{smcl} {* 1aug2005/10apr2006/15feb2007}{...} {hline} help for {hi:mbsens} {hline} {title:Help for mbsens - Obtain the Rosenbaum bounds for using the results of matching} {p 8 14}{cmd:mbsens} {it:treated} {it:strata} {it:outcomevar} {it:gamma_min} {it:gamma_increment} {it:gamma_max} {title:Description} {p}{cmd:mbsens} is used for calculating the binary sensitivity metric (gamma) using McNemar's statistic using the results of matching as the input. (Ref: Rosenbaum, Paul R(2002) Observational studies. Springer-Verlag). The input parameters are the counts of discordant pairs (wherein the control and treated observations vary with respect to the output). Note that discordant_count1 is always less than discordant_count2 and gamma_increment is a number like 0.01 (or 1 or 2) at which you would want gamma_min to be incremented to reach gamma_max. {title:Acknowledgements} {p}This program is named mbsens and is written by Hemang C Subramanian and Eric Overby at the Georgia Institute of Technology. {title:Limitations} {p} This version of the program works well with k2k based matching only. {title:Options} {p 0 4}{cmd:treated} This is the name of the variable in the matched sample which indicates treatment. This variable takes a value of 0 or 1 ONLY. {p 0 4}{cmd:strata} This is the name of the variable in the matched sample which indicates the count of strata, or identifier for each matched pair. {p 0 4}{cmd:outcomevar} This is the name of the variable in the matched sample which indicates the outcome of the regression. This variable takes a value of 0 or 1 ONLY. {p 0 4}{cmd:gamma_min} This is the start of Gamma's range. {p 0 4}{cmd:gamma_increment} This is the increment at which Gamma would be modified. {p 0 4}{cmd:gamma_max} This is the maximum value of Gamma. {title:Examples} {p 8 12}{it:mbsens treated cemresultmstrata outputvar 1 1 6} {title:Output} Gamma Lower-Bound Upper-Bound 1 .0024 .0024 2 0 .963 3 0 1 4 0 1 5 0 1 6 0 1 {title:Author} Hemang C Subramanian hemang.subramanian@scheller.gatech.edu Eric Overby eric.overby@scheller.gatech.edu