*! Date : 18 May 2021 *! Version : 2.15 *! Author : Adrian Mander *! Email : mandera@cardiff.ac.uk *! Make help files /* 27Mar07 v1.5 The old version of makehlp for Stata9 3Jul12 v1.06 Update this very old program 11Dec12 v1.07 Changed message on the replace, allow /// to define end of line, sorted out real and integer 2Nov15 v1.08 BUG: need to handle quotes in comments before syntax line 21May18 v2.0 Integrating ado file descriptions into creation of makehlp 8Jun18 v2.01 BUG fixes that I hadn't considered.. 16Jul18 v2.02 BUG fix on default values 18Jul18 v2.03 Removed need to have () brackets in opt[] text 14Aug18 v2.04 removed bugs and allowed * as an option 4Sep18 v2.05 handles tabs in syntax line replacing them with spaces, also handles noTOTal options 5Oct18 v2.06 remove bugs found from Sven-Kristjan Bormann needed to change macro line to mh_line! 13Mar19 v2.07 removing a bug found by Grayling about tabs and lacking new lines 14Mar19 v2.08 found bug on return lists.. 19Jun19 v2.09 sorted out bug because I used the word syntax in helpfile! 12Nov19 v2.10 a bug on references titles. 17Apr20 v2.11 introduce optional and required options 8Jun20 v2.12 handles the word syntax in the middle of lines and outputs a latex file of the help file 14Jul20 v2.13 sorted out a bug .. couldn't handle all options being optional! and some problem with seealso 20Nov20 V2.14 sorting out some spacing issues for multiline options and examples not recognising the carriage return, removed alot of paragraphing 18May21 v2.15 the command didn't print out the description of the required options if there was a single line */ program define makehlp /* Allow use on earlier versions of stata that have not been fully tested */ local version = _caller() if `version' < 17.0 { di "{err}WARNING: Tested only for Stata version 17.0 and higher." di "{err}Your Stata version `version' is not officially supported." } else { version 17.0 } syntax [varlist], File(string) [ Replace DEBUG ME LATEX] local comm "`file'" /******************************************************************************************* * Want to read in ado file to find all the help file elements before looking at the syntax * line *******************************************************************************************/ tempname fh file open `fh' using `"`file'.ado"',read file read `fh' mh_line local i 1 local nohelpfiletext 0 while ( strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "START HELP FILE")==0 & r(eof)==0) { /* get to start of help text*/ file read `fh' mh_line } if (r(eof)==1) { /* if START HELP FILE not found then close file and proceed to later parts*/ file close `fh' di "{err} WARNING: text START HELP FILE not found" local nohelpfiletext 1 } local authi 1 local institi 1 local emaili 1 local seei 1 /* Process the HELP FILE text, keep reading file until end of helpfile* */ while (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"END HELP FILE")==0 & !`nohelpfiletext' & r(eof)==0 ) { /* Handling the title text */ //di `"LINE `mh_line'"' if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"syntax")~=0 { di "{err}WARNING: the word syntax appears in the helpfile... this needs to be changed" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "title[")~=0 { local tit_line 1 if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) local title_text`tit_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"title[")+6, .) else local title_text`tit_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"title[")+6, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-7) local `tit_line++' while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the description... ] stops the title!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local title_text`tit_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `tit_line++' } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local title_text`tit_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `tit_line--' } } } /******************************************************************************* * This part handles the options text, note that it is split into opt[] and opt2 * opt[ skeleton() ] creates `skeleton_line' which is number of lines *******************************************************************************/ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "opt[")~=0 { local te = ustrtrim(substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"opt[")+4, .)) /* strip out start of line and other blanks */ if (word(`"`te'"',1)~="*") local optname = word(`"`te'"',1) /* word 1 should be the option name */ else local optname "star" /* using * causes problems so we use star name */ if strpos("`optname'","(") ~=0 { /* if there is a bracket in optname get rid of them*/ local optname = substr("`optname'", 1, strpos("`optname'","(")-1) /* strips out () if they exist in the name */ } local optnamelen = length(word(`"`te'"',1)) local `optname'_line 1 if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) { /* if line has no end in this line */ local `optname'_txt1 = substr(`"`te'"',`optnamelen'+1, .) local `optname'_line = ``optname'_line'+1 while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the option... ] stops the option text!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local `optname'_txt``optname'_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `optname'_line = ``optname'_line'+1 } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local `optname'_txt``optname'_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `optname'_line = ``optname'_line'-1 } } } else { /* The line has an end */ local `optname'_txt``optname'_line' = substr(`"`te'"', `optnamelen'+1, strpos(`"`te'"', "]")-`optnamelen'-1) if ustrtrim("``optname'_txt``optname'_line''")=="" di "{err}WARNING: empty description for `optname'" } //di "`optname'_txt``optname'_line' = ``optname'_txt``optname'_line''" } /* This part handles opt2 options from multiple lines*/ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "opt2[")~=0 { /* this is the multiple line version*/ local te = ustrtrim(substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"opt2[")+5, .)) /* strip out blanks */ if (word(`"`te'"',1)~="*") local a = word(`"`te'"',1) /* this should be the option name */ else local a "star" /* using * causes problems */ if strpos("`a'","(") ~=0 { local a = substr("`a'", 1, strpos("`a'","(")-1) /* strips out () if they exist in the name */ } local optnamelen = length(word(`"`te'"',1)) local `a'2_line 1 /* starts on line 1 */ if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) { /* this means there are multiple lines */ local `a'2_txt1 = substr(`"`te'"',`optnamelen'+1, .) local `a'2_line = ``a'2_line'+1 while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the description... ] stops the description!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local `a'2_txt``a'2_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `a'2_line = ``a'2_line'+1 } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local `a'2_txt``a'2_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `a'2_line = ``a'2_line'-1 } } } else { /* this is a single line with closing bracket */ local `a'2_txt1 = ustrtrim(substr(`"`te'"', `optnamelen'+1, strpos(`"`te'"', "]")-`optnamelen'-1)) } } /* The description part of the help file*/ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "desc[")~=0 { local desc_line 1 /* find name of description */ if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) local desc_text`desc_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"desc[")+5, .) else local desc_text`desc_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"desc[")+5, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-6) local `desc_line++' while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the description... ] stops the description!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local desc_text`desc_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `desc_line++' } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local desc_text`desc_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `desc_line--' } } } /* AUTHOR handling */ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "author[")~=0 { /* find name of option */ local author`authi'_text = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"author[")+7, .) local author`authi'_text = substr(`"`author`authi'_text'"', 1, strpos(`"`author`authi'_text'"',"]")-1) local `authi++' } /* INSTITUTE handling*/ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "institute[")~=0 { /* find name of option */ local institute`institi'_text = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"institute[")+10, .) local institute`institi'_text = substr(`"`institute`institi'_text'"', 1, strpos(`"`institute`institi'_text'"',"]")-1) local `institi++' } /* The part to handle the return descriptions in the help part */ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "return[")~=0 { /* find name of option */ local te = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"return[")+7, .) local retname = word(`"`te'"',1) local retnamelen = length(word(`"`te'"',1)) local ret`retname' = substr(`"`te'"',`retnamelen'+1, strpos(`"`te'"',"]")-1-`retnamelen') } /*the references*/ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "references[")~=0 { local ref_line 1 /* find name of description */ if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) local ref_text`ref_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"references[")+11, .) else local ref_text`ref_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"references[")+11, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-12) local `ref_line++' while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the references... ] stops the references text!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local ref_text`ref_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `ref_line++' } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local ref_text`ref_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `ref_line--' } } } /*the free text section*/ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "freetext[")~=0 { local free_line 1 /* find name of description */ if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) local free_text`free_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"freetext[")+9, .) else local free_text`free_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"freetext[")+9, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-10) local `free_line++' while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the freetext section... ] stops the text!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local free_text`free_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `free_line++' } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local free_text`free_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `free_line--' } } } /* Handle the email text */ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "email[")~=0 { local email`emaili'_text = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"email[")+6, .) local email`emaili'_text = substr(`"`email`emaili'_text'"', 1, strpos(`"`email`emaili'_text'"',"]")-1) local `emaili++' } /* Handle the example text*/ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "example[")~=0 { local eg_line 1 if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) local eg_text`eg_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"example[")+8, .) else local eg_text`eg_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"example[")+8, strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")-9) local `eg_line++' while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the examples... ] stops the examples section!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local eg_text`eg_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `eg_line++' } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local eg_text`eg_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `eg_line--' } } } /* Handle the see also text */ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "seealso[")~=0 { local see_line 1 if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")==0) { local see_text`see_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"seealso[")+8, .) } else { local see_text`see_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"seealso[")+8, strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "]")-9) } local `see_line++' while strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")==0 { /* this is for multiple lines*/ file read `fh' mh_line if (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"[")>0) { di "{err}WARNING you have probably used symbols [] in the see also section... and ] stops the section!{txt}" } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]") ==0 { local see_text`see_line' `"`mh_line'"' local `see_line++' } else if (strlen(strtrim(`"`mh_line'"'))>1) { local see_text`see_line' = substr(`"`mh_line'"', 1, strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"]")-1) } else { local `see_line--' } } } file read `fh' mh_line } if (!`nohelpfiletext') file close `fh' /********************************************** * FINDING the SYNTAX line * Read in file * Go line by line until syntax is found * Then stop reading lines once we * haven't got an end comment *********************************************/ /* This checks whether the help file has the word syntax in it*/ tempname fh file open `fh' using `"`file'.ado"',read file read `fh' mh_line while ( strpos(`"`mh_line'"', "START HELP FILE")==0 & r(eof)==0) { /* get to start of help text*/ file read `fh' mh_line } while (strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"END HELP FILE")==0 & r(eof)==0 ) { /* Handling the title text */ if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"syntax")~=0 { di "{err}WARNING: the word syntax appears in the helpfile... this may need to be changed" } file read `fh' mh_line } tempname fh /************************************************************************************ * First find out what type of command the ado-file is i.e. rclass, eclass, sclass * Then find all the return values of the stata command and make a list of them ************************************************************************************/ file open `fh' using `"`file'.ado"',read file read `fh' mh_line /* NOTE -- occassionally this function tries to evaluate a macro in the read statement... */ while(r(eof)==0 & strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"pr `comm'")==0 & strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"program define `comm'")==0 & strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"prog def `comm'")==0 /// & strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"program de `comm'")==0 & strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"pr de `comm'")==0 & strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"program `comm'")==0) { file read `fh' mh_line } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"rclass")~=0 { local rclass 1 } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"sclass")~=0 { local sclass 1 } if strpos(`"`mh_line'"',"eclass")~=0 { local eclass 1 } file close `fh' /* Now create all the returnscalarlist etc....*/ file open `fh' using `"`file'.ado"',read file read `fh' mh_line local stopclass 0 while( r(eof)==0 ) { if (`"`macval(mh_line)'"'=="end") local stopclass 1 /* I will stop looking at the first end line i.e. only main program ends..*/ if (!`stopclass') { if strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return sca")~=0 { if strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return scalar")~=0 local retbit = substr(`"`macval(mh_line)'"', strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return scalar")+14,.) else local retbit = substr(`"`macval(mh_line)'"', strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return sca")+11,.) if strpos(word(`"`retbit'"',1),"=")~=0 { local retslist =`"`retslist' "'+ substr(word(`"`retbit'"',1),1,strpos(word(`"`retbit'"',1),"=")-1) } else local retslist =`"`retslist' "'+word(`"`retbit'"',1) } if strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return loc")~=0 { if strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return local")~=0 local retbit = substr(`"`macval(mh_line)'"', strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return local")+13,.) else local retbit = substr(`"`macval(mh_line)'"', strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return loc")+11,.) if strpos(word(`"`retbit'"',1),"=")~=0 { local retllist =`"`retllist' "'+ substr(word(`"`retbit'"',1),1,strpos(word(`"`retbit'"',1),"=")-1) } else local retllist =`"`retllist' "'+word(`"`retbit'"',1) } if strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return mat")~=0 { if strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return matrix")~=0 local retbit = substr(`"`macval(mh_line)'"', strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return matrix")+14,.) else local retbit = substr(`"`macval(mh_line)'"', strpos(`"`macval(mh_line)'"',"return mat")+11,.) if strpos(word(`"`retbit'"',1),"=")~=0 { local retmlist =`"`retmlist' "'+ substr(word(`"`retbit'"',1),1,strpos(word(`"`retbit'"',1),"=")-1) } else local retmlist ="`retmlist' "+word(`"`retbit'"',1) } } file read `fh' mh_line } file close `fh' /* Removing repeated values in lists.. just in case there are conditional return lines */ local mylist: list uniq retllist local retllist "`mylist'" local mylist: list uniq retmlist local retmlist "`mylist'" local mylist: list uniq retslist local retslist "`mylist'" /**************************************************************** * NOW process the syntax line ****************************************************************/ file open `fh' using `"`file'.ado"',read file read `fh' mh_line local i 1 while (index(`"`mh_line'"', "syntax")==0 & r(eof)==0) { /* keep reading until syntax */ file read `fh' mh_line /* Need to quickly check whether syntax is in the middle of the line... */ local check 1 while(`check' & r(eof)==0) { if (index(`"`mh_line'"', "syntax")~=0 ) { if index(ustrtrim(`"`mh_line'"'), "syntax")~=1 { di `"{err}Note: Found the word syntax in the middle of a line `mh_line', this line is ignored"' file read `fh' mh_line } else local check 0 } else local check 0 } } local line = subinstr("`mh_line'", "`=char(9)'", " ", .) /*swapping tabs? for spaces*/ if (r(eof)==1) { di "{err}WARNING: At the moment the makehlp command only works for ado files with a {ul:syntax} line" exit(196) } local line`i++' "`mh_line'" while (index(`"`mh_line'"', "/*")~=0) | (index(`"`mh_line'"', "///")~=0) { /* more than one line */ file read `fh' mh_line /* read next line*/ local line = subinstr("`mh_line'", "`=char(9)'", " ", .) local line`i++' = ustrtrim(stritrim("`mh_line'")) } /* Displays the syntax lines forv j=1/`=`--i''{ di "{txt}Syntax line" di "`line`j''" } */ local nlines `i' /********************************************************************* * Put all the lines together into synt, hopefully it isn't too long! * I also strip out the comments before creating the syntax macro * need to use ustrltrim to remove the initial tabs... * * I used to do subinstr.. to remove these comments but I need to * delete rest of line *********************************************************************/ local synt "" forv ii=1/`nlines' { while (index("`line`ii''", "*/")~=0) { local inde = index("`line`ii''", "*/") local inds = index("`line`ii''", "\*") local line`ii' =substr("`line`ii''", 0, `inds') + substr("`line`ii''",`inde'+2,.) } if (index("`line`ii''","///")~=0) { local line`ii' = ustrltrim(strtrim(substr("`line`ii''", 1, index("`line`ii''","///")-1 ) )) } if (index("`line`ii''","/*")~=0) { local line`ii' =ustrltrim(strtrim(substr("`line`ii''", 1, index("`line`ii''","/*")-1 ))) } local synt "`synt' `line`ii''" } local new = stritrim(`"`synt'"') /******************************************************************* * Split the syntax line into components Create the options list * opts has the position of the , * opt has the options * preopt has everything up to the comma *******************************************************************/ local opts = index("`synt'",",") if "`opts'"=="0" di as error "WARNING: There are NO options" local opt = substr("`synt'",index("`synt'",",")+1,.) local preopt = substr("`synt'",1,index("`synt'",",")-1) /****************************************************************************** * Strip out the bracket ] at the end of the options * if no trailing bracket then everything required (not handled yet) ******************************************************************************/ if index("`opt'","]")~=0 { /* there are optional options */ local opt = substr("`opt'", 1, index("`opt'","]")-1) if index("`opt'","[")~= 0 { /* splitting options into required and optional */ local req_opt = substr("`opt'", 1, index("`opt'","[")-1) local opt_opt = substr("`opt'", index("`opt'","[")+1,.) local opt "" } else { /* i.e. all options are optional */ local opt_opt "`opt'" local req_opt "" } } else { /* all options are required */ local req_opt "`opt'" local opt "" } if index("`opt_opt'","[")~=0 | index("`req_opt'","[")~=0{ di "{error}ERROR: there are too many [ brackets in the options" } /****************************************************************************************** * an in loop later on requires that the list in preopt doesn't end in an open bracket... * A leading [ bracket occurs when every option is optional ******************************************************************************************/ // BUG not sure the first one is needed if index(reverse("`preopt'"),"[")>index(reverse("`preopt'"),"]") & index(reverse("`preopt'"),"]")==0 { di "{error}Warning: Stripping out a trailing [ bracket prior to comma" local preopt = substr("`preopt'",1,index("`preopt'","[")-1)+substr("`preopt'",index("`preopt'","[")+1,.) } if index(reverse("`preopt'"),"[")0 { di as error "Warning: Stripping out a trailing [ bracket prior to comma" //OLD local preopt = substr("`preopt'",1,index("`preopt'","[")-1)+substr("`preopt'",index("`preopt'","[")+1,.) local preopt = reverse(substr( reverse("`preopt'"), strpos(reverse("`preopt'"), "[")+1,.)) } /*************************************************************************************** * The options could have opt(string asis) and need to join the words * by using quotes i.e. opt(string asis) becomes "opt(string asis)" , one word ***************************************************************************************/ local oopt_opt "" di "{txt}Optional `opt_opt'" foreach word in `opt_opt' { if index("`word'","(")~=0 & index("`word'",")")~=0 local oopt_opt `"`oopt_opt' `word'"' else if index("`word'","(")~=0 local oopt_opt `"`oopt_opt' "`word'"' else if index("`word'",")")~=0 local oopt_opt `"`oopt_opt' `word'""' else local oopt_opt `"`oopt_opt' `word' "' } local oreq_opt "" di "{txt}Required `req_opt'" foreach word in `req_opt' { if index("`word'","(")~=0 & index("`word'",")")~=0 local oreq_opt `"`oreq_opt' `word'"' else if index("`word'","(")~=0 local oreq_opt `"`oreq_opt' "`word'"' else if index("`word'",")")~=0 local oreq_opt `"`oreq_opt' `word'""' else local oreq_opt `"`oreq_opt' `word' "' } di `"AFTER `oreq_opt'"' /************************************************************************ * * CREATING the help file * ************************************************************************/ tempname fhw local hfile "`comm'.sthlp" /* Error checking follows on file existence*/ cap confirm file `hfile' if _rc==0 { di as error "WARNING: File `hfile' already exists" if "`replace'"~="" { di " About to replace this file..." qui file open `fhw' using `hfile',replace write } else exit(198) } else { di as text "Creating file `hfile'..." qui file open `fhw' using `hfile', write } file write `fhw' "{smcl}" _n file write `fhw' "{* *! version 1.0 `c(current_date)'}{...}" _n file write `fhw' `"{vieweralsosee "" "--"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{vieweralsosee "Install command2" "ssc install command2"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{vieweralsosee "Help command2 (if installed)" "help command2"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{viewerjumpto "Syntax" "`comm'##syntax"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{viewerjumpto "Description" "`comm'##description"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{viewerjumpto "Options" "`comm'##options"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{viewerjumpto "Remarks" "`comm'##remarks"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{viewerjumpto "Examples" "`comm'##examples"}{...}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{title:Title}"' _n file write `fhw' `"{phang}"' _n /* Create the title text*/ file write `fhw' "{bf:`comm'} {hline 2} " if ("`tit_line'"~="") { forvalues ti = 1/`tit_line' { file write `fhw' `"`title_text`ti''"' } } else file write `fhw' "" file write `fhw' _n _n file write `fhw' "{marker syntax}{...}" _n file write `fhw' "{title:Syntax}" _n file write `fhw' "{p 8 17 2}" _n file write `fhw' `"{cmdab:`comm'}"' _n foreach pre in `preopt' { if index("`pre'","syntax")~=0 continue else if index("`pre'","[in]")~=0 file write `fhw' "[{help in}]" _n else if index("`pre'","[if]")~=0 file write `fhw' "[{help if}]" _n else if index("`pre'","[varlist]")~=0 file write `fhw' "[{help varlist}]" _n else file write `fhw' "`pre'" _n } file write `fhw' "[{cmd:,}" _n file write `fhw' "{it:options}]" _n _n file write `fhw' "{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}" _n file write `fhw' "{synopthdr}" _n file write `fhw' "{synoptline}" _n if `"`oreq_opt'"'~="" file write `fhw' _n "{syntab:Required }" _n /********************************************************************************* * Processing the REQUIRED options for the syntax options table * lower(real 2) function(string) etc.. to create the default values in text * this is not an exhaustive list and needs extending. *********************************************************************************/ foreach option in `oreq_opt' { local dd "" /*default text starts empty*/ if index("`option'","*")~=0 { /* * is a special option and is handled separately */ file write `fhw' "{synopt:{opt *}} `star_txt1'{p_end}" _n continue } if index("`option'","(")~=0 { /* check if it is a bracketed option() */ local name = substr("`option'",1,index("`option'","(")-1) /*create name*/ local inse = substr("`option'",index("`option'","(")+1,.) local inse = substr("`inse'",1,index("`inse'",")")-1) /* find inner bit call it inse */ /* handle the integer and real options properly and get the default values */ if index("`inse'","real")~=0 { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.)+"." local inse "#" } if ((index("`inse'","integer")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.)+"." local inse "#" } if ((index("`inse'","int")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.)+"." local inse "#" } local xx "(`inse')" } else { local name `"`option'"' local xx "" } /* Now split the name into lower and upper BUT remember noADEquate is allowed!*/ if "`name'"~=lower("`name'") { if index("`name'","no")~=0 { /* handle options beginning with noxxx and make it NOxxx...*/ local name = upper(substr("`name'",1,2))+substr("`name'",3,.) } local newname "" local split 0 forv i=1/`=length("`name'")' { /* loop letters in name to find out where to place :*/ if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))~=substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' local newname="`newname'"+lower(substr("`name'",`i',1)) else if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))==substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' { local split 1 local newname="`newname':"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } else local newname="`newname'"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } } else local newname `"`name'"' local name = lower("`name'") /* take lower case as macro has text*/ // di "FIRST LINE |`name'|``name'_line'|``name''|" /* if there are multiple lines then split the writing into the number of lines in name_line macro*/ if `"``name'_line'"'=="1" { /* a 1 liner*/ if "`newname'"~="star" file write `fhw' _n `"{synopt:{opt `newname'`xx'}} ``name'_txt1' `dd'{p_end}"' _n /* need to handle stars */ else file write `fhw' "{opt *} `star_txt1' {p_end}" _n } else { if "`newname'"~="star" file write `fhw' `"{synopt:{opt `newname'`xx'}} "' else file write `fhw' "{opt *} " if "``name'_line'"~="" { /* sometimes it is empty */ forvalues opti = 1/``name'_line' { file write `fhw' `"``name'_txt`opti'' "' /* not sure what happens if we run out of line space..*/ } file write `fhw' "`dd'{p_end}" _n } } } /********************************************************************************* * Processing the OPTIONAL options for the syntax options table * lower(real 2) function(string) etc.. to create the default values in text * this is not an exhaustive list and needs extending. *********************************************************************************/ if `"`oopt_opt'"'~="" file write `fhw' _n "{syntab:Optional}" _n foreach option in `oopt_opt' { local dd "" if index("`option'","*")~=0 { /* * is a special option and is handled separately */ file write `fhw' "{synopt:{opt *}} `star_txt1'{p_end}" _n continue } if index("`option'","(")~=0 { /* check if it is a bracketed option() */ local name = substr("`option'",1,index("`option'","(")-1) /*create name*/ local inse = substr("`option'",index("`option'","(")+1,.) local inse = substr("`inse'",1,index("`inse'",")")-1) /* find inner bit*/ /* handle the integer and real options properly and get the default values */ if index("`inse'","real")~=0 { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.)+"." local inse "#" } if ((index("`inse'","integer")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.)+"." local inse "#" } if ((index("`inse'","int")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.)+"." local inse "#" } local xx "(`inse')" } else { local name `"`option'"' local xx "" } /* Now split the name into lower and upper BUT remember noADEquate is allowed!*/ if "`name'"~=lower("`name'") { if index("`name'","no")~=0 { local name = upper(substr("`name'",1,2))+substr("`name'",3,.) } local newname "" local split 0 forv i=1/`=length("`name'")' { if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))~=substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' local newname="`newname'"+lower(substr("`name'",`i',1)) else if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))==substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' { local split 1 local newname="`newname':"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } else local newname="`newname'"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } } else local newname `"`name'"' local name = lower("`name'") /* take lower case as macro has text*/ /* if there are multiple lines then split the writing into the number of lines =`name'_line */ if `"``name'_line'"'=="" { if "`newname'"~="star" file write `fhw' `"{synopt:{opt `newname'`xx'}} ``name'' `dd'"' _n _n /* need to handle stars */ else file write `fhw' "{opt *} `star_txt1' " _n _n } else { if "`newname'"~="star" file write `fhw' `"{synopt:{opt `newname'`xx'}} "' else file write `fhw' "{opt *} " if "``name'_line'"~="" { forvalues opti = 1/``name'_line' { local temptxt = strtrim(`"``name'_txt`opti''"') file write `fhw' `"`temptxt'"' _n } file write `fhw' _n } } } file write `fhw' "{synoptline}" _n file write `fhw' "{p2colreset}{...}" _n file write `fhw' "{p 4 6 2}" _n file write `fhw' _n "{marker description}{...}" _n /* The description can allow for multiple lines*/ file write `fhw' "{title:Description}" _n file write `fhw' "{pstd}" _n if "`desc_line'"~="" { forvalues desci = 1/`desc_line' { if (strtrim(`"`desc_text`desci''"')=="") { file write `fhw' _n "{pstd}" _n } else file write `fhw' `"`desc_text`desci''"' _n } } file write `fhw' _n "{marker options}{...}" _n file write `fhw' "{title:Options}" _n file write `fhw' "{dlgtab:Main}" _n _n /******************************************************************************* * Writing the longer descriptions of the options * the longer descriptions should be specified in opt2[] syntax but if that is * blank then it should default to the opt[] syntax *******************************************************************************/ foreach option in `oreq_opt' `oopt_opt' { local dd "" if index("`option'","(")~=0 { /* if the option contains brackets */ local name = substr("`option'",1,index("`option'","(")-1) local inse = substr("`option'",index("`option'","(")+1,.) local inse = substr("`inse'",1,index("`inse'",")")-1) /* handle the integer and real options properly */ if index("`inse'","real")~=0 { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.)+"." local inse "#" } if ((index("`inse'","integer")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.)+"." local inse "#" } if ((index("`inse'","int")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.)+"." local inse "#" } local xx "(`inse')" } else { if "`option'"~= "*" local name `"`option'"' else local name "star" local xx "" } /* Now split the name into lower and upper */ if "`name'"~=lower("`name'") { if index("`name'","no")~=0 { local name = upper(substr("`name'",1,2))+substr("`name'",3,.) } local newname "" local split 0 forv i=1/`=length("`name'")' { if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))~=substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' local newname="`newname'"+lower(substr("`name'",`i',1)) else if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))==substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' { local split 1 local newname="`newname':"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } else local newname="`newname'"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } } else local newname "`name'" local name = lower("`name'") /* take lower case as macro has text*/ /* this is the part that does the text writing for the option first checking if*/ file write `fhw' "{phang}" _n if "``name'2_line'"=="" { /* this means option2 not given defaults to option[] */ if "`newname'"~="star" { file write `fhw' `"{opt `newname'`xx'} ``name'' "' if "``name'_line'"~= "" { forvalues opti = 1/``name'_line' { local temptxt = strtrim(`"``name'_txt`opti''"') file write `fhw' `"`temptxt'"' _n } file write `fhw' _n } if "``name'_line'"=="" file write `fhw' _n _n } else file write `fhw' "{opt *} `star_txt1'" _n } else { if "`newname'"~="star" file write `fhw' `"{opt `newname'`xx'} "' else file write `fhw' "{opt *} " if "``name'2_line'"~= "" { forvalues opti = 1/``name'2_line' { /* multi line code */ local temptxt = strtrim(`"``name'2_txt`opti''"') file write `fhw' `"`temptxt'"' _n } } file write `fhw' _n } } /****************************************************************** * Examples parts ******************************************************************/ file write `fhw' _n _n "{marker examples}{...}" _n file write `fhw' "{title:Examples}" _n // file write `fhw' "{pstd}" _n if "`eg_line'"~="" { /* i.e. it is multi line */ forvalues egi = 1/`eg_line' { // if (strtrim(`"`eg_text`egi''"')=="") { // file write `fhw' _n "{pstd}" _n // } // else file write `fhw' `"`eg_text`egi''"' _n } } /******************************************************************* * If we know it is a rclass,sclass or eclass function *******************************************************************/ if ("`rclass'"=="1" | "`sclass'"=="1" | "`eclass'"=="1") { if ("`rclass'"=="1") local rrr "r(" if ("`sclass'"=="1") local rrr "s(" if ("`eclass'"=="1") local rrr "e(" file write `fhw' _n "{title:Stored results}" _n file write `fhw' _n "{synoptset 15 tabbed}{...}" _n if "`retslist'"~="" { file write `fhw' "{p2col 5 15 19 2: Scalars}{p_end}" _n foreach ret of local retslist { file write `fhw' `"{synopt:{cmd:`rrr'`ret')}} `ret`ret'' {p_end}"' _n } } if "`retllist'"~="" { file write `fhw' "{p2col 5 15 19 2: Locals}{p_end}" _n foreach ret of local retllist { file write `fhw' `"{synopt:{cmd:`rrr'`ret')}} `ret`ret'' {p_end}"' _n } } if "`retmlist'"~="" { file write `fhw' "{p2col 5 15 19 2: Matrices}{p_end}" _n foreach ret of local retmlist { file write `fhw' `"{synopt:{cmd:`rrr'`ret')}} `ret`ret'' {p_end}"' _n } } } /********************************************************** * The references can allow for multiple lines **********************************************************/ if "`ref_line'"~="" { file write `fhw' _n _n "{title:References}" _n file write `fhw' "{pstd}" _n if "`ref_line'"~="" { forvalues refi = 1/`ref_line' { if (strtrim(`"`ref_text`refi''"')=="") { file write `fhw' _n "{pstd}" _n } else file write `fhw' `"`ref_text`refi''"' _n } } } /* The free text section can allow for multiple lines*/ if "`free_line'"~="" { if "`free_line'"~="" { forvalues freei = 1/`free_line' { if (strtrim(`"`free_text`freei''"')=="") { file write `fhw' _n "{pstd}" _n } else file write `fhw' `"`free_text`freei''"' _n } } } file write `fhw' _n _n "{title:Author}" _n file write `fhw' "{p}" _n if "`me'"~="" { file write `fhw' "{p_end}" _n file write `fhw' "{pstd}" _n file write `fhw' "Adrian Mander, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK." _n file write `fhw' _n "{pstd}" _n file write `fhw' `"Email {browse "mailto:adrian.mander@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk":adrian.mander@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk}"' _n } else { forvalues ai = 1/`authi' { if "`institute`ai'_text'"~="" file write `fhw' _n `"`author`ai'_text', `institute`ai'_text'."' _n else file write `fhw' _n `"`author`ai'_text'"' _n if "`email`ai'_text'"~="" file write `fhw' _n `"Email {browse "mailto:`email`ai'_text'":`email`ai'_text'}"' _n } } if "`see_line'"~="" { file write `fhw' _n "{title:See Also}" _n file write `fhw' "Related commands:" _n forvalues seei = 1/`see_line' { file write `fhw' `"`see_text`seei''"' _n } } file write `fhw' _n file close `fhw' /******************************************************************************* * * Write the LATEX version * ******************************************************************************/ if "`latex'"~="" { tempname fhw local hfile "`comm'.tex" /* Error checking follows on file existence*/ cap confirm file `hfile' if _rc==0 { di as error "WARNING: File `hfile' already exists" if "`replace'"~="" { di " About to replace this file..." qui file open `fhw' using `hfile',replace write } else exit(198) } else { di as text "Creating file `hfile'..." qui file open `fhw' using `hfile', write } file write `fhw' "\documentclass[times,english,doublespace]{article}" _n file write `fhw' "\begin{document}" _n file write `fhw' "\section{The command `comm'}" _n file write `fhw' _n file write `fhw' "\subsection{Syntax}" _n file write `fhw' `"{\tt `comm' "' foreach pre in `preopt' { if index("`pre'","syntax")~=0 continue else if index("`pre'","[in]")~=0 file write `fhw' " [in]" else if index("`pre'","[if]")~=0 file write `fhw' " [if]" else if index("`pre'","[varlist]")~=0 file write `fhw' " [varlist]" else file write `fhw' " `pre'" } file write `fhw' "," _n /********************************************************************************* * Processing the ?REQUIRED options for the syntax options table * lower(real 2) function(string) etc.. to create the default values in text * this is not an exhaustive list and needs extending. *********************************************************************************/ foreach option in `oreq_opt' { local dd "" if index("`option'","*")~=0 { /* * is a special option and is handled separately */ file write `fhw' " * `star_txt1' \\" _n continue } if index("`option'","(")~=0 { /* check if it is a bracketed option() */ local name = substr("`option'",1,index("`option'","(")-1) /*create name*/ local inse = substr("`option'",index("`option'","(")+1,.) local inse = substr("`inse'",1,index("`inse'",")")-1) /* find inner bit*/ /* handle the integer and real options properly and get the default values */ if index("`inse'","real")~=0 { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.)+"." local inse "\#" } if ((index("`inse'","integer")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.)+"." local inse "\#" } if ((index("`inse'","int")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.)+"." local inse "\#" } local xx "(`inse')" } else { local name `"`option'"' local xx "" } /* Now split the name into lower and upper BUT remember noADEquate is allowed!*/ if "`name'"~=lower("`name'") { if index("`name'","no")~=0 { local name = upper(substr("`name'",1,2))+substr("`name'",3,.) } local newname "" local split 0 forv i=1/`=length("`name'")' { if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))~=substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' local newname="`newname'"+lower(substr("`name'",`i',1)) else if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))==substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' { local split 1 local newname="\underline{`newname'}"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } else local newname="`newname'"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } } else local newname `"`name'"' local name = lower("`name'") /* take lower case as macro has text*/ /* if there are multiple lines then split the writing into the number of lines*/ if "`newname'"~="star" { file write `fhw' `" `newname'`xx' "' _n } else file write `fhw' " * " _n } /********************************************************************************* * Processing the OPTIONAL options for the syntax options table * lower(real 2) function(string) etc.. to create the default values in text * this is not an exhaustive list and needs extending. *********************************************************************************/ foreach option in `oopt_opt' { local dd "" if index("`option'","*")~=0 { /* * is a special option and is handled separately */ file write `fhw' " * `star_txt1' \\" _n continue } if index("`option'","(")~=0 { /* check if it is a bracketed option() */ local name = substr("`option'",1,index("`option'","(")-1) /*create name*/ local inse = substr("`option'",index("`option'","(")+1,.) local inse = substr("`inse'",1,index("`inse'",")")-1) /* find inner bit*/ /* handle the integer and real options properly and get the default values */ if index("`inse'","real")~=0 { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.)+"." local inse "\#" } if ((index("`inse'","integer")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.)+"." local inse "\#" } if ((index("`inse'","int")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.)+"." local inse "\#" } local xx "(`inse')" } else { local name `"`option'"' local xx "" } /* Now split the name into lower and upper BUT remember noADEquate is allowed!*/ if "`name'"~=lower("`name'") { if index("`name'","no")~=0 { local name = upper(substr("`name'",1,2))+substr("`name'",3,.) } local newname "" local split 0 forv i=1/`=length("`name'")' { if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))~=substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' local newname="`newname'"+lower(substr("`name'",`i',1)) else if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))==substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' { local split 1 local newname="\underline{`newname'}"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } else local newname="`newname'"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } } else local newname `"`name'"' local name = lower("`name'") /* take lower case as macro has text*/ if "`newname'"~="star" file write `fhw' `" `newname'`xx' "' else file write `fhw' " * " } file write `fhw' "}" _n /* end of tt text */ /* The description can allow for multiple lines*/ file write `fhw' "\section{Description}" _n file write `fhw' "" _n if "`desc_line'"~="" { forvalues desci = 1/`desc_line' { if (strtrim(`"`desc_text`desci''"')=="") { file write `fhw' _n } else file write `fhw' `"`desc_text`desci''"' _n } } file write `fhw' "\section{Options}" _n /******************************************************************************* * Writing the longer descriptions of the options * the longer descriptions should be specified in opt2[] syntax but if that is * blank then it should default to the opt[] syntax *******************************************************************************/ foreach option in `oopt_opt' `oreq_opt' { local dd "" if index("`option'","(")~=0 { /* if the option contains brackets */ local name = substr("`option'",1,index("`option'","(")-1) local inse = substr("`option'",index("`option'","(")+1,.) local inse = substr("`inse'",1,index("`inse'",")")-1) /* handle the integer and real options properly */ if index("`inse'","real")~=0 { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","real")+4,.) local inse "\#" } if ((index("`inse'","integer")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","integer")+7,.) local inse "\#" } if ((index("`inse'","int")~=0 ) & (index("`inse'","numlist")==0)) { if trim(substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.))~="" local dd ="Default value is"+substr("`inse'",index("`inse'","int")+3,.) local inse "\#" } local xx "(`inse')" } else { if "`option'"~= "*" local name "`option'" else local name "star" local xx "" } /* Now split the name into lower and upper */ if "`name'"~=lower("`name'") { if index("`name'","no")~=0 { local name = upper(substr("`name'",1,2))+substr("`name'",3,.) } local newname "" local split 0 forv i=1/`=length("`name'")' { if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))~=substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' local newname="`newname'"+lower(substr("`name'",`i',1)) else if lower(substr("`name'",`i',1))==substr("`name'",`i',1) & !`split' { local split 1 local newname="\underline{`newname'}"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } else local newname="`newname'"+substr("`name'",`i',1) } } else local newname "`name'" local name = lower("`name'") /* take lower case as macro has text*/ /* this is the part that does the text writing for the option first checking if*/ if "``name'2_txt1'"=="" { if "`newname'"~="star" { file write `fhw' `" {\tt `newname'`xx'} ``name'' "' if "``name'_line'"~="" { forvalues opti = 1/``name'_line' { if (strtrim(`"``name'_txt`opti''"')=="") { } else file write `fhw' `"``name'_txt`opti''"' } } } else file write `fhw' "* `star_txt1' " } else { if "`newname'"~="star" file write `fhw' `" `newname'`xx' "' else file write `fhw' " * " if "``name'2_line'"~="" { forvalues opti = 1/``name'2_line' { if (strtrim(`"``name'2_txt`opti''"')=="") { } else file write `fhw' `"``name'2_txt`opti''"' } } } file write `fhw' "\\" _n } file write `fhw' "\section{Examples}" _n file write `fhw' _n if "`eg_line'"~="" { forvalues egi = 1/`eg_line' { if (strtrim(`"`eg_text`egi''"')=="") { file write `fhw' _n } else { local temp = subinstr(`"`eg_text`egi''"', "%", "\%",.) file write `fhw' `"`temp'"' _n } } } /******************************************************************* * If we know it is a rclass,sclass or eclass function *******************************************************************/ if ("`rclass'"=="1" | "`sclass'"=="1" | "`eclass'"=="1") { if ("`rclass'"=="1") local rrr "r(" if ("`sclass'"=="1") local rrr "s(" if ("`eclass'"=="1") local rrr "e(" file write `fhw' _n "\subsection{Stored results}" _n if "`retslist'"~="" { file write `fhw' "\subsubsection{Scalars}" _n foreach ret of local retslist { file write `fhw' `"`rrr'`ret' `ret`ret'' \\"' _n } } if "`retllist'"~="" { file write `fhw' "\subsubsection{Locals}" _n foreach ret of local retllist { file write `fhw' `"`rrr'`ret' `ret`ret'' \\"' _n } } if "`retmlist'"~="" { file write `fhw' "\subsubsection{Matrices}" _n foreach ret of local retmlist { file write `fhw' `"`rrr'`ret' `ret`ret'' \\"' _n } } } /* The references can allow for multiple lines*/ if "`ref_line'"~="" { file write `fhw' _n _n "{title:References}" _n file write `fhw' "{pstd}" _n if "`ref_line'"~="" { forvalues refi = 1/`ref_line' { if (strtrim(`"`ref_text`refi''"')=="") { file write `fhw' _n "{pstd}" _n } else file write `fhw' `"`ref_text`refi''"' _n } } } /* The free text section can allow for multiple lines*/ if "`free_line'"~="" { if "`free_line'"~="" { forvalues freei = 1/`free_line' { if (strtrim(`"`free_text`freei''"')=="") { file write `fhw' _n _n } else file write `fhw' `"`free_text`freei''"' _n } } } file write `fhw' _n _n "\subsection{Author}" _n file write `fhw' _n if "`me'"~="" { file write `fhw' "Adrian Mander, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales." _n file write `fhw' `"Email: mandera@cardiff.ac.uk"' _n } else { forvalues ai = 1/`authi' { if "`institute`ai'_text'"~="" file write `fhw' _n `"`author`ai'_text', `institute`ai'_text'."' _n else file write `fhw' _n `"`author`ai'_text'"' _n if "`email`ai'_text'"~="" file write `fhw' _n `"Email:`email`ai'_text'"' _n } } if "`see_line'"~="" { file write `fhw' _n "\subsecdtion{See Also}" _n file write `fhw' "Related commands:" _n forvalues seei = 1/`see_line' { file write `fhw' `"`see_text`seei''"' _n } } file write `fhw' "\end{document}" file close `fhw' } /* end of if latex */ end