((res==1)){
if (fgt0d==1){
fgt0 = quadmeanvariance(fgt0')
fgt0 = fgt0[1,.]',sqrt(diagonal(fgt0[|2,1 \ .,.|]))
if (fgt1d==1){
fgt1 = quadmeanvariance(fgt1')
fgt1 = fgt1[1,.]',sqrt(diagonal(fgt1[|2,1 \ .,.|]))
if (fgt2d==1){
fgt2 = quadmeanvariance(fgt2')
fgt2 = fgt2[1,.]',sqrt(diagonal(fgt2[|2,1 \ .,.|]))
} //boots==0
if (boots==1) {
display("Bootstrapped drawing of betas and parameters")
for(i=1;i<=rows(inf2);i++) {
infin = info[|inf2[i,1],.\inf2[i,2],.|]
if (pline==.) panelsubview(povi,povline,.,infin)
if (fgt0d==1) fgt0i = J(rows(infin),sim,.)
if (fgt1d==1) fgt1i = J(rows(infin),sim,.)
if (fgt2d==1) fgt2i = J(rows(infin),sim,.)
if (res==1) uniti = J(rows(infin),3,.)
lisa = panelsetup(areai,1)
if (EB==1) {
cens_area = J(rows(lisa),1,.)
D = _ebcensus4(cens_area,locerr,locerr2, lisa)
if (i!=1) rseed(lastseed1)
if ((epsnorm==1) & (hheff==1)) {
if (zcond == "100") xb = (zi,J(rows(zi),1,1))*asim'
if (zcond == "110") xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "111") xb = zi*asim[|.,1\.,cols(zi)|]' + (yhi*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yhi)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "010") xb = (yhi*asim[.,cols(asim)-1]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "011") xb = (yhi*asim[.,1..cols(yhi)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(yhi) \ .,cols(yhi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim')+ J(rows(yhi),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "001") xb = (yh2i*asim[.,1..cols(yh2i)]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
if (zcond == "101") xb = (zi*asim[|.,1 \.,cols(zi)|]')+ (yh2i*asim[|.,1+cols(zi) \ .,cols(zi)+cols(yh2i)|]'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'):*((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim') + J(rows(yh2i),1,1)*asim[.,cols(asim)]'
xb = exp(xb)
xb = (maxA':*(xb:/(1:+xb))) + (.5*varr'):*((maxA':*(xb:*(1:-xb))):/((1:+xb):^3))
xb = rnormal(1,1,0,sqrt(xb)) + ((xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim')
if (epsnorm==0) xb = (xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'+ _f_sampleeps(sim, rows(xi), hherr)
if ((epsnorm==1) & (hheff==0)) xb = (xi,J(rows(xi),1,1))*bsim'+ rnormal(rows(xi),1,0,sqrt(sigma_eps)')
//to ensure that when we partition blocks we get the same seeds
if (i!=1) rseed(lastseed2)
for(j=1;j<=rows(lisa);j++) {
if ((EB==0) & (etanorm==0)) xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|] = xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|]:+_f_sampleeps(sim,1, locerr)
if ((EB==0) & (etanorm==1)) xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|] = xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|]:+rnormal(1,1,0,sqrt(locerr'))
if (EB==1) {
dd = rowshape(D[j,.]',sim)
xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|] = xb[|lisa[j,1],. \ lisa[j,2],.|]:+rnormal(1,1,dd[.,1]',sqrt(dd[.,2]'))
if ((fgt0d==1) & (lg==1)) fgt0i[j,.] = _fFGT(exp(xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]), povi[|lisa[j,1],1 \ lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],0)
if ((fgt0d==1) & (lg==0)) fgt0i[j,.] = _fFGT((xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],0)
if ((fgt1d==1) & (lg==1)) fgt1i[j,.] = _fFGT(exp(xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],1)
if ((fgt1d==1) & (lg==0)) fgt1i[j,.] = _fFGT((xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],1)
if ((fgt2d==1) & (lg==1)) fgt2i[j,.] = _fFGT(exp(xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],2)
if ((fgt2d==1) & (lg==0)) fgt2i[j,.] = _fFGT((xb[|lisa[j,1],.\lisa[j,2],.|]),povi[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|],2)
uniti[j,.] = areai[lisa[j,1],1], rows(wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|]), quadsum(wti[|lisa[j,1],1\lisa[j,2],1|])
//Outputs for povmap
if (ydump==1) fputmatrix(yd, xb)
if (fgt0d==1) fgt0[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = fgt0i
if (fgt1d==1) fgt1[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = fgt1i
if (fgt2d==1) fgt2[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = fgt2i
if (res==1) unit[|inf2[i,1],. \ inf2[i,2],.|] = uniti
//to ensure that when we partition blocks we get the same seeds
if (res==1){
if (fgt0d==1){
fgt0 = quadmeanvariance(fgt0')
fgt0 = fgt0[1,.]',sqrt(diagonal(fgt0[|2,1 \ .,.|]))
if (fgt1d==1){
fgt1 = quadmeanvariance(fgt1')
fgt1 = fgt1[1,.]',sqrt(diagonal(fgt1[|2,1 \ .,.|]))
if (fgt2d==1){
fgt2 = quadmeanvariance(fgt2')
fgt2 = fgt2[1,.]',sqrt(diagonal(fgt2[|2,1 \ .,.|]))
} //boots==1
if (ydump==1) fclose(yd)
if (res==1) fclose(indis)
st_local("marge", strofreal(rows(info)))
//Function to select cell numbers
function _fuptohere(mem, info, totmem) {
wiggins = ceil(totmem/mem)
krusty = select((info[.,2]:<=mem),(info[.,2]:<=mem))
for(i=2;i<=wiggins;i++) {
krusty = krusty\(select((info[|(rows(krusty)+1),2\rows(info),2|]:<=(mem*i)),(info[|(rows(krusty)+1),2\rows(info),2|]:<=(mem*i))):*i)
//Process indicators
function _f_inds() {
res = fopen(st_local("results"), "r")
names = fgetmatrix(res)
numcol = fgetmatrix(res)
f0 = fgetmatrix(res)
f1 = fgetmatrix(res)
f2 = fgetmatrix(res)
yhat = fgetmatrix(res)
if (f0==1) yhat=yhat,fgetmatrix(res)
if (f1==1) yhat=yhat,fgetmatrix(res)
if (f2==1) yhat=yhat,fgetmatrix(res)
mata mlib create lsae_povmap, dir("`c(sysdir_plus)'l") replace
mata mlib add lsae_povmap *(), dir("`c(sysdir_plus)'l")
mata mlib index