help mdesc

Title mdesc -- Displays the number and proportion of missing values for each variable in varlist.

Syntax mdesc varlist [if] [in] [, abbreviate(#) any all none ]

by may be used with mdesc; see by.


Produces a table with the number of missing values, total number of cases, and percent missing for each variable in varlist. mdesc works with both numeric and string variables.


abbreviate(#) abbreviate variable names to # of characters; default is ab(12).

any specifies to check how many observations have at least one missing value for any of the specified variables.

all specifies to check how many observations have missing values for all of the specified variables.

none specifies to check how many observations have no missing values for any of the specified variables.

Saved Results

The mdesc command saves scalars and macros:

Scalars r(percent) percent missing for last variable specified in mdesc r(total) total number of observations submitted to mdesc r(miss) number of missing values for last variable specified in mdesc

Local Macros (when options any, all, or none are not specified) r(notmiss_vars) list of variables that have no missing values that were specified in mdesc r(miss_vars) list of variables that have missing values that were specified in mdesc


Rose Anne Medeiros Department of Sociology Rice University

Dan Blanchette The Carolina Population Center University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, USA

Also see

Online: missing(), misstable, ssc describe nmissing