/* maxi_bootX.ado performs the following operation: 1) It computes the Wald-DID and Wald-TC with covariates, calling build_cond_expectation_1. If the tc option was specified, it also calls build_cond_expectation_2. If the sieve optionwas specified, it also calls legendrisation to compute the Legendre polynomials in X. If the sieve option was specified, but sieve_order was not, it also calls five_fold_cv to determine the polynomial order to be used in the series approximation. */ quietly capture program drop maxi_bootX quietly program maxi_bootX, eclass version 12 syntax varlist(min=4 numeric) [if] [in] /// [, ncateg(numlist) true_D(name) /// DID TC CIC LQTE DIDD ncateg_y(name) continuous(varlist num fv) /// qualitative(varlist num fv) numerator /// y_reg_method(name) d_reg_method(name) d_reg_method2(name) /// sieve_expansion_Y(varlist num) sieve_expansion_D(varlist num) /// inf_method(name) is_special_case(numlist) WEIGHTS ALPHA] tokenize `varlist', parse(" ,") marksample touse args Y G T D preserve quietly { keep if `touse' local n_quali=wordcount("`qualitative'") local quali_list "" /*binarisation of categorical variables*/ forvalues i=1(1)`n_quali' { local a: word `i' of `qualitative' tabulate `a', gen (`a'_) tab `a', nofreq local ncateg_quali_var=r(r) forvalues j=2(1)`ncateg_quali_var' { local quali_list "`quali_list' `a'_`j'" } } local covariates "`quali_list' `continuous'" /*Means of D and Y conditional on G=1 and T=1*/ tempname mean_Y_11 mean_D_11 sum `true_D' if `G'==1 & `T'==1, meanonly scalar `mean_D_11'=r(mean) if "`did'"!="" | "`tc'"!="" | "`cic'"!="" { sum `Y' if `G'==1 & `T'==1, meanonly scalar `mean_Y_11'=r(mean) } tempname mean_Y_10_11 mean_D_10_11 tempvar pred if "`did'"!="" | "`tc'"!="" | "`cic'"!="" { /*computation of conditional expectation E(Y_10|X)*/ sum `Y' if `G'==1 & `T'==0 if r(min)==r(max) { scalar `mean_Y_10_11'=r(mean) } else { build_cond_expectation_1 `Y' `G' `T', /// inf_method(`inf_method') /// reg_method(`y_reg_method') /// continuous(`continuous') qualitative(`qualitative') /// i(1) j(0) target(`pred') /// sieve_expansion(`sieve_expansion_Y') sum `pred', meanonly scalar `mean_Y_10_11'=r(mean) drop `pred' } } /*computation of conditional expectation E(D_10|X)*/ sum `true_D' if `G'==1 & `T'==0 if r(min)==r(max) { scalar `mean_D_10_11'=r(mean) } else { build_cond_expectation_1 `true_D' `G' `T', /// inf_method(`inf_method') /// reg_method(`d_reg_method') /// continuous(`continuous') qualitative(`qualitative') /// i(1) j(0) target(`pred') /// sieve_expansion(`sieve_expansion_D') sum `pred', meanonly scalar `mean_D_10_11'=r(mean) drop `pred' } if "`tc'"!="" | "`cic'"!="" | "`lqte'"!="" { tempvar indic_D local d_probs_list "" forvalues d=1(1)`ncateg' { count if `D'==`d' & `G'==1 & `T'==0 /*value of treatment relevant only if some people in {G=1,T=0} have that value*/ if r(N)!=0 { /*conditional probability P(D_10=d|X_11) where D is recategorised*/ tempvar pred_`d' gen `indic_D'=(`D'==`d') sum `indic_D' if `G'==1 & `T'==0 if r(min)==r(max) { gen `pred_`d''=r(mean) if `G'==1 & `T'==1 } else { build_cond_expectation_1 `indic_D' `G' `T', /// inf_method(`inf_method') /// reg_method(`d_reg_method2') /// continuous(`continuous') qualitative(`qualitative') /// i(1) j(0) target(`pred_`d'') /// sieve_expansion(`sieve_expansion_D') } local d_probs_list "`d_probs_list' `pred_`d''" drop `indic_D' } } } *************************** /*did computation*/ if "`did'"!="" | "`didd'"!="" { tempname DID_Y DID_D W_DID forvalues i=0(1)1 { tempname mean_Y_0`i'_11 mean_D_0`i'_11 tempvar pred /*computation of E(Y_0t|X_11)*/ sum `Y' if `G'==0 & `T'==`i' if r(min)==r(max) { scalar `mean_Y_0`i'_11'=r(mean) } else { quietly build_cond_expectation_1 `Y' `G' `T', /// inf_method(`inf_method') /// reg_method(`y_reg_method') /// continuous(`continuous') qualitative(`qualitative') /// i(0) j(`i') target(`pred') /// sieve_expansion(`sieve_expansion_Y') sum `pred', meanonly scalar `mean_Y_0`i'_11'=r(mean) drop `pred' } /*computation of E(D_0t|X_11) with non-recategorised D*/ sum `true_D' if `G'==0 & `T'==`i' if r(min)==r(max) { scalar `mean_D_0`i'_11'=r(mean) } else { build_cond_expectation_1 `true_D' `G' `T', /// inf_method(`inf_method') /// reg_method(`d_reg_method') /// continuous(`continuous') qualitative(`qualitative') /// i(0) j(`i') target(`pred') /// sieve_expansion(`sieve_expansion_D') sum `pred', meanonly scalar `mean_D_0`i'_11'=r(mean) display `mean_D_0`i'_11' drop `pred' } } scalar `DID_D'=`mean_D_11'-`mean_D_10_11'-(`mean_D_01_11'-`mean_D_00_11') scalar `DID_Y'=`mean_Y_11'-`mean_Y_10_11'- /// (`mean_Y_01_11'-`mean_Y_00_11') scalar `W_DID'=`DID_Y'/`DID_D' } if "`tc'"!="" { /*if treatment takes only one value in control, enter*/ if `is_special_case'==0 { tempname mean_W_TC_build w_tc D_probs_vec num_tc tempvar pred_Y0 pred_Y1 Wald_TC_build local ncateg=`ncateg' matrix `D_probs_vec'=J(`ncateg',1,0) gen `Wald_TC_build'=0 forvalues d=1(1)`ncateg' { count if `D'==`d' & `G'==1 & `T'==0 /*value of treatment relevant only if some people in {G=1,T=0} have that value*/ if r(N)!=0 { /*conditional expectations E(Y_d00|X_11) and E(Y_d01|X_11) and computation of delta_d*/ build_cond_expectation_2 `Y' `G' `T' `D', /// inf_method(`inf_method') /// reg_method(`y_reg_method') /// continuous(`continuous') qualitative(`qualitative') /// d(`d') target0(`pred_Y0') target1(`pred_Y1') /// sieve_expansion(`sieve_expansion_Y') /*update of W_TC*/ replace `Wald_TC_build'=`Wald_TC_build'+`pred_`d''* /// (`pred_Y1'-`pred_Y0') drop `pred_Y0' `pred_Y1' } } sum `Wald_TC_build', meanonly scalar `mean_W_TC_build'=r(mean) scalar `w_tc'=(`mean_Y_11'-`mean_Y_10_11'-`mean_W_TC_build')/ /// (`mean_D_11'-`mean_D_10_11') scalar `num_tc'=`mean_Y_11'-`mean_Y_10_11'-`mean_W_TC_build' } } ereturn clear if "`didd'"!="" { ereturn scalar DID_D=`DID_D' } if "`did'"!="" { if "`numerator'"!="" { ereturn scalar DID_num=`DID_Y' } else { ereturn scalar W_DID=`W_DID' } } if "`tc'"!="" { if `is_special_case'==1 { if "`numerator'"!="" { ereturn scalar TC_num=`DID_Y' } else { ereturn scalar W_TC=`W_DID' } } else { if "`numerator'"!="" { ereturn scalar TC_num=`num_tc' } else { ereturn scalar W_TC=`w_tc' } } } } end